Show me that courage!

Story by DragonMasterX on SoFurry

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Non-heard, unofficial warning: If you are bothered by adult themed material or do not wish to read about two fictional characters having an intercourse together, then I suggest you go away and never touch this story. If you are below 18 years of age, then scram, I don't need parents telling me to stop writing this, if you aren't allowed to read, then don't.

Disclaimer: I do not reserve any copyrights for this Digimon fiction. Let Toei and Bandai get the credit for creating them and the show I watched to write this story. Sue me if you want, but you'll only get my bills to pay as I'm merely poor.

Let's see, this Lemon happens after Episode 13 of Digimon Tamers, some time after Rika and Renamon got separated. Hope you like this Story.

"Show me that courage" - by DragonMasterX.

The beautiful night resonated with a few crickets chirping, the Saturday evening seemed promising. Adolescents and grown-ups; all of them were gathered in common places, everyone with the appropriate age was reunited in the discos and the rave parties organized nearby the town center. It was a clear night after all, so why not? Gather some friends, go out, and enjoy the still young night!

The wind blew with a small gust as a figure moved quickly towards the edge of a building, only slight- almost inaudible sounds were made as the fox landed. Renamon, separated from her partner Rika, was alone. She knew she was, exactly now, but only the thought was troubling her, not the fact. She remembered how that day as Kyubimon, after defeating the IceDevimon who had taken Rika to convince her to become his tamer, her partner had reacted to the horrible situation.

On the roof, the Tamers and their digimon were out of danger after the rough battle with the frozen fallen angel defeated by their efforts.

"Rika, are you okay?" Kyubimon inquired.

"I hate 'em," was Rika's response.

Kyubimon would have frowned at that moment, but instead added: "Well, he's gone now."

"Not him." the girl retorted.

"Huh?" the boys were surprised.

"I hate digimon. All of them." Rika declared, her teeth clenching as her fists gripped together.

"Huh?" again the same surprise, no one there had expected this reaction.

"Oh, Rika, you don't mean that." Takato tried. However, his attempt was futile as both females turned their backs at each other and they walked different paths, away. "Kyubimon, wait a minute! Where are you going?" Takato again asked, and then looked on both of them as they went. "Hey, what's wrong with you? Aren't you guys supposed to be friends?"

The memory stayed black from there, a fragment of the past for the vixen. Renamon had been living on her own since then; trying to forget the girl she had respected so much for so long. The memories didn't leave her though. Digimon weren't Bio Emerging, so... how would she release this tension? Sleep? That sounded like a plan right then. She didn't have anything better to do, so she chose a nice place on top of a building, somewhere where some unwanted visitor wouldn't easily notice her. But this wasn't enough right now; she needed to decide, what would be better?

"I can defeat digimon without Rika." She thought, and then remembered how easy she had wiped out three insect digimon that same day in the park. "I can become strong without her." She said to herself, then sat down on her 'sleeping spot' and moved her look across the beautiful dark cloak high up with shiny dots attached to it, the night sky was simply gorgeous. "I wonder if the night looks like the same in Digital World."

After some memory searching, Renamon decided she couldn't remember. "It's been a long time since I was in the Digital World. I can't remember what it was like back then, but I don't have anything left in this world anymore. I just wish...I could leave this place, leave this world, leave Humans, and leave...Rika. I want to get stronger...on my own."

After thinking this more thoroughly, she sighed deeply, before lying on her side and swishing her tail to the sides for some moments, until then feeling the light wind brushing through her fur. She closed her azure eyes and embraced her own body in her arms, curling with her tail to sleep with the needed warmth. The vixen soon was asleep, slight and almost unnoticeable snoozes came out of her as she slowly, yet calmly breathed in and out through her sleep. She hadn't slept in a long time indeed.

Few hours later, a flash was produced nearby, the sound easily woke up Renamon, she was always wary of her surroundings, even when asleep her ears worked as magnificent radars, "What's that?" she said as her body lifted itself up and her stare moved to the portal that had just opened. "That's..."

Renamon remembered the first day she met Rika, something alike had happened, a portal had opened near her and many other digimon, but only one had been accepted inside the rift. Renamon had come through that kind of portal from Digital World to this Real World; the question though was, where did this portal lead? Maybe to Digital World? That would be fantastic! But what if not? "Any place is better than this world... this might be my only chance to get away from here." No second thoughts were made and the vulpine digimon jumped inside the fissure in space-time.

She blinked two times, and then narrowed her eyes as she felt her body different for a minute; the travel her body was making through this portal was draining her energy in some way. "What's happening to- ohhh..." she moaned from the lack of her so needed energy and closed her eyes again but this time, she collapsed in the mysterious space and lost her consciousness almost immediately.

Renamon suddenly opened her eyes and gasped as she sat up, "Where?!" she took a little time to check her new surroundings, she was sitting on the green grass of the plains of a forest, the light vaguely filtered through the thick branches of the trees, so it didn't take much time for Renamon to guess where she was, "This... this is..." she took a quick glance. Yes, she had finally recognized her home. "I'm back." Thought a satisfied furry girl as she stood up and looked around to admire the beautiful scenario. Vines hanging from some of the branches, leaves, green leaves. No buildings, instead, healthy looking trees.

And after finally enjoying her last sight: A river-side stream of clean water flowing down the bank, Renamon decided not to waste anymore time and get to do what she wanted to: Test her strength the way she wanted to.

And so, the furry womon teleported outside the forest, quickly getting to the North exit of the woods. Two digimon were pitting out themselves in a battle, an Elecmon and a Muchomon. The electric digimon was winning, he seemed to be enjoying and savoring his soon-to-be victory, "Super Thunder Smack!" he growled as his tails shot a barrage of bolts at the penguin, he was singed black by the attack.

"Ack!" Muchomon cried in pain and fell to the ground, "Y-you scum... you ambushed me..."

"Yeah, I am. Got a problem with that?" Elecmon grinned evilly, turning to the other rookie. "I thought you'd be dead by now. But don't worry, I'll finish the job right now!" his body began crackling with electricity.

"Why don't you fight with me instead?" a deep female voice asked, Renamon stood behind Elecmon.

"What do you want missy?" Elecmon said with a defying tone as he turned around, then growled at the taller digimon.

"Fight with you. Or are you afraid?" Renamon teased.

"Oooh, the lass here knows some words. We'll see how strong you look after this! Super Thunder Smack!!" his body glowed as he shouted, the Elecmon's tails shot a barrage of thunderbolts at Renamon.

"How easy," Renamon teased as she leapt into the air and folded her arms in before shouting, "Diamond Storm!" Opening her arms widely, a green circle momentarily appeared in front of her, Elecmon watching it's verdant glow. It soon disappeared whilst countless sharp crystal shards rained down on the Elecmon, the rookie now crying in sheer agony.

"Hurts hurts HURTS! AHHHH!!" Elecmon growled as he forcefully took all the damage and soon exploded into bits of data.

Renamon glowed as the data was absorbed into her; she closed her eyes for a brief moment. After savoring the taste of a new victory, her strength had slightly improved and her eyes had reopened as the uploading process had finished.

Muchomon, who had been watching everything simply got scared and ran away as fast as his small and proportionally short legs allowed him to.

Renamon opened her eyes and smiled with gratification. "Too easy." Her voice was full of pride. It seemed Renamon had gotten considerably stronger than a regular Rookie with Rika, and for the digimon, the Rookies in Digital World were far too easy for her to beat. If she were to become stronger, she ought to try with bigger and stronger opponents. "I'm wasting my time with them. I need to find stronger digimon." She thought, and then continued heading north, obviously ignoring the other Rookie that had just fled from the scene.

A cracking sound was heard; some birds came flying out of their respective trees as one fell down. "Hah!" a male deep voice could be heard, another cracking sound scaring more birds off. The draconic warrior of courage, Flamedramon, was gathering wood; he was using no axe, as his claws easily did the job. With few slashes, neatly piled logs of firewood were placed nearby him. The blue scaly rubbed his forehead with his arm, let out a sigh, and then continued turning the old tree into firewood.

His activities were however interrupted as he heard someone else nearby. "Hmm?" he muttered as he turned around. "Who?"

"You look strong." Renamon stated as she walked in front of the Armor Champion level digimon. "Let's fight."

But Flamedramon simply smirked and turned around, focusing on his tree once again.

"Did you not hear me?" Renamon inquired.

"I did." Flamedramon retorted.

Renamon instead growled to him this time. "Then fight with me, or I'll deal the first blow."

Flamedramon didn't give a word at this threat, just slashed once again and cut the tree more. The girl was being ignored, she hated to be ignored, so she didn't think twice and decided to show this salamander who's boss. As the wind blew once, Renamon had already disappeared in a flash, and then quickly was in front of Flamedramon, delivering a kick to his gut.

Flamedramon blinked once, but grabbed Renamon's leg just in time to prevent a blow. "What are you doing?"

"Gah!" she growled, then retreated her leg quickly before he could react.

"I'm not going to fight!" Flamedramon warned.

"If you don't, then you'll help me be stronger!" Renamon said, narrowing her eyes as she gripped her fists.

"How can you become strong if you are so weak already?" Flamedramon asked, folding his arms and raising an eyebrow.

Renamon twitched her ears, but didn't move. "I'm not weak, I'm strong. But I need more strength."

"Why?" Flamedramon asked.

"Because I want to hone my skills in battle, I'm a Digimon, and Digimon Battle." She responded.

The reptile digimon separated his arms again and rolled his eyes. "If you want a fight... it seems I don't have much of a choice."

Renamon was about to smile, but instead disappeared with a quick reaction.

"Damn." Flamedramon thought as he saw the furry disappearing before his eyes. He tried searching the place to find his opponent, but his efforts were for naught as in any longer than three seconds a paw came in contact with his chest armor. Renamon had appeared in front of him and kicked him so fast he didn't have a chance react. Flamedramon went flying right into a tree and landed on his butt with a grunt "Rrrggh... you are fast aren't ya?" and he stood up, bruising himself as he looked in front of him, Renamon, smirking at him. "It will take a lot more than just a kick to beat me foxy."

"We'll see about it," Renamon frowned and disappeared yet again, but this time after she kicked she just kicked thin air.

"Come on," said Flamedramon behind her as she landed, "I won't fall for it two times in a row," then his right claw was engulfed in flames, "Flame Knuckle!!" he growled and punched the fox right on her back.

Renamon groaned in pain and fell on her knees and paws on the ground, she gasped before standing up, shaking a bit since the attack had a heavy toll on Digimon like her.

"You shouldn't keep fighting. I wouldn't like to delete you." Flamedramon added, looking on Renamon with a mix of worry and pity.

"I'll be the winner of this battle," Renamon growled, then leapt in air, quickly folding her arms as she yelled "Diamond,"

"Fire Rocket!!" Flamedramon roared and punched the air with his claws, when a barrage of fireballs headed for Renamon so fast, this time she was the one taken by surprise.

Renamon winced in pain as her body took heavy and serious damage this time. The blue dragon walked up to the damaged Rookie and crouched, staring on her with his crimson ruby eyes. "Are you alright?"

The female slowly turned around and clenched her fangs, "I won't be beaten," she said almost coughing.

"You were beaten already," he stated. "You are in no condition to keep fighting."

"I will beat you!" Renamon snarled as she tried to stand up.

Flamedramon shook his head and grabbed his right gauntlet, then slid it off, showing a bare blue fist with short white nails. Renamon blinked at this.

"Sorry for this." Flamedramon sighed and then punched Renamon so hard in the cheek she was knocked out and fainted. The vixen immediately blacked out.

The fox girl suddenly opened her azure eyes with a gasp and looked on her surroundings, but could ignore the softness she was feeling on her back. First, she couldn't get why she couldn't stand or even sit, but she still felt soft. After looking around for a few seconds, something she could perfectly do, she found herself on a bed, and she was even using a pillow for her sore head. It was almost new for her to be in such a comfortable position. Further inspection revealed she was inside a pretty much normal room of a wooden house. The room was small, but for her it was quite big. "Where- where am I?" she asked herself.

Her question was soon answered by the creaking sound of a door opening. She was aware at first, she couldn't move from her previous injuries suffered in battle. There was a brief period of silence, then she saw the one who had opened the door, the same armor wore by the same warrior was contemplated by the vixen as she saw him entering by strangely walking backwards. What did this mean? Was he hiding something?

But after the blue dragon turned around, Renamon frowned; she was seeing him holding a small tray with some tasty looking treats and a mug with some herbal tea in it. She couldn't see it all, but her powerful canine nose did the job for her.

"I woke you up, didn't I?" Flamedramon realized his mistake after he had walked near the bed Renamon was laying on, leaving the tray on a chair on her side, "How are you feeling?" he asked while staring on her sapphire blue eyes.

Renamon made no sound of her voice.

"Did I hurt you much?" he inquired yet again.

"What are you doing?" she finally spoke out.

Flamedramon looked on the tray and then on her. "I'm taking care of you. Don't want to get you killed now."

"Why?" Renamon asked.

Flamedramon took the mug in his claws, both bare, and blew the hot air away from the tea carefully to cool it down a bit. "Because I always take care of weak Digimon."

Renamon frowned. "I'm not weak."

"Yes, you are," he stammered. "Now, drink this, it will help you."

"I don't need any help," said Renamon coldly. "I just need to get out of this... place."

"You can leave whenever you want." Flamedramon sighed before he moved away a bit, pointing with his clawed finger to the exit of the room.

Renamon still stared on the dragon. "I can't move."

"Then you don't want to go," he said, looking up.

"What do you mean?" Renamon sounded confused.

Flamedramon motioned outside with his hand, "You can go, but you are scared to."

Renamon closed her eyes and smirked at this, "I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid of anything."

"Then why can't you move?" Flamedramon asked.

"You are holding me! Now, release me!" she shouted, her patience reaching her limits. However, Flamedramon grabbed the covers and pulled them off, revealing Renamon's body, she wasn't being held or anything, only her furry body lying down on the soft mattress. She couldn't believe it, her body wouldn't move from the bed, but she wasn't being restrained, "What's the meaning of this?"

Flamedramon sighed once again, "You are scared from that girl, aren't you?"

Renamon widened her eyes and her jaw slightly dropped. Before she could answer, a familiar voice came to her head: "I hate 'em" and Rika's image appeared in her mind, "I hate Digimon!" she heard again and stayed still, then she closed her mouth and looked down.

"You should rest, your wounds aren't healed yet," Flamedramon said.

Renamon made no replies once again and looked away, but she could sit up on the bed this time.

"Can you at least drink this tea? It will help you get better and be able to go out of here a lot faster."

Renamon considered the option, and she gave a small nod.

Flamedramon smiled and passed the mug to her. She grabbed it in her paws and then took a sip of it. It didn't taste bad at all, and it gave her a nice amount of pleasure to drink the substance, so she kept drinking it until the last drop. After she finished the green tea, she returned the mug to Flamedramon, "What was it?" she inquired.

"Just some brew I got from a friend, have no worries, it will make you drowsy, but will also help you" he smiled.

"Now, don't you want to eat something?" the dragon offered as he placed the mug somewhere on a little light-table next to the bed, then motioned to the tray with some baked goods, it seemed. "I don't have much to offer, but I got this today in the market."

Renamon wouldn't admit it, but she indeed was hungry. She needed food; she only nodded though, no desperation shown. She took something that looked like a donut covered in peanut butter. In some way, the eagerness for eating remembered her about certain two of her well-known rivals. Before she could nibble it, she also remembered about how close Takato and the red lizard digimon were. Those two looked like a team, why couldn't she and Rika be like that? Oh right, it didn't matter to her so she dismissed the thought from her mind after she returned to her own opinion of involving humans with Digimon would only result in weakness.

Hours later, Renamon was asleep again, after eating two extra sweet threats. Her body lay on the soft and cozy bed, sleeping in peace.

In the room next to hers was Flamedramon, resting on his own bedroom. He sighed, before taking a long breath "She just doesn't get it..."

The next day, Renamon's sleep was cut off with a loud noise coming outside. Some birds were heard at the same time, their song returned to the harmonic chorus after the thud had subsided almost immediately. Her fox ears flickered with the lovely tune, but her attention was glued to what she had just heard after she had woken up. She was able to stand up, so she immediately went outside. Only to see Flamedramon, once again cutting firewood "Why do you do that all the day?" she asked.

Flamedramon sighed and rubbed his hand covered in the clawed gauntlet over his forehead "Glad to see you awake."

"I do this to train myself to be strong" Flamedramon answered her question.

"How can cutting wood make you stronger?" Renamon questioned.

Flamedramon shook his head, "You just think about fighting right?"

"That's why I'm a Digimon," she responded, then added: "It's my life purpose, fight other Digimon and get stronger."

"And what if I told you, you are wrong?" said the male warrior, "What if I told you there are many things that can make you stronger ahead from fighting?"

"Like what?" she coldly inquired, her eyes fixed on his face while her fluffy tail waved to the sides.

"You just rely on your physical strength. That's what wrong with you," Flamedramon sighed "You should get stronger in your mind and face your fears that currently torment you."

"I already told you," she paused for a brief moment, and then spoke up "I'm not afraid of anything."

"Then why do you run away?" Flamedramon glared.

Renamon closed her eyes "I don't run away. I am,"

"Running away," he finished the sentence for her.

The female Digimon looked away from him after not saying anything for a long minute, and then she folded her arms, "What are you getting at?"

"I'm just telling you how weak you really are," Flamedramon answered, before rubbing his neck with his left claw.

"Are you trying to anger me?" she asked.

"Why would I?" Flamedramon said as he picked up the firewood he had cut so far, "I just want you to realize you can't go on alone."

"Alone..." she thought, "I've always been alone."

"What about the girl?"

Renamon widened her azure eyes, "What-" she made a small pause, "How do you,"

"It doesn't matter. What are you fighting for?"

Renamon shuddered, before listening to his question and clearly thinking about it, and then she gave the same response as earlier, "To become stronger."

"Stronger, for what?" Flamedramon asked.

Renamon fell silent for some seconds, then she felt herself an urge to answer him with a yell, but she held the strong feeling and replied: "I get stronger, for myself."

"Then, you are weak," the dragon retorted, "Because being strong for yourself will make you weak in your mind. Too much pride isn't good for anyone y' know."

She frowned at this. Then she looked away from him once again, "You don't know me."

"I probably know much more about you than yourself" his tail waved slowly in air as he walked to his hut.

"Very well then. If you know so much, then you can probably tell me how to get stronger then. I'll show you I'm not afraid of anything."

Flamedramon smiled, "Will you?" he turned his masked face around, a sly grin appearing over his face.

Renamon let her arms fall again, then nodded to him once.

"Alright then. You'll follow me today to the forest and will start training in the other ways to become stronger," he stated.

Renamon made no reply this time, just waved her fox tail behind her.

Flamedramon dropped his firewood piling next to the entrance to his small refuge and turned, "Let's go then, Renamon."

He tightened his gauntlets and then walked past Renamon, who followed him suit for the trail to the woods.

When they reached the woods' insides, Flamedramon stopped and turned around to face Renamon, "Right, are you ready?" he asked and she nodded, sure of anything he'd tell her to do. Flamedramon narrowed his eyes and pointed at an old looking tree, "Let's start with something easy..."

The day passed by really fast for Renamon, it stressed her like hell. Flamedramon's training didn't consist in fighting or exercising. He instead was again cutting trees, gathering the firewood with her. He also told her to grab a log and some buckets he had brought over after the first hour so she could go and look for some water.

Both of them had to bring the water-filled buckets from the very far away stream to the dragon's house. Everything was going so fast and Renamon was so unused to do these particular kind of things, she was feeling extremely tired at the end of the day.

At night, when both were inside the house and Flamedramon was organizing the water and the logs, she looked on him, expecting him to be really tired; he instead was more energetic than ever, "How is... that you are not tired?"

"I'm used to do this," was his reply.

"Why do you do it anyways?" she questioned.

"Because the nearby village needs wood," Flamedramon said.

"So you just do this for others?" Renamon asked.

Flamedramon took off his gauntlets and put them on the table, "Yes, but I also do it to keep on shape."

"He gets strong and uses his strength for others? What is that supposed to mean?" the vixen thought.

"You clearly need to think what a partner means, Renamon. But I guess this will take more time than we have today," Flamedramon said with a smirk.

Renamon looked away and frowned. Flamedramon saw this and then folded his arms, "Why don't you go and take a shower?"

"You go first," said Renamon.

"Don't worry. I'm used to being smelly, go and refresh yourself," he insisted with a motion of his blue claw towards the bathroom's door.

Renamon, to say the least, was pretty confused at seeing such courtesy, but was tired enough to just comply and not even think of arguing, she had had enough of that day. "Fine," she said.

Flamedramon smiled and went to his room, then brought a towel, "Here you are, go ahead and take your time," and then he handed the towel to the Digi-girl.

Renamon made no comments and just went ahead to the bathroom to take the so needed relaxing shower. She almost never had a chance to have a tranquil shower, and shower to say the least. While she was with Rika, she barely had access to the house without her partner's consent and she almost always cleaned herself in cold lakes, a very unpleasant continuous experience she had to bear whilst her stay in the real world. But... this sounded better, didn't it?

When Renamon entered, the sight of a bathroom fabled her for first, but for second she was amazed how the male seemed to keep everything neatly organized. She shook her head; she didn't want to keep herself distracted too much.

She entered the shower by moving the curtain aside and stepping inside, she was quite eager to feel hot and clean water on her dirty and smelly fur. Her paw met with the handle as she softly turned on the hot water, from the faucet, warm rain immediately started to pour down on her body. She watched down, as she got completely wet within seconds, it still was turning too hot, too cool it a bit, she stabilized the hot water with cold water. The warm feeling was back again, a smile of satisfaction drew itself on her face as she closed her eyes softly.

Her arms moved higher and higher as she stretched herself then she arched both behind her head. As she finished the pleasurable stretching, her arms slowly trailed down right to behind her neck, she held on it as she paused in movements to enjoy the brief moment. Curving from her chest down to her reduced waist and heading towards her voluptuous thighs she consented her body with caresses while taking a deep sigh. Her tail, then wet, moved involuntarily from left to right in air, the tip trailing on the ground every so often. She hissed in bliss as her paws magically did the job of cleaning her messy fur with water, she instinctively reached to her right and grabbed a piece of perfumed soap, then ran it down from the white tuft of fur on her chest downwards to between her legs, then to her left thigh and kept going down. She promptly changed the leg and started to clean all the way up again to her neck, "It has been so long since I was able to clean myself..."she thought as she left the soap on its container hanging on a wall to proceed to clean her body.

Minutes passed, and Renamon came out of the bathroom, her fur was more shiny and glowing than natural. When she exited the door, she was already dried off, her body still being caressed by the soft towel she had been given previously, "It's free," she said, not looking at Flamedramon.

The male however smiled contently at her appearance, he was pleased that Renamon was looking so... radiant- for a change in her attitude, "I'm glad you enjoyed your bath," he said, then continued, "I'll go ahead now, if you excuse me," he started walking towards the bathroom.

But when Renamon nodded and opened her eyes to look on the blue dragon, the two blue balls in her eyes widened at the sight. Flamedramon wasn't wearing his armor pieces. The blue male still didn't make comment and walked ahead inside the bathroom to have his well-earned shower.

At that time, Renamon started to consider if what she had just seen had been a hallucination of her tired mind, or some coincidence. Her jaw was almost widely opened. Had she just seen an exposed male? Wait- had he dared to tease her? No, he had managed to catch her attention already. She gasped once as thousands of unholy thoughts crossed her mind at once, she tried to dismiss them to keep her sharp concentration functioning properly, but what she had seen wasn't something she was able to see at any time, any day.

The seconds she thought she had taken to think of these... possibilities had actually been minutes, minutes that Flamedramon had used for cleaning. When she had finished thinking, Renamon opened her eyes normally, she turned to the side, but she had to broaden her sight once again as she saw the same male as before, now cleaned and holding a towel around his neck, the ends being gripped by the two powerful looking claws, his eyes showing both calm and seriousness. But it wasn't the dragon's crimson eyes that caught her attention, she had forgotten about her manners completely and was staring directly to his arms, then quickly over to his well formed chest, then to his so well endowed six-pack on his belly and then... to his crotch- oh the madness! Renamon was like a little girl in a toy store, looking everywhere at her favorite things and quickly changing her target as she got more and more eager for them.

"Is there any problem?" asked Flamedramon finally after the quick admiration for 'art' the female was making.

Renamon snapped out of her delusion for the male's good endowment and looked up on him, her face starting to deepen in color, "Y-yes, I mean- no!" she quickly said.

Flamedramon nodded and turned to walk ahead to his room, "Alright then, see you tomorrow."

And as the dragon followed the path to his room, Renamon followed his slight broad shoulders with her eyes. She was blushing harder and deeper by the time she saw an indent on the door, a crack, a hole for spies... what should she have done? She wanted to keep admiring that physique. Not fighting her impulses anymore, the fox silently made her way towards the door, but stepped just before the entrance, her eyes peeking inside through the crack of the door.

And there was Flamedramon, in front of a body-sized mirror, still armor-less. He was posing, like if he wanted to check how strong he really looked like, like if he was checking for any improvements done to his well-sculptured form.

It felt like on purpose for Renamon, she was staring at the teasing poses the digimon was making with more and more eagerness building deep inside her, or should we say: deep down her. Between her legs, a burning sensation raged about, she was starting to slowly drift to her own little ocean of hormones, pulling her sexual desires for release to the limits. She narrowed her eyes in bliss from staring at the multiple poses Flamedramon did. Each one she expected, he made. Arms were flexed, bulging with hard muscle, shoulders swelling up and down as he looked at himself and stretched his manly body, not a slight detail escaped Renamon's sight.

She bit her lower lip as she accidentally let the words escape her mouth: "Hot..."

Flamedramon got aware of this, one of his ears flickered once, but he still kept on doing what he was doing, using the reflection to catch up with her movements. He took the chance when Renamon closed her eyes for a brief moment of imagination. He disappeared from her sight quickly.

As Renamon opened her eyes, she didn't find the male she was admiring, only the mirror said guy had been posing for, "Where did he go?" she asked herself and blinked five consecutive times. In between one of those, her vision became obstructed by something all of a sudden; she couldn't see the mirror anymore. Her eyes had met with someone else's, "Uh oh" Renamon silently cursed to herself as she realized she had been caught.

"Can I help you?" Flamedramon inquired in his deep voice.

"Uhh... I," Renamon started babbling for a moment, losing her balance with words.

Flamedramon grinned for a moment, before letting himself back off from her while opening the door for the lady in front of him, "Want to come in?" he asked.

"Sure..." Renamon managed to say while walking inside.

"Go on, take a seat there," Flamedramon gently said, motioning with his claw towards the bed.

Renamon was in every way charmed by his manners, as for a first sight, she had thought of this dragon as a brute, only a muscled filled brain, no personality at all. But as she got to know him better, she slowly felt something different. When she sat down, she got confronted by the first question, "Why were you spying me?"

Renamon gained some of her composure and looked on him with the most serious face she could manage to make at the time, "I was... just curious because of your visible strength. I wanted to check you out," she said, looking away to avoid eye contact.

Flamedramon grinned and folded his arms, he was pleased by her moment of doubting and distress, but his nose caught some kind of scent, "Wait... did she fall already? Oh, this job is becoming quite easy" he thought with confidence showing on his face as his nose had caught the essence, Renamon's sex was in the air already. His eyes naughtily fixed on the vixen's crotch, it was swollen, and the fur seemed not to exist over their, but two pink lips were almost showing along with a wet circle of fur rounding it. He grinned to himself with pride. The lizard took the chance once again Renamon was distracted to walk in front of her and bend down, just so his face was next to hers.

When Renamon finally decided to look back at the reptile, she found herself confronting now a handsome blue scaled face, she could even reach the point to admire the white colored muzzle Flamedramon had. But neither his muzzle, nor his color of scales had caught her main attention. The face he was making... the expression... it wasn't like a male would stare at her. The stare showed both seduction and lust, lust for her body. She could easily guess this digimon wasn't going to back off from her, not this one, and certainly, not this time. Whilst most males would have gotten scared, she thought, this one stared at her with fiery ruby eyes, making her cheeks crimson even more that they already were. She could smell his scent already; she hadn't had many opportunities to be able to sniff the male stench. Renamon couldn't believe it, he had just taken a bath, but his manly stench was still there! It just was desirable; she couldn't help thinking it as disgusting, but at the same time... so arousing.

"Got her" Flamedramon thought, his ego seemed to go through the roof as he approached his white muzzle to her furry one, but ran it down to her neck.

Renamon gasped, her eyes widened in surprise. For a moment, she expected a kiss, but instead, she got a very long lick from the sturdy collar below her neck up to her left cheek. The eye just above it closed, the other remained half-open.

"Want to?" Flamedramon said in a teasing voice, a lusty grin forming in his maw.

Renamon for a moment doubted, what good would it do to let this male have his way with her? She could just kick his crotch and run away from the pervert. But wait- what wrong would it do to let him either? She could just let him enjoy her body, while letting herself enjoy his'. "Oh what the hell," Renamon finally concluded in her mind, then closed both eyes and nodded.

Flamedramon couldn't be any more pleased by her decision, his arms and claws took the job of giving her lovely caresses over her warm body, running from her neck down to her back and towards her well formed butt, where he gave playful squeezes to the cheeks, "Nice buttocks," he growled.

Renamon moaned at this, not only his treatments were acting on her, but also the deep voice of her mate was arousing her even more. Her growing arousal was proofed by another moan that came out of her mouth when the dragon grabbed her ass cheeks whilst his big and long tongue gave her face some more wet rubs. Even more pleasure was received as his naughty muzzle went lower, even lower than her collar bone, this time to her chest fur.

Flamedramon grinned, "Let's see what we've got here," he let out a small chuckle as he moved the fur away with his face, promptly revealing two white furred mounds of a fair size according to her body shape. C-Cup breasts hung from her chest, firm and tender. Two cute pink nipples came with them of course, as sweet and beautiful looking as honey. "Mmnnh," Flamedramon was delighted from the view; he could just grasp one and feed of it if it was food for him. It didn't sound bad for an idea, he thought, his face going right next to her left nipple, taking a small sniff just to tease her furthermore.

Renamon couldn't believe how much of a tease this Mon was, she just couldn't bear the horniness in her mind. Her eyes closed again as she moaned and arched her back when Flamedramon's maw took her nipple inside, his tongue circling around the tender, sensitive flesh as his mouth sucked, sucked like a baby wanting his mother's milk, "Ohhh..." the fox moaned, "Flamedramon..." she gasped while moaning his name over and over again.

Renamon's flower was completely wet; her scent was almost intoxicating for him. It wasn't long before the lizard got enough of pleasuring her breasts after both her nipples had been sucked and decided to get a tastier 'threat'. "Spread your legs," he strongly commanded.

Renamon complied with the order, she was being manipulated by her lust and desire for him, and she almost immediately spread her long legs, her pussy swollen, begging for attention. And soon it was about to happen as Flamedramon went down, his knees on the ground as his claws now held her thighs firmly so Renamon could stay sitting whilst his face neared to her opening, to her hot entrance, to her love hole. Renamon got deeper color in her face as the male contemplated the spectacular view of her pussy; she was nervous and impatient of why he was so hesitant to start. Was something wrong?

Certainly not, this was just another of Flamedramon's teasing games. He was making her want it as he delighted himself with the view of her pink lips.

Renamon was battling her thoughts again, she was losing again, the pleasure, her hormones were stronger. "Eat me out," the vixen pleaded, taking a deep sigh.

Flamedramon formed a new grin of pride as he closed his eyes, smirked and soon stuck his big tongue out, guiding it to her pussy, he enjoyed teasing her. The slick muscle covered the already wet fur around her pussy with his saliva, the movements of his tongue was driving her crazy already. But moans got louder for her as the reptilian tongue dove in a sudden deep inside her opening, the sheer pleasure made her shiver in bliss as her clitoris got massaged as the tongue advanced, "Nnnghhh! Hrrrr!" Renamon moaned lustfully, her sexual climax was near; her orgasm was as its peek. She didn't last long, "AAAAHHHHHH" she yelled as her cunt juices literally streamed down her canal and onto Flamedramon's tongue, splattering against his face. The male let out a moan of satisfaction, as he tasted the sweet flavor of the female cum. Now not only both were aroused, but the blue boy's cock was out and erected from the scent of his mate. The member stood seven and half an inch long, one and half inch wide.

His tongue exited Renamon's twat as he stood up on his legs. Renamon was panting, her tongue was hanging out of her mouth, and she was almost beat. At the sight of the hot male's dick however, every symptom of tiredness went away and her jaw dropped.

"Like what you see?" Flamedramon said, another devious smirk crossing his face.

Renamon was mute and she couldn't talk. She didn't nod either. But Flamedramon didn't need words or gestures. He was horny, he had just satisfied her, and it was his turn.

As Renamon stared on the aroused male climb the bed, she got herself on her back, she knew what was next. She had had lots of previous experience with other males when she lived way back before in Digital World, but whilst her stay in Real World she had almost... forgotten, about all the pleasure a male could bring to her body. Maybe Flamedramon was right; maybe she was scared of Rika? Maybe she was running away after all? The struggle, the pain, and the stress... everything she was suffering was because of thinking like a self-sufficient being? Maybe she was being egoist with her tamer indeed... Maybe she did need someone to teach her what is being like a team... this day, in which Renamon had worked as a team with Flamedramon, was what she had to do with Rika, she finally understood that, even more now that she had had the time to realize it. Digimon and Partner aren't separate entities destined to work for their own benefit. They are the same, they are one, and they were chosen to be together because of their similarities in their behavior. Each one would get stronger for each other, not for themselves. They would grow up together, maturing over their mistakes. She now understood it; she only needed courage to show this to Rika.

"Ready?" Flamedramon's voice shattered her thoughts as she found herself below the wall of male hormones, lusty for her.

Renamon smiled, she momentarily looked on her sides, noticing Flamedramon's muscle-bound arms, his tail was wrapped around hers, "Ready," she said, contently.

Flamedramon smiled, then kissed her, lips met, fur with scales, tender flesh against each other. Both young digital monsters closed their eyes as they locked themselves into the kiss. Its duration was short, because of the horny lizard starting to push inside; the red pulsing member was starting to go inside the love box. Renamon and Flamedramon moaned in unison, he, feeling her tightness and she, feeling his size. The synchronized pleasure was driving both of them nuts, "Damn you are tight," Flamedramon growled, half of his cock was inside the fox. Renamon said nothing to this, only let out a long sigh of bliss as the thick dragon meat filled her insides. The kiss broke as Flamedramon arched his head up and forward, eyes still closed, pleasure-built growls heard. Renamon grasped his back with her paws, her own tongue stuck out her mouth to lick the male's neck up to his apple as the male organ was finally inside, up to the hilt, his balls slapped her tail-hole as he stopped all at once.

"Mnnnh!" both moaned in ecstasy, "God... ohhh..." Renamon moaned as her orgasm was building again already. She had bottled up so much stress all this time.

Flamedramon was in a similar position, but he could hold it down for a moment. He started to pull his member back, only to push it all the way back inside when it was half out, "Hrrrr..." the dragon growled as his cock felt the pressure building up on him. His claws were gripping the covers hardly, veins popped on his biceps and triceps as the energy consumed him. His own instincts were driving him mad for pleasure. Soon, he found himself riding Renamon like a wild animal in heat; pussy and dick met each half of a second. Their hips hit together as Flamedramon pounded in and out.

The wild session was making the bed they were on shake, almost tremble. In some minutes, Renamon moaned loudly, louder than she could ever imagine she would. Her orgasm had hit her again, but this time with such force her pussy literally coated her mate's member, crotch and waist with her juices, "Ohhh! Nnghh! Flamedramon!!! YES!!" she wildly screamed as the pleasure hit her like a wall of bricks and kicked her straight to heaven.

Flamedramon didn't last long either, so much pressure gathered in his testicles, he felt he'd blow up, "Rrr... GRAAAAH!!" he roared loudly and arched his body back to the limits, even the claws on his feet gripped the bed covers as his balls emptied their load deep inside Renamon's womb, waves of dragon seed filled her cunt like an ocean a whale's mouth. Both held in a tight embrace as the dragon's member shoot all its cum inside Renamon. Both ended gasping, beat from the efforts of the day, then the magical moment finished in bliss.

Minutes later, Renamon opened her eyes; she let out a gasp as she woke up and sat up on the bed, the soft mattress was still warm from her body on it, "Huh?" Renamon blinked as she didn't find the blue dragon who had made love to her the day before next to her, "Flamedramon?" she stood up from the bed. For a moment, she lowered her ears, "Where is he?" she looked around, not finding him.

Renamon got out of the refuge, she still didn't spot anyone nearby. She said nothing, just walked ahead to the pile of wood next to the entrance she had seen the day before, "He's gone," she solely said, looking on the trees.

All of a sudden, she stepped back as she saw one tree disappearing, in it's place, a rift had opened, Renamon narrowed her eyes, "Real World..." she thought, remembering the first rift. She looked on it, Flamedramon wasn't there, she darted her eyes to fix her look on the floor. She didn't want to go back yet, but...

Something had changed in her, "Rika," was the first word she said, "I'm not going to run away from her anymore. I'm going to show her we can be a team" she thought, remembering of Flamedramon's words. She had thought this over, she'd stay here to find her own purpose and destiny, she now knew her fate lay on her partner, it was why she would stay no matter if the human girl said no. She'd keep trying, and be afraid no more. She looked again on the warping rift and took a step closer, then leaped into it.

This time though, the travel seemed strange, she felt like she didn't want to close her eyes, she was opening them wider for some reason, when she noticed, the black space for travels was gone. Birds flew away from her, wait- birds?

Indeed. There were birds flying away from her. What was this? "I'm... back home," she said, looking around her, she was sitting down. She felt like she just had awoken, wait. She looked around herself again, she was on top of the building she had decided to take a rest some days ago, "A dream" she sighed. The fox walked towards the edge of the building, looking high up, it was almost noon. The sun was at its peek. In her mind suddenly, a deep voice was heard, echoing, "Never forget... show her your courage... Renamon," she gasped for a moment. Had that voice been...? No, it couldn't be. Or could it? She debated in her mind.

Renamon snapped out of her thoughts as she saw Impmon leaping on a building next to her, he seemed to be looking at some human kids. She nodded to herself and chased him off.

Renamon would return to Rika eventually, but that's the original story. Hope you enjoyed this story, because here it Ends.