Psychopathic Tendencies

Story by GhostDrake on SoFurry

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#1 of Psychopathic Tendencies

Though it was approaching four thirty, the bank was bustling with people. Managers and shift-workers with their checks and deposits making up the Friday rush, and the tellers were scrambling to get it all in before they closed. In the corner, an aged security guard sat; his head occasionally dipping into sleep. A tall doberman with a black suit, a plain looking mutt in a gray hoodie, and a rather overweight-looking human in a trench coat, walked in and they divided up as soon as the entered.

The mutt took up position by the security guard while the human chased an imaginary quarter that happened to bounce around near the Tellers desk. All were careful not to have their faces caught on camera.

The doberman, with a large fedora lodged between his ears, walked up to the nearest teller. "Bitch of a day, eh?" He nodded to the human teller.

She smiled awkwardly back at him, "What can I do for you, sir?"

"Yes," He cleared his throat as he reached into his suit's breast pocket, "Can you, uh, hold on--" He glanced behind at the others, and then to the clock. "That clock accurate?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good," He ripped a silver glock from it's holster under his arm and pointed it at her head. "TIME TO PUT YOUR FUCKING HANDS IN THE AIR! All ya fuckers do it now!" He swung around with wild bravado.

The security guard shot up only to be cracked up side the head. "Down and out." The mutt reported back, pulling the security guard's gun and pointing it at the crowd.

No one had paid attention to the human who pulled back his coat, and jammed his finger down upon a button. The strange device around his waist whirled to life, sending the electrical devices in the bank into crackling death-throes before shutting off.. "GO!" He roared out, throwing backpacks to them.

A minute later, they were running out in various directions with backpacks plump with money.


"Shit went off without a hitch." The Doberman said to himself as he leaned against the abandon warehouse's wall nervously puffing on his cigarette. "Shit, it's been a week since I got out and I'm already back in the game." Truth be told he'd thought about getting out of everything but he was a felon among other things so what the fuck else was he to do? He was just glad that none of his fellow robbers knew his name since a guy in the prison set it up.

The warehouse's door in back flew open, "You'll be okay. Just--just keep your hands on here tight. Mutt? MUTT!" There was a muffled smack, and no response. "Shit..."

"Human that you?"

The human, whose hands and face where splashed with blood, jumped out behind the corner pointing a glock at the Doberman. "You're a fucking cop, aren't ya?" His hand trembled from paranoia. "Gonna jump me, Right?" He flung the gun left and right, checking for an ambush.

The Doberman pushed off the wall, calmly brushing off his suit. "Give me the gun."

"No!" The human shook the gun in his hand, "What stops you from arresting me, then? I can't go to prison... I can't."

"Alright, lets think about this." He motioned towards him, "If I'm cop and you're pointing a gun at me, you're fucked. If my background is true - You remember me telling a bit about that?"

The Doberman paused waiting for a response. "Nod your god-damn head if you understand me."

He nodded.

"Then you're still fucked. So," He walked towards the human with his paw extended. "Give me the FUCKING gun, and accept that you're fucked."

The human clicked on the safety, and tossed it to him over to him. "You have never used a gun before have you? See this." He pointed to the red dot, "'Red, you're dead. You had the safety turned on when you were pointing it at me. No danger." He snapped the safety back on.

"Oh god and I gave it to you," The human's face turned pale, "So what are you? Cop, what?"

The Doberman smirked, "Relax, I'm not a cop, but I wanna know what happened."

He sat on the dirty floor in his grey trench-coat. "Look, Mutt and I met up in the subway, like we were suppose to."

"Yeah, then what?"

"We get down to the trains, right? It fucking hails bullets on us from behind, and Mutt got hit. I picked him up and ran down the tracks and --"

"Wait just the fucking moment," The doberman unconsciously tightened his grip around the gun. "You ran down the tracks of a subway and somehow survived."

"I was damn lucky that I had memorized the blueprints for the subway and managed to duck into an old maintenance tunnel." His eyes widened when he realized the doberman was suspicious of him. "No, look, I built this contraption around my waist to knock out electrical systems; you think memorizing a few blueprints is beyond my ability?"

His frantic statements made a good enough defense and the doberman lowered the gun. He could respect the balls it took for him to do all that for Mutt. "Well then everything's done for," He shouldered his backpack and patted the human's chest as he walked by. "Now we just disappear. I'm sure the organizer of this fuck up wouldn't mind me taking my share."

"Wait, wait, Mutt's fucking dead. What should I do? They know my face!"

"So? I spent time already," He slipped his fedora back on as he glanced back at the human. "I got more to lose than you."

"No, wait, please! Tell me something to help me."

"Buy some fucking donuts and make nice?" The doberman smirked at him and turned around to leave.

"I will do anything, please!"

Those words were a brief reminder of something in the doberman's past, and his ear twitched slightly. "Please!" The human pushed his advantage.

The doberman looked back at him. A rather small human, thin, and somewhat muscular.. not bad. On top of that, he was wicked smart so... "Be my bitch." He growled at the human.

"I-- what?!" The human's mouth dropped open.

"Yeah, like that, but you're gonna have to open wider to fit me..."

"You're serious?"

"Get over here 'n suck it." The doberman yanked down his zipper on his black dress pants revealing his sheathed cock, and dark bronze colored abs.

The human unlatched the machine around his waist and set it down on the floor. "I- I don't even know your--"

The doberman had enough. He raised up the Glock again, clicked off the safety, and growled with all his sharp, perfect teeth.

The human whimpered as he got on his knees before the doberman, and though he couldn't see the sheathed cock, he knew from the size of his large dark brown balls that the doberman could rival porn stars in his size. His left-hand fingers gingerly rubbed his sheathe, confirming his suspicious, while his right slowly rolled his balls in his palm enjoying the warmth radiating off them.

"Not a bad start..." The doberman growled at him, "You can use your damn mouth anytime..."

The human brought his mouth down upon the tip that had emerged a bit, and gently started to suck. The sharp, distinct taste immediately attacked his taste buds and the salty cum made him pull off slightly in surprise.

He quickly moved his attention to the brown shaft; it's soft bristles rubbing against his pre-cum coated lips. It was so... warm, and his mouth started to drip with saliva as the doberman's scent rushed up to his noise. He looked up over his rippling abs, over his mountainous pecks, and to the doberman's muscular neck. His hot and wet mouth went on a soaking blitz as he coated the sheathe in hot spit, letting it run down and drip over the doberman's large balls, still getting worked by his hand.

Slowly, he made his way over the bristling fur down to his now wet balls, and gently juggled his balls on his tongue, before bring them into his mouth., making the doberman's maw fall open in a long groan. His sex was dripping with wet saliva as the human made another run up the sheathe, his exposed shaft before taking another drop of pre into his mouth.

He rolled the hot salty cum in his mouth, now more open to it's.. unique taste. He started to like it and wrapped his lips around the doberman's pink cock that had almost completely erupted from his sheath-- his mouth was greedy for a bigger load.

The doberman's large paw came down on the back of his head, "You like dog cock, don't you?" He watched the human go at it furiously in response to his question. ".. Fuck." He said as his head rolled back, "Go deeper."

The human pushed his head down but the cock jutted the back of his throat, and he tore his head away from the cock with long streamers of spit connecting them; he coughed violently. "You know what human?" The doberman said as he pulled back on his submissive human's black hair forcing his eyes to tear up, "Originally, I was gonna let you blow me off and then I would leave you here, but now I am gonna take you under my wing. So..." The doberman's predatory look said it all.

"You just said oral!" The human protested quickly.

"No!" The doberman growled at him exposing canines. "I said, 'be my bitch." The doberman tackled him against the hard concrete, careful not to let his new fucktoy hit his head and die, and then unbuttoned the human's blue jeans. "Roll over." He demanded.

The human rolled on his belly, and felt him rip down his jeans and boxers revealing his soft white ass to the air. He could feel the doberman panting over his shoulder as he rubbed his soaked cock a bit to get back its hardness. A paw suddenly clasped around his mouth as the pre-cum and spit lubed cock pushed in with no regard of the pain it caused him.

The searing pain burned into his brain as he took the cock over and over, but eventually it started to push him closer and closer to climax as it rubbed around his tight virgin ass. He could feel his pre-cum start to gush out the tip, and he groaned into the calloused paw pad.

"Shut the fuck up, you bitch," He heard the doberman snarl. A few hard slaps later, his insides were filled with doberman cum.

"And unlike my first," He said as he pulled out and stood up, "you can't run to the cops."

"First Bitch?" The human asked as he looked up to him.

The doberman's demeanor had turned terrifyingly dark, "The one I raped along with all the other shit I got locked up for." He pulled out the handkerchief, wiped off his cock, and tossed it down at the human. "Clean the Mutt's blood off your fucking face, and lets go."

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