Furrry Encounters 5

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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#5 of Furry encounters.

Furry Encounters 5 my brother in-law is a voxxon by Raven Fox: This chapter takes place during the series. A brother and sister team is fighting the Raynox near Table top in Bridger Valley. During a Voxxon attack, the sister is captured by a group of Voxxons and the brother heads to the Windvixen to retrieve his sister seeing her living with the voxxons. He finds out that his sister is mated to a male mountain breed of voxxon. (This chapter is written in memory of my brother in-law who recently passed away.)

Moon orbit, day of Voxxons retaking of Earth.

A white hole opened near the silver orb letting out a large ship. To any fans of the movies of Star Wars, the ship looked like an Imperial star destroyer. At the bridge, an older male anthropomorphic fox looked at the blue green orb of the planet Earth thru the bridge windows. He turned to the blonde hair vixen near him replying. "Cathy, ready drop shuttles. Remember orders from command, no Raynox prisoners. As for the humans, capture and treat any aliments. We're here to help them to take back their planet." The male fox grinned to himself watching as the Earth grew larger in the windows. "What a beautiful planet, such a shame that those parasite Raynoxs took it from the humans." He thought to himself.

Hanger bay of the Windvixen.

The female voxxon with brown head hair with white streaks grinned as she boarded the shuttle. Jasmine looked across from her seeing a male voxxon sharpening a Katana. "Ken, one of the very few males commanding a strike platoon." She thought to herself watching him check the edge sheathing the weapon. The vixen did one more check of her weapons and put on her helmet.

"We just entered the Earths' atmosphere, five minutes to launch." Said a voice in the com circuit.

In the cockpit, Cassandra looked at the position of the switches on the flight instrument panel glancing at the five LCD panels. The vixen watched as troops boarded the other shuttles. Looking further to her right, she saw pilots climbing in to their night wings and boarding ladders being pulled away. She glances at the launch portal seeing the red plasma storm of the ship going thru the Earths' atmosphere. Minutes later, Cassandra heard a command. "Ten seconds to launch, all strike craft get ready for launch. Our target is the Raynox force at Seattle Washington." A few seconds later. "All strike craft launch." The voice of Tifa said in the com circuit.

Inside the troop compartment Jasmine grinned as the shuttle launched. The vixen felt a rush as the shuttle left the hanger bay. Ten minutes later on the ground, she was shouting commands as her platoon started shooting the lizard like Raynoxs. A minute later, Jasmine heard a loud boom and saw a flight of night wings pulling away from the Raynox ship that was falling out of the sky in flames. She saw close in weapons system of the Windvixen finishing off Raynox fighters. The vixen grinned in her helmet as she finished off another Raynox.

Hours later, outside the shuttle.

Jasmine took a drink of water from a container in her pack by a tube near her muzzle and tapped the side of her helmet. "The force here is history; we suffered a few minor injuries. What are your orders Tifa?"

Inside in the planning room, the female voxxon with long brown head hair looked at a screen with her dark blue cat like eyes. Looking at the scans on the table, she answered. "I want you and Ken takes your platoons to the city North of Seattle. I am reading a few groups of the enemy, be careful, I am reading a few humans in the area. Check your personal shields for full operation. The uniform and helmets can only deflect up to a 45 cal, but the humans might be using bow weapons with hunting points."

On the ground, Jasmine listened hearing a few jabs of how bow weapons are ancient as the Bra'tok weapon the mountain breed use for hunting. "I like to see you laugh with a crossbow bolt in your gut and see how you think how ancient a simple weapon is." She said to her platoon. "Alright, move out, check your personal shields and follow me to that city in the North." The vixen saw Ken looking at her.

Table top mountain Bridger Valley Wyoming April 2010, three weeks since the voxxons showed up on Earth.

John held his British Enfield rifle watching the column of Raynox foot soldiers walk down the trail. The mid twenty human male looked over to his older sister who recently turned thirty. He saw that she held a Remington 30-06 long rifle. Chuckling to himself quietly, John knew the 30-06 can only hold six cartridges compared to the ten the British rifle can hold in its magazine. "But it's the only guns that were in my cousins' gun safe. But that 30-06 has the scope and I am the only one between us that can shoot using the sights. Elizabeth didn't know how to shoot a rifle till the Earth was invaded." He thought to himself watching the Raynoxs walked down the trail. "Remember, if they just pass, we're leaving them alone. I only have one hundred rounds left of 303 British and you only have one hundred and fifty of those 30-06." The human quietly whispered to his sister.

"Yes baby brother, remember, you only have sixty rounds left for that hand cannon you carry." Elizabeth replied in the same whisper with a hint of sarcasm referring to his 44 mag revolver. She looked at the dark brown hair of her younger brother and saw him turn at her giving her a look of his skinny features. The human female almost chuckle at the sight of the two month growth of stubble on his chin. Elizabeth noted that the last two months living on this mountain has aged her younger brother almost ten years. She is five years older than him and was visiting her parents when the Earth was attacked. "What's that?" The human female asked her younger brother.

A group of beings with reddish orange tails ran up to the column of Ranoxs and opened fire on them. Watching thru a set if binoculars, John saw the group of attackers was wearing gray colored uniforms wearing yellow helmets. The human saw one of the attackers with yellow patterning on the uniform unsheathe a type of Katana and use the sword on the Raynoxs. Keeping his mouth shut, John watched as the sword user decapitates a Raynox and put the head in a container. "Looks like the one in yellow is the leader, I think we better avoid this crowd to. This bunch of new players has discipline and I know pros when I see them. Us two against them, lets say I like to keep my head attached to my body for now. Let's go back to camp before we're spotted." He whispered to his sister and the siblings quietly walked away.

The male voxxon removed his helmet and cleaned his Katana sheathing the weapon hearing the sound of metal sliding in the ceramic sheathe. He watched as his unit burn the bodies with incineration devices. A female voxxon walked up to him. "Ken, the Windvixen just parked at the city of Salt Lake City. Jasmine and her unit have just made contact with an insurgent group at the city. We're ordered to report to the Windvixen as soon as possible."

Ken nodded and about to reply when another vixen ran up to him. "Sir, we just spotted two humans heading up the mountain. They just watch us eliminate this group of Raynoxs and high tailed it in to the mountain. What are your orders?"

The male voxxon looked at the mountain and studied it. He turned to the vixen. "Stay out of sight and track them to their base. Then report back to me when you know every piece of information you can know." Ken turned the first vixen. "Tell Tifa that there's a group of humans at this mountain and I am going to check them out." The male voxxon watched as the vixens went to obey his orders. Turning his head, looked at the mountain and saw a tree do a whipping motion like someone accidentally hit it. "Novices, talk about beginners. We're doing them a favor in capturing them soon."

"At least we will not kill them and eat them when we capture them. The Raynoxs must be losing their touch in not noticing these humans in the last two months." Said a third vixen looking at the tree as it stopped moving.

Nodding, Ken looked at the vixen who just spoke to him. He noted her all black colored pelt. "Yeah, Toa, her father was a Jaguar and both her parents we're killed in an accident. She's a loner due to her being two different species." The male voxxon thought to himself. "The Raynoxs get cocky to soon after a big attack and then they start making mistakes that are fatal. When out on a patrol, you always look around and watch your surroundings. The day you stop watching your surroundings is your last day of your life." The male fox said to the hybrid vixen. Ken noted her grin which has sharp feline teeth instead of the rounded ones of his vulpine species. He watched as Toa disappeared in the woods without a sound and none of the foliage moving. "She's good and silent." The voxxon mused to himself and placed his helmet back on his head to do a report. "We can use shuttles with heat sensors in finding those humans, but it's more fun in tracking them the old fashion way. Toa likes tracking prey for fun, plus I like doing it myself." Ken thought to himself and activated his com device. "Jasmine, we just took out a platoon heading South thru this valley. Toa spotted two humans on a mountain side and they high tailed into the mountains."

"Do you want us to send a shuttle and look for them?" Jasmine asked on the link.

"Negative, my unit wants to track them the old school way. They want to have some fun, but have a shuttle in standby." Ken said in his radio.

Jasmine replied. "Wish I can join in the fun, but I am busy with helping these insurgent groups in Utah."

Ken chuckled. "I think we will joining you later on in the day because this group of humans makes more noise than a running Borson in the home woods." (A type of large predator the mountain breed loves to hunt with a hand weapon. RAVEN FOX)

"Well, I'll see you later, but the shuttle will be in standby." Jasmine answered and the link clicked off.

Glancing at the mountainside, Ken looked at the hill thinking of his home. The male fox loved the TV signals picked by his home world. He loved the movies Pathfinder, Outlander and Earth shows with armies fighting with long swords. "This planet was minding its own business, it had its flaws. But the humans didn't deserve the Raynox invading them." Ken thought to himself and ordered the rest of his squad to set up a base camp.

Johns' campsite, that night.

The two siblings settle down and set up for dinner by the campfire. Elizabeth watched as her brother finished dressing the deer he killed earlier in the day. She didn't like what her brother became in the last couple of months. In the last two months, the human females' brother has turned in to something else other than the fun loving sibling who played jokes on her and fixed her stuff when they broke. "Who do think those beings are? They just eliminated that group like it was nothing." Elizabeth asked her brother.

Washing his hands in the steel bowl over the fire looking at her, John shrugged. "I think they're a type of anthropomorphic canine, can't tell due to those helmets. They might be enemies to those fishy fiends that invaded our planet. So let's just lay low and watch them for now. I'll take the first watch tonight and you take the rest of the watch till sun-up. Tomorrow I'll check out the town and get more..." He looks at the side of the camp picking up his rifle.

"What do you see?" She started too asked, but John was pointing at glowing eyes from the woods.

Toa closed the visor of her helmet cussing at her carelessness for allowing the glow of her eyes being spotted by the male human. She quietly and quickly moved to another vantage area. "So these humans are smart after all, better be more careful." The vixen thought to herself watching as the human male walked to her formal hiding place. Watching as he looked around with a torch walking the parameter of the camp and sat back down cleaning the deer and looking at the area once in a while. "Alright, he's a predator to, so I'll better watch out for him. The female seems nervous and doesn't want to be here." Toa thought to herself and continued her watch.

"Must have been a fox or a wildcat." John said to his sister who nodded in agreement.

The next day, Johns' camp.

Elizabeth watched the camp looking around. She didn't like it when her brother left to check out the town. The human female leaned against a tree directed her gaze to the trail.

A yellow light hit the human female stunning her. Three beings walked up to the limp female examining her. Ken looked at her picking up the long rifle examining the weapon.

A vixen asked him. "What is that?"

The male fox looked at the rifle placing the sling on his shoulder. "Remington 30-06 rifle with a scope. Humans use them for hunting wildlife. Let's leave this campsite and take the rest of that deer. One thing, remember to be nice to the human female. We only gotten one of them, the other will follow us to get her back, I would." Ken said to the vixens as they walked away thinking it's been a while since he had fresh meat. The male voxxon did like the rations when out in the field, but he prefers meat cooked over a fire back when he's hunting near his home on his home planet.

A few hours later the campsite.

John felt anger, fear and different emotions when he saw the campsite. The deer carcass was missing along with his sister and the extra ammunition for her rifle. Calming himself and looking at the campsite, he walked around examining his surroundings seeing tracks made by a type of footwear. "Ok, those canines must have taken her because those fishy fiends wear boots that leave no tread patterns." The human said to himself examining the prints seeing a tread pattern that allows no slipping.

Taking another look around, John went to a stack of large rocks. Sighing as he lifted the rocks, the human grabbed the plastic bags that contained the extra ammunition and rations. He shouldered the pack and walked down the trail and yelled. "Elizabeth, I am coming for you! To the beings who took her, I am going to track you beings down thru out this country till I find the ones responsible! You beings better not harm her or you're going to regret taking my sister! I might not have those nice weapons of you guys, but I'll take some of you beings with me! This I swear and my name is John!!!" John yelled till his voice went horse.

Voxxon base camp at the moment.

Ken watched as the camp was disassembled and the components were loaded on a cargo shuttle. A vixen walked up to him wearing the same uniform as him. "Jasmine, I am sorry, but we caught one of the humans. According to Toa, there were only two of them. The one we caught is a female. We can't find the male and we're deciding if we should stay to search for him." The fox said to the vixen.

Jasmine examined the female human looking at her long blonde hair. She noted that the human female has the same build as her. "So this is a human female, a little thin." The vixen turned to Ken. "We need your unit at the moment to help take back Utah." Jasmine cocked her head hearing Johns' yelling of how he's coming to get his sister. The vixen turned her head to the male voxxon. "You better come with me Ken; human males are very stubborn and cunning. John is going to be in a bad mood we he comes down here. I am leaving a note giving the whereabouts of his sister, by the time he gets at Salt Lake City, he might be calm down." She said feeling a respect for the human who just lost his sibling.

Toa stood nearby listening to the two unit commanders conversing. The vixen watched the mountainside feeling a shiver going down her back. She was glad that they were leaving because her friend Jasmine was right of letting the human named John time to calm down. "Boy I am glad that my body doesn't have testosterone flowing in it." Toa thought to herself as the last of the gear is loaded on the shuttle. Walking in the shuttle, the vixen watched as Jasmine pinned a note on a tree.

Voxxon camp, an hour later.

John examined the rectangular depressions on the wet ground with a lot of footprints going to the depressions. "Ok, the depressions must have been made by the landing skids of a shuttle." The human thought to himself looking around for clues spotting the note. John, your sister Elizabeth is going to the voxxon battle destroyer Windvixen. The ship is at the city of Salt Lake City Utah. You will know the ship when you see it; a shuttle flies to it once every three hours. We want to be friends with you and your sister will be treated with respect. Hope you come on our ship with good intentions and you join in our fight against the fishy bastards who desecrated your planet. Captain of the voxxon forces Jasmine."I'll think about it Jasmine, but I am still mad at the abduction of my sister." He thought to himself as he walked to his truck that he had camouflaged at a side trail.

A room on the voxxon battle destroyer Windvixen.

Elizabeth opened her eyes and gazed around the noting the room is clean looking like a room in a hospital. Sitting on a chair is an average human male with trimmed brown hair with green eyes. "Excuse me, where am I?" Asked the human female.

Jake grinned at the blonde haired female with medium blue eyes. He noted the female is the age of thirty like his voxxon mate Tifa. "This is going to take some explaining, my name is Jake. You're on a starship called the Windvixen; the starship is manned by a race called voxxons. I am a human who grew up in the city of Everett Washington. The voxxons are a race of anthropomorphic foxes." The human male explained to the female.

A memory played in her mind of what her brother said last night. "I think they're a type of canine." Her brother voice played in her mind. Elizabeth ran thoughts and realized something. "Where's my brother!?" She literally shouted the question and remembered something. "What was that yellow light?"

The human male chuckled. "I was at the receiving end of that stunning beam a couple weeks back the day after these voxxons showed up. I was trying to evade them because I didn't know what make of the voxxons. They're an old race who been in existence for the past one hundred million years." Then his mood went somber. "They watched a species go to a pre industrial existence and got wiped out by the rayox. That's those fishy bastards who took over our planet. This time, the voxxons decided that there're not going stand aside and watch another species go extinct. So they want to be our friends."

"Where's my brother, he kind of looks like you, but his eyes are hazel colored." She said to Jake. Elizabeth contained a scream when Jasmine walked in the room. The human female just stared when the vixen hugged Jake.

Jasmine looked at Elizabeth looking her over. "Your brother should be here soon because I left a note of your whereabouts. The rayoxs are a bunch you don't want to be their guests because they do nasty things to their prisoners. Trust me; you don't want me giving you the details. Your chances of survival are a lot better if you stay as our guests."

"Alright, me and my brother saw one of your people beheaded a rayox and place the head in a container" Elizabeth said to Jasmine who shook her head in reply.

Jasmine was about to say something when Jake cut in. "There are three different voxxon breeds, Jasmine here is a mountain breed and the other two are the plains type and the ocean shore. The mountain breeds like to collect trophies." He looked at Jasmine grinning. "I recall Ken carrying a portable freeze box with a rifle slung over his shoulder."

"That will be the rifle that belongs to my dad. John was sighting in the scope for our father. One thing, my brother will have two guns on him. He has an old rifle our grandfather bought from a surplus store. It's a British Enfield rife that was used during World War 2 and the other gun is a 44 mag hand gun. That rifle might be old, but I saw my brother kill twenty of those fishy bastards with it. He can hit a target up to four hundred yards with it without a scope. I myself killed fifteen of those things." Elizabeth said, but she saw Jasmine grin at the shooting skills of her brother.

"Do you want my Captain to return that rifle to you?" Asked Jasmine looking at her.

Elizabeth shook her head. "Ah no, I think I am not what you call a foot solider. I was an aircraft mechanic before all this started." Ken walked in to talk to Jasmine; the human female looked at the male voxxon noting that he stood the same height as her brother. She noted that he seem nice looking and watched as his muscles rippled under the skin tight uniform. Elizabeth felt her body temperature rise while looking at the voxxon and loving the shade of his reddish orange colored pelt and the dark blue colored eyes with catlike pupils. The human female felt her heart fluttered when he looked at her.

"I am awfully sorry that my of my soldiers stunned you. We normally use a type of gas grenade with sleep gas, but we were out of those. My name is Ken." The male voxxon said to her.

"I am Elizabeth, you can keep the gun." She scolded herself. "That's the right thing to say to him. I get all tongue tied when talking to a hunk, don't care that he's furry."

"Thanks for the gift, how about I show you around this ship?" The male voxxon asked extending a black furred hand.

Elizabeth took the hand feeling butterflies in her stomach as the strong hand grasp her. The tendons felt like steel cables as it carefully clamped around hers. She followed the male voxxon out the room.

Jasmine just stared as the door slid shut. The vixen turned to Jake who had his mouth opened. "Did that human female just fall in love with one of our males?"

Jake clamped his mouth shut and looked at the vixen. "I fell in love with you at first site." The human regained his composure and his face went serious. "We got to keep a lookout for her brother. That 44 mag shoots a pretty big bullet, but I'll be more worried about that old rifle. That Enfield shoots a 303 British, that's a 30 caliber bullet. Doesn't have the range and hitting power of a 30-06. But she said he can hit targets at four hundred yards. Yeah, I'll be more worried with that rifle than that 44 mag. If I was in charge, I'll have the shuttle pilots and the ground troops have those force fields on at all times. What's the largest and the fastest object that force field can deflect?"

"We got a hold of one of your 50 caliber guns like you put on aircraft and shot a prisoner. The prisoner lived, but a couple of his ribs broke. So if John hit's a ground trooper, the trooper will feel something like getting punched." Jasmine said to Jake and replied. "But, I am taking your suggestion regarding keeping the personal force fields on near the shuttles. He sounded pissed off when we took his sister." The vixen walks out of the room.

Jake still stayed seated on the chair thinking. "They should have waited and took the brother, but Jasmines' right. Maybe John will be calmed down by the time he gets here. What will he think about his sister falling in love with a male fox?"

The next day, Salt Lake City Utah.

"Imperial star destroyer, my sister is on an Imperial star destroyer." The human mumbled to himself looking at the large starship park over the city. A streak of gray got the attention of him. John watched as the shape gained altitude and went inside the larger ship. "Ok, just got to find the area those shuttles launch from and borrow one to get Elizabeth back."

A few hours later.

John crept quietly to the silver gray shuttle looking at the sleek lines admiring it. It took him hours to get close to this area. He had to ditch the truck, but it's hidden in an underground parking space. The human crept closer to the shuttle watching his surroundings for any signs of these new aliens who kidnapped his sister. But he's been spotted and is walking into a trap.

Watching from a nearby building, Toa sighed as the human male walked to the shuttle. The vixen admired Johns' crude attempt in rescuing his sister. "Jasmine is right, human males are stubborn because she's mated to one and learned from Jake. Kens' right, this one is easy to track, but he tries. I'll let him get to the cockpit and burst his bubble." She turned to the other vixen who's the pilot. "I'll deal with him; it takes days to acquire the skills to pilot our shuttles. Jake was a natural pilot, so I'll go get our newest guest." Toa said to the pilot.

"Remember what Jasmine said about the weapons he's carrying." The pilot said to Toa. She saw the black colored vixen nod as she silently walked to the shuttle.

Gritting his teeth, John looked at the control layout of the shuttle. There is a side stick at the side of the pilots' seat and a stick sticking out of the floor in front of the pilot. The human male recognized the controls of a helicopter. He took a deep breath and examined the flight instruments. "Ok, where's the on switch?" John muttered to himself feeling a quick movement taking his sidearm. He went to grab his rifle, but it was gone.

"It's the switch on the center console, please kindly step out of the cockpit. Flight captain Cassandra hates it when somebody screws with the settings of her seat. Plus she really hates shuttle thieves." Said a female voice behind him.

Letting out a breath, the male human got out of the cockpit seeing his rifle laying on one of the seats. He saw an all black colored anthropomorphic fox vixen pointing his 44 mag at him. John wondered how this vixen took his rifle moving it without making a sound. "Ok, all I want is my sister back and we will go back to our campsite. I don't want any trouble from the Imperial Empire." He said to the vixen earning a smirk from the vixen, plus he heard a female laugh from the outside of the shuttle.

Toa kept her discipline because she saw the Star Wars movies. "Personally, I liked episodes 4, 5, and 6. But I am still debating about 1, 2, and 3." She thought to herself and used a spare holster to holster the human firearm. The vixen heard Cassandra get on the shuttle and saw her grab the rifle stowing it a locker locking it. It's a weapons storage locker.

"I call dibs on the rifle." Toa said to the pilot earning a glare from the pilot who's a mountain breed.

"As long I can have that sidearm." Said the pilot as the vixen went in the cockpit.

"Ok, we'll trade." Toa said and turned to the human who had his hands up. "Alright John, one we're not the Imperial empire, we're the voxxon race. Two, your sister is our guest and she's doing fine. She is going to talk to our commander later tonight. So, it's for your best interest to be our guest because the beings who invaded your world don't treat their prisoners kindly. If you don't give me any troubles, you'll be seeing your sister soon." The vixen wrinkled her muzzle at a smell. "After you clean yourself up."

Sighing, John sat on one of the seats moving himself to make himself comfortable. "Are you really going to keep my weapons? I sure like to finish off these monsters off who invaded my world."

Toa grinned at the male human showing her feline like teeth. "I think you might prefer one of our weapons if you join us. They use a power cell instead of those crude powder propelled bullets. So sit still and don't cause me any trouble."

The human male noticed that the black colored vixen was different from the pilot. She had more feline like ears and thicker whiskers. One thing he noticed, her light blue eyes had round pupils of a large cat. John stayed quiet feeling the shuttle lift off.

Kens' stateroom on the Windvixen.

She had an arm draped around his neck feeling his pelt on her skin. Elizabeth pressed her body tighter against his feeling his knot work deeper inside her filling her with pleasure. "MMMmmm, this feels nice, I admit at first I was hesitant of doing this, but I love the texture of it." The human female thought to herself stroking Kens' muzzle.

The male fox sighed to himself; this is the first human female he mated with. He thought the lack of a pelt was odd, but she grew on him. Ken looked at her blue eyes and at the Earth rifle he now has hanging on the wall. "I'll mount that weapon on the wall with the skulls I collected at my home when we get back to the home world. I already have a spot picked out for the new skulls." The male fox thought to himself stroking Elizabeth's hair reminding him the color of ripe wheat. His race are omnivores eating both meat and grown foods. Voxxons did get a hold of seeds from Earth, they were careful in getting the seeds so the humans wouldn't notice any missing plants. The humans blamed the lack of a few plants to a few seeds failing to germinate. Kens' com unit started to make its chirping sound, by the sound of the ring, he knew it was Tifa calling. "What's wrong Tifa?" Ken asked feeling his penis sliding in it's sheathe.

"Toa just captured John; he was trying to steal one of our shuttles. I think he was going to storm the ship to get his sister back from us. He's either really brave or stupid in pulling off a stunt like this. I admit, I am really looking forward in talking to him." Said Tifas' voice from the com unit.

Elizabeth sighed feeling really angry and glad that her brother is unharmed. "He could have waited another two hours before pulling this stunt." She said in a venomous tone.

Ken looked at the human female sitting on his bed naked. He gazed at her lean body eyeing the light tanned skin and her naked medium size breasts with small areolas. The male voxxon felt his penis unsheathed feeling the cool air on it. "When do you what me to come at your office?"

"You can show up in one hour, our new guest needs to bathe according to Toa. He's not as bad as those insurgent members we have been recruiting." Tifa said from the com device...

Elizabeth stayed quiet looking at her lover. She smiles when she saw the Voxxons' penis unsheathed. The human female found male voxxon anatomy rather interesting. "So, how much trouble is my baby brother in?" Elizabeth asked earning a chuckle from Ken as he crawled back in bed.

"He's not in to much trouble, our commander or my CO wants to talk to him. So we must finish this in forty five minutes." He gently said thrusting himself in the female human feeling the warm wetness engulfing his member. The male voxxon heard Elizabeth moaned with pleasure as he impaled her.

Tifas' office, forty five minutes later.

Tifa watched as the door to her office open letting in a male human with two vixens. She recognized Toa and Cassandra who is one of her shuttle pilots. The vixen directed her gaze to the male human who looked like her mate Jake who should be here in a few minutes. Being that her mate is on a patrol and Jasmine should be here at the same time. She knew that Jasmine would be at the hanger to greet Jake.

Toa walked up placing two Earth weapons on her desk making her glace at them. She did see the rifle Ken took from the female. It had a black rubberized stock and had a gray finish with a scope on it. But this weapon was beautiful in her opinion. With it was a smaller one being chrome in color with the same handle as the other rifle.

Jasmine walked in with Jake who looked at the weapons with interest. Jake picked up the rifle doing a quick check making sure that there are no rounds in it. He resumed his inspection looking the weapon over. "Enfield rifle, made in 1943, a number 4 mark 1. I don't have my book on me to see what arms place in England made it. Savage armory made some in the United States, but this is a British made one. Some countries still use this rifle; I think the older rifles are the neatest looking ones by their lines."

Tifa nodded in agreement resume her inspection of the British rifle looking at how the varnished wood covered the top of the barrel till a few inches from the end of the barrel. The vixen picked it up noting it was heavier than the one Ken showed her yesterday. She examined the bolt action noting that the barrel, magazine, and the metal parts were black and placed it back on her desk. Glancing, Tifa picked up the hand gun and looked at the chrome finish with the same handles as the newer rifle. A noise had gotten the vixen attention as Toa placed a couple of bullets on her desk. She picked up the wider and shorter one seeing that it was a hollow point and she looked at the rifle round that looked like the one she saw yesterday.

Jake saw her looking at the 303 British round and placed a 30-06 round next to it. The human male was given one by Ken who is a friend of his. "The 30-06 is a little longer than the 303 British." He said to the vixen.

"That shorter round that goes in that sidearm is nasty looking. I can tell that it expands when it hits something." Tifa said looking at the hollow nose of the bullet.

"You should see what happens to a fish helmet when I nail it with this gun. It explodes sending pieces everywhere. This is a 44 mag, the most powerful handgun in the world. You can crack an engine block, go ahead, make my day." John said in an imitation of Clint Eastwood. He heard a laugh from Jasmine.

Sighing to herself to keep herself from laughing, Tifa remembered the movie Dirty Harry. The vixen did a grin remembering the time her and mother saw the movie. "Alright John, it's time we have a talk. You tried to steal one of my shuttles, if you managed to get it airborne, then you had to mange a landing. Then you had to search two thousand feet of battle cruiser with twelve decks to find your sister while avoiding thousands of my people. I think you wouldn't make out of the hanger before you were captured. This ship has a high percentage of mountain breeds; they make up twenty percent of the crew. They just love fighting and tracking their targets." She said and saw Jasmine, Toa and Cassandra grinning.

"I just want my sister returned to me." John said to the vixen and heard the door slide open with footsteps approaching.

"Little brother, I want to stay with these voxxons. Ken here just told me what happens to humans who get captured by the rayox. Take my advice and listen to these voxxons, they speak the truth and want to be our friends. As you noticed, they have some humans living on this ship. They have a tendency of rescuing humans from areas that have a high population of rayoxs'. I was rescued from that mountain by Kens' unit, so just listen to them, but I am staying here on this ship." Elizabeth said looking at her brother.

Sighing, John looked over to Jake who nodded. The human male looked at the vixen that name was Jasmine who looked like Cassandra, but Cassandra has dirty blonde head hair. He looked at Toa and at Tifa, then Ken. "Ok, tell me about those fishy bastards who invaded my world." John heard a chuckle from Jasmine.

Ken cleared his throat and told John what happens to the Raynoxs prisoners. The male fox saw Johns' face lose color and watched as he regained his composure. "I am telling you the truth human, they butcher their prisoners and eat the flesh. They did it to us thirty years ago when they picked a fight with us. The planetary council put an end of the war we had with them because we were close to totally defeating them."

"Why did it take two months for you voxxons to show up?" Asked John feeling the sickness leaving his body. He decided that he will fight to get his planet back and decide from there.

"We had to get permission from the planetary council to take this planet from the Raynox. Plus we had to immunize our race from human diseases. I myself personally don't like the council because they're soft and can't stand to get their paws dirty. Like to see them at the receiving end of an invasion and see how fast they to start calling for help." Ken said in an angry tone. He heard a chuckle from Jasmine, Cassandra and Toa. He saw that Tifa was sitting still and keeping her muzzle shut.

"Alright, I know that you mountain breeds don't like the planetary council. But we half to follow the rules." Tifa said and directed her gaze at John. "What am I going to do with you?" The vixen said to him and thought for a second. "I have one room left near the pilots' staterooms. I am going to place you there so my pilots can keep an eye on you. If you want to keep fighting, I'll have Jasmine place you with her platoon." She saw John nodding in agreement.

A couple of days later South of Sandy Utah.

John stood next to a couple of vixens looking at a group of Raynoxs walking toward their position. He's still feeling mixed emotions of his sister falling in love with Ken. "I can't believe that my sister is dating Fox Mc cloud. Elizabeth, are you a furry and didn't tell me. I admit some of those vixens are cute, but they're critters." The human shudders putting the voxxon rifle to his shoulder. John really like the weapon because it's half the weight of the British rifle he used, but now his favorite rifle is hanging on the wall of Toas' stateroom. Gritting his teeth, he saw that the Raynoxs were four hundred yards away. Using his sharp eyesight, the human pulled the trigger watching as the laser bolt nailed the Raynox in the head spraying pieces everywhere. "Totally lost his mind, gosh, his head exploded." John said in an aristocrat tone in his voice, earning a couple of laughs in the com circuit.

"Nice shot John, it didn't see that coming. You totally messed his day up giving him a splitting headache." Said Jasmine earning more laughs.

Chuckling, the human sighted on another and pulled the trigger causing the second one to lose his head. John was aiming at a third and watched as the Raynox force collapsed on the ground. "What the heck?" He asked on the circuit.

"All units stand down, this is happening all over the planet. Plus their ships are crashing all over the planet." Jasmine said over the command channel.

Looking at the sky, John saw as A Raynox ship crash on the ground nearby. He heard Jakes' report of the ship crashing.

Hour's later, Windvixen hanger bay, night time.

Glancing out of the portal for launching shuttles, John saw fireworks shot in the air exploding along with night wings streaking by shooting their laser cannons. He sighed looking at the City of Salt Lake. The city was hardly damaged by the invasion and the human saw that the lights to the city were on. "Alright, what do I do now?" John said out loud looking at the city. A black furred hand grabbed his shoulder causing him to jump.

"Well, you can go with me at my home world. We do have some humans living there. I am not mad at you for trying to steal my shuttle." Cassandra said to the human looking at him.

Conflicting thoughts went thru Johns' mind as he looked at the vixen with long dirty blonde head hair. He heard of his sister living with Ken and they're going to have the ships' captain do the mating ceremony tomorrow. "Tomorrow, I'll have Fox Mc cloud a brother in-law." The human thought to himself looking at the blue cat like eyes of Cassandra.

The vixen stroked his chin with her slim hand. "Well, Ken did tell you that we fought the Raynox thirty years ago. There was a price, we lost a lot of our males and the gender ratio is not normal. A male has to live with three females, but some of the females go to live with other species. Toas' mother was a mountain breed who went to live with a male Jaguar. Even thou she is more like a feline, she's counted as a mountain breed. Ken does have two mates and your sister understands his situation. So, how about you spend one night with me and see if you want to be with us." Cassandra said to John.

He looked at her deciding that she seems cute wearing a light blue flight suit with the zipper partway down showing her cleavage. John sighed putting an arm around her and let her lead him away to her stateroom. "I notice that you mountain breeds have a different pelt pattern, but you seem to be the only mountain breed who's a pilot." The human male said to Cassandra.

"I use to be a platoon leader like Jasmine, but I was shot in the right knee by a Raynox a couple of years ago at a spaceport at another planet. Jasmine fought Tifa to keep me as part of her team, so after my knee was replaced, I became her shuttle pilot." Cassandra said to the human remembering Jasmine killing the Raynox in question with her bare hands. Then Jasmines' father decapitating the Raynox with a Claymore he had made for him after he saw the movie A Knights Tale. When Jasmine was killing the Raynox, her father had a smile of pride. "I and Jasmine are what you humans call cousins. We do stuff together during leave."

John flinched at the mention of getting shot in the knee. He had a female cousin who had to get her left knee replaced and it took her almost four months to recover. Conflicting thoughts went thru his mind as he went the passageway to Cassandra's' stateroom.

A few minutes later, the couple entered the stateroom. During the few days on this starship he noticed that the pilots and troops rooms were close to the hanger bays. "So the pilots only have a short distance to run to the hangers." The male human thought to himself watching as the vixen removed her flight suit and saw his 44 mag revolver hanging on the wall.

Cassandra removed all her clothing exposing her slim stacked body. The vixen rubbed her large breasts and undid Johns' pants pulling down his boxer shorts. Jasmine told her how different a humans' anatomy is compared to a male voxxon. Voxxons' weren't shy of describing details a bout stuff like this. She looked at the organ and placed Johns' hands on her breasts. Cassandra saw as the human organ went erect and grew larger. "Ok, my cousin is right, this is different. I did see a few Earth pornos of how human males like this." The vixen thought to herself and engulfs the organ in her muzzle drawing suction.

John sucked his breath thru his teeth making a hissing sound as Cassandra gave him oral sex. He gets pushed on to the bed and lies on the bed with Cassandra now lying on his legs. Fine hair tickled his legs with her firm large breasts pressing on his thighs. The vixens' crotch area is at his right shin. He felt her rubbing his shin and the area on his shin getting wet.

A minute later, she stopped and cleaned her mouth out grinning at him. John is still lying on the bed as the vixen walked on the bed. She carefully lowered herself on his member. The male human looked at black colored human like vagina touching the tip of his member. He watched as his member slides inside the black colored lips hearing the vixen whimper as something tears inside her. "She was a virgin?" The human thought to himself looking at the white line in her reddish orange pelt on her right knee.

He looks up to her and rubbed her large reddish orange colored breasts with black nipples poking thru the pelt. John shuddered as the vixen ran her claws gently on his body not scratching his skin. The vixen shifted herself so that she is laying on his body press her body on him gazing at him extending her right leg so that it's straight.

Now the human male is looking at blue cat like eyes with long blonde hair on his face. "Alright, now do you want to go to my home world?" Cassandra asked him tightening her vaginal muscles on his member.

John gasped and hugged her feeling her back muscles that felt steel cables. "Man, she's good shape, I better say yes." He thought to himself and nodded.

The vixen gave him a kiss and stroked his hair. "Let's finish this." She said and yells as she orgasm.

Minutes later, he ejaculated and hugged the vixen feeling her furry body pressing on him. "That was nice, I rather enjoyed it." The human thought to himself and stroked her blonde hair giving her a kiss. "So, do you want to join my sister and become mates with me?" John asked Cassandra making her eyes go wide.

The vixen placed a hand on his face feeling the smooth skin. She felt the human organ go soft in her and slip out her vaginal canal. "Sure, but you still have to get initiated in to my family. Your sister doesn't have to go thru it because she's a female. Jake already went thru it, so if you still want to be my mate, you half to go thru that. Are you sure you want to be my mate?" Cassandra asked John.

He nodded fondling the vixen furry breasts feeling his penis getting hard again. John sighed using a hand working his member inside the vixen.

Cassandra grinned giving John a kiss holding his head gazing at his hazel colored eyes seeing flecks of yellow and green in the irises. She knew that she's one year younger than the human. "Well my mate, we'll go talk to the captain tomorrow and when we go back to my world, well go thru the initiation. You better talk to Ken when you can so you know what to expect. So let's another round shall we"

John hugged the vixen inhaling her scent deciding that he's going to enjoy living with Cassandra on her home world.

One month later, Voxxon home world, main space station.

John followed Cassandra with a pack on his back. Ken was walking near him with Elizabeth holding the male Voxxons' hand. The male fox became like a brother to him. "He still reminds me of Fox Mc cloud." The human thought to himself.

Ken playfully slapped the human on the back replying. "Don't worry John, Caesar will like you. He's really a nice fellow; I just can't tell you what he's going to do. The females don't do the initiation because they're..." He looks at Elizabeth and Cassandra giving him looks. "It's a secret."

The human let out a breath seeing Jasmine, Tifa and a tall vixen walking with Jake. "Am I going to live with three vixens?" John questioned himself as he walked to a shuttle port.

Opening the airlock, Ken gestured everyone to the shuttle. John sat next to Cassandra and noticed his sister across from him. Elizabeth grinned at him and looked at the vixen fidgeting. "I guess she doesn't like being a passenger, she prefers doing the flying little brother." She teased at him.

"I flew this model once, it's gutless and it has bad handling." Cassandra answered as the shuttle left the station. She rubbed her right knee sighing. "I hate flying to the planet, my knee throbs. No, we don't have a transporter that is a technology that's impossible. We tried for it ten thousand years ago and only gotten as far as doing cargo. You can't transport living or organic stuff. Did try transporting a Borson, the results were very messy. We tried for that technology for years and ended up with a very high energy draining way of transporting cargo from the planet to our ships and space stations. Using shuttles is simple and they use less energy than energy guzzling transporter. So trying for that technology was shelved and exploration went to priority and building better ships."

"I can't believe that our germs killed the Raynoxs." Elizabeth said looking at the view of the planet.

"When we find a planet with intelligent life, we explore the planet with full containment suits taking air samples. Then we do a test to see if the bacteria can harm us. According to the PhD's and doctors, it was the Bubonic and some other illnesses that killed the Raynox on Earth. That's what you get for eating raw and under cooked flesh from a diseased source." Ken did an apologizing look at the humans. "I don't say all humans are diseased, but when I hunt I look the prey over for signs of illness so I don't get ill. You must check out a deer before you shot it." The male fox said to John who nodded as the shuttle thumped as it landed.

The two foxes and humans exited the shuttle started walking down a trail. John heard the sound of the shuttle taking off. He looked at his surroundings seeing that the scenery reminded of Bridger Valley of Wyoming. "I wished I had my truck that was a 1979 Chevy ¾ ton." The human said to the group.

Ken chuckled slapping the human on the shoulder playfully. "The inhabitants of Salt Lake City are using it because it's so easy to work on. Most of the vehicles were destroyed along with electronics making newer vehicles operate. Jakes' 1991 Ford trucks' fuel injection system quit working during the take over. The computers that were turned off are ok, but it is going to take years to fix all the stuff that was destroyed."

"I am more of a Chevy guy, to me, Fords cost to much money to fix because the parts are expensive. In my opinion, I prefer the older vehicles, less stuff to break on them." John said to his brother in-law admiring the forest view from the trail.

Beside him, Cassandra ran thoughts thru her mind. The day before, Jasmine and Tifa went planet side to talk to Jasmines father. The older male fox is the patriarch of his family and Cassandra's' uncle. "What does he have in store for John?" She thought to herself as a large log house came in view.

A few minutes later, John is looking at a group of foxes looking at him. At the head of the group is a short lean male staring at him. "That is one tough looking Voxxon, I better not call this one Fox Mc cloud or he might beat the shit out of me." Thought the human male.

Cassandra walked up to the male Voxxon giving him a hug. "Hi Uncle Caesar, this is my mate John."

The male Voxxon returned the hug and looked at the chrome weapon holstered on his nieces' waist doing a gesture. He looked at the hand gun and spun the cylinder giving it back to her. "The Dirty Harry gun, I loved that movie." Caesar said with a grin and looked at John resuming his green eye stare at the human. "My daughter Jasmine is mated to the human warrior Jake and now my niece is mated to you. Jasmine told me that you tried to rescue your sister from her ship. Hhmmm, that says that you're very stubborn, resourceful and that you don't give up when a sibling is in trouble. Means that your initiation has to be different from Jakes'." Scratching his left ear with part of it missing, the male fox closed his eyes for a minute and opened them grinning. "Ah, ha, I have the perfect initiation for you. You shall go hunt a Borson tonight with only this." Caesar said grabbing a weapon off the wall behind him tossing it to John.

John catches the weapon examining it; the Voxxons called it something else. But to the human it looked like a naginata. "A Japanese blade weapon on a handle." The human thought to himself looking at the other Voxxons. He directed his gaze at the wall seeing other weapons decorating the walls. On the walls, John saw different types of swords made thru out the Medieval times in Europe. "Plus some from the time of the Vikings, but my brother in-law seems to like Japanese weapons." He thought to himself seeing a long sword on Caesars' waist. The human studied different swords knowing the two handed sword with the cross shape hilt. "Caesar has a sword called a Claymore, a Scottish made sword. But he must have seen a movie that the hero was using one. Cassandra did tell me that the Voxxons did get some of Earths' movies on DVD and VHS. I wonder what they think of the Star Wars movies?" Thought John as he turned his attention to the male fox. "Alright, I'll do that hunt, because I really love Cassandra."

The male Voxxon nodded doing a gesture. A male and Toa grabbed him dragging him closer to Caesar. He is forced to his knees as the leader to the family walked up to him kneeling grabbing his chin making him look at those green eyes. "Good, my other niece Toa told me how good of shoot you are with that old rifle you used for killing our enemies. The galactic council might have said that the last war ended thirty years ago, but those fishy bastards almost wiped out our breed. We counted the debt unpaid, but now that their Earth invasion was wiped out with help from you humans. The debt has been paid by them, so instead of fighting you one on one combat with blade weapons, I'll have you go on a hunt and bring me a Borson head and then, you'll be part of my family."

John felt his Earth clothing get ripped off him down to his bare skin. Toa tied only a lion cloth on him running a hand on his ass. "Hhmm, I just might ask Cassandra if I can join your family. I know you will succeed, because you're stubborn and you try no matter how bad the odds against you." The black colored vixen said to the human leading him to another room.

A few seconds later, the human is alone in the room with Toa. Finally, he a good look of the vixen hearing that her father was a black colored jaguar. John knew that she's different from other voxxons.

She has a slim athletic body compared to Cassandra's' average one. Toas' muzzle structure is the same, but she has sharp feline teeth with thick whiskers. "I will be kind to you and do sex with you, but I am not going to lick you in some areas due to the chances of injuring your skin. My father gave me a feline tongue." The vixen said to him and gave him a lick on his hand.

John felt the rough feline tongue rasp on his cheek. His parents always had cats when he was growing up remembering the cats licking his hands feeling the rough surface tongue. The human shuddered as those light blue eyes looked him over and a slim black hand touches his chin. John relaxed as the vixen left the room, noting that she has a sweet odor compared to the musk odor to the other Voxxons. "What do I do now?" He asked Toa.

The vixen turned to him before opening the door. "I'll get a few hours of sleep before night time. When it gets dark, Caesar will get you to start the hunt." She said as she opened the door and walked out closing the door.

The human sighed and sat down on the floor leaning against the log wall hugging his knees. He closed his eyes thinking that earlier this day he gave the keys of his truck to a guy at Salt Lake City Utah on the planet Earth. John couldn't believe that now, he's on another planet across the universe. Sleep claimed the human due the distance he traveled.

That night, a distance from the cabin.

John looked at the sky glancing at the stars and seeing their reflections on the ice chunks orbiting the planet. He found the view beautiful and unique. The human male shivered as a gust of wind blew on him. "Ok, a Borson looks like a mix of a bear and wild hog. But the size of a bear." John thought to himself holding the Voxxon hand weapon. He knew if he doesn't get the head, he will fail the initiation and not get placed in the family.

An hour later, deeper in the woods the human heard a grunting sound. In the light of the two moons, he saw a familiar movement of a silhouelitte lumbering fifty yards from him. John sneaked closer to the movement. The human felt his skin crawled as the movement stopped and faced him. He saw a grayish black fur of the predator with a bear head with tusks on each side of the muzzle. "Looks like the offspring mating of a bear and boar." John mused to himself as the thing charged at him.

He avoids the swipe of the paw doing a dodge maneuver feeling a slight breeze of the limbs movement. The human stabbed at the Borson feeling a paw strike the handle knocking it out of his hand. John dove at the weapon recovering it rolling his body to avoid the beast charging him.

The Borson stood on its hind legs letting out a sound like an enraged pig squeal and bear roar. It went to throw its weight to crush the human.

John brought up the blade of the Voxxon weapon bracing the handle to the ground. He rolled at the last second hearing the weapon going in to the beasts' chest area. It let out a last strange sound spraying blood on Johns' face as it died. The human grunted and pushed as he managed to roll the carcass pulling the weapon out of the body. It took awhile pulling the bladed weapon out of the Borson.

A few minutes later, he was looking at the beast. John being a Native American descendent placed his fingers in the wound marking his face with the blood. The human decapitated the Borson lifting the huge head and did a Sioux war cry as loud as he can.

The cabin.

Cassandra looked at Elizabeth who is talking to Ken. The vixen heard a strange yell from the outside. She saw the human female stiffens and her face go pale. "What was that?" The vixen asked out loud.

"That's my brother doing a yell. He just killed something." Elizabeth said looking at Caesar. The male fox is grinning looking at the other Voxxons.

A few minutes later, the cabin door opened and John walked in covered in dark red blood carrying the Voxxon weapon. He placed the freshly severed head on the floor in front of Caesar. The human shrugged and used a rag to clean off the weapon.

Caesar looked at the head and at the human cleaning the weapon. The male fox decided that he will add this human to the list of humans he will call a friend. "Cassandra, take him to the baths to clean him off. He is now part of this clan and family." He said as the blonde head hair vixen leads him away. Toa stood up and followed the couple. "You want to be one of his mates?" Caesar asked the black colored vixen who nodded. The male fox nodded and looked at the head on the floor in front of him. "Rudi, go clean the skull of this head and place it over there." He said to one of the males looking at his clan seeing his daughter Jasmine to his right. "So my daughter, wasn't that great entertainment tonight?"

The vixen with brown head hair with white streaks shrugged. "At least you didn't challenge him to a fight like you did Jake."

"I was in a playful mood that day, didn't feel like fighting someone today." He stretches himself and sighs looking at the torches lighting the long cabin gazing at the different weapons and skulls hanging off the walls. "Looks like Toa want to be Johns' mate. Our clan just has gotten more interesting." Caesar said to Jasmine who nodded.

The bath area of the Voxxon cabin.

John shuddered as the two vixens removed the loincloth. He looked at the torches lighting the bath area with a young red head hair vixen placing blocks of wood in a boiler. "Their space technology is millions of years a head of us humans, but these mountain breeds live like Norsemen or Vikings." John thought to himself as he went in the bath feeling the hot water on his body.

Toa and Cassandra did the rock paper scissors with their hands. Cassandra stuck her tongue at Toa who had rock with Cassandra having scissors while walking out the bath with the younger vixen. The vixen grinned a feline grin removing her skins exposing her athletic body and hugged the human from behind after she went in the bath.

The human male knew who was hugging him because of the size of the breasts pressing against his back. He felt a familiar feline tongue lick his right ear. "So, I take it that Cassandra said yes." Replied John as Toa turned him around making him sit on an underwater stool.

The vixen grinned at the human sitting on Johns' lap facing him. "I knew you were going to succeed. You're stubborn and you don't give up. If all humans were like you and Jake, the out come would have been different."

"We might have held them off longer instead of two days. I am curious, how old are you?" He asked the vixen stroking the medium size breasts with pink nipples poking thru the black colored pelt.

"Now females count that question rude, but you're being polite. I am the same age as Cassandra, but I am a month older than her. Now relax, I won the contest and I am going to enjoy my winnings. One thing, I am a little different than Cassandra down there." Toa said standing up and moved closer to John.

John knew large feline anatomy as he did a closer examination of Toas' private area. The vixen has a feline vulva of a large cat, he found this different. "One other thing she inherited from her father." He thought to himself as the vulva is lowered to his organ. The human shuddered as the warm wetness engulfed his member.

Toa hugged the human feeling the strange textured organ inside her. She was careful as she licked the humans' face because she didn't want to injure his skin. Using her hands, the vixen massaged parts of Johns' upper body because she did hunt the Borson before.

He felt rather relaxed because he's in a really warm bath and a sexy feline/vixen hybrid is having sexual intercourse with him. A month ago he found the thought revolting because his sister is seeing Ken. But Cassandra talked to him about giving her a chance. It was unlucky attempts in finding love with human females that made him cave in to try fur over bare skin. John has had a total of five relationships that ended with break ups. "Now I am with two females at the same time, but Voxxon law says that I got to live with three. Who is going to be the third?" The human thought to himself hearing Toa yell as she orgasm.

The vixen shuddered as Johns' hands massaged her breasts. She felt him move his hands to the sides of her head and look at her.

John looked at her blue eyes and gave her a kiss. He looked at her long raven black head hair fanning out while it floated on the water. The human leaned against the edge of the bath as he enjoyed this session of sex with Toa. Minutes later, John emptied inside her and gasps feeling his body relaxes. The events of this night has been thru has finally caught up to him as he fell asleep.

Toa shrugged looking at the unconscious human with a look of amusement. "Must have been too much for him. Oh well, better get Cassandra to carry him to his assigned room." The vixen thought to herself getting out of the bath.

Later, Johns' assigned room.

He awoke feeling a hand stroke his chin. John looked at the young vixen with long red colored head hair. "Who are you?" The human asked the vixen.

She grinned at him pressing her body against him. "I am Tula, Cassandra's' younger sister and your third mate. Don't worry, I am twenty seasons old." The vixen said to the human grinning.

John felt his body gets rolled on his back realizing that he's naked. The cover falls off revealing the petite body of Tula. He looks at the body seeing that she has the same breast size as Toa. "Ok, twice in one night." The human thought to himself looking at the dark blue cat like eyes of the young vixen. John felt the familiar wetness engulfing his member.

Epilogue, one year later. Voxxon home world near Caesars' cabin.

Looking at the lake grinning, John thinks' of the last year events. The rebuilding of Earths' infrastructure is proceeding at a good pace. He did visit the planet a couple of months ago. Tula is the only of his who is expecting and a month ago, his sister Elizabeth gave birth to a vixen. A noise got the humans' attention.

"I would like to try this fishing you keep telling about." Replied Ken holding a couple of fishing poles.

John chuckled knowing that the poles the male Voxxon has were the ones him and his sister were using. He walked up to his brother in-law grinning. "No problem, I hope you have some bait with you." The human said to the male fox. "He stills remind me of Fox Mc cloud." John thought to himself as the human and the male fox walked to the lake shore.


Will return to this at a later date. RAVEN FOX :) Next Story Tales of a changed Earth 7.5 ** **