In the Limelight: Chapter 1

Story by Narune Watercrest on SoFurry

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Well guys this is my latest story, I decided to take a break from my previous one and write something new. This is going to be a strictly gay story, so straight peoples need not delve too deeply. X3

David yawned deeply and sat up where he lay, opening his heavy eyelids. His typical hazy morning-vision made the glaring beams piercing through the cracks of his blinders that much brighter. He groaned and blinked several times, his perfect vision gradually returning. He sighed to himself as he saw the sorry state of affairs his bed was in: Covers lay strung about on the floor, pillows were gouged with claw marks, dried cum stained the sheets. The mess was a temporary reminder of last night, a wild evening filled with booze and anonymous sex with someone he had met at a local bar. The lack of warmth next to him dashed any hope he had of making at least a new friend. He glanced over at his bedside coffee table, hoping against hope that he'd see a little slip of paper. Alas, he would not find it. The semi-muscular wolf sighed and stood up; searching for any clothes he may have torn off in the heat of the moment. He spied a shirt and boxers draped neatly over a chair, smiling faintly at the kind gesture.

"At least he did something for me," he thought to himself as he grabbed the clothes and brought them into the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and frowned. He appeared fine, sexy even. He flexed his muscles, noting that he looked even fitter than he did last month. He had upped his workout regime to include three sets of 90 sit-ups, two sets of 40 pushups, and two sets of 35 squats. The results were impressive, at least the last few flings he'd had were evident of that. He shook his head as he gazed upon himself, turning away and grabbing a towel. The truth was that he felt rather empty inside. He would frequently hit up clubs and bars throughout the city, taking home a new male whenever he could. He knew there wasn't much point in hoping for anything for more than a fling though; he'd have better luck finding a more permanent relationship online than where he resided. Still, he was addicted to it all: The lights, the drinks, and the heavy bass electronic music. It stirred something primal inside him every time and he could never seem to get enough. He turned the faucet to its "Hot" setting and pressed it in, warm gouts of water erupting from the showerhead moments later. He gave it a solid minute to heat up before stepping inside, closing the curtains behind him and letting the warm water envelope him completely. He made a mental note to change the bed sheets after.

It was quite the lovely day outside: Trees swaying in the generous breeze, sunlight glistening from a nearby fountain, and the sounds of playful banter from other tenants carried on the winds. David strolled through the courtyard towards the first set of ground level apartments near the gated entrance. On his way he passed the main pool, glancing at the many loungers taking advantage of the cool water and hot tub. He grinned to himself as he saw many handsome males soaking up the rays and milling about in the water. He recognized a few of them from nearby bars and clubs he frequented, even a few he had taken back to his place more than once. He would join them later, but for now he was occupied with more pressing matters. After a few more minutes of walking he was already knocking on the door of room 014, anxiously tapping his left foot against the ground. He could hear someone stirring within, a low groan followed by the audible creaking of old bed springs.

"Who is it?" came an agitated voice from within, the faint glint of an eye shone in the peephole. "Oh, hey Davey. Wish you would have called me beforehand."

"You know how much I love surprising you," said David sarcastically. A few clicks sounded behind the door before it opened, revealing the apartment's lone inhabitant. The half-naked komodo welcomed his guest in with a full hug, pulling the orca into the room without warning. David used his tail to shut the door as the lizard grabbed him, grunting in minor annoyance at the surprise.

"What's the matter? I thought you liked squeezing shirtless guys!" said Jav jokingly, slapping his friend upon the shoulder teasingly. David smiled and nodded, genuinely happy to be in the company of his jovial friend.

"That I do, that I do. So do you know of any new bars or clubs in the area I could hit tonight?" asked the orca as he strolled over to a worn sofa and plopped down. As if responding on pure reflex, the komodo retrieved his phone from his pocket and began typing away on the keypad. Moments later he was calling out the names of several establishments randomly.

"Let's see here, we have Delicate Rounds a couple blocks away, seems they cater to the twinkish crowd. Down the street is a small new pub named Castoffs, nautical themed with a heavy emphasis on the gay sailor type; not sure that's your thing. A more notorious one that's popped up is the Devil's Kiss, very BDSM and shit, strong drinks too from what I'm reading. /and here we have-".

"Do you know of any places where I could bring home someone who wouldn't leave the next morning?" David interjected, cutting off his friend. Jav chuckled uncomfortably and pretended to type on his phone, hoping his lack of a response would help the awkward moment pass. Several long moments passed in torturous silence before Jav resumed prior to the interruption.

"Heh, as I was saying, there are several more I could go through if you wanted. The ones that I read first are among the highest rated on this list so I'd suggest you try one of those first." The orca rubbed his head and nodded somberly, leaning back on the sofa.

"Does the Delicate one serve Absinthe by chance?" he inquired, hoping deeply that they served his favorite drink. The komodo typed on his phone for a few seconds, grinning widely as his results turned up.

"They serve many different mixed drinks in fancy glasses; Absinthe is a sponsored highlight drink there. Guess I know where you'll be tonight eh buddy?" David grinned and rolled his eyes, already wondering what might happen at this new club.

"Oh I don't know, I might drop by and see if all the hype is justified."

The orca was surprised at the length of the line outside of the club; it had to be at least several dozen feet long! He stepped behind a somewhat bulky club patron, disheartened that he was at the very back. He tapped the shark ahead of him on the shoulder, surprised by the large snake tattoo displayed prominently on his neck.

"So how long have you been waiting out here?" he inquired, desperately hoping it was only a short span of time. He would find no such luck.

"About two hours friend, they'll likely let us in together in about another two hours. The line was much longer than this earlier. You should have come then, they had half price martinis."

"Wait, if you got in earlier then why did you leave?" asked David. The shark grinned, showing off his impressively sharp teeth.

"Let's just say a hot little wolfy wanted to see the inside of my car. The tour lasted longer than I had expected." The shark laughed and made an obscene gesture with his hands. David felt his jealousy flaring up, but contained it beneath a façade of courteous laughter. He felt his stomach clench tight as his loneliness crept back into his mind, all those fruitless one-night stands flooding back into memory. In that moment he felt ashamed, filthy, and worthless. As if sensing the internal conflict in his new acquaintance, the shark patted him on the shoulder.

"You alright there big guy? You're breathing kinda funny." The orca nodded his head and pulled himself together, regaining his statuesque composure.

"Yes, just a bit lonely is all. And I'm not exactly looking for another fling either. I've had more than my fair share of those." The shark leaned against the smooth brick wall, cocking his head to the side.

"I think you misunderstood me, that wolf I mentioned is my boyfriend. He's a dancer here." David's eyes widened and his cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Before he could talk the shark interrupted him. "I should have clarified, my apologies friend."

"Wait if your boyfriend works here then why are you waiting in line?" the orca asked. He'd seen people get into luxurious clubs off of association alone, was this place that different? The shark stood on his toes, peaking above the crowd, waving his hand at someone that David couldn't see.

"Perfect timing, we'll be in shortly!" David had no idea what the hell was going on, nor did he have any idea whom his new friend was waving to. A few moments later a gorgeous wolf rounded the long line, heads turning to watch him stride. He was clad in only a blue thong and high heels, a pair of bright red earrings contrasting his dark black fur. His frame was convincingly feminine, and if it wasn't for the lack of breasts then David would have believed him to be female. He stopped in front of the shark, standing on his toes to give him a deep kiss. The two embraced and rubbed against one another, parting after a few seconds. Their affection had attracted the attention of nearly every patron in line, hoping to see a little show before they were admitted.

"Sorry it took so long for me to get out here, it's been packed for hours!" said the wolf, his enchanting eyes studying the orca intimately. "Who's your friend?" The shark grinned and slapped his palm against David's back gently, not wholly unlike Jav.

"You know, I have no idea what his name is. Care to let us know friend?" David respected the shark's jovial attitude; it made him feel more relaxed.

"My name is David; I came here to get away from it all." He felt bad for lying. The wolf nodded and shrugged his shoulders.

"Simple enough life story and you seem to have made a good impression on my lovey here. Would you like to skip ahead of this line and come right on in?" David smiled and nodded enthusiastically. The fox took them both by the hand and lead them around the line hurriedly before the other patrons realized what was going on. As David passed he could hear others cursing under their breath. His gaze then focused on the taut little rear of the wolf, admiring his supple curves. As they approached the door the wolf spoke to one of the bouncers, the fellow nodding as if he had just been given a command. The double-wide doors began to part, various colored lights and music spilling out. The anticipation was mounting and David shuddered as he stepped through and into the vivid interior. This night might just turn out to be something worthwhile after all.