Face the wall \'till class is over!

Story by KayTee on SoFurry

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The lesson was English Literature, the teacher was Mrs. Kingston, and Ryan and Lidda were bored.

The two had been 'going steady' for almost three days, and had been very much engrossed with each other for all of them. Both were famous for being adventurous and overly amorous, and bets were laid by the gossip corners of the playground of what would happen if ever those two ever got together. As it happened, the two clicked the moment they set eyes on each other, the tall, slender Grey Wolf Ryan and the Athletic nimble Raccoon Lidda. Each fires up the excitement and arousal of the other, to the point that they'd been playing riskier and riskier games to heighten the emotions between them. These games seemed to come out of nowhere, and were usually the result of boredom... Ryan and Lidda were very bored now.

Ryan was disturbed from his doodling when a rolled up scrap of paper bounced off his ear. He turned to the direction it came to see a smiling Lidda waving at him. He faked an angry growl, and laid his head on his arms, his face turned to look at Lidda. His eyes slowly trailed to Lidda's long legs, poking out from her short pink skirt.

Lidda adjusted her sitting position, giving Ryan a beautiful display of Lidda's long legs brushing against each other, stretching and folding. With a sly giggle, Lidda trailed a hand up her thigh, tracing up her leg until her hand met he skirt, there she pinched the material between her fingers, and slowly drew the garment up. She shifted her position to allow the skirt to roll fully up, revealing to Ryan the full length of her bare legs.

With a satisfied expression on his face, Ryan sat up and stretched hard, his muscles pulling against the material of his t-shirt. As he settled back down, he straightened and stretched his legs, presenting to Lidda the growing bulge pressing against the front of his Jeans.

Enjoying Ryan's show, Lidda slipped her thumb under her skirt, hooking the straps of her panties. Slowly, without breaking Ryan's gaze, she shifted her position again and pulled her panties down the length of her legs, letting them drop from her knees to pool around her ankles. She dipped a hand between her legs and started stroking.

Not to be beaten, it was now Ryan's turn. Slipping both hands down to his crotch, he made a show of stroking his growing package a few times, while Lidda stroked herself. Slowly he undid the buttons of his flies, before slowly drawing down his zipper. He pulled the front of his jeans open allowing Lidda as good a view as possible, and then he reached in, pulling his cock out. Always a fan of going commando, Ryan never wore underwear. Quickly then he gripped the sides of his jeans, and with a quick hop yanked them down over his hips, pushing them to his knees. He closed his eyes and stretched his legs again, pushing his cock up. Ryan felt the cool wave of air, and revelled in the whole concept of being exposed right here in a classroom; exhibiting himself to a single admirer, while others went on oblivious to his vulnerability.

Lidda gasped, slapping a hand to her mouth and looking round frantically to see if anyone else was watching. From her seat at the back of the class with Ryan, she could see that even if others were looking back, they'd have no idea what was going on under the table. She looked across at Ryan, seeing him drink in the feelings of being completely exposed in a classroom of all things! She could only try now to match Ryan's raising o f the bar. She waited for Ryan to look back at her, before moving her hands to the side of her skirt. She undid the clip, and slowly pulled open the zipper. Opening her skirt gently and letting it loll on the side of the chair. She now, like Ryan was naked from the waist down, right in the middle of class. She slipped her hands down and began stroking herself again, looking across at Ryan, who was not stroking his solid penis.

"Lidda! Ryan! Pay attention back there!" Mrs Kingston shouted, slapping a ruler down on her desk hard. The two furs sat bolt upright facing the front. "Can any of you tell me what I was just saying?" The teacher yelled.

No answer came the stern reply.

"Just as I thought! Not paying attention! Stand up now! Both of you!" Sudden looks of panic came over both Lidda and Ryan. Quickly both fumbled below their desks trying to cover themselves back up. "Hands on desks you two! I'll not have you hiding anything! Now stand up!"

Little did Mrs. Kingston realise what it was she was prohibiting the concealment of!

Ryan and Lidda exchanged worried glances. Both terrified of standing up and revealing their predicament. Soon another warning came from Mrs. Kingston.

"I'll come over and pull those desks away myself if I have to! The more I have to do the greater your punishment! Now, for the third and final time: Stand up!"

Both Ryan and Lidda, seemingly in unison both closed their eyes, hung their heads and slowly stood up.

The classroom was filled with sudden gasps and shrieks... Before long, however, these gave way to chuckles, giggles then full out laughter. The whole class turned round to the sight of Ryan and Lidda's exposed most private parts. Lidda's lips still swollen and slightly pated, and Ryan's penis, still very much erect.

Mrs. Kingston was amazed! "Well, well, well! What do we have here! Two very naught students! Both of you will come to the font of the class and face the wall for the rest of the lesson!"

Slowly Lidda and Ryan bent to cover themselves but Mrs. Kingston stopped them: "Did I say you were to dress yourselves? Come he as you are!"

More laughs now as Ryan and Lidda shuffled across the classroom. Lidda with her panties still caught between her ankles, and Ryan's Jeans clasping his legs together from the knees down. Slowly the two shuffled their way to the front of the class, passing every other student in the room, giving both close up views of their excited genitals. Eventually the two reached the wall, their bare bottoms facing the class.

And there they stayed, for the entire rest of the class. But Mrs. Kingston wasn't done with them yet. At the final bell, she had the two stand by the door, so the entire class had to file past them both on their way out. Finally the last student left, and Ryan and Lidda were left alone, exposed, before their teacher.

"So, what should I do with you two?" She asked herself "I think a letter to your parents would be just too ridiculous, but you do need punishing... Well, seems as though the two of you seem to enjoy being exposed in class, I'm sure the other teachers will find used for you. For now, go get your clothes, get dressed and get out! I'll be in touch!"

With that Ryan and Lidda shuffled back to their seats where the remainder of their clothes were. They dressed quickly and ran out the class.

Once in the hall, they enjoyed a quick embrace and quickly ran from the building, wanting nothing more than to put as much distance between themselves and that classroom as possible. Both, however, unable to decide whether their experience was embarrassing or exhilarating.

Mrs. Kingston meanwhile sat at her desk and prepared a bunch of post-it notifications for the other teachers. There was an art class tomorrow, biology on Thursday... perhaps she could bring the sex ed classes forward? Her options seemed limitless, Ryan and Lidda would be very popular kids in school for some time to come!