Unkown Paradise

Story by RedWing on SoFurry

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#2 of The Change

Hi and welcome to the 2nd chapter! This one contains yiff between M/M. Anyway here we go! -RedWing

The Change

Chapter 2 - Unknown Paradise.

I awoke in a heap in a bunch of bushes. This wasn't any part of Earth I had seen before, im not even sure it IS Earth. The trees were twisted and entwined with each other. Small animals were crawling around the floor. Then I started to think about what I left behind, I didn't have a family so that wasn't important, but all my friends, Wilcox and Winger, my job, my life. My mind went back to the fire fight, how I saw Peters made of stone, then that strange blue light, I must of blacked out after that. I instantly remembered what had happened, so I grabbed my radio * Alpha command, this is Whiskey Tango Bravo, please report.... * all that could be heard was static * Alpha command, this is Whiskey Tango Bravo, please report.... * "damn, I guess im on my own" I slowly forced myself up, clinging onto a branch for support, once I was standing, I took a look at myself, apart from a few bruises I was in good condition. I started to rub my arms, checking them over for any damage, "Oww, guess I must have fallen" suddenly there was a rustle in the bushes behind me. I instantly spun around, rifle drawn, pointing at the bushes. "Who's there?" no answer, "Who's there?" I demanded "show yourself!" that's when the boundaries of my imagination were torn apart, in front of me stood a 7 ft tall black dragon, with wings of at least the same size, two black horns, followed the curves of its head.

" I see that you have arrived" the dragon said in a deep voice.

"You.... you can speak!"

"Yes of course we can! We're not animals you know!"

" You were...expecting me?"

"Why, of course, you are one of the chosen, but I cannot explain here, many dangers are in the forests of Antertope"

"Antertope? Is that a colony or something?"

"For a chosen your pretty thick, Antertope is the world on which you are walking!"

" No.... im on earth... this must be a dream."

"I can assure you that this is no dream, come I will take you to our capital. Myrith"

"How can I be sure I can trust you?"

" U can't, but will you risk to stay here in an unknown forest full of dangers or come with me to Myrith and learn about the earth you now walk on?"

"Hmmm good point, ok then, lead away!"

And on that note, we started walking deep into the forest, soon, the 2 suns were setting fast. Thousands of thoughts were running through my mind. "Shouldn't we stop for camp?" I asked.

"Yes camp would be a good idea. Here's a good spot."

I started to wish I had packed my tent, im going to be sleeping in a foreign land with no supplies and I don't even have a tent, great just great.

After 30mins of searching for firewood, lighting a fire, and getting some sort of shelter set up we both sat down and started to talk.

" So where did you originally come from chosen one?"

"Please call me Alex, well I came from a planet called earth, a planet divided by war and greed for power, I was a soldier in an elite squad of 4, part of the SAS, or Special Airborne Service."

"Ah so you can fly, but you don't have wings, how is that possible?"

"Heh Heh, we don't fly, on earth there are things called planes, we ride on them, then we parachute out."

"Ah you will have to explain sometime, im sure the citizens of Myrith will be very interested."

"So what about you? What do you do? And where the hell am I?"

" My name is Pyro Omadatchi, and im one of the city guards. I was sent to pick you up from your drop off point."

"Nice to meet you Pyro, well its getting late, im gunna turn in"

"Not a bad idea, I'll join you"

We both climbed into the little pit of a shelter, hardly enough room for both of us.

Warning!! Yiff part ahead! Do not read unless 18!

Pyro climbed in first, letting me climb atop him, his scales were surprisingly warm and very comforting, I felt very relaxed. Pyro could sense this and started doing something, which I'd never thought he would do. He started to rub my crotch. This made me murr in response. I was loving the treatment, "why are you doing this?" I asked in a shocked voice.

"It's a "welcome present"

This made me smile, I wasn't going to reject such a wonderful "present." I started to rub his sheath, causing him to murr along with me. My member already becoming rock hard.

"Take your trousers off, if you want your FULL present." I did as I was told, exposing my member for the world to see. I could feel something rubbing against my butt cheeks, I turned round and that's when I saw it, a 9-inch beauty pushing behind my back. "Wow, so dragons DO have really big cocks"

"Glad you like it" his cock was hovering outside my anus, "shall I?" I nodded, he slowly started to enter me, I gasped as inch by inch of his cock entered me. At first it was painful, but soon the pain was overtaken by pleasure, now his whole cock was deep inside me. He started to nuzzle the back of my neck, showing his affection. Then, he started to pull out till only the head of his cock was in me, then without warning, he thrusted hard into me, making my walls scream in pain. Then I started to enjoy the process. He sped up, pulling out then thrusting back in, he started to pant, I worked out that he was close, I started to move back and forwards, making a rhythm. Suddenly he came, and he came hard! My ass couldn't hold all of it in, his seed flew out of me and onto his lap, all the pressure forced me to cum, my own seed hitting the floor. We both just rested there, in each other's embrace. " That was.... amazing!" I gasped.

"Just wait till tomorrow, you will have a big surprise " and with that we fell asleep.