Obedience School: Roxan Ch.2, Breaking Roxan

Story by Roxan on SoFurry

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Having recently sold himself into slavery, Roxan gets his first real taste of what he's signed up for..

When I awoke it was to a foot nudging me in the side. "Wake up, you have your first client", came Darkstar's voice. I sat up and looked around; I was still on the floor where I had fallen the night before. Was it the night before? What time is it? _ I looked around for a clock and noticed for the first time that the room I was in didn't have any windows, just four solid walls and a door that looked like oak. Aside from that it was a pretty normal bedroom; bed, desk, TV, camera on a tripod..._wait what?

"Get up", he said impatiently, giving me another nudge in the ribs with his foot. "Your clients waiting and I don't want to have to tell you again".

I got to my feet with a resigned sigh, I knew this was going to happen, I just hadn't expected it to be so soon. My throat was still raw from the deep throating I had given Dark and I had to cough a few times just to be able to speak, "what time is it".

"It's 10:00pm, the guy you're going to be doing tonight is waiting outside. When I send him in, you're his. You will do whatever he wants for as long as he wants". His tone was all business again, stern, commanding, and leaving no room for second guessing. "If you cause trouble for any reason..." he slid a finger through the leash ring in my collar, "you will be restrained, and he will have his way with you anyway". He let go of my ring and pushed me back onto the bed. "And don't think I've forgotten about you little accident earlier either", he reached out and pinched my lower lip, "I think a lip ring is going to look good on you, don't embarrass me or ill add a nipple ring to tomorrows outing". With that he turned and walked out the door, closing it behind him and leaving me alone with my thoughts and the fading echo of his footsteps.

This is really happening... that shouldn't have been surprising given what I had just done earlier that day, but oral sex was a far cry from prostitution, especially when I had no idea who was paying to have sex with me. It could be anybody out there; some fat hippo or acne ridden rat, or worse, someone from school. _ Calm down, don't freak out. You've always dreamed about this, anonymous sex with dominant partners, and besides, Darkstar wouldn't just give you to anybody, I'm sure whoever it is will be at least decently attractive..._

I took a deep breath to strengthen my resolve, whoever came through that door, I could handle this. _ This is going to be fun._ I kept trying to tell myself. I heard footsteps coming from the hallway and my heart raced with sudden excitement. _Gotta look good, gotta make a good first impression, gotta set the tone. _

I was already nude so there was no need to "get more comfortable" but I still wanted to make an impression when whoever it was saw me for the first time. _I'm not going to let this be awkward. I fucking hate awkward. Go bold or go Home. _ I knelt on the floor facing the door, knees spread wide, feet crossed behind me, hands clasped behind my back and head bowed, the picture of a submissive love slave. My excitement was showing more and more the louder the footsteps in the hall became; two sets of footsteps, one lighter one heavier.

They were right outside the door, I could hear the faint mumble of Darstar's voice, but couldn't understand what he was saying through the heavy oak door. I waited for the door to open, taking long slow breaths in an effort to control my heart rate. What do I do when the door opens? Do I greet the person? Is Dark going to stay in the room while it happens or is he going to leave us alone? Fuck I have no idea what I'm doing... I'm just going to go with it.

The doorknob turned and the door cracked open, letting me catch the end of Darks conversation, "...going to shit a brick when he sees you". _Oh fuck it's someone I know isn't it. _ I tried to hide the fear on my face as dark entered the room, filling up the doorframe and blocking my view of whoever was behind him. "Are you ready for your first guest Roxan?" I nodded, I was nervous, anxious and just a little excited, but I was ready. "No you're not". He said with a wide mouth grin as he stepped aside to reveal my mystery date.

My jaw hit the floor, my stomach twisted into knots, I tasted bile on the back of my tongue and if I had eaten anything in the last 8 hours I probably would have shit an actual brick. I looked from the lion standing in the doorway to Dark and back again as my anxiousness gave way to hate and the beginnings of white hot rage.

"That's right", came the lion's voice as he stepped into the room, "take a good look at me, take ALL the time you need". He ran his fingers through his golden hair and gave his head a shake to make sure I got the reference. I've always said that Jeff was Pride incarnate, but for him to stand over me and quote the character from HoN just took the fucking cake. "You ready to get fucked kitty?" he said with no shortage of condescending malice in his voice.

I was on my feet in an instant, claws extended I gave him a four fingered poke in the chest that made him take a step back and left him with a line of red running down his sternum. "You're not going to lay a finger on me you sack of shit". I looked over at Dark, who was no longer grinning, "Dark you got a lot of fucking balls if you think..."


I was cut off mid-sentence by a backhanded blow to my face. My head snapped sideways and my cheek exploded in stinging pain. _Did he just slap me? _ I must have had a stupefied expression on my face because even in the tense atmosphere Jeff wasn't able to hold back a laugh.

"Pppppffffhahahaha! You just got slapped like a BITCH son", The lion roared with laughter. I glared at him, giving him the full force of my hate, but it was no use, he was bent over laughing and well beyond the point of intimidation. I turned my head back to face the wolf hybrid letting my eyes tell him what my words couldn't, I would not do this.

He stared back, not saying a word but using his eyes to radiate dominance and press his will. We stared at each other for a moment, the laughing lion in the room completely forgotten, in our battle of wills. I was the first to break, "You're going to have to hit harder than that if you think I'm letting Him anywhere near me." I spat out the word "him" right onto Jeff's bare feet.

"Ok", Darkstar replied calmly, his eyes never wavering.


His second blow sent me spinning to the floor, numbing my jaw where it landed, and straining my neck so much that it ached from the force of the blow. My mind was instantly cleared of all thoughts but one, That Hurt...

"Aow" was all I could say, bent over with one hand on the floor to keep me steady and the other rubbing feeling back into my jaw. He had literally slapped the anger out of me.

"Are you ready to cooperate?"

"No" I didn't get back up, somehow I knew standing would only earn me another slap, but I'd be damned if I was going to let Jeff have his way with me. I spat at the mere thought of his name, my saliva coming out red with blood. Fuck he hits hard...this could be hot if Jeff wasn't here. _ "I'll do anybody else you want, not him". I shook my head slowly, dropping it in resignation but unable to let go of that one last holdout. _Not him, just not him.

"Wrong, you'll do anybody I want, including him."

A strong hand grabbed me by the hair and yanked my head back painfully. "I told you not to embarrass me", Darkstar whispered into my ear before pressing my head down against the floor with painful force. He walked across the room to the same set of drawers he had found my collar in, speaking to Jeff as he walked, "I'm sorry about this, he's new and isn't fully broken yet".

"No please, I'm enjoying the show, you have no idea how satisfying that little standoff was for me", the lion laughed. My blood boiled but I couldn't bring myself to rise. Sure I could make a run for it, but this room had no windows and Jeff was blocking the only door. Even if I did somehow make it past him and Dark, it was ten at night, I was completely naked save a pink collar, I had no idea where I was and no place to go. If your dad wasn't going to disown you before, showing up naked wearing a pink collar and telling a story about how you tried to sell yourself into sexual slavery only to chicken out would probably be the final straw...

_ You chose this remember_

_ Shut up..._

And so instead of running, I knelt there on the ground, head bowed to the floor and listened to them talk about me while Darkstar fished in his drawers for god knows what.

"You weren't interested in his cock were you?" Darkstar asked, pausing momentarily in his rummaging to glance at Jeff.

"No, not really, I just want to fuck his ass and that pretty little mouth he like to shoot off so much", Jeff replied. He swaggered over to me, looking down on me and rubbing the front of his pants. "Why do you ask?"

"I owe him a punishment from earlier, and since he is continuing to be uncooperative, I've decided to implement it early; if you don't mind that is". Oh god...

"Oh I can't wait to see what your idea of punishment is for this little cock sucker" Jeff sneered, stepping on my face with one of his bare paws. I growled threateningly, though even I didn't believe it. "Little afraid to let his mouth near my cock though, might try to bite it off or something. Wont ya?" he said patronizingly. He dug his toes into the side of my face, claws extending against my skin. I hissed in pain when his claws broke skin and dug against the bone of my cheek. "Now we match, and you'll have a permanent reminder of this night".

My hiss of pain turned to a roar of rage and I struggled against his foot, pushing myself up as hard as I could, but 220+ lbs. of lion muscle was standing on my head and the harder I struggled the harder he pressed me into the floor. I snapped my teeth and clawed the floor, I hissed and spat and cursed with a primal furry I didn't know I possessed but for all my fury, I still couldn't free myself from the lion holding me down

"You see what I mean? Jeff laughed, grinding me down with his foot.

"Don't worry, I got something for that," Dark told him reassuringly, lifting several items from the drawer with a metallic jingle and sliding it shut before returning to where I was struggling beneath Jeff's foot. He straddled my back and took each of my arms in turn, pulling them behind my back and securing them with a pair of handcuffs. This is bad...

"And Jeff", Darkstar said to the lion with the barest hint of threat, "keep your claws tucked, the next scar you leave on one of my pets will cost you". It was strangely comforting to hear Dark stand up for me, he was still handing me over to the person I hated most in the world, but he was protecting me at the same time. I tried to wrap my head around that, struggling less and less.

It's going to be ok. Dark will protect you.

Dark is the one doing it!!!

Way to let him handcuff you genius, you barely put up a fight! Should have gone for the Achilles tendon while you had the chance.

Ya so I could be arrested for assault? Sued for maiming? Great plan.

_Better than being tied up and raped by JEFF!! Besides prison would give you 3 square meals and a roof... isn't that what you were looking for? _

Lay off him, you know he's a submissive at heart, he's loving this...

What about the shower rape?

Please think really hard about that argument...I'll wait.

"Looks like he's calmed down, you can move your foot now". The foot on my face gave me one last rub before lifting away. At the same time Darkstar slid off my back and grabbed me by the hair, pulling firmly but not painfully, "on your knees, legs spread like you were when we walked in".

It took some doing but I got to my knees, my legs were spread and my head was bowed. I basically was in the same position I had started in, but so much had changed since then. My excitement was gone, and where before my head was bowed in a seductive jest, now it hung low with defeat, with the weight of the knowledge of exactly what was about to happen to me. Just go to a happy place until it's over...worked for Happy Gilmore.

Do I look like I'm about to go golfing right now? Please just shut the fuck up.

"Open your mouth", Dark's voice was accompanied by a metallic jingle. I opened my mouth, trying not to think about what I was doing or why.

"Wider". I opened my mouth wider, knowing I had no other choice but to obey.

"I said WIDER" he was getting impatient. I opened my mouth as wide as I could, feeling my jaw and cheeks stretching.

"For fuck sake" Darkstar sighed, "Jeff a little help..."

Jeff chuckled and stepped forward, his fingers sliding into my already stretched mouth and pulling my jaws apart painfully wide. "Open up kitty."

"Thank you Jeff" Darkstar said casually kneeling behind me, spreading his knees wide so that he was practically spooning me. I was trying not to squirm but my jaw was killing me. I heard the metallic jingle again and then tasted iron as a metal ring was forced into my mouth, sliding up securely behind my canines. Leather straps extended from either side of the ring and Darkstar quickly secured them behind my head, locking the ring in place. "Were good, you can let go now".

Jeff's fingers slid out of my mouth and my jaw relaxed just a little, still forced open uncomfortably wide by the metal ring. My jaw still hurt from the wide angle it was forced into and I whimpered meekly at the thought that it wouldn't be coming out any time soon. Let's not forget why they want your mouth forced open either.

Shut up.

With the ring holding my mouth open and my arms secured behind my back with handcuffs I felt completely exposed. Not even waking up naked in a strange room had made me feel this vulnerable. I couldn't fight, I couldn't bite, and I couldn't even cry for help or beg for mercy. Endure... came the voice of an old tv show villain, accompanied by mental flashes of a man in black leather sitting on a stone throne.

I felt on the verge of tears. _ No don't cry, never let that bastard see you cry. _ Darkstar's strong arms took me then, pulling me back against him in a firm but gentle bear hug, and when he whispered in my ear, it wasn't his business voice or his angry voice, he spoke to me with the gentle sympathy he had shown me before I had agreed to this. "You're going to be ok. I know you don't want to do this, but you're going to do it regardless. Since you've been so insistent on your hatred of Jeff I'm going to do you a favor, I'm going to make sure you don't betray yourself by enjoying his fat lion cock." He held up the third and final item he had fished from the drawer in front of my eyes. I moaned dishearteningly, nooohohohoho...please not that.

The object he was holding is hard to describe thought its design is simple and its function is easily discerned, thinking about it made me cringe in his grasp, squeezing my legs together to hide my sheath, as if that would protect me from the thing in Darks hand.

"I told you that you would be wearing a cock ring to school tomorrow, but since you've gone and made a spectacle of yourself in front of my guest I decided to up the stakes to a full chastity device as well as add another day to your punishment. But if you are really good for the rest of the night, I may give you a reward when this is done."

The whole time he was talking I just stared at the "cock ring" in his hand. Technically it was two rings with squared edges and flat sides that could be good for stacking them like pennies. But the rings were separated from each other by about 4 inches of space. Connecting them was a thin copper wire that ran along the outside of one ring to the next then curving back and extending through the inside of the rings , just millimeters from the edge. _ Dear god, Please don't let him put that thing on me, please don't let him shove that wire up my urethra, oh god oh god oh god oh god.... _

I squirmed in Darkstar's grip, retreating away from the copper ring in his hand by pressing myself harder against his chest. Unable to talk and beg for mercy all I could do was whimper loudly and shake my head against my fate.

I looked for help from the only other person in the room, though it killed me to do so. I pleaded with the lion through my eyes. _Please, as a fellow male you can't let this happen PLEASE!!! "eeeeaaasse...oooo" was all I could say to the lion standing over me, but my please were wasted. _

Jeff was already rubbing the growing bulge in his pants, and the predatory grin on his face told me there was no way he would help me. He was like a predator playing with a wounded animal before it delivers the killing bite, this was all just a game to him.

I broke. I turned away from the copper device, staring off into a blank corner of the room and sobbing softly while Darks hand found my sheath and started stroking me gently.

"Calm down you big cry baby, it's not going to be so bad... unless you try to cum that is" he finished offhandedly. He set down the cock ring and ran his left hand up my bare chest to my neck, tilting my head back and stroking me gently to let me know I was his. He stroked me softly, his touch feeling so good versus the stinging in my cheek, the aching in my jaw, and the sharp cuts on my face. _As soon as you harden, you know what's going to happen... _ I didn't want to get hard. I didn't want to wear the chastity device. I didn't want Jeff to fuck me. But what I wanted didn't matter. Only what Dark wanted mattered.

I tried to resist but before long I was peeking out of my sheath. Dark held my neck possessively with one hand while he stroked me with the other. "Look at Jeff Roxan, I think he's getting excited, go ahead Jeff, let loose, show him what he's in for".

As I watched Jeff undid his belt and opened his pants, reaching inside his black boxers to produce ten inches of thick meaty lion cock. He was almost fully hard already, and suddenly I knew why they needed such a large ring for my mouth. Jeff's shaft had to be at least two inches in diameter; the barbs on the underside standing out white against his pink skin. Oh fuck he's a lion isn't he...Shit.

I whimpered more, and it only served to encourage the lion, pulling his shirt off and letting his pants fall to the floor, stroking himself and staring down at me while Dark held me down and worked my shaft. The pure humiliation of being jerked off for the pleasure of Jeff sent a shiver down my spine, and rushed blood to my cock. I look the naked lion over and couldn't help but shiver again with lust. He had an athlete's body, a flat stomach that was just short of a six pack, a ripped chest and legs and arms thick with defined muscle.

When I got to half-mast Dark let go of my neck and picked up the ring off the floor where he had put it. He squeezed my shaft, forcing some of the blood out of it and making it compliant then he lined the rings up, sliding the first one over my shaft slowly and deliberately. I jumped when the copper wire poked my tip, before Dark positioned it correctly and let it slide in. The wire was cold and I felt every centimeter as it slid further into my urethra. I wined and moaned but didn't move, terrified that the needle like wire would shift and poke through my skin.

I kept looking at Jeff, concentrating on his muscled form and trying my hardest to not look down. The wire rubbed against my insides as it went, my fear subsiding slightly No need to panic Roxan, no need to PANIC! _ The wire inside me scraped against my inner walls and pain shot through my shaft and up my body. _Stay calm STAY CALM!... My shaft was throbbing harder and harder in its confines, fear and adrenaline making my heart race as the second ring slid over my tip and eventually the curve of the wire met the slit of my opening and the thing could go no deeper.

It slid on just in time, I was fully hard and the metal rings dug into my flesh making it impossible to dislodge. I could feel the cold metal inside me pinching my skin between itself and the metal rings on the other side, making me flinch and grimace in a pathetic way.

"There you go, now that wasn't so bad was it?" Dark asked, stroking his hand over my bound member. I whimpered again looking down at his handiwork for the first time. The copper rings were constricting my member, making it bulge around them, and preventing the blood from leaving. I might have been the hardest I had ever been in my life, but I couldn't enjoy it. My normally white skin was turning a deep dark red and the throbbing was growing painful. _ The pressure won't stop... I'm going to pop! Get it off...GET IT OFF!_

I started to struggle in Dark's lap again, whimpering and pleading incoherently to be let go, but both males just chuckled at my misery. I squeezed my knees together, pressing my thighs around my cock, desperate to force some of the blood back into my body, desperate to stop the pressure that was threatening to drive me mad.

"I think he's ready for you Jeff", Darkstar chuckled. "Don't keep the poor guy waiting". With that he pushed me out of his lap and towards the waiting lion. I didn't have arms to catch myself with so I landed face first against his cock, leaning forward enough that I couldn't easily pull back. He chuckled again as I pushed against his sack with my face in an effort to regain my footing... or kneeing as the case seemed to be.

For the third time that night I was lifted by my hair and allowed to regain a kneeling position, _Why do they all go for my hair? I am wearing a collar aren't I? _ With Jeff stroking himself in front of me, and Darkstar watching me from behind, I knew what I was expected to do next, but I couldn't bring myself to do it voluntarily. So I waited, staring up at Jeff with my mouth gaping wide around the metal ring. Drool was dropping from my jaw and I had no way to stop it. I tilted my head back to swallow it, but that just earned me another laugh from Jeff.

"So you do want it after all huh?" Jeff taunted, slapping my nose with his cock. "Well? Stop drooling and take it then." Without waiting for a reply that I couldn't give, he pulled my head back by the hair and then brought me down on his waiting cock. His tip slid between my lips and found the metal ring; he slid through it with ease and pressed to the back of my throat. My tongue stopped him from going any deeper, pulled back to the back of my mouth by the metal ring and my anti choking instincts.

He only had about three or four inches in my mouth but already I could tell he was larger than Dark, making him the largest dick I had ever sucked. He pulled me up and down on his cock, getting more forceful each time, but still i wouldn't let him in. Besides my hatred for the guy, his barbs really did look painful, from any end.

"Open up kitty, let daddy in" Jeff snarled with a hint of annoyance, now thrusting against me as well as pulling me onto his cock. I obeyed compulsively, giving myself up to the commands of those around me. When Jeff pulled out I slid my tongue forward through the metal ring so that on his next thrust, his shaft slid smoothly over my tongue and down the back of my throat. I gaged around his length, my breath caught in my chest as he entered my throat. My throat constricted instinctually, pushing at the obstruction in my airway, bile rising from my stomach, but having nowhere to go. I swallowed it down and concentrated on relaxing the muscles in my throat as he pushed deeper. I felt every inch as he went in, measuring distance by the barbs that slid past the back of my tongue. Thankfully they weren't flared yet and passed over me as smooth bumps. He pressed half his length into me on his first go. "That's better" he sighed, holding me there, impaled halfway down his shaft, "that's what a bitch like you should be using his mouth for. The next time you make some smart ass comment about me in class, I'm going to fuck your face for real."

My stomach continued to churn, threatening to barf if only there was somewhere for it to go. Twice I felt it rise up my esophagus only to be blocked by the shaft in my mouth and be pushed back down. Jeff was holding me down by my hair so I couldn't pull away. My hands were tied so I couldn't tap him to tell him I needed air. And I couldn't breathe to whine for help. All I could do was shake my head from side to side to show I needed air and pray he got the picture.

"Not so tough now are ya?" he taunted me. Instead of letting go, he gripped me tighter, bringing both hands to my head and pulling me down farther. "Not until you take it all bitch", he snarled, "If you got breath to squirm you got time to go deeper". He pressed in again, sliding farther down my throat, I had to lower my head and lift my chin to allow him to angle in any farther but he just kept pulling me closer and closer to him.

My cheeks burned red every time he called me a bitch, and my ears lowered against my head in submission. On some level I felt proud to be able to take so much of Jeff's length. Every time he moaned between insults, my chest fluttered in submissive pride. I loved the feeling of being dominated by an alpha predator...I just wish it wasn't jeff.

My lungs burned for air by the time my nose nuzzled his soft brown pubic fur, _am I going to be choked out again? _

He pulled out suddenly and in one motion, leaving me coughing and gagging for air with his tip pressing against my nose. His shaft was slick with saliva and felt wet when he poked it against my nose. _ _I coughed repeatedly but doing so around the muzzle ring made my jaw hurt all the more.

"I think that's wet enough, get up". I obeyed, giving up and doing whatever the alpha predator in the room commanded. "To the bed bitch", he commanded with a shove. I stumbled but kept my footing, tucking my tail between my legs and taking uneasy steps over to the side of the bed. Jeff followed close behind, his member poking into my lower back and letting me feel the height difference between us with every step.

When I reached the edge of the bed I stopped and looked back meekly. _Now what? _ He didn't answer with words, but put his hand on my back and bent me forward onto the bed. I fell the last foot, my feet losing their grip on the carpet as I was unceremoniously dumped onto the bed.

"Stay there", Jeff said with a slap to my ass, "Hey Darkstar, you got any lube?"

"Shit I knew I forgot something, I'll get some for next time", He replied. "You going to be okay without it?"

Huuuuu?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Was all I could manage, my tail pulling tighter between my legs as panic shot through my mind. I stared wide eyed at Dark, who was still sitting on the floor and leaning against the wall, shaking my head shaking furiously against the bed. _ You can't be serious! Not even any lube?!?!?!_

"Oh I'LL be fine," Jeff said before slapping my ass again, his fingers squeezing into my cheeks, "This little white ass here is another story". I whimpered into the sheets, my ass cheeks clenching. Big, Barbed and dry....Fuck my life.

"Do what you can with spit, I want him broken in, not broken apart." Darkstar suggested.

"I don't eat ass. Do I look like some faggot to you?" Jeff shot back with way too much indignation.

...Sorta...you are paying to fuck another guy....fucking douche.

"Ugh. I can't have you ruining him", Dark groaned, pushing himself up from the floor. "I'll do it myself" he said with a shake of his head. He walked over to us, shaking his head and grumbling to himself, "Can't believe I forgot the fucking lube....grumble...grumble...grumble...".

I lost sight of him as he walked behind me. His hand found my tail, still tucked firmly between my legs, and pulled on it lightly. "Tail up Roxy, or I'm going to let Jeff fuck you dry". With a great force of will, I relaxed and let Darkstar lift my tail, fighting every muscle in my body that wanted to clench down in fear.

Oh god, why did it have to be a Lion? Why couldn't it be an otter, or a bunny, hell I'd take a canine knot if it got me out of having to take this lions BARBED cock!...and for my first time? Really? I don't even own a dildo...



Dark lifted my tail up and over my back, exposing my pink puckered tail hole, and without a word he went to work. His tongue slid over me, making me shiver despite my wracked nerves. He licked again and again, quick business like strokes that applied more and more saliva with each pass. He pressed against my pucker, which was still barred tight, cupping his tongue over my entrance then pressing it against me again, using his tongue like a plunger to press his natural lubricant into me.

It felt amazing, being rimmed by my master. Despite the circumstances, that thought combined with the tickling sensation of his tongue was quickly stripping me of my anxiety. I felt myself relax into his ministrations, and when he shifted his technique to wiggle his tongues tip against my entrance I felt myself relax enough for his slippery tongue to slide in just a little. That little bit was enough, Dark's nimble tongue quickly had me coated inside and out with his slick saliva.

My cheeks burned with the humiliation of being rimmed by one man so another could fuck me like a bitch.

Just when I was starting to enjoy it he pulled his tongue back, then I heard a sucking noise and soon after I felt a wet digit pressing against my lubricated entrance. Darkstar slid his finger in to his knuckle, wiggling it around inside me.

"HaaaaAAAAaaaa" I moaned into the beds comforter as Darkstar fingered me. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. "AAAAAA!!" another finger slid in. Out. In. Out. In. Out. He twisted his fingers, spreading them apart and angling his fingers in all directions as he stretched my sphincter wide. In. Out. In. Out.

"Last one" Dark said, before pushing in with a third finger.

"aaaAAAaa" I moaned. His fingering felt so good. I was stretched wide enough that there were air holes between his fingers when he spread them. It took an effort not to clench down on his fingers, to keep calm and relaxed and let him stretch me wider.

He pushed in as far as he could, stretching me wide and making me hiss with a mixture of pain and pleasure. Then he pulled out, leaving me feeling empty and unfulfilled, my sphincter still stretched wide and open to the world. Darks lips closed over my hole. Giving it a gentle kiss and sliding his tongue all the way inside me, slobbering and lapping at my insides before pulling out for a final time.

"All ready for you Jeff" Darkstar said.

"Fucking finally, I was about to give up on this." Before I had time to process what was happening he grabbed me roughly by the tail and shoved himself against my gaping tail hole. Even with all the stretching Dark had given me, he still couldn't slide in in one go. His tapered tip found my hole and slid in, but he was so thick that he had to stretch me wider before he could even make it past his head.

"AAAAAA!" I screamed through the muzzle ring as he shoved himself harder against my opening, ripping me open and sliding in after his third push. My ass exploded in pain, my muscles cramping down around his girth and I screamed again, digging my face into the bedding to muffle the sound. He didn't give me time to adjust; he just started thrusting with barely controlled force. His first thrust pressed against the far side of my cavity and I swore that he could push no further, but he was only half way in and was obviously not content.

He pushed harder with each thrust, sinking in deeper inch by inch. He was growing wider as well, his shaft swelling as he bred me like a bitch. I tried not to react, but my body betrayed me. My toes curled against the carpet and I arched my back, lifting my tail high when his tip found my prostate.

Waves of perverse pleasure washed over me when that massive lion cock found my g-spot and pounded against it with reckless abandon. Claws dug into my hips as Jeff fucked me harder and faster, short quick thrust that worked his shaft ever deeper into my bowels.

His balls swung against me with every thrust, monstrous orbs that crashed against my own and sent waves of indescribable sensation shooting up my sides, adding to the sensory overload I was already experiencing.

I could only breathe in short ragged breaths each time he pulled back. Each breath turning to a cry or a moan when he shoved back in.

My paws clenched uselessly behind my back, and I bit down hard on the metal muzzle ring. I cried out time and again as Jeff fucked me. Too much...too much...too much.... I pulled my knees up onto the bed, crawling forward to escape the brutal fucking that was happening behind me. But for every move I made, Jeff made one to follow. Climbing on top of the bed and leaning over me when I pushed myself forward. His strong hands pressed down against my upper back, his feet even with my knees as he found his new angle and thrust downward into me with the same need he had shown before.

"You like that bitch", Jeff yelled down at me, "You like me fucking you!?!" His cock hammered against my insides, hitting my inner wall and pressing against it all the way down until it slammed into my prostate, stretching me a little more each time, before pulling out.

I couldn't hold my prone position, pure sensation forcing my body to stretch out and lower myself onto my belly in a slow stretching motion. Jeff rode me the whole way down, never missing a beat.

When my imprisoned cock met the bed I gave a start from the metallic pinch I received, but the pain was drowned out by the pleasure coming from the pounding in my ass. I stared sidelong at Darkstar. He was smiling again, looking down on me like a proud father watching his son.

"Eeeees!!!" I yelled out suddenly, answering Jeff's question as best I could before burying my head in the bedding once more. My face burning up with a blush of shame for having admitted it, but I loved having Jeff fuck me. I loved submitting to the larger lion. I loved the feeling of his cock pounding away at my ass. And most of all I loved the pride I felt as Darkstar looked on approvingly. I'd do anything for him to always look at me like that.

"aaAAAA!" I cried out again as Jeff hilted himself in me for the first time, pressing farther than I thought possible and making me clench down around his shaft. He held his depth, lowering his body onto me and letting me feel the full weight of him. I felt his balls pull tight against his body, sliding up my ass as they did. He licked the back of my neck while I shuddered under him, completely dwarfed by his massive frame.

He nibbled on my ear before whispering into it, "You're a bitch Roxan, you always have been, and you always will be". He jerked his hips against me for emphasis, and from inside I felt his barbs flare out, poking painfully into me where I clenched around him. I whined, unable to do anything else. "Not good enough, I want to hear you say it". He undid the leather straps and removed the metal ring from my muzzle. "Now say it", he growled, pulling back sharply and thrusting in again. "Say you're my bitch!"

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" I screamed out as his barbs raked my insides, pain shooting through my body, and banishing any lingering thoughts of resistance. "AAAAA!! IM YOU"RE BITCH!!!!"

"AGAIN!" he thrust hard again, short and deep.

AAaaaa.. I'm your bitch" I cried, my eyes watering from the pain of his barbs against my insides. "I'm your bitch, I'm your bitch, I'm your fucking bitch...please, just stop hurting me" I cried.

"Not a chance bitch. Now tuck your knees under you so I can fuck you properly". He reached back and grabbed my thighs, pulling them up and tucking them under me for me. Then he took me like a real lion bitch, biting my neck to hold me down he took out all the stops, pulling out hard and slamming back in, fucking me with long fast strokes that left me screaming under his grip.

"noooOOOOOOO!!! AAAAAAA!!!!!" I thrashed underneath him while he bred me like a lion. But his teeth sank into my neck and held me down. My backside screamed bloody murder as a hundred barbs raked over my entrance like a cheese grater. This is it, im gonna die... im gonna die.

"That's right, scream for me bitch." His chest pressed against my back, his breath came out hot against my neck and his cock hammered against my prostate, the waves of pleasure I had experienced earlier all but drowned out by the screaming pain from my sphincter. "Here it comes bitch", he growled against my neck, the sound coming from deep in his chest.

With a room shaking roar he hilted himself deeply into me, pressing me into the mattress with all his might. I felt his shaft swell inside me and grow insanely hot, and then it erupted, shooting a torrent of burning hot Lion cum straight against my prostate. The burning lion juice filled my insides, soothing my ravaged cavity with its warmth. I clenched around his barbed cock, my body reacting like a true bitch and milking him for all he was worth. I rocked back against him, milking him for more as his cock pumped inside me.

Relief washed over me as I laid there, the Jeff humping me softly in his afterglow, filling me with his seed. I was glad it was over and that the spiked shaft inside me would soon be gone, but it was more than that. I had survived my first fucking. I had taken a barbed lion cock and lived to tell the tale. _ I can do this..._ I thought to myself, letting Jeff finish his orgasm at his own pace. I realized my tail was twitching contently, and my bound hands were playing with the fur on jeff's belly as he continued to thrust against me, almost gently.

After a few minutes he finally finished. He pulled out of me, lifting himself off me as he did, and leaving me lying on the bed like a used whore. I felt his cock slap across my back and lie there, still leaking a pool of cum with irregular little squirts. Without his shaft to plug me, his cum began to follow out of me, leaking through my bruised and bloodied tail hole. I tried to close my tail ring, but stretched out as it was I couldn't make the cum stop. It trailed down my thighs and ball sack and soaked into the bedding below me.

I felt so used. Lying there on the bed, Jeff's spent cock on my back, my own needs completely ignored and lion cum flowing unchecked from my torn up tail hole. The kicker came when Jeff stood up, thanked Darkstar for the use of his bitch, promised to spread the word, and left; without a single acknowledgement to me that I was even there, that he had ever fucked me. I really don't matter...I'm just a bitch to be traded and fucked without a second thought...

I lowered my tail, realizing that it was over and after all that I wouldn't even be allowed to cum. With the chastity device on my cock I hadn't even come close to climaxing the entire time.

I lifted my head from the sheets where I had buried it and looked to Dark. He was back at the dresser that I now realized was more of a toy closet than anything. He pulled a small red butt plug from the drawer and walked over to me. His eyes were full of pride, with an edge of sympathy as he looked me over.

"Here, this will help stop the cum... and the blood," he said with a grimace. "The good news is that you made it through the hard part." He pressed the smooth rounded tip of the plug against my butt and slid it in easily, "and tomorrow when we go shopping I'm going to let you pick out a surprise for being such a good boy". He petted my back softly, then patted me twice and left the room, clicking off the lights as he went. "Good night Roxy," he called from the door, using my new pet name, "sleep tight".

I laid there panting softly, still bound hand and cock and leaking lion cum from my rear. Don't I even get a shower?

Lovers get showers, whore's get showers, pets get played with and put to bed...

I stretched out across the bed, my insides ached from use and my member ached with neglect. I rubbed myself against the bed rolling my hips slowly and feeling my softened shaft slide slightly within its cage, the copper rings rubbing me on the outside while the wire rubbed me from the inside. By comparison to the rough fucking I received from Jeff, the cock ring felt absolutely orgasmic. I rolled my hips against the mattress and let the chastity device stroke over me both inside and out, my shaft tingling over the wire.

I clenched around the plug and imagined Jeff straddling me one more time. In the dark of the windowless room I turned to my worst enemy to bring me pleasure. I replayed our encounter in my head, remembering the feel of his shaft sliding across my tail ring, before his barbs flared out, back when it was still the most amazing feeling I had ever felt. I thought of his tip hammering against my prostate, his chest pressed against my back, even his teeth holding me down by my neck. I rolled my hips harder, my shaft swelling again as I masturbated hands free.

Over and over I imagined Jeff thrusting into me, lifting my tail behind me, imagining Jeff's rough hands holding it by the base and lining up his cock. I pushed against the anal plug imbedded in me, forcing its widest part into my sphincter as i remenbered the feel of his cockstretching me open. Then his voice played across my mind unbidden...

Your my bitch Roxan, always will be... now say it.

I moaned alone in the dark, my breath becoming shallow huffs, I was nearing orgasm, even with the chastity device.

"I....I'm your bitch", I whispered to the darkness, "I'm your bitch Jeff.. please fuck me". I pulled on the anal plug, sucking it back in through my tail hole and letting my body clench around it. "aaaaaAAa" my balls pulled tight against my body and I felt myself reach the tipping point. My head flared and my shaft pulsed in between the chastity rings as my orgasm hit.

It felt so good for the first second, but as soon as cum met copper it all went wrong. The throbbing that drove my semen from my balls also drove the copper wire against the inside of my shaft, I felt it cut into my skin in a stab of pain, followed by a dull sting when cum reached cut. My cum rushed up my shaft but found its way blocked, the copper wire reducing my opening to a third of its original size, blocking its escape. The copper rings creating additional choke points along the way, forcing my cum to build up unbearable pressure before being able to shoot past them. I cried out silently, curling into a fetal position to stop the pain in my penis, but nothing happened, my shaft continued to pulse with barely imaginable pain. It was like having a burning match inside my urethra and nothing I could do would dislodge it.

I struggled against my handcuffs as my orgasm of pain raged on, a slow trickle of bloody cum leaking out around the wire in short bursts. I bit my lip, Darkstars words echoing through my mind, "Calm down you big cry baby, it's not going to be so bad... unless you try to cum that is".

I bit my lip and did my best to ride it out, but the pain got the best of me. I screamed. The reply from the hallway was barely a whisper in my ear.

"I warned you".

To be continued...

p.s. first person to name the video game and the tv show i quoted/referenced wins a cookie :)

Obedience School: Roxan Ch.3, Dear Chaos

The next day actually went pretty normal. Hard to believe considering what I had been through the previous night, but I woke up to Darkstar entering the room to unlock my handcuffs, we had a little chat about what had happened and what was to come,...

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Obedience School: Roxan Ch.1, I'm So Fucked

Spoiler alert: if you haven't already read "Obedience School!" by Novastar, this story may spoil the ending. Enjoy. Obedience School Roxan CH1: I'm so fucked... If you asked me today how I met Darkstar, I'd tell you that the fucker knocked me...

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The Rock Star's Side of the Story

"Hey Jeff, you gonna help us or just sit on your ass all day?" "I'm getting ready for tonight", the bull replied, "I'm going to be sitting on my ass all night I might as well start now". "That's right you got all fucking night to sit so get off...

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