Alex and Lash: The BIG surprise

Story by MatheauStratford on SoFurry

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Alex and Lash: The BIG surprise

Ahhh, the sweetness of it all. Even Alex's dreams were sweeter now. He had broken her at long last, and made her his mate. Although it was more than less against her will, he had taken her, and she had submitted to him. She was his until he saw fit to let her go. He was awakened suddenly as he felt Lash move from under his wing and get up. He shifted his weight as she staggered out of his eyesight, but did not get up. He knew that she would not run. There was nowhere that she COULD run. With his cave as far up as it was, the fall itself would kill her, and the odds of her hiding from him in his own home were non-existent. Laying his head on his fore claws, he waited for her to return. Minutes went by, and still she was not returning. He felt a jerk in his heart as he thought perhaps she had chosen to risk jumping to her death rather than to stay with him. He got up with a rumbling growl and stretched himself before making his way off in the direction that Lash had gone.

He rounded the corner to the entrance of the cave and he almost ran over his little pet. She bumped into his massive stomach and fell back down on her behind. "I'm sorry master." She said, casting her eyes down towards the ground. "I....I wasn't watching where I was going." "Apparently you were not, pet." Alex said in a calm, but deep voice to sound intimidating. "And just what were you doing here at the entrance of the cave? Were you trying to plan an escape to get away from me?" Lash could see the gleam in his eye of what would happen if she answered in the affirmative. "Of course not master." She said quickly, getting back to her feet and dusting herself off. "I would never think to try and run from you." This seemed to satisfy him, and he turned, brushing her ankles with his soft tipped tail. Lash started to follow him, thinking that she was okay. But as soon as they were back in the main room, he pushed her down to the ground hard and pinned her to the ground with a claw, making her yell out in surprise as her ass was hiked into the air. She knew what was coming and braced for that large cock to push inside of her, and within seconds, she yelled out as he entered her. It did not hurt so much now as the first time he took her. She was starting to get some pleasure out of it and started to push her hips back against him, trying to take that long, thick cock as deep inside of her little pussy as possible. Alex growled softly as he humped into her hard and slow, leaning down to hiss into her ear. "I do not appreciate being lied to, pet." He said quietly. "I want to know what you were doing at the entrance to that cave, and you will tell me one way or the other." She moaned loudly as he started to press into her faster, feeling the blunt tip of his cock banging at her cervix with each thrust, his heavy balls slapping at her ass. "Ooooh gawwdsss....Master....I.....I wasn't lying to youuuuuu...." She moaned out, pushing back against him with everything she had, reaching between her thighs to play with her clit. She came hard around his thick pole, her juices dripping and flowing, feeling another orgasm coming fast, and yet he persisted in burying himself into her over and over again.

"Then tell me why you were gone so long, pet." He hissed, slamming his meat into her so hard her body rocked forward, and she had to put her face on the ground. She struggled to breath with the hard mating, trying to answer him, clenching her pussy muscles tight around him to make him cum. As soon as she did that, he growled loudly and leaned forward and wrapped his jaws around the back of her neck. OH GODS how she loved that, and yet she could not admit it to him. Her hard nipples scraped along the ground with each powerful thrust, only exciting her further. Then he bit down a little too hard, making her whimper in pain. He wanted an answer, and he wasn't going to let her sex clouded mind prevent that. She had no choice but to tell him. Sooner or later he would find out. "I....I was...oooooh.....sick master.....ahhhhhhh.......i didn't want to make a mess.........on your floor." He was close to his own release, and she could feel his balls tightening against her ass as he mercilessly pounded her pussy, his cock growing thicker inside of her and throbbing. Then suddenly he pulled his cock out of her pussy and gave a mighty roar, stroking his cock as he came hard, showering her with his hot, sticky cum. She gasped in surprise and pleasure as his cum coated her ass. She turned quickly and got to her knees, knowing it would please her master. She squeezed her tits around his cock and began to pump his cock in and out of them, letting his cum fly in her face and open mouth and all over her perfect tits. This did indeed please Alex so much that he came a little more in her face with a heavy spurt. Lash swallowed down as much as possible, savoring his taste as she continued to fuck his cock with her cum soaked tits.

Alex finally stopped her from doing so and without being told to do so, she licked his cock clean of any extra or dripping cum, swallowing it all down eagerly. "That is a good pet." Alex said, beginning the task of licking her clean of his cum. Picking her up, a quick breath of flame cleaned up the rest of the mess. Wordlessly, he carried her to the bathroom and slipped into the tub with her. After a long silence, Alex looked at her and spoke. "You said you were being sick." Alex said softly. "What has caused this sudden illness? Perhaps I have not been cooking your meat properly......" Lash shook her head. No, it was not that kind of sick, and she told him so. "Master....." she began hesitantly. "I was sick because........I'm pregnant." This statement caused Alex to start so violently that she flinched, thinking that he was coming to hurt or kill her. After a moment, he settled back down, but she remained on guard. "You are certain that you are heavy with child?" Alex asked quietly. Lash said nothing, only nodded. Alex gave a brief nod. "Then you will be the first to bear one of my child." Now Lash was the one to start. "B..B...But master!" Lash said. "You said that you have sired many children with many pets....." "All lies." Alex said, cutting her off. "I said those things so that you would become fearful of me, so that I could more easily control you." He looked at her, his crimson orbs gleaming. This was not the normal gleam of anger or domination, she noticed. This was a different gleam. "I told you that I loved you, Lash. And this much is true. Ever since I started watching you from that tree I was in love with you. But I knew that you could never love me because of what I am. So I stole you away from your home. Brought you here and broke you. And now I have impregnated you with my child. Why did I do all this? Because I don't want you to leave me."

For the briefest of moments, anger flared up inside of her. He had never bothered to ask HER what she wanted, or if she loved him, or wanted his baby, or anything of that sort. And now he gives her this half assed proclamation of love? And yet, she found that this IS what she wanted. She could never admit it to him, but she LOVED having him dominate her. To take her as frequently and as suddenly as he wanted to. She loved having his jaws around her neck, his cock so deep inside of her. He filled her so fully and perfectly that she knew THIS is where she belonged. THIS is who she was destined to be with. She moved close to him and kissed his muzzle gently to reassure him. "I love you too, master. And as I said before, I would never dream of leaving you. He got out of the tub and pulled her out and dried her off. Then, to her surprise, he covered her in a robe and carried her to bed. The activities of the morning had drained them both, and she was soon fast asleep. Alex, however, was awake for a very long time after she had fallen asleep. He was lost deep in his own thought about how their relationship would be affected by the upcoming child, and how she would feel giving birth to a dragon. He tried as best he could not to let it bother him, and as he laid head down next to his mate, he finally drifted off into the deep sleep that he had been seeking.