Fursona Adventures Chapter 4 BuriJan Part 1

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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Fursona Adventures Chapter 4

BuriJan Yetman Part 1   "I don't know if I can walk out there without fainting."   "Listen BuriJan, this is the biggest moment of your life. It's not like you were kid and stepped on dragon droppings, this will be remembered."   "Mom! I thought we agreed not to talk about that!"   BuriJan's mother laughed, Rokusanu Robatsu was a rather tall tiger humanoid but unlike her daughter she wasn't a rainbow creature, not many people are and no one knows why they are like they are. All everyone knows is that they're really rare.   BuriJan was looking at herself in the mirror, her great white dress had a V-gap on both sides, the front and the back. Her dress was also pretty long, about three times her own height and had golden string all around it with beautiful shapes of flowers and hearts. Even thou her mother didn't like it how BuriJan's tail didn't have a hole for it so the tail didn't exactly look right. BuriJan didn't want to modify the dress so they left it at that.   The ceremony would take place in fifteen minutes, ButiJan was so nervous she felt like she had butterflies in her stomach. "Mom?"   "Yes dear?"   "How did you feel when you and dad got married?"   Rokusanu smiled and laughed a little. "Oh I almost broke down, I was so happy but scared at the same time. Before I entered the room I felt like I could faint at any moment, but then I saw your father as we entered the room. He was so handsome back then. I forgot all about my fears and walked to him and we got married. I imagine you're feeling the same."   BuriJan nodded, her mother was making sure the dress didn't have any dirty spots as BuriJan spoke. "I'm so happy I could cry."   Rokusanu laughed. "I'm sure you are, but not now. You got to stay like this until the ceremony is done. You look like a perfect painting."   BuriJan laughed a little. "Shouldn't we get going?"   "Time goes slowly when you're excited, huh?" BuriJan turned around to see her father, he always spoke with such a strong voice.   Jerarudo Sariban was a lion humanoid, he was shorter than BuriJan's mother but he was strong. He was almost nothing more but muscle, he smiled and reached his hand towards his daughter. "Come on now, let's get ready."   BuriJan nodded and took her father's arm, they started walking towards the door that led to the hallway when her mother ran in front of them. She looked at BuriJan for a while and then hugged her. "Kids grow up so fast."   When she let go BuriJan could easily see that her mother was holding tears of happiness, her father smiled and grabbed Rokusanu's shoulder. "Come on now, inform everyone that we're starting."   She nodded and started walking down the hallway, BuriJan looked at her father. "Remember your promise."   "I will, no crying."   BuriJan leaned her head on his hand, she then took a deep breath and started walking down the hall with her father. As they neared the door to the ceremony room her heart started to pound faster and faster. When they were in front of the door she took another deep breath and smiled. When her father pushed the door open the wedding music started, she looked at her future husband who was standing proudly with his black tie. He refused to put a full suit on so he only had a tie, stubbornness must run in his family.   Next to him was his best man, Arrisute Sho. A wolf who is BuriJan's best friends mate. He is pretty big, even for a wolf. But inside there's a puppy. BuriJan smiled when she saw her maid of honor, Danieru Sariban. A cute cat, young but fierce. She always was like that, BuriJan almost wanted to laugh when she remembered the bet she made with her sister years ago. Danieru and BuriJan had bet that Danieru would be the first one to marry. Looks like BuriJan won.   BuriJan listened to the beautiful wedding music as her father and her walked on the big silk carpet. The seats were taken by her close friends and family, the beautiful hand carved oak chairs looked so natural next to the various flowers that were all around the room. The lights were turned off and instead there were electrical candles all around the room.   Her heart pounded faster and faster with each step she took, she could clearly hear it with her ears. All kinds of thoughts ran in her head but the most powerful thing was to keep walking.   When she was but a few steps away from her future husband her father stopped and let go of her. "Good luck."   She simply smiled to him and walked to her husband, she stood there next to him as an rather big owl walked in front of them, he cleared his throat and opened his massive wings. "We have gathered here today to witness this young couple to engage in marriage! Today we will witness as these two rare creatures of this planet have found each other and now want to be with each other for the rest of their lives. Is there anyone is this room who objects?"   BuriJan turned to look into AnbuFuyo's eyes. They were dark blue and completely focused on her, she felt like she could jump and hug him for all eternity but forced herself to stay still. They turned back to the owl who continued speaking while still holding his wings open. "Very well. Present the rings."   AnbuFuyos best man Arrisote walked to AnbuFuyo and gave him a ring on a pillow, the ring was a beautiful silver rings with a carved amethyst heart on top of it, AnbuFuyo took it to his hands and BuriJan turned around to see her maid of honor giving her a wide golden ring. She took it to her hands and turned back around, the owl continued speaking. "May the husband take the wives hand?"   AnbyFuyo took a deep breath and grabbed BuriJan's right hand and looked her into her eyes. The owl continued. "Repeat after me, until the last day I draw breath I will be by your side."   "Until the last day I draw breath I will be by your side." AnbuFuyo repeated.   The owl nodded. "I love you with all my heart, may this ring symbolize my eternal and infinite love for you."   AnbuFuyo repeated and put the amethyst ring on BuriJan's ring finger, BuriJan couldn't stop smiling. The owl spoke again. "May the wife take the husbands hand?"   BuriJan put her hands around AnbuFuyo's right hand, the owl continued speaking. "Repeat after me, I will always be there for you, I will always wait for you and I will always love you."   BuriJan repeated and the owl continued. "You are my true love and I will never think otherwise, may death do us apart."   BuriJan repeated the owl's words as she put the wide golden ring on AnbuFuyo. They looked at each other while holding each other's hands. The owl spoke. "I now announce you, husband and wife." The owl closed her wings. "You may now kiss the bride."   AnbuFuyo nodded and kissed BuriJan, they stayed there for a moment as the cheers and clapping filled the room. When their lips finally got apart they turned around to see their family and friends, most were crying even thou they tried so hard to hide it. When they started walking BuriJan's brother Jerarudo Forusamu, a young lion. Walked on front of them and started throwing pink rose peddles above them, he walked next to the newly married couple as they continued their walking. BuriJan couldn't hold it anymore and started crying out of joy, AnbuFuyo held her shoulder and laughed. "It's finally over, it's official now. You should have seen what kind of a mess I was before this."   They both laughed a little but ended up hugging, their friends and family had stood up and started to walk around them yelling their cheers and wishing them the best.

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