WIP:More Than Friends: Chapter 1

Story by Rogal Ursus on SoFurry

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#5 of Random Fiction

Ok. So I had the day from hell today. After dinner, I downed probably 1L of Coke Classic, as well as 2 anti-nauseants(Which knock me out). So it's after 2AM on the East Coast of the US and my brain decides "Ok. You are in a pharmecutical haze. Let's get you out of bed and see if we can get some of those dreams in your subconsious out. This is a result of that. If you like, please let me know. Would also love advice on what species to make the characters. Now that I have it out of my head for a while. I might develop the story a little more. This is not really a yiffy story. It's more of an intro. If i decide to continue, I will probably add a yiffy scene.

More Than Friends

In the foothills of the Timo Mountains, there stood the village of Chyel. A simple village, that it appeared that time forgot. People farmed, made clothing and other goods, in the olde ways. Of course, everyone knew about Kiel. Kiel was considered quite an odd person. He mostly stayed in his house reading books and other things. Occasionally he would emerge, his appearance always proper in contrast to his quiet personality. His only friend in the village was Tyre.

Kiel had saved Tyre's life several months ago. To hear others tell the story made Kiel out to be some big burly warrior type. This is further from the truth. Kiel is about 6 foot tall and kind of chubby. Most time, nose always in a book. Only Tyre and Kiel know the true story, which is where we begin.

Tyre woke up that morning, eager for adventure. Today was the day that he would go hunting. His hunts in the forests surrounding the village always yielded something delicious for his family. On a few occasions, he managed to kill a large animal like a bear, or a mountain cat to bring back for food. On this day, he gathered up his supplies, including his rifle, bow and quiver and provisions. Most hunts, he would be gone for a week or more and he didn't want to take any chances. Before he left the village, he stopped by Kiel's place to say hi.

Kiel was sitting in his study when a knock at the door was heard. "Come in," he stated happily. He saw the light stream in and there was Tyre entering his study. "Hello Tyre. I take it today is the hunt. Are you ready for another successful trip?"

Tyre smiled and chuckled. He always enjoyed seeing Kiel. He couldn't understand why the others in the village said he was weird. To him, Kiel seemed rather nice, polite and somewhat handsome. "Yes my friend. There have been reports of several large bears in the upper forests near the mountains. I will probably start there. I will see you later my friend." He turned to leave and walked out the door, closing it softly.

Kiel smiled. It was always a tradition for Tyre to visit him before hunts. Kiel felt more than just friendship for Tyre. He contemplated it for a while and realized that he was starting to grow quite fond of him. His thoughts were interrupted by a boom of thunder and darkness creeping over the village. Kiel smiled. "It is time," he thought. Gathering his overcoat and gloves, Kiel stepped outside into the square.

The darkening clouds coming down the mountain heralded a coming thunderstorm. Kiel chuckled to himself as he walked towards the edge of the village, in the direction of the clouds. With each step, he felt his body thrum with anticipation. Removing his gloves and placing them in the pocket of his coat, he stopped and looked skyward. His arms lay flat at this sides, as his hands slowly curled to face towards the ground. He felt the hairs on the back of his hands stand up. He smiled even wider, the edge of his lip curling and showing a little bit of his white teeth. He continued walking, humming to himself.

The clouds began to block out all the light in the village, making it dark as night. Winds howled and lightning and thunder echoed through the valley. Kiel always loved this time. He was at his most energized. He got to a particular point in his walk and stopped. Placing his hands on the ground, he muttered words so inaudible, only the winds could have heard it. A bolt of lightning struck the ground several feet behind him. He laughed. "That will do. That will do."

Bringing his hands up to his chest, he began moving his hands across what seemed like one would do in making a snowball, or rolling a mound of clay in the hands before placing it on a wheel. Within seconds, a small white sphere appeared in his hands, crackling and releasing small bolts from it as his hands rolled across it. He began to toss the sphere between his hands like he was juggling. Once he was satisfied, he threw it up in the air and it returned to the skies. "Ok. Lets try something different." Moving yet again, palms down, he felt the energy come from the ground and into his hands. After several steps, he stopped again and curled his fingers into his palms. He felt the current flow through him like water would flow in a stream. For several seconds he stood still as he felt the energy amplify in his body. It was then that he realized that he could not uncurl his hands. He began to get worried. His former master had warned him to never attempt to amplify the energies in one's self, that the results could be disastrous. He cursed himself for being so cocky and for trying something that never should have been done. At this point, he had to try to misdirect it. He felt the energy rising to his head. His head began pounding. He felt like he was going to pass out. Just before he did, his vision flashed.

What he saw, took him a second to register. He saw Tyre, on the ground bleeding. There were slashes in his arms and legs. Some looked pretty deep. Things were a little fuzzy so he tried to concentrate. He was in a bear! The same one that had attacked Tyre. He was controlling it! A little nugget of thoughts materialized in his mind. He transmitted these thoughts and watched as the bear turned away and left Tyre. He felt the energies slowly dissipating and control coming back to his body. He had to get to Tyre before the bear came back, or Tyre's injuries killed him.

He felt a spark go off in his head and he took off like a shot. Covering distance so quickly, he reached Tyre in a matter of minutes. Tyre looked up at him. "Kiel, where did you come from?" he asked, coughing. Kiel sat down next to him. "Easy Tyre. Let me take a look at you. Those wounds seem pretty bad," he replied.

Placing one hand on Tyre's leg and another on the ground, Kiel hummed a monotone note. A flash of light appeared and ran through Kiel's hand on the ground to his hand on Tyre's leg. The wounds on his legs and arms disappeared. Tyre gasped in disbelief. "Kiel, what's going on? How did you do that?"

Kiel smiled and ran a hand across Tyre's cheek. Leaning in, he pressed his lips to Tyre's in a passionate kiss. Tyre moaned and began to return the kiss, placing his arm around Kiel's shoulders in a loving embrace. The kiss seemed to last for an eternity. When they finally broke the kiss, Kiel smiled.

"Tyre my friend, let me explain. Everything around us is alive. From the trees, to the birds and the frogs, even the bears. I am able to harness the natural energy surrounding us and either amplify it, or redirect it. I trained for many years before I came to the village. Redirecting the energy in the ground was the easiest way to repair your wounds. But I must ask you that nobody know of what has transpired here. None in the village would understand the amount of power I have the ability to weild. One of the reasons I choose to lock myself in my house is more for my protection. If I lost control, there is no telling what would happen," Kiel explained. "Tyre, while I was doing some meditating, I saw that you were injured."

"How did you see that Kiel," Tyre asked, a note of fear in his voice.

"A forbidden art of my magics. If one attempts to redirect the energies into themselves, a multitude of things can go wrong. Most likely is we wind up killing ourselves. But I was actually able to see you through the eyes of the bear that had attacked you," Kiel replied.

"So that's why the bear turned away," Tyre questioned. "I really thought I was gone there friend. Can you help me up? I think we need to get going back to home."

Kiel stood up, placing a hand in Tyre's, he helped his friend get up and the two began the trek back to the village. The storm overhead began to pour down rain and the intensity of the lighting and thunder increased. Both were extremely soaked by the time they got back to the village. Instead of heading towards his house, Tyre followed Kiel.

At the doorstep, Tyre placed a hand on Kiel's shoulder. "Kiel, thank you for saving me. I know that you want to be more than friends. I have grown to know you more than just that. What i'm saying Kiel, is I l-love you." Upon speaking those words, Tyre lowered his head.

Kiel took his hand and stroked Tyre's cheek, smiling. He moved his finger under Tyre's chin and lifted his head up so that he could see Tyre's green eyes. "I know Tyre, for it's what I want as well. Come stay with me and be my lover, my mate, my partner."

The two embraced once again and opened the door. Both ascended the steps and stopped right outside a plain looking door. Kiel opened it and walked in, sitting down on the bed. Tyre joined him and the two embraced one last time before beginning a long passionate kiss and falling onto the bed in each other's arms.