Spike Part 2

Story by spikefox on SoFurry

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Spike Part 2

Hi. Me again. This is the sequel to "Spike Part 1" so if you liked it, you'll totally like this. It involves sex between 2 males, incest, rape, age play,and abuse. If this isn't your thing, why are you reading it? I hope you like it.

Kyle sat confused on the toilet bowl, his cock hard and dripping from the previous sucking. 'Am I really gay?' he thought. He dissmissed this thought and decided to clean up, the bell would be ringing soon. He walked over to the sink and began to wash his cock off. He looked up in the mirror and thought, ' Kyle Botama. A gay bear.'. He clenched his fist and punched the mirror, sending shards skittering across the floor. His fist was bleeding and tears were flowing out of his eyes. He sucked on his fist and wrapped it in a paper towel, momentarily stopping the bleeding. Kyle sobbed for a while before snapping back into reality as the bell rang.

" Oh, crap!" he swore, running to his locker, to find the locker room empty. Just the was he wanted it. If anyone saw him like that they would most likely question him. Kyle ran over to his locker and quickly got into his jeans and sweater, pulling his jacket over himself, and ran out the door into the hallway. He sprinted to his hall locker and grabbed his backpack. The last bell rang and he ranout the door to the main hall. He got a bout three feet before running out of breath. He propped himself up against a wall, exhausted. Kyle breathed heavily, and after about five minutes he got thirsty and wlked over to the soda machine. He put an fifty cents and out popped a grape soda. The top opened with a click, and he started walking down the main hall, while guzzling his soda.

He finished when he stepped out of the double doors in the front of the shcool, crushed his can, and tossed it in the trash can. He went to the pick-up area and saw his dad, patiently waiting in his ford truck in the parking lot. He walked up to the truck and opened the door.

" Hey, where were you?" Kyle's dad asked, tapping the steering wheel.

" Oh, sorry bout that. The new girl gave me her number and we talked a while." Kyle sais, vowing that this would be the last time he ever tried to act straight.

" Hey the boys a lady-killer!" his father said jokingly. 'Yeah a real womanizer...' Kyle thought. His dad cranked up the engine and drove off to their house. Once there, Kyle decided he would tell his dad. 'But not now.' he thought.

"Hey, are you getting out?" asked Kyle's dad.

"Oh, sure." Kyle said hopping out of the truck, and they both walked inside togeter. As soon as they opened the door, Kyles dad yelled

"Honey, I'm home!"

"Bill, you're late!" his wife yelled back sounding as if she were upstairs.

"Yeah, Kyle was busy womanizing!" Bill yelled jokingly.

"What!?!?" Kyles mom yelled back, thinking he was serious.

"He's just kidding mom!" Kyle yelled heading up to his room.

"He had better be!" she yelled again.

"Alright, no more yelling!! I've got a headache." Bill yelled one final time. Kyle opened his door, and tossing his backpack on the bed, shut it back. He walked over to his desk and opened his sterio system. He looked aroung a bit on his desk, finally finding the CD he had been searching for. He took it from it's case and put it in the player. When he pressed play the room was filled with loud and angry metal.

Kyle nodded his head up and down, then flung himself on his bed. He thought about the days events, thoughts of Spike filling his head. He felt himself slowly drifting off to sleep. He dreampt of him and Spike cuddling and yiffing together. Back in reality, Kyle began to get quite hard. He had no idea his dad had just walked into his room to tell him to turn down the music.

Bill saw his son asleep and decided just to turn off the music himself. He pressed the stop button, and was about to walk out of his son's room, when he hard Kyle's moaning and heavy breathing. Bill turned anound to see if Kyle was awake. He was asleep dreaming of the boy who had semi-raped him earlier that day. A moan escaped Kyle's lips.

"Oooohhhhhh......Spike....." he murred and breathed heavier. 'Spike!?!?!?!?' Bill thought 'That freaky gay goth kid!?!?!?' he imagine why his son was calling out his name during his sleep. 'MY son is thinking about that little fag!?!?!?!?!?!?' Bill thought angrily. Bill shut Kyle's bedroom door and walked over to the sleeping bear, slapping him awake. Kyle awoke with a start.

"What!?!?!? Spike?" he said still drowsy. 'Spike!?!?' his father thought, and slapped him again.

"Ow!!!!! What's going on-" Kyle was cut short by a backhand across the face.

"You little faggot!!!!" Bill said now beating his son.

"What? Ow!!!!!" Kyle raised his arms to try to protect himself, but to no avail, as he was hit over and over again.

"Dad stop!!!!!" Kyle yelled, being beat sensless by his hulking father.

"I have wanted to do this forever." Bill said, now stopping beating his son.

"Do what?" Kyle said, scared. His father unzipped his pants, and flung them off in the corner. 'Oh gods!! He's going to rape me!! Twice in one day!?!? This is bullshit!!!' Kyle said, knowing that this time it wouldn't be so enjoyable.

"Hold still now." Bill said, "I don't wanna have to hurt you.". Bill began to take off Kyle's cloths. It was pretty easy, considering he was only weaing jeans and a T-shirt. Kyle didn't like to wear underwear. They made his sheath cramped up. Kyle was, despite the circumstances, feeling incredibly aroused.

"Ooohhhh yes Kyle. You should enjoy this you little queer." Bill said, rubbing his sheath. He rubbed it, and fondled his own balls. He kept rubbing, but stopped playing with his ball momentarily to stick a finger in his mouth. He swirled the finger around in his muzzle to wet it with saliva. He took out his finger and ordered his son "Turn over! On your stomach now!" he yelled harshly all the while not stopping rubbing his sheath, which had a pink head now showing. Kyle turned over like his father had said to. "Spread your legs!" Bill yelled. Kyle whimpered as he did this, now knowing what his dad planned to do to him.

"Good boy." Bill said, now stroking his erect twelve inch shaft. He licked his finger again and pressed them against Kyle's tailhole. Kyle whimpered as he felt his dad push his finger inside of him. Bill saw that his son could take one finger, so he pulled it out of him and sucked it along with another finger, enjoying the taste of Kyle's bowels. Kyle got up on his knees, with his legs still spread, to get in a better position. Bille took his fingers out of his mouth and shoved them into his son's tailhole.

"Aaahh!!" Kyle yelled, earning him a punch in the mouth from his dad.

"I told you to be quiet!!" Bill said pumping his fingers in and out of Kyle's tailhole. he stopped after a while and spit on his paw, stroking his shaft, lubing it up. He chuckled, and crawled onto his son's bed. He crawled close to his son, grabbing his sides. Kyle yelped as he felt his father touch him that way, and Bill hit him on the back.

"I said sut up!!" Bill yelled, now close enough to his son to get what he wanted. He aligned his cock with Kyle's tailhole and slowly pushed in. Kyle tried to ignor the pain of being torn apart, and kept his muzzle shut.

"Oooohhhhhh yeah....." Bill moaned pushing in until he found Kyle's ring of muscle that wouldn't let him through. He pulled almost all the way out and shoved back in roughly, penetrating his son's ring.

"Oh gods!!!!!!" Kyle screamed, earning him a few more punches from his dad. He was so sore now he could barely feel them. Bill pushed in until all of his twelve inch monster was inside his son. He pulled out and pushed back in, going faster and faster, his son whimpering through all of it. Kyle couldn't take this much abuse, he was going to pass out soon. But instead of falling unconcious, Kyle began to feel pleasure. His dad kept thrustin in and out, going faster and faster. Bill leaned down on his son's back humping madly. He nibbled his son's ears and began to rub his chest. He rubbed and humped faster and faster, coming ever closer to his climax.

Kyle could feel he was getting closer also. He humped back on his dad's cock, while stroking his seven inch member. Bill humped as fast as he could, sending waves of pleasure through both him and his son.

"Oh, Kyle!!!! I'm gonna... OH!!!!!!!" he pulled out of his son and pawed his member until it squirted bear seed onto his son's back. Kyle was pawing off faster now, and feeling his dad shoot load, after load of hot cumm onto his back sent him over the edge. He sprayed his seed onto his bedsheets and on his chest. Bill collapsed onto his son's bed.

"Kyle, I hope I didn'y hurt you." he said.

"Hurt me? That was wonderful!" Kyle said nuzzling his dad.

"Good. Don't tell your mother though." Bill said, lapping up his seed on Kyle's back.

"Sure dad." Kyle said, drifting off to sleep again.

Well, that was my second yiffy story! Yay!!! Rate this story to what you thought of it and please post comments, or just e-mail me! Part 3 is coming soon!!

Spike Part 3

It's me again! This is part three in the Spike series, if you want to understand what's going on, read the other two parts first. This story envolves sex between two males of young ages, bondage, anal, oral, etc. If this is not your thing then go...

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Spike Part 1

This is my first yiffy story. I hope it is good =3. This story contains sexual actions between two male furries. If this isn't what you like to read, then turn back now!!!!!! All characters and scenarios belong to ME!!!!!! All scenarios, if any,...

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