Coons and Theft 4

Story by Tiberius Rings on SoFurry

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#4 of Coons and Theft

All characters copyright to me, TiberiusRings. If you want to contact me, my email is [email protected]

Rei huffed. So, he was free from the cuffs that had held him in place during his rape, but he was still in a metallic box, caged up and knowing Captain Harding of the United States Marine Corps would be back to try and talk him into working for the government.

"Fat chance." He said outloud, as if he were talking to someone. He always did things like that, talk to the audience that didn't exist, and verbalize internal thoughts. It probably made the silence less sickening when he wasn't trying to live in it. For some reason Rei had not been thrown in some kind of prison, left to rot for the rest of his life. He was actually beingrecruited for the US military, or the federal government, he couldn't quite tell which one wanted him. Sure, Harding was a military brat but that didn't mean he had superior orders decending from the Pentagon or the NSA. There was a lot going on here that had Rei spooked; he remembered something Duncan once told him.

"If the Feds start taking an interest in you, it's time to lie low and hide."

And sure enough, those words were ringing as clear as bells in his head. The government, or at least the military in some various form of extention, had taken him from a mission and then brought him here. Captain Harding had also done something very unprofessional, which was rape. Rei had been raped, but

for some reason the thought didn't bother him that much. True he had been very inactive sexually for years, but the stroll down memory lane and the thoughts of Duncan soothed his aching rear end. Duncan had taught him that pain is a part of life you can't avoid, though you shouldn't embrace it, either. Of course, if Harding got him sick then oh well. Rei knew now, after the fact, that if he had contracted a serious STD than he was screwed anyhow. No sense worrying about it until he could get a blood test.

Right now, though, his task was to try and find a way out of wherever the hell it was. Rei was standing there in the middle of the room with only his black-boxer briefs and durable gloves for clothing. Harding had decided it was best to forego the zipper and just rip his clothing off, which of course, left the tatters on the floor. What Harding hadn't been doing though made Rei grin. The clothing, like the rest of his gear, always had two functions. Besides keeping his nakedness out of the eyes of the peeping toms, the shreds of thick fabric held small tools he could use.

So he went to work on removing them from the pieces of material.He crouched down and pulled the shreds of fabric close, using a single digit claw to cut into various parts where small piping looked to be woven right into the material, no thicker than a few pins taped together. Rei removed about three of these, and from the legs, he found a few more lockpicks with various tips. The heel of the boot held a very sharp ceramic knife, though very short. It came with its own sheath and would more than easily break after a few cuts, but he didn't think a knife would be the key between here and military oblivion.

He also inspected his underwear, lifting the left and right leg up and removing long wires woven around the legs, also looking metallic. THey were minor tools compared to what he had in his bag, but he would make do with what he had left; after all, Harding had been kind enough to leave the rags behind, he should have made good use of them! Rei slipped the knife sheath into the back of his waistband and then looked around. There was a small air duct, about a foot long and six inches high. It was too narrow for him to crawl in, but enough for him to make a scene. He crouched low and lept, hands gripping the grill as it came loose. For a sickening moment he had a sensation of falling, but his hand shot out and grasped the lip of the hole he'd made in the ceiling, and with one hand, he held himself there.Rei slipped out one of the metallic wires from his waistband, and bit an end of it. A bitterness like licking the side of 9V battery hit his senses and made his tongue flick. He spat and then pulled it out of his mouth, biting the other end with his sharp teeth. Again, with one hand and his chest for leverage, he brought the two bit ends together and twisted as best he could, and then threw it into the vent, as far down as he could go. He lept down and up again, closing the vent easily with a minor clink.

Rei waited, looking up at the ceiling and then looking to an imaginary watch that wasn't there. He worried if he hadn't bit the other end thick enough, if he hadn't wound the material together proper--The buildind shook. An explosion ripped through some part of the complex, making the ventilation duct scream as twisted metal began to rip apart from an explosion. Smoke began to trickle down from the vent, and from outside, Rei could hear screams.

What he'd done was activate a small bomb. The interior of the wire held a chemical compound that was inert unless an active electrical charge was applied, and when he bit the two ends of the wire, he had broken the seal on the plastic that held the filaments from ever touching, and then winding them together, he let the small current from a tiny battery be enough charge. It took a moment for the charge to work up the voltage, but it was enough to trigger the explosion.

With a smirk the raccoon in question moved back to the cuffs and slipped his hands in, holding them in such a way that they looked secure, but were very much loose. Rei was going to have some fun in a few moments, and was going to relish it for as long as he could. Besides not tugging down his underwear, which he refused to do and give anyone another free look, he stood there and

looked limp, appearing as he'd been left so many minutes ago.

It took him longer than expected, but Rei should not have given Captain Harding any kind of positive feedback or thought; the man was a loser, a rapist, and he was going to pay for what had happened. Finally, the sound of thumblers turning sound and Rei slumped his head, his eyes closed as he just hung there from the chains, his tail flicking behind him lazily with movement that showed he was semi concious; his act was to try and appear broken from the rape that had taken place. He was hardly broken, but he was planning on breaking something of Harding's.

The door pulled open and in stepped the wonder wolf, the Captain who was stupid enough to not put him on constant monitoring and armed guard. Props to this man, he had messed up and allowed this chance to get free. He had to remember that. Harding, still in his urban military fatigues, rushed in and growled. "Conner. CONNER. Wake the fuck up, what the hell is going on? I coulda sworn it was you who made the explosion."

"Mnnf...?" Rei said, lifting his head, his eyes appearing droopy. Blue eyes, still thanks to the contacts, blinked at the wolf infront of him. "Ex...plosion?"

Harding huffed, shaking his head as he looked to the raccoon infront of him. Maybe he'd taken it too far, maybe he'd really broken his mind. Oh shit, if that happened his superiors would be furious. All the reports they had on Duncan Dashford and Rei Conner had been that their wills were strong, but rape was a powerful tool. Maybe he should have kept it in his pants and left Rei to be physically conditioned. This was bad, if he didn't secure Rei's sanity, he was a dead man.

"Okay, Conner. We gotta get movin', the explosions ruined the air system and something is leakin' on the other side of your wall."

Harding said in a much softer voice as he moved up to try and grasp at one of the cuffs. But, by the time his hands found the cuffs, there was no hand inside it. Rei's hand shot outward, slamming into the wolf's side, right at the base of the ribs. A nice snap came from that blow. His other hand lowered, and slammed right into the side of the wolf's head, making Harding stagger to the side with a sickening cough.

Rei moved forward then as he saw the wolf stagger. "Why you fuckin'--"

"Shut...Up." Rei said as he grabbed the back of the wolf's head and brought his knee up to his muzzle. A spray of blood from lips shown. He slammed the wolf onto the floor and brought his foot down, hard, right onto the neck enough to knock someone out. He knew he didn't snap bone, at least in the neck. He wasn't going to kill someone unless he absolutely had do, and so far he had kept to the promise he'd made to Duncan, not to kill unless it was absolutely nessessary. Rei crouched low to the wolf then and smiled, rolling him onto his back.

"Thanks, pal. I needed something to wear outta 'ere. I don't want to give your uniformed buddies a free look." And so the task of taking what he could from the wolf. While the man was bigger, he could easily tug the uniform tighter and wear it; it would look baggy on him, but he would be able to blend in far better than if he just went out in his underwear. Rei stripped the wolf of his uniform, removing any rank insignia and name identification. He was just going to try and blend in like a grunt, and could probably get away with it. After a moment he had his feet in Harding's big boots, his oversized pants (with the belt drawn very tight around his waist), and the button up jacket. He didn't want the undershirt the wolf had on. For some reason the thought of taking that bit of clothing off the wolf made him shudder. He slipped onto his head the cap from the wolf's head and tugged it

low, hiding his eyes and features. He also had Harding's gun; a nice .45 Desert Eagle. He checked the clip, full. There was no extra clip. Oh well.

The door had been left yawning, just barely. Another inch and the catch would have latched and Rei would have been boned, but instead fate had dealt him another lucky hand; and he took it. He pushed the door open and peeked from left to right casually.

The corridor he was in was long and white, the tiles on the floor resembling the multicolored white tiles found in older buildings built in the 70's. The walls were an off, almost egg shell white with the slight hum of the flouresant lights above. He heard commands, barks of orders, and the like. The explosion had the building on alert. Rei had tied Harding's muzzle closed with a scrap of the ruined body suit, and then closed the door behind him. Rei was not going to take a chance with that one, he may have been a moron but even a moron can get someone killed.

Rei headed left, he always took left. Left was the opposite direction most people assumed to go, and he tried to do the unexpected. He walked with his hands shoved into the pants pockets, fingers curling into the wallet of none other than Captain Harding. Hmm, could be useful. Rei walked, trying to get his bearings and figure out exactly where he was; he assumed he was in New York still, more than likely still in the City. He hadn't been out too long for the need to use the bathroom or smell, or even grow an appitite, so he must have only been, at most, three hours from where he had been knocked out.

Walking led him to pass other soldiers and what looked like federal agents, not paying him any attention as they ran by in various directions, doing various things Rei didn't care for. He looked casual, and that was the plan. Blending in was the key here, and even if the uniform wasn't up to code, the current disaster he had started was enough distraction. Walking a few more feet down

the hallway and passing other silvery doors led him to an elevator.

Without so much as a thought Rei pulled his hand back into the cuff of the jacket and pushed a button. The metallic door of the elevator slid back with ease; the cab had been resting on this level apparently. Rei slipped in and smashed the "Door Close" button.

The interior looked like a regular elevator; brown tiles on the floor with a semi reflective glass on the sides, a handrail for the chumps who couldn't stand the sensation of going up or down, and some low lighting to make the rider a bit more relaxed. There were push buttons that lit up, and, most oddly of all, an LCD touch panel screen with a card reader. Rei pushed the first floor button, but the screen on the computer flashed:

"Please insert ID card and enter ID number."

"Fuck." Rei said, and began to think. He could try the stairs, but those could be rigged. He thought for a moment and fished out the wallet from the pocket, opening it up. He pulled out a couple credit cards, a picture of some woman, a calender card, a library card of all damn things, and then a military ID card. It had a reader bar on the back.

"All right." Rei moved the card to the reader and swiped it. The computer beeped and then flashed blue, and for a sickening moment Rei expected flashing red lights, alarms, and a net to pop down on him. When none of that happened, he sighed. The computer display changed, coming to.

"Welcome Captain Harding. Enter elevator code now."

Another brow quirk, and a huff. Rei crouched down infront of the screen and stared at where the nine digits were displayed, one through nine and nothing else. Those numbers hadn't changed, and he could tell by inspecting the semi plastic lining that there were only a few number keys with oil on them, body oil. The key was universal among the peronsel in the building. Lazy idea, but it was good for Rei. He reached into a pocket and pulled out one of those small wires. He bit into the tip of one and swallowed it. He didn't want to leave evidence and it was a harmless piece of plastic. Worry about the bowel abstruction later. He tipped

the now open cord over an open palm and out came a very fine dust. Pocketing the now empty wire, he brought the dust infront of the number pad and blew. The dust flew simply and stuck to the oil. He could see which keys were touched. 1 2 5 7 9. This did not tell him the order. All this did was create a world of possibilities now. If he got the wrong combination the alarm could sound, though he figured he'd get approximately three chances before security was alerted. Rei only needed one.

He fished out another wire, down to only two untouched ones, and he was going to be out of computer touch screen hacking tools in a moment. He wished longingly for his backpack or belt, but oh well. Another bit off end of a cord and carely he tipped the end to the top of the screen, and poured. He poured from left to right, coating the screen in a fine, clear liquid. The five smudges of finger marks changed color, red, blue, green, purple, yellow. He knew the order, it went from red to purple from newest punched to oldest, and so, he would work his way backward.

Rei punched in the combination of numbers, starting from purple and then going to red. The computer beeped and then with a whine the elevator moved. The raccoon in question stood up, hands back in his pockets. He looked aroudnd, though mostly he ended up staring at the computer display ontop of the elevator that displayed the floor they were on. He watched himself climbing from B5 to 1. So he had been underground. Interesting. The doors slid open to a blindingly white lobby, and not a guard in sight looking for him.

Rei strolled out into what looked like an office buildings lobby; a front desk with two computers, a display behind it saying it was some kind of company called Zinger Inc., and then some silly graphic of the globe and a USB port in the middle. Rei saw that there were no receptionists, though he did see a few people outside. Milling about, talking on cell phones, etc. They were told to evacuate the building. Wonderful. Rei walked up to the glass doors that would lead to the outside, and felt horribly exposed.

The front door was so not his thing, but this was obviously a government cover building, and he was obviously a target. To go trapsing around without any gear but his emergency stash was asking for trouble, especially with the military. THey had kidnapped and raped him, they probably weren't too concerned with putting a bullet between the eyes, and Rei wanted to avoid that conclusion . He would have to play it like a regular soldier, and he did see soldiers out there; probably genuine lab techs and military research went on here, and he would just go out like he was one of them.

Stepping outside of the office building Rei was instantly reminded it was December and he hated winter. The snow on the ground was obvious, though some generous people had pushed it clear mostly of the roads and sidewalks. He shivered and looked up at where he'd come out of; seeing a very tall building that reached up into the morning sky. Morning, yes. It must have been nearly 9 AM. Maybe even 10. Again, not his thing. Since he had started a life of crime he slept until noon when he could get away with it, which was usually since he hardly had company over. Without even so much as a thought he headed away from Zinger Inc, not looking back. He had to get as far away as possible, and he couldn't do that in this outfit. He walked for a few blocks, getting his bearings; he was on the other side of the island, but still in Manhattan. They hadn't taken him far, but he knew his apartment was more than likely being watched so he couldn't go home. At least not THAT home. He had a few safe houses set up within the city but he didn't want to go to one dressed like a soldier who pissed off the quartermaster.

He walked until he found, of all damn things, a Target. Better than nothing, right? He slipped inside the department store and looked about, heading to the mens section. He was not picky about his choices; he selected a pair of black jeans, a black sweater, and a black trenchcoat. He loved black, but was hardly emo. Black just looked good on him and he liked trench coats.

He didn't care if he looked like a sterotypical murderer, thief, or all around anti-social individual, he liked what he liked. Rei had to pause and fish out the wallet again, opening the billfold. For a brief moment a memory of opening Duncan's wallet hit him, to see if he had won a prize or made a horrible mistake. A sigh of relief hit him when he saw a couple hundred dollars. He could afford the clothes and a cab ride, easily.

Rei stopped stealing for no good reason. He had a brief stint, after Duncan let him see how good he was, where he stole for the pure thrill and pleasure, and while clothes were so last year in his book, he still didn't do it. He needed a change of clothing but the good people at Target didn't do anything to him and he was not about to punish them for Harding's mistake. No, the wolf with a broken rib cage would be fronting his clothing bill. The man had taken something more precious than money from him anyhow, only right he paid up.

Rei purchased the clothing easily and went to the mens room. He stripped the uniform and kept the wallet, slipping into the newly bought items from his white and red plastic bag. He looked more himself, even if he didn't shop in cheesey department stores anymore, and felt better. A sigh of relief washed over him as he bundled the uniform up and shoved it into the bag. He was going to ditch it as soon as possible, but he needed to get moving, get in a cab and go somewhere. He was still far too close to Zinger Inc., and while he was free, they could still find him. He also was absent of most of his gear, though he had the 'Eagle in his pants, he still felt a bit naked. He didn't want to risk being caught without a means of escape other than bullets and weaponry; he was never one to bleed or shed blood, though Harding had been one of the exceptions.

Rei stepped out of Target and back out into the cold, shivering. He was going to move to California, or Hawaii, or Hati, somewhere where it was hot. He'd never been to those places, but he wanted to go, today more than ever. He had failed, or partially failed; it was up to Drew to get the files to their client, if he messed up he would have one X against his record, and he didn't want that. He had a reputation to keep up, did he not? He liked that spotless record, but no one knew he'd been captured but Drew and the military, so if the Fennec didn't speak he would be in the clear.

He dumped the bag of clothes into the dumpster and didn't look back, he moved to the side of the road and rose his hand. Like in so many movies a quant yellow taxi pulled up next to his position, and Rei, before any grubby businessman could steal it from him, climbed in and slammed the door closed.

The driver was a Doberman, and looked to be from somewhere in Eastern Europe, though Rei couldn't figure it out until he read the photo ID on the back of the front seat. His driver was Izikiel Simkova. Russian mutt, interesting. Rei wondered if this guy had a green card.

"Where to?" Came from the driver in an accident thick. No green card here.

"Brooklyn. I'll lead you once we get across the bridge."

There was no confirmation, no idle chit-chat that cabbies often did with tourists or regulars, there was silence. Rei preferred silence. Strangers put him off, but then he was a bit anti-social wasn't he? He hadn't slept with anyone since Duncan...and

well, with Harding, his body had remembered just how good it could be. His body trembled in pleasure at the thought and then shook his head. Damn wolves. DAMN WOLVES. He grunted and crossed his arms across his chest. His driver, Izikiel, watched using the rear-view mirror and quirked a brow.

"This city is full of crazies." The dog muttered in Russian, which made Rei's ears raise, but did not question for a translation.

He'd have taken it as a compliment.

To be continued...