Vince's Diaper Night

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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This was a quick request from my friend batistafan2003, this story may not be to everyone's tastes so you may want to look at the tags.

Vince the Flareon is just traveling through a forest looking for another Pokemon, until he takes a rest where he meets a suspicious quilava.

I hope you all enjoy, I would love to hear what you think of the story! ^^

Vince sighed as he walked through the forest, he had been walking for a couple of days now and hadn't been able to find an exit yet. He was starting to lose hope, "I guess I'll be spending another night out here..." The Flareon muttered as he gathered some sticks and propped them up into a pile, as he set the sticks on fire, Vince laid down and set his head on his forepaws.

The Flareon had gone into the forest to look for a Glaceon who had gone missing a week prior, but had found nothing of the ice type, Vince had decided that he would head back for the week and come back later. But now the Flareon was as lost as the Glaceon had been, "I hope I'll be able to get out of here soon..." He muttered dejectedly, as he laid there he listened to the popping of the fire and looked deep into the flames letting his body relax.


A few feet away from the fire a quilava walked through the forest with a harem of odd diapered Pokémon behind him walked through the forest, the quilava at the head of the group who wore a blue diaper with red stripes on it had a pink flame burning on his back as a Pikachu sniffed at his diapered butt, Rusty grinned at his slave. "Having fun back there Diaper Slut Pikachu?"

Pikachu grinned up at his master, his diaper sopping from a mixture of cum and other wastes, "Yes master!"

Rusty chuckled as they walked further, as he walked into a clearing he froze as he noticed a fire in the distance; a mischievous grin appeared on his face. He turned around and looked at his harem, "All of you hide in the forest now." All of his slaves looked sad for a moment before they all slunk into the forest, Rusty pulled a pair of shorts out of a bag slung over his shoulder and pulled them over his diaper.

He then approached the Flareon who was relaxing by the fire; he put on a kind smile and called out to the resting Pokémon. "Hello my fine Flareon! Beautiful night, isn't it?"

The Flareon popped his head up in a confused motion, "Oh... yes, I guess it is..."


Vince looked at the quilava who approached him, he noticed that the other fire type had a bag slung over his shoulder. "What are you doing in this forest?" He questioned the quilava who chuckled.

"Well my new friend, I am here as a salesman." The quilava said as he walked up to the fire and smiled cheerfully at Vince.

Suspicion was immediate as Vince heard this, "A salesman... at night... in a forest?"

The quilava chuckled, "I know it sounds shady, but I promise you my friend. I really am a salesman, my name is Rusty and I'm here to sell you something that every Pokémon needs." When Vince said nothing, Rusty continued on with his pitch, "I'm here to sell you a pair of..." He pulled out a box of diapers, "Adult diapers!"

Vince immediately jumped up and glared at the quilava, "Alright cut the crap. What are you really here for?"

The quilava sighed, "Looks like you won't come easily..." His back then ignited in vibrant pink flames, "Let's fight!" Vince jumped back as Rusty used brick break on the spot where he had been just a moment before; Rusty grimaced as the shorts that he wore constricted him. He held up a paw, "Give me a moment please..." The quilava ripped off his shorts to reveal diapers underneath.

A moment of awkward silence ensued, Vince pointed to the diapers, "Are you wearing... diapers?"

Rusty chuckled and nodded as he turned around and waved his butt at the Flareon, "Oh yes, they're very nice for battles."

Vince grimaced, "You're one weird quilava; now let's finish this battl... urg!" He grunted as he was hit in the side by an electric punch, he slid across the ground as his body stiffened up. A Pikachu pulled back his fist as he smiled at his master who nodded in appreciation to the diapered Pokémon.

"Now... I think it's about time for you to have a new pair of diapers on..." The quilava pulled out a box of diapers and approached the fallen Flareon who struggled, as grinned as he saw the Pokémon's sheathe and bent near it. Rusty smiled as he stroked Vince's sheathe, "I can't wait to see this little piece poking out of your new diaper..."

Vince was able to look at the quilava in shock, "Wha... what do you think you're doing?! I'm not a gay Pokémon, and I won't ever be!"

The quilava chuckled as he slipped a pink diaper over the flareon's legs, as they slid over his crotch he lightly patted the crotch area. "Oh don't you worry, these diapers will handle that just fine Flareon."

Vince shivered as he felt the other male's paw patting his dick, "S... stop that!" As the prone Pokémon laid on the ground, the quilava's harem of gay Pokémon came out of the woods. One of them being a Glaceon with another pair of pink diapers, Vince was shocked, "Wait... are you the glaceon that I'm looking for?!"

The glaceon didn't say anything as he approached Vince and started to lick around the bit where his asshole would be, a Umbreon with rainbow circles approached and turned around and started to wave his dirtied ass in front of the flareon's face, Vince nearly gagged as the smell of soiled diapers filled his nose. "Get that away from me!"

What the Flareon didn't notice was that his regular red fur was becoming a bright shade of pink, his cock was also starting to stir within its sheathe as he was pampered. Rusty smiled malevolently as the front of his diapers yellowed, "Hey Flareon, do you want some juice?" Before Vince could question what the quilava meant he found a urine stained crotch being shoved into his mouth, he went for as long as he could to not taste it but after a while he had to swallow and found the repulsive taste of urine filing his mouth.

Vince's subconscious was starting to get worn down as his diapers started to affect his mind, his cock was starting to go erect as he tasted the piss of his fellow Pokémon. Usually a very straight Pokemon, the Flareon started to find images of diapered male erect Pokemon slipping into his mind. Smells and tastes were filling his nostrils and tongue as they were imprinted upon his brain, a suction started to form upon Rusty's diaper as Vince started to suck on the other Pokemon's cock.

A grin crossed Rusty's face as the Flareon started to falter, the pink fur was now up to his neck as his cock pushed up against the softness of the diaper. As if he had taken a laxative, Vince felt the sudden urge to go to the bathroom. He tried to resist the urge but then Rusty leaned in erotically and started to whisper to him, "Why not let go Flareon? You're wearing a diaper, what could it possible hurt to use your diaper? Look, everyone else is doing it..."

Vince looked around him and saw that the other Pokemon surrounding him, were indeed wearing diapers, as the memory of normal Pokemon not wearing diapers was submerged a satisfied smile passed over his face. If everyone else is doing it, why can't I? Vince questioned himself as the bottom of his diaper started to stain brown, the glaceon barked in happiness as the suddenly smelly bottom of the diaper and started to nuzzle the diaper.

Rusty leaned into Vince's face and smiled, "Hey Flareon, why don't you just let go? You know how good it's feeling to be a gay diaper slut; you won't have to worry about free will anymore. You'll also have all of the men that you want..." Vince realized this was very sound thinking as spirals appeared in his eyes and rapidly spread out, Rusty... his master turned around and held out of his stained diaper to his face. "Kiss my butt Flareon, and leave behind all of those nasty thoughts that you've ever had."

Vince smelled the smell of shit drifting from the other Pokemon and he had to admit, it smelled very pleasureable, he then leaned in and kissed the ass of his master. As the Flareon did so, he lost all bladder and bowel control. His face became completely satisfied as his diaper became soiled, the Flareon had gone from being normal to being a pink gay diaper wearing slut in a matter of minutes.

Rusty turned around and smiled at his newest slave, "How does it feel Flareon?" Flareon smiled at his master, shuddering as he came, Rusty leaned over and winked erotically. "How about we all have a little... fun?"

Flareon grew aroused almost immediately along with the rest of the diapered slaves, Rusty chuckled. "Alright, well let's have it right here. There's a nice fire and everything..." The diapered slaves gathered around their master and moments later, there was a stinky orgy happening in the middle of the forest with the sounds of happy gay Pokémon.