Part 10 Water Training

Story by Dragoune on SoFurry

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#10 of The Land of Marnex: Evil Regins Again

Whew... that was alot to type in one week but I finally got it. This is one of my favorites so I hope that I did okay. If you are under then 18 then you should not be reading if you are though then pray not to get caught.

Just before Dragoune woke up he was visited by another element dragon.

"Sice what are you doing here?" asked Dragoune

"Don't tell me you already have forgotten." Sice said Dragoune thought about it and then it hit him but he was not happy.

"Why now Sarneira it's getting close to-"

"Saneira's second month but the deal was that we do not disturb you from the start of the second month till at least the middle of the third month. So since this is the last week of the first month, you are mine for that time period." Sice said with some authority

"Fine." Dragoune said Sice showed him where she was and he left before Sice said anything else.

Dragoune woke up and saw that Saneira was already awake staring at him those beautiful blue eyes. She kissed him when he was fully awake and said.

"Good morning."

"Good morning to you too....but I have some bad news." Dragoune said with a heavy heart and told her that Sice wants him to start training on the water element.

"But they promised-" Saneira said but Dragoune finished it.

"That they will not make me go to training on the second month I know but this is the first month still." Dragoune was about to leave and say goodbye but Saneira made him stay longer. She then did something that Dragoune did not expect at all. She took his hand and set it on her belly so that he could feel the egg inside of her.

"I was hoping for two, although it does not matter that we got one." Saneira said Dragoune felt around and knew that it was a healthy size, but can not explain how he knew.

"I wonder what are the colors are going to be." Dragoune said smiling, taking away his hand, and kissing Saneira once again.

"I promise that I will return." He took his stuff went to the door but before leaving he took one more glance at Saneira just to get a real good image of her in his memory, because he had a feeling that this next training session was going to be long and hard. He stopped to say goodbye to the others and left the cave eagerly to get there, get it done and then come back.

The way he needed to go was at the beach obviously and past where he and Saneira became one. Once he got there he landed at first he felt so happy at being there again but then he is mood quickly changed and then asked himself.

'How can Saneira ever love me when I did those horrible things and that I have and uncontrollable rage that turns me into a monster?' Dragoune then fell to his knees because he felt suddenly weak. He put a hand to his chest and felt his necklace. That only made it worse because he then thought about his child and knew that he /she will not be safe near him when he is like that. He stayed there for a while tears coming his eyes, but then he sensed something and he sixth told him that whoever it was had Kaous controlling it. Anger coming over grief Dragoune took his swords out and stuck out his tongue while using his sixth sense to pinpoint on where the thing was. It was not hard because there was not much cover to hide in. Dragoune saw the scaley before it saw him. He was about to strike but the scaley turned around and blocked the attack.

"How did you?" Dragoune said

"I sensed you when you went behind me." The scaley said but that was the only he could say because Dragoune struck him with his tail sword. Wiping the blood Dragoune noticed that his depression was suddenly gone and he figured out why.

'Just another trick for Kaous to use against me.' Dragoune thought to himself with a growl and then left towards Sice's place. When he got there he noticed that it was cool inside with reluctance he slipped into the mouth of the cave. When he got about halfway he was getting very sluggish and sleepy because of the cold. He used his fire element to warm himself for a while and then started going forward again. When he finally got to the center he saw to his discomfort that it was a room full of ice. Sice was in the middle of room waiting for him.

"I-I th-thought that-t y-you s-said-d that-t y-you we-were a wa-water dragon-n n-not an i-ice dr-dragon." Dragoune stammered because he was shivering like crazy.

"I am a water dragon but ice is part water and I like it chilled now and then. Once you gain the water element you too will not mind the cold. But for now use your fire element to keep yourself from freezing to death." Sice said. Dragoune did and he felt better but he said.

"I cannot really keep this up because I will get tired and if I do two elements at once I will tire even more."

"Did you practice at all with your two elements?" Sice asked

"Not really." Dragoune said Sice sighed and shook her head.

"You got to practice with them almost every day so your body can get use to them. Have you ever thought of surrounding yourself at least with one element?" Sice asked

"Yes I did and tried it but I got tired real easily."

"Well that is what you have to do when you fight Kaous you got to surround yourself with elements plus put an element on the weapons that you will use to attack. With Kaous it is almost like any other fight, you just need elements at your disposal. I suggest first though to put at least one element on your swords, but first attack with you claws and teeth that is covered with let's say fire. That way it will be easier to defeat him. And practicing that will allow your body to get stronger. Trust me you will find that out as soon as I am through with you. Now let's begin like your other two clear your mind and think of water." Sice said Dragoune did and then he started to feel the cold again. He quickly felt the water inside him and then opened his mouth. But nothing came out and he started shivering again in which Sice noticed.

"I knew this was going to happen but Firen did not listen to me and speaking of him why did you stop your fire element?"

"Well in order to do them I thought that I had-" Dragoune was saying but Sice cut him off.

"No you can do more at once, what do you think I was talking about earlier?" Sice said Dragoune was starting to get angry but kept his cool.

"Well it does not matter because it seems that I cannot do water anyway." Dragoune grumbled.

"Actually you can it is just since that you have been only doing fire element all your life it is harder for you to do water."

"So how come I got earth just as easy?"

"Because it goes with fire, unlike water, we had the same problem with the first and I kept on telling Firen that it may happen again. But he would not listen." Sice answered

"How long it took him?"

"About three weeks," Sice said Dragoune's eyes started to turn red and he was going to blow his top.

"But since he already did that and you are his great-greatgrandson it only will take five to six days give or take one."

"You know that you are cutting it kind of close there Sice." Dragoune said

"Then we should not just stand here and talk then. Let's try again." Dragoune did, but this time kept the fire element on him. It took him four more tries to get water to come out of his mouth. By this time he definitely could feel the strain he was getting from the fire element. When the water did came out and when he stopped it, he fell flat on his back and nearly lost consciousness. When he sat up he was already shivering a lot and he was out of breath.

"Again." Sice said

"You got to be kidding me, I nearly fainted." Dragoune growled

"You will find that it will drain your stamina slower, and since the day is still young you can do more." And so that how Dragoune's first day at water training went. He kept on using the fire element to keep himself warm and use the water element to attack. To his utter amazement he was getting less and less tired but the first one really knocked him out so through out the day he was quite miserable.

"That will be it for today. Tomorrow you will be using three elements. Go outside where it is warm, once you control the water element enough you will not feel cold anymore and can stay in the safety of my cave, goodnight." Sice said Dragoune did not like it when he heard that he will be using three elements tomorrow but he did say goodnight without growling at Sice. Dragoune found a reasonable protective spot to sleep but when he tried to get to sleep he couldn't because all he could thing of Saneira. It took him a long while but he drifted into an uneasy sleep.

The next day Dragoune was tired, sore, and miserable. Plus he knew that he will be using three elements instead of just one or two at the same time and that did not brighten his mood. He got ready and once again went into the cave where Sice was waiting for him.

"Good morning" she said to him in which he only grunted.

"I said good morning."

"Mornin' " Dragoune growled

"See that was not so hard today I want to see on how well you fight since that you really did not practice with your elements. Since that you are using the fire element to keep warm you will not really be free to use it all that too often. So you will attack with water and defend with earth."

"Wait a minute how can I trust you so that you not turn into water at the last second of my attack hitting you." Dragoune said

"Because this is for you to practice, if you get close to hitting me then I will not do that. No weapons only elements, now let's begin." Dragoune was the first to attack but she brought an ice wall to block it. Dragoune could not really move all that well because he never had ice under his paws so whenever he tried to move he would lose his balance and fall and Sice knew it. When the ice wall went down Sice was not there.

"That's not fair how can I attack or block if I cannot see you?" Dragoune yelled

"Do you think Kaous will play fair? No and you do have a sixth sense it does not just sense out controlled servants. It sense out all magic." Sice said from everywhere in the room so Dragoune cooled down and sensed out with his mind, just as he did though Sice threw icicles at him. Thinking fast Dragoune went to earth and raised his hand making a wall of earth protecting him from the icicles. But then he felt water splashed on him and steam was coming off of him.

"You have got to be smarter then that. We will try again." Sice said Dragoune was already tired from using three elements and he really did not want to continue but had very little choice. Once again Sice disappeared from sight and Dragoune was left to use his sixth sense but while he was doing that he was thinking of a way to beat Sice at her own game. Again Sice threw icicles and again Dragoune blocked it with an earth wall only this time it surrounded him, but that really exhausted him. When he lowered it he then again saw Sice and used the water element but she again brought up an ice wall.

'I cannot get her if I stay in one spot and that only makes me a sitting duck. But I cannot move either because I never really stood on ice." Dragoune thought to himself just then Sice used made a circle around him in which he blocked it with an earth wall, but it was just a trick because ice covered him to his knees.

'I know why she is doing this it is because I am getting tired and using my fire element to melt this will only tire me out even more. It does matter though since I really can't move.' But then it hit him he can use his claws to dig into the ice so he won't slip. Increasing the fire in his legs to make the ice thin enough Dragoune then lowered the earth barrier and ran towards Sice.

Sice did not expect this and raised a wall of all around herself but Dragoune was too fast and he hoped over the ice wall just as it was halfway and then used his water attack to hit her. Dragoune then sat down because he was so exhausted.

"That was very impressive not even your ancestor tagged me so early. Well done Dragoune well done indeed. I will let you off early for today but tomorrow we will do this again." Sice said seeing that Dragoune was about to faint at any minute. When he had the strength Dragoune went back out the cave happier then he went because he was achieving quicker then he thought he was. He went back to his spot for a short nap during the afternoon thinking about Saneira.

Crosain was out watching thinking that it was pointless because no one except a very few know where this place was. But then again he did agree with Dragoune that there was some way Kaous will be able to find out. He was going to close his eyes to give them a rest and let his other senses do the work when he spotted a gryphon. From the height the gryphon at Crosain could not tell who it was so he was getting ready to fight but it got closer Crosain calmed down because it was only Drixin.

"Sir, I have come to give Dragoune news about the guards." Drixin said

"Dragoune is not here right now but if you gave me the message I will make sure that he will get it." Crosain said

"Kaous's guards got passed or avoided all blockades and are now in Rovino's city, what do you suggest we should do?" Drixin said knowing that Crosain was the right hand snake.

"Go to Rovino's place and watch to see hw badly it goes but keep out of sight. If Rovino is in danger tell him to immediately leave and head here."

"Shouldn't I tell him what is happening because I know that he has not a clue." Draixin asked

"I cannot say yes or no to that because it is my decision to make only Dragoune's." Crosain answered

"Doesn't he know that Kaous may want him to do this and that Dragoune is playing right into his hands?"

"That I cannot say for sure but you maybe right."

"Will that be all, sir?" Drixin asked

"How many of our guards that is not under Kaous's control?"

"Quite a few, why do you ask?"

"Because we do not have anything here, so we would like a few books and maybe a chess set. That is if you can manage it?" Crosain asked

"I will go there right now." Drixin said and then took off. Crosain then decided to check on how the others were doing. When he got close to the nest he heard a lot of hissing and growling.

"What is going on in here?" Crosain said while going in quickly

"Nothing really we were just having a conversation about our eggs when Siss mentioned Kaous and said that she would hate to see him or any of his servants come in here." Saneira said but then Crosain smiled and the started laughing.

"What is so funny?" Traisa said

"I would love to see that because not only would they have to go through Dragoune and his rage but they would to go through all three of you as well and from what I just heard it sounded that it is defiantly not going to be easy." Crosain said and then he started laughing again with the other three.

"So who was that just came?" Siss asked

"Oh it was Drixin telling me that the guards that left Dragoune's city made it to Rovino's even with the blockades. I told him if it gets too bad, tell Rovino to come here." Crosain said

"Does Rovino about all this?" Saneira asked

"Do you really need to ask that question?" Crosain sarcastically and Saneira shook her head.

"I need to get out of this cave, who is up for having lunch outside?" Siss said

"Me!!" everyone else said and they all went out of the cave. While Saneira was getting the meat Crosain and Siss were getting wood for the fire and Trasia was sunny herself. When everything was set up and the meat being cooked Saneira sat down while Crosain Siss and Trasia coiled up and told stories. Saneira asked Crosain about his life.

"Well I really never knew my parents because they were killed, we mostly stay in groups so I was born and raised with a different family. They also had a son his name was Snerone we were the best of buds and you know what was really the creepy part we looked exactly the same not a scale different. Almost everyone thought we were twins hatched in the same egg but that has never happened before though. We always got in trouble though but sometimes we got out of it because we would sometimes confuse our parents so much that they forget to punish us. When Kirenjar became corrupt and everyone started to leave I thought that he would stay by my side but he left with the others. I was not angry of his choice I was angry because he really did not even said goodbye." Crosian said

"What about you two?" Saneira pointing to Siss and Trasia

"Our story is pretty much the same except for that we knew our own parents." Trasia started

"And that we are sisters." Siss finished

"Whoa, wait a minute you two are sisters and you never told me after all this time?" Crosain asked his eyes bulging

"We never said anything because we thought you knew." Siss said

"You fooled me." Saneira said by that time the food was ready and they started eating all the while Crosain was staring at Traisa and Siss amazed that his mates were sisters. After that they head up at the top of the cave and watched the sun go down and all Saneira could think of was how much she wanted Dragoune to be here.

The next day Dragoune got up a lot less tired then last time but not less miserable.

'I can not wait to get this over with.' Dragoune thought to himself, but he had to admit that he gotten pretty good at using the elements so far. Again he went into the mouth of the cave and was about to use the fire element to heat himself but then he really cold at all, in fact he really did not notice that it was cold.

'Well that is one less thing to worry about.' He then went in deeper to meet with Sice.

"Good morning" Sice said

"Good morning" Dragoune said surprised at his own calmness.

"I can tell that you do not need the fire element to warm yourself. That is good because today you are going use ice. I first want you to break these icicles," she pointed towards the ceiling

"and then direct them at this target." She made a bulls eye with her claw into the ice.

Dragoune nodded and then will the ice to come off and go towards the target. It was harder said then done, Dragoune had a hard time just to get them off the ceiling finally when he did they shot straight at the target at incredible speed. One hit the target while the other went way off.

"Pretty good for a first try but unless you want to continue onto the next thing you better hit that bull's eye." Sice said and Dragoune getting ready to do it again. It was not long before he hit the bull's eye but again he was a bit tired.

"Okay there are two more things that I want you to do but I will let you to do one since that you are about to drop." Sice said

"I can take it." Dragoune said while his eyes were lidded and he was swaying back and forth.

"No you can't because one of them you will have to do is to mix elements and that takes a lot out of you. No what I want you to do is actually simple like you did with fire I want you to cover yourself with ice." So Dragoune concentrated and used the last bit of strength he had to do this task. At first nothing happened but then slowly but surely ice was beginning to cover until not one scale was uncovered. When he moved the ice moved with him but with his weakened state it was hard for him.

"Now I want you to do is to make the ice that is around you into a weapon." Sice said

'How do I do that?' Dragoune asked himself after thinking about it for a while it hit him. He searched with his mind to see were the weakest points were of the ice armor when he came to one he started pushing at it. When he found all of them he started to ice groan from the pressure and start to crack. Finally the armor went all over the place everything was going everywhere at dangerous speed. The only bit of ice Dragoune had was his tail so he flung his tail towards the target getting another bull's eye.

"Now rest young dragon tomorrow will be your last day." Sice said leaving him, Dragoune would rather not wait until tomorrow but leave now. He had little choice though not because he had one more task to do but also he was so very tired to even move that he fell asleep once he curled up.

Siss saw that Saneira was still on the top of the cave waiting for Dragoune to come back. With a little difficulty she too was up there watching the sky.

"I am pretty sure that he will be coming any moment." Siss said trying to sound reassuring, Saneira did not say anything but played with her necklace.

"Come one Saneira you really have not done anything all day not to mention you have not eaten since last night and that is not good for you or your child." That helped because Saneira looked at Siss and said.

"You are right I am quite hungry anyway." Just as they got to the mouth of the cave they saw a figure flying this way. Saneira was hoping it was Dragoune but to her disappointment it was Drixin coming back from their city with a package.

"Your highness." Drixin said bowing down to Saneira

"I have brought a few things from your city like sir Crosain asked I hope it is to your liking." Drixin asked they opened the package and saw that there were quite a few books and of course a chess set.

"Yes it is, won't you stay for dinner?" Saneira said

"I would love to." Drixin coming into the cave with Siss and Saneira. They had a pretty good time until Drixin had to leave. Saneira went with him outside the cave when he left she was again all alone waiting for Dragoune to come.

Dragoune got up the next day happier then he ever been since he got to Sice's cave because this was his

last day to train and then he we will be with Saneira again.

"I see that you are awake and eager to get this done." Sice said

"Yes I am what is it that you need me to do?" Dragoune said

"All you need to do is mix ice and wind making a snowstorm." said Sice

"That is it? That will be easy."

"Not really you will find that out soon." Dragoune shrugged and chose both earth and water. First he got a good wind going when he tried to make the snowstorm nothing happened. He tried again but again nothing happened. Around the seventh try Dragoune was again getting tired but not as much as the others. When he was about to give up he finally had it and he actually made a blizzard since that he was trying so hard. When he ended it Sice said.

"Very well done young dragon, I have not anything else to teach you so now you may go and remember what you have learned." Sice said

"Thank you Sice and I will practice everyday that I will promise." Dragoune said leaving the room. Dragoune then went as fast as he could out of the cave forgetting about his fatigue.

'I am on my way back Saneira.' He said to himself with a grin.

It was getting close to sunset when Saneira decided not to wait any longer for today and decided to go to bed. But before she did she saw a figure in the sky that looked much like Dragoune. Trying very hard not to give herself too much hope she stayed at the entrance of the cave. The next she knew was that she was picked up and thrown high in the sky only to be caught by Dragoune and then passionately kissed by him. She broke the kiss because she was breathing heavily and said.

"What took you so long?" Dragoune was about to answer but then she gave him another passionate kiss and he knew that he did not have to. They both started to get a bit aroused and with silent consent they went to their favorite spot.

Crosain saw them leave and smiled because he knew where they were going to do. He went inside the cave were he thought that Traisa and Siss were asleep. He curled up on top of them like he usually did, but when he tried to close his eyes he felt a tongue playing with his sheath.

"So you two want to have as well." Crosain asked seductively his answer was that Siss put her inviting clit up to his face. When he put his tongue into her she arched her back and moaned but then went right to Traisa's clit. By now Crosain's snakehood was already out and into Trasia's mouth. She loved the taste of Crosian's member that almost all of her tongue was wrapped around it tucking it, while she sucked it and giving Crosain the best pleasure of all. It was not long that he felt his climax mounting so he took his member out of Traisa's mouth getting a disappointed hiss from her. Siss put her clit near Crosain's member but he moved it saying.

"It is Traisa's turn." Siss was about to argue but was silenced with a moan when Crosain put his tongue back into her. Traisa then wrapped around Crosain putting her slit over his member. Then slowly slide it in when she hilted she started humping making them all moan at the same time. She went faster and faster making the pleasure increase more and more until finally she felt her climax getting closer and closer. Surprisingly Siss was the first to cum and Crosain drinking all her juices allowing some drip out of his mouth. When she was finished Crosain put all his attention to Traisa and started into her. It was not long until he felt his so he thrusted faster and harder, until finally he thrust once and climaxed into her making her climax and her muscles clamping onto his member milking him. When they were both were done they all curled up into each other and fell asleep.

"Come on big boy." Saneira said lustily she was bending down and had her tail raised so that Dragoune could see her lips. Dragoune did not to be told twice and went up to Saneira, at first he thought of teasing her but then thought better of it. Just before he stuck in his member he unfolded his fangs and gave Saneira a big kiss mixing it with his venom and she done the same. He then thrust still keeping the kiss in which moaned into. He thrusted slowly at first enjoying both it and the kiss he was giving her. He only broke the kiss because he needed the air and to moan out loud. It was not long until he felt his climax coming on so he bite down on Saneira's neck but not make her bleed and started to thrust even harder. He then got an idea and blew on her neck with his ice cold breath making her shiver all over.

"Please... do that... again." Saneira said in which he complied making her climax clamping on his member very tightly making him climax as well. He then pulled out and lied down next to Saneira, trying very hard not to fall asleep he said.

"Good night my lovely dragoness."

"Good night my black knight." Saneira said and they both fell right to sleep.


I know the ending could have been better. Since that Dragoune is now done with three elements and that Saneira is really getting close to lay I may not have long chapters like this because at these kind of chapters I am not really good at so please bare with me. I am not saying that they will be boring I am saying that they will be short that is all.

(No questions this time)

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