One Single Day: Flora

Story by dracologist on SoFurry

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The third addition to the ongoing story, "One Single Day" which takes part over the course of one day from the perceptions of the different characters of Wolf's party. Come and see what their residential Bitch Tiger thinks about everything as we spend our time in her mind for One Single Day.

A stripped hand lifted quickly to her mouth, hiding her grin and chuckle when she looked up towards Domina's face and saw nothing but a display of anguish from the long hug her sister was giving her. To think that someone as strong and powerful as the nightmare was able to be force hugged by the much smaller unicorn only added to the chuckle she was trying to stifle. Knowing what she did about Domina, it must be almost torture to have to show affection, especially among the rest of her party. Still she had to admit that the unicorn did hold onto her sister just a tiny bit too long now. The tigress had to figure that it made the other two a bit uncomfortable as well. It brought up the question if Flora needed to step in and separate the two, or not. On one hand they did have other things to do than stand in the middle of the street and wait for this family reunion to finally end, but on the other hand she was Domina's sister and she obviously hadn't seen her for some time now. The feline wasn't even about to ask how long.

Domina was able to push her away all on her own with a bit of effort. It still drew a sigh of relief from the feline who really didn't want to have to get involved. There were many things she was willing to mess with and manipulate. As a sorceress changing things to be what she wanted them to be was part of her life, but she knew that there were a few things the feline should never get in the middle of, and family was one of the top things on that list. It fit up there along with royal families and religious temples. The last thing she needed was to get herself in that kind of trouble, and if she got in trouble things would only get worse for those back at her own home. For now she could let Domina have her moment, to be at home finally. Then again this is a village, and all villages have shop districts...

The yellow eyes slowly turned to the group. They would need supplies if they were going to continue... Where's Wolf? She had only turned her back on him for a second and now he's vanished. It was easy to forget how fast someone his size could move. He was canine, but easily the size of a war horse, and muscle mass to match. Still she continued to look around for that enormous white beacon of a creature. If it was possible to lose sight of him, then it wouldn't be for long. Those eyes of hers falling almost immediately on the canine where he was returning from the village quest board. The tigress immediately recognized that he was carrying something in his white hand. Given the location, it was probably further payment set aside by the amazons for finishing their quest.

Her attention wasn't even on the wolf, but the bag itself. In Flora's time she had learned to be very good at estimating gold, having been shorted a few times in the past before this group was established, and had learned quickly how to estimate an amount before it was counted just in case she wasn't getting what she agreed to. While this wasn't some kind of agreed amount, the principle of having the skill was still there and she had guessed immediately that the amount in the bag was something close to eighty gold, that would be twenty each. It wasn't much for payment in these extorted times, but it was enough to at least re-supply food and maybe even get some better gear.

The outfit that Flora had was low cut enough to be seductive, and draped around the wrists in order to not get in the way of her spell casting. The skirt was the same, showing off both legs with a wide slit on both sides leaving just enough material between the legs to hand down towards her ankles and hide what she needed to. Anything more confining was bound to get destroyed in battle where a monster was eventually going to get the upper hand, even if for a second. Adventurer gear was designed around this possibility, well most of it was. Domina's scantily clad armor design looked to protect the major points, but it was low cut enough for her to use her alternate sex ability without discomfort. Wolf didn't wear gear at all, weird considering he's supposed to be the damage sponge of the group. Lilly's outfit seemed a bit more dated, the outfit was all in white with an x crossing the front of the breasts just enough to hide the nipples. She was obviously a breast fighter, but the long skirt of her outfit was very encompassing and would likely be torn away if she ever got in close quarters with something strong enough to tear clothing.

The question from Domina seemed a bit unneeded if one looks around, but the response from Wolf, calling gold coins "Shinny yellow circles" only provoked a groan from the tigress where she shook her head in order to hope at shaking off the very idea that this bulky canine was as stupid as he let on half the time. If anything they couldn't leave this in his hands and it needed to be divided evenly so that everyone could have a chance at getting what they required. Doing her best she'd give a friendly smile and reach for the bag, explaining that she'd handle the division. Wolf didn't seem to notice Flora's hand reaching for it, but instead pushed the gold towards Lilly.

The little squirrel sometimes got on her nerves. Everything Flora had she worked for. Her spells, her talents, even the place she lived was something she had to get rather than have it given to her. She'd learned to use her body for what it was, and could tempt just about anything to do what she wanted. And then this overly busty squirrel came along, and everyone gives attention to her with her sweet personality and the ability to jiggle in every step she took. Even her win over the tigress in the tournament was nothing more than luck, but no every time she saw this bubbly creature, she had to think about how someone that's been training for years could possibly lose to that white little rodent. Still she'd learned to press her buttons, the key was the canine. She'd gotten close to Wolf on a number of occasions, and yet he still seemed to follow the squirrel like a drooling idiot. Her arms crossed at the fact that the bag was given to Lilly, but said nothing. She had a rough idea of how much was in there, and would know if she wasn't getting a fair share, not that she thought Lilly was actually stupid enough to try and cheat the feline.

The weight of the gold coins entered her hand easily. Yellow eyes turned down towards them to make a fast count of what was there. It wasn't that she didn't trust Lilly, but it was unwise to trust anyone when it came to finances. With the money in hand she had to figure out what she could spend it on. Small goods and services are always important, but most could be gone without. Flora knew that the most important items is always the gear. The armor, the weapons, these things bring about victory in combat, but they were all completely useless without some of the smaller things such as trail rations, and other backpack items. Flora on the other hand usually had food covered where she was able to draw in prey, but that was a different situation all together.

If this tigress was going to continue to travel with this group, then it was going to be important that she prepare as such. She had received a dagger from the queen that boosts magic output, but that was only going to do so much. Flora knew that she was going to need supplies, maybe some kind of caster, or even a thicker sewn dress that would better protect her from attacks. A chastity belt absolutely wouldn't hurt either. There was even a market for runes to add magical effects to objects. Still with so much at stake in a fight, you can never be too prepared, but these funds wouldn't purchase everything they needed, not with the inflation traveling around recently. Right now it would be important to focus on the minimum, get what was absolutely needed , and hope to either get enough gold later on or locate similar items out in the fields off of fallen travelers.

Light steps took this feline away from the group to head on her way towards the market area. She wasn't even sure if she'd spoken to the group about where she was going, but Domina decided to go with her. A suspicious glance came from the tigress where she had to wonder why the nightmare was eager to go with her, but Flora very quickly realized that it wasn't because the equine liked her, just the opposite it would seem. The reasoning for Domina coming with Flora to the market immediately presented itself as being "to keep an eye on her". It must have really been the only reason. Did the party really see Flora in such a poor light that they think she was a danger to be by herself? What had she really done wrong other than mess with Lilly on occasions?

It took almost no time to arrive at the market area in this small town, and the prices were right around where she expected them to be. It seemed that the inflation of the area had even infected this small village. A shame considering that some supplies for their journey would really have been welcome. Flora wasn't a fool; however, she knew how cities and towns worked. Even if she didn't have the money to get what she needed now didn't mean that she couldn't get it while they were here. Even in her city there was a quest board for passing adventurers looking to make a quick coin. With any fortune maybe she could earn enough to make the purchases she needed around here.

Turning from the shops she didn't even bother to talk with the equine, seeing as how she wouldn't even be traveling these paths if Flora wasn't. The board seemed to be about average height for people to look on. A lift of her brow when she noticed that a note was already missing. This went to tell her that either other questers were in town, or one of her party had already taken a quest from here. It was hard to say what the quest was, or which one, but given Wolf's lack of intelligence and education, someone removing a note from a board would need to read it. An easy figure told her that it must be Lilly. Still there was no way of knowing what quest that was, and she wasn't going to focus on the obnoxiously busty squirrel today. Not when time was short and they'd need get these quests done before the shops closed.

It went without saying that Flora would be avoiding any "rats in the basement" quests. Such things were far below her current status, and seldom paid what they were really worth. Instead she'd have to look for something that could allow her to use her strengths. Something magic based, something empowering, or something taking place in the local brothel? Well, the only other quest available was to train the village queen, and that was something she really wasn't interested in. Her hand wrapped around the note from a couple known as Timber and Foxy, maybe they were aliases for their jobs at the whore house, but it was money. As long as it was spendable this tigress didn't care what they called themselves.

It was customary for people accepting a mission from a quest board to do so in one of two ways. The first was either to mark the note with a wax seal, or if that wasn't a possibility to simply take the note with them. This prevented other adventurers from wasting their time locating the quest giver when the job was already done, or even in the process of being completed. It was a courtesy that travelers gave one another to further simplify their jobs. Flora wasn't above such actions given that she would like for others to do so for her if they were accepting jobs. It still drew the curiosity as to what that other quest had been. Regardless, this was the mission she'd selected. Upon further inspection of the note she would be training some of the new harem members. It sounded easy enough, and she might even be able to have a little fun with it.

With the note firmly gripped in her hand this tigress made her way from the village board. There were many questions as to what kind of mission this would be, then again it could be a trap of some kind. Adventurers in these lands train their bodies to use them as weapons, with a little sedation; they can make an amazing sex toy given the breast and hip training they have to sometime endure. It might be odd to some from other realms that these fighters use sexual combat as a means to defeat forces of evil, but there was a good reason for it. Weapons and damage don't kill monsters in this realm, if someone were to continuously stab a monster then it wouldn't die, instead it would recover and destroy the hero. The only way to defeat monsters permanently in this land was to wear them out sexually and force an orgasm. A monster's orgasm, during combat, contains a large portion of their life energies. This is also why they dissipate into the air when they've been defeated. People of lesser intelligence might not understand, but Flora was highly educated in this to know that it was their physical body leaving the mortal realm.

Even after this train of thought ended, Flora tilted her head up at the sign. It read the same names that were on the note, but far bigger. Many larger cities had brothels to help locals and travelers get off their feet for a bit and into the arms of a lovely creature of their choice. It was odd to see one in such a small village, but Flora figured that this was likely to bring in more travelers and revenue so that they could continue expanding. The village was surrounded by farm land for quite some distance, if you ignore the wooded area close by. There really isn't a reason not to expand. The only thing this place lacked was people. It truly was a trade town to say the least. Not somewhere most people lived, but a location that people passed through in order to get supplies and move on.

Entering the building was easy. As soon as this feline stepped in she noticed that this place was surprisingly well lit with polished hard wood floors. From the doorway a person steps up into the floor where a person is waiting to great them. This was obviously whichever call girl would be able to get to you first, but that didn't mean she was the one you were stuck with. A seating area to the side would show the inactive members that were waiting with giggles and half smiles. This place provided a huge variety of flavors. Her city could even learn a thing or two from his smaller cat house. The raised floor dropped easily into a lower point where one could step down into, what was known as, "The Pit". This was a place for those that weren't shy about being in this place. They could sit there on the cushioned floor with pillows around them and get catered to however many females that they could afford. It was a harem's delight in some ways.

Despite everything this place seemed to be very well established. It was clean, the food seemed to be fresh, and even the scents that were provided didn't seem overwhelming as they did in other places she'd been to. The yellow eyes were difficult to impress, but this place had done just that. A few steps and she'd stand at the raised platform just on the other side of the podium where the greeter was waiting for her with the usual smiling grin. Fake or real happiness for seeing the tigress of this place, it didn't matter, she as excellent at faking it.

"Welcome to Timber and Foxy's, can I interest you in a room?" The mouse said softly to her, her voice almost squeaking where she appeared giddy to see the sexy feline.

"Do I look like someone that can't get a date?" her tone was a bit harsh, but this mouse had just... you know, it's not important. "I'm here about the job."

Her hand lifted the quest paper for the rodent to see. Her eyes widened already from being fussed at just for the sake of being nice to someone. Nervously she needed to motioned for the feline to follow. A little bit of yelling already this one small creature was shaking in fear. A look around could easily tell that most weren't going to be affected by just a bit of yelling, but this mouse must be new. It would indicate why she worked the podium instead of the floor, but those were the decisions made by the owners of this place, not by the people that did the work.

The individual rooms of this place were all cut off by curtains in the door ways. The final room on the left was no different at all. Everyone knew that this room wasn't for pleasure; it was for business where all the paperwork was kept and handled. The girls and guys of this building knew to stay out only because Foxy and Timber spent almost all of their time there handling the mountain of paperwork that came with running a brothel as extravagant as this one. Despite this that very room is exactly where the small mouse took her. The closer she got the more shy she seemed to become. In a way she was worried that maybe she shouldn't being this feline directly up to them? Maybe she should have them to go her? No, this was there building, the trainer should go to the boss. But what if she's wrong?

Flora looked at the almost shaking mouse and simply rolled her eyes. How could a creature like this ever make it in this kind of business, had she ever even looked at a penis before, been shown just how deep she could take something. She's a mouse for the love of the gods, in sex her type is one the most sought after because of their small size and ability to grow to any side presented. This little mouse was just presenting a bad name to her species. Despite this, the feline wasn't about to wait outside this room all day, she had things to do. She needed to do this job, get paid, and maybe if she's lucky, get some gear for the road. If nothing else they were staying in the inn tonight so maybe she could pick up some stuff tomorrow when the shops open again. Such an inconvenience should absolutely be avoided if possible.

The curtain opened with a fast flip and closed behind the feline who had stepped directly into the office. Timber and Foxy's attention were immediately on her, questioning with their eyes why she was there, who she was, and if they needed to notify authorities. Flora immediately identified the two. A brown bunny, the color of trees sat to the side on a black couch where she had paperwork sprawled out across a short table. She had been looking over records, over physical checks and employee records to make sure this place continued to remain at its high level of cleanliness. Foxy was a standard orange fox with white under fur. Neither of these two seemed all that impressive physically, but sometimes it's how you use your gifts that counts rather than just having them.

"Who are you?" Foxy demanded, standing up quickly. Timber looked a bit more shy, but stood as well to support her fox partner.

"Flora. I'm here about your job." She'd represent the quest page to the girls who only looked at each other and smiled out a bit.

"Oh, you should have said so. Welcome to our place. We just need for you to do a little bit of training, show the girls how it works." Timber spoke out instantly happy that someone had replied to their request. "We wanted an adventurer because you guys get into sexual situations all the time. It made sense."

Flora was going to correct this, but was cut off at the sound outside of the curtain. Moving quickly this feline left the office, followed immediately by the two owners. The sounds of struggle continued, cries of pain, and loud lashing noises came from one of the other rooms. The tigress made her way towards the room that housed the source, but stood when the curtains opened all their own and out spilled a male tabby. He only got a few steps before collapsing on the floor. Followed instantly from behind by a very angry looking man who simply swung his hand down continuously to force his weapon of choice, a whip to crash into the boy's body.

Each lash draw a scream of pain from the escort where he could do nothing more than curl up and try to protect his face from harm. This didn't help the rest of his body, however, and he continued to take damage. Everyone looked on in shock at this occurrence, but it was Flora that wasn't about to stand for it. Her hands moving easily to form a spell. Even as she watched the whip would fly from his grip back into the room that it had come from. Spells weren't her only line of defense though. In a few steps the feline made her way up to this brawny male and with a single motion her fist connected directly to the middle of his face. This did nothing more than send the male crumbling to the floor.

Her head turned to the rest of everyone who were all still looking on. Maybe it was because she was an adventurer that she was able to react so easily to this kind of thing, but if she was going to teach these people anything it was going to start now.

"I'm your trainer, listen up." Flora started, almost barking at the escorts in this building, "Unless you currently have a cock in your mouth, or ass, get over here and kick the shit out of this bastard."

Everyone moved in an instant at her order. Timber and Foxy stood back to giggle between each other, but the rest that weren't currently pleasuring someone moved in fast to start stomping the offender into the hard wooden floors of this beautiful building. Only one person never made it over there, a male of some time, she didn't notice his species because her attention was on the tabby that was still on the floor. Her hand wrapped around the shirt of the male that she'd stopped from attacking the jerk, and gave him a special order instead.

"You guys have a clinic in town?" She asked receiving a fast nod from what looked to be a ferret... really? "Help me get him there."

The ferret was about the same height as the tabby, but she still wanted his help in getting to the clinic in the least. She had no idea what the layout of this town was, hell she would carry this young feline herself if she just knew where the damn place was so she could get there. The ferret had no problem in taking her, his head quickly dipping under the arm of the tabby where Flora helped to lift the feline just to take the pressure off of this creature's shoulders. Together they left the building. Flora figured that she wouldn't get that payment after all of that, but in a way, it was worth it to stomp a hole through that whip wielding douche. Seriously, who attacks an escort? Besides people with mental health issues.

Even as she pass the pub this feline noticed the uproar going on there. She had to wonder what kind of excitement was going on, but that wouldn't be her stop. She still needed to earn some more coin so that she could get supplies, and with the payment for the brothel having fallen through, she needed to locate a different job now. It was a pain, but to stand up for these kids that only want to help make some money off of their bodies, it was worth it. Flora could even relate somewhat on a physical level. She'd never been an escort, but adventurer training sure as hell felt like it. To put it simple, you don't learn sexual fighting techniques sitting around and reading books.

"Belle!" the ferret called out when they'd reached the clinic. There was no reason for Flora to go in, and this ferret had this well covered now. The feline patted her wounded friend on the back and turned to leave this place behind. She needed to get back to that board to select a different job now. It was a shame that the first one had fallen through, but that meant that she was on an even tighter time constraint now and need to get her ass in gear. Moving into a full sprint the flap of her dress that came between her legs proved to be the advantage where it didn't create any resistance on her at all.

The board only held one other job. To teach a bit of sexual fighting to the village queen. She sighed some at this and rolled her eyes. People often misunderstood sexual fighting as being some kind of orgy, but that wasn't the case at all. In a way it was more difficult than regular fighting. If she walked up to someone and punched them in the face, then they would buckle down to the floor and she'd have won the fight. Of course they would deserve it for being a whip swinging prick, but still the fight was won. Now if she wanted to defeat someone through sexual attacks, it didn't matter how much brute force she put behind it, she was going to have to use her skills in sex in order to force someone to climax against their will, and do so before they had the chance to do the same to her.

It was a job, and all she really needed to do was show off some impressive moves and then collect a pay check. Didn't sound very difficult, but still not as fun as training a brothel would have been. Still her appeal for that job had ended where she had to punch some guy in the face. Instead she arrived at the larger house of this village. If there was a person of authority then it would be with this house right here. It actually kind of reminded her of her own city in that way. The person in charge of everything lived in a tower located in the center of the entire city. Or was it that the city was built around the tower thanks to the leader, some things get harder to remember in time.

The tigress pushed past the doorway of this building, her eyes adjusting instantly to the darker rooms of the place thanks to her feline gaze. What she came to see wasn't at all what she was expecting. The large throne like seat that had been sitting here was now vacant here the village queen was up and about. It looked like she was already receiving some of her training from another. The yellow eyes adjusted to turn through this room and found out that it was, in actuality, Domina that had taken up this quest. Flora simply sighed here to this. It wasn't that she really wanted this mission, but of all people she expected Domina to have the common courtesy of removing the quests that she wanted to do from the board. The only other issue was that this was actually the final quest left on the board and now she would be left out of luck.

Still she was going to be stuck in his village overnight, in the least. Something that may work to her advantage if she worked a bit more proactively. In a few steps closer and she'd consider this tiny village. It was small, but in a very strategic place for business, built right along the trade routes which made it ideal for establishing trade bargains. Of course, such bargains needed to be negotiated, but for her city, it was worth the trouble. Usually when working out a negotiation it was done with shops, but when wanting to move large sums of money and various goods, it was better to speak directly with the local leader in order to set up a single deal rather than multiple smaller ones.

Domina had noticed the feline in the building and Flora quickly realized that the eyes she was receiving from the nightmare was one of unwelcome. The feline didn't care, though, and passed by the two in order to allow them to further their lessons. It didn't matter to this tigress that he was asleep, she had business to handle and she needed him, not his small, house cat, lacky. If she was going to start an embargo then she wanted to do it where it couldn't be vetoed out later on by the higher up. Besides why would Flora, of all people, not want to talk directly to the actual leader instead of some stand in that just keeps his seat warm.

A push into the back room would find this feline staring at the creature that was supposed to be leading this village sleeping in his bed. The covers were pulled up high and Flora could only sigh while rolling her eyes at the display. A grip of the sheet would yank it hard out of the way, leaving her eyes to widen a bit from the spectacle that she was viewing. At first she thought it was a statue of some kind, her hand reaching out to touch it and make sure that he was even real before she came to realize that this wasn't some figure made of metal. This was a gold dragon. His anthro body rested well in its build, but the chrome dragons were rare these days, especially in a bipedal form. This wouldn't deter her, she was Flora for crying out loud. If anyone could win in negotiating with a dragon, it was her.

Easily enough she's move to plant her hands on his chest. The sudden pressure startled the dragon where he forced his slit eyes open. His massive hands gripping the female just as she moved to pounce onto his body. Landing with a straddle she also landed with her outfit gripped in his hands. It became instantly obvious that if she wanted to even start making a deal with him over anything then she was going to have to explain herself.

"I'm Flora from a city outside the forest and past the farm lands. I wanted to start negotiates to trade your goods for gold." She said to him. It was a very good trade system where both would end up benefitting greatly, and the village leader picked up on this right away.

"I'm Missor, and as leader of this town, I can only set up negotiations like that with the leader of your city." He explained himself, hoping that he wasn't crushing her hopes and dreams here.

"Missor, I am the leader of my city." She said softly to him, her hips already grinding against him to help motivate these proceedings to begin.

"You're that Flora. Tower Flora." He said, coming to realize just what kind of reputation that this female had. It was a shame that she'd brought her troubled past to his door and most likely would already be associating herself with him from this point on. Also the raw usefulness of gold to help expand the town and improve the extortion that has been going on recently would be best to help his people. "Very well, let's begin then."

In a smile she'd move down his body, using his slick scales as a fast slide in order to grip along that scaled slit that would house his member. Her attempts at grinding against it hadn't done the work that she wanted in order to bring it out. Most dragons were known for having a superior stamina level, not to mention with their live span they had all the time they needed to perfect their techniques. The internal sheath didn't help anything at all in this matter and most matches against dragons ended without the reptilian ever getting hard. It was going to be a challenge, but Flora had a few small tricks up her sleep.

As a sorceress she didn't need to physically stroke the member, her invisible hand spells could handle that for her without any issue. Dragons have a huge defense against magic, but she wasn't some slacker when it came to her craft. I quick exhale would focus her mind, still making sure to keep attention on the large dragon's movement, his pompous attitude in doubting that she could win in this was going to be his downfall. The motion of her hand moving up and down could be felt wrapping around his shaft and stroking it while still inside. The very feeling drawing a surprised gasp from Missor.

It was a short time before that pointed head of his dick poked its way through to see what the heck was going on. A little smirk on the lips of the tigress showed that she was now in the game and ready to begin the discussion. Even where her coarse tongue tasted along the flavor of his ever growing member she'd keep her yellow eyes on his face. Waiting and watching for weakness, her time to display her skills had finally arrived.

"I'll offer food, goods, and regular supplies for 400 gold. Permanently," She started, placing her offer on the table. It was an absurd offer that nobody in their right mind would take, but it would be a great starting point to grow from. Just to sweeten it, it would be wise to add one more part to the deal, maybe try and sneak something under the lines. "I also want to purchase regular weapons and armor on demand for half the regular selling price."

To finish her offer she'd bury her mouth around the head of his member, tasting his thickness growing in her mouth while feeling that pointed tip tickling the back of her throat. Giving off a soft moan the gold dragon shook his head slowly at the offer.

"Mmm... That's a terrible deal. That doesn't even... cover the cost of gathering the supplies and food you want. You'll pay a two thousand even for all of it monthly and we'll resupply after payment is received. And if you want weapons and armor you're going to need to pay 75 percent of their cost and only purchase from us." That was the counter offer, as the leader of a trade village like this it was quickly obvious that the dragon knew his grounds and the costs. That put him at the advantage here. Still he wasn't just going to take pleasure and lose this thing.

Missor leaned up a little and with his long arms gripped the feline's hips in one hand. Rotating her on his body the large reptile would rest her perfect rump on his chest where he could give it a light smack before. That long and thick tongue of his slipping from his maw just to tickling along her already juiced up cunny lips. He had to admit that the taste was divine, in fact he liked it so much that he drove that thick tongue into the tigress's depths. She'd call out softly from the pleasure of her body being spread, not by a thick member, but by a round reptilian tongue. A fast shake of her head brought her back into the game here.

"Eigh.... Eight hundred.... Monthly... we'll contact you about resupplies. Mmm..... I.. I want the weapons and armor for... oh god.. 60 percent, and only from you." It was getting serious, Flora was about to lose it. She felt herself growing closer already and they'd only just started. That squirming tongue flicking itself against her walls, driving her crazy with pleasure.

She knew that she had to up the pleasure on him, find a way to increase what she was doing so that she could at least come out a little on top. No, not a little. If she wanted this negotiation she needed to find a way to blow him entirely out of the water. Show him some skills that he'd never be able to get over. In the air she'd start her work, making circles with her fingers and using those fingers to trace imaginary lines. Double casting wasn't something she was every truly talented in, but it was a skill she'd picked up a while back. It was her desperation tactic. Even with that tongue deep inside of her the dragon only chuckled at the display wondering how much effect it would actually have on him.

Those dragon eyes widened entirely, displaying the full view of those orbs where he felt her magic hand technique improve instantly. She was doing well to take that full dragon cock all the way into her mouth, but the feeling of that helping hand stroking down her throat became a sensation that he couldn't ignore. It wasn't just there either. Balls crushed back in their force, not to be painful but shoot waves of pleasure through his body. The grip loosens only to tense back again. In a regular slow cycle this would continue. But that wasn't all either. One final hand was displayed spreading deep into his puckered lips. Even with her arm's length she might not be able to reach his glands deep in there, but her invisible touch was able to reach right in and slowly tear his defenses apart.

A roar sounded from the dragon where he leaned his head back. Wanting to speak, wanting to make another counter offer, but somewhere the words were lost and couldn't come out. Flora had him and kept the pressure up. In a smirk she'd finish off his offers with a swallow of her throat forcing his thick draconic gallons to dump themselves deep into the depths of her throat and stomach, filling her and securing her offer as the dominant one. In a shaking movement she'd pull herself up from him allowing his thick dick to drop out of her cum soaked mouth where she smiled back at him. Her hips shaking at him a bit while smiling brightly at her good work.

"So we got a deal?" she asked softly, knowing that it was far too late for him to back out now.

The panting dragon only nodded to her and rested his head back on the bedding that he slept on. He couldn't even speak here, but it didn't matter, her work was done. Standing easily she'd stretch a bit in order to limber herself up again after such a hard fought match. The second thing was to straighten out her clothes, clean up her face, and exit Missor's room to look at the disappointed glare of the nightmare who seemed to have finished about the same time that she did. What luck.

In her less than subtle movements the two finally exited the building. It was just in time for Domina's daily, "I can't believe you" speech, but the feline had gotten used to it and simply ignored it. In all truth she was done listening to these things given that what she did was for her city. They needed supplies, they needed foods and goods that can only be acquired by negotiation, and now she didn't even have to send out people to get it, the village was going to take the supplies regularly to her city effectively putting it on the map as associated with this place. The feline had no regrets and she was done listening to the disappointed speeches of everyone pretending to know what her intentions are. The last she checked she didn't actually talk to these party members of hers about her personal life because none of them asked. Not that she would tell them anyway.

The disappointing fact was the they were now far too late to be able to pick up any gear and supplies thank to the time being so late. All that could be done now was to head to the Inn and hope that they had time to pick up some gear before heading out. Something deep down told her that probably wasn't happening either thanks to the display of what was happening as soon as they walked in to the tavern.

Flora stood there watching Lilly rip Wolf a new one and simply wondering what the hell the poor dog did to deserve it. The group followed her outside, knowing that whatever happened here would affect all of them thanks to how much this party had been through already. Flora only watching and waiting, not saying anything about this but silently calculating the entire situation as she normally did. Lilly shouted to demean wolf and he'd sit on the ground, displaying a surprised and wide eyed look from the feline who didn't think the white squirrel would ever go that far about anything. Something needed to stop the two, Lilly was close to tears and if that happened then she'd probably run off and none of them would see her again. If nothing else the group needed their healer and if they had to have one then Flora was glad that it was the peppy squirrel and not some demanding cleric styled white mage.

Slipping behind the overly busty rodent she'd keep herself quiet while she lightly tapped her hips against the yelling squirrel's. The force of the hit was enough to bounce Lilly forward directly into Wolf's welcoming arms. Flora took this moment to slip away, not that she really needed to, but figured that the love couple could use some space. Yeah, it was best if Flora spent her time now actually making sure that the group had rooms reserved for the night.

"That was really nice of you. I thought you hated Lilly." Domina asked curiously.

"I've never hated Lilly. I'm just not a fan of the busty bubbly type. She finally showed me that she could be a real person and not just a set of massive tits." Flora said, turning towards the nightmare, "That kind of development deserves some reward."