Megalopolis - Cop vs. Ninja

Story by GoliathWildcat on SoFurry

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#10 of Megalopolis

You've seen picture of my ninjas from the Megalopolis setting, well here's the first story involving them. Now, I didn't write this, but I did some editing on it and my friend who did write it, Goliath Thunderstep, was generous enough to let me post it here at part of the tales of Megaopolis.

Now, what would happen to a cop who stumbles onto the scene of a fight between two rival ninja dojos?

Cop vs. Ninja

By: Goliath Thunderstep

Edited by: Chris Gilman

Megalopolis, metropolis of the metas, is a city of non-stop action, never stopping, never sleeping, and nor does its police force. A removable siren on top, the old faded orange Austin Marina takes a sharp right turn while the GPS on the dashboard tells its driver to continue straight forward. For the 7th time, the device adjusts its course again.

"Take a left on Atomic Avenue..." says the synthetic voice of the GPS.

"I know where I'm going." growls the Australian shepherd, passing Atomic avenue to settle into a small back alley between Atomic and Plutonium Aves.

He doesn't even slow down when the old car passes over a speed bump, making it rock back and forth with the squeaking of shocks near death with age. It finally parks bumper to bumper with a MPD patrol car while two cops in their minimal uniforms of combat boots, shield gloves, dark blue jockstraps doing the double job of a sheath for the male officers while keeping the contents fully erect, and chest harnesses with personal force-fields turn around to look at the beaten old car

"Beware, the science detective is here," says the German shepherd with a grin, letting a thumb rub against his erection. Man, he'd so bring that guy to bed any day. The beefy rhino doesn't even look up, just nods as he reads over the report in his hands. The evidence on the crime scene is a bit odd, even for Megalopolis, where the authorities have to deal with metafurs on a daily basis.

Stepping out of the car and eliciting another squeak from the worn shocks, Brian Nye flashes his badge to his fellow officers. They know who he is of course, but it's procedure. Unlike the two cops, Nye is wearing ordinary black pants and an white shirt open midway down his chest, showing the ample chest fluff of his species, making the ladies so willing to run their hands through it. Over it is the regulation gun sling with its issue revolver, covered up in public by a deep green vest. He pushes back the massive lock of hair falling over his left eye, which is useless as it falls back down into his vision.

"'Sup mates?" he says, walking to the two cops. Brian ain't even Australian, except for the name of his species. He was born and raised here in Megalopolis, magnificent metropolis on the east coast of the United States of America. But because the accent thing works well with the chicks, he's been doing it and... well, gotten stuck with it.

"Someone broke into Leonard's perfume shop and stole a top secret scent nullifying formula. The guy worked on it for over 10 years only to have someone steal it from his safe." says Köhler, the German shepherd. "The door was ripped from its hinges so we suspect a super villain. We were about the call the Marshalls on this case."

"It's no meta," Bowen says suddenly, straightening and showing a small device in the palm of his hand with a red light on. "No metatrace in the area beyond background levels."

"So we're dealing with normal beings with special abilities then?" says Nye, looking around before running his fingers along a slice in the wall, just beside a hole the size of a basketball. "Considering the angle of the groove... the attacker jumped from that window," he says pointing to the window on the third floor of the next building. "And this impact was done by a fist. There's a few small fur hairs stuck in the rumble..." The Australian shepherd starts to walk and calculate, redoing the battle. "It was at least a 3 against 4 battle. Brawl, blades and one armed with a spear. Those are spear punctures."

The two police officers step back and let him work, the dog with a grin on his face.

"Here goes detective Science again."

"Don't laugh. He's good at what he does," says the rhino, leaning against the patrol car, making it tilt a bit as his bulk settles onto it. "Besides, that makes you horny when he does that."

"It does not."

It does... you're dripping."

The canine looks down and, by the small golden hole in the end of his uniform's sheath, two big droplets of precum are rolling along the smooth fabric, which are whipped off in a quick motion. Suddenly, Nye gets their attention with a shout.

"Bring me some long nose pliers!" he calls, looking into one of the grooves.

Once Nye has the pliers, he reaches in and retrieves a small 1 by 3 inche piece of metal.

"That, mates is..." he starts.

"A piece of a katana blade," says the rhino in amazement. "The impact must have been amazingly powerful to sheer that off."

Köhler, raise an eyebrow, wondering what Bowen means, which makes the rhino sigh before explaining, "Katanas are very... very strong blades. They're almost unbreakable. To snap a piece of one like this, the one swinging it and the force countering it must have been very powerful and have hit just the right way."

"Still saying this isn't a metafur case?" asks Nye.

"Positive. It's possible to do with a very good technique, just hard," affirms Bowen.

A little earlier, on the rooftop of one of the Megalopolis buildings, where a peaceful dojo and its gardens are gently caressed by the early morning wind, four beautiful ladies are showering in the open area near a small pond. A small mouse stretches under the warm water, revealing a small cut near her left shoulder.

"Better have this checked by the Master, Fukuko. With them, we never know what their weapon might carry." says Hanaye, the raccoon, herself rubbing a nasty bruise on her ass, made by a well handled manriki-gusari. This provokes a nasty snarl from the gray furred kitsune, her three tails whipping around in agitation.

"I can't believe they escaped!" she snarls, reaching for her sword and drawing it up before her. "Next time, no mercy, I'll chop that fat..." but she stops her tirade as her three friends look at her katana with surprise. Her eyes follow the smooth line of the blade to the tip and she gasps, eyes wide in horror. "He... he..."

Still wet and naked, she dashes through the dojo, even jumping the senior student, Kinuko, to rush to the forge. Inside the large bixie is busy sculpting the handle of a small dagger when the kitsune's body smashes with his, pressing her nakedness against his muscular sbuild.

"Please ! Please Seishirou! You have to fix it ! Pleaaase !"

The bixie stays motionless for a moment, as the impact has made him do a small and very unwanted dent on the handle he was carving. With a sigh he turns slowly to face the naked kitsune and his eyes narrow as they immediately notice the broken tip, which makes his jaw clench. Over many centuries, he has mastered the art of weapon making and having one of his creations butchered hurts him deep inside, like a parent seeing their child being laid in the ground before their time. A growl slowly starts to build up deep in his chest but when his eyes meet Chiyako's and sees all the despair in them, his anger vanishes. The kitsune can't be more sincere about how she feels about the incident, even without a word, as she fights to hold back the tears.

"I can't." he simply says. "I'll have to make you another katana," which makes Chiyako's eyes grow wide with denial.

"But I don't want a new one ! It's... it's my sword. I like it... I love it! F-fix it, please !" she says with a pleading tone as her lower lip starts to quiver, terrified as if the bixie had just told her he'll have to throw away her heart, clutching the katana between her breasts.

"It can't be fixed child. The way katanas are made, you can't just glue or weld the broken parts together. I may be able to redo the tip, but it'll still be one inch shorter then it was and the edge will never be the same," he says, slowly reaching for the weapon and taking it from the tight clutch of the kitsune.

Chiyako lowers her head as she has to let go and sighs deeply as the tears start to flow. There are no words to say how sad and despairing she feels right now.

"But you need to retrieve the missing piece." says Master Ryuutarou as he walks in the forge with Kinuko right behind him. "We are masters of the shadows, we are invisible. We leave no trace." His gaze settles on the naked and dripping wet pupil before him.

"Yes Master." says Chiyako, bowing in front of her master and hurrying off to get dressed before leaving with a leap off the edge of the building.

Now usually, ninjas are dressed in black to disappear in the shadows. In Megalopolis, things are different. Master Ryuutarou's students choose to wear bright colors... to disappear among the colorful costumes of the supers who roam the streets of the city. So no one even raises their head when Chiyako jumps from building to building towards last night's fight scene in her sky blue and red outfit. Unfortunately for her, when she arrives, the forces of the law are already there, three males, two police officers who watch a third as he examines a groove in the wall. That's the groove she made when that fat bastard Dai threw his chi blast at her. 'Could it be...' she asks as she sees the fluffy one pull out something that shimmers under the sun's brilliance, the missing piece of katana!

Chiyako hits the roof edge with her fist and lowers herself to watch them. For a while, they fill out some papers, the dark one with pointy ears almost humping the fluffy one. He's so horny that she can smell him right up here on the roof. But the fluffy one doesn't seem to care, or even notice. On the patrol car's hood a few things in small plastic bags are being catalogued, obviously the evidence from the scene. And among them, there's the piece of katana. Perfect, she'll just have to sneak into the police headquarters to get it, a piece of cake. That is until the fluffy one takes it and puts it in his pocket.

Down in the alley, Köhler, Bowen and Nye are filling the files for the few pieces of evidence they have. No finger prints, no foot prints other than scuffs in the dirt and dust, just some marks left in the walls, three hairs and a piece of metal. That's not much at all. And to Nye's annoyance, Köhler seems to have no personal space boundaries today and the two are now standing shoulder to shoulder.

"How come you don't wear the regular uniform, Nye? They're very efficient. No movement restrictions, excellent protection, much better than any old bulletproof vest," asks Köhler, looking at the detective out of the corner of his eye and picturing him perfectly in the skimpy outfit.

"Because they offer very little covering for weapons and I joined the force to kick some criminal asses, not to be ogled over," Nye snaps back, taking a step away and not lifting his eyes from his files.

"I bet you'd get more tail action if you'd do..."

"I already have more than my share already, a lot more. Bowen, how many places sell those swords?"

"Real and usable katanas? Not many. In Megalopolis there are only two artisans and maybe two dozen shops, and that's only because this is Megalopolis. It's a lot less elsewhere. But it can come from outside the city," says the rhino, adding to his list to check on the shops.

"We'll start with that. Then move to check country importations. After that we'll have to check into the black market. Köhler, get the hairs analyzed please."

The German shepherd nods with a sigh. 'Everyone in town flirts on the bisexual side so why can't I get a chance with that sexy detective?' he asks himself.

"Are you okay Köhler ?" asks Bowen, knowing exactly what is going on inside his partner's mind.

"Mmh? Sure, fine, tip top shape." says the canine after sending his partner a dark look.

Nye pockets the piece of metal and heads to his car. "I'll get this analyzed by a metallurgical expert I know. Maybe it'll help us determine where it's from. I want a copy of your reports tomorrow," he says. "Tell the chief so he won't say I'm hiding evidence, ok?"

"Mmmh." answers Bowen, finishing his report. "Alright buddy, back to HQ. I still have my daily workout to do and I need a spotter," he says, grabbing the canine by his stick and dragging him to the patrol car.

Up on the roof, Chiyako looks at the fluffy one get into his vehicle and leave. With a dash she starts to leap from rooftop to rooftop, following him along the streets of Megalopolis. It's a busy city so he's rather easy to follow as the canine is stuck in traffic, his car slowly wiggling its way through the molasses that is traffic in any major city. The kitsune sits atop of a gargoyle, waiting for the odd colored car to move again, sighing and wondering why people have to squeeze up like that instead of walking though that's almost as crowded at street level. Soon her easy following gets a bit rougher as Nye takes the highway crossing the whole city. And with buildings not so close, it's harder to follow him along the rooftops. So, instead, Chiyako jumps silently from tractor trailer to tractor trailer, her form only a flash of blue and red in someone's mirror. But even as stealthy as she is, the detective notices once or twice a blur of blue following him... so he steps on it bringing a roar from under the hood.

The Austin Marina starts to zigzag between the lines, cutting in front of a few cars and almost causing an accident, making it even harder for the ninja to follow him. Once the blue thing disappears from his mirror he takes the exit to the industrial sector of town, his eyes never straying far from his mirror as he watches for a glimpse of blue. After a few more detours, the car finally enters the parking lot of a grey building where a sign reads "Megasteele Co." and under it, in a smaller font, "an Aragon Industries Company".

Nye's stomach growls as he steps out of the car. Checking his watch, he finds the time is way past noon, and he still hasn't even had breakfast, but this is far more important than food. If he can close this investigation, maybe it'll give a major lead on many others still waiting in the files of the Megalopolis Police Department HQ. Over two years now, there's beeen some cases that couldn't be solved due to a lack of clues, but this time...

He pushes the glass door and walks by the guard, flashing his badge at him so he won't bother him with a visitor pass and heads straight to the front desk where a beautiful doe is answering calls. As she sees the strong, handsome male walk to her desk, the doe's eyes flutter and her ears perk up.

"One moment please," she says to the person she's on the phone and puts him on hold as she addresses the detective. "Hello sir, how can I help you?"

Brian leans against the high desk and smiles back at her. His charming smile, the one that gets him tail action, as Köhler says. "Arvo, spunky lady, Imma here to see Prof. Sanders," he says with his thickest Australian accent, which make the doe blush bright red.

"Ooh... sorry sir. Professor Sanders is not here. He's at a convention for the week," says the doe, feeling her heart beat fast for this hunky foreigner.

"What? And he didn't dob in his old mate? Okay, thanks a heap Miss." says Nye with his bright smile.

His outward face is calm, but deep down inside, the dog ain't happy at all. Now he's stuck with that piece of metal until tomorrow at least. 'Why that old coot didn't warn me he was out of town I'll never know,' he thinks as he leaves the lobby.

Once out of the building, he storms to his car and drives away like a madman, heading back to the highway. After a moment, he looks back in his rear mirror, 'Nope, nothing blue. Good.' Suddenly a weird growl fills the car as his stomach reminds him it's still empty.

Back in the trunk, Chiyako is bounced around among boxes of ammo, a shotgun, and the spare tire. "After I get the missing piece, I'll kill that dog," she mumbles.

After half an hour of bumping, bouncing, and head banging, the car finally stops. The driver's door squeaks and the shocks of the car protest as the canine leaves the vehicle. The smell of greasy food mixed with the stench of gas. 'A restaurant?' she identifies. The kitsune pops the trunk and peeks out, 'Yep, cheap Asian food restaurant.' She can see the fluffy one by the window, the waiter already bringing him his food.

"Mrf, if he wasn't such a pain in the ass, he could be cute. Sure, he has a nice shoulder span and..." her heart skips a beat. Instead of using a spoon like any other uncivilized person, the fluffy one picks up the bowl of noodle and a pair of chopsticks before bringing the bowl to his lips and eating the noodles properly by pulling them into his maw, then sucking them in. Her eyes suddenly lock on those lips and the thought of how kissable they look crosses her mind... she shakes the idea away. 'I'm on a mission! I have to focus... On the fact I haven't had any in three months... Focus, girl, focus!' she scolds with another shake of her head. However, the longer she watches him, the stronger the tickling in the pit of her stomach gets.

'Maybe I can... seduce him and sneak away with the missing piece? Yes, that could be a plan. Yeah, good plan. It'll work,' she tells herself. So she patiently waits, peaking at him through the smallest of cracks in the trunk of the car.

After an hour, Brian walks out of the restaurant and back in his car, heading back to MPD HQ... so she thinks. When the car stops again, the vixen opens the trunk to peak out and is surprised to see they're back in the alley between Atomic and Plutonium Avenues. The fluffy one is standing there, looking up... then back at the groove in the wall... then up again. He then jumps and grabs the security stairs before climbing up, and up until he finally reaches the roof.

She silently slips out and climbs up to the roof after him. 'What is he doing?'

Brian kneels and looks around again. Here, a chunk of concrete has been smashed off the ledge. "So... the attacker was on the opposite roof and aimed at someone here. Ok," whispers Nye.

He takes a few steps back and runs towards the edge of the roof, jumping across the alley. Chiyako holds her breath; sure he'll fall and crash on the pavement below. But no, the dog lands heavily on the roof on the other side of the alley. 'Mmmh, not bad for a cop,' she thinks.

While Nye looks for new clues the kitsune swiftly jumps on the other side and ducks into the shadows. She peeks from behind a vent dock and her thighs squeeze tight together. Nye is bending down to pick up something, giving the vixen a nice view of his ass. What he holds in his hand is one of Ayako's shuriken. 'Can this day get any worse?' she asks herself as she rubs her forehead.

"Mmh... direction of the throw... and the angle... it wasn't really windy last night so... it doesn't make sense but that roof top ." says Brian before moving onward in his investigation. He cross two rooftops and gets to the third, climbing up to it since it is higher. At the marks, the ton of battle marks, the Australian shepherd is clear on one thing, "Looks like this is where they parted. Ewww whee!" he explains as he fans the air in front of his nose, "That stinks! A piece of katana, a shuriken, and some smoke bomb stench walk into a bar... If I was in a bad movie, I'd say I'm in the middle of a ninja battle. According to the weather reports, the winds were south-east, so most of the smell and smoke was sent that way. I bet the escapees must have followed the smoke to stay undercover." With a grunt of determination, he takes another leap and follows his nose.

However, for Chiyako, the night is turning into a real nightmare. What actually happened is that Shigeo blew one of the bombs in their face and then they ran the opposite way. When the girls burst out of the smoke, they were gone like the cowards they are. 'So the smoke smell will lead that curious twit to the dojo! Fuck this! I'll just have to catch him and knock him unconscious. Then I can take the missing piece and by the time he wakes up the only thing he'll smell is lotus perfume!' She takes off right after him, quickly catching up since the jumps over the alleys and streets are easier for her.

Unfortunately for Chiyako, out of the corner of his eye Brian notices the shape hiding from shadow to shadow, following him, which tells him he's on the right track. But the growing darkness of the coming night is becoming a problem. So he speeds up... until something pops up in front of him.

"Stop fluffy one!" says the creature.

Brian hits the breaks, skidding a bit on the roof's gravel. 'Did that girl called me fluffy?' he asks himself with incredulity.

The multi-tailed vixen blocking his path is already in a fight stance which he quickly assumes as well. "Megalopolis PD. You're interfering in an investigation, miss. Please step aside," says Nye, showing his badge.

"You don't know what you're putting your nose into, detective," says Chiyako, panting slightly from the run she just took, making her ample cleavage bob up and down, which gets the cop's attention for a second. "Beside, you're heading the wrong way."

"You intercepting me tells me I'm heading in the right way," says Nye with a smirk. "Now move away or I'll have to arrest you for interfering in police business."

"Stubborn male, you leave me no choice," growls Chiyako, rushing Nye.

But to her surprise, the police officer has more tricks in his rolled up sleeves then he shows at first glance. As she strikes towards his plexus to knock the wind off him he grabs her and rolls with her, throwing the vixen over him. Of course, it's easy for her to flip in midair and land on her feet, immediately rushing back on him. The surprise that flashes through her mind is that he's also back on his feet and waiting for her as she closes. Following a series of quick hits they throw at each other and block as quickly.

"Not bad... for a donut eater," says Chiyako with sarcasm, a grin under her mask.

"Black belt in judo, and I can say the same to you, for someone with such a high center of gravity," adds Nye with a grin, his eyes quickly flicking to Chiyako's large breasts then back up to her eyes.

"High center... you pervert!" she shouts, sending a couple of kicks at him but her inner ears are quickly turning red at the comment.

Ayako and Shigeo are always calling her the monster boobs bitch, and it never really touched her before, so why does this nosy cop mentioning the size of her breasts make her blush so badly? She keeps sending punches and kicks but he keeps blocking, the two dancing like a couple of crazy dancers. Calculating the trajectory Nye will have to take to avoid a kick to the chest, Chiyako immediately follows with a drop kick, which Nye barely avoids. Her heel catches in his half opened shirt and pops all the buttons off, leaving the male bare chested. Nye takes a few steps back in surprise.

"For a moment, I thought you did it on purpose there," he says, looking at the panting vixen.

"And why would I do that?" she snaps back, immediately attacking again.

Nye takes another step back, one arm behind him, waiting. He just dodges the kick and when she punches, his hand in the back springs forward to deflect it making a soft "click" sound. Surprised, Chiyako doesn't follow up, making her crash against the dog's chest. The two look at each other, panting. Then her eyes follow her arm up to her wrist to see the cuff wrapped around it. Her eyes come back to Nye's. "You... got me. What are you gonna do now?" she says in a soft and calm voice, now realizing that his sexy fluff of fur is snuggled between her breasts.

Panting as much as she is, Nye look back into her green eyes. "I should... arrest you and resume my investigation," he says in a deep husky voice. His eyes leave her for a second and she can see a small bit of his inner ears turning pink. "Your... center of gravity is slipping out of your outfit," he adds hesitantly, "Ma'am."

The fight has lasted longer than it should have, and her sweat is making her tight outfit slip on her curves, exposing her breasts. But she presses a bit more forward, arching her back, which makes her large breasts literally pop out of their confinement. "I notice that you've got some interest in them. Maybe a little investigation is required on these pieces of evidence, detective?" she says, hoping he'll take that offer seriously.

"Maybe I shall. But first I need to check your identity," he says as another "click" is heard as he fastens the other cuff to a solid pipe.

She's tries to pull back and is about to protest as he reaches to take off her mask but the cleaver canine just slips it up, uncovering her mouth for a deep kiss. Nye can feel her sigh in the kiss as he pulls her closer. Sure she has an arm busy by the cuffs right now but it doesn't stop her from reaching down with the other and cup a feel of that sexy ass she saw earlier. Immediately she feels something harder against her tight.

"Tell me it's your handgun I feel against me or I'll have to do a strip search, detective," she gasps.

"Sorry ma'am, this is pure legit prodding stick," he says with a grin.

There follows a snapping sound as Nye's belt is sliced in two and his trousers fall on the ground. Chiyako grins as the dog's cock springs up from the fabric. 'The naughty pup is not wearing any underwear.'

With a daring look back at her, Nye reaches down and a ripping sound comes to the vixen's ear just before she feels the young night wind caressing her wet folds. Being spandex, the suit springs up and out of her sash, exposing her fully to the male in front of her. Chiyako tilts her head back and lets out a loud moan as Nye lowers his head and starts licking at her breasts. 'That naughty pup, he's definitely a breast guy,' she thinks as his tongue seems to never have enough of those large melons. He sucks and licks at the erect nipples, nipping and toying with them.

Chiyako feels a fire come to life inside, burning in the pit of her stomach, a fire that needs to be extinguished. Without a word, she slips her fingers in his chest fluff and pulls down, forcing him to kneel in front of her as she spreads her legs. Brian doesn't need any more instruction than that. He lifts one of her legs over his shoulder and starts licking like a thirsty puppy. His long tongue runs between her folds before teasing her hard pebble, which only gets her wetter, feeding him with more of her delicious love juice. That tongue feels so marvelous on her fiery sex, she needs it so much she... she... "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...." she moans as an orgasm hits her hard, her body shivering and quivering as Brian keeps licking at the flowing juice. Once he's done cleaning her, he stands to kiss her but with sexual need flashing in her eyes, she pushes him down on the roof's ledge.

"I need you to calm that fire you started in me, fluffy one. Please sink that weapons of yours deep into my body," the kitsune moans, lowering herself on the cop's rod.

Because of her restrained hand, she has no choice but to turn around as she does so. She slowly lowers herself on his meaty stick when he grabs her hips and slams in, making her howl in pleasure as she throws her head back in bliss.

"Yess..." they both hiss in unison, his head pressed against her back, hers leaning back and resting against his.

Then comes the motion, slow at first, Nye enjoying the tightness of the velvety sheath around his malehood. 'She is so tight, and yet so slippery,' tiptoes through his mind as his body obeys the needs of nature. Holding the vixen against him, the dog starts to thrust harder inside her. But on a nearby rooftop, four pairs of eyes watch the scene unfold with interest.

"She's fucked, literally. She'll never retrieve it now." says a chubby panda fem in a purple mask.

"In more way then one, sister," says another, a raccoon fem in a brown mask.

"Don't underestimate the power of sex upon a male, girls," says a third, her golden eyes flashing in the night as the tigress enjoys the show and thinks of her mate. "I think I need to speak to the Master tonight."

"Yeah." says the fourth of the figures, a black clad mouse fem, in a dreamy tone while thinking of a certain lynx.

As they watch, Chiyako stretches her back, offering her large breasts to her momentary lover. But what Nye doesn't see as he's busy fucking this incredibly hot ninja girl and sucking at her deliciously large breasts is the vixen reaching in her hair and removing a pin before slipping it into the cuff's lock and starting to pick it. With a soft click, the cuffs let go in only the briefest of moments.

"Wise girl," says the tigress. "Let's go back to the dojo, she'll be alright."

A second later, they are gone. Chiyako's now free hand reaches in the detective's vest pocket and grabs the piece of metal before hiding it in her massive hair. Once this is done, she stands, turns around and sits back on that hunky piece of cock, her knees against the roof ledge. Eye to eye, the two lovers reach a pace only the passion of the moment can allow. As their pleasure reaches its peak, they both are locked in a deep kiss, making them cum in a silent but explosive orgasm. Still in the middle of the afterglow, they both collapse on the roof, panting. Nye takes a moment to recover and turn to the beautiful vixen.

"Care for another..." he offers but she's gone. Nothing left but his clothes and the delicate perfume of sakura floating in the air.

The smile of a happy man on his face, Brian dresses again and starts walking back toward his car. Mindlessly he slips two fingers in his vest pocket when... "The ffff... that little bitch!" he snarls as he discovers the real reason for this hot fuck on the rooftops.

The next day, Brian Nye is back on the rooftop where he and Chiyako went at it. Thinking of it now, he has two clues: her personal scent and that unique perfume. Using his well-trained nose, he rushes again, following sometimes the feminine scent, sometime the delightful perfume. In the end the scents lead him to a particular rooftop with a large broadcasting tower deep within the downtown section of the city. Still sniffing around, the trace seems to have vanished, as if he's arrived, "There's no way this could be it." He straightens and looks up to the sky as the cloud filled sky rumbles and the promised rain starts to pour it's cold water over the city.

Inside the dojo, master Ryuutarou doesn't sound alarmed but simply mentions, "My lovely students, we have company. Maybe you should... welcome him."

"Great, now I'll never find her again," growls Nye as his cell phone rings. "What?!" he almost yells in the phone as he answers.

"Nye, this is Standford from the archives. You did bring back that evidence you had from yesterday's case didn't you?"

"Why?" asks the wet dog before reclining against the antenna's base.

His eyes grow wide and his mouth open in a silent cry as nothing holds his weight and he falls backwards in a void to land heavily on the a carefully manicured lawn. When his vision clears from the pain the fall inflicted him, four ninja ladies are looking down at him in a menacing way, their faces hidden behind masks.

"Because, someone just blew up the entire evidence room, again! For once I was hoping you didn't bring it back," says Standford. "We lost everything."

"Ah," answers Nye, his eyes looking up at the green eyes of the gray vixen with three tails, a sky blue outfit and a red sash. "Everything was lost? No evidence left? At all? Fuck... that means we'll have to start everything all over again." For once, the dog was never so glad evidences were lost.

"Wow, you don't sound too upset by this, all that work to do over again."

"Sorry Standford, I'm on a case right now. Something about gravity misplacement, I gotta go," he says before closing his cell phone. "Sorry to have bothered you ladies, apparently the case has been dropped for a lack of evidence that someone blew up, so, I'll be on my way." He says, not moving a bit, just in case...

The end

All characters unless otherwise stated are the property of Goliath Thunderstep.Chiyako, Ryuutarou, Seishirou, Kinuko, Kaminari, Hanaye, and Fukyko are © Chris GilmanStory © Copyright Goliath Thunderstep 2013 all rights reservedMegalopolis © Copyright Goliath Thunderstep and Emerald Cistern

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Future Sanctuary Chapter 8 Truth, Lies, and Battle Cries The small courier flitter settles with a sigh to the ground next to the smaller one-man craft that Murrrfie had piloted in earlier that day. Before the craft settles fully to the ground Jim...

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Saber's War - Chapter 1: Changes in Status

Saber's War Chapter 1 Changes in Status By Goliath Wildcat "Captain Storm, you know what you are here for I believe?" says the graying man in the Earth Space Corps uniform, the small oak leaves on his collar showing his rank to be Major. "I...

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