Seekers Tale Part 23

Story by Wolf Seeker on SoFurry

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#24 of Seekers Tale

Part 23

I sit there staring in stunned silence at Aduro. It had been centuries since the last time I had even thought about him. Seeing him here now brings back a flood of memories I had all but forgotten. As I stare at his unconscious body those memories take over and block out the rest of the world.

I am a cub again running through a field of grass laughing in excitement as I run from another cub a few years younger than me. Looking back over my shoulder I see Aduro gaining on me in our game of tag. In that moment that I took my eyes off of where I was going m foot caught in a small hole causing me to trip.

I fall face first on ground and plow a trench with my nose. I hear laughing from above me and know at once what I will find when I open my eyes. As the light shines in my eyes I see Aduro standing above me laughing so hard that tears are flowing from his eyes.

When his laughs finally stop I maneuver myself into a sitting position and glare at him as he says, "Like the taste of dirt big bro?" I smirk up at him, "I don't know, why don't you tell me what you think of it." With that I spring from my sitting position and pounce on Aduro. In a tangle of fur, limbs, and yelps we roll through grass play wrestling as we have done many summer afternoons before.

A white fog encroaches on the scene as that memory fades to be replaced by another. I am standing next to Aduro and we are both a couple years older and looking down at grave stone that is many years old. I carefully put a single white rose at the base of the stone and look at the words carved on it. 'Here lies Marrika, Loving mother, Beautiful wife, Wonderful person'

Aduro sniffs back a tear as he asks me, "What was mom like? I barely even remember her face." I wipe a tear from my face as I answer, "She was very kind and beautiful. She would sing to us every night when we went to bed." A soft laugh escapes, "You would always insist on at least two songs before you would fall asleep, even when you were yawning so hard we could count all your teeth." That gets a soft laugh from Aduro as he says, "Sometimes I can remember some of the songs." I smile a sad smile as I put an arm around his shoulders and we stand there looking down at our mother's grave.

From behind us our father's voice says, "I see you boys remembered." Anil steps up beside us and stoops down setting another rose beside the one I had placed there. "Today would have been your mothers fortieth birthday. She loved you both very much. I know she would be proud of the fine young men you have become. I'm sorry you two have had to grow up without her. There isn't a day that goes by that I regret being away from home that day when the fire broke out."

He steps behind us and wraps his arms around both Aduro and myself and cries as he holds us close, "I am just so thankful she was able to get you boys out before collapsing from the heat and smoke." His voice breaks off as tears fall from his face and the three of us stand there holding each other close. The fog moves in again and the scene fades away.

Next I find myself sitting on the side of my bed looking down at the blue trident tattoo on my wrist slowly tracing it with a finger. Suddenly the door to my room bursts open and Aduro walks in bubbling with excitement as he says, "So mister water guardian are you going to sit there all day staring at it or are you going to come to the party?"

He plops down on the bed next to me and grabs my wrist and looks at my tattoo with an appraising eye, "I thought it would be bigger and more impressive." With a snort I pull my hand free from his grasp, "Anyone tell you that you are annoying when you're in a good mood?" He just grins a goofy grin and says, "They may have mentioned it a time or two. But you know I am always the life of the party."

He gets up and starts having an imaginary sword fight in the middle of the room, "Besides, Master Aiden says being a bit bouncy is normal for future fire guardians. He says it's because we have so much energy to burn." I grab a pillow and chunk it at his face which he ducks laughing before saying, "But seriously bro, everyone's down stairs waiting for you and don't forget to act surprised, you know dad still doesn't think you know he planned it for you."

I roll my eyes saying, "Dad is hopeless at planning surprise parties. How he thought I wouldn't find out when he left the guest list on the kitchen table I don't know." With that Aduro turns and heads for the door but stops before turning around saying, "Oh and if you play your cards right you may get lucky tonight."

I raise my eyebrow in confusion, "What are you talking about?" He grins evilly saying, "Well I made sure that the name of that cute Earth guardian wolf you have been eyeing got his name on the guest list." With a growl I throw another pillow at him yelling, "WHO TOLD YOU ABOUT HIM?!?" With a duck and a laugh he pulls the door closed and races down the hall before I can get to the door and race after him as the fog moves in again.

This time when the fog clears I am still in my room but now I am packing a traveling pack and it is a few years later. A knock comes from the door before it opens and Aduro pokes his head in, "How's the packing going?" I let out a sigh and sit down beside the pack and say, "I have to admit I am nervous about this whole thing. It is my first solo mission I want to make sure it all goes well." He moves his large frame in to the room and sits down on the bed next to me the red from his own tattoo on his wrist flashing for just a moment.

Laughing he says, "You will do fine, the masters would never have sent you on this mission if they didn't think that you could do it." I roll my eyes and look at him, "Since when did you start giving out logical reasons to stuff?" He shrugs, "I guess some of those life lessons dad was always trying to beat into our heads as kids has finally sunk in." At that we both give off a laugh.

After a moment of silence he continues, "Though I am a bit upset you're going to be gone. You will miss the big event." I look at him and ask confused, "What big event?" He glances to the door then says, "I am going to ask Hannah to marry me." My eyes go wide as a smile breaks my face, "Congratulations Aduro, I'm sure she will say yes. You two make a great couple. I will be best man won't I?"

He laughs, "Of course you will. It's because of you we met after all. It's too bad things didn't work out between you and her brother though." I shrug, "What can I say, we just weren't meant for each other and we know it. We are still friends though." He smiles, "That's good cause I'm sure Hannah will want him in the wedding as well."

I stand up and get back to packing, "That's good as well. He does know how to throw a mean party and you will be getting a bachelor party." He rolls his eyes while laughing as the scene is obscured again only to be replaced with the most painful one yet.

I am standing on a grassy hill overlooking the ocean two weeks later. In front of me I have placed two grave stones on the hill on the larger of the two the words 'Here is a marker left for Anil, Air master of Atlantis, Father of two sons, Lost when Atlantis fell.' On the smaller stone the words carved into it read 'This marker is put in place for Aduro, Fir Guardian of Atlantis, The best brother a wolf could wish for, Lost when Atlantis fell."

I stare at the two stones with tears falling from my eyes. As the sobs continue to wrack my body I fall to my knees and stare at the stones as I say in a voice choked with sorrow, "I am so sorry I wasn't there with you. I should have been there. I am so sorry Aduro for never getting to see you on your wedding day, to see your kids, to get to know you as you grow into a great guardian. I'm sorry dad for not taking the time to listen to your stories like a son should have. I always thought there would be time... I am so sorry..."

As the sobs continue to pour out of me the scene begins to fade to darkness as I am brought back to the present.

With a start I find Shadow kneeling in front of a look of concern on his face. Rosalie, Jasper, Wolfie, and the healer are also looking at me with concern as Shadow asks, "Seeker are you ok? You zoned out on us for a bit there." I reach a paw up to rub my eyes and it comes away wet with tears.

I look at the tears on my fingers before nodding and saying, "Yeah, I just had some flash backs I guess." Shadow raises an eyebrow before standing back up, "Well if you're sure. Before you zoned out you said that he was your brother though." He points a thumb over his shoulder at Aduro still lying in the bed unconscious.

I nod as I get up and move to the right side of the bed, "He is, but it's impossible for him to be here. He was on Atlantis when it was destroyed." Shadow asks, "Even if he somehow survived the attack I thought you said that the four masters took away everyone's immortality except for yours to create that ring." I nod, "They did, and that's why it's impossible for him to be here. I suppose that it's possible that this is just another wolf that looks a lot like him. There is only one way to know for sure."

I reach out a trembling paw and lift up Aduro's right paw and turn it so his wrist is facing up. There on his wrist is the red sword tattoo of a fire guardian. There is a collective gasp from around the room as I say, "There is no doubt then. This is my younger brother." I set his paw down on the covers and walk out of the room without saying a word.

Leaving the room I walk through the crowd of wolves standing in the hall trying to hear what is going on inside the room. Moving through them without looking at any of them I start walking with no destination in mind. I move through the house then out the front doors into the yard and keep walking.

For what feels like hours I walk through the forest not following any of the established paths. Tree limbs snag at my fur and clothes, twigs crunch under my feet, and the sounds of nature surround me. Lost in my thoughts over finding my brother I don't realize where I have walked until I look up and see that I am approaching the edge of a cliff.

I stop at the edge of the cliff and look out over the valley. I have wandered up one of the mountains surrounding the valley. I sit down on the edge and hang my feet off it and watch the valley below. As I take the view in I realize that I have been here before.

It has been nearly a hundred years since I stood on this ledge and looked down at the valley for the first time. I sit there and watch as the setting sun bathes the valley in a crimson glow. The beauty of the moment is not lost on me as I watch the shadows of the mountains replace the light from the sun.

While sitting there I suddenly become aware of a presence sitting on the ledge next to me. At the same moment I notice that the world has stopped moving. Letting out a sigh I ask without looking at the figure next to me, "You told me that all the guardians except me had their immortality taken when you created the ring and that they all died when Atlantis fell."

My father leans forward into my field of view and looks out at the valley before he answers, "That is what I said and that is what happened. You are the last guardian to come from Atlantis." I turn my head and look at him and with a voice laced with anger I point in the direction of my home and say, "Then would you care to explain to me why Aduro is laying in a bed in my house recovering from injuries he only recently received?"

My father looks at me with utter astonishment on his face. His eyes are wide and his jaw is hanging open. The news that his youngest son is alive has rendered him speechless. After a few moments he manages to start speaking again, "Aduro... He's alive... but how? Are you sure it's him?"

Seeing his confusion my anger fades from my heart as I ask, "You really didn't know he was alive?" He shakes his head, "Don't you think that if I had known your brother was alive that I would have told you the first time we talked again? But how did he manage to survive? Are you absolutely sure that it's your brother and not just some wolf that looks like him?" I nod, "It's him. His looks, scent, even his tattoo are all the same as I remember them. It may have been three thousand years since I last saw him but I would know my brother if I saw him."

My father leans forward resting his arms on his knees as he looks out over the valley. After a moment he takes a breath and says, "I don't know how this could have happened. When the other masters and I created the ring to give you the power to recreate the guardians we were forced to take the immortality from all guardians except for you. That included your brother. Even if he had somehow survived the destruction of Atlantis he would have died from old age centuries ago. This shouldn't be possible."

I turn and look back out over the valley as the world begins to move again around me. Letting out a long sigh I say, "Looks like my brother will have a lot of questions to answer when he wakes up."

From behind me a voice says, "And you have questions to answer now my love. Starting with why you stormed out of the house without so much as word. I have spent the last several hours tracking you down the hard way." I turn and look at Shadow as he comes panting up the hill behind me making his way to where I am sitting.

With a humorless chuckle I turn back to look out over the valley before answering, "Sorry love, but I just needed some time to think alone." He sits down next to me and puts his feet out over the cliff looking out over the valley. After a moment of silence between us he asks, "So he really is your brother then?" I just nod silently watching the night encroach on the forest below us.

Shadow looks at me and asks, "How do you think he survived all these years?" I slowly shake my head, "I have no idea, until today I thought that every person I ever knew on Atlantis died centuries ago. I did my grieving for them and moved on. Then today when I saw Aduro again... All of that came crashing back and I lost it." Shadow entwines his arm with mine and leans his head on my shoulder letting me talk.

"When I learned that my home had been destroyed I lost it. I don't mean that I was just consumed with grief, I was, but more than that. For a long time I was out of my mind with grief and it only got worse for the first few years. Then one day, a couple decades later I got some sense knocked into my head by a guy who would become a friend." Shadow shifts a bit on my shoulder asking, "How did he do that?"

I chuckle, "Well he literally hit me over the head. In my grief I had gone almost feral. I was living alone in a forest like an animal. I had given up on life, not having anything left to live for. One day I was wandering through the forest, I hadn't eaten in a few days so when I caught whiff of some cooking meat my stomach just took control."

Shadow shifts a little at this point as I continue, "I followed my nose and came upon a fire with a rabbit roasting over it. With my stomach in charge all common sense was gone. I charged in to take the meat and chow down, but I barely got five steps when a sharp pain ballooned on the back of my head followed by blackness." At this Shadow fails to hide his laughter causing me to just roll my eyes.

When he stops laughing I ask, "Are you through?" With a final laugh he nods allowing me to continue. I watch him for a second to make sure he has stopped laughing before continuing, "I came to a few hours later lying in front of the fire with a bump on my head and more than a little pain. I sat up rubbing my head only to have someone say, 'If you are so hungry that you don't use caution you will never have another meal.' Sitting next to the fire was an older man with a staff on the ground next to him.

"Apparently he had been nearby when I went for the meat and had hit me with the staff. Long story short we ended up talking and he shared his fire and food with me that night. Eventually I ended up telling him who I was and where I was from and he reminded me that even though I had lost everything I still had my life and my health and that those who had died would not be proud of what I was doing with that life. With his help I was able to return to civilized places."

I sit there in silence with Shadow leaning against me as the last light from the sun sinks below the earth and darkness covers the land as stars begin to shine over head. After several long moments of just sitting there Shadow says, "I'm glad he knocked that into your head, even if he did it a bit hard."

I snort back a laugh as I use my free paw to rub the back of my head where I had been hit so long ago. After setting my paw back down Shadow asks, "So what are you going to do about your brother now?" I take a deep breath before looking up at the stars. Letting out a slow sigh I respond, "I really don't know. Alphas are supposed to always know what to do or at least look like we do. But what do you do when someone you have thought was dead for over three thousand years shows up on your front door?"

With that he lifted his head off my shoulder and using his free paw to turn my head so I was facing him pressed his lips against mine in a tender, loving kiss. Pulling back from the kiss he looks me in the eyes and says, "That sounds like a problem for tomorrow." As he says that he pushes me back a few feet from the ledge and down onto a soft patch of grass.

Once he has me on my back Shadow straddles my waist and leans over me, one paw beside my head supporting his weight as he leans over me to place a more sensual kiss on my lips. His free paw slides down my chest heading for my pant where it slips under the waist band and grasps my swelling sheath.

I let out a gasp breaking the kiss as he squeezes my rapidly swelling cock still hidden in its fur covered sleeve. He pulls his paw free from my pants and begins to work my shirt up my body revealing my chest to the cooling night air. Once he has managed to get my shirt off he sits up straight and pulls his own shirt off giving me a clear view of his toned body.

After tossing our shirts to the side Shadow leans back down and begins to leave a trail of kisses from my chin down my chest and stomach till he reaches my pants and begins to work them off. Once he has my pants off and out of the way he quickly gets out of his own pants and lays back down on top of me pressing our swelling cocks against each other as I wrap my arms around him pulling him close and pressing my lips back to his. I push my tongue against his lips which promptly open to allow it entrance while his enters my mouth as well both of us exploring the other.

I run my paws through his fur as his traces paths through my own. In no time at all I feel his hard member pressing firmly against my stomach as my own throbbing cock has fully escaped its sheath. He pulls back from the kiss and smiles down at me as he moves a paw between us and grasps both of our hard cocks and pumps them at the same time. The sensation sends a chill up my spine as a moan escapes my lips.

Shadow pumps our cocks together a few times before sliding down and positioning himself between my legs with his muzzle just a few inches from my groin. He gently blows a stream of warm air over my sensitive flesh causing it to twitch and jump as I grip the grass with my paws while moaning softly.

As soon as he stops blowing my cock is engulfed in his hot wet maw as he closes his mouth around most of my length leaving just my knot exposed. His tongue wraps around my cock as he begins to suck hard on my length slowly pulling off before lowering his head back down.

As he begins to increase the speed of his blow job he wraps one paw around the base of my cock behind my knot encouraging it to swell faster while his other paw begins fondling my balls. All the attention Shadow is giving to my cock and balls is sending wave after wave of pleasure through my body causing me to moan and pant while my claws dig small trenches in the dirt beside me.

Then the paw that was fondling my balls lets go of them and begins to slowly trace a path downwards till one finger finds my hole and pushes against it gently. The sudden sensation of Shadows finger trying to enter my anus causes my eyes to go wide in surprise and new sensations. I must have let out a loud gasp because Shadow pulls off my cock and looks at me with a touch of concern before asking, "You ok love? Did I go too far?"

It takes me a moment to get my breath back under control so I can say, "No love it felt great. I just wasn't expecting it is all." He grins sensually as he says, "If you think that felt great just wait till the main event." With that he picks my legs up and puts them over his shoulders so that my hips are up in the air and he is able to put his muzzle down between my legs and under my nuts.

The paw he has around the base of my cock begins to pump up and down my shaft causing my hips to buck involuntarily into his grip. His tongue laps at my balls a few times before slowly beginning to move lower leaving a trail of wet fur in its wake.

Then his tongue hits my anus and begins to work it over. Sensations that have not traveled through my body in a very long time suddenly assaults my brain as Shadow begins to give me the best rim job I have ever had. My paws are clenching and unclenching at my sides pulling large chunks of grass out of the ground while my tongue lolls out the side of my mouth as all conscious thought fades from my mind to be replaced with pure instinct and pleasure.

I am right on the edge of release when Shadow pulls his tongue away from my hole and runs it once across my balls before shifting my legs so they wrap around his waist. I look up at him panting and see the unspoken question in his eyes. Without a moment's hesitation I nod once giving him the go ahead to mate me as I have mated him so many times before.

He lets go of my cock and uses that paw to grip his own hard throbbing member to line it up with my waiting hole. He presses the tip of his cock against my hole and holds it there as he looks at me. Our eyes lock together and for that moment nothing in the world exists except him and me. Then he pushes forward.

The sensations of being penetrated for the first time by my mate is a mix of slight pain and pure pleasure. He pushes forward until most of his shaft is buried deep in my ass with only his half formed knot still exposed to the air. He begins a series of thrusts and withdrawals in my ass gaining speed each time.

The pain I felt on his first thrust is soon completely erased by pure bliss as each pass of his cock rubs against my prostrate sending a new wave of pleasure coursing through my body. His hammering of my ass gains speed and power with each push till he is working like a piston in my body. Each time his knot pressing harder and harder on my hole stretching wider and wider.

With a sudden and audible pop Shadow's knot manages to push past my ring and fully enter my ass. The sudden sensation of being so full combined with the pressure added to my prostrate as his knot expands to its full size locking us together sends me over the edge of orgasm. Ropes of white cum shoot from the tip of my own hard throbbing cock covering my chest as I clench my ass tight around Shadow's cock.

The feeling of my tight grip on his cock must have been too much for him to handle as it causes him to throw his head back and let loose a long and loud howl of release. I feel his cock throb hard deep within me as he has his own orgasm, his hot seed coating the inside of my ass marking me fully as his in the same way I have marked him.

As he comes down from his climax he looks down at me panting and manages to say, "Damn... never thought it would be that good." Through my own pants I respond, "That was very very good my love."

He lifts one of my legs up over his head so that I spin on his cock, the feeling of which causes my own to begin twitching with life again. Once he has my legs both on the same side of his body and me laying on my side he lays down behind me and cuddles up close to me holding me close while we both wait for his knot to go down. In a tired voice he says, "I love you Seeker." Before his snores begin I say, "I love you too Shadow."

As I lay there under the stars enjoying the afterglow of our mating with Shadow sleeping quietly behind me I look up and see a pair of shooting stars streak by over head heading for the horizon. In that moment I feel more at peace with myself and my world than I have in a very long time and I know that no matter what comes that I will face it with those I love and that we will prevail. One way or another.

Seekers Tale Part 24

Part 24 I woke up the next morning a couple hours before dawn. For a few moments I lay there in the grass with Shadow press up next to me watching the stars over head. Thoughts about my brother's sudden return to my life flick through my mind. How had...

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Seeker Species: Werewolf Age: 3000+ (Immortal) Orientation: Gay Home: Born in Atlantis but was made homeless after its destruction Height: 9 feet Color: Golden brown fur with amber eyes Powers: Water Guardian of Atlantis which gives him his...

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Seekers Tale Part 22

Part 22 A month later I am standing alone in a clearing in the forest near the river. The same clearing where Shadow and I spent a lazy afternoon several weeks before. Today however is a much different day. I am standing with my back to the river...

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