Webshow Hijinx

Story by KayrinSF on SoFurry

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A mouse learns why one should always watch their back in a game of murder, and his killer quickly learns the same.

One of my earlier stories and my second foray into breathplay. I just wanted something short and to the point, then this popped out.

Enjoy, guys!

"Can you feel it?" came the hushed whisper from behind the mouse's head. The softly spoken words were tinged with a deadly malevolence that was only barely noticed by the struggling rodent; his mind was occupied with greater concerns. In particular, he was intently aware of the thin garrote which had slipped around his throat only seconds earlier. The tight steel wire dug and tore against the boy's throat but try as he might his fingers couldn't find their way beneath it to try and pull it away. It would never work screamed a voice in the back of his mind, but as his lungs began to burn his panic screamed louder.

"That's right, struggle" came that voice again and the mouse's body obliged it. The voice was familiar but only in tone. He had heard voices like it dozens of times in his life. It was the voice of a predator and for the first time the rodent had found himself caught. His blurring vision took in the sights ahead of him, the peeling wallpaper and the flickering oil-fueled lamps which hung from the walls like arms waiting to welcome the dying boy's soul in a final embrace. All of it flared with a sudden jerk of that wire, oh how it burned! His body shrieked with agony, but between his thighs the mouse could feel his hard cock aching for release.

The cheetah who stood behind the mouse simply grinned. With nearly a foot in difference between their heights, and the inevitable weight advantage that came with such a stature, the feline had little trouble in keeping the smaller male in place. The thrill of the impending kill filled the boy with a rush of adrenaline which led to him winding the cord tighter, deadly metal glinting in the depths of the mouseboy's white fur. The feline, like the mouse, was hard. Pre-cum dribbled from the tip of his cock as he looked down at his kneeling victim. The mouse, like the cheetah, wore only a simple blue t-shirt, needy shaft jutting up from below the hem. The shirts bore only the wearer's name on the back, a large number imprinted below it.

"Urrack!" gagged the mouse. His tongue jutted from his muzzle, flexing and twisting as though seeking out the very air the boy was being denied while a thin trickle of saliva glistened from its tip. How had he gotten to this point? How had he found himself in a run-down mansion? How had he been put onto his knees, struggling against an unseen opponent as the life was strangled from his body? Certainly something must have gone wrong today to find himself here. His mind drifted in the airless stupor that threatened to envelop him, and while it was a far shot from his life flashing before his eyes, the boy's afternoon began to unfold a second time...

"We're paying you boys good money, so you'd better give us a damn good show" roared the large bear, His brown fur was patchy and greasy looking, the look of a life-long fighter and not someone to test. He had no reason to care about the appearance given by fur lost in a bar fight, or his lack of a shower that morning; he knew he could tear the throat out of any one of the collection of males before him, but more importantly, they knew it. His run-down appearance paralleled the lobby they stood in. the mansion's interior in no better shape than the gruff ursine. Once it had been a thing of beauty, run down now by years of neglect and hardship. Above the heads of those gathered swung a simple glass chandelier. The light flickering down caused shadows to dance over the determined faces of the assembled contestants. "We're paying you to kill well, and for all but one of you, we're paying you to die well. I don't want any bitching or moaning about it either, you all knew what you were signing up for and you money-grubbing little bastards are going to get what you came for" he continued, every set of eyes glued to him.

"You mean this ain't the haunted tour?" The call came from the back of the group. The bear's reaction was quick.

"You want a haunted tour? I'll come down there and tear your goddamn head off, you smart-ass. You'll get to see every damn haunted tour as one of the attractions, understand me?" Silence reigned and even those who would have laughed at such a response chose to stifle it for not one of them doubted he would follow through on that threat. When the bear was certain the silence would hold this time, he continued. "We have the cameras set up, the viewers are waiting and you're all standing around here making jokes. You're costing us money" he paused before adding, "You're costing me money; I don't like losing money. But more importantly, one of you is walking away with a quarter share of the profits, so you're costing yourselves money!" The silence hung heavy in the air as the bear's gaze trailed over the hushed crowd. "Now, strip down, grab your shirts and get the hell out of my lobby." There was no re-iteration of the rules, each and every boy knew them by heart and there was no need to remind them what was on the line.

Halloween was coming and The Company had decided to make the most of it. This webshow was already a financial success with initial sign-ups exceeding expectations, but then there would be digital download revenues, hardcopy sales and the inevitable sequel. The Company would walk away from this with a fortune in their pocket, one that would continue to grow for months to come. Each boy was well aware that even a quarter-share of that profit would leave them living well for years. The families of those who fell this night would receive a flat rate, a formality that would dissuade any from seeking legal recourse in spite of the signed contracts the executives had insisted upon.

33 boys began to do as they were told, not a word spoken between them. All form of levity had vanished with the bear's orders and though the game had not yet begun, the competition had. As the boys began to filter out of the room a certain mouse caught the eye of a certain cheetah, and though they left the lobby by separate doors the cheetah was certain he would see the other boy again soon. The maze-like corridors of the mansion provided ample room for boys to run, hide and lay ambushes for each other. The atmosphere was saturated with a gloom which only amplified the dark business which would be done that night. Every half-closed door, each corner bathed in a cyclopean darkness which dared a foolish boy to step too close, and the long red carpeted hallways in which both could be found filled the boys with shivering dread. Would there be someone there waiting for them? Or would they be the ones to get the drop on another? With these possibilities entrenched in each of their minds the dispersing players spread out through the play area, the silence of the decrepit manor became heavier and more stifling on their overactive minds.

It was while the mouse was lost in such thoughts that the cheetah had sprung his own ambush which had put the smaller boy in the position he soon found himself. A niche in the wall gave the cheetah ample cover to remain hidden from the rodent's view. Eyeing his prey as the mouse passed, the cheetah took only a second to read the doomed boy's jersey before he sprang. Marty, as his jersey identified him, was caught unaware and soon the steely grip of the feline's garrotte held his throat tightly.

Another choking gasp escaped the mouse as his mind returned to the present. The hallway had grown darker and though only seconds had passed since he'd drifted, his lungs were on fire. The boy's face had begun to turn a shade of unhealthy purple and if his mind had been clearer he'd have known his time was short. Marty could hear the blood rushing through his veins, every inch of his body shaking. His limbs grew heavy, weighed down by the lack of oxygen flowing into his muscles and his arms fell away from the garrotte to hang uselessly to his sides; he was finished. Eyelids closing for the final time, the last sensation the mouse felt was that of his rock-hard cock beginning to spray his hot cum over the wall he had been facing. Every inch of his body exploded with pleasure as he felt that warm gush, throbbing length betraying the boy at his end. Even as his eyes closed, the dying mouse could hear the confident laughter of the feline who had ended him.

The feline could feel the mouse's struggles slow and falter, that garrotte pulled tighter just in case. Basking in the thrill of his kill, the cheetah grinned as he looked down over his victim's kneeling form. When the mouse came, the cat gasped, a peal of laughter escaping him.

"Good boy, such a good boy" the cheetah purred out. He watched that musky seed splatter against the wall before slowly dripping towards the floor. Releasing the mouse's body from the vice-like grasp of his steel garrotte the cheetah took a moment to admire his work. Marty's body fell forward immediately, thumping against the floor and laying bellydown in the hallway; no doubt several such decorations already littered the mansion's many rooms and passages. A paw stroking his own stiff prick gently, the cheetah was caught off guard by the sudden clutch of an arm around his chest. He could feel the bulky weight of a body pressing against him, the thin heat of a stiff dick against the small of his back and the unpleasant tightness of a rope as it slipped over his head and cinched against his throat. Before he knew it the feline was in a tough spot. His victim hadn't even begun to cool at his feet before the cheetah was rasping for breath! The boy's paws lifted to feel at the coarse rope which had snagged him, a pair of unseen paws holding it closed tightly against his tender throat. "Hrrrrk!" the sound seemed foreign to the cat though it had come from his own open muzzle. His throat burned with the need to inhale but the make-shift noose didn't let a wisp of fresh air sneak past it.

"Good boy" teased an unfamiliar voice, a final indignity for the horny cheetah as he felt the life crushed from his thin frame. His cock bobbed almost comically in front of him as he shifted on his feet, trying to find some purchase to push back against the large form behind him; it was futile. Minutes passed in relative silence, seconds stretched by the growing pain in the feline's chest as it begged him to break free and feed it sweet air. "Ryan, eh?" spoke his assailant once more, reading the back of the cat's jersey. "You and Marty are going to be so cute together." The cheetah's eyes rolled back, his tongue hanging limply from his muzzle as his drool slid down it before falling to the floor below. It wouldn't be long now his dying mind informed him, his body reinforcing that with its own release. Hips arching forward the boy couldn't stop himself from adding his musky cream to the mess Marty had already made. Thick rivulets of white arched through the air to splatter against the wall. His vision was darkening, stars exploding in the peripheral of it. A final croak uttered from the doomed feline before his shuddering body quit on him. Not dead yet, but as the boy's eyes fell closed and his head lolled to the side gently his fate was sealed.

The husky stood over the dying feline, giving one last good yank on the noose he'd used to put an end to his third boy of the night; That prize would be his. Curled tail wagging contently behind him, the canine simply released Ryan and let him collapse atop Marty. The cat's cock smeared the last remnants of its final release against the rodent's backside but the husky wasn't watching. Turning, the boy simply grinned and skulked down the hallway the way he'd come. His own pre-cum slickened shaft jostled as he gave himself a reassuring stroke. Behind him the two boys cooled in their pile, given no respect or thought as they were simply left for others to find as the game continued.