Pokémon Diaries Chapter 2 Where Am I?

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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Chapter 2 Where Am I?

So, apparently I was the ace in his sleeve. I was supposedly Jonathan's most powerful Pokémon, I had been listening to him all the while he was carrying me. I wonder why he didn't put me in a Pokéball...

Anyway, now I was sitting on the ground and just listening to the wind that was going past me. The weather was so peaceful but the atmosphere wasn't. Far from it, even thou I was sitting quite far from the campsite I could still somehow hear my trainer pretty well. I believe it has something to do with my ears but I don't know, I could hear my trainer explaining my situation to the rest of the team. I looked at my hands and legs and wondered to myself.

"What was I like?"

"You were pretty scary."

I got slightly startled, I turned around my head to see Quilava. I sighed and turned back.

"What do you mean by that?"

Quilava slowly walked next to me while she was talking.

"Well, you were always violent and you always made sure to show everyone that you were the strongest of us all."

I turned to look at Quilava who seemed nervous, for some reason it took her a while to sit down next to me. When she had finally done it she sighed, I tilted my head and asked.

"Tell me, why are you afraid of me?"

She hesitated a little.

"Well...You used to always beat me and the others whenever they showed weakness..."

I was a little shocked, I turned to look at the clouds that were moving slowly.

"Why would I do that?"

"I don't know."

We just sat there for a good moment without talking, just as it was getting a little awkward Quilava opened her mouth.

"To be honest, this is the longest time I have been next to you. Maybe even the first time I've been next to you."

I thought of it for a moment and decided to change the subject.

"Where are we?"

"We're in a place called Kanto, Jon came fron a place called Johto with me and Weavile."

"Huh..." I wondered, I turned to look at her again.

"So, the rest of us are from here?"


There was yet another awkward moment of silence but this time I decided to break it.

"Can you tell me what I did? I mean, I can see that you have fire on your back and head but what do I do?"

Quilava seemed confused.

"You mean you don't know that you are an electric type?"

I turned to her again.

"Well, I don't remember anything. I still can't walk."


"What are you apologizing for?"

Quilava seemed even more confused, she looked at me and I smiled. She turned away and said.

"It's just, I can't possibly imagine myself in your situation."

"I guess so." I sighed.

After looking at the sky again for a moment I decided to grab my tail and put it in front of me, I looked at it for a moment and thought out loud.

"I wonder how I use this thing..."

Quilava looked at me and said.

"Well, you used to do all kinds of crazy stuff with it, you used it in battle, you used for balance, you used it to get things that were high and you climbed that tree you fell off."

I grabbed the big tip of my tail and looked at it.

"This must be pretty useful then, I wonder..."

I placed it back on the ground and focused, I looked at it and used all the strength I had and managed to move the tail ever so slightly. But it was enough of a reason for me to stand up and yell.

"Yes! I did it!"

Just before I finished my celebration I fell on my face, I could hear Quilava laughing as I growled at my stupid feet.

"Can you help me?"

Quilava stopped her laughter and pushed me on my back, then she went behind me and pushed me until I was back on a sitting position. After that she sat in front of me, I sighed and punched one of my legs.

"Stupid things..."

Quilava laughed again, I got a little angry over it but noticed something. I could move my ears at will, I started moving my ears one after another in different directions.

"Huh, who knew..."

"You're moving them again!" Quilava said in joy, she jumped in the air and shouted.

"Do it again!"

I was quite confused but moved my ears again, she seemed overly happy for some odd reason. I didn't question it thou, I looked at my legs and decided to try again. I slowly stood up on all fours, I stood there with my hands on the ground and my legs didn't fail me this time. I was quite surprised and said.

"Well would you look at this, I'm like you now."

We both laughed for a while until Quilava said.

"Try to walk like that, you used to run like that but rarely walked like it."

I nodded and moved my hands forward, when I took my right leg forward and placed it on the ground it felt odd. I could feel the grass under my leg but it felt weird, different from before. I moved my other leg too, I almost lost my balance when it was in the air but managed to put the leg down pretty fast so I didn't lose my balance. I looked at Quilava and laughed.

"I did it!"

Quilava smiled and jumped back.

"Now keep walking!"

I started moving forward the same way as before, slowly but surely. I kept on moving forward as Quilava kept on moving backwards, for some reason we were having fun. We kept doing it for a while until something got on my tail and I fell on the ground, I turned around to see Weavile who was standing on my tail. He was standing there with his arms crossed, he didn't show any emotion on his face.

"After you can move again you can ditch this weakling and we can get back to fighting."

He didn't say anything else as he started running off to somewhere, I was confused and turned to Quilava who was still looking after Weavile.


I was still confused and asked.

"What did he mean by that?"

Quilava sighed as she turned back to me.

"Well you see, for some odd reason I won't evolve. The only one who isn't fully evolved as well is Golbat but he is stronger than me. They are both mean."

I turned to look in the direction Weavile ran, I couldn't get my mind around it but I believe that he used to be something to me...

It had been a rather long time since the little movement earlier, we were all eating lunch at the campsite when a girl came to us. She was near our campsite when she yelled.

"I want to challenge you to a Pokémon battle!"

Jon didn't refuse, he simply stood up and called out Quilava. He sent her out first, the girl seemed to be confused about her for some reason. It seemed like she had never seen anything like her. She didn't care about it too much, she grabbed one of her Pokéballs and threw it. The Pokéball opened and out came a Nidorina. I didn't know why or how I recognized what it was but I did.

The girl called out an attack first.

"Use Poi-"

"Flame Wheel!"

I was confused as to why Jon had interrupted the girl and was more amazed at Quilava, she jumped in the air and started spinning. She became a spinning ball of fire that started going at Nidorina at a high speed once she landed on the ground.

Nidorina tried to dodge but couldn't, Quilava hit it pretty hard. Nidorina fell on the ground and as it was standing up Quilava turned around and hit it again. The girl was shocked and yelled.

"Take Down!"

I watched as Nidorina started running at Quilava who was still a spinning fireball, they came at each other pretty fast and when they hit they both fell on the ground. Nidorina quickly recovered while Quilava held her head.

Jon yelled.


Before Nidorina could start running at Quilava she jumped on her feet and started breathing fire, I was very impressed at her. When she stopped her attack Nidorina fell on the ground, the girl called her back and yelled.

"That was good, but you're not gonna beat this one!"

She threw another Pokéball and out came an Arbok. The Arbok looked pretty intimidating but Jon didn't seem scared one bit, he simply yelled.


Quilava started yelling and she shot a golden beam with a rainbow inside of it, when it hit Arbok it yelled loudly until it fell on the ground. I was shocked, my mouth was fully open and I just watched in awe. What had just happened?

The girl seemed pretty confused as well, she pointed and yelled.

"What did you just do?"

Jonathan laughed.

"Extrasensory is a psychic type move, it's pretty powerful as you can see and it just happens to be super effective against poison types."

The girl growled and called Arbok back, she screamed as she threw her next Pokéball. This time out came a Growlithe.

The girl seemed furious and yelled.


Jon laughed and crossed his arms, Quilava extinguished her flames and braced herself. Growlithe growled and then launched its attack. I was a little worried when Quilava got surrounded by flames, I couldn't see her at all. Once the attack was finally done she just stood there and ignited her flames. I was relived, Jon yelled.


Once again she launched a golden beam with a rainbow inside it at the enemy, I was surprised that Growlithe was knocked out with just one attack, I was awed by how strong Quilava was. That got me wondering on why Weavile had called her a weakling...

"How is this possible?!" The girl yelled as she recalled Growlithe.

Jonathan laughed.

"You see, we aren't from here. I came to Kanto from Johto after I had acquired six badges. I came here to build my team and to gather the Kanto gym badges. I already have five."

The girl seemed confused.

"Then why hasn't your Quilava evolved?"

Jon sighed.

"I don't know."

"Well, I want a rematch sometime!"

The girl ran off, I didn't really care where or why. All I wanted to do now was to congratulate Quilava. I smiled as she ran to me.

"Did you see? Did you see?"

"Yes, and you were amazing! Weavile has no clue what he's talking about!"

"That is untrue." I and Quilava both turned to look at Scizor, he had finished his dinner and was looking at me while having his arms crossed.

"You see, that trainer had not trained her Pokémon well, Jonathan simply knew what moves to use and when. Quilava is still the weakest of us all because she still hasn't evolved for some reason."

I leaned a little bit forward.

"Well she is still strong and you can't deny that!"

Scizor smiled.

"That's true, she can defeat almost any mediocre opponents. But it is her fault that Jonathan had to move to Kanto instead of continuing his journey in Johto, because she wouldn't evolve he couldn't defeat the two remaining gym leaders so he could compete in the Pokémon League. Now he is here, training almost a completely new team just so he can defeat the Kanto gym leaders and go to the Pokémon League. She is much older than you but you surpassed her the moment you evolved into a Raichu. There's something for you to think about."

After his speech he spread his wings and flew off, I was left speechless. I looked at Quilava who had turned to walk away, I wanted to stop her but decided not to. I looked at the sky and wondered how she might feel, if it's true that I used to be mean to her and to beat her then I will never dorgive myself. Now I don't know if I even want to remember my past.

Pokémon Diaries Chapter 3 What Did I do?

Chapter 3 What Did I Do?   "Stop laughing at me!" I yelled as Quilava kept on laughing, I had tried and tried to move my tail and I have only managed to fart thus far. We had just finished breakfast and had decided to try to move my tail again, we were...

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