New Found Fable

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#26 of New Found Form

Working through my commission backlog, one of my commissioners had no ideas and just said for me to write a new NFF story.

I've had M/M, donkeys, and dragons on the brain for awhile, so I figured why not mash it all together?

New Found Fable by Von Krieger

Lee's face was bright red as he walked through the house, heading for the back door. After the last time he'd decided that it wasn't a good idea to keep visiting the creature he'd been keeping in the old root cellar. It was dangerous and he ought to call somebody to get it out of there and as far away from him as possible. But he couldn't help it, he just HAD to go. Even though... things had happened the last time he'd been there.

The creature and the way it made Lee feel; he just... he just liked to be around it. Since he'd discovered it, he'd been spending most of his time out there in the cellar. It was ruining his life. When he was at work or in class he'd find himself wanting to bask in the comforting presence of the creature. His girlfriend, Riley, had called an hour before, hoping to have a date night, but Lee had backed out, saying that he'd already made plans for the evening. For some reason spending time with Riley didn't seem as fun or interesting as it used to be, and he knew why. The creature was to blame.

Lee shuddered as his mind played over the events. He'd been sitting against the creature's middle as usual, reading a book, the creature's head in his lap, when he'd come to an erotic scene in his novel. He hadn't really been paying attention, but the creature had been, and it seemed interested in his erection. Very interested.

With teeth and tongue somehow it had unzipped his pants, removed his belt, and coaxed Lee's member out into open air, where it promptly taken it into its muzzle. Lee hadn't really noticed until he was balls deep in the thing's mouth. It was disgusting and shameful, and Lee had tried to extract himself from the situation, but the beast had growled at him when he tried to get up. He'd let it finish, figuring that when something had your most sensitive bits in its mouth, the best idea would be to go along with whatever it wanted.

But later in the evening, after the thing had coaxed him to climax and he'd rushed out of its lair, he'd discovered something rather strange. His cock had changed. He was absolutely positive of this fact; he'd gained three or four inches in length, and it was definitely thicker than before. The shape of it had changed a little bit too, the rounded head looking flatter, and a bit of a worrying bulge in the middle. Worse was the fact that his libido seemed to have been cranked up a few notches. He could scarcely go an hour without having to duck into somewhere private and rub one out. More worrisome was the fact that for the last day or two, every time he'd jerked off, he'd been thinking of the creature.

He thought of it as a creature, since it wasn't something that ought to exist. It was a dragon. Kind of. The long sinuous neck and the equally long serpentine tail were definitely draconic, as were the horns and frill upon its head. But its rear legs sported heavy hooves in contrast to the two clawed digits of its forelimbs, and a rather thumb-like third digit. The short and fur however was like that of a donkey, as were its ears and its large, flat teeth. They were meant for munching plant matter, rather than meat. It also had a donkey-like mane that flanked the frill, and its tail sported a fluffy black tuft at the end. It couldn't possibly be real, and yet there it was, and for some reason Lee found himself increasingly attracted to it.

Gods, he was most of the way across the backyard to the cellar and he already felt himself growing half-hard at the thought of being next to the wonderful, large, majestic beast. He wasn't sure how it was having the effect on him that it did. Lee had never known himself to harbor any of the strange perversions he currently found so arousing.

He knew that he was headed into the dragon's den in order to get some sort of sexual release. That freaked him out horribly. Other things that filled him with anxiety were the facts that he'd blown off an opportunity to have sex with his girlfriend, a decidedly normal most definitely human woman, and that he was absolutely positive that the dragon was male. He'd seen the creature's cock, all of its twenty four masculine inches, as he'd fled the beast's presence previously. He'd increasingly become more and more fixated on that very image over the last few days, to the point where sometimes he felt his mouth watering. Gay animal sex ought to be the furthest thing from his mind, and yet he couldn't help himself.

He'd left the cellar doors open, hoping the dragon would get the hint and leave, but the moment Lee's feet touched the first step, he was sure that it had not. He inhaled deeply, never having really noticed the creature's scent before. It was kind of like freshly cut grass, sunshine, and... something. Something that propelled his hard-on from half-staff to uncomfortably confined by his pants.

Lee fumbled with his zipper as he made his way down the stairs, he couldn't help himself. All his recent self-pleasure barely helped - he needed release, and he wasn't able to get it on his own. And rather than easing his lust, the creature's usually comforting presence seemed to be further inflaming his need.

He'd been thankful for the weekend, as it seemed that something else had changed about his member: from the moment he became fully erect to the moment he climaxed it always leaked precum. Not an occasional spurt, but a constantly, steady flow. He'd been forced to wash his entirely supply of undergarments twice thus far, as trying to ignore his lust and keeping his slicked underwear on only made the problem worse.

Several times Lee had even involuntarily brought himself to climax, just from the sensation of his manhood rubbing against the lubricated fabric. He had classes in the morning, and he wasn't sure if he'd be able to control himself during them. His needs had gotten so powerful, so insistent, that it was all Lee could do to keep himself from making a mess wherever. Just jacking off wherever he happened to be, and onto whatever happened to be there. A few times he'd found himself absentmindedly stroking himself, his seed spewing forth and making a mess upon the floor, or the wall, or the furniture, and he'd had to clean it up. It was to the point where he'd bought a box of condoms and taken to keeping half a dozen in his pockets. He hoped that indulging his worrying new fetishes might coax them into a tolerable state, no matter how gross and shameful he found them.

All his feelings about how disgusting it was to lust for an animal and how unsettling it was to suddenly have an attraction to another male fled his mind the moment he saw the creature. It was just as he remembered. The dragon was absolutely massive. Though not as absolutely massive as a horse, Lee figured that he had to weigh in at a good five hundred pounds or so, maybe more with the thick neck and tail. The dragon's body and legs seemed more akin to a big cat than the equine nature that its other features seemed to hint at, and it showed signs of cat-like behavior as well. Right now when it purred happily and rubbed up against him, the underside of its neck and tail seeming purposefully dragged against Lee's aching length.

The touch made him shiver and go weak in the knees, he found himself clinging to the creature in order to remain standing. "H-hi..." he managed, his face feeling like an inferno with the intensity of his blush. The embrace felt wonderful, and Lee found himself absently removing his shirt in order to feel the caress of short, soft fur tight over the beast's muscular body.

"I... I missed you." he whispered softly, irrationally worried that someone else might hear, that they might come rushing down and find him in a sexual liaison with a member of another species.

The beast raised its head, looking Lee in the eye, its brown eyes seeming to sparkle with excitement for a moment before it dragged its forked tongue over Lee's neck and chin. He... couldn't help himself, he leaned forward, sticking out his tongue, and returned the display of affection. Then he took it one step further, pressing his lips against the beast's muzzle, seeking entry between its lips.

The creature seemed to know what Lee was doing, as it purred louder, its lips parting, its own tongue coiling around Lee's and slipping into his mouth. All the tension seemed to slowly evaporate from his body as Lee embraced the creature, wrapping his arms around its neck. All his reservations and protests slowly slipped away. It didn't matter what the creature was, all that mattered was that it recognized his affection and eagerly returned it.

It raised a foreleg, managing to encircle Lee's shaft with its paw, the grip feeling almost human as it stroked him. That touch was enough to loosen the dam within him and Lee thrust against the creature as he climaxed, his aching cock rubbing against the soft fur and solid flesh of the beast's chest.

Lee felt better now, so much better. But rather than a feeling of sexual satisfaction, instead he felt what seemed to be even more blood surging into his loins, as if he were only partially erect and only now was his member rising to its full status.

That one climax only seemed to start his pleasure anew as the beast continued to stroke him. His mouth felt dry all of a sudden, but not uncomfortably so. He felt the dragon's forked tongue rasping deliciously against his own, His clothes felt a bit too tight in his groin as a pleasant, ticklish sensation spread over the area, and with that the dragon drew away.

All Lee could do was stand there stupidly for a moment, overwhelmed by the strange sensations. He looked down at his cock, wanting to adjust it so that he felt a bit more comfortable. Instead he let out a soft gasp at the sight of his length. It had changed again. It was even longer than before, the skin beginning to take on a darker hue. Lee cursed as he realized that his own shaft was beginning to more and more resemble the dragon's decidedly equine length. It was perhaps a foot in length now, the worrying bulge developing into a medial ring. The tightness of his clothes, Lee realized, was the fact that his balls were growing in step with his shaft.

The dragon lay on its back before him, head tilted, dabbing at the thick cum that Lee had left on its chest with a forepaw. It let out a grumbling sound and its tail snaked around Lee's torso, pulling him down atop it. The dragon felt so warm and wonderful against him and Lee couldn't help but grind against the beast, delighting in the feel of the creature against his growing cock.

The beast's other forepaw gripped the back of Lee's head, stuffing its cum-covered claws into his mouth. Lee whimpered softly, realizing just how big and powerful the beast was. It was easily holding a good half of his head with one gigantic paw, and Lee found himself eagerly sucking on the claws. His whimper changed into a soft moan as the flavor of his own essence spread over his tongue. Just as he seemed to start enjoying it, the dragon pulled its claws away, instead pushing Lee's head down towards the mess. Lee understood immediately what it wanted and began to lap up his mess.

It was easier than Lee expected; his tongue able to reach further than he thought possible. Within a few moments, Lee had cleaned the dragon's coat perfectly, the creature purring its pleasure all the while. It gave him a gentle shove with its forepaws, hooking its hindpaws beneath Lee's arms, lifting him up and away.

The beast snorted at the new mess of Lee's precum upon itself, though it took care of the mess with a few quick swipes of its tongue. It seemed to admire Lee's manhood, tilting him this way and that, its long neck twisting into sinuous shapes to get a better view. Its tongue slithered out, caressing the base of Lee's shaft, right where it poked out of his fly and then slipped within. He felt the dragon's tongue curling around his sack, coaxing it free with a few tugs. The creature's saliva made that tingly sensation intensify and Lee could only watch as the skin of his sack began to take on the same dark shade as well, the balls within seeming to slowly inflate.

Apparently satisfied, the dragon ran its tongue up the underside of Lee's shaft, taking special care to tease the opening and lap up what leaked from it. Lee shuddered at the sensation; slow, drawn out, and torturously teasing. The creature's licks seemed to be having an effect, as each slow lick seemed to make Lee's cock lengthen, each caress adding a few inches in length. The dragon's forepaws gripped Lee's thighs, forcing his legs apart as the dragon leaned down to take it into its maw. The beast's tongue curled around Lee's member. Rather than making it longer, the creature's suckling served to make Lee's manhood thicker. Unable to do much of anything Lee merely lay back in the dragon's clutches and enjoyed the sensation. It made him feel so much better, his frustrations fading away. No wonder he'd been lusting after the dragon so badly.

The dragon had decided that since Lee wasn't struggling anymore (or at all, really), that it could tease him a bit. The dragon's tongue withdraw, the beast's grip shifting to further down Lee's legs. The sight of his altered member made Lee gasp - his shaft and balls looked almost comically oversized in proportion to the rest of his body. Not only that, but it appeared that they had completed their transformation, having become almost a mirror image of the dragon's own, though perhaps a bit smaller.

The creature's tongue snaked into the cuff of Lee's jeans for a moment, repeating the action with the other. The same pleasurable, tickly, balloon-slowly-being-inflated feeling spread up Lee's legs and down to his feet. With the task done the dragon began to lick at other parts of Lee. Lee giggled at the sensation of rough tongue over bare skin as it traced over his arms. Much like it had done with his manhood, the dragon coiled its tongue around Lee's fingers, dragging the entire hand into its mouth. Lee could feel something happening to his hand, but couldn't see quite what.

Then the dragon release its grip on his hand for a moment, though only to shift what it was wrapping its tongue around. After perhaps a minute it completely let go, switching to Lee's other hand.

His eyes widened at the sight of what his right arm now ended in; a thick, taloned paw with three digits rather than five. It looked very much like the dragon's forepaw, though Lee's claws were shorter and the proportions seemed to be more human-like. It was also covered in short, grey fur with a thick, leathery pad upon his palm and several smaller ones adorning each of his fingers. He could see the fur slowly growing in, moving its way up his arm.

Lee could feel the even more ticklish sensation of growing fur upon his legs, his middle, and oddly enough his ears. He reached back with his free hand - paw maybe? - to feel his longer ear. Lee could feel it change within his grasp, flattening out and elongating even as it was covered with fur - it was just like the dragon's.

A startled yelp escaped Lee's throat as the dragon threw him up into the air, twisting him around so it could reach Lee's back. The dragon then lowered him so that Lee was sitting on its belly, his own massive cock rubbing up against the dragon's. The feeling of the dragon's hot cockflesh against his own banished any rebellious thoughts in Lee's head.

Lee's manhood did indeed seem to be a mirror of the creature's own, and Lee found himself stretching out his new handpaws as far as they could go in order to grip both their shafts, caressing them both as he leaned down to further pleasure them, his rough, forked tongue slithering forth from his lips.

The mixture of the dragon's precum and his own seemed to trigger further alterations in Lee. He heard a few strange pops, and then a few more, and then he felt his face just about explode. He blinked a few times and shook his head, trying to rid himself of the obstacle that blocked the lower part of his vision, only to realize that it was not going anywhere. It wasn't going away because it was his muzzle; soft and furry. He ignored the soft pops in his neck, though he was thankful for them, as his increasingly sinuous neck made it much more comfortable to orally pleasure himself and the dragon.

Meanwhile the dragon lapped repeatedly at the base of Lee's spine. It gripped the back of Lee's jeans in its mouth, tugging them down a bit so that his new tail could grow out properly. Lee let out a soft moan as he felt the dragon's tongue toy teasingly with the few inches worth of tail as it grew. The dragon sucked upon it just as it had Lee's cock, and it felt almost as erotic and sensual. The dragon bit down - just a little bit - not enough to hurt, merely enough to get a good grip. The dragon began to pull back gently, the action seeming to coax Lee's new tail to extend further. It was like Lee's tail had been inside him all along and the dragon was now simply pulling it out of where it had been hiding all his life.

Lee felt the dragon grip his new tail around the base, lifting it upward. A padded fingertip traced over the underside of his tail, making him purr with pleasure. The dragon reached the very end, right where Lee's jeans covered his backside. The dragon pressed its finger against the obstructing cloth, and Lee found himself instinctively pushing back.

Just then Lee felt an intense sense of pressure in his feet. He gave it little thought, knowing that obviously his new hooves were not going to fit in his old socks and sneakers. He couldn't reach them very well from the way the dragon had placed him, though the creature seemed to know that. With a few quick motions of its claws, the dragon had freed Lee's changing feet from his footwear and then with a low growl gave him a gentle shove, sending him to all fours upon the floor.

Lee knew what was coming, and was looking forward to it. He felt the dragon's forepaws upon his hips, gripping his jeans and giving them just enough of a tug to provide access to what the dragon desired. Some part of his rational mind was screaming at him to get away, that the dragon's dick was going to tear him in half. But that silly little voice was silenced a moment later as the creature mounted Lee, its manhood entering him without the slightest bit of discomfort. It was rather strange, but considering there was a creature out of myth and legend on top of him, having two feet worth of mythological member stuffed into him wasn't particularly out there.

The new half-dragon dug his talons into the dirt floor of the root cellar as the much larger beast thrust into him. The huge shaft inside of him and the hefty weight atop him made it very difficult to do much of anything except to ride it out. Though that wasn't quite the term that Lee would use, since riding something out was what you did with an unpleasant experience, and Lee was most definitely enjoying himself. He wouldn't have thought that it would feel this good, having another creature's cock inside him, all of the dragon's sweet warmth shoved inside of him. The beast began to growl softly with each exhalation, and Lee could feel the tenseness of the beast's muscles above him.

And then a roar, and Lee felt a fluid heat surge up into him, the delicious sensation enough to push him over the edge into a climax of his very own. For the first few moments it was complete and utter bliss; and then his seed struck him right in the chin. Lee sucked in a breath through his teeth, twisting his sinuous neck to keep him out of the line of fire. It made his fur stick together and feel a bit gross. But it was worth it.

The purring dragon drew back from Lee with a rather loud, wet sound, and gathered him up in its forepaws. The dragon waddled to spot on the floor that wasn't awash with dragon seed and set Lee down, curling up around him. The former human was content to lay back against the beast's middle, the dragon's huge forked tongue going to work cleaning up the mess Lee had made of his own fur.

Of course that was when Lee's cell phone went off, making him jump about a foot in the air. The dragon snorted as if annoyed at him for being startled by such a silly thing, and then resumed grooming him as Lee fumbled through the pockets that remained on his jean scraps, and then stared at the closed phone, wondering how he was going to manage using it with his ears and mouth now in rather different places.

Speaker phone it was, then. "Umm... hey Riley. How are you... ack! Quit licking me!"

"Boy do you ever sound funny. Are you sick or is it just crummy cell reception? And who's licking you? Not anyone I know, I hope!" she teased.

"No, just got stuck uh... dog sitting for my brother again."

"Butch is such a sweet puppy! Give him a big kiss for me and tell him that I'm bringing over a hamburger for him!"

Uh oh. Riley. Coming over. With the dragon, and with Lee a newly minted dragon himself. "Umm... you wouldn't mind if Riley came over for some snuggles, would you boy?"

To Lee's astonishment the dragon seemed to grin and shake his head, and in fact got up and began nosing Lee towards the stairs.

"No, he wouldn't mind. Though maybe he would like a salad."

The dragon snorted loudly and stuck out it's tongue.

"He says hamburger is fine, Riley. Though um... you might want to get some extra. We've been uh... playing most of the afternoon and are pretty hungry."

"Great! I'll be over in fifteen minutes!" Riley said, hanging up.

Lee found himself grinning as he flipped the phone closed, "So I hope you've got some more of whatever voodoo is that you used on me, or this is going to probably turn out rather badly."

The dragon merely purred and nuzzled Lee's neck. The man-dragon found his libido growing once more as he began to think of what Riley would look like as a dragoness.

"Mmm, she's going to make a sexy dragoness, isn't she? And at least I'll have somewhere to put this thing..." he gestured as his member.

He wasn't sure exactly what to call the noises the dragon was making, but he was very, very sure that it was laughing at him.