Chapter 2

Story by godgodpl on SoFurry

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Amber slowly stirred back from sleep. She just had a wonderful dream and wanted to keep it longer. Her life has just complicated but she wouldn't change it for anything else. She had meet a mystical creature just yesterday, human that only she knew that existed keeping him a secret even from her own mother. She was dreaming about their meeting that day which Amber is looking forward to.

All hope of returning to sleep was lost when she heard her mother calling her for breakfast. Amber answered her mother and slowly got up, found some clean clothes to wear and slowly, still fighting the sleep walked down the stairs to the kitchen where her mother was awaiting her. She was looking almost exactly like Amber, only her eyes were dark orange while Ambers were deep blue color. She was wearing some business clothes.

"You're finally awake darling. I hope that you do feel better than yesterday. That jog really helped you clear your mind, didn't it?" Her mother started the conversation.

"Yes mum, I told you already." Amber responded with a little annoyance in her voice.

"Don't be angry, I'm just worried for my little pup, that's all." She tried to look hurt, but it only made Amber laugh. "Anyway I just wanted to inform you that I have a business meeting today, and after that there is a obligatory party so do not expect me back before tomorrow noon."

"And that was the super important reason worth of pulling me out of the bed huh?"

"Pretty much, and the fact that is half past twelve may have had something to do with it to."

"Oh, sorry for oversleeping, but I was tired." In fact Amber couldn't sleep last night - she just kept thinking about the mysterious human and had finally fallen asleep just when the sun started peeking above the horizon.

"Anyway, I have to go now. Get yourself something to eat and have a good time. You may want to invite someone for the night so you won't be alone. Bye."

"Bye mum!" Amber shouted when her mother was already closing the door.

She got herself some breakfast and went back to her room to clean it a little bit. She already knew who to invite, but she just wasn't sure if he'd accept it.

Amber spent next hours cleaning the house, finding something to wear that would be appropriate for the meeting with the human and planning what to say to him. She was nervous and worried to not scare him away but she wanted to be as close to him as possible. Her thoughts were interrupted by and alarm she set to warn her about the meeting. Amber looked at the clock and realized that she was late. She immediately grabbed prepared clothes and ran into the forest.

When Amber got to the place they were supposed to meet she couldn't find the human. She thought that he was waiting too long and has just returned to his camp.

"Hello? Are you here?" Amber asked. She still didn't know the name of the human.

"Yes, yes. I'm coming." She heard familiar voice somewhere above her. "I'm up here. I just didn't want anybody seeing me." He said climbing down a tree.

"I'm sorry that I came late."

"No you got here... almost at three so I don't see how you came late."

"Oh, well..." Amber stared to blush and she didn't know what to say.

"Don't worry; everyone can get a little stressed from time to time." Amber remained silent and wildly blushing, apparently trying to force herself to do or say something. "And about the question yesterday, my name is David."

"That's a nice name David, I like it." It seemed to have unblocked Amber, but she decided to wait with inviting the human for sleepover, really because she was too shy to say it out right. "So what will we do today?", She asked still with a note of worry in her voice.

"I don't know, maybe let's start by showing you how to find my camp, what about that?"

"Sure, lead the way." Amber happily accepted David's suggestion, if she knew the way, she would be able to meet him anytime she wanted.

They spent the next half an hour walking around the forest while the human explained various landmarks to the vixen and when to head towards which one.

When they finally arrived at the camp both of them stopped talking and weird moment of silence continued.

Amber still wasn't ready to ask the human so she started looking around his camp to find something to talk about with him. The vixen soon noticed a strange paper casing with some photos slipping out, she realized that they must be form David's home and decided to ask him about them.

"Do you have anything from your home world, like photos or something? I'm curious how did everything look like there." Amber didn't want to sound like she is looking through all his stuff.

"Ah, you noticed them, well I should really keep everything more organized here, huh? Go ahead, if there is anything about the photos that you want to know, just ask me." With those words David gave Amber the entire casing and sat back on the boulder. For some reason he avoided looking at the pictures.

"Thank you." Amber was surprised how easily he gave them to her but the human behaved like he was afraid of actually looking at them himself.

Vixen was surprised to see that humans had different colors of fur and even the skin . She recognized younger David with some older humans that must have been his parents. Amber saw his home, how he lived and his house animals. Than she encountered a strange picture of a tree with something written on it in language unknown to her.

"David, what is this?" She asked showing him the picture

"That is..." Human paused when he saw it. "Please, I'd rather not talk about it, I'm sorry." He appeared to have been lost in thought, probably thinking about something painful to him judging by the expression.

"Nonono! You don't have to, its not a problem." Amber was scared that she might have brought back some unpleasant memories for David. Again silence followed. Human was still lost in his thoughts and vixen was battling her shyness.

"You know, I wanted to ask you..." Amber started.

"Yes?" David seemed to snap back to reality.

"Well... I... My mother is away for some business trip and... and... I was wandering if you would come to my place. And, maybe stay for a night?"

"I'd be happy to do so, but wouldn't your mother have anything against it?"

"No, she was the one to come up with the idea of inviting some for a night. Of course she doesn't know about you." Amber added to reassure David that his existence was still a secret.

"In that case I happily accepting your invite. Lead the way, you should know it by now ."

Amber had to stop herself from jumping in joy, she was happy with way the things were going. She was almost sure that it will help her get closer to the human, and help him be more comfortable with the new situation. The walk back to Amber's house was surprisingly fast considering that it was the second time the vixen had used it. They both walked in through the back door in the garden.

Amber showed human around her home, he was surprised with how many things that strange civilization was able to do without thumbs. When he asked Amber about it she couldn't really give him an answer - she never though about it, it just seemed normal, it has been like that for years.

"Its getting late, I think we should get something to eat. What do you eat?" Amber asked realigning that she knows nothing about humans food habits and that they might be drastically different form what she eats.

"About everything really, I'm not picky." The difficult situation forced him to stop disliking certain meals.

"So, let's go to the kitchen, I'll prepare us some food." Vixen wanted to make good impression on the human so when he offered his help she politely rejected it.

When Amber was a small pup she always imagined humans as bloodthirsty carnivorous monsters, and maybe that gave her idea that David will enjoy chicken salad more than normal one. Amber than sat with him to eat, she was nervous what his reaction will be, but as she found out there was no need to worry.

"Wow, that was really good, you are an amazing cook." David summed up the meal.

"I... Thank you" She responded wit a blush, sure, she was hoping for a response like that, but she didn't really expect it. "I always liked to spend evenings watching stairs and today is a perfect weather for it, so what do you say?" David's complement gave Amber more courage so she took advantage of clear sky that night and the fact that while she was preparing the food it had gone dark outside.

"I say it is a great idea, lead on." David Liked the idea, he too liked watching the stairs and since he lived in a big city his entire life he rarely got opportunity to do so.

They both sat on the chairs outside and enjoyed the moment. Amber somehow felt really safe with the human, even if she heard stories of how bad humans are when she was young.

"You know, I've always wandered if there is some kind of life out there, somebody or something that would finally contact us here." Amber started.

"Well, now you know that there is some." David answered and than added in a much quieter voice "At least there used to be some..."

"Don't say that! I'm sure humans are just fine." Amber tried to cheer him up.

"We both know that they probably aren't. Even if they are this planet is out of reach - it isn't one of the close to earth that most optimistic visionaries predicted that it will take centuries to get to. So, I'm stuck here for entire life I guess."

"No! You... It..." Vixen tried to say something but she knew he is right so the conversation died down.

They both sat in silence for some time, still watching the stars. After some time it became too cold for Amber to be comfortable with so she asked David about going back inside.

"Yes, it is getting cold out here." He responded.

Now Amber was desperately trying to come up with something to do, she didn't want to go to sleep already, she wanted to spend some more time with the human.

"David, what do you think about watching a movie? I have some good ones." Amber found the solution.

"Sounds fun, sure, lead on." He sounded really enthusiastic, truth is, the human was still wandering how the culture looks like here.

Human followed Amber to the attic where she had her TV set. IT was a medium sized room with just one big window, there was the TV and a big couch near the opposite wall. While the vixen was trying to find something interesting, she asked him to sit on the couch already. When Amber found the film she was looking for she turned it on and sat next to David - closer to him than she would sit with any other person, but not to close because she was still unsure what to think about the human and how he could react to her actions - she understood she was kind of a scary, alien and strange creature for him.

The film was called "The survivor report", it was some kind of conspiracy theory thriller about a young accountant (played by anthro husky) accidentally finding a report proving existence of aliens. It said that meteor impact that happened over seven years ago was in fact a spaceship crashing. The only survivor - a human who was never showed in the move, was being held captive by the government and experimented upon. The accountant contacted press to publish his discovery and maybe free the human. He meet the journalist (somehow a very attractive female) but the government learnt about their plans and started to hunt for them, the rest of the movie was rather standard.

Amber had never actually watched it so she quickly became immersed in it, David on the other hand had seen many movies like that, so he pretty much expected every plot twist that happened there, still the scene where main heroes cut the power to the facility where the human was held and the human kills every guard there wit his mind brought a simile on his face.

Towards the end during some more thence moment Amber unconsciously leaned against the human and realized it when he put his arm around her. At that moment she was feeling super happy and safe, everything was perfect. They both sat like that in silence for the rest of the move.

At the end when all the action was over Amber had fallen asleep due to very late hour.

The vixen woke up early in the morning. The first thing she had noticed is that she slept hugging the human and that she was in her room instead of being in the attic. She guessed that David must have carried her to her bed when the movie ended.

He felt so warm and comfortable that she couldn't stop herself from hugging him tighter, which caused him to wake up slowly. Amber suddenly felt more courage to explain how is she feeling about him, so she started the conversation: "Your finally awake, did you have a good night?"

"With you? Always." That response wasn't what Amber was expecting to hear but she was hoping for it deep inside.

"Look, I think we need to talk." Amber moved herself over the human while he ran his hands though her fur trying to comfort her, causing vixen to moan a little bit.

"I realize that we have met two days ago and that we come from entirely different worlds" vixen continued "that we are two different species but I think that... Well... I... I love you." Amber was rely nervous, she didn't know what answer she would receive.

"I think that I love you to Amb..." He was cut off by Amber holding him tightly and kissing him,

Amber was more than just happy, she found the love of her life and now she was kissing with him. She felt like nothing else mattered, it was just them, making out there and then.

Suddenly human pushed her off himself and said in her mother voice "Amber, I'm already home darling".

And Amber woke up, she was on the couch covered by blankets, the TV was off and she was alone. Tears formed in her eyes when she fell cheated by that wonderful dream. After a while she wiped the tears away and went downstairs to eat breakfast with her mother.

Meanwhile deep in the forest David, who was fully awake, sat on the rock and started at the photo of that tree, which he managed to print night before he was "transported " into that strange place. The truth was he didn't escape the city alone, he knew that talking to someone about what happened would help him get over it, but something inside was preventing him form doing so because he didn't know anybody he could tell it to...