A Cliche' Rescue

Story by Natsuru on SoFurry

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#2 of Natsuru Twilight Dragon

Story 2 of Natsuru Twilight Dragon. This was just a random and funny thought I had. Natsuru goes looking for his friend, Drake, in the most cliche' way. Adult for language, nudity, and anything perverted coming out of Natsuru's mouth. Natsuru and the story belong to me. Drake belongs to avatar?user=188894&character=0&clevel=2

It was the middle of the night, where a familiar dragon was flying through the sky. Natsuru was out looking for his friend, who had gone out on a rescue mission, and hadn't returned. The dragon thought it was strange that his friend didn't return, because his friend in question was very strong, and wouldn't be defeated so easily. As he was flying, he was looking down towards the ground, and that's when he noticed a familiar looking vehicle; parked outside of some warehouse. Landing near it, Natsuru recognized the vehicle as his friend's motorcycle.

"There's no doubt about it, this is Drake's motorcycle."

The dragon was now scanning area for his friend, and he even called out his name. When he didn't get a response, he figured that Drake could be inside the warehouse. Opening the doors, Natsuru entered the large building, and started calling out for Drake again, but he still didn't get a reply. Instead of getting a response, all he heard was nothingness; Natsuru was beginning to worry, and he called out for his friend again.


Natsuru's ears perked up when he heard that sound. He looked down and noticed a small kitten; a feral lynx kitten with green eyes to be precise. Unfortunately, the dragon didn't see it as a lynx, and just thought it was a regular stray housecat. Natsuru petted the kitten and called it cute, but he had no time to play with it, and went to search the warehouse for Drake. When he started to walk off, the lynx kitten ran in front of the dragon, and started mewing at him again. Natsuru told the kitten that he should stay back, because it was too dangerous for the kitten to be in the warehouse, and the dragon really needed to find Drake. The lynx seemed be annoyed as he watched Natsuru walking off, so the kitten ran up and bit down on the dragon's tail. Feeling that, Natsuru looked back to see that the kitten wasn't going to give up; the dragon had no choice but to let the kitten tag along.

"Boy, you sure are a feisty one, aren't ya? Oh well, I guess I can bring you with me, besides it would be better to have a little traveling companion."

Natsuru began looking around the whole place for Drake, searching every room he came across. While he was looking, the dragon noticed the lynx kittens eyes. He told the kitten that he had same eyes as his friend, but he thought was just a coincidence. Natsuru then smelled the kitten, and replied that he had the same scent as Drake. Natsuru then started to think about why the kitten smelled like his friend; the lynx kitten started to smile, as if he was hoping that the dragon would figure something out.

"I've figured it out; the reason why you have the same scent of my friend. You must have met Drake."

The lynx kitten face faulted in disappointment upon hearing that; too bad Natsuru didn't notice it. The dragon just smiled as he thought that he may have a lead on where his friend might be. The lynx kitten was mewing at Natsuru again, but sadly for him, the dragon couldn't understand him.

"Hehe, you'll definitely like Drake, once you know him more. He's brave, strong, not afraid of anything....except for maybe that one incident he had with a butterfly."

For some reason, the lynx kitten was blushing as he listened to the dragon compliment his friend. The kitten even closed its eyes, and laid back listening to the compliments; as if they were meant for him. But then it got weird when Natsuru started saying compliments, which he really should've kept to himself, and made the kitten blush harder.

"Not only that, but Drake is really sexy. He has a nice body, he has a nice, fine ass, he's cute when he acts shy, he's also a good kisser, and can work wonders with his tongue. And oh man, I won't forget his thick di..."

Natsuru wasn't able to finish his sentence, or at least that one word, as he had tripped. The dragon looked back to see what he had tripped over, and found what looked like some kind of weird looking log. He kicked it a few times, and was surprised when the log got up and screamed at him. It wasn't a log, it was some kind of mutant, and its screaming had summoned more mutants to appear; surrounding the dragon and the lynx kitten.

"OH SHIT, WE'RE SURROUNDED BY MUTANTS. Man, now how cliché is this."

Natsuru quickly jumped away as the mutants were about to jump him. Putting the lynx kitten down, he told it to stand back, as he began summoning his sword. With his sword in hand, Natsuru was ready to mow down some mutants. However, before he could even attack, the lynx kitten jumped up to one of the dragon's arms, and bit down; causing Natsuru to drop his sword, and making it disappear. For some reason, the kitten didn't want the dragon to use his sword on them.

"Hey, what's with you; you don't want to me use my sword against them?"

"Nyan nyan!"

"Well, that just leaves me to use my twilight magic and my fists, but that'll probably just knock them out."

The mutants started attacking at Natsuru, but the dragon was too quick for them to attack. The dragon would punch and kick, shoot orbs of twilight energy at them, flip them on the ground, or hurl them at each other. It didn't take long for Natsuru to knock all of them out, since none of them seem to put up much of a challenge. As he was thinking about how pathetically weak the mutants, his ears perked up as he heard what sounded like evil laughter, and before his and the kitten's eyes appeared a magician with a magic staff. Then lynx kitten hissed in anger at the magician.

"Who the hell are you supposed to be?"

"Ahahaha, I am the great and powerful, evil Magician."

A sweatdrop had appeared on Natsuru's head when the Magician introduced himself. The dragon felt that this whole day was one big cliché. Even looking at him, Natsuru wasn't taking the so called evil Magician seriously.

"And as for you; how dare you take out my army of mutants. Do you have any idea what I planned to do with them?"

"Uh, I'm gonna make guess here, and say that you were planning to take over the world."

"Yes, that's it exactly. I'll take over the world, and make everyone bow down to me."

Natsuru couldn't the villain in front of him, and shook his head in disappointment. The dragon then insulted the Magician by calling him a cliché bad guy, who's also probably very weak. The Magician defended himself by saying that he was very original, and started explaining his backstory to Natsuru. Apparently, the Magician used to magic tricks to entertainment every person in town, but nobody liked his magic, and said that he sucked. That angered the Magician to start his plan of taking over the world with an army of mutants; Natsuru and the lynx kitten just held sweatdrops on their heads.

"Wow, so you were shunned by everybody for your lame magic, and in your anger you decided to try take over the world. Wow, that's sooo original."


"Yeah, I know right, cliché."

The Magician was starting to get infuriated at Natsuru calling him cliché, and for not taking him seriously. The Magician told the dragon to prepare himself for battle, which the dragon didn't refuse. Putting the kitten down, Natsuru started the battle by showing the Magician his own type of magic; he shot an orb of twilight at the Magician, only for him to stop the attack with his staff. Natsuru then threw two more twilight energy orbs at the Magician, on for them to be stopped. The dragon then started charging up a breath attack, and when he was charged enough, he breathed out a laser of twilight at the Magician, but the Magician just used his staff to produce a barrier around himself for protection. It was now obvious to Natsuru that magic would prove useless against someone who's skilled in the magic arts, so the dragon decided to just simply beat down the Magician. As Natsuru was running up to him, the Magician would use his staff to shoot different types of magic attacks at the reptile, but Natsuru was quick to dodge them all. When he made it close to him, the Magician used his staff to make a flash at the dragon; almost blinding Natsuru. With the dragon distracted, the Magician quickly used his staff to make rope suddenly appear around Natsuru; tying him up and making him fall to the floor. The Magician was overjoyed with what he had done, as he was talking about how he defeated a dragon; angering Natsuru.

"I knew it; you are nothing but a cliché villain."


"You heard me; you're nothing but a pathetic, cliché villain", Natsuru said as he was trying to free himself. "Instead of using your magic to, oh I don't know, making me your brainwashed slave, or killing me, you just instead tie me up in rope."

The Magician was getting really tired of Natsuru calling him a cliché. And while he was being distracted by the dragon's banter, he didn't seem to notice that the dragon freeing himself; Natsuru had managed to cut two rope straps with one of his clawed hands. All while that was happening, the lynx kitten seemed to have wandered off somewhere.

"This whole day felt like one huge cliché; in fact this whole fucking story is nothing, but a cliché."

"THAT'S ENOUGH! I've had it with that mouth of yours; I tying you up would be a good enough defeat, but you've really made me angry. Maybe I will kill you, just to show that I'm not some cliché villain."

"Heh, try me; you don't scare me one bit."

The Magician was walking up to Natsuru as he was charging up his staff. The dragon was still trying to free himself as the Magician stopped right in front of him. As the Magician prepared to attack, the lynx kitten jumped out of nowhere, and started scratching up the Magician's face. The Magician grabbed the kitten; calling it a miserable animal, but the kitten bit down on the Magician's hand to free himself. Once he was freed, the kitten suddenly punched the Magician in the face, then kicked him, and finally uppercutted him. Natsuru was surprised by this, but thought it was cool and cute, that lynx kitten could fight like that; making him laugh a bit. The dragon cut the last of rope straps; finally freeing himself as the kitten was done beating on the Magician. The Magician looked up to see Natsuru towering over him; cracking his knuckles. The Magician raised his staff to attack, but Natsuru grabbed it, and punched the Magician, followed by him kicking, chopping, and throwing him into a wall, and making him drop his staff. The dragon felt good about beating the Magician, and while he wasn't looking, the lynx kitten grabbed the staff with his teeth, and brought it to Natsuru; the dragon looking at it as he held it.

"Give that back; that's where I get all my powers from."

"Really; you're just going to say that to me."

The Magician felt like an idiot for revealing that all of his powers were from his staff. Natsuru shook his head in disappointment and then snapped the staff in half. The Magician screamed noooooo, as he was reduced to nothing but dust; Natsuru commented about how cliché that was. Suddenly, all of the mutants that defeated started to glow, and they were all turn to furries of varying species; apparently the Magician had turned them into mutants. Natsuru was surprised by this as the furries were wondering where they were, and how did they get into the warehouse; eventually leaving and heading back to their homes.

"So that's why you didn't want me to use my sword against them", Natsuru said as he held up the kitten. "Hehe, well aren't you the little hero. Now, I just need to find Drake."

All of the sudden, the lynx kitten started to glow, and in a flash the kitten was changed to an anthropomorphic lynx that appeared to be in his twenties, who fell on top of Natsuru. That friend that the dragon was looking for earlier, turned out to be the lynx kitten all along. He was apparently turned into a kitten by the Magician.

"Ah, finally, I'm back to normal self", Drake said happily.

"Woah woah, wait a minute; Drake, you were that little kitten this whole time."

"Yeah, that's right; I was kind of hoping for you to realize, since you noticed my green eyes and recognized my scent. I'm actually disappointed that you didn't realize it was me sooner."

"And those things I said about you", Natsuru blushed. "Damn it, you heard everything I said."

"Heh, yeah thanks for the compliments", Drake blushed a bit.

"Oh man, that's embarrassing and..."

"...cliché; well you only have yourself to blame for that, mate. Maybe in the future, you should try to keep some of your thoughts to yourself."

"Lesson learned."

Drake laughed a bit at Natsuru's embarrassed look on his face, and then suggested that they should get going. However, as soon as the lynx was about to get off of his friend, he was pulled back down by the dragon. Confused, he looked at the reptile, who appeared to be blushing harder than ever. Not only that, but Drake could feel Natsuru's bulge pressing against him.

"Hey, uh, Drake; why are you naked?"

The lynx blink a few times in confusion, but then when he looked down at himself, he was surprised that he was indeed naked; his tail was covering his manhood. He was blushing harder, and even began freaking out; wondering how or why he was in the nude. He then remembered that when the Magician had turned him into a kitten, he was too small for his clothes; he didn't think about them at the time when he ran off. The lynx was about to get off of the dragon to look for his clothes, but was pulled back down by Natsuru.

"Hey Drake, since you're naked, and I'm turned on right now; how about we just go at. This does seem like the right time and place to get busy."

"Are you out of your mind; this is definitely not the right time, and damn sure not the right place for that. Now help me find my clothes."

"Are your clothes really that important right now?"

"Yes you pervert; stuff like my combat staff and my wallet are in them."

"I can see that you don't like being naked by yourself. So, how about I take off my clothes, and we just have fun."

"I just said that this isn't the right place for that."

"Uh, Drake, the more you move on me, the more closer I am to cumming."



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