
Story by Cameron Winter on SoFurry

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It was starting to get late, the sun dipping low on the horizon when Katey began the ride home. She was an otteress, slim and attractive, aged sixteen and bearing soft brown fur, long dark hair that ran to the gentle curve of her hips and glittering hazel eyes. Her fine dress fluttered slightly in the breeze as she rode through the forrest between the village and her family's mannor house, flanked by two guards from the town militia who had been assigned to escort her home. There had been talk of bandits hiding in these woods of late, nothing new really, but it was the tales of a certain bandit that were doing the rounds in the taverns and making cubs quiver in fright under the blankets at night... Malus had come to haunt the town of Maar-Gahn, a dark wraith who snatched young virgin maidens and dragged them away, never to be seen again. Katey laughed when she heared these stories, just old wives tales, told to keep their daughter's at home or by young men desperate for their sweethearts to put out to them. Katey was herself still a virgin ...for now at least.

She looked over at one of her escorts, a stocky, yet handsome young seargent from the town guard named Hartz. He was a badger, posessing a solid frame, ruggedly handsome features and neatly lined marking of back and white on his face, wearing the light leather hauberk and grey coat of the local contabulary. She smiled at him, the two of them having flirted almost the whole day as she was shopping in the town market. Hartz began to smile back at her, looking as if he were about to make another seemingly scandalous comment about noble ladies seeking a bit of rough among the common folk when the smile froze on his face, accompanied by a whistling howl. Blood trickled from the badger's mouth and he pitched forwards from his horse, falling to the dirt with a black arrow sticking from his back.

Katey screamed loudly and spun to her other escort, an older sheepdog who almost instantly fell from his horse too, peiarced in the throat. She looked about wildly, seeing only fleeting glimpses of a shape moving fast between the trees. Panic taking her, Katey spurred her horse into a full gallop, thundering along the forret path towards the mannor house and hopefully safety. Her eyes widened as the black shape fluttered like an evil spector onto the path ahead of her, a longbow in its hand, held by a black glove. The spector raised the bow, drew back an arrow and shot the horse right out from under Katey, the poor creature whinnying as it lurched forwards, hurling the otteress from its back onto the hard ground, rolling painfully into a heap at the spector's feet. Her whole body hurt, her dress was torn and small cuts and bruises covered her arms and legs as she looked up at the dark figure looming over her...a white flash of a smile glimmered in a dark hood and he siezed her, roughly dragging her to her feet and forcing a rag against Katey's muzzle. She struggled feebly, trying to hold her breath against the drug-soaked cloth, but eventually her lungs burned and she was forced to take in a breath. The fumes flowed in through her covered mouth and nose, darkness followed...


Katey awoke in pain. Her arms burned with strain, pulled tight to the sides above her head, so she was suspeneded from them by chafing leather cuffs that cut into her wrists. She opened her eyes, squinting as the light hurt them at first before they adjusted. The sight that surrounded her was both enthralling and frightening. She was in a large cave of some kind, rough stone walls and a low cealing hung with stalactites and out croppings of glowing crystal that gave off soft red light, illuminating the cavern with a blood like hue. Water ran in a stream from a small water fall and into a deep pool several meters away from Katey.

Twisting her head as far round as she could, the flexible otteress could see behind her, but not for long as her shoulders burned and stabs of sharp pain lanced through her strained muscles. Sumptuous black silks and cushons were arranged in a living area fit for a king, with a large comfy looking bed, a table arranged with food and wine, chests and boxes filled with all manner of treasure and fine cloths...and...Katey's eyes flew wide when she saw the racks of whips, crops, pincers, whipping rods, brands and all manner of impliments of torture. She began to struggle in her bonds, panicking and desperate to break free, but managing only to make herself swing back and forth on the straps that held her almost as foot off the floor and making her arms hurt even more. She whimpered at the pain and a sinister laugh echoed through the chamber.

"Go on, struggle, cry, it's all so delicious to me," A cruel voice said mockingly. Katey looked around for the source of the voice, but could see no one. Suddenly as she tried to look behind herself again, there was the black spector in front of her, who had murdered her escorts and dragged her here. His hand lashed out and grabbed Katey by the muzzle, squeezing painfully hard and pushing her head back. His other hand shot out and fixed onto one of her small creamy white furred breasts, sharp feline claws digging into the soft flesh and making her cry out. Katey then realised that she was naked...

"So soft, so fresh and full of life. Perhaps you know now why I only take virgins young one," The spector said in a deep, resonating voice, forcing Katey to look at him and pushing back his hood. Underneith was a feline, maybe a young panther in his twenties, but...wrong. His fur was midnight blue, short and dense like velvet, his muzzle was smaller, shorter than it should have been, his ears too were wrong, but in contrast to his muzzle, they were much longer and narrower than normal, reaching back past the back of his head with a slight curve to them...and those eyes, burning red with slitted pupils like a reptile. The cruel smile on his lips finished the effect, giving him a frighteningly handsome look, unnaturally attractive and yet deadly as a serpent. She had no doubt at all who this male was...

"M...Malus..." Katey squeeked in fear and then she screamed as he dug his claws into her breast again, breaking the skin and drawing a small trickle of blood.

"Who told you to speak? You will do only as I tell you, or the pain will be much greater," The male snarled before turning away from the frightened otteress with a flap of a flowing black silken cloak. He strode behind her and she could hear the sounds of a winch being cranked. Katey felt her legs being pulled appart and she looked down, to her horror seeing leather cuffs like the ones holding her wrists, attached to heavy ropes, secured around her ankles. She tried to resist, to pull her legs together against the winch but it was no use. Her legs were pulled wider and wider, till she hung spread-eagaled with her arms and legs painfully far appart and exposing her pussy.

Malus returned to her front, smiling as he looked at her face and the pained expression she wore, the stiffled sobs as her legs began to burn alongside her arms, hanging completely at this evil male's mercy. "You have indeed guessed right though, that I am Malus. I'm amazed that so many of my playthings guess that correctly, when so few have ever seen my face. I will save you the trouble of asking the questions I already know you want to ask, but won't for fear of further punishment. I have taken you because your father is lord of Maar-Gahn and I have already sent word of your capture to him. He will pay me a ransom for your return, or he will never see you again, it is that simple," He said, running his claw-tip down Katey's body, dragging it across her nipples and down her belly, delighting in the way she squirmed and futilly tried to get away from his grasp.

"Your other question is 'What am I?', well that is a more complex question. I shall answer it with a question of my own: Have you ever heard of the Dark Elves?" Malus said, stopping his hand on Katey's left buttock and digging in his claws again. Katey shuddered, both in pain and in fear as he spoke. The Dark Elves were an ancient race, old when all the furr races were new. They were unmatched in their knowlage, their culture, their power...and their cruelty, delighting in the torment and pain of the 'Lesser' races. They were thought, or rather *hoped* long gone from the world since the great war with their good cousins the High Elves.

"My mother was a Dark Elven preistess of the dark god Khane. She took a panther warrior for her mate and bore me, raised me in the tradition of her people and taught me all the secrets of my Dark Elf ancestors. I admit, my life as a bandit and assassin is some what low from what my people once were, but that is not what drives me. The gold I take in exchange for the lives of those I kill pays for the opulence deserving of my heretage, but it is not my true passion in life. You will make a diverting toy for my enjoyment while your father gathers my rather hefty ransom," He continued, disappearing from Katey's sight as he circled her again.

She twisted desperately as he walked behind her and saw him standing at the racks of torture tools. Her arms protested and gave out as he selected an item and began to return with it. "Do not fear too much little one. I won't cause too much damage. Your father will expect you returned to him more or less safe and whole...if he chooses to pay my ransom for you. Other wise, I may yet make a profit selling you as a sex slave. A comely young woman such as yourself will fetch an excellent price in Khaar Tobaa, escpescially if she is a virgin...of course I will have to test you out first, see just how much you are worth. Who knows, I may even decide to keep you for myself," He said, coming closer and closer behind her.

Katey could take it any more. Sell her as a sex slave? She had seen the way they were treated, especially in the southern lands. "Please, just let me go, I'm begging you, please just..." She was cut off by her own high pitched scream as the whiplash struck across the small of her back.


"I did not tell you to speak girl, or did you forget?" Malus shouted, snarling as he recoiled the black leather whip in his hands. He walked back to the racks and selected a wide ring gag, covered with leather and forced it into Katey's mouth, spreading her jaws painfully wide and then strapping it tightly around her head. "All I want from you right now, is your screams and I *will* have them *Slave*," He snarled into her ears as he walked around behind her again, the winches cranking and pulling at Katey's bonds even tighter, like a torturer's rack...exactly like a torturer's rack in fact.


The whip struck in almost the exact same spot it had hit her the first time on the small of her back, making her scream out loud and pull at the ropes. The leather cuffs holding her wrists and ankles dug into her tender flesh as she strained at them and the whip cracked twice more.



Each whiplash hit her in the center of both shoulder blades in exactly the same spot on each. Tears streamed down the otteress' face and she sobbed loudly, another loud scream echoing off the cave walls as the whip struck twice more on the backs of her legs, right on the soft parts of the back of her knees.



Katey was almosy hyperventilating and she hung limply in her bond, or as limply as one could spread-eagaled in rack-tight leather bindings. Her cheeks were wet with tears and she sobbed uncontrolably, the large ring-gag making sure her sobs were let out and echoed loudly in the cavern, the walls apparently chosen for their accoustic properties to amplify the sounds of females in pain. Her screams were even louder as the next two lashes struck on each of her pert buttocks.



Malus began to walk around to Katey's front, the whip coiled in his hand. His cloak was gone and she could see through her tear filled eyes that he was stripped to the waiste. A thin, almost apparently willowy body, covered wth impossibly perfect toned muscles, glistened with sweat, brought on by his excitement. That was said to be the way of elves, their bodies elegant, perfect creations, without the need for the bulk and mass of the bodies of the lesser peoples. He still wore his black leather knee-high boots and a pair of close fitting trousers, dark purple and apparently woven of silk. A huge bulge could be seen at his crotch as he pulled back his arm, uncoiling the whip and swinging forwards.



The whip struck each of Katey's breasts, making her scream longer and louder than anything yet, as the red hot lances of agony ripped through her breasts, joining with the pain from the rest of her body where the lash had struck her on her back, shoulders, legs and ass. It hadn't just been the lashes, or the power behind them was the accuracy. The tip of the whip had struck right on top of each of Katey's nipples, such that she expected to look down and see them gone, only bloody holes where they had been torn off by the lash. Instead when she looked down, through the tears and the haze of agony, she saw her small, berry like pink nipples, standing up and glowing with heat.

Malus began to coil the whip and tied it up with the thin end, tossing it onto the ground nearby as he examined his handywork. "Ten lashes, a good start I think. And you've done well slave, you didn't even pass out and that will increase your price at market three fold if I come to sell you," He said, smirking and approching closer. He dragged one of his claws across Katey's right nipple, still tender and glowing. It made Katey cry out again, arching her back as the pain from her oversensitive nipple burned through her breast.

Malus laughed and walked away behind her again. When he returned, he attached a leather collar around Katey's neck, pulling it just a little less than chokingly tight. "You will need this, a little something that will help you adjust to your new life if your father feels that his gold is worth more than you," He said, as he passed another rope down between her legs, running it through an eye-bolt in the floor in front of her and then clipping it to the collar by a ring at it's front. He then walked back behind her and the winches began to crank again, pulling on the collar and forcing Katey's head down, while the wrist bonds were slackened, just enough so that she could be forced down into a 'bent over' position, her head and torso almost paralelle to the floor. When Malus returned, he was completly naked and once again Katey trembled at what she saw.

In comparison to the rest of his slender body, Malus' cock was huge, fully ten inches long and two inches thick. Then there were the barbs; pronounced feline barbs that were garunteed to claw at a female's insides. "You seem to have got me all worked up slave and you are going to have to help me do something about that," He said, grinning with malicious, sadistic glee. Katey shook her head no, making terrified squeeks and begging with her eyes as he grabbed her hair tightly, pulling on it as he shoved his dick through the ring gag and into her mouth, pushing it all the way down to her throat. Malus' cock had silky smooth skin and it taisted clean...almost perfect Katey would have said, if she could have taisted it. Instead she just struggled vainly, her gagging reflex making her throat flex and swollow around the huge invader and the barbs scratched the linings, making her throat burn like the rest of her body. Malus smiled and murred with pleasure as he began to fuck Katey's face. He would thrust deep into her throat for several seconds, watching her squirming, desperate for breath and then he would pull back, letting her drag in air before plunging back in and feeling those throat muscles of her's ripple around his cock-head.

"Yessssss, this is deffinately going to put your price up...You mouth feels good slave...Ahhhhhh yeah...Here comes your reward," He moaned, gritting his teeth and then thrusting his cock all the way as far down Katey's throat as it would go. Hot streams of cum spurted down her throat as he bucked his crotch against the otter girl's mouth, the barbs making it agonising everytime her throat muscles reflexively squeezed around Malus' cock. He held it there this time, not letting her breath. She began to panic, thrashing as far as her bonds would allow and Malus just laughed as he watched her. Her lungs desperately sucked for air, but all they got was empty nothing. Her vision fogged and she blacked out...


Katey was laying down on her front, bent over as she began to come around, of that she was sure. She could feel cold, hard wood under her body and it felt good against the burning flesh on her breasts, but that was the only good sensation. Her arms were pulled out in front of her, stretched out tightly and her legs were spread wide, the same chafing leather cuffs apparently holding them. She opened her eyes slowly, dreading what she would see. There was a large mirror in front of her and Katey could see her self for the first time, strapped down and bent over a table of somekind, her arms held by ropes that ran through a ringbolt at the head of the table and her legs tied at the ankles to the table's widely spaced legs, so her ass was on full display. The collar was still around her neck, but the ring-gag was gone, replaced by a leather muzzle that was pulled just as painfully tight and making it hard to breath through her nose. Looking into her own bloodshot eyes, she could see the dark rings of tears surrounding them.

The first hint she got that Malus was still there was when her long tail was suddenly wrenched forwards and lances of pain shot through its tip as a sharp edged clamp was used to fix it to the back of Katey's collar, forcing her to arch her back to stop the collar from strangling her. Her cries were muffled by the tight leather muzzle, spasms of pain running through her back muscles and at the base of her tail, but it was better than choking herself...or was it?

"I was waiting for you to wake up before I did that. Its simply no fun if a slave is still passed out for the best part of trussing them up for their deflowering," Malus said, stepping into her field of view in the mirror, still nude and sporting another massive erection that seemed to spring up at her sounds of strain. Katey widened her eyes at his words. He was going to rape her? She thought he said he would keep her a virgin, if only so she would fetch him a better price as a slave. "Do not worry little one," He said, running his finger tips up and down her slit couple of times, making her squirm some more. "This is still safe for now...but this..." He said, squeezing Katey's pert buttocks and dragging one of his sharp claws across her tailhole. "This is most deffinately mine for the taking."

Katey squealed in realisation, struggling at the ropes holding her down on the table and seeing her own desperate, fearful expression in the mirror. Malus laughed out loud, tilting his head back and filling the whole cavern with his mirth. "I do love it when they struggle and that look in their eyes when they realise what I am going to do...Poetry," He said, as if he were critiquing a painting. He walked away, Katey only just able to follow him in the mirror as he walked back to his racks of 'Toys', her view partly obscured by her own tail as it arched high over her back, connecting by the clamp to the back of her collar. He retruned with a tall, fluted bottle of some kind of fluid in one hand and a long, thin ebon rod in the other, the width of a finger span and fully three feet long. He set the bottle to one side and hefted the rod in the other, testing its weight for a moment or two...


Katey arched and screamed as best she could into the mask covering her muzzle as the rod swung down with great speed right across her buttocks. "I came to an observation recently," Malus said casually as he reached back and swung the rod again.



He waited until Katey was finished screaming for the moment before continuing. "This practice of noble children, having whipping boys and girls as part of their household, to take their punishment for them when they do bad."





Katey almost passed out again as each and every strike of the rod fell on the exact same line across her backside, creating a white-hot track just below the level of her pink virgin tailhole. She forced herself to keep her head up so her tail attached to the leather collar would not choke her as she panted desperately for breath through the smothering leather mask. "It is a practice that I can appreciate, but not one I can understand. Surely it is pointless to punish the whipping boy for something someone else has done. Maybe you did and maybe you didn't have one of these in your household when you were little, but I take great pleasure in setting this conundrum right when ever I have a noble lady in my power," Malus said as the rod rose again and he once again doubled the number of rapid strikes against Katey's tender ass.









The young otteress couldn't even scream any more, her lungs burned too much and not enough air could pass through the holes in the mask for her to breath through. Her eyes were screwed shut and tears soked her face again. She then felt the straps of the mask loosen and then fall away, cool air kissing her face and allowing her to breath more freely again. Her whole body shuddered with her sobs and her eyes came open, misty with tears. Malus stood smiling over her in the mirror, his red eyes glimmering and his hard cock glistening with pre-cum from his raw enjoyment of her agony. "It simply wouldn't do for you to pass out again, not so soon and not untill I've finished with you. Besides, I think I'll want to hear you begging and pleading with me as I use your tight tailhole for my pleasure," He said, setting down the rod and picking up the bottle.

Katey couldn't speak yet, her lungs were still burning too much, but she shook her head, struggled in her bonds, desperately tried to yank her tail down, despite how much it hurt or pulled on her throat. She looked at Malus' massive cock and the barbs on it's head. She remembered the way it had felt when he forced it down her throat and now he was going to force it up her ass. "N...No...Please, anything, but please don't do it to me...I..." She stammered and it only made Malus laugh.

"I may have to reconsider leaving you ungagged for this. Such musical whimpers, such abject fear...Its almost enough to make me shoot my load before I even get it inside of you," He said, sneering at the terrorfied Otteress strapped down in front of him. He unstopped the bottle and poured out a generous ammount of some dark green, oily substance and he began to massge it along the length of his cock. His head tilted back and he moaned a little at the pleasure of his own touch. Soon the livid pink of his cock was tinted green and he positioned himself, pressing the barbed head of his member under Katey's tail. She struggled even harder, desperate to escape, despite the ropes holding her down. "This is a favourite lotion I use when taking a girl up her ass the first time. It makes the experience glorious for me and ...well, not *as* unpleasant as it would be otherwise for you," He said, looking into her eyes in the mirror.

"No, I beg you, don't..." Once again, Katey's screams filled the air as Malus shoved forwards, her tailhole resisting the intruder and making him shove harder, forcing his big cock into her inch by inch, her anus resisting all the way and adding to her pain. The oil on Malus' dick lubricated his entry, preventing it from doing any serious injury, certainly nothing that could prove possibly fatal or effect her sale price as a slave. Katey was already exhausted with screaming by the time he was hilted in her tailhole, her buttocks still in sharp aggony from their whipping.

"Mmmmm, yess...So warm," Malus moaned as he gripped Katey's hips and dug his claws in. He began to pull out of her, the otteress' screams hitting a new high as the barbs clawed her insides. Malus pulled out to the head of his ten inches and then forced them back in hard, rocking Katey's body forwards with the impact and slamming his pelvis against her glowing hot and painfullly whipped ass. Again and again, he rammed his thick cock in her, the raw aggony tearing through her lower body every time he raped her tailhole.

Finally, after what felt like hours of constant pain, Malus snarled and bucked himself against Katey's hips and she felt his seed shooting into her gut, adding another burning to her ravaged insides. Only the threat of strangulation had kept Katey's head up and thus concious, as her body's natural pain response tried to make her black out. She felt the clamp on the end of her tail release, letting her tail fall back down and her head fall forwards. She panted desperate for breath and utterly exhausted. Her head rose again a second later as Malus savagely yanked his cock out of her and the barbs felt as if they were tearing her anal ring. Another intruder, a huge leather phallus even bigger than Malus' cock was lubricated and forced up her ass, strapped into place around her thighs and he began to walk away.

"Pleasant dreams..." He called mockingly, as he left Katey there, quivering with residual pain from her first night of torture for his pleasure...


It went on for three days like this. Every morning, Malus would give her a drink of warm, stagnant water before hanging Katey spread eagaled and whipping her on the back, shoulders, legs, buttocks and breasts, each day increasing the number of lashes from ten, to twenty, to thirty as each day passed. Then once he had whipped her, he would draw her head down and rape her mouth, forcing it down her throat untill she passed out from suffacation. Katey almost looked forwards to that, as the periods of blissful oblivion that followed were the only periods of relife she got from the constant torture and humiliation. But when she awoke, she would find herself in a new, but always equally painful position.

Malus it seemed took great pride in the creative ways in which he could inflict cruelty and agony. On the first day after her kidnap, he hung Katey upside down by her widely splayed legs, her arms bound tightly behind her in a leather sheath, forcing her elbows right together and pulled down to the ground by heavy weights attached to the end. More weights were attached to pullys, holding the ropes attached to her ankles, so they were pulled appart, forcing her into a splits. A final set of weights was added, attached to Katey's long braided hair so as a result, all of her limbs were being pulled upon like some kind of inverted rack. Malus left her like that for several hours, while he left his lair to attend some bussiness. When he returned, there was blood painted across his fine black cloths and a satisfied smile on his face. He walked up to Katey, still bound and stretched upside down and proceeded to force her breasts together and titty-fucked her. Katey's breasts were fairly small, but as Malus dug his claws into their tender flesh, he found enough to press around his cock, the fact that to do so meant his claws left bloody scratches in the white fur covering the otteress' front, well that was just an added bonus to him.

The second day, Malus tied Katey's hands to a ring above her head between two small streams of water that were trickling slowly from the cealing in some deep part of his cavern lair. She was gagged, with a large inflatable bladder in her mouth, that was pumped up to stretch her jaws painfully wide. A similar bladder was inserted into her tailhole and pumped up equally wide. These hurt enough as it is, but they weren't the true torture the half dark elven panther had in mind. He wrapped a leather corsette around Katey's waist, much like the ones used by ladies in court to accentuate their figures and attract males. As he laced it up, Katey noted with some confusion that the laces were extremely long...far too long in fact to be used to practically tie up the corsette without leaving a long trailing line of laces behind her. Then Malus ran the laces through another set of rings on either side of her, right under each stream of water, with plenty of space between the end of the strings and the floor. Finally, the object of the torment became clear when he tied a pair of large buckets to the ends of each set of strings, catching the drips from the streams. Malus then left her there again, attending to what ever grisly deeds required his attentions today. The buckets slowly filled with water, pulling the drawstrings of the corsette tighter and tighter. The corsette squeezed on Katey's chest and midriff, making it harder to breath with each passing minute untill finally it felt as if her ribs were being crushed. The pressure this created on the bladder inserted in her anus only made things worse as it added to the pains of the criss-crossing collection of welts and bruises covering her nubile body. Finally, after six hours of this, Malus returned, slashing through the corsette strings and laughing as Katey gasped and choked for breath.

The third day, he tied Katey in a very severe hog-tie, with her forearms bound to her calves and bending her whole body back in an arch. He had inserted another inflatable bladder into her mouth and pumped it right up again, before attaching it by a small ring to a rope hanging from the carvern cealing. Hoisting her up like this by her painfully stretched jaws, he then positioned a large, metal phallus under her and lowered her so the bulbous head was forced unlubricated into her tailhole. He then released some of the air from the bladder, so that Katey had to actually hold on with her teeth to keep from slipping down and forcing that monster phallus all the way into her ass. It widely flared the further down the shaft one got and Malus had coated it with something that smelt sharp and chemecal. Once again, he left her like that for the day and was gratified to return to her loud screams echoing through the lair as her jaws finally gave out and she was forced wide open by the phallus, the stuff coating it *burning* like fire in Katey's tailhole. At the end of every day, Malus would strap Katey down over that table, in front of the mirror and force her to watch as he raped her tailhole hard, before leaving her there for the night.

She couldn't go on like this...No one could...


When Malus returned at then end of the forth day, he had a look on his evilly handsome face that showed he was very pleased with himself. When the time came for him to rape Katey over the table, he tied her face up, her arms still tied to the head of the table and her legs splayed wide, so her pussy was on prominent display and her breasts arched up. Katey's fur was matted with dirt, Malus' cum and her own blood. Angry red welts were visible all over her body through her fur and she was so weak with hunger, the gnawing pains in her empty belly adding to the constant grinding aches that wracked her body constantly. As he attached heavy weights to the clamp attached to her tail to hold it down, Malus leaned over Katey with a truly evil smile on his face.

"I have good news for you slave. Your father really does love you after all and has paid my ransom for you. I am nothing if not true to my word and tomorrow you will get to see eachother again. This is also good news for me too, as it means I no longer have to concearn myself with fetching a good price for you as a slave," He said, grinning and red eyes almost glowing. Katey visibly shook with fear at his words. He began to run his hand up and down her very vulnerable and exposed vulva, stroking over the white fur running down her front from her neckline, over her brests and belly, down her crotch and up between her buttocks. The promise of a higher sale price for her as a virgin had been the only thing stopping him from raping her pussy, from taking her virginity for himself and now that her ransom was paid, he was free to deflower her.

He waited for the fear to truly register in Katey's mind, laughing heartily at her terrified squeaks as he rose, walking away to his racks of 'toys' and returing with the bottle of green stuff again and a small, golden drinking bowl. Placing the bowl under her pussy, Malus began to lube up his raging hard erection that stood out bright red from his crotch as he stood naked between Katey's tied legs. Katey's throat was too painful, too torn from repeated mouth-rapes with his savagly barbed cock for her to form words anymore so he hadn't bothered to gag her. She could only shake her head no, make screeching noises, pull feebly at the bonds holding her down. Malus watched her through slitted eyes as he rubbed his cock up and down with the oily green fluid, a little drop of precum leaking from the tip as he enjoyed her terror. As he positioned himself at the entrace to her pussy, Katey screwed her eyes shut and tried to brace herself for what would doubtlessly be the worst torture he had yet inflicted on her.

Seeing her closing her eyes, Malus siezed her by the throat, digging his claws into the white and brown fur there, drawing more spots of blood. "Look at me slave...LOOK AT ME!!! OPEN YOU EYES NOW AND LOOK AT ME, OR I SWEAR THAT TOMORROW I WILL KILL YOU FATHER AND THEN YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY!!!" He roared, sounding entirely capable and more than willing to doing exactly that if she didn't comply. Katey forced herself to open her eyes to Malus' snarling face. The instant she did so, he began to roughly shove himself into her virgin slit. She was bone dry down there of course and drum-skin tight, but the slick green oil covering Malus' cock provided more than enough lubricant to slide in past her painfully tight pussy lips...untill it encountered her hymen. His snarl turned to a deeply malicious smile and he slowed his entry, dragging it out as his sank his cock into her inch by inche. Katey screamed, despite to agony of her throat. It was nothing compared to the agony of Malus' huge cock forcing its way inside of her, stretching and then slowly tearing its way through the thin barrier protecting her inner cunny. Through it all, Malus' threat to kill her whole family rang in Katey's head and she forced her eyes to stay open, looking Malus in the evil eyes as he took her virginity.

Finally hilting himself deep within the otteress' cunt, he revelled in her pain, savouring the hymenal blood seeping out of her around his cock and staining the white fur of her vulva. Katey sobbed loudly and her body shuddered in pain. "You are mine now slave. Now and forever, I own this part of you and no one else shall ever have it. You will have to go through the rest of your life, remembering my face as I took you and made you my slave forever," Malus sneered, looking down into her face. He then pulled his cock back to the head and rammed it in hard, making Katey arch in pain and scream, again and again as he began to hammer into her bleeding pussy. The wood of the table creeked as she pulled on the wrist-straps untill her wrists were bloody and chafed by the rough leather cuffs. Her face was soaked by tears and her screams echoed through out the caverns. Malus grunted and moaned as he pounded harder and harder, his pleasure increased by her constant agony as it was by her pussy's tightness. After an eternity of his barbed cock tearing up her cunt, Malus rammed into Katey one last time and filled her with his seed, running out of her as a pink froth, minxed with her blood as he pulled out of her roughly and picked up the drinking bowl fron under her pussy.

Walking around to the head of the table, his shrinking cock still covered by the pinky froth of blood and semen, he raised the golden bowl to his lips and drank deeply of it's contents. Malus smacked his lips and 'ah'ed theatically, the red stain of Katey' hymenal blood visible on his lips. "An infusion of youth, of beauty and of course, stolen innocence. Just as mother told me, this is far more potent and refreshing an elixer than anything any mage or apothacary can peddle. You are no longer of any interest to me now as a plaything, slave. I'll return you to your father tomorrow. Untill then, sleep well..." He said, before tipping the last of the bowl's contents over Katey's face. He then turned and walked away to his own grand bed of silks and satin, leaving Katey beaten, bloody, raped and used. She cried loudly, tear mingling with the blood staining her face, in too much pain to sleep and too exhausted to stay truly awake...


Next day, Malus decided he wasn't really finished with Katey quite yet, hanging her spread eagaled and whipping her again, this time a full fifty lashes and raping her mouth one last time. It seemed he preferred for her to be unconcious for him to transport her and he much preferred to make her pass out through rape than through drugs.

When she awoke, Katey found herself tied against a large tree in the centre of a forrest clearing, her arms and legs bound and forced right back against the trunk so they were almost being wrenched out of their sockets. Malus paced, seemingly impatient. He looked and saw Katey was awake, malicious inspiration striking him and Katey cursed herself for not at least trying to fake her unconciousness for a little longer. "It seems I have a little time to kill waiting for your father to arrive...perhaps he is having trouble finding this place, so maybe I should send him a little signal to help him find his way," The evil feline sneered. He pulled a thin branch from one of the trees and used a deadly looking dagger to strip the leaves and shoots from it, giving him a long, thin whipping rod.

"You know, with the resrictions I placed on myself the last few days, your pussy really didn't get the attentions it deserved slave," He said, swishing the cut down branch a few times to test it and then lashing it down on either side of Katey's vulva close to the lips.



Katey's screams rang across the forest and imediately, two new red lines appeared under the white fur, though partly hidden by the blood stains from the night before. Malus raised up his arm to lash her again, when he suddenly stopped, pausing as if sensing something. He drew up his cloak's hood, hiding his face in impenetrable darkness and turned as a new figure appeared in the clearing. Katey's eyes were hazed with tears and fatigue, but she recognised the man as her father, the much older and greying otter male wearing light armour plate and a red cloak, carrying a small bag in his hand.

"I have your ransom Malus, now let my daughter go," He said holding up the bag for the Dark Elf panther to see. He looked past Malus' cloaked form and saw Katey hanging nude, tied to the tree beaten and bloody, especially between her legs as clear evidence of her rape. "My gods, what have you done to her?" He said, clearly held back only by fear from tearing Malus appart with his bare hands.

"Some of my best work so far I think. Do you like it? Well any way, if you have my fourty blood rubies, then you have your daughter," Malus said, a deep laugh echoing from somewhere inside his hood.

"They are right here, the entire value of my estate, all sold to meet your demands," The old otter snarled, tossing the bag to Malus who caught it deftly and examined the contents, the gems inside the bag glowing red as the blood they were named for and illuminating the arrogantly satisfied look on Malus' face. "Now take your payment and leave me my daughter," Katey's father snarled.

Malus then closed the bag and drew and long, curved and whickedly fanged sword from under his cloak, laughing loudly. "Mmmm no, I think I'll keep your daughter after all. I may not find a good price for her now she isn't a virgin any more, but with these that doesn't matter. She'll make a fine toy for my pleasure for the few days she needs to last before I find a new toy,"He said, advancing on the old otter and staggered back, drawing his own sword.

"But...You said that if I paid the ransom you would return Katey and leave us," Katey's father said, trying to brandish his sword in a threatening way but only revealing his own fears of Malus. "You said you would honour your word."

"And I have, do you not remember? As I told you, the agreement was that if you paid me no less than fourty purest blood rubies, you would *see* your daughter again and you have *seen* her, but never did I say anything about *returning* her to you and certainly I never said anything about letting you leave here alive," Malus said, laughing as he advanced further on the old otter. He lashed out with the fang-sword, slashing right through the otter's blade and forcing him to tumble back onto the ground. As Malus raised up his arm to finish him, Katey screamed as loud as her abused throat would allow...and then something happened.

A white specter, identicle to Malus when he first appeared to kidnap Katey, except pure white, appeared out of the forrest, intercepting Malus' sword with the blade of a long, elegantly curved sword of purest silver, held in white furred hands. It was impossible to see the new comer's face inside the hood of his white cloak, but Malus' hood had fallen back and...he was deeply scared as Katey had been as he tortured and humiliated her for the past five days. Then, almost too fast for the eye to see, the white warrior struck Malus in the chest with an open handed blow with the flats of his hand that hurled the darkling one backward for several meter's, skidding across the dusty ground in a heap and the bag of blood rubies falling from his grasp.

The white warrior straightened, spun his sword once over his hands and pointed it to the ground, apparently viewing Malus as no real threat to him. "Your crimes are over Malus, surrender to me or die," The warrior said, his voice like that of an angel, soothing and melodious like the music of a harp.

Malus stood painfully and sneered, rasing his sword in an aggressive posture. "Surrender to you? HA! Why do you protect them Reyth? WHY? These creatures, these ANIMALS! They are inferior to us, worthy only to be our slaves. You are weak Reyth, weak like all the other spinelss whelps of the Council," He spat, full of venom, but there was no hinding the fear in his voice as he regarded the White Warrior, apparently named Reyth.

Reyth laughed a little and settled into a defensive posture, with his sword held low. "If I and the High Elves of the council are so weak, then why do you tremble Malus?," He said, preparing to meet Malus' appraently imminent charge. Sweat broke out on Malus' face and he visibly shook. Finally he screamed loudly, turned and hurled his sword at Katey, still hanging from the tree. She cired out in fear as the deadly blade flew towards her, spinning end over end. She closed her eyes and heard a ringing of steel upon steel. She opened her eyes and Reyth was standing in front of her, having apparently deflected the blade with his sword at the last second...Malus was no where to be seen, having apparently fled rather than face a worthy opponent in the white clad specter.

The ropes holding Katey to the tree were suddenly severed by two swift cuts of Reyth's sword and she fell into his arms, whimpering at the pain raging across her body from even the simple act of being held in his arms. He reached up to the neck of his cloak and unclasped it, pulling off the cloak in a flourish that obscured his face from Katey's view and he wrapped it around her. The cloak felt soft and warm, unnaturally so as the very fabric made her feel safe and whole after her long torments...finally, without the promise of more pain when she woke, she instantly fell into a deep sleep.


Katey awoke warm, and surrounded by softness. Not that of Reyth's cloak, but in her own bed in her family manner house, warm sunlight streaming in through the windows. Her body was covered in bandages, unlike any she had ever seen. They felt as if they were woven of somekind of silk, a light green in colour and wrapping around every part of her that Malus had tortured, the strange bandages seemed to take away the pain and sooth her, like laying in a cool gently flowing river such as those that all her species loved so much to play and swim in. Standing by the window, she could make out through her half-opened eyes, the figure of her father, pacing back and forth untill out of the corner of his eye, he saw her stirring and rushed to her side.

"Katey! My Katey, you're awake. You've been asleep for two days. After what that monster did to you, I was afraid you would never wake up again," He said, tears of joy welling in his eyes as he reached to take her in his arms and hug her. A white clad arm shot out, seemingly from no-where and grasped his arm gently for a moment.

"Please my lord, I ask you to be careful with her. Your daughter is still very fragile and it will take time for her to heal. There is only so much that even elvish medicine can do," The figure said...that voice...The figure sat down on the edge of Katey's bed, for the first time the young otteress seeing Reyth's face...and pulling away from him in terror, trying almost to claw her way backwards through the pillows of her bed when she saw him for a moment and then...calming.

Reyth was identical to Malus, a tall feline like a panther, the same small muzzle and elongated ears...but his fur was white, wth the dark spots of leopard instead of Malus' pure midnight blue. His eyes were more naturally feline and had a cool glittering blue colour as opposed to the burning red reptile eyes of Malus...and there was that kind smile.

Katey's father placed a hand on her shoulder and said to her, "Katey? Whats wrong? This is Reyth, the High Elf Ranger who helped us."

Reyth just held up his hand in a calming gesture, showing he wasn't at all offended. "It is alright. It will take time to heal the harm my brother has done to you Katey. It is to my shame that I allowed him to escape, but I will track him down again, that I swear to you," He said quietly and placed his hand on Katey's cheek softly, his touch instantly bringing a warm, calming feeling.

Katey then realised what Reyth had just said, "Your...Brother?" She said, even her throat having been miraculously soothed after Malus' abuse and repeated rape.

Reyth nodded and looked away for a moment, clearly ashamed to share his face with that monster. "He probably told you of his origins, of the panther warrior who was his father and the Dark Elf who was his mother...but did he tell you that the panther was not his father by choice? That the panther *my* father was forced into mating Malus' mother in order to save his true love...*My* mother...A High Elf maiden, taking and tortured by the vengful Dark Elves, much as you were... Rest now, I will stay as along as I am needed, to see to it that you are healed of the wounds my brother Malus has inflicted upon your body and mind," He said, leaning over and kissing Katey on the forehead.

That kiss was like a soothing balm and instantly, warm feelings flowed through Katey's body, washing away all the fears, the nightmares and the memories of all the Malus had done to her. It would take time for it all to be healed and set right...But with Reyth at her side, there was no doubt that all wounds would be healed...

End Of Story-1

Theif's Tale's: Garret's First

Garret was a thief, a very talented thief to be exact and rather brazen too. The grey fox was born on the streets of some unknown city, whose name he never learned, for he was too occupied with the simple matter of keeping himself alive among the...

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Makaan: Desired Payment

The cool breeze blowing through the marble and wood panel throne room made the warrior lord's black cloak ripple like a dark pool in the coldest night without a moon. He was clad in magnificent armour of gold and black plates that were fitted close to...

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