Good Boy

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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#9 of Jace/ Sarah Story

Here it is! Jace finally accepts his place under not only Sarah but under his boss as well :D

Comment/Fave/Vote and Enjoy!~

Jace groaned faintly to himself, drawing a paw across his forehead in an exasperated gesture. His fur was rumpled across his head and down beneath his clothes as well; swirls and tangles that would have to be dealt with later. Work had just finished and Jace had finally slipped out of the busy hallways where he swore a grubby hand had grabbed his rump- which ached from the earlier escapades of the day. Jace couldn't believe what had happened- just thinking about it made him question if it had really happened, but the wet oozing feeling from his tailhole when he slid into the leather seat of his car solidified the past's events as truth.

"After a hot shower and some dinner I'll be good as new.." Jace muttered to himself, letting the car idle as he situated into the seat. His bushy tail pushed out of the way to lay flopped over the middle console when he pulled out from the parking spot and into the dark driveway of the parking garage. Cars of his co-workers following behind his as they all filed out of the concrete structure and into the bright sun of the late afternoon.

Jace eased the car out into the flow of traffic in the street and let the rest of the cars guide him along at the slow but steady pace of rush- hour. The canine's mind turning over the events of the morning with slight confusion: "How did this even happen?" he wondered to himself, thinking back to his younger years in an attempt to find some event that would explain his masculinity declining in such a manner. Had he slipped and fallen onto a penis in grade school and set himself onto the path of being filled? He didn't recall any such thing happening.

All around, horns blared and owners leaned on the steering wheel in their annoyance, faces twisted up in glares at every other living being on the road. Jace allowed his eyes to wander, searching for a single, happy face in the wave of unhappy office workers. One singular fur looking to be pleased with the world- his face lit up with a dazed smile. It was a feline, the purr that was rumbling in his chest evident from his facial expression alone- ears pressed back loosely, tongue peeking out between his lips, and eyes barely open. For a moment Jace was curious to why this cat was so happy with himself when a head popped up from below the line of sight through the window, a droplet of gleaming white on the new face's lips before it disappeared once again. Jace quickly pulled his eyes away- cheeks burning as cum oozed out against his pants. When was the last time someone had done that for him? He thought to himself, grumbling a little as he thought back to earlier.

"It won't matter. I'll be home soon. I'll shower. Sarah will make me some dinner. We'll sleep, maybe even cuddle.." Jace told himself, easing his annoyance and the fatigue that was dragging his mood downwards. "It'll be great."

However, as the canine stepped into the house, he wasn't greeted with a warm, loving girlfriend that noticed his obvious tiredness and helped him to the bath nor a woman that was eager to please him in his annoyed state and dropped to her knees. No. As his feet crossed through the doorway into his house, Jace was met with a wave of sexual arousal and a call from the living room. "Oh yay! Come here, puppy! Give mistress a big lick!"

He almost listened. One foot had lifted towards the living room to obediently follow those instructions without a single word of complaint despite his tiredness, but then he felt the dripping, leaking ooze within his pants again and he broke. The shell of submissiveness was broken and the canine stormed into the living room. Each foot falling with a hard thud against the floor. His eyes swaying till he spotted the Collie- her legs spread wide as she leaned back on the chaise lounge. Nothing but a robe covering her body. He growled, enjoying the sight as his sheath swelled and he stalked closer. "Sarah-" He grumbled "It's time for you to listen to me."

He could feel his sheath swelling further at the simple prospect of finally being in charge, or getting what that feline had gotten during rush-hour! His ego was swelling right along his sheath. A bulge pushed to the front of his slacks. A paw snatched Sarah by the knot of her robe, tied beneath his breasts. "Come on.."

He tugged her to the bedroom- the collie either too shocked to respond or smart enough not to. Her feet stumbling on along behind the german shepherd who was still growling and grumbling to himself about the situation.

"I want..I want you to suck me off!" he barked, voice cracking slightly with the nerves of telling Sarah what to do- Sarah who had led him around on a leash, had taken his rump, and had stuffed him with a paper weight. It was his turn he told himself. "My turn", he growled.

For a moment, it looked as though Sarah was listening to the command. She moved onto her knees, one hand was slowly unbuttoning his slacks, and her nose had dipped in close to him and breathed deeply. Jace felt his pride leap to life again, ego swelling he thought to himself she was enjoying his scent, but then she spoke.

"You smell different..." Her eyes tipped up and gleamed with mischief and she grinned- a wide, slow smile that showed the small fangs housed inside her muzzle.

Behind the german shepherd, the shadows shifted and a figure moved forward. A paw found Jace's shoulder- gripped and squeezed. The shepherd squeaked in response. His eyes swung towards the intruder and then went wide at the sight before him.

Tall and speckled with the regal black dots, the Great Dane lifted a heavy paw onto the smaller shepherd's shoulder. His voice low against the triangular ear atop Jace's head, "My, Oh My, someone is being a very naughty puppy...." He paused to lean down against Jace's neck. Two large canine's teasing against the fur- then deeper, biting the flesh lightly. "I need to be punished."

Jace's jaw tightened slightly, a whine escaping that hard line his lips had fallen into. What would this punishment be?

"Now, Sarah Dear...why don't you get me that rope.." the dane was instructing, moving in front of Jace to grin at him. A wide, toothy smile that showed the canines that had teased him moments before. "We need to tie this naughty puppy into place." The smile grew. The short tail before the dane waggled gleefully- he was loving this. The front of his slacks pushed forward, the bulge pronounced in the tight pants.

Jace could have fled, could have turned tail and raced out of the bedroom, but he was frozen there. Eyes locked to the front of the dane's pants wondering if being stuffed again would be a punishment or not. Soft paws guiding him to the bed, situating him on hands and knees while knots fell into place on wrists and ankles. By the time he shifted in hopes of taking that chance to flee- not a single movement was possible. His wrists were tied to the front posters with a hard knot; he could lift his hands from the bed but not much farther. His ankles were in the same situation and an extra loop of rope went around his waist and around his thighs to control his hindsight easily.

"Now...puppy..What do you think you deserve for those naughty things you said?" A hand curled around his muzzle, holding it closed. Jace twisted his face to the side, but the hand stayed tight over his mouth. "Hmm..I think you're right, little puppy, we should just keep you mouth shut- that way you don't say such foolish things..." The dane dropped a hand behind him to grab a tradition muzzle, but before he did Sarah leapt forward. A tight elastic encircling the canine's mouth as the thick aroma of Sarah's sex filled his nose. Around his muzzle was Sarah thong, used like a piece of rope to tie his jaw together. The fabric soaked in her arousal and smearing the mess over his nose and muzzle.

"Hah, wonderful idea, my dear" the dane crooned.

"Thank you, I thought so" the collie purred.

"Mmmurrrphh.." the shepherd mumbled.

"Now now now, Jacey-poo...this is just the beginning.." Sarah cooed. Her soft paws starting to glide over Jace's body, tugging the remaining articles of clothing off- tearing fabric when necessary till Jace's naked fur stood before him. His body on full, immobile display. "You have to suffer for being so mean to be..." A hand touched his rump- slide down over the cheek and squeezed tightly. "For trying to take control..." The hand pulled back slowly. "You're not in control." The hand dropped down- palm connecting to the soft flesh of his rump with a satisfying -smack-!

"Do you understand?"

Jace whimpered, peeked over a shoulder to the dane standing at his hindlegs. One hand raised up already- prepared to spank him again. The cheek of his ass tingling faintly from first.

"I'll take that as a no."

The hand dropped. Fingers curled this time to meet his fur with both palm and rigid fingers slapping into the tender flesh. A yelp escaping from Jace's tight jaw- a sound muffled from the locked position of his mouth. His cheeks burned red now beneath his fur. The swish-swish of tails wagging filled one ear. The sting of his rump filled his mind. Sarah's petite body moved up in front of Jace's nose, legs spread wide to show her bare, slick sex: "Lick, little puppy"

Jace hesitated. His tongue was trapped inside his sealed jaw. The want for dominance still lingered in the back of his mind. His rump stung.

"Is he not listening? Naughty dog." The hand dropped again, harder now. The smack rung out in the room and echoed back once. A hard throb shot up from his rump along his spine and Jace groaned through his closed lips. One finger moved to his jaw and loosened the tie just slightly so his mouth would open nearly an inch, enough for a tongue, but not for speech.

With ears wilting down against his head, Jace dropped his nose to the collie's sex and begrudgingly pushed his tongue out between his front teeth to lap over the hot flesh. A happy little sound escaping the female at the touch. "Mmm...more, puppy. Faster." Her hand moved to the back of his head and held the scruff of his neck, pulling him down into her crotch. His breath puffed out from his nose and was filled with her scent. Wetness speckled his muzzle-fur. His tongue flicked up to her clit, ground into the sensitive button. She gave a faint howl and tugged him into her crotch harder.

"That's a good puppy.." The dane crooned, watching from behind with his bulge now freed to show his lengthy shaft, throbbing in the air of the bedroom. One large paw stroking over it idly as he watched the captive shepherd work. The thought of his boss standing over his shoulder and rating his performance in this work as well as work-work sending a wave of humiliation through the canine. Making his cheeks flash a darker red. The tips of his ears now pink as well- throbbing with the warmth of his embarrassment.

"Mm...shy now? You weren't shy with your assistant today.." The dane crooned with that devious, toothy grin. "Did you happen to tell Sarah about that little escapade?" The hand on his scruff tightened. A growl left the collie. Her hips jumped up and ground her wet sex into his face harshly. Her juices smearing over his face from forehead to nose. "Murrrph!" Jace only whimpered, looking up with wide eyes at his girlfriend. A matching toothy smile on her own face. "Don't stop now, pup. You've got a lot to make up for."

So he didn't. His tongue dropped back to her sex, lapping dutifully now. His cold nose splattered with warm juices ground into her sensitive clit, rubbing it with each lick as though it were a fingertip. As he worked, the dane watched with a careful eye; waiting till the collie gave the stiff shudder that hinted she was close before his paw grabbed the loop around Jace's waist and pulled his body backwards. His stretched tailhole dropping over the prepared shaft behind. A moan leaving both dane and shepherd while Sarah whined out unhappily- her orgasm spoiled by the sudden exit of Jace's tongue and nose.

Smirking at his partner in crime, the dane hunched over Jace- panting into his ear heavily while his hips ground his fat shaft as deep as can be. "Ready for a little tug-o-war?" He crooned. Those canine's tickling the flesh of Jace's tall ear once again. "I hope you are..." Just as he spoke, Sarah added another hand to Jace's scruff and tugged him back to her sex. The leathery flesh of his nose crashing right into her clit and sending a high, feminine moan into the air.

"Come on, puppy...I have to cum first.." She growled. Her fingers curling hard into the extra flesh of his scruff, tugging him in. Her hips humping up against his face as his tongue once again returned to her sex- lapping steadily over the throbbing skin. However, behind him, strong hips were pushing up against his upturned rump making the dog moan through his sealed jaw, distracting from this task.

"My turn.." the dane huffed. A lustful groan leaving both dogs once again as Jace was yanked back by the waist down onto the length of his boss. Sarah's squeals of displeasure filling the room right along their sounds of pleasure. Once again, Jace was tugged hard by her needy hands to return his face to her crotch. The dog rocking forward with her tugging- this time with the dane shuffling up closer to allow it.

"Make her cum, puppy." He huffed with that toothy grin tickling Jace's ear. His thrusts were shallow now and hard. Each push into the canine's upturned rump sent his nose into the collie's swollen clit. The collie flopped back and whimpering happily as Jace was rocked forward into her sex while his ass was fucked- hard.

Hoarse, breathy pants left the dane. Each thrust as hard as the first, despite his tiring. Jace's body starting to tremble slightly while his own shaft seemed to finally make itself known, throbbing and bouncing up against his stomach fur. The tip drooling copiously onto the mattress. The dane's shaft stretching him with every thrust drawing the shepherd closer and closer to an eventual release.

"No cumming till both your mistress and master cum, mutt." The dane growled- his voice cracked and lust filled. Sarah's own squealed moans hinting that both the other canine's were nearing the end as well, but the dane didn't plan to make this rule easy to follow for the shepherd; his strong paw coiling around Jace's drooling length and squeezing. The swollen knot at Jace's base giving a hard pulse that felt like an explosion. A needy whine escaping from his sealed mouth.

"Try harder, puppy.." The dane crooned, grinning once more. Jace groaned. His knot pulsed. His tongue dropped to Sarah's sex, digging into her needily. The teasing of his own shaft making the already tight hole that the dane was nestled within spasm tighter with each squeeze, making the intensifying of the dane's pleasure easy to accomplish along with the teasing his boss was giving him.

"A- Aha!" Sarah gasped. Her thighs were squirming, hips jumping, and her head had fallen back against the pillows. "Cum, mistress.." Jace whispered- best he could with his mouth nearly closed. His words rushed against her flesh and tickled the needy skin. Her hips giving one last hard shudder before she did just that. A gush of aromatic, female juices coating the entirety of Jace's face, flooding his nose with the sent.

Behind him, the dane had stiffened at the sight of Sarah's spasming sex. A moan leaving the larger dog as his knot suddenly pushed to Jace's hole- pushing and forcing it to stretch wider once more. The tip of the dane's shaft buried deep within him spurting and drooling sloppily.


The knot pushed in just as Sarah's moan fell silent. A burst of cum shot into his rump. The warmth spread up from his tailhole and out. Another shot of cum then splattering out onto the mattress from Jace's needy length. The dane howling with dominance while Jace whined out his pleasured- muzzle, tied, and happy to be there.

"Good boy.." Said his mistress. Behind, his master only grunted and leaned down against his- which Jace supposed meant the same thing.