Ch 1: A Forming Army

Story by RzrBlader on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: If you are under the age of 18 or are offended by pornography or more specifically, furry porn, then it is advised that you hit the "X" button on your window screen. Yiffstar nor I am responsible of what you view on this site. This story also contains some cursing, so if you are offended by this also, then leave. So you can either read this story at your leisure or just leave. Krystal, Fox, and everyone else from the Star Fox games are owned and copyrighted by Nintendo™. I am not stealing, nor copying anything from Nintendo™, therefore, I cannot be sued for whatever reason you may have. That is all. Now onto the story!

    • * Previously: "No! No! No! Damn it! What the hell happened?!" Fox looked frantically around the room looking for any evidence of the scene. All he found was Krystal's necklace lying on the ground.... "No! She's been kidnapped!" Fox said yelling at the top of his lungs over the sobs and tears that were coming along. Everyone else ran into the room and stared in shock. All they saw was the hole in the wall and Fox crying....
    • * Peppy and Slippy huddled around Fox to comfort him. Falco walked up to the gaping hole and starred into the sky. "Fox! Get a hold of yourself! Crying won't get Krystal back alright?! Just calm down and we'll think of something" Peppy obviously wasn't making Fox feel better, but he knew he was right. Fox wiped his tears on his shoulder and walked over to Falco. "Alright, thanks Peppy" Fox said in a shaky voice. "But what can we do?! How are we supposed to find were Krys-" Fox was cut off by Falco sharply yelling. "Fox! Look out there! I think there's some large object flying around in the distance!" Fox quickly scanned through the darkness of the sky to see what Falco was pointing out. "I-I can't see anything! It's too damned dark! Where are you pointing Falco?!" Fox said on the verge of loosing his emotions again. "Blast! It's gone. It just disappeared into some kind of warp gate..." Falco said in a sullen voice. "Alright Fox. Just calm down and think slowly and clearly. Is there anyway we can find Krystal? There must be something in the room that will help." Peppy always seemed to keep his emotions in check even in a crisis. "Hang on Fox!" Slippy said urgently. "I just remembered about the tracking device I hid in Krystal's headband! If I put her ID code into the main computer, I should be able to track her down..." "Really? When did you put a tracking device on Krystal?" Fox said in a hyperactive, slightly happier voice. "Well, Krystal said that she knew that you'd go nuts if you heard about putting a tracking device on her, so she told me to keep it a secret until everyone really needed to know. She figured that since she was the only female in the group, she might be a target..." "Grrr....I really wish you told me Slippy, but I suppose you're right..." "And while you two are having yourself a little conversation, Krystal is getting farther away!" Falco said in his matter-of-fact attitude. And with that, the four of them ran out of the room and entered the main room of the Great Fox. "ROB, enter Krystal's ID code into the computer NOW!" Fox said in a hurry. "Yes, of course Fox" ROB said in its monotone voice. "Krystal's coordinates are currently in an uncharted quadrant of the Lylat System and still moving. Her absolute location is 34.90 North and -41.05 W of the planet Venom. The target is moving at a speed of 341 km per second. The target must be using several warp gates to approach speeds of that degree." "Dang it! If we're going to get anywhere near Venom, we're gonna need more than 4 pilots..." Fox said conspicuously losing his patience. "I think the people at the Flight Academy would be able to join..." Slippy said trying to release the tension. "No, that won't work." Falco said. They're just amateurs! They wouldn't be able to get anywhere near Venom without being shot down. We're going to need some personal help here. But who's gonna be man enough to fly to Venom? Let alone some uncharted quadrant?!" "Well, she may not be a man, but my daughter has become quite the pilot. I know she'd be more than willing to help the cause." Peppy had been personally training his daughter* once they were finished with the aparoids. He knew she was ready for this. Falco walked next to Peppy "That reminds me. Me and Kat are still friends, and we know she's a skilled pilot. Plus, she owes me a favor, so there's no way she can ignore me." "Are you sure? I don't want to be making any unnecessary choices." Both Peppy and Falco nodded. "Well, my uncle is an expert mechanic and can upgrade our ships without any hitches." Slippy felt as though he wasn't supporting them and he knew he had to help Fox. "Thank you all so much. You guys really are my best friends. I can't thank you enough..." A few tears started to roll down Fox's face. "Alright, alright! Enough with the waterworks already! That's not the Fox I know." Falco always loved to ruin a tender moment. "Well then, it's all settled. When the sun rises, head out immediately and locate whoever you are recruiting. We'll meet back here once we do so. In the meantime, lets go over some strategies beforehand."
    • * The sun has risen and Peppy and Slippy already left to find whomever they were recruiting. Falco was just about to leave in his Arwing when Fox approached him. "Thanks again Falco, you've really been a huge help too the team. And I know you don't care, but thanks." "Aaah. Don't worry about it. Just add it to your list of things you owe me for. Anyway, who are you gonna find. I mean, you, me, Slippy, Peppy and his daughter ain't gonna be enough to find Krystal." "Yeah, I've been thinking that too. I'm going to get Bill and a few old friends from the Flight Academy to join. I know they will, and they're skilled pilots." "Alright then. I'll be seeing you later Fox. Good luck." And with that, Falco closed the window to the cockpit and flew off. Fox locked up the hanger room and climbed into his Arwing and flew to the Flight Academy.
    • * "Hey Fox! What's going on? It's been years since I've seen you! You've been busy working for General Pepper still?" Fox managed to find Bill just as he was walking out of the Academy. "Look Bill. I don't have time to give you the details, but Krystal's been captured and I desperately need your help. Please, can you join me in searching for her? I'm trying to build a small team so we stand a better chance..." "Looking for Krystal eh? In that case, I've got a good friend of mine who'd be willing to join as well. I'll be back in five minutes. And sure enough, about five minutes later, Bill came back with a young female dog coming from the entrance to the Academy. "Fox, this is Lola. I met her while I was in one of my advanced classes. She's an excellent pilot; she has one of the highest rankings on the whole Academy. She can fend for herself in a fight, and she already agreed to help you." "Thank you so much Lola, I really appreciate it. But we really don't have the time, so head over to the Great Fox over by the General Pepper's office and you'll find Peppy." "Of course Fox, we will head over there immediately." Despite her age, Lola had a good head on her shoulders and had a sense of responsibility. "So are we going to meet you there?" "Actually, I've got to meet with a few more people. When you get there, tell Peppy I will be there in the morning ASAP. I've got to leave now, so I'll be counting on you. Thanks" Fox saluted Bill and Lola and flew off in his Arwing. "Alright then Lola, let's head to the Great Fox immediately." Lola nodded and they climbed into their aircrafts and left for their destination.
    • * Fox was already out in the vast emptiness of space and started thinking to himself... "I wonder if this is a good idea...If it doesn't work, I'll probably be killed. But I've got too try....for Krystal..." The large mass of floating metal came up into Fox's view. The Sargasso Hideout; the 'headquarters' of Team Star Wolf. Fox flew his Arwing into the entrance of the forsaken place with mixed thoughts... Fox hopped out of his Arwing and immediately grabbed out his blaster. As he walked around for a few minutes, he suddenly felt a jab from a blunt object hit his spine. "What are you doing here pup? You should know more than anyone that this is our turf" Wolf said in his low growling voice. "You know the moment you step in here that you'll be dead. But I'm feeling a bit generous, so I'll here your story before blasting your brains out." Wolf was obviously enjoying himself now that he had his rivals life right in his paw. Panther and Leon walked up behind Wolf and smirked at the Fox in front of them. "Look Wolf, I didn't come here to fight you alright? I came here because I need help." "Help, huh? Then why the hell would you come here? We're rivals, you should know that we don't 'help' each other, it's plan obvious!" Leon and Panther started to snicker at Fox's stupid choice. "Just hear me out Wolf. Look, Krystal's been kidnapped and I desperately need help. I know you and your team are excellent pilots, and I know you'd be extremely helpful; but I suppose you're right, I was a stupid idea coming here...." "Wait! Did you say Krystal? Kidnapped?! Well, well, then I suppose I can help. I can't let that beautiful mistress be killed without getting the honor of kissing me..." Panther was always the lady's man and he couldn't let something like this happen to Krystal. Fox was tempted to punch him in the groin after that, but he held it back knowing he still might have a chance. "What are you talking about Panther? We don't HELP our enemies! We kill them! Or at least torture them a bit" Leon started to laugh mischievously. "He's right Panther. This is Fox, you hate him almost as much as I do. So why in God's name would you help him?!" Wolf was getting pissed now that one of his members was acting out against him. "You both know that I would do anything for Krystal! So why so surprised? I'm not personally helping Fox, but if I managed to save Krystal, she be all mine; and I can't pass that up!" Panther went over the line Fox twisted around and attempted to grab Panther. But he was too fast. Panther swiveled around him and grabbed his neck and clamped down, causing a wince of pain for Fox. "You're quite lucky Fox...If it weren't for Krystal being kidnapped, I'd kill you myself now" Wolf gave a glance at Panther showing that Fox was his kill. "But after all, I suppose Wolf should be the one to kill you. I'll overlook it this one time, and still help you." Panther let go of his neck and picked up the young fox. "Excuse me Panther?!" Wolf walked in front of him giving him a deadly glance. "You're not going anywhere." "I'm sorry Wolf, but this is one thing I cannot pass. Please forgive me. My trust for you and team Star Wolf has not changed, but I must do this. Please respect it." Panther was dead serious and Wolf was shocked at the treason. "Fine, since I can't change your mind; and as much as I hate to say it; but Fox, you've got three more pilots." Wolf grimaced and felt a hollow feeling in his stomach. "What?! I never agreed to such a plan! Why must I go?!" Leon was just a displeased as Wolf. "You're part of the team now aren't you Leon? If me and Panther are going, you can bet your ass you will to; whether you want to or not. Leon just growled and bit his tongue to keep himself from cursing at his boss. "Alright Fox, you've got our help, but don't drop your guard. Once this is over, don't expect us to be friends." "I wouldn't except anything less from you Wolf" Fox said with a smirk. "What's that supposed to mean, pup?" Wolf returned the expression.
    • * The four of them returned to the Great Fox and everyone but Falco and Slippy were accounted for. "Hmmm, I wonder what's keeping Falco and Slips?" Peppy was pondering. Fox and Team Star Wolf walked in... "What are you three doing here?! Fox, what's going on?!" Peppy urged. "Don't worry Peppy, I; or rather Panther; convinced them to help." Fox said, turning around and glancing at Panther." "Ok, if you're sure...So anyway, have you heard anything from Slippy and Falco yet?" "I got a message form Slippy saying that he'd be back tonight. He found his uncle; the expert mechanic; and they're just fixing his Arwing while he's there, and he'll be back in no time. But I haven't heard a word from Falco yet..." "Hmm. I wonder if he's found Kat yet? Oh well, I'm sure he'll be back soon enough. I know he wouldn't do anything rash at this least I hope not..." Peppy said unsure of himself.
    • * My first chapter of the series. Sorry it took so long, I haven't been feeling well, but I managed to get it done. Hopefully this doesn't sound cliché so far! By the way, when you see "*" it means an authors note. My AN was that I didn't know Peppy's daughter's name, so if you could tell me, that'd be appreciated. And don't worry, the yiff is coming up next chapter!

Ch 2: A Favor Gone Good

Disclaimer: If you are under the age of 18 or are offended by pornography or more specifically, furry porn, then it is advised that you hit the "X" button on your window screen. Yiffstar nor I am responsible of what you view on this site. This story...

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Prologue: Beautiful to Bitter

Disclaimer: If you are under the age of 18 or are offended by pornography or more specifically, furry porn, then it is advised that you hit the "X" button on your window screen. Yiffstar nor I am responsible of what you view on this site. This story...

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Fox and Krystal's Holiday

"Out standing job Team Star Fox! Thanks to your efforts, the Lylat System has been saved from the Aparoid invasion!" General Pepper was speaking though a hologram on the Great Fox. "The Lylat System is deeply in you debt and extremely greatfull for you...

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