A Long-Awaited Meeting

Story by Fuzzle on SoFurry

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#1 of Fuzzle and Natalie

After months of chatting online, Natalie and Fuzzle finally meet in person. Will they like each other as much in real-life as they do online?

A little disclaimer: This is the first chapter of a story series. There is plenty of yiff here, but it's between humans so far (there's just a bit of plush, too). Starting with the next chapter, things will get much furrier. I promise. Hope you enjoy -- please rate and comment!

Natalie closed her eyes, snuggled cozily under the covers of her hotel room bed. The excitement of her first trip to America and the prospect of finally meeting her long-time chat buddy in person the next day weren't enough to overpower her exhaustion after a long day of travel from England to Colorado. Upon arriving, it was all she could do to check-in and collapse into bed with her favorite stuffed animal, a large, purple stuffed bunny with floppy ears, white chest, muzzle and paws, and a pink, stitched nose. Half-asleep, bunny clutched tightly against her body, her face buried in his fur, she wondered if that little nose could smell what she smelled: Years of cuddling, love, the musk of being held tight to her body, and the countless times purple bunny's soft, naughty paws had helped her reach the heights of pleasure. She felt herself dampen just slightly, but even that was not enough to rouse her from her approaching sleep.


The morning came on slowly, a soft light through an overcast sky giving way to a few cotton ball clouds in a bright, blue expanse, and Natalie woke slowly along with it. Several times, she opened her eyes for a moment to find herself in the same position in which she had fallen asleep - bunny now warm from her own body heat and still clutched tightly to her breast and tummy, her legs wrapped around his - and then closed her eyes again, snoozing and luxuriating in the comfort of the clean, white hotel sheets and velour blankets that rivaled the softness of her bunny, but ultimately came up just a bit short.

As she came into full consciousness with the parting of the clouds, she had a brief fantasy anticipating the plans she and her chat buddy hade made to meet for brunch. She imagined seeing him standing in the lobby of the hotel, noticing him before he saw her, and sneaking up out of his line of sight. She would grab him from behind, circling his arms around him in a hug tight enough to lift him off the ground for a moment. She imagined his yelp of surprise and giggled softly. Following this fantasy further, she imagined carrying him, just like that, to the elevator and up to her room, skipping brunch entirely, throwing him onto her bed, and...But, no. She shook her head as if to throw the image from her mind. Maybe things would be different in person. They had exchanged pictures and he had told her many times how sexy he thought she was but, in "real life", things can be different, can't they? What if he didn't like her. What if she didn't like him? And even if they did find themselves still physically attracted, what about personality? Even talking on the phone, as they had a few times, is very different from live, real chemistry. In a best case scenario, things could well be awkward for a bit. No, she told herself, we'll just take it slow, as it comes. Still, as she got out of bed, showered and dressed, she found herself grinning with images from their chats flashing through her mind - the moments of friendship and support, emotional connection and making each other laugh. Then there were the times when their conversation would turn naturally to naughtier topics: Questions for each other about their sexuality, their fantasies and kinks and, finally to their exchange of text, pictures and videos that fulfilled those desires in each other.


Fuzzle waited. Wandering aimlessly around the hotel lobby with its beige marble floors, areas of rich maroon carpet set with rich armchairs and couches, glass coffee tables and fragrant flower arrangements. He contemplated the bright green apples in a silver bowl, idly read the covers of tourist pamphlets in a rack near the check-in desk, paced by the front windows and gazed out at the cars going by, wandered back over to the armchairs and sat down facing the elevator. He leaned back, closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them and sat forward again, got to his feet and made the circuit again.

Fuzzle he thought. Fuzzle! Fuzzie Bear! He imagined her voice exclaiming his name happily. Well, not his real name of course, but the one he had made for himself back when they had first met on the plushophile message board, and the way he thought of himself in the context of...well, in the context of her.

He stood again and turned his back to the elevators. He was having trouble deciding if he wanted to see her first or if he wanted her to see him. He wasn't worried about her recognizing him, even from behind. After all, she had seen pictures and videos of him from just about every angle and, what's more, there weren't a whole lot of other 5'2" men in the lobby...or anywhere, for that matter.

Part of him wanted her to see him first. Wanted to hear her exclaim his name to get his attention, or feel her hand on his shoulder, then to turn around and see her smiling face. But he turned toward the elevators once more, having finally decided that he wanted to see what she looked like when she thought no one was watching, then to see her expression change as she recognized him, finally to see her move across the lobby toward him.

Checking the clock on his cell phone, his heart began to beat more rapidly. 10:28 am. He took a deep breath to try to calm himself, then another, and one more this time holding it for a moment before a sharp pinch on his right ass cheek made him jump into the air and yelp.

He landed and spun around to see the laughing face of a woman, several inches taller than him. He subconsciously and immediately registered her lightly floral scent, her curvy body, her large breasts pushing lightly against her purple t-shirt, and the playful eyes that seem to radiate light at him. "Fuzzie?" she asked.

"After that, you'd better hope so!"

This brought on a fit of giggles, fueled by nervousness, from both of them. "That was a better reaction than I could have hoped for!" she said, still laughing.

"Where the hell did you come from?"

"Um...Stairs?" she said, pointing over her shoulder to the staircase behind her.

"Ah. Well...um, hi," he said softly, his brow knit just slightly, eyes looking up at hers.

At this, she grabbed him in a tight embrace and he squeezed her in kind. They leaned into one another, the relief and pleasure of making contact washing over them. "Fuzzie Bear," she breathed into his ear.

"Bunny," he said softly in return. Their physical contact, the heat and scent of her body close to him, the use of their pet names for each other, not mention the fact that he had been conditioned by their chats to usually come to attention the moment she came online all combined to elicit a brief twitch from his nether regions. It wasn't quite enough for her to notice, and he thought to himself Down boy. She hugged him tighter, then leaned back from him, hands on his hips, his on hers. They looked at each other for a moment, both with sparkling eyes. "Nice to meet you," he laughed.

"Mm. You too," she said with a smile, her own private parts tingling just slightly. She, too, gave a mental snap of the leash. Easy now. Take it slow.


Over eggs, fresh fruit, orange juice and coffee in the hotel restaurant, Fuzzle and Natalie chatted, both very pleased to find that they had picked up right where they had left off during their last web chat. If anything, the conversation flowed more naturally and freely now that they didn't have to spend time translating their thoughts to text. A few awkward silences early on were now replaced by lulls in conversation filled with eye contact, smiles and simply taking the presence of each other in.

Fuzzle was the first to broach the subject: "So, who did you bring with you?"

Natalie knew exactly what he meant. "Oh, well purple bunny of course--"

"Oh goodie."

"Mm hm," she said with a sly smile, "and also my lion, a horsie and my lioness."

"Wow! Did you have any room left in your luggage?"

Natalie laughed. "A little. Had to kinda cram 'em in there. I felt a little bad about it, but I couldn't leave any of them behind! Not with the fun we're gonna have," she said softly, with a blush and downcast eyes.

Fuzzle just nodded, smiling shyly, his eyes unfocusing slightly as a wave of lust washed over him.

The waiter arrived to clear dishes and snapped them out of their moment. As he walked away after taking their dessert order, Fuzzle and Natalie's conversation turned back to the usual topics of visiting friends: plans for the next few days, things she had read about Colorado and wanted to see, restaurants he wanted to take her to, the house he was renting in the mountains. Over their shared chocolate chip pound cake, however, they both began to inject light innuendo into their conversation, their gazes became longer, and their legs linked casually around each other's under the table. Fuzzle's heart had begun to beat a bit harder and Natalie felt as if a sleeping tiger inside her had just begun to waken. Neither, however, were ready to say it explicitly. Their bodies had begun talking to each other in a language their intellects were not quite ready to acknowledge.

As Natalie signed the check over to her room, Fuzzle managed to clear his mind enough to say, "So, what do you think? Should we hop in my car and I can give you an overview of Denver?"

"Sure, that sounds great! Just let me get some things from my room."

"OK. I'll just wait for you in the lobby," he said, trying to be a gentleman, but hoping she would tell him to come up instead.

"Ok," said Natalie, a bit disappointed that he wasn't coming up, but not wanting to rush him or make presumptions, "I'll be down in a couple minutes."

Both stood up and embraced again, "I'm so glad you're here," said Fuzzle.

"Me too Fuzzie Bear," she said, venturing a light pinch on his butt.

"Hey!" exclaimed Fuzzle in surprise and delight looking her again in the eyes. After a moment, he leaned in and touched his lips to hers, intending the lightest of kisses, but feeling her melt into him, he lingered longer that he had expected. She opened her mouth to his and his lips responded seemingly of their own volition. He could taste the sweetness of the dessert they had shared, the richness of the coffee and, for the first time, her own earthy-sweet flavor. She tasted the same on him in addition to his uniquely male muskiness.

Breaking off from the kiss she smiled a naughty smile at him, "Back in five, Fuzzie."


"Hmm?" They both looked at each other for a moment.

She took him by the hand and led him toward the elevators.


With the taste of Fuzzle's mouth still on her tongue, Natalie slipped the key card into the lock on her door. From behind, she felt Fuzzle's lips on her neck and was momentarily frozen as pleasure and lust rippled through her body. She fought through the haze to wrestle the door open and turned to yank Fuzzle in behind her with an almost lion-like growl.

As the door latched behind them, they attacked each other with the sexual ferocity of wild animals in heat, lips and bodies pressed together, tongues tasting each other, hands and arms pulling each other tight, and both stumbling their way urgently to the bed in the middle of the room. Clumsily, they arrived and Natalie collapsed backward onto the mattress, pulling Fuzzle down on top of her. With a laugh of surprise, he kissed her face, her neck, her lips and held her tightly, feeling the decadent softness and warmth of her breasts push into his chest. Natalie, too, enjoyed the sensation of Fuzzle's warm body pressed to hers, and sighed each time he kissed or nibbled her neck. Their months of chatting online was paying off; Fuzzle knew this was one of her favorite spots.

In fact, to Natalie the many chats they had shared in the past were like the worlds longest bout of foreplay. Since they had begun about six months earlier, she had found herself more sexually charged than she had been in a long, long time. She had been waking up horny, her stuffed animals all looked exhausted but happy from working overtime as she had been masturbating at least daily, often multiple times in a day. At work, her mind would drift to conversations they had had, and she would be surprised to find herself dampening at her desk. Several times, she had been compelled to relieve her tingling in a bathroom stall in the middle of the workday. Though she cleaned up as best she could, she hoped that, on returning to her office, her colleagues couldn't smell the wetness in her underwear, or the female scent infused into her fingertips. She could, and it only seemed to make her more horny than she had been before her little break. On those days, it was all she could do to make it to five o'clock. The moment she got home, her clothes were off in a pile by the door and she was humping the first plushie she could get her hands on, rubbing her needful pussy onto a hard bunny nose or a fat, fuzzy lion tail with an audible squish.

Finally, this morning, here she was, Fuzzle on top of her as he had been in her fantasies so many times, feeling his maleness pressing into her through his jeans and through her skirt and panties. Panties that were already soaked with the juices she could feel dripping from her. Air already infused with the scent of her and the musky mingling of their sweat.

Their initial urgency subsiding just slightly into a warm haze of lust, Fuzzle sat up, his legs straddled around Natalie's middle, and noticed the large purple bunny at the top of the bed for the first time. Grinning, he grabbed the bunny by his foot and dragged him close. He gave him a brief hug, inhaling through his nose. The plushie was infused with the scents of Natalie - her sweat, her pussy, her years of love - and it was a powerful aphrodisiac. Fuzzle's eyes unfocused and he leaned into Natalie once more. With renewed urgency, he was kissing and nuzzling at her breasts through her stretched t-shirt and bra underneath, then scraping his teeth at her tummy, holding the bunny in one hand and rubbing it gently to her neck. Natalie squirmed gently under Fuzzle and kissed her bunny on the top of his head, the scent working on her brain as it had on Fuzzle's.

By now, Fuzzle had pushed Natalie's shirt up to just under her breasts, and had finally made contact with her bare, smooth skin, his tongue licking gently, then his lips kissing, followed by tiny, but sharp nips that made Natalie gasp although she, herself, wasn't sure if they were gasps of pleasure or pain. Fuzzle followed the nips so quickly with more soothing licks and kisses that she didn't much care which it was. She only knew that her lust, which had already felt like a lion crouched and barely restrained inside her, was now straining hard at the chain she held in her quickly melting intellect, threatening to take her over at any moment. More and more, she was inclined to let it.

With an animal growl she rolled, pinning Fuzzle below her. His eyes opened wide and surprised as he saw the hunger in hers. Sitting up now and straddling him as he had her, she yanked her shirt over her head in one swift motion, then collapsed on top of him, gnawing at his earlobe, scraping her teeth across her neck. Fuzzle shivered in pleasure and tried to focus his mind as he reached around her back to undo the clasp of her bra. Working blind, he found the clasp and struggled just long enough for Natalie to giggle softly into his neck before it popped open. Her giggle ran into a soft mm hmm of approval and she pressed her already hard nipples into his before sitting up again, taking the bottom of his shirt with her. Fuzzle sat up to facilitate Natalie pulling his shirt up over his head. "Mmm. Not bad," she breathed, placing one hand on each of his pectoral muscles and kneading gently, before closing the thumb and pointer of each hand onto his nipples, squeezing lightly.

Fuzzle shocked with the points of electric pleasure, and then again when she leaned her head down and sucked on one nipple, flicking her tongue over it, nibbling on it with her teeth, while she covered the other with the her warm palm.

Now Natalie leaned forward, so her breasts were at the level of Fuzzle's face. Catching the not-so-subtle hint, Fuzzle lifted his head to lick at the cleft between the two, bottom to top in one long slurp, then kissed his way back down, feeling the warmth and satin skin of her breasts on either side of his face. She felt Natalie reach up above him and felt a moment of confusion until he felt the squishy softness of the plush bunny under his lifted head. As he laid back, thankfully, Natalie's breasts were once again within the reach of his tongue and he began kissing, luxuriating in their softness, as yet avoiding her nipple, but licking, nuzzling, nibbling and kissing everywhere else, trying to restrain his own lustful animal, a wild mutt deep inside him, saliva dripping from it's jaws, fur bristling, dark and growling with carnal hunger.

Finally, he came to her nipple, which was standing hard and proud, and took it fully into his open, warm mouth, wet and slippery with saliva. Natalie moaned, almost squealed and bucked once against him, nearly, but not quite pulling her nipple from his mouth. As Fuzzle licked and nibbled, Natalie began rubbing her crotch on his, unable to resist any longer. Now Fuzzle added his moans to hers, as the friction of her crotch made its way through his jeans. He began to push back against her, in time with her movements, trying to keep some semblance of his mind in tact so as continue giving attention to her nipple, but it was impossible. He released her from his mouth, circled his arms around her, and simply held her close.

"Oh Puppy Dog," said Natalie, "Sooo niiice."

"Mmm. Mm hmmm." was all Fuzzle could think to reply.

As much as she hated to stop feeling his hardness rubbing against her own sex, Natalie was feeling needy for something else. She slid down Fuzzle's body and down to the floor at the foot of the bed, pulling Fuzzle with her as she knelt, so his legs were dangling over the side. She pulled off his shoes, not bothering to untie them, then his socks, then leaned forward to deftly undo his belt, then pop the button at the top of his jeans and unzip his zipper. She stopped there and, pulling his pants open, leaned down and took his already hard cock in her mouth through his thin, cotton boxers. She licked and sucked as best as she could through the fabric, and tasted the precum that had created his own wet spot. Fuzzle squirmed, his body shocked with the sudden pleasure she was giving him. The taste of his precum wound her up even more and she couldn't restrain herself any further. She leaned back and pulled off his jeans by the legs, his underwear coming away with them.

In their picture exchanges she had seen his erect penis a number of times already, but seeing it in person was something else. It was a fine specimen, of average size but looking larger on his small body. Beautifully proportioned, his circumcised head flared appealingly where it met his shaft which widened just slightly at the middle. It's slight upward curve reminded her of her favorite vibrator - the one made for g-spot stimulation - and she hoped this would work as well. Clear pre-cum glistened on the tip and began to dribble down his head. It was irresistible to her and any plans she'd had of teasing him and moving slow were overpowered by her need to taste Fuzzle's honey. She leaned down and in one motion engulfed his head and the first inch of his shaft in her mouth, tonguing his crown and delighting in the salty slickness of his precum, the musky scent of his pheromone soaked sweat.

Fuzzle gasped in delight at the sudden warm slippery sensations of Natalie's mouth and hungry, rippling tongue. Just before slipping into a state of deeply relaxed, semi-conscious pleasure, he noted Natalie's own moans of delight and arousal and he felt a wave of gratitude and the dropping of any remaining self-consciousness as he realized that she was truly enjoying herself as much as he was, and took as much enjoyment from giving pleasure as he did.

Having at least temporarily satisfied her hunger, Natalie took Fuzzle's cock out of her mouth and began to give the shaft several long slow licks from bottom to top, prompting a shudder of pleasure from Fuzzle each time she reached his sensitive tip. Her next lick went even lower, starting between his balls and focusing there for a moment, then licking and sucking each testicle in turn, wetly and with liberal laps of her tongue. At the same time, she began to stroke his shaft with her hand, already wet from her saliva and his freely flowing precum.

"Mmmmm," moaned Fuzzle, "Mmmmbunnnny."


"C'mere." Fuzzle could barely form thoughts and words in his head and his voice was gravelly, almost a snarl. "C'mere gasp wanna mmm wanna lick you."

By way of answering, Natalie climbed back onto the bed and, never releasing Fuzzle's glistening cock from her hand, worked her rear around until her knees were straddling his face. Fuzzle felt himself surrounded by the heat of her, the deep, musky scent of her pussy and soaked underwear. Her short skirt fell around his head and enveloped him in a fabric tent, depriving him of all senses but the ones her body was delivering. The light filtered through just enough to see his way to yank down her underwear and tug the wet fabric out of his way. The past few moments had felt like an eternity to Fuzzle, and the sight of Natalie's sopping pussy was like an oasis to a man in a desert. Her juices had flowed from her opening and coated the inside of her thighs, which Fuzzle now attacked like a hungry dog, kissing, sucking, lapping at her thighs even as he felt Natalie mmmm around his cock and begin to lose her rhythm, distracted by pleasure. She spread her legs wider on the bed which served to open her pussy lips and move her crotch within millimeters of Fuzzle's mouth. He had only to open his mouth as she dropped onto his face. The sensation pulled a throaty moan from both of them simultaneously. Natalie sat back into Fuzzle's mouth even more as she continued stroking him with her hands. Fuzzle began kissing Natalie's opening deeply, his tongue needfully exploring her insides, going so deep that his nose bumped up against her clitoris as she squirmed. Fuzzle hung on to her thighs to keep her somewhat still and to keep his face aligned with her sex as he tongued her. He could feel her juices rolling down his cheeks and felt his senses flooded with the flavor and scent of her - and oceanic freshness, dark floral notes, an earthy, animal muskiness, and the tangy pepper of her sweat.

As Fuzzle lapped Natalie's slit, he felt a surrounding, jelly soft warmth that it took him a moment to identify as Natalie's breasts wrapped around his cock. Moaning all the while, Natalie began to stroke him up and down, licking his cock head each time it poked up out of the top of the tunnel she had created by holding her boobs tightly around him.

Fuzzle felt his pleasure growing and realized that he wouldn't last long under Natalie's current treatment. The only thing to do was to try to distract her enough that she got lost in her own pleasure. To that end, Fuzzle tried to focus his attention on Natalie's pussy - not so easy when she was now taking full, long strokes on his cock, each ending with him deep in her mouth. He released one of her legs and thrust his middle finger deep inside her pussy. She was so wet and swollen with lust that it went in effortlessly and he heard a gasp from deep in Natalie's throat as she froze in surprised pleasure. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, Fuzzle began thrusting in and out, turning his palm downward and pressing his finger toward her belly, into the spongy area toward the front of her pussy. This again elicited a gasp from Natalie, and then an mmmmm ohhhh yeahhhh. Now having the advantage, Fuzzle contorted his neck so he could continue lapping at Natalie's clit, and - more slowly this time - worked a second finger inside her. Instead of thrusting now, he moved his fingers front and back in a curling motion, increasing pressure until he heard Natalie begin to pant, then keeping steady as she began to ohh with each exhale.

"Ohhh Fuzzie ohhhhhh ohhhh yeesssss ohhhh just like that don't stop don't don't ahhhhhhooohhhhh. Ohhhh I'm ahhhh," Natalie began bucking her hips, grinding into Fuzzle fingers and face. Fuzzle was having a heard time breathing with Natalie's pussy pressed hard into his mouth and nose, but he wasn't about to stop for anything, her smell, her wetness around him, knowing he was giving her this pleasure, eager to claim his prize of her orgasm."

"Ohhhh yeahhhh OHHHHH Fuzzie I'm ahhhh ahhh cumI'mgonnaahahgonnacum OHH! YESSSS!!"

Fuzzle felt Natalie's pussy clench around his fingers, pulsing in spasms as Natalie pressed herself against his face and held there. With each pulse, she let out a falling Ohhhhh and flooded his face with even more of her wetness. Fuzzle timed the plunging of his fingers and licks of his tongue to Natalie's spasms, wanting to draw out every last bit of pleasure from within her. It seemed to last for minutes, and as the spasms grew farther apart and more gentle in time with Natalie's quieting sighs and moans, Fuzzle drew his fingers out slowly from her opening with an shlick that loosed another flood of pent up juices. Fuzzle lapped them up, less urgently now, but just as hungrily, taking languid licks to sooth her and satiate his own appetite for her.

"Oh Fuzzie Bear," was all Natalie could sigh, "Fuzzie Bear thank you."

Fuzzle gave Natalie's thighs and pussy a few parting kisses as Natalie moved off of him. She turned around and lay on top of him, wrapping her arms under his back and nestling her face in his neck. Lying that way for a few moments as her heart slowed somewhat, then lifting her head to kiss Fuzzle's face, tasting herself on him and then licking him clean. She looked into his smiling eyes and knit her brow as she realized that he was harder than ever against her.

"Oh you poor puppy, we have to take care of this," she said, wiggling her crotch against him as he growled playfully at her. "Mmmm, Fuzzie I want you inside me. Will you please fuck me?" she said with pouty expression both innocent and dirty.

Natalie reached down and wriggled the rest of the way out of her underwear and skirt, kicking them to the side of the bed, then grabbed the bunny from behind Fuzzle's head, switching it for a pillow, and then holding the rabbit's plushie head to give Fuzzle kisses where the last drops of Natalie's wetness remained.

"Mmmm. Bunny likes you too," She said, and Fuzzle gave the plushie a kiss of his own.

Now, Natalie began to slowly rub her crotch up and down Fuzzle's erect cock, pressing it into his tummy with her pussy. Fuzzle felt himself becoming slick with her juices, and felt her hair tickling his balls, then shaft, then head and back down again with each slow stroke. Natalie and Fuzzle were looking into each other's eyes, and Natalie's began to glaze over as a new wave of lust began to wash over her. Fuzzle was lost in the moment. It seemed like he could feel every nerve in his body individually and, although his entire being was crying out to be coupled with Natalie, he felt strangely relaxed in the knowledge that it was inevitable.

Natalie was beginning to sigh again, her soft coos of pleasure sweeter than music to Fuzzle's ears. She rubbed herself forward on Fuzzle's cock once more, stopping this time at the very tip, then pushing down and gently back, wriggling slightly. Fuzzle felt the first half inch of his penis enveloped in warmth and softness, then pulled out just slightly. Natalie pushed back again, this time a little further, and Fuzzle felt the ridge of his cockhead slip inside her. Now Natalie continued the pattern: Out just a little, back in just a little farther, each thrust further lubricating his cock and making it able to penetrate her just a bit more on the next. After several of these, Fuzzle was halfway inside, concentrating hard to pay attention to every last sensation, wanting to remember this moment. With one more thrust, Natalie took the rest of him deep inside her, now resting her weight fully on him and panting in pleasure. Fuzzle felt his cock surrounded by Natalie, felt as if he were enveloped not just by her pussy, but by her very being. Natalie, in turn, felt Fuzzle's penis inside her, yes, but also felt a deeper physical connection to her new lover. It was hard fore her to discern, sitting tightly connected to him like this, where she ended and he began.

Almost out of her conscious control, Natalie began to very slowly draw herself up and down on Fuzzle's cock. Fuzzle's hips responded in kind, moving in the opposite direction to meet her crotch. Without verbal communication, they began to pick up speed and pressure, until they were thrusting the full length of Fuzzle's shaft at a steady rhythm. Natalie's scent was deeply floral now as Fuzzle's cock squished more wetness from inside her and the movement of their bodies stirred the air. The scent affected both of them, and the pace of their thrusting increased again. For several minutes, the only sounds in the room were Natalie and Fuzzle's sighs, moans, coos and the occasional ohh or yes, in addition to the soft slaps of their crotches meeting and the wet slish slish of lubricated friction from Fuzzle's cock in Natalie's opening.

But both were again becoming hungrier, Fuzzle thrusting harder, wishing he could get even farther inside her, and Natalie wanting to envelop his whole body within hers. For a moment, she stopped thrusting and pushed down hard against him, wiggling her hips to feel him inside her. After a quick kiss, she lifted her hips up again and slowly let him drop out of her. Feeling suddenly empty, she eyed Fuzzle quizzically. Out in the air, Fuzzle felt a momentary sense of loneliness and wondered what Natalie was up to. He didn't wonder long, though, as a lascivious smile crossed Natalie's face and she flopped herself down on the bed on her hands and knees, ass in the air, looking back at Fuzzle.

Fuzzle didn't waste any time getting the hint, pushed himself up off the bed and got behind Natalie, unable to help taking a moment to admire the round, inviting globes of her ass, the puckered hole in between and her open, swollen pussy, now almost red with the blood engorging her labia. He couldn't resist any longer, lined his cock up with her lips and entered her again, pushing all the way deep inside her with one thrust, eliciting from her a throaty moan. Immediately, she began to rock against him. Fuzzle grabbed one of her cheeks in each hand to set the pace and pulled her toward him with each of his own thrusts.

"Mmmm you feel so good this way," he said in a throaty voice.

"Mmmmm you too," said Natalie in between pants, "Mmm fuck me Fuzzle. Mmmm fuck me hard."

Fuzzle didn't need much more inspiration than that and began to thrust hard and fast, giving an experimental slap on Natalie's ass. This elicited a yowl that Fuzzle could not have identified as pain or lust had Natalie not begun to thrust back at him even harder and begin to moan with a raspier voice. Another, harder slap seemed to have even greater effect along the same lines, along with an ohh yess!

Now Natalie dropped one shoulder to the bed, freeing her hand to reach back and begin stroking her clit, which was already well lubricated and sensitive from their vigorous humping. Almost immediately she began to feel her orgasm beginning to build.

"Oh god Fuzzie. Ohhh you're gonna make me come again," she breathed, "Fuck me ohhh fuck me."

Fuzzle reached forward and swept up Natalie's hair into his hand and, increasing the speed of his thrusting as best he could, tugged gently as if she were a horse and these were her reigns. Natalie lifted her head up and tilted back and let out a long Oooohhhhhhahhhhohhohyesss while pressing harder with two fingers on her clit, moving them rapidly up and down.

Fuzzle felt himself, too, getting close to his release, and hoped he could hold out long enough to give Natalie her second orgasm. He needn't have worried, because Natalie was already on the very edge. As Fuzzle released Natalie's hair and grabbed both ass cheeks firmly again, guiding the pace, Natalie's pussy began to clench on his cock.

"Oohhhh I'm cummmming. Don't stop. Oh keep going puppy. Ohhhhhhh."

Fuzzle continued to fuck Natalie, hard and fast, while Natalie's inner muscles worked on him. Natalie was letting out one OH after another in full voice as he thrust into her. Her scent wafted up to his nostrils as her orgasm generated another flood of lubrication from inside her, urging him on. He thrust ever harder and faster, couldn't stop now even if he wanted to, and Natalie sensed that he was on the edge even as the peak of her own orgasm was just starting to recede.

"Oh yes Fuzzie cum for me. Cum inside me. Mmm cum inside your bunny."

Fuzzle let his inner animal take over, humping hard at Natalie's urging, even letting out a playful, lustful doglike growl.

"Mmmm puppy dog yesss fill me." Moaned Natalie, now focused on Fuzzle's pleasure, wanting him to experience what she had just enjoyed.

"Ohhhh Natalie mmm bunny rabbit I'm gonna - Ahhh!"

And, with that, Fuzzle pumped into her, hard, holding his crotch tight to her ass as the first spurt of his cum shot from his cock inside her. Now withdrawing and thrusting hard, rhythmically, with each clench of his muscles, he gushed into her, feeling as if he would soon fill her to overflowing. And with each spurt, Natalie felt Fuzzle's cock jump and the cum tickle her insides and she clenched her pussy around him, wanting to pull every last drop from inside him.

As Fuzzle's orgasm finally began to fade, both lovers collapsed on the bed, Natalie on the mattress, face down, and Fuzzle on top of her, still inside her, arms around her, feeling their mingling sweat, now smelling his cum mixing with the scent of her juices, kissing her salty, sweaty neck a few times before turning his head to the side and lying his cheek on her back.

His cock spasmed gently a few more times inside her - aftershocks of the earthquake - and, eventually began to shrink and finally slide out of Natalie's depths to satisfied, tired sighs from both lovers.

As a mixture of Fuzzle's cum and Natalie's juices dripped out of Natalie's opening and down between her thighs, the happy couple began to drift into a well-earned, post-coital snooze. Just before they fell asleep, Natalie breathed a quiet, "Mmm Fuzzie...This is gonna be a good vacation."

Natalie felt Fuzzle nod gently with a drowsy mmm of his own and, very soon, they were both asleep, dreaming creamy dreams.