Coons and Theft 8 (Final)

Story by Tiberius Rings on SoFurry

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#8 of Coons and Theft

All characters copyright to me, TiberiusRings. Enjoy.

Rei was standing in his new living room, getting ready for one of the hardest things he would ever have to do in his life; fight the man who had given him a second chance at life.

Duncan Dashford, the amazing wolf who was a hired assassin, one of the best in the world, had come back from the grave and decided, for some unknown reason, that Manhattan Island in New York City of the USA was no longer fit to exist. Rei had to laugh softly at the thought, his Duncan was about to go down in American history as another mad man with too much power and time on his hands that decided arbitrarily that Manhattan should be wiped clean.

Rei was skeptical about the ability to actually defeat Duncan. Rei was not an assassin, he was a thief. Duncan never took his stealth and fighting skills to the level someone would have to have if they were going to follow in his foot steps. Duncan had also snatched him from the brink of death and when his life had finally begun to turn, taken his virginity and cultivated love from a heart that had become very cold. How do you actually fight, and potentially kill someone who had done so much for you?

Rei was debating this question inside and out and feeling miserable about it. He knew he was no amazing citizen, but Rei did not condone killing. The problem was, the military probably wanted Duncan dead. he would be not only fighting someone he loved, but also against moral and ethical beliefs he had run his illegal lifestyle. He was either going to overcome his own internal boundries or cave, and take potentially a lot of people down with him, including Garrison.


He knew he liked Garrison, he was still hesitant to use the L word, it was only a few days! But, Garrison was there for him and obviously seemed to be feeling the same way. If he failed, Garrison would most likely die. He didn;t know if he could do that to someone who really liked his company, his companionship, and his bed. Rei sighed as he just tugged on his boots, wishing now he had some magic button that would make the next few hours come easier.

Rei had begun to get dressed for the fight of his life; he was wearing a pair of thick military boots, straps around the shins and around. In them was a few tools he could use, including in the heels and rubber of the boots. Rei was going to need all the little tidbits of gadgets. His legs were clad in a pair of that tight, form fitting bodysuit that looked quite nice against his legs, but for the first time since he started whearing the bodysuit, no sexual image came to mind. His chest and arms were covered, the gloves on too. He had slipped back on the fiberoptic communicator that ran through his fur and into his ear. Rei was slipping on a new black utility belt, various devices hanging from it, including about ten clips of bullets. Instead of having one solitary gun strapped to one leg, he had two; two .357 Rugers given to him from Garrison. They weren't like his usual gun, but they were light and carried the proper ammo. He knew if he was going to land even one shot on Duncan, it had to count.

Rei was busy slipping on two thick, metallic wrist devices when he saw Garrison come in. The husky was carrying a heavy looking trench coat in both his arms with what looked like ten knives ontop of it. He spoke up "All right, these are the sharpest fuckin' knives I can make that aren't ceramic. They can do the job, but you know Duncan is fucking a-mazing with blades, yeah?"

"I know," Rei said as he picked up the knives and slipping them into various holsters on his belt, including two ankle sheaths and wrist sheaths. He was not going to chance with this. He watched Garrison and smiled, taking the trench coat then and slipped his arms into it. It was a soft, dark brown trench coat. It was exactly like his favorite one and knew that Garrison had probably driven to some high priced store to get it for him. Shame it was more than likely going to get ruined. "Thanks for the coat, Garr. You didn't have to do it."

"Eh," Garrison waved a hand dismissvely as he looked to Rei, smirking and moving to curl his arms around his shoulders. "If you're gonna save all our asses, you gotta do it in style. When you make your victory speech you better fuckin' thank your costumer." The husky smiled, leaning in and taking a very soft, gentle kiss from his friend, making Rei murr sweetly as he melted into that body. The urge to strip down and jump into the bed was hard to resist, but he pulled away.

"Mmmf" Rei said, grinning and rubbing his lips softly with the back of his hand. "When this is over, you, me, Hawaii." Rei smiled as he just nuzzled Garrison's cheek.

"Fuck, you leavin' the state? Hell yes!" Garrison was all ears, he'd never have figured Rei to actually leave New York.Rei smiled, and looked to the clock on the wall. He shook his head then as he breathed in the wonderful scent of husky and then looked to the clock on the wall and sighed. "Looks like its time to go, Garr."

"I know," Garrison said, giving Rei another soft kiss. "I'll be listening in, if you need any help, lemme know. I got some buddies on standby."

Rei nodded, and then headed for the door. He knew exactly where Duncan was...

Rei was standing in the elevator to his (Duncan's) old apartment. The building had not been abandoned, it was still operated by some company, even though Rei was legally the owner now. Duncan had bought the whole building years before Rei had ended up being plucked off the street. The building had also been renovated inside, making the top floors into one giant home. Duncan liked his privacy and wanted to train, but did not want to go to the outside world. There were huge gym like rooms that spanned stories up, there was a pool in one of them as well. Rei hadn't used so much room, but he kept the building up to date on technology and very clean. He had let the operation company who maintained it for Duncan continue their contract with him, and now he was seeing the effect of that.

Rei knew some things about Duncan. One; he would not kill Rei without first talking to him. Two; he would try to explain his plot, and three; try to convert his little coon over to his side, make him understand his methodology. If Rei failed to listen and understand then they would fight. But, until then, he had safe passage up the elevator and into the pent house suite at the very top.

Rei had noticed, sadly, the few bullet holes in the cab. The blood had been cleaned up but someone had been in his private elevator recently and there had been gun fire. The scent of bleach and cleaner was in the air as he watched the numbers roll quickly, approaching the top. The military probably tried to search his apartment and found exactly what they were looking for.

The problem was, mobilizing more than a few troops in the middle of the city would alert the media, who would then alert the public. The public would have a seizure and chaos would have broken out. At least the military wasn't entirely too gung-ho about this, they were being catious. Rei had a feeling, however, that there was a sortie planned for a few jets to blow this building up if Rei didn't stop Duncan.

The metallic cab dinged and stopped, and finally the doors opened. What Rei was expecting was not there; the rooms were brightly lit, the music playing through the internal soundsystem woven in and out of the walls with hidden speakers all over the place.

The music was one of Duncan's favorite genre's, classical music. The sound of soft, soothing wood and string instruments echoed through out the huge pent house, making the room feel relaxing and inviting.

Rei reached for one of his guns.

The raccoon headed deeper inside the apartment, glad the ceilings had been renovated to be a story taller than they were originally. The ceilings in almost every room were at least in the 20 foot tall foot range, with glorious paintings and hanging tapestries that Duncan had picked out before Rei owned it. He hadn't changed the decore since it had been given to him, but now he wished he had done something else. For some reason the only home he'd really ever known had become very, very uninviting. Rei headed around the bend toward the primary living room, and peeked around the corner. The room was just as well lit and welcoming, the music still playing, but the scene would haunt Rei for years to come.

Pinned to the far wall, arms and legs spread (including tail) in a spread-eagle formation was Drew. The fox had been pinned to the far wall with those devistating knives, the blades slammed deep and hard into his limbs, more than likely breaking the sensitive bones in them. There was a strap around his waist, also pinning him to the wall so he wouldn't fall forward and do more damage. Rei could see a chest rising and falling from all that blood, the white wall and plush blue carpet now stained in crimson blood, but Drew was alive, just barely.

Rei's first instinct was to run to his friend, who was only in this situation thanks to his actions, but stopped after two steps. Duncan was testing him. He remembered his training and before he even registered a thought, he fired a gun. The bullet wizzed out of the barrel and slammed into the white wall on the far side of the living room where a hallway was, where the bedrooms were.

For the longest time there was only the ear jarring sound of the bullet in his ears, until laughter echoed out from the hallway. Rei's spine shivered as he heard that laughing, and kept his gun at the ready, legs spread, arm extended to protect his heart. He knew, if Duncan had wanted, he could have been sniped even approaching the building, but Duncan wanted to talk first, and talk they would. The laughter continued to grow louder until a figure stepped out of the inky blackness, still laughing.

The man who had come out was indeed Duncan Dashford. He looked older, at least half a decade to Rei's young eyes. His fur did not look as full and vibrant, a few wrinkles of flesh hidden under the fur around his eyes. He seemed to have lost some of his muscle mass but Rei knew not to think this made Duncan any weaker. No, for all Rei knew this was a trick. The wolf in question was dressed in military tan combat boots with a pair of slacks covering his legs, with what appeared to be metallic plating, black and plastic actually, against his hips and thighs. Probably high density buillet proof armor. There was a black metallic belt over his waist and thechest was covered by a dark green shirt. Duncan too wore a trench coat, thick and black, waving a bit in the

faint breeze the air conditioner was producing. Rei did not miss the twin guns strapped to his waist. Sacred and Contempt, the famous guns of the assassin industry.

"You've improved," Duncan said as he stood in the doorway, something glinting over his shoulder that Rei's sharp eyes did not miss. "Years ago, you would have run to your friend and tried to save him, and then got shot in the back." Back then, they trained with paintballs, but this was no play training match, this was real.

"Duncan..." Rei said, his hands clenching as he stared to the wolf, glaring at him with anger and wonder. "What...happened?"

"You mean at BioFirm?" The wolf did not move, but his hands moved to cross oveer his chest, smirking. "I learned that this city, no matter what we did, was going to end up destroying itself. No matter who I killed that was corrupt, no matter what document you stole that could get money out of the hands of the criminals, it was a festering wound on a dying limb of America."

Rei was shocked at this line of thought, but didn't say that. Instead, he remained quiet and attentive to let Duncan talk. "I decided I needed to get away, but I couldn't bring you. You'd have followed me if I tried to slip away on my own; you see, Rei, you were so madly in love with me, you would have done anything I said back then, and I didn't want some child doting on me and saying I was perfectly right and sane."

"That's not true!" Rei said, his tail whipping behind him as anger began to boil. He remembered to relax, and relax he did.

"Isn't it, Rei? You never knew love until I came into your little world, saved you from the streets and gave you a home. You would have done anything to stay with me, and we both know it. Don't lie to me, boy." Duncan's voice was harder, firmer, then Rei had ever heard it.

Rei looked away, though he did mange to keep one eye on Duncan. At least act the part, he was telling himself. Let him think he was emotionally bothered by seeing his old friend and mentor again, which he was, but the emotions in him were not as intense as Duncan probably thought they were.

"So I left. I made my death look like an accident and vanished into the night. I made sure you were obviously well taken care of, but I needed to regroup my thoughts and ideals. I came to the conclusion that major cities in the US and Europe are corrupt and need to be purged. The codes I managed to extract from your little friend there will help me purge them from the planet and let the people begin again, a better city where the greed does not build towers into the sky and money does not make the cars move. When centralized cities are destroyed, Rei, the agrarian culture will be restored."

Rei huffed and crossed his own arms across his chest, shaking his head. Duncan had gone looney, checked out, and was not the man he used to love. He growled. But still, he remained queit.

"I knew the military was on to me when I tried a few hacking attempts into the satellite network, but I failed. So I found you, I was your client for the codes, Rei. And now I am here, knowing you would be here eventually, and am making this proposal. You can join me once more, in my arms, in my bed, and at my side, OR you can die with the rest of this city and suffer." Duncan was growling, his arms uncrossed.

Rei's vision flashed in memories, warm memories of Duncan, but as his heart swelled he heard a voice in his ear."Fucking asshole!" Garrison! It snapped Rei out of his daze and almost consider what he was thinking of doing, joining his old teacher in a plan to destroy so much and kill so many. "Rei, you fuckin' idiot, you let him talk to you like that and he'll have you under his wing again. Man, snap out of it! I love you, Rei..." Garrison's voice was soft, but it hit Rei like a ton of bricks.

Rei heard Garrison say those three words, and his composure became resolute. He had someone waiting for him, someone who wanted him in this world not another one. Rei growled. "Sorry Duncan, I've moved beyond you. I've got someone waiting for me anyway, so lets finish this quickly so I can go back to his bed." Rei knew some of Duncan's buttons, but not all.

Duncan's eyes widened, but instead of a growl he shifted his weight and looked to the boy infront of him that was now a man. A hand went to one of the guns on his hip and pulled it out. "Very well," He began, clicking the laser guide on. "Die."

Before the bullet could fire, Rei lept backwards and dove behind a couch. Three bullets ripped above his head and blue huge hunks of wood and foam from the expensive couch, raining down on the raccoon. Rei slipped a hand into one of the pouches on his belt, removing three small black orbs from it. He switched two to his right hand and kept one in his left and threw them in those directions. In an instant they exploded, bathing the room in smoke. Rei was up and running for new cover just as bullets fired toward where he had been laying on the floor.

Rei heard something pop, and a hiss of gas. Duncan had made his own toys. The white gas was absorbing the smoke, removing the visual screen Rei had made. "Do you think you can beat me with little toys, Rei?" Three more shots, ripping up a pillar Rei instantly lept behind. He heard plaster explode and felt something graze his cheek, but thankfully no wounds, yet.

Duncan was right; throwing old tricks at him would not work. Rei slipped one of his guns from his hip holster and crouched low. He fired two shots, both hitting air. Where had Duncan gone?

That question was answered as a knife lodged itself in the pillar next to his head. Rei had ducked back just in time. Apparently Duncan was going for the old fashioned answer of murdering his once lover. Rei drew a knife from his belt and crouched low. He listened but heard nothing. Duncan could not be heard if he didn't want to be just like Rei didn't, and the raccoon did not want to risk using the sound magnifier in his ear; one bullet and he'd be deaf the rest of his life. Instead, he guessed where Duncan would be and fired. Two more shots rang out and hit air, but without thinking once more he threw a knife at the opposite end, another possible spot Duncan could be. It hit the far glass and shattered it, exposing more of the cityscape below them. DUncan

was not in either two of those locations.

Rei looked around and tried to decide what to do. Duncan was testing him and he was failing miserably. How was he supposed to beat this madman, save Drew and go home to Garrison? He felt doubt cloud his mind but quickly pushed it away; Garrison was

waiting for him, he had to go home to Garr.

"Lets do this fairly," Rei shouted out into the living room, wondering where Duncan had gone. "No guns. Agreed? You hated using guns compared to blades. Think of it as one last request."

There was silence, and then someone answered. "Very well." The sound of metal hitting a table sounded. There! Rei drew another knife and threw it, extending his arm all the way as it soared. He saw Duncan, just briefly, leap behind a pillar. Rei missed by a mile.

He did see those guns on the table, and quickly slipped his out. He knew if he broke honor, Duncan would stop taking it wasy on him and kill him right now. Duncan was holding back since he knew Rei coudln't beat him, and Rei needed to exploit that as much as he could.

Rei slipped two knives, now down to six unused not counting the two in his hands. He was going to be out of weapons. Giving up the guns had made this blowout a lot more personal, but he planned to win. He wanted to go home to Garrison. Just then, Rei saw someone, Duncan, leap out from the pillar with a sword. Yes, a sword. Duncan had been wearing a sword on his back. That weapon was one of the sharpest in the world, and Duncan knew various styles of swordmanship. Rei knew he was boned, and the expresison on his face showed it.

Just as Duncan was nine feet away, Rei's shocked expression changed to a smirk and his left arm extended, making a right angle with his leg. He flexed his fist and something BOOMED from his wrist, shooitng out and slamming into the wall wall. Another flex and the device was obvious; it was a grappling hook launcher. Rei had it pull him to the side quickly, right as Duncan slashed downward with his sword. Rei twisted, flicking his wrist as the line snapped free, crouching and landing in the corner. He pushed off with his powerful legs and launched his body at Duncan, slashing with the knives in his hand. A splash of crimson errupted from Duncan's thigh and Rei landed in a crouch, spinning around as blood dripped from his knife, glaring at Duncan.

The wolf was bleeding from his leg, one of the metallic plates had been ripped off his pants, showing the deep cut Rei had done. Rei was grinning inside, it had worked.

"Very good," Duncan said, and launched at Rei once more. Surely Rei couldn't have more of those little toys, yes? He had his sword in more of a defensive position, ready to block a knife thrown at him.

Instead of Rei going to the side again, he fired his other wrist launcher up, letting it propell him vertically. Midway Rei unhooked the latch that held the line and twisted his body. He kicked two circular kicks towards Duncan as his toes inside his boots depressed the proper sequence in the padding. Two small projectiles fired out, blades. At that same moment Rei threw his knives, both of them, right at Duncan, sending four soaring blades in his direction. Duncan was easily able to deflect two, but the other two lodged themselves in the wolf's shoulder and arm, making him growl in pain. Rei was winning purely on the fact Duncan wasn't trying. He would from now on.

The wolf was bleeding more now, but Rei saw his real skill come out. With his uninjured hand he pulled out the blades lodged in his body and removed five sharp impliments from his belt. "This is how you use a knife, Rei!" And with a flick of his wrist they were airborn.

Rei tried to dive for cover, but four blades slashed his left arm up pretty good, ripping away the baggy sleeve of his trench coat and making it fall away. Blood splashed from his arm as it trickled down. He had four very deep cuts and one of those knives lodged into his shoulder. The bad thing was the hilt was sharp, razor sharp. If Rei tried to remove it all he'd lose would be a couple of fingers.

Rei stood there as he breathed, ignoring the pain as best he could, and quickly slipped around a pillar. He reached into his belt for a small phial. It was painkiller. He swallowed the contents, some blue rock looking material that Garrison had given him, and panted. He was losing a lot of blood, his lap was soaked with it. What was going on?

"Those blades are my Sacrifice Blades, Rei. You remember them, don't you? They stop the blood from clotting. In a few minutes you're going to pass out from loss of blood, and then I will take your head." Duncan was still in the open, why? He had more of those knives in his hand more than likely. Rei was breathing hard as he thought. How could he beat Duncan and end this quickly?

He had two minutes, maybe three. He knew Garrison was watching his vitals, watching blood pressure drop, seeing chemicals enter his blood stream. He figured the husky was on his way...

"You were never an assassin, Rei. You can't fight me." Duncan said again, stepping closer. Rei could hear footsteps coming closer.

"You're right," Rei began, standing up more as he wobbled. His arm was going numb, but he didn't care. He growled. "You taught me to be a thief, and to accomplish the mission under any circumstances. " And with that, Rei left his life in the hands of fate.

He moved from behind the pillar, holding two knives in his hand, and growled. He fired the second round on his grapplnig hook launcher, having it fire again into the ceiling. He felt himself fly diagonally deeper into the room, and twisted, letting the line break. He fired his wounded wrist at the far wall near the hallway, having himself now angle downwards. With a roar of pain in his shoulder, he unhooked it too, both arms forward now as he had the wrists aimed at DUncan himself. With a flick of his thumb the third and final round fired on both, two metallic spears landing right next to Duncan, who had whirled around in surprise at a flying raccoon. Rei felt the gears pull himforward, using gravity and momentum. Rei's fists were forward, knives ready, and watched in horror as Duncan was leveling that sword.

There was a hot sensation in his stomach. Something had pierced his belly, and poked out of his black, sending hot blood coating his back and rear end. It continued to slip inside his body, more and more. Rei found that there was hardly any pain, but he

pressed on. Rei felt something hot splash against his hands, and found that Duncan was on his back, Rei ontop with a sword in hsi gullet, and two knives shoved right into his old mentor's stomach. Rei was glaring down at Duncan, blood trickling down his arm

and his back, coating the both of them. Rei pushed harshly upwards with his knife, feeling flesh and muscle give as he aimed those knives for the heart. "Go to hell," He manged to squeak out before he pushed with the last of his strength, piercing Duncn's heart. The wolf spassamed in disbelief, his heart stopping. He bucked Rei off with all that hidden strength and sent the raccoon with the sword in his body soaring. Rei could remenber seeing his apartment flip about, twice, three times, before hehit something solid.

The sword had lodged itself into the floor, with Rei still pierced by it. His body slid down the sword with a sickeningly wet sound, and then a flop. Knives fell out of Rei's blood coated hands. Rei stared up at his ceiling, blinking his tired eyes lazily. he wanted to sleep, he wanted to just rest. Duncan was gone...

"Garr," He coughed, finding blood splatter his lips. He tried to breathe but found his lungs filling with something. "Garr, I...

I lo..." And with that blackness clouded around Rei's vision, sucking him into peace.


No, Rei did not die. What kind of writer would kill someone like that? Certainly not this one. Days passed, the military had moved in with Garrison, who had alerted them. The blood bath of the living room was a shocker, but they found the codes on a laptop tucked away in the bedroom. The paramedics and military EMTs had pulled Drew down from the wall, and managed to stabalized Rei Conner, at least for the moment.

The news of some terrorist with satellites able to kill from the sky was never released, and Garrison agreed to be quiet about it if the military would do what they could to keep his boyfriend alive. Garrison was standing in the intensive care unit of a military hospital, dressed as he always was in wild, outlandish clothing. He hadn't left Rei's side the whole time. The raccoon had barely been alive, and they had to start his heart again, but Rei was alive. He had listened to the conversation and knew Rei was trying to say those wonderful words. Garrison knew he was no longer alone, he had Rei, and Rei had him.

Finally, late one night, two emerald eyes opened to see a smiling husky looking down at him. Garrison, the poet of wonder, could only keep silent as Rei registered one thing, he was alive. Garrison was holding his hand tightly, which made Rei smile and return the squeeze.

"Morning, sunshine." Garrison managed to say and flicked his tail happily. He wanted to cry, but didn't. He knew if he got mushyRei could too, and in his condition who knew what would happen? Rei was not in the mood to yell at some doctors again, he had almost got himself thrown out when he insisted on being in the hospital full time.

"Hey..." Rei said gently, looking to Garr. "Looks like you're stuck with me...a little longer."

"I hope forever."

The End.

This story is just one variation I have about Rei Conner and his exploits. Is this the end of it? No. I do plan to continue Rei and Garrison, at least in fun little stories that will make people who read these past eight smile. We can assume they lived happy lives, and I will give glimpses into that. I know these stories are far from perfect, and do expect revisions and amendments. But to all of the people who read and enjoyed the stories, I thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I'm sure Rei did, too!

Coons and Theft 7

All characters are copyright to me, TiberiusRings. We're getting close to the end here, people. Any guesses on how you think it'll end? =) "Let's do this," Rei had said as he stepped from the darkness and infront of the television, his suit...

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Coons and Theft 6

All characters copyright to me, Tiberius Rings. If you have any questions or comments feel free to ask me. Bonus to points to anyone who can name the book Garrison is reading. Rei yawned. Sleep had never been so perfect. That was a lie, it...

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Coons and Theft 5

All characters copyrite to me, TiberiusRings. If you want to contact me, you know how to find me. Take care and enjoy. =) Rei was dreaming. Dreaming of a world where money came out of nowhere. A land where he had loving parents, and Duncan...

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