Chapter 3

Story by Kynexn on SoFurry

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#3 of Started with a Rock: Mini-arc 1 - The Return

Mental speech key:


/everyone locally/


<|Kyn and Tensa|>



~Vendetta & Jasmine~


This one actually HAS true adult content, but once again, there isn't really that much graphic detail, but I'm marking this one as adult due to what actually IS mentioned.

About an hour, Kyn went back to what he originally went to the river to do, and washed his clothing and himself. He had with him, the extra change of clothes, and had chosen to bring his red set of clothing this time. The other set he planned on bringing back to Serena so that they might get back on their way. She'd never seen him in the red clothes before though so it'd more than likely be something new. He also applied the same thing on him again, only this time doing an extremely reduced amount.

Serena did, about an hour later 'peek' with her mind to see if it was safe for her to come back. <Enjoy yourself?> it was a stupid question really, understanding what had happened, she ventured back to the core to ensure that things would go back to his normal, she of course, had LONG finished cleaning, but was resting by the side of the river in the moonlight. Still she felt a bit soiled to know that she had essentially controlled that...encounter; it was definitely a good thing she wasn't either of the two sexual predators in the bay area. She pushed herself up, and walked back downstream to rejoin them.

<Not completely. There were so many more things I wished to be able to do, that I couldn't do because of where I currently am. Though, I do believe that I'd be able to control that next time. Since it was already there, you just... seemed to magnify it. Serena, where exactly are you? Are you still by the river?>

<Coming back down.> Was the answer she gave, and moments later she walked back around the rocks she had disappeared behind in the first place. <Pity though...ah well, can't please everyone all the time I suppose.> She leaned against the rock, her green eyes glowing mildly in response to the fact that it was night time.

"Serena. I have a question for you. A question that when asked, would make some people feel awkward so I'm not sure how YOU would feel. The question is... Is Royce bigger than I am, in regards to both girth and length? I do so wonder now that I've thought about the casino again."

Serena snorted. "I left a bit before you got to that point...and I'd really rather not bring up the memory of when I've seen that." She had wrapped her arms around her shoulders in an almost protective stance, like it was a bad dream she was trying to wish away. Even giving him the memory would leave a bad taste in her mouth. "Why does it matter?"

"Perhaps for the first time in my life I have felt the notion to engage in a cock contest. Royce is literally exactly my height. If that bloody three inch tall crown weren't there that is. It's not often that I run into human sized Pokémon Serena." Kyn stated poignantly.

She rubbed between her eyes with her claws, closing her eyes. This conversation was insanely awkward, after a bit of squirming with herself, she passed him the memory.


The familiar black and red room, she had been forced down onto her knees, held by a Machamp and Machoke both as Royce walked over to her. She was smaller then, perhaps the same height as a normal Bagon.

"You are...interesting girl. You walk into my place, take MY money, and think you can leave with it? Then you refuse to play my games, to give me a chance of getting it back. No, child, your struggling wont get you anywhere with me. Gag her." The cold piece of steel between her jaws, forcing her fangs back as if she had bitten something, stretching her jaw until it unhinged painfully, the straps tied behind the plates, holding it there. She tried to use her fire, but that drink, had there been a drink at all? had stifled it. The cruel fingers that held her nose so she was forced to breathe through her mouth.

"I'm going to break your spirit, girl." She remembered being lifted to his waist height, her head held straight as he used her, and eventually she learned not to have a gag reflex. She almost had been broken, by the time that Anana made her first visit to Royce's office, she would admit that her nose wasn't exactly working right when she had finally removed the annoyance of the ring, and the leather bindings that had replaced the other Pokémon. Rescued from the hands of a devil...


The memory faded, and Serena realized that tears had fallen from her closed eyes, the meek voice that answered didn't seem to be her own. "Does...that answer your question...?"

"Not completely. Though Royce just seems to be of more and more interest to me. It makes me wonder if I should continue to play in Royce's Casino. There appears to be a darker side to the Casino and you warned me about it." His tone was cold and calculating. Almost borderline cruel. The more sadistic side of Kyn had been revealed just then.

Serena recoiled, just as anyone might have in that situation, but she didn't run, she didn't hide, instead she gave a feral growl and snarled at him, the tone was too similar to that which had been used in the memory, and she had just been immersed in it. She wasn't a hatchling anymore, she could easily have defeated the Machamp and Machoke now, she could have EASILY killed Royce, the one who had taken away any chance of her being a child. Finally, she wrapped her scarf around her neck, and forced herself to walk away from him, not to take it out on him; he wasn't the one from the memory, no matter how much he sounded like him.

"You once asked me not to use the voice that Royce took from me...I'm going to ask you not to use that voice around me." The problem was, even after Anana had gotten her out of Royce's hands, she still felt that anger at herself, not at Royce, burning like a flame she could never forget. She remembered the words he said when she was finally released too.

-I'll be waiting for when you come back to me, unbound by contract, little Serena.-

"I suppose I can try my best." He said, and then he watched her walk away. Afterward he put his hand on Tensa's shoulder. |Then perhaps both your and my affinity for bondage... will be kept from her. At least until she is older. I'll have to thank Lacu for this type of link.|

|I take it Serena showed you something?|

|Yes. Now, I believe Serena will want to be away from me for a while.|

/Well... I think I'll be heading back into Tao. I'll be checking out the uh.. renting places.

Kyn himself had been left thinking though. What would he have been like if something like that had happened to him when he was five or ten? He'd probably more than likely wouldn't have gotten into bondage as much as he was; and certainly telling Serena about things like that at this current stage would just be utterly stupid. He wondered about how he would proceed with Serena. For now he just stood awake, looking at the night sky, waiting for morning to come.

Dawn...was it really almost dawn already? She found the pillow that had been tossed somewhere around the room and looked up at the evolution scroll. If she took the energy from the scroll, as she was supposed to do, she could evolve today. Her claws bit into the pillow, not tearing it thankfully, but still...she just wanted to curl up and be forgotten for a while. She laid her head on the pillow with a slight huff. Old wounds...she had been walking forward; DAMNIT. The punch left a hole as it collided with the wall. Still...what she herself didn't understand was why her body had reacted in Royce's hands...and any thoughts of sleep were beyond her, knowing that she would just keep hearing his taunts.

When dawn did come in, he was still in the same place he was the previous night. He'd expected Serena to react a similar way, but, he didn't realize that she'd had THAT kind of memory with Royce. He also meant what he'd said about Royce being more and more interesting. The next stage was waiting for Palette so that he could get his paintings and leave.

She hated being alone with her thoughts...still, she turned her head to look at Heji--could she even return to him? Eventually she decided to try, and nudged his side to slip under his paws again. A sickening lurch occurred somewhere in her stomach, but she fought through it, she was SAFE with him, she reminded herself; and tried to get some semblance of sleep. Dreams tore at her, as she knew they would, lingering over the sections where her body betrayed her, but the warm presence at her back reminded her that they were just dreams, even if they did have a root in the past. It was about 7 when she awoke to the sound of a voice in her head.

~Ee, horrid memories, I thought you had those locked away.~ She knew the voice without looking up to see Jasmine there.

"I did...." she said groggily "...but I trusted someone to where I thought I could...share them."

~Do you want to lock them back up again?~

"...not...yet." she mumbled, trying to relax.

In waiting he debated on whether or not to go back to Serena early, before the studio open, but decided to remain outside until it opened again. After it WAS open, he asked about how much longer the paintings would be until fully dry and then waited that amount. Afterward he collected them, and then wrapped each one in a special canvas material, so that he'd be able to bring them back without having any looks from the nature of the painting. He decided to leave a note both in footprint runes and in... his own native language, which he heard referred to as Unown-script.

'By the time you get this, I'll have already left. God that sounds so cliché. Thanks for helping me with the money, and generally for all you've already done for me. See you soon. -Kyn'

He then put the letter in her mailbox, and went far away, far enough so that the distortion wouldn't be able to be felt.

Then he went back through it.

Even in her sleep deprived mind she heard the footsteps, and the mailbox, her head lifted. What?! She snorted indignantly, looking up at Jasmine who spoke rather than thought at her.

"Gone, for now little Serena." The word reference was enough to make her tremble. "Did you know this would happen, is THIS why you stayed around so long, you stupid Celebi? Go back to your shrine, consider my offer revoked." The growl was heard in her voice, but it died soon after. "Just leave me alone."

Kyn of course had much to do. He went back to Bill who analyzed the data.

"What in the blue blazes? This ain't like no data I've ever seen before. What type of technology is this?" He asked, fingering some buttons that looked like they'd been recently abused.

"Uh well... I did kinda leave out the fact that it's also kinda run by a Porygon Z." Kyn said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Wassat? Some kinda souped up Porygon?" Bill said, in his signature dialect.

"You could say that... so... what's the verdict on the riggability of the machine then?" Kyn asked, pacing around. Bill left him in suspect for quite a while.

"Well... since a Pokémon's running it, yer chances are a lot less. You'd have to tamper with the gears or summat. Magnets might work." Bill explained. He then gave an example of what he might be able to use to do it. "You got a picture of this machine? It'd be a lot easier to fig'ur out if ya did."

"No... I didn't think it'd be beneficial. Perhaps I can go back and collect more information. Examining it from all sides, if I can do it without looking suspicious, which I don't think I can, but hell... I think I'll be able to get out of it..." Kyn said with a grin. The meeting was concluded a short while afterward, and Kyn was now left with a sort of magnetic gun of sorts, that he'd go test on the machine. Only those that would be able to detect electromagnetic waves would be able to detect anything, was the general assumption. Then he went on his usual hunting and gathering trip, to fulfill what he guess would probably be another interesting order, and he would go to Gambitville to see if he would need to lay off selling for a bit still or of the need was just as great as ever, maybe even more. He set the distortion up so that it was a literal month since he had been there, then entered, and headed for Serena's cave to go meet up with Heji after leaving him there for a month.