Brotherly Love Chapter 1 (Fixed)

Story by backwolf11 on SoFurry

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#1 of Brotherly Love Chapter's

Well here's my disclaimer thing. You must be 18 or older to read this. Even if you are 18 you may not want to but I hope you do any ways. This is one of my first stories that I like, and I hope you like it to. Enjoy Backwolf11. Also I had some one fix this up for you guys hope you like it more now that its fixed.

Brotherly Love

Chapter .1

It is was 7:30 when James, a young wolf looking seventeen, returned home from a friends house. He looked around to see the house empty.

"Where is everyone?" He queried as he looked around the house before ascending the stairs to his bedroom. "Well I guess mom and dad are still at their conference, but where is Zack?" He walked in to his room and took off his shirt. Hearing a sound he looked into the hall, but no one was there. "What on Earth was that?"

Going back in to his room he turned on the stereo, and sat on his bed. He looked at the clock to see that it almost 8, and since he was planning on watching a movie when he got home, he got up and went in to the hall way. Just then a young otter also about seventeen jumped out from along the wall and yelled "HI JAMES!!!"

"Ahhh! What the hell was that for!?" he asked, looking at the otter standing 5'7 with brown fur and icy blue eyes.

"Sorry I didn't think you would be so scared". laughing at the wolf which had, light gray fur and deep green eyes.

"Okay Zack now your going to get it!" he yelled running at the otter. He tryed to grab him but only getting his shirt but only for a second. Zack trying to get away runs down the hall into the TV room. James finally caght up to Zack in a corner of the room. When he raised his hand to hit him seeing his brother almost crying in fear. He puts his hand down walks over and sat down on the futon.

"Thanks for not hitting me James. How was your day?" He asked, looking at the wolf before sitting next to him on the futon.

"My day? Well it was ok I guess, but I didn't do much over Jades. Most of the time we just sat there watching TV. That's why I came home early." He grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. "Oh right, how was your day?"

Smiling "My day was pretty fun I went for a walk and then met up with some of my friends..." Zoning out Zack's boring story about his friends and how they had such an awesome day, James just sat and watched the TV waiting for his movie to come on. Then a rather annoying commercial came on the screen, so he looked at the wall to see a few pictures of him and his family.

"I just realized that I'm adopted," he said, looking at Zack with a surprised face.

"Mom and Dad told you this on you twelfth birthday James."

James was in faceted adopted when he was still a baby. Zack's mom and dad wanted some one Zack could grow up with they just didn't expect to leave the orphanage with a baby wolf.

"I know that, but I think it just hit me. Which means, I don't think this is wrong to do," James said as he leaned over and kissed Zack on the lips for a long passionate kiss.

Very surprised Zack resisted momentarily before giving in to the kiss. After a minute or so Zack broke off the kiss.

"What was that for? I thought we weren't going to do this any more."

"If you want me to stop I will." James stated, the dissapointment in his voice clear.

"I didn't say stop, or that I didn't want you to. I was just a bit surprised, that's all." he said, grabbing James and spinning him around on the futon so he landed on top of him.

"Oh, someone seems dominate today!" looking up at Zack.

"Shut up and kiss me smart ass!" he teased, kissing James for a few seconds to shut him up.

Holding the kiss while starting to take off Zack's shirt, he broke it only long enough to get his shirt over his head.

"So how do you want to do this?" James asked, looking to Zack with a mischievous glance.

"Well we should start by folding out the..." he began, suddenly stopped by his brother.

"Shhh, don't make every thing so dam, planed out!" James whispered, putting his finger to his brother's lips.

"Okay, but..."

"No buts. Just relax, okay."

Kissing Zack for a few seconds, before starting to unzip his pants. "Could you get up for a second? Its kind of hard to get undressed with some one on top of you."

"And here I was thinking you were trying to get me undressed" James said, getting up and finishing James' work by taking off his pants.

Unzipping, and taking off his own pants, Zack says softly, "Well if I did that, you would start to think you're special or something." Walking over to the futon, James folds it down to the bed.


I bet you thought I was going to get to the sex in the first chapter didn't you, well not yet. To be honest I want to see if you guys like it before I post any more. Well even if you don't like it I may just post the next part for anyone who might like it after that. Well I hope you liked Chapter One of Brotherly Love.