Kimahri and Lulu's moonlit night

Story by Sheerahimae on SoFurry

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Kimahri sniffed the air yet another time, as he surveyed the trees. He hated camping in the Macalania woods; the crystalline forest and its trees distort your surroundings making it too easy to get ambushed. He moodily jabbed his spear at a crystal until it snapped off its base, then got up to inspect the area for a 3rd time. He threaded his way through the azure trees, his ears swiveling constantly, filtering the unusual sounds of the forest. His large muscles bunched under his cerulean fur as he launched himself up a tree to gaze down on the campsite he and his fellow guardians had set up. His golden eyes flitted from one person to the next; Tidus was sparring briskly with Wakka, Yuna and Rikku giggling as they braided each others hair, and Auron resting against a tree. A frown wrinkled Kimahri's muzzle as he noticed the absence of one of their group. He turned and began to leap from branch to branch, his snowy hair flowing behind him. A faint splash soon reached his ear. He landed silently, crouched on the forest floor. He cautiously crept forward, using the tip of his lance to brush aside a branch. A flash of pale, glowing flesh revealed itself . Lulu was standing at the edge of a shimmering pool. She gazed into the gleaming pond, the ripples playing over her smooth, milky skin. She glowed next to the luminous pool, as if she and it were one in the same. Kimahri had always thought Lulu attractive, even for a human. He always thought that if only she had been born a Ronso, she would have been the most striking female that ever lived. He gazed upon her, taking her in slowly from head to toe, his imagination covering her in blue fur as he went.

Somewhere between her shoulders and back, his vision broke as her form shifted slightly. Kimahri barely breathed as he realized she had slid her dress down her left shoulder. His pulse sped as she began to slowly slid the dress down her body. The darkness of the fabric making her skin appear to glow even more. Kimahri shifted nervously, unsure of what to do; he knew he shouldn't be spying on a naked female and why would he want to watch a human bath anyway? All his thoughts ceased as he saw her large breasts spring from their tight prison, jiggling as they came free. A fierce heat blossomed in Kimahri's loins. He balked in surprise, completely confused as to why he's become so aroused. He looks up again to catch the sight of Lulu's dress falling from her hips. Kimahri stares in awe at her voluptuous curves, the smooth slope of her lower back, trailing softly down to her full, cupable ass, and milky white thighs.

A cracking sound brought Kimahri's attention to his right paw, where he noticed he had sunk and dragged them down a tree trunk. He puzzled for a second, then turned his gaze back to the naked female. He gasped as he saw the unforeseen sight of her massaging at her chest. She cupped those full breasts in her hands, squeezing them together, her nipples surrounded by dark areole standing out like pinpoints. She made soft noises as she touched herself. Her eyes shut with an expression of pleasure and somehow pain. Kimahri's heart began to pound, he knew that look. It was the one he saw on the Ronso female's faces during the spring seasons, the time when they sought to quench their fierce heat. He suddenly took a few deep sniffs and sure enough, the scent of need and longing was radiating from Lulu. Kimahri felt his member throb in its sheath, pulsing with the need to be inside something hot and tight. He had not been with a female since his horn, a Ronso sign of pride and virility, was broken by another male. That had happened a long time ago. Kimahri's body flared with sensations, his senses hyped on Lulu's scent, he couldn't bare it for another second. He strode into the clearing.

Lulu tried to focus on the sensation of her hands on her breasts, when a noise from behind startled her. She whirled and saw Kimahri striding towards her. Her initial panic faded as she watched him approach. She vaguely wondered what could be so urgent that he would need to speak with her at that moment. She wasn't embarrassed that he had seen her naked, after all, he's not even human. She was about to speak, but the words died in her throat. Kimahri's golden eyes were blazing with something, something fierce and wild. Lulu took a fearful step back as Kimahri suddenly leapt at her. She thudded to the ground, a heavy weight pining her wrists to the ground. Kimahri was crouched over her, his chest billowing as he breathed heavily, his eyes burning inches from hers. She was about to scream, then Kimahri's muzzle pressed over her mouth. His thin black lips pushed forcefully on hers, his long feline tongue brushing roughly in her mouth. Lulu writhed in his grip, her heart thudding as he invaded her mouth. He pulled back, but only to drag his hot, rough tongue over her neck. Lulu gasped at the sensation, instantly light headed from the warmth of the Ronso's breath. Kimahri licked her neck thoroughly, reveling in the taste of her pale skin, so tempting. He softly bit down. Lulu cried out and bucked, taken by surprise at the sharpness of his fangs. Kimahri took his paws off her wrists and grabbed both of her large breasts. He groaned at the feeling of them in his paws, squeezing, and rubbing them until they flushed with color. Lulu was emitting an endless stream of moans as the Ronso fondled her chest. She cried out as he began to suckle on one of her nipples. She looked down her body and his golden gaze met hers, he sucked and licked at that hard nub, then softly bit it. Lulu's spine bowed and she called out his name. Suddenly his paws were off of her.

She opened her eyes to find him on his knees between her legs, she propped herself up on her arms as she stared at his muscled chest, his abs, and the extra thick trail of fur that started at his navel and disappeared behind his loincloth. Lulu's heart raced as she leaned forward, her hand tentatively reaching out for the garment. She softly gripped the hem then pulled the cloth aside. It was almost 3 inches thick and 9 inches long, thick veins wrapped all around its hard, dark blue length and small rubbery spines ringed the base and just below the head of the Ronso's dick. Lulu's pulse quickened. She had never had something like that inside of her before, but the throbbing heat between her thighs wanted to feel this unfamiliar thing, feel it inside of her. Without thinking Lulu slipped the head of Kimahri's dick between her lips and brought up her hands to cup his balls, both the size of a small peach. Kimahri let out a short bursting roar. Oral sex is unknown amongst the Ronso, the blinding urge to mate always drove his kind straight to the act, so traditional intercourse was all they knew. Kimahri panted as a new wave of sensation flowed over him. Lulu's lips held him tight as she worked her mouth up and down his thick shaft, she came off to twirl her tongue around the rim of his head and dip her tongue in and out of the slit. She bent her head down and let the tip of her tongue trace over one of his large balls. He gasped and made a small roaring noise. She licked and sucked on each tender orb, fitting as much as she could into her mouth. The Ronso panted heavily, he was going to come soon and he wanted it to happen sheathed inside of this pale goddess.

He roughly grabbed Lulu by her hair, she gave a small gasp as he used his new leash to turn her and force her to her knees. Kimahri gazed at the swell of her perfect ass displayed in front of him, a rumble going through his chest as he notices her juices flowing from her opening. Lulu looked over her shoulder at the Ronso, an intense pleading in her eyes, a look begging for release. Kimahri suddenly bent over her, his dick trapped between his stomach and Lulu's ass. He growls lowly into her ear, making her body tremble with fear and anticipation, then he quickly flexes his hips and plunges inside of her. Lulu was ready and wet, but Kimahri's huge feline dick still had difficulty penetrating her. He grunted as the head squeezed inside, Lulu moaning as she felt the tip push in, the Ronso forcing himself inside inch by delicious inch. Just when Lulu felt she could take no more, she felt his velvety balls touch her mound; he was finally sheathed completely inside of her.

Kimahri's eyes shut tight as he savored the feeling of being inside of a female after so long, especially one's whose pussy was tighter than any Ronso female's could ever be. He steadied himself, putting a paw on each side of her hips, then slowly began to draw himself out. Lulu felt like she had touched a live wire, her body quivered as Kimahri eased himself out, the rubbery spines under the head of his dick plucked her walls as he withdrew. It was a different and strange sensation, but it felt amazing. Kimahri was growling fiercely, any thoughts he might have had to be gentle with the human female were swept away. Instincts destroyed his logic as he began to fuck Lulu. His hips banged against hers as he started to ride her, using his grip on her hips to pull her back when he thrust forward. His lips curled back in a rumbling growl, bearing his fangs as plunged in and out of her. Lulu screamed, she hadn't been ready for such an abrupt onslaught. Kimahri's heavy balls slapped forcefully against her clit, making her cry out. The sound of her pleasure thrilled the Ronso, he took his clawed paw and raked it over her back. Lulu screamed his name as those black knives left faint pink lines over her sweat beaded skin. Each thrust of the Ronso's powerful hips shook her whole frame, making her breasts jiggle wildly and her every breath shake. She wailed as she felt her climax approaching, coming nearer with each stroke of his immense shaft. Sensing her nearness, he mercilessly began to jack hammer in and out of her, his balls slapping against her clit relentlessly.

Suddenly he felt her body clamp down on his. Lulu screamed and bucked as she came, her cries echoed through the trees as she writhed in ecstasy. She kept saying the Ronso's name over and over, until her upper body collapsed wearily to the ground. The sound of Lulu's orgasm drove the Ronso mad, he pounded into her with a new fury, his own climax a few strokes away. Lulu wailed and moaned as the Ronso continued to fuck her relentlessly, a second orgasm threatening to break. Kimahri's head tossed back, a thunderous roar peeled from his throat as he came inside of Lulu. His seed flooding into her in thick ropes. Lulu came again at the sound of Kimahri's roar, she writhed as his hot seed filled her up, she thought it would never stop as it gushed around his shaft and covered the ground beneath her thighs. Kimahri panted heavily as he slowly withdrew himself, Lulu giving a small cry as he exits. The Ronso falls onto his back, exhausted from such an exquisite mating. Lulu crawls towards him and settles herself on his chest. They gaze up at the night sky until they both fall into a peaceful sleep.