Brian's Tale - Chapter 4: Gym Leader Roark and Team Virtuous

Story by WittyOverload on SoFurry

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Brian's Tale Chapter 4: Gym Leader Roark & Team Virtuous   Some information I feel needs to be known: I changed the story; Cynthia isn't the champion, instead, she's the former and Lucas (the champion of Diamond and Pearl and a character we'll meet later) is the champion. This story takes place 15 years after the events of Diamond and Pearl, so there will be some changes.   "What's on the Agenda today?" Sarah asked. Brian, Jenna, and her were all walking around Jubilife city. "Well, first we're going to go to the Center and get you guys checked up... then we're taking the train to Oreburgh" Ever since Cynthia won the Sinnoh League, she's had quite a bit of power of Sinnoh, Even though she's not the champion anymore, she can still simply just say 'make me a shrine' and they'll do it. Fortunantly, she didn't abuse this power, just using it to do things like make schools or other constructions. On of those things was a Train from Jubilife to Oreburgh. After a small walk, they ended up at the center and Brian was waiting with Jenna in the waiting room. Brian was trying to teach her to play cards at the moment. "I fold." He said as she took his cards with her mouth "You win... wow you're good at cards" "And?" Brian gave a sigh "And... i'll get you a poffin later..." Sarah started licking his cheek "YAY!" "BRIAN!" He heard someone yelled. Looking towards the entrance, He found a familiar Red haired boy and Blue haired girl running towards him. "Oh hey guys!" Brian said to the two kids "Hey Brian!" Azure yelled as she gave the boy a hug. "Hey man" Maroon said, giving him a smile. Maroon and Azure were traveling together and  Brian suspected that something was going on between the two. "By the way Brian, your Shinx is SO cute!" Azure said as she petted Sarah, who just purred. "Mr Scott? Your Raichu is finished. She's healthy, we have noticed her... mutation, but it seems to cause no harm... But i must ask you, has she always been like this?" The nurse asked. "Always." Brian stated After both were checked up he, Azure and Maroon went to the Train station. "Three tickets please" Brian said as he saw Sarah and Jenna playing with Azure's piplup and Maroon's Chimchar. "Hmm... we only have two rooms." The old lady said. "Hey Maroon, Azure, you mind sharing a room?" He yelled as two nodded almost instantly. "Yeah that'll be fine."

Brian sat on the bed of a very spacious room. It cost 10000 Pokedollars (thankfully his mother packed him 20000 and he'd earned about 1500 on the road) and it certainly showed. It had a queen sized bed, a nightstand, a window with a nice view of the mountain side, a post, a large bathroom with a tub/shower. Brian had sent out Sarah to go get their food and he was currently with Jenna. "What do you think of Jenna?" Brian asked, hopping to cure his boredom. Jenna liked Sarah, mostly. She didn't like it when she showed physical affection... like licking him. In her mind it was like they were frenching right before her eyes! "I like her... she's really nice. Why do you ask?" "No reason, just wanted to see what you think of her. Glad you two get along." "Room service" Sarah's muffled voice came from the door. "I'm coming" Brian said, leaving Jenna and opening the door. There, a Shinx carring a brown paper baggy in her mouth entered the room and put the bag on the bed. The three had a nice dinner of subs, french fries and chicken wings filled with alot of laughter. They then visited Azure and Maroon who were watching a movie (and were sitting rather close to each other) and watched a movie themselves, some buddy-cop movie with some famous Lucario actor, Lucas Lucario. After the film, they went to bed.

Knock Knock. Brian woke up to the sound of an excessive knocking. "Coming..."  Brian said goggily as he opened the door to an Azure and Maroon. "Hey- Oh my god! you gotta get up!" Azure yelled "Why..." He asked as he spat some of Jenna's fur out of his mouth "Because the train stops in 20 minutes!" Maroon yelled The next twenty minutes was spent in a strange haze. Brian had first woken up the two pokemon, then took a minute and a half shower, packed everything up and got dressed. "Ready" They both asked "Ready." SCREEEECH. The the train began to slow down "We'll be entering the Oreburgh Gate in five minutes." The conducter spoke over the screeching of the train. Jenna and Sarah were now looking out the window, waiting for the view of the city. Brian joined them as well. Then they saw it. They saw the sun rise over the mountains. They saw the transporters move the rocks from the mines. They saw the Oreburgh gym in all it's magnificence. "Admiring the view?" He heard a strange voice ask. Looking to his left, he noticed a strange man. He had a coal black hair, tan skin and a tall frame. He wore a dark black suit and an even darker hat as well as dark gray eyes. "Uh... ya..." Brian said as he looked for his friends who were mysteriously gone. "Oreburgh is quite a feat of human industrialism. A mining town without any pollution, quite the feat indeed." The man spoke with a very blank tone. "Yeah...." "Burton" The man extended his arm "Brian" Brian said, Shaking it "I can tell you're a trainer." "Yes! how'd you know?" "Just a feeling." "Oh, okay... So why're you here Burton?" "Business reasons" Burton said, looking out the window "What kind of-" Brian stopped as he noticed the man gone "Must've walked away." he said to himself as he heard Azure yell back to him "We stopping, Brian! Come'on" Brian called over Jenna and Sarah and got off the train. After getting a couple rooms, The three trainers split apart. Maroon and Azure decided to take a walk around the city while Brian went straight to Roark.

"Any battles today?" A 20-year-old guy asked his one hundred year old receptionist. He had cordovan colored hair and a pair of relatively thick glasses. On his head sat a mining cap. He had a gray vest with golden ends and a similar gray pair of cargo pants. Finally, he wore a pair of black boots. "Still no, Roark. Arceus boy, get a hobby!" The woman yelled. Before Roark could tell her pokemon is his life, he has no time for hobbies, the jingle of an entering patron. "uh... hello?" The boy said as he entered with a Raichu and a Shinx. "Hello! I'm Roark, the Oreburgh city gym leader!" Roark said his prepared speech courtesy of the Sinnoh-League. The boy didn't speak, instead just shook, obviously nervous. "You've come to challenge me?" Roark asked as the boy simply nodded "Well come with me." Soon Brian and Roark were opposite of each other. The referee was in the middle and began to speak the custom speech. "This is a match between Brian Scott and Gym Leader Roark. If Brian wins this match, he will obtain the Coal Badge" The referee yelled "Begin Round 1" "Okay Jenna, start this off with a ThunderShock." Brian yelled as the rat-like pokemon charged up "Geodude, show these guys what you're made of, Use Rock Throw!"  Roark yelled as Jenna's attack hit the Geodude. "Don't feel down, Geodude. Use Stealth Rock" Brian was confused. One more hit and Geodude was down, so why not try to take Jenna down? "Uh... Okay Jenna, Use another ThunderShock." Brian commanded before the Rock-type was down. "Round 1 goes to Brian. Round 2 will begin in five minutes." Soon the time was up and Brian switched in Sarah" "Begin Round 2" "Okay Sarah-" Brian said before Sarah was hit by something invisible. He looked to Roark who had a smug smirk on his face "While they're confused Onix, use Screech." "Sarah, before he does it, use Spark!" Sarah thing shocked the Onix before he could deafen the pokemon "Okay Onix, bounce back with Rock Throw!" Soon the Shinx was hit by the flying rocks. Brian look at her; one more hit and she was going down. "Okay Sarah, one last move. Use Tackle." Sarah then smashed into the Onix, sending it into the ground. "Round 2 goes to Brian. Round 3 will begin in five minutes." Brian thought how he was going to do this. His plan was ruined, how was he going to do this? He couldn't send out Sarah. He'd have to do with an already injured Jenna "Begin Round 3" "Pursuit" Roark stated. He was visibly shaking, nervous by the fact that this kid might beat him. Sure he got beaten about 20 times a year, but this kid... he was just as strong as.... "Counter it with ThunderShock" Brian said as Jenna was pursuit...ted. Jenna then shocked the Craindos, sending it back "Craindos, Headbutt" Roark said as Jenna was sent flying to the back of the stadium. "Okay Jenna... just try one last move... try Thunderbolt." "Stop it with another head-" Roark yelled before the Craindos was knocked out cold by the blast. "Round 3 goes to Brian! Brian is the winner!" Brian then let out Sarah and they all gave each other hugs. While they were doing so, Roark approached them. "Wow kid, that was amazing! I haven't had a battle like that since Cynthia! I can tell that your going far. I give you the treasure of Oreburgh, The Coal Badge!" ................................. Now, Brian was getting off the train once again. After obtaining the Coal Badge, he stayed in Oreburgh for another day, letting Maroon go and fight Roark (A battle which he won). The reason he took the train back was because they were doing some construction on Route 206 and wouldn't be done for a week. Maroon and Azure chose to remain in Oreburgh. Although the walk would only  give him a day's head start, He wanted to stop in Floaroma town and maybe check out the Old Chateau and maybe catch a pokemon. As he stepped on the ground, he heard some strange yelling. The yelling seemed to be coming from around a street corner. Running off, he saw something strange. There was a large podium with about 30 people around it, on top was a odd looking man. He looked about 55 and had visible wrinkles. His clothes consisted of a robe with linings running down the middle and a strange pope hat (you know the one... that... pope hat...) Brian got into the crowd, pushing his way to the front. He began to question the guy next to him. "Hey buddy... do you know who this guy is?" "You don't know! That's Leader Raphael! You know? Leader of Team Virtuous?" The boy asked as Brian just gave a confused look. "Whatever. If you don't mind i'm trying to listen to the prophet's words! If you have anymore questions, just ask him yourself" The boy said before mumbling "Like he'd really listen to a non-follower" "-Will smite those who dify him!" The old man yelled as Brian raised his hand. Other people in the croud started to laugh at the boy, like the prophet would ever listen to him... "Yes my child?" Raphael asked to everyone's shock "Uh ya sir... who's this 'Will smite us' fellow?" Brian asked "That my child is Arceus. He is the creator, my boy. And soon enough, he will be upon us." Topic of the Day! Arceus is the one true god. Nothing is better then it. And the pokemon world knows this. Arceus has been sought after by many a trainer, though none have succeeded. The church of Arceus have respected the fact that it cannot be brought into our world. ...Or at least they did until Raphael showed up. He was the son of a former minister and took over his dad's job. He had insane theories that everyone not in the church was sinful and must be cleansed. His insane theories proved to be popular with the populous and church after church fell under his swell. Now he was considered a prophet and he and his followers aimed at bringing Arceus to our world and wiping away all those who deemed 'sinful'. Though the old coot isn't evil... at least not THAT evil. He gives people second chances in exchange that they join his cult- his church. And if people join his church before he brings Arceus, so he isn't truely evil... just a little crazy and misguided. Raphael continued to preach while Brian headed out. Before leaving, he was stopped by a young girl - probably 15 - who was wearing a large smile. "Hey, before you go, be sure to check out another one of The Prophet's speeches." The girl gave him a pamphlet and went back to Raphael's rambling. Bri   Brian contiued to the Pokecenter while Jenna and Sarah striked up a conversation "How do you think that weirdo's gunna get Arceu-" Sarah said as Jenna covered her mouth. "Don't say his name in commonspeak. Hearing that lunatic spewing it out and me not ripping out his throat is hard enough." Jenna said with an annoyed look "Didn't know you were such a follower of... it." "Everyone is. He's the undisputed god of all pokemon, why wouldn't i?" Jenna explain as he gave a nod.

"Brian!" Jenna yelled as he snapped out of his daze. He looked down to see a Raichu next to him as he walked on the sidewalk. "Where are we? Wheres Sarah?" He said, looking around "We're walking home? What do you think? Also who's Sarah?" The Raichu asked. He looked around, seeing some familiar sights "We're... in Sandgem?" "Uhhh. Ya? Why wouldn't we be? I guess you're just thinking about the trip. I mean, don't get me wrong... but you've been a little TOO excited... Wait, can you... understand me?" Jenna said. He found his body moving on its own, crossing the street. "Of course i can. When haven't i been able to?" He said as he made his way across. He then heard the sound of motor. Then, before he knew it... Smash! He was sent back a few feet, falling on the ground back first. He heard Jenna's small feet running on the road, he could hear her sobbing as he drifted off into a deep sleep.... "Brian!" He heard Jenna yell in a familiar voice. He began to realize he was now back in Jubilife, two pokemon on either side "Huh?" He asked in his daze "Brian... you've been spacing out alot recently, are you okay?" Sarah asked "I'm fine... let's... let's just go." Brian said as he continued his trail. End of Chapter 4

Chapter 4.... done! I liked this one, though it was a bit of a challenge. Introduced our main villian and the team of this story, Raphael and Team Virtuous. Next chapter will be a game of the mind, possibly with a new party member. Feedback is much appreaciated (Even if its hate... feedback)