Happy Anniversary

Story by RogueFox on SoFurry

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***Adult content. This story is not meant for anyone less than 18 years of age. If someone who is younger than 18 reads this I am not liable for anything that happens. For everyone else enjoy J ***DeByrus © his player, Julie is © myself, all characters are used with permission***

This is also my first story on this website so if some things are incorrect then please feel free to send me comments.


Julie is a 5' 11" dark strawberry blonde fox. She has white at the end of her tail and down between her perky breasts all the way down to her navel. Her hair is long, blonde and curly, and it cascades down her back and almost touches her tail.

DeByrus is a 7' tall Blood red and black dragon with full-length wings. The Blood red is on his whole body and he has black gashes every so often. His scales are smooth to the touch but solid. He looks very strong in build and could put someone in the hospital with his tail.


DeByrus came home from work early because it was his one-year anniversary with his girlfriend Julie. They were going to go to dinner at a nice place and then go the Casino to see their favorite comedian perform. DeByrus wanted to get some things done before they went out for the night. He walked through the door at about 4:30 in the afternoon and was pleased to see the house clean. He hung up his coat and went upstairs. As he was going up the stairs he heard Julie singing along with the radio.

"I don't know you but I want you so bad..."

He gets to the top of the stairs and can see her in the bedroom looking in the closet for clothes. He stops and watches her without saying anything. Besides the fact that she is gorgeous, he wanted to watch because she was currently nude and bending over into the closet looking for something, her tail twitching back and forth fluidly.

DeByrus stood in the doorway of their room for a couple of minutes admiring his love, of one year today. They met in college at a party and have been together ever since. He still does not know how he got so lucky to find someone this perfect for him. They enjoy the same things and want good things out of life and most of all they want to achieve these things together.

She was looking in the closet for a pair of shoes to wear with her outfit for the evening. She picked out a black knee length dress that flairs out when she spins around, she has always loved those kinds of dresses. This one in particular is the one that she had worn when they went out on their first date after they met at the party. She was looking for a cute pair of black strap sandals with the little heals. She found them and when she stood up and turned around he was right there in front of her. She yipped in surprise because she had been to engrossed with her task to realize him behind her.

He is a sexy, well built man and very strong on top of all his other great qualities.

Julie loves the fact that he can protect her from anything and that she can depend on him.

She put her arms around his neck, clasping her paws behind his head, and kissed him softly on the muzzle.

"Mmm... is there more where that came from?" DeByrus asked.

"There might be if you play your cards right..." Julie answered.

He runs his paw down her back to the base of her tail and strokes it lightly.

"If you keep this up we'll never leave the house to go to dinner."

DeByrus looks at the clock.

"It's only 4:45, the reservation is not till 6:30. We have plenty of time."

He grins wide and picks her up in his arms. He lays her on the bed running his hand across her abdomen, making her writhe because she loves having her tummy rubbed. Julie runs a finger down his chest looking at him with desire and that grin that tells DeByrus that he is definitely going to have a good time this afternoon.

He runs his paws up and down her sides while kissing her with the passion that he loves her with. He moves down her neck and she moans softly, running her hand along the top of his left wing. He kisses down her chest till he gets to a nipple and he sucks it thoroughly into his mouth, making little circles around it with his tongue.

She can feel herself getting wetter every second and her skin tingling from his touch. His mouth is so warm and wet on her breast. She bows her back out a little to meet his mouth more firmly.

He continues down her abdomen, kissing and playing on her fur with his tongue. She makes small whines and moaning noises as he travels down her belly. His tongue travels down her thigh and right leg down to her knee. He travels back up her leg until her gets to that small space between her leg and wet sweetness. He laps his tongue firmly on that spot and she moans louder than before and starts to pant and whimper. With her mouth dry she manages to say, "Please..."

DeByrus could never keep a woman in too much suspense.

He slowly shifts his muzzle and quickly flicks his tongue on her opening. She moans loudly and writhes, grabbing the sheets on the bed with her paws. He rubs her legs while he sticks his tongue out and slowly, slightly slips it into her.

"Oh, yesss... " Julie moans loudly.

He continues to massage her thighs with his paws as he pulls his tongue in and out of her. She continues to get even more wet and sweet as he does this.

She loves when he does this to her and can feel herself getting tighter around his wonderful tongue. Then it started and her panting got heavier. She began to get very warm between her legs and it traveled up her belly all the way to her face. The moment the heat reached her face an orgasm ripped through her causing her to scream and her body to buck on the bed.

As her orgasm enveloped her, he got a taste of her sour sweetness on his tongue and lapped it up lovingly as she twitched and moaned from over stimulation.

He came up to her level smiling at her satisfied face and kisses her gently and then harder as she ran her hand down his chest to his wet pink member. He shivered as he kissed her hard, thrusting lightly into her hand. She moved so he could lie down and she straddled him.

She was so wet she could do anything that she wanted. She moves forward a little more than usual and slowly slides his pink tip into her puckered wet hole. It felt really tight at first but then it relaxed just enough for him to enter her. She slowly sat down on him and they moaned in pleasure. He filled her completely and she loved it. She moved up and down stroking his pink member with her body. He massaged her breasts and then took his finger and stimulated her front opening. He slid his finger in and out of her hole as she went up and down on him. She was panting and moaning with pleasure, being filled completely. She felt her body start to tighten again and the rush began.

She was going up and down on him pretty fast now and he could feel his own orgasm building.

"I'm almost there..." DeByrus moans.

"Ohhh, so am I..." pants Julie.

And with that they are both rolled through an unbelievable orgasm. When they were both done convulsing she collapsed down on him with exhaustion and pleasure. They lay there for a time still engulfed within each other. He wraps his wings around her cuddling her tired frame.

DeByrus looks at the clock and it says 5:50.

"Honey, do you want to go take a shower together then get ready to go?"

In a semi-tired voice Julie answers smiling,

"Sure as long as you can carry me down stairs because the ability to walk has been lost."

She slides off of him and he stands. Julie rolls over onto her back and he slips his arms under her shoulders and her knees. She puts her arm around his neck and cuddles up to him.

"Happy anniversary," she says.

DeByrus softly whispers while carrying her downstairs.

"First one of many, first one of many..."