The Wolf's Desire

Story by zanzio on SoFurry

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A wolf describes his plans for the one he loves and desires.

One of these days, when you walk through my front door, I'll force you up against the wall and tell you how I can't wait any longer to have you. You'll protest, of course, but I'll silence you with a passionate kiss.

You'll struggle; you'll try to resist and push me off of you, but that will only trigger my predator instincts. You'll appear as prey, which will seal your fate, because I never let my prey escape. With a firm grip on your shoulders, I'll keep you pinned and I'll bite your neck. Not too hard, just enough to let you know who's in charge. It won't even break the skin. My low growls will tell you more than words ever could. You'll learn of my desire and my lust. You'll learn of my love.

For a long time, I've tried to ignore my feelings. I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship. I told myself that you're too young and I'm too old. There are too many differences between us. But you're not so young anymore, are you? You've grown into a fine young woman. Any man would want to have you, yet I've watched you turn down an endless string of suitors. Some of them were even worthy. Why? I wonder.

But the answer is obvious. Every time we walk in the woods for hours, every time we talk late into the night sharing secrets, hopes, and fears, every time you touch me and leave your delicious scent on my fur, you signal your true feelings. Deep down, it's me you want. I'm sure of it.

Eventually you'll melt into my embrace. Don't try to deny it. Haven't we shared all our deepest fantasies and desires? You told me how you want a powerful male to dominate you, to take control, yet still be loving and tender. I'm powerful, but gentle. I'm your wolf.

Once you recognize my desires, and admit your own, you'll stop pushing at my chest. Instead, your arms will wrap around my back and pull me closer. I'll release your neck, and we'll kiss again. That's when I'll know that it's alright to take things even further. I'll scoop you into my arms and carry you to my bed.

On that day, I just know that you'll be wearing that damn red hoodie of yours. Don't you know that all wolves find red hoods irresistible? You're already naturally beautiful, but when you tease me with that sexy hood, it's a wonder I didn't take you years ago. Now you'll finally give me the chance to peel that garment off of you. I promise to savor the moment as the red cotton slides up your body and reveals whatever you wear beneath. Maybe it's a simple t-shirt. Maybe it's just a bra. Maybe it's nothing at all. Whatever is in my way, you can be sure that I won't stop until your bare breasts are in view.

Perhaps the fur on my muzzle will tickle your skin as I tease and kiss your chest. You'll squirm in delight as I lap at your sensitive flesh and caress your curves. My tongue and my hands will be busy as I show you the kind of pleasure of which you had previously only dreamed. Each moan or gasp that escapes your throat will encourage me to give you more. Each lick or touch will bring you closer to the peak of elation. I wonder how long it will take before you call out in desperation and offer your final treasure to me.

The last of our clothing will be discarded soon after. You will lie on my bed, naked before me, and I will stand before you, naked as well. There will be no more barriers to prevent our joining. I'll assume my position over you and let my eager wolfhood rest atop the entrance of your sex.

If you ask me to be gentle, I'll acquiesce. After all, I would never want to hurt you. All I want is to express my love for you and know that you feel the same.

Slowly, flesh will meet flesh and bond us in new ways. My tip will slip past your lower lips for the first time, and then you will begin to understand the oldest dance, the secret, intimate motions that allow two lovers to act as one. My full, hard length will explore your hidden depths. In turn, you will wrap yourself around me and roll your hips in time to meet my intrusions. Our breathing will synchronize. The fingers of your hands will lace with the digits of my paws in an ardent grip. We will not let go, nor let anything come between us.

Together, we'll wonder why we waited so long to give in to our natural urges. Maybe I was afraid a vivacious young woman wouldn't want an old wolf. Maybe you weren't sure a powerful wolf would want a delicate human girl. Either way, our fears won't matter anymore, because they were always baseless.

Each movement we make will be deep and slow, never rushed, never rough. In and out, rolling, gripping, nature's dance will continue unimpeded. Desire will build inexorably into need. Need will mix with love and feed the warmth within us until it becomes a consuming fire. The fire will spur us, faster and faster, increasing the wonderful tension between us until it snaps and we cry out together in unimaginable bliss.

My knot will lock us together, body and soul, as my seed rushes into your body. Our eyes will meet, and we will know for certain that we are meant to be together for the rest of our lives.

That is how I will make you my mate.