The snuffer tale V

Story by zidane on SoFurry

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#5 of The Snuffer

As usual it has some willing and now some unwilling deaths. I wonder if I'll use some digimon or pokemon (anthropomorphic of course) for my next story. This is about a dad desire to snuff his twin sons.

An 18 year old male dragon, named Drake, already received the medicine to reduce pain and increase pleasure and was finishing cleaning his insides with the assistance of the secretary, who was a male Zebra.

The dragon had green scales over most of his body and wings, but his chest area had blue scales. He also had a very developed body thanks to his father's intense training. Him and his identical twin brother, Paul, spent countless hours in the gym to be as strong and developed as their father, Matthew.

The young dragon, however, knew that his body belonged to his snuffers. To his brother and father. He longed for the pleasure. He had sex with his father before and every part of him desired to end his life, just like his mother.

His brother was also going to snuff him because he decided to be an apprentice snuffer. The Snuffer Association now demanded that aspiring snuffers to be apprentices of already existing snuffers before they could open their own houses.

So, who was better to teach Paul the ways of a snuffer better than his own father?

After the dragon was clean, the zebra guided him to the room where he would seal his fate. After the Zebra left he closed the door behind him.

Drake looked at his brother, who angrily crossing his arms over his bare muscular chest.

"Dude, what the fuck are you thinking by choosing to be snuffed? Didn't you want to be a policeman?" Paul said annoyed that his brother and best friend was going to throw his life away. The dragon had assisted his father with some snuff sections before, but he thought that only hopeless people and losers would go to snuff houses.

Drake could only say as he touched his already hard 7 inches cock: "Sorry, bro, but I really need it..."

His twin scoffed, but then their father, who was a bigger version of his sons, but with green scales and red chest, patted Paul on the shoulder and said: "Don't be harsh on your brother, kiddo." He then looked at his other son and asked: "So, which was would you like to go?"

Matthew had an expertise in torture devices, such as iron maidens, guillotines, coffins, cremation, among other objects.

Drake looked at his father a bit confused, but then he said: "But I thought..." then he shook his head and said: "Oh...I...uh...want to be decapitated."

Paul just looked a bit puzzled by his brother sudden submissiveness, but didn't comment on it. He was tired of arguing with his brother about not snuffing himself, but it was useless. He almost regretted even being there to help his father to kill his twin, but the dragon knew that he should have the stomach to kill anyone who asked him to be snuffed.

Their dad then said: "Okay, son, just lie down on there and we can get started."

The guillotine device was fairly simple. It had a table for lying down and make it, which was short to make it easier for Mathew to fuck his clients, a wood object to rest the neck and behind the table there was a basket for the head. And, as for the blade, it was being secured on the side by a tied rope.

It had restraints for the arms and for the legs, the latter being around the legs of the table to bind the clients on the table. However, Mathew enjoyed it more when they simply let him kill him, with no resistance whatsoever, so he rarely used them.

Drake slowly lied down on his "death bed". His waist was at the table's end, which made his legs hang on the air. He stared at the blade with uneasiness and desire. He started to sweat cold a little bit until he heard his father's bass and soothing voice. Relax, son, I'll make sure you have the time of your life."

This did calm him a little bit.

Their father slowly untied the rope as he admired his son's body. So many years spent taking him to the gym to create a great looking stud and now he was about to be killed. Mathew smiled as he thought it was totally worth it. Seeing muscular males being so submissive made his 8 inches cock drool.

Mathew made sure to secure the rope on his hand to not let the blade fall too early. He then told his other son to climb on his brother and sit on his dick.

Paul didn't say anything and just complied. He was bisexual and he knew that Drake was gay. He would be a liar if he said that he and his brother didn't fooled around when they were younger, but he didn't want to have sex with his sibling like this.

Paul first gave his brother a quick blowjob for their father's amusement. He had never seen his boys doing it before. Drake moaned as his twin sucked his dick and quickly climaxed.

Paul just swallowed the sperm already knowing that his brother had plenty more of it thanks to the medicine stimulating his body to mass produce sperm. He turned to his brother and tried one last time: "You know, if you decide to quit this nonsense, I promise to suck you every day for the rest of my life."

Their father frowned a little bit at his son's suggestion, but held back and just looked at Drake waiting for his response.

Drake's eyes got a bit watery a little bit as he smiled and said: "Thanks, bro. I know you mean well, but I really want this. I want to experience the ultimate pleasure."

Paul sighed giving up. He was a bit sad, but he had to do this for his brother. So he climbed on the bed and sat on the slippery dick, making his twin moan loudly.

Mathew finally smiled again and moved to Drake's legs raising them to have easier access to the asshole. Without any warning the man shoved his shaft into his son's hole while still holding the rope tightly with his right hand.

Drake grunted as he started to moved his hands to masturbate his brother for letting himself to be fucked one last time by the drugged dragon.

Paul moaned as his twin took care of his cock and as retribution he grabbed his brother's firm pecs and squeezed them for Drake's delight.

The drugged dragon didn't know how much he would last this way. Fucking and being fucked by his family drove him crazy. Plus, he had already told his father he wanted to die once he reached his orgasm.

"Come on son, don't hold back and released your sweet seed inside your brother." Their father said lustfully.

His words sounded like magic to Drake who groaned as he jerked his hip upwards filling his twin with his cream. He also constricted his father's cock making all dragons roar loudly as they all climaxed at the same time.

As soon as the asshole stopped constricting his shaft, Mathew then let go of the rope and then quickly caught it again when the blade was just a couple of inches from his son's neck.

When he realized that the blade was falling, Drake jerked once more constricting his asshole and orgasming once more inside his brother.

Drake found himself panting as he saw that his father stopped the blade. Paul was also shocked by this and wondered if his father finally came to his senses and refused to kill his own son.

However Mathew just moaned and said: "I love when the body of my clients tense when they see their imminent death. It's great around my cock."

Drake didn't complain since this made him cum again. However, Paul was pissed off.

Before either of the siblings could say anything, Mathew used the rope to pull back the blade once more and let it fall again, also stopping it from killing his son,, this time with the blade even closer to his son's neck.

Drake was sweating in both anticipation and nervousness. "Please, father, kill me!" The dragon begged.

"Dad, stop fucking around with that rope, dammit!" Paul finally yelled tired of his father's antics. He couldn't stand seeing his brother begging for death while his dad enjoyed it as if their lives meant nothing to him. He then clenched his claws involuntary around his brother pecs piercing this flesh a little, which was also turned into pleasure for the drugged dragon.

But Mathew just found it all amusing as his was more concerning about pleasuring himself. He then pulled the rope back one last time and finally let go of it.

The blade finally fell and with a swift move decapitated the young dragon. The remaining of his body trashed around for a few second giving one final explosion of sperm into Paul and Mathew orgasmed once again when the asshole tighten up around his shaft.

The older dragon panted as he said: "Mam, the asshole of a dying person gives the best orgasms."

Paul quickly got up from his brother's dick and his felt his twin's cum steaming out of his hole. Then the young dragon tried to punch his father on the face. Mathew however managed to quickly stop his punch with his hands.

The older dragon was initially angry at his son's sudden attack until he noticed that he was crying. The older man sighed and said: "Son, you helped me to kill some people by now. Why haven't you cried for them as well? Your brother was an adult and he could choose if he wanted to end his own life. Don't you think that denying him the pleasure or making ourselves be uncomfortable would be an offense to him?"

Paul just closed his eyes and let the tears to flow.

His father just patted him on the shoulders and said, Look at your brother's head in the basket. He's smiling! Why should we feel sad."

The younger dragon didn't want to look, by he slowly did so and saw his twin with his eyes open and a big grin on his face."

Paul just stared at him quietly until his father spoke again: "Once we are done today, I'll just call a taxidermist and make him stich Drake's head back and work on his body a little so we can take him home with us."

The younger dragon glared at him and asked: "You're not even going to give him a funeral?"

Mathew frowned and replied: "Why? His body belongs to me now, plus, we can turn him into a toy we can both enjoy at home."

Paul growled under his breath and just walked towards his brother's head. He just looked at him without understanding why he would throw away his life like this. Until a month ago he was a happy person who looked forward the future.

As the younger dragon was lost in his thoughts, Mathew swiftly walked towards a small fridge he had and opened it. There he kept some snacks, drinks and also a few syringes full of the medicine that turns pain into pleasure.

He quickly picked it up and sneaked behind his son, injecting him on the neck. Paul didn't have time to react. Mathew quickly kicked his son on the area behind his knees making him fall.

The medicine needed a few minutes to produce its effect, but it was enough for Mathew, who quickly kept beating his son with kicks, making him cough.

"What the hell are you doing?" Paul asked confused and angry.

Mathew just smiled as he walked to a certain iron maiden he never used with his clients and opened it. It only had spikes on the 'door' and it had some shackles for arms and legs.

The older dragon turned to his son and said: "You wanted to know why your brother wanted to die. I'll show you why."

As Paul got up he started feeling...weird. The pain was suddenly lifting and he was feeling aroused again. He then realized it might have been the effect of the medicine his father just injected on him.

Mathew then picked his son by the nipples and twirled them giving him a mix of pain and pleasure it made his son weak for a few moments, which he used to quickly drag him to the iron maiden and tie him there. He then left and came back with a gag and an electric dildo.

"So, are you going to kill me here?" Paul sneered not recognizing the man before him as his father anymore.

Mathew chuckled and said: This is just something I did with your brother a couple of weeks ago. This is what made him desire to be killed. You'll understand once it begins."

The older dragon gagged him and then kneeled to shove the dildo and properly strap it into his ass, then he turned it on and the phallic object started to vibrate, stimulating the younger dragon's prostrate."

He then closed the iron maiden whose spikes scratched his body and cock. The small pain he felt, even if combined with pleasure made him retreat to the back side of the torture device. It was small, but he could move a bit inside of it.

He also could see a bit through the holes in the 'coffin's eyes', but it wasn't much.

Mathew then said: "Pay attention boy, because I bet you'll beg me to join your brother."

The older dragon then picked his dead son's body and placed it inside of a closed, he then picked his head and placed over the dead firm chest.

Paul wanted to scream but his voice was too muffled even for him to hear.

His father then got outside and told his secretary to bring in the next client when they arrived.

Paul could only watch as three other men came to his dad and begged them to be murdered in exchange for pleasure.

It sickened him to a certain extent, but his body betrayed him at every minute. Every moan he heard all the sex saw and smell made him hard and make him want to take a closer look, but that meant make his body be pierced by the iron maiden's spikes a bit.

Even at the maximum range the spikes could just scratch his body. And he loved the sensation of having spikes piercing his skin and even the feeling of his own life in danger.

He didn't realize that he was involuntary trying to bang his own body against the spikes to be killed by them. The feeling of the cold iron scratching his dick and skin almost drove him crazy. Almost.

He then realized what he was doing. He was long for death in exchange for pleasure just like his brother. He wouldn't accept it. It took him all his self-control to back away from the spikes and remain unmoving until his father decided to release him. Or so he hopped.

But, thankfully, his dad did release him once he was done with the clients of the day and sent his secretary home.

Mathew first opened the iron maiden and ungagged his son and he saw that his boy's muscular chest and spikes were covered with sperm. Paul did his best to fight against the orgasms, but he couldn't, at least he managed to fight against the desire to die.

The older dragon ungagged his remaining son and told him: "You see, Paul, I also did this with your mother. As I said, the feeling of a death constriction of an asshole gives me an immense pleasure. It excites me even more to see manly looking man like you, your brother or me begging for their deaths."

The man then continued as he squeezed his sons cum-covered muscular chest: "Please, son, let me kill you. You know you can't handle being a snuffer if you go all emotional after killing a relative."

He then got close to his son's ears and whispered :"I can do it now."

When he retreated to hear his son's reply he was shocked to see that his son's reply was spit on his face. "I...*pant*...don't want to die. You...*pant* are a crazy fuck that even breaks the law of the snuffers by giving the medicine as a trap. You are fucked."

Mathew frowned deeply. He would be willing to let his son go if he hadn't added that little threat at the end. He couldn't risk being thrown into jail. Hell, he was even somewhat hopping that his remaining son would help him to bring more people to die, but now he had to end this.

"You know, son, snuffers and snuffer apprentices give their digital signature on the system. I can fake the documents since my secretary is out. You leave me no other choice and since you are being such a bad and ungrateful child I'll have to kill you and you won't even get the pleasure of having your father's cock. I would let you go if you just thought like I did or even pleasure you to no end if you chose willingly to die, but you leave me no other choice." Mathew told him.

Paul somewhat knew he wouldn't get out alive. He looked drowsy as his dad walked away to pick a knife. The younger dragon gathered his remaining strength to say: "Go to the hell!"

Mathew simply stabbed his son on the chest and watched as his son trashed still bound onto the shackles as he came strongly. Some ropes of cum even his Mathew's face, but he just stared at his son's eyes as he died.

A few weeks later Mathew managed to bring from the taxidermist both Drake and Paul, both were turned into oversized sex dolls for him, but he didn't care. He, however, did feel a bit alone and sometimes wondered if he shouldn't have injected the medicine into his sons and wife, but it was too late to do anything about it.

The dragon just sought comfort by using his sons' dead bodies as pleasure objects until their bodies started to smell.