A Change Will Do You Good

Story by Khaz on SoFurry

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It was a pretty bland Saturday afternoon, except for the stupid itch I had that simply wouldn't go away. I tried as hard as I could for hours on end not to scratch at it, knowing it usually makes these things worse, but my resolve was bound to break eventually. It was only made worse by the awkward places I felt it in. I looked downright foolish scratching at my lower back almost constantly. Thank god I was at home, and not planning on going anywhere that day.

I tried to distract myself from the obvious suffering by flipping on the old Playstation in the living room. Some nice hack n' slash Dynasty Warriors should do the trick. Sadly, despite conquering hordes of ancient Chinese on my television screen, I was still plagued by the itch. It was only a matter of time before one of my parents walked by and noticed me frantically trying to scratch at myself as I got killed by Zhang Liao.

"What's your problem, Ben?" my mom asked somewhat jokingly. I grunted and shook my head, scratching there now.

"Stupid itch I've had all day just keeps getting worse."

"Just quit scratching at it and it'll go away." Mom walked away with that, leaving me to my Game Over screen. I huffed and shut the system off, marching away to my room. It was almost time to be sleeping anyways, so I went to my room and sat down at my computer for a while. Maybe someone worth talking to would be on.

I went through the regular motions, checking my e-mail, my FurAffinity account, and so on. Nothing worth getting excited about. I looked at my MSN list. Karis was online! I immediately started a conversation, I didn't always catch him online.

"Heya, what's new?" I typed, waiting only seconds for a response.

"Oh, not much. Feeling kinda sick, think something bit me. Got a bad itch and a worse headache."

"Oh really? Huh, me too." I thought for a moment. I did kind of feel like I had a headache, though I might have been just imagining it.

"Weird. Well, anyways, still coming to Coug's place with me next weekend?"

"Hell yes! I wouldn't dream of missing it."

I sat back in my chair for a moment, thinking about the last time we'd been to one of the Cougar's parties. He was pretty aptly named, being in his late 40s by now, but he still held one hell of a furry get-together. The last one had been awesome, despite that I spent most of it drunk and made a fool of myself, and I anticipated this one would be just as good. My attention flicked back to my screen when I saw the blinking conversation window.

"Alright, well, I gotta go now. I'll grab you at 2 on Saturday. Love ya wolfie!"

"Love you too, bunny."

I chuckled at my automatic response. We joked around a lot about actually getting serious with each other, and I honestly didn't know what kept us from doing it. Somehow we just seemed more comfortable as friends that fucked now and then, forsaking all others, than as lovers. I shook my head and laughed inwardly as I shut my computer down, stripping out of my clothes. Furries; go figure.

Of course, it was right at that moment I heard my dad's voice shouting at me from somewhere else in the house. "Ben, shut that computer off and get to bed, you have work tomorrow!"

"Way ahead of you, dad!"

I grimaced as I finished turning everything off and hopped straight into my bed. I was 19 now, I knew full well when I had to get to sleep. I wished they'd understand that, but I still got treated like I was a little kid around here.

It only took a few more minutes of scratching at myself before I finally fell asleep.

When I awoke the next morning the itch was gone, though I did have a pounding headache. My whole body felt somewhat stiff, and I groaned as I tore myself out of bed. I slapped a hand on my alarm clock and searched for the right button to make the painful noise stop, standing up with a focused effort. With a yawn, I scratched myself where I was itching the other day, and walked to the shower. I froze inside the bathroom when I felt something odd.

I spun around and twisted myself to an odd angle, looking at my backside in the mirror, struggling to see what this strange lump at the base of my spine could be. It wasn't too big, but it was far bigger than what I would have expected to find there, and rather tough to boot. I felt a pang of fear, wondering what it might be, but I shrugged and turned into the shower anyways. Whatever it was, it'd probably just go away. I'd be late if I spent any more time worrying about it.

Work went by in a blur, and before I knew it, I was back home again. I hadn't given a thought to my odd bump until I got back home, unconsciously felt back around there again, and felt the same thing I felt earlier... Only bigger.

Now I really started to panic. Whatever it was, it was almost an inch long now, and very tough. I'd never had anything like it before, and I feared the worst. With a grimace, I figured I'd have to see a doctor about it.

As soon as my parents got home, I told them about my mysterious ailment, showed them with much embarrassment, and they only moments later made an appointment with my family doctor. They told me not to worry about it, but it was pretty obvious they were as confused and frightened by it as I was. Regardless, we spent the rest of the day trying not to think about it, and were pretty successful.

I went back to my computer before bed once more. Karis wasn't online, to my dismay. I did find one odd e-mail in my inbox, however, from the local furry mailing list. It was the Cougar. I raised an eyebrow reading the single sentence it contained.

"If anybody has been experiencing something strange, contact me."

My mind started racing, trying to fit pieces together. Yesterday, Karis and I had shared the same symptoms of something, and now I had something that scared the hell on me sticking out of my body. Almost like...

I reached back and rubbed my hand over the odd thing sticking out of my back end. Almost like I was growing some sort of tail. Of course that was a ridiculous idea, but my head was already filling with questions. What if I really was growing a real tail? Why? How? What would I do? Were other people sharing the same experience? What did Cougar know about it, if this was what he was talking about?

I put a hand to my head and calmed myself. This was probably just something insignificant, I was making something out of nothing. I closed the window without replying, and simply shut off my computer and went to bed.

When I woke up, I started thinking differently. I reached back to feel at my developing condition, and with a shock, my hand closed around something half a foot long, and warm. I lay there in bed for a while, the alarm still going off, as I rubbed my hand up and down its length. It was soft somehow too. I suddenly had little doubt that I was holding a tail in my hand. I was in shock for a little while as I bent the small appendage up and down, side to side. I could feel my hand on it. This was completely and utterly amazing. And at the same time, I suddenly and strongly wished I had not shown anything to my parents.

I hopped out of bed and ran to the shower, stopping to examine my new tail in the mirror for a while. It was starting to take shape, though it was still pretty limp. The dead giveaway that made me certain it was what I thought it was, though, was the tiny, barely visible coat of soft fur that was only just beginning to grow. I stared wide eyed for the longest time before there was a pounding at the door, and I frantically took a fast shower. Tucking my new tail into my pants, I stepped out and tried my best to act casual around my family, eating a bowl of cold cereal for breakfast. Inside, I felt my heart pounding with the knowledge of my little secret.

Through my day at work, I felt an odd mix of aches and pains, but did my best to conceal them. My whole body was starting to feel strange, and I had a mild fever. The whole world was feeling slightly unreal, and there were a few times I worried this entire experience was a dream.

Reality came crashing back down on me, though, when I took my last break. Feeling like I needed something to help me relax, I went and bought a chocolate bar from the vending machine. I wolfed the thing down right away, and only sat for a moment before I started to feel sick. Really sick.

In a panic once more, I dashed for the bathroom, locked myself in a stall, and proceeded to throw up as hard as I could. As I sat there on my knees in the rather disgusting public bathroom, it only too me a moment to understand the situation, and that's what first made me truly terrified.

Dogs can't eat chocolate.

I shivered and tried to clear the taste of vomit from my mouth as I took a moment to grasp my situation. First, I started growing a tail, and that was cool. Now, it seemed like my digestive system had also changed. And that meant that I very well might be on my way to a complete transformation into some kind of canine.

As much as my heart leapt at the thought, one of my most sincere dreams coming completely true, all I could think of were the complications. What happened when my face started to change? I'd lose my job. My parents would take me to the hospital, and I'd be torn apart as they tried to figure out what was wrong with me. If the change went all the way, I'd have half the country up in arms to destroy me. I'd never have a moment of peace again.

'Oh god', I thought to myself, shaking and on the edge of tears with fear all the sudden. 'I'm not ready for this. I can't do this. Not now!'

That was when I remembered Cougar's e-mail. There was no doubt left in my mind that he was talking about my condition. I had to get home and talk to him. I had to see what he knew. Maybe he could help me. What if there were others? Maybe Karis!

I calmed myself again, hands to my head. My break was over, and I had to go back to work. I still looked perfectly normal for now, and felt alright. There was no need for panic. I had plenty of time.

Needless to say, I finished my work as fast as I could, and got home as early as possible.

Once I stepped inside my house, I immediately locked the door. I only had about one hour before my parents got home from work, so I had to make the most of my privacy.

I stripped off all my clothes right away, and went into the bathroom once more, using the mirror to look over every inch of my body, searching for other changes. My tail was almost a foot long now, and feeling ever softer. My face still looked normal. My hands and my feet were pretty much normal. My chest was where I started to notice something interesting. I had the usual compliment of body hair still, but around and through it, there was another layer of soft grey hair coming through. The beginnings of a coat of fur. The more I looked at the rest of my body, the more I saw, it was everywhere. I pondered shaving it off, but it wasn't very visible yet, so I decided against it. I wasn't going to attract attention for now.

I shook my head and put all my clothing back on, having to shove my tail down one leg of my pants just to fit it comfortably. I had more pressing business to take care of. I ran to my room and switched on my computer, looking at my watch. 3:28. Half an hour left.

I sat impatiently, urging MSN to load faster, frantically flipping around my usual internet sites, looking for anything out of the ordinary. No new e-mails since yesterday. It was actually strangely quiet.

I looked over my list of contacts. Karis still wasn't on. Cougar was. I struck up a conversation immediately.

"Hello, you there? Please tell me you're there," I begged, waiting minute after minute for a response. Nothing. I popped open a Firefox window and went to his FurAffinity page. No activity. I checked his LiveJournal. No new posts.

"Hello?!" I pleaded again, growing desperate. 3:42.

I scanned through my list of contacts, looking for anybody who might be able to shed some light on this crazy experience. There were dozens of people online, but all were either away or busy. Nobody I knew well enough to trust this secret to.

I finally huffed and stood up, pacing for a second. A phone call, maybe? I dug up my list of phone numbers, scanned down it to find Cougar's, and punched it into my cell phone. One of these days, I was going to have to actually put these numbers into the phone, but I had always been too lazy.

The phone rang. Twice. Three times. I paced frantically as I let it ring, knowing the cat had no answering machine. Seven. Eight. It wasn't long before I lost count, but I kept waiting anyways. He had to pick up, he had to. I needed this desperately.

At last, I heard the muffled rustle of someone picking up the phone. I let out a relieved gasp, not realizing I'd been holding my breath the whole time.


"Yeah, what is it?" He sounded a bit different than usual, maybe he was busy.

"I've, uh... I've been experiencing... something strange."

"How strange?"

This was unlike Cougar, he sounded very rushed and to the point. Something really was going on.

"Uhhh... Well, I kinda..." I coughed, realizing I had to force myself to just spit it out. "I have a tail."

"Okay, listen carefully," the voice in my phone said quietly. "You need to get yourself to my place within the next three days, and the sooner the better. I can help you. You're not alone."

I felt so extremely relieved, I didn't even think about how I was going to get to his place. He lived almost an hour's drive away, so it wouldn't be easy. I just sort of mumbled into the phone, feeling dazed.


"No, listen to me carefully," the stern voice warned. "You must get here as soon as you can. Don't let anyone see what's going on, not even your family or friends. Do you have a car?"

"Er, I can drive, my parents own both the cars," I whispered. "I can't just take one and disappear!"

"You're going to have to. Find a way to get yourself here. Tell your parents there's just something you need to do, and that you'll call them and explain it all later. Forget your job, forget everything else. Just make sure they can't find where you're going. Try to take buses if you can, don't leave a car for them to find at my house, okay?"

I heard the sound of an engine pulling in the driveway. Damn, I was out of time already!

"I'll do what I can. I have to go. Thank you."

"Good luck."

There was a sharp click, and I closed my phone. This was clearly far more serious than I had ever thought it was. I already felt the anxiety chewing away at the corners of my mind.

The front door opened, and I walked out to greet my parents.

"Hi mom, hi dad."

"Hi Ben, how was work today?"

"Oh, not too bad. Same as ever." I shuffled my feet nervously. "Any idea what's for dinner?"

"We were thinking a nice steak and salad tonight," my mom answered, already moving to sit down in front of the TV. My stomach rumbled at the mention of it. Just the thought of a big piece of meat made me realize how hungry I was, even despite how much I'd had already. I don't know whether it was because of the whole transformation bit, or just my thinking about it, but I found myself wishing I could eat the steak raw.

Shaking my head a bit, I decided I'd made enough of an appearance for now, and turned around to go back to my room. Perhaps I could find some of my furry friends online, and see if anyone else was experiencing what I was.

"Oh, and Ben," my mom's voice came from behind me, and I spun back around once more. "How's that thing on your back, any better?"

My hand drifted down to feel at the substantial bulge my new tail made in my jeans, making sure to keep it perfectly out of sight of my parents. I thought for a second before replying.

"It's actually a lot better. No idea what it was, but I don't think I need to see the doctor after all."

"Alright. We'll wait a couple more days. If it goes away, I'll just cancel the appointment."

I nodded, and then very quickly got myself out of sight. One more day, and these things were going to become impossible to conceal. I had to get myself to Cougar's place, and fast. I might have to take some desperate measures.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I sat down at my computer again, scanning my MSN list. Karis still wasn't on, which was odd for him at this time. I was starting to get genuinely worried. A couple other friends were online, but the only one I trusted to speak to about this was Aleris, a Husky who lived not too far away.

"Hello, Huskyboy?" I typed, tapping my fingers on my desk as I waited for a reply. I looked at the back of my hand, and saw the same little coat of soft fur growing in there. It was almost getting to the point where it would be visible without actually looking for it. I shivered and looked back to the screen. No answer. Where was everyone?

With a huff, I sat back in my chair and started thinking hard. I had to get out of here to Cougar's place, apparently. None of my friends were around to give me a ride. I would probably have to take the car somewhere. I cringed at the thought, but I had no choice. Tomorrow morning, I decided, instead of going to work.

When dinner finally came, it was all I could do not to drool over the large slab of beef I was usually indifferent to.

"See ya, guys!" I waved to my parents as they pulled out of the driveway, off to another day of work. As soon as they were out of sight, I breathed a sigh of relief, and stepped back inside. I couldn't believe I'd managed to hide all the strange things that had changed about me.

I once again stripped down out of my clothes and stood before the mirror to examine myself one last time. Turning around, I took a good long look at my tail. The thing was about two feet long now, and had a significant coat of fur on it. I still had no control over the appendage, and it hung limply from my backside, but I was thrilled with the progress nonetheless. It was the other changes that were starting to scare me.

All over my back, and my chest, a coat of fur had grown that was soft to the touch. My regular body hair seemed to have simply fallen off to be replaced by it, even my beard hadn't grown back since I last shaved. My eyes had a tinge of yellow to them, just faintly. My fingernails were growing thicker and narrower. Even my ears were growing slightly pointed and more smooth, and they seemed to be pulling upwards. They were only slight changes, but for a matter of a couple days, it was terrifyingly fast. Even worse, it only seemed to be accelerating.

I grimaced, and put my clothes back on. After a moment of thought, I dug through my clothes drawer to find a sweatshirt with a hood as well, one of the few I owned, and put that on over my regular shirt. I might have to hide my face before long, when that started changing too.

With a deep breath, I walked out to the kitchen and picked up the phone. With this, I would be committed. I dialled the number anxiously.

"Hello, Ashley? This is Ben." I cleared my throat.

"Oh, hey Ben, what can I do for you?"

"I'm really, really sick right now," I said, thinking that it might ironically be true. "I can't come to work today, and I don't think I'll be able to make it the rest of the week either. It would be great if you could just book me off until further notice, as long as you can."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that," I heard her say absently as the sound of paper being dug through came over the phone. "I can give you the rest of the week off, but if you're not back on Monday, there might be trouble."

"Alright, that'll have to do. Sorry for the inconvenience."

"No problem, get well soon."

I hung up and gasped for breath. Okay, work was taken care of. Now, my parents. I dug out a piece of paper and a pen, sat down at the table, and started writing.

'Dear Mom & Dad,

I'm sorry I didn't give any warning about this, but I've had to leave for something very important. I don't know how long I'll be gone, but I swear I will call and keep in touch, and explain everything later. I've taken the car, and it'll be left at the train station in town.'

I paused to think for a moment, tapping the pen on the table.

'Please trust that I am alright and well cared for. I love you both very much, and I hope to see you again soon. Try not to worry.


I knew they would be worrying themselves to death no matter what I said, but I had to try. I left the page lying there on the table, snagged the car keys off the counter, and headed for the door. Wallet, watch, keys, clothes, everything accounted for.

I turned the key in the ignition, and as the engine rumbled to a start, I looked out the window at my parents' house, my home. I wondered if I would ever see it again.

The drive and train ride were uneventful, though I was nervous the entire time. I swore I could actually feel my skin crawling as my fur grew out under my shirt. My tail made an unsightly bulge almost all the way down my pant leg, but since nobody asked, I offered no explanation. I swore my canine teeth were growing sharper, though it might have been my imagination. I was careful to keep the hood up, though, because there was already fur growing across my face. I hated to say it, but I was starting to look pretty hideous in this transitory phase.

When the train at last arrived at its destination, I jogged briskly down a few streets, making the familiar trip to the Cougar's house. My heart was pounding in my chest with fear and excitement. I still felt like I was dreaming, but time and again I was forced to accept that this was real, as the madness refused to relent.

I finally arrived at the door to the large brick house. I rang the doorbell and waited patiently, sniffing at the air in the meantime. There were some odd scents on the light breeze that I couldn't quite recognize. I could swear I heard some odd noises coming from inside.

After what seemed like eternity, I heard the sound of the door handle being turned, and it opened just slightly. It was dark inside, surprisingly so. I waited patiently, not willing to simply barge in. It was only moments before he appeared in the small opening anyways.

I stared in shock at what stood before me. Right there in that doorway, staring me down with frightening feline eyes, was a perfectly anthropomorphic cougar. He stayed in the darkness, but I could still see him well enough.

"Cougar?" I asked, the question rhetorical. "It's me. Ben."

The cat stood, unblinking, and I could have sworn I heard a faint purr.

"Spade?" I offered, remembering most of these people didn't know me by my real name. There was another pause, before the cougar nodded and stepped back.

"Come in, wolf," he spoke in a somewhat unfamiliar voice.

I stepped inside, my hands shaking with anxiety. This was absolutely unbelievable, but I knew for sure what I was in for now. I closed the door behind me, and looked up at the cougar once more, waiting for him to speak again. It wasn't long before he set a soft, heavy paw on my shoulder and did so.

"I suppose you've figured out what's going on already," he said. I nodded, swallowing a knot in my throat.

"I'm going to tell you what I've told everyone else. What you don't know is that this is all my doing." His eyes were fixed on mine, paralyzing me. I listened, staring back.

"I've been working the past 28 years on finding a way to make this transformation possible. It's been my only dream, and all my work in medicine and nanotechnology finally revealed a way to me. It took 15 of those years just to design and program the microscopic devices that are reforming your body and changing your DNA. This is my gift to all of you. If this isn't what you want, I'm confident I can reverse the process, but I had to do things the way I did. I hope you can understand, and I apologise for not asking your permission."

I simply stood, stunned. I was starting to feel sick in the pit of my stomach. I'd had visions in my head of some strange magic bringing my dreams to life, but to think that there were tiny machines inside me, tearing my cells apart beyond my control, was far more disturbing. I must have been shaking visibly, because I felt the paw on my shoulder tighten.

"I know you're scared, but I know that you like what you're headed for. If you're willing to trust me, I can help you through the entire process."

"B-but..." I finally stuttered, "how?"

"I went through this months ago, and after I knew it was successful, I enlisted my housemate's help. He's still normal now, because we need a connection to the outside to survive. But yes, you didn't see me at the last party because I looked like this." I nodded, remembering how he had been curiously absent last time. I had just assumed I'd missed him. "One by one, I sent him to sneak the full dose of my creation into your drinks. We had to be very careful; I spent over a year tailoring these things to different species and variations. I made an entire different breed of them for every person who attended the party, and every single person who was here got it."

Something suddenly flashed in my mind, and my heart jumped for a second. "Is Karis here?" I looked up into the cat's eyes,

"Yes, Karis showed up yesterday. His worked unbelievably fast, and he's already finished his transformation. Most are still stuck around the stage you're at. Almost everybody has made it here now."

I swallowed and nodded. So, my friend was already a rabbit, just like this cougar that stood before me. I might not even recognize him. Before long, I would be the wolf I'd spent years pretending to be, and nobody would recognize me either. I shivered again. Couldn't say I hadn't fantasized about this before, but the reality of it was far more strange, and frightening.

"I'll trust you," I said at last, reaching up to pull back my hood at last. "I want to let this happen."

"Good boy." He smiled just a little and patted my shoulder, stepping back once more. "You can go on into the other room; just about everyone else is there. You should be able to see what you're in for."

I nodded again, and slowly turned to walk down the familiar hallway. I would have sworn I could hear my heart beating in my ears. It felt like an eternity before I turned the corner and just stood there in the doorway, looking on at the scene before me. It honestly looked like almost any of his parties, except the people were all in varying stages of this bizarre transformation, and the whole mood seemed to be almost as anxious and scared as I was.

I just stood there quietly for a while, surveying the scene before anyone noticed I was there. People were quietly talking, some were playing videogames, some just sitting huddled together. It actually took me a moment to realize everyone I was looking at was naked, or very close to it. It made sense when I thought about it; my tail was almost paining me being stuck in my pants now, and I didn't like the way my clothes rubbed against my coat of fur.

"Spade!" a shout came from one side of the room. I turned just in time to see a familiar looking rabbit practically take a flying leap in my direction. I barely had time to turn before he collided with me, and I found myself held in an extremely tight hug.

"I was starting to get worried you wouldn't make it, I was scared of what might happen to you." The slim white rabbit held me tightly for a very long while. It was hard for my mind to process that the person holding me was the Karis I used to know. It was impossible to tell, he was already as completely different as Cougar was. The longer I was held there, perfectly still against this strange body, warm and comforting as he was, the more uneasy I began to feel.

"Karis? Are you really... you?" I remained standing rather stiffly as Karis stepped back, releasing me. He looked up into my eyes, a somewhat blank expression on his lapine face.

"Yeah. I'm still struggling to get used to it too. But I have no regrets, not at all. Spade, we've both dreamed about this for so long." The blank expression gradually changed into a wide grin. "We're furries! All of us here have something nobody anywhere else in the whole world has!"

There were couple shouts of agreement from around the room, a few people having obviously been listening to the conversation. I found myself grinning before long anyways, as I looked the naked bunny up and down. I could only imagine what I'd end up looking like as a wolf.

"So," Karis murmured, leaning forward. He was obviously practising being seductive in his new body, bumping my nose with his, and rubbing his furry chest against mine. "How about you take those clothes off and lemme see how you're coming along?" I only hesitated for a moment before I chuckled and nodded.

"Sure, why not." I tugged my shirt up over my head, making sure not to take it off too fast so as to give a good show for the onlookers. I paused for a moment when I looked down and saw a thick and full, if just a bit short, coat of fur covering my entire torso. Earlier today it had only just barely been visible.

I shrugged mentally, and unzipped my pants. I didn't bother wasting time and just slipped right out of both pants and underwear all at once, and looked down to see what had become of my lower half. The same fur covered everything rather completely, but the biggest surprise to me was seeing an almost fully formed sheath where my manhood usually dangled. I was about to reach down and feel it for myself, but Karis beat me to it.

"Ooohh, I know I'm going to have fun with this," he crooned, his paws cupping my heavier than usual balls and rubbing gently over my new sheath. I had to suppress a quiet growl as I pushed the blissfully soft paws away, and smiled at the bunny.

"Later," I whispered. My own cock betrayed me, though, its pink tip just barely showing out of the fuzzy sheath, and more animal than human from the look of it. I did my best at pretending not to notice, and looked around behind to check on my tail. Not only was it fully grown out now save a bit of bushiness, but I found to my surprise it was no longer limp, but curled upwards on its own. I tried to wag it, but not knowing how I managed to make a few small twitchy movements and nothing more. Learning to control an entirely new part of your body must take time, I figured. My attention eventually returned to my bunny friend who was still examining me.

"It's hard to believe how much I've changed since this morning," I said shyly. He nodded, though still distracted.

"Yeah, it accelerates as it goes on. From the look of it, you're not far off from the big last jump."

"What do you mean?" I looked down at my rabbit friend, his eyes still fixed below my waist for the time being.

"Well, so far with everyone that's through it already, the last whole change happens very suddenly. It's very intense, but it's been different for everyone that's been through it so far." He looked up at me again, seeming more contemplative than before. "For me, I just kinda blanked out for a while, and when I woke up, I was terrified of everything. I suppose that comes with being prey, huh? Still getting over it."

I just nodded slowly, wondering what my experience would be like. It was kind of a scary thought, animal instincts seeping into my consciousness, but just like every other aspect of this whole thing, it was strangely exciting. Yet another price I was willing to pay.

"Well, anyways," Karis yawned at me, leaning against me. "Let's lie down, I'm tired again." I was more than eager to follow as he tugged me towards an unoccupied couch. We both fell over and in a matter of minutes made ourselves comfortable. I was a bit cold, being naked and all, but it was remarkable how well my and Karis's fur insulated us. I was perfectly ready to continue our conversation as I lay there, but I found myself being overcome with fatigue. I don't know if Karis stayed awake or not, because I fell asleep within seconds.

I awoke to a pounding headache unlike anything I'd ever experienced.

"Ow," I mumbled as I sat up, Karis still sleeping behind me. With every beat of my heart, it felt like my head was going to explode. My whole body ached, and my breathing felt short.

"OW!" I cried out as I fell down to my knees on the floor, the thump waking my bunny friend behind me. Waves of unbearable pain were flooding through my body, and I clutched at my head with my paws. Paws?

I opened my eyes for just a moment to glimpse the padded, furry hands I had now, complete with sharp claws. When did that happen? Another wave hit me, and I crumpled in half again, paws going straight back to hold my head. The pain blocked out almost everything else when it came.

Through my agony I heard Karis shouting for Cougar, and trying to lift me up. I did my best to stand, but as soon as the pain returned I slumped back down like dead weight. I gasped for breath, as I felt the feline come to stand on my other side, the two of them hoisting me up and carrying me somewhere. Another impact, and I found myself snarling as I gritted my teeth.

Everything went by in a blur as I found myself lying on a bed in some room I'd never seen before. Paws pressed down on my chest, and a soothing voice was talking in my ear, though I couldn't understand the words anymore. I panted desperately as I felt my wrists being bound. Horrified, I began to struggle against my captors, all logic washed right out of my mind. The comforting paws left my chest and began tugging at my legs. I couldn't breathe!

"Let me out!" I roared, pulling hard against the strong ropes that now held my arms spread apart. I kicked my legs, but in moments they were strung out tightly as well. I pulled, I snarled and snapped my jaws at nothing at all. The paws were back on my chest again, rubbing gently.

"I can't breathe!" I howled, or tried to anyways. My breathing was coming in ragged gasps of air, but it wasn't enough. I tried to control it, but my entire body was acting on its own. I could see Karis's worried expression for a fleeting moment as I opened my eyes, but another wave of pain blacked out my vision.

I struggled for another gasp of air, and to my terror I found I couldn't get any more. I gasped, my body convulsing as I strained to breathe, but nothing came into my burning lungs. I could hear people talking. I felt them pushing me down, and I wondered why they wouldn't help me. I was dying, and nobody was helping me.

The last thing I remember was the voice of my friend Karis echoing through my empty head, and I couldn't understand the words.

It was the light shining into my eyes that finally brought me back to consciousness again. It was quiet, and a soft breeze blew across my face. I rolled over on my bed, taking a deep breath, before I slowly opened my eyes. Had it all been a dream?

It took a moment for me to process the cougar that sat beside my bed, watching me. Apparently not.

I sat up slowly, the memories of my torturous experience slowly coming back to me. I felt no more pain, and I felt like I could breathe better than ever before. I looked down at myself, my paws, my legs, and spent a moment just admiring the sight. It was finally finished.

"Here," I heard the Cougar say, and he held up a mirror. I simply stared into it, seeing a face I'd only seen drawn before. I reached out a paw to touch the image without thinking. I opened and closed my jaw, moved my eyes, and twitched my ears. It was completely real, every bit of it. I really was the wolf I'd always dreamed of being. The shock didn't last long, though.

As I moved to stand up, I took another deep breath, and found myself immersed in a world of strange new experience. I could smell each and every person inside the house. I could pick out what scents belonged to who, the smell of the house, and of the trees outside. I inhaled even deeper, just revelling in the wash of information and sensation that came with every wisp of air.

It was then that I felt a pang of hunger, and one of the scents on the air started to stand out far more than the others. Prey. I turned my head, and saw Karis sitting in the opposite corner, looking shy but pleased.

"I'm... hungry." I paused as I spoke, the voice slightly unfamiliar, but still my own. Even as I said it, though, the last thing on my mind was a trip to the kitchen downstairs. My eyes were fixed on Karis, who was now starting to look frightened, his eyes instinctively flicking around to find an escape route.

A small part of my mind noticed Cougar beginning to talk frantically behind me to another onlooker, and then to Karis. The words went unprocessed in my head, though, as I wallowed in the sensation of this instinctive urge. I needed food. I needed meat. I took a step towards the terrified bunny, a grim smile coming to my jaws.

"You have to distract him; he's too strong for us to take down!" I heard the cat behind me say. I just laughed inside as I took another step towards my meal. The old cougar would be no match for me, I could kill both of them with a snap of my powerful jaws. I could feel my muscles tensed, ready to spring and catch the rabbit the instant he tried to flee.

There was a moment of terror and indecision in Karis's eyes, as he stared up at the intimidating wolf before him. All reason was once more gone from my mind, and I waited for him to make his move. When he finally did, though, it caught me so off guard that I hesitated. Karis stood, trembling, and walked straight up to me.

"Just stay calm, wolfie," he mumbled, and before I had a chance to think about what to do, I felt his soft paws once again close around my sheath and balls. This time it was much different, though. So much more sensitive. I growled deep in my throat as the paws began to gently move, and the dim warmth of pleasure started to flood through my entire body. It was a distraction alright.

My eyes closed, my hunger temporarily forgotten as the rabbit's magic paws made my body shiver. The kind of pleasure I was getting from this gentle rub was unlike anything I'd ever felt before. I could already feel my stiffening cock slipping out of its sheath to meet the velvety pads of my prey.

Karis slowly seemed to grow more confident, moving a paw to curl around the shaft itself, bringing me a whole new kind of pleasure. His body was pressed up against mine now, his head resting on my shoulder as he pawed me off gently. I was only placated for a moment, though, and almost immediately I wanted more. I could already feel my pulsing knot pushing out of my sheath.

As a growl rose in my throat, his other paw moved to grip the bulbous knot, squeezing it and making my body shiver with pleasure all over again. The growl turned into a pitiful whine as I stood there, my pre already spurting generously over the rabbit's belly fur. He kept me there, his paws holding me firmly tied as the tip of my cock rubbed against his fur. I panted with the incredible feeling of it, but it only left me wanting even more.

With another growl, I finally pulled out of his grasp, and very awkwardly and forcefully slipped around behind him. I heard him yelp, frightened once more as he braced himself against a wall. All the while, I pressed up against his back hard and danced around, pushing my now huge shaft up under his small tuft of a tail, smearing and spurting my pre all over his backside in the process.

"Please," the bunny whimpered underneath me as I rubbed my shaft up between his firm cheeks. "It's been too long, I can't..."

His pleas didn't even register in my mind once my cock finally found its mark, the tip stopping its upward slide to push forwards, held right on the edge of slipping inside the small rabbit. I hesitated for a moment, actually feeling a spurt of pre soak the bunny's tailhole as I did, and wrapped my arms around his chest. And then, at last, I shoved my hips violently forwards.

Karis squealed in pain as the thick rod of hot flesh split him open, pushing all the way in to my knot in the first thrust. With a snarl I opened my jaws and bit down on the rabbit's shoulder, holding him with my jaws while I positioned myself for a good fuck. I was acting completely on instinct, not even the faintest desire to wait for Karis to adjust to my throbbing cock lodged inside him.

My mind was completely focused as I pulled my hips back, and slammed them forwards again with a muffled slap. The pleasure that simple motion brought me was far more than the rabbit's paws ever did, and I started humping furiously. My knot pushed each time against Karis's desperately squeezed tailhole, his cries and moans floating right past my ears. The rhythmic pounding of my flesh against his gave me a sense of fulfillment, a hunger satisfied. Even so, I felt the need to push harder. I couldn't rest without my knot firmly tied into my mate.

I bit down on Karis's shoulder harder than before, sinking my teeth into his soft flesh as my shaft hammered his insides. I could feel his tailhole growing looser with every push, his strength to hold me out fading. Though I sensed his presence, I paid no mind to the cougar that was standing right beside our spectacle, petting my bunny and whispering soothing words into his ear.

As time went by, though, I was quickly becoming frustrated with my efforts to force my knot into the rabbit's tailhole. Every time I pushed, he just moved forwards, keeping me from driving the rock hard lump into him. A quiet snarl came from deep in my throat, and my jaws closed harder. I heard Karis squeal again, as I felt one of my fangs pierce skin, and the taste of blood seeped onto my tongue, and gradually filled my entire muzzle.

My breaths came faster as adrenaline flooded through my body, the taste of blood reminding me of my hunger even as I continued my relentless drive into the rabbit. My paws moved down to his waist, holding him back from escaping my thrusts, forcing him to accept the harsh pounding against his tailhole. All the while, my jaws just kept closing down harder, teeth pushing further into warm flesh, and rewarding me with a steady flow of metallic liquid.

Finally, my mind could take no more. I released the rabbit's shoulder, and dug my claws so hard into his waist, blood began to soak his fur there too. With one last, furious push, and a whole choir of yelps and howls from the poor rabbit, I felt his last ounce of resistance start to give. Slowly at first, but as I pushed so hard he was pressed right up against the wall, I finally felt the hot flesh slip around my knot. I let out a gasp of sheer pleasure, feeling completely fulfilled at last. I could already feel my cock spurting inside him, but the build to orgasm was still growing.

I pulled back slightly, and felt Karis step back with me, his cries unending now from the impossible stretch he was forced into. My body was working on its own, the rushing pleasure building without even needing any further movement. I panted hard, and with one final lunge, I closed my jaws around the back of Karis's neck. I could feel his pulse pounding on my canine tongue, his lifeblood begging to be spilled by my sharpened teeth.

My muzzle closed tighter as, with a loud whimper, I finally felt my seed release into the rabbit. Long and powerful spurts of cum shot into his tail, my entire body flooding with warmth as I huffed for air. All the while, my grip on his neck was closing. The taste of blood had my stomach growling, and now that my lust was satisfied, I needed fresh meat. I leaned forward for the killing crunch of my teeth into his neck.

Something stopped me. Just as I was about to finish this long dance on the edge of death, I was held back. I felt Karis shivering and crying underneath my body, his figure limp and resigned to his fate as my next meal. Even as my hunger growled at me to end it, a new feeling was welling up inside me. This pathetic, beaten little rabbit was my mate, and now overpowering my need for food, I felt the need to protect him.

It was a moment before I finally loosened my grip, my teeth raking over his skin before leaving his neck. I moved my paws up to hug around his chest again, and at last I heard the bunny's wailing cries stop. Karis stood there under me, barely supporting his own weight as he shook with fear and pain, but he seemed to be understanding that he was no longer in any danger. I licked at the still bleeding wound on his shoulder, letting out quiet, apologetic whines as I started to realize what I had done to him. Worse, what I was about to do.

The rabbit's fur was stained with blood pretty badly, as my vision once again started to actually be recognized by my mind. The bite on his shoulder would take a long time to heal, and it had already made a small pool of crimson on the thankfully hardwood floor. All the rest of his snow white fur was spattered and smeared with blood from it, and the rough claw marks over his waist and chest. I could only imagine just how bad the pain must have been at the time.

"I'm sorry," I murmured as I licked his coat gradually clean. The apology was wildly insufficient given the circumstances, but it did serve to stop Karis from shaking. Slowly, I lowered us down, trying not to pull too hard with my still engorged knot, until we were sitting together on the floor. I murred quietly as I continued to lick at his shoulder, his bleeding finally beginning to slow.

We sat together like that for a very long time, quietly. It was minutes later before I remembered that Cougar was in the room with us. I looked very suddenly around to find him, a tinge of embarrassment at what I'd just done in front of him hitting me. The old cat was leaning against the wall by the door, looking slightly concerned, but calm. Just behind him, in the doorway, was a whole crowd of onlookers, their expressions mixed between excited and horrified.

"You two alright?" Cougar asked when my eyes met his. I nodded slowly, holding the bunny tightly.

"Are you okay, Karis?" I said quietly, nosing against the back of his ear. He'd been so quiet for so long, I was starting to get worried. After a moment he nodded too, much to my relief.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It really hurts a lot, but I'm still in one piece," he said, turning back to look at me. His tears had streaked down his face, and he looked like absolute hell, but there was a bit of a grin on his face. "I gotta say, that was the best pounding I've ever had."

I chuckled quietly, along with a few others in the small audience. I knew that he had been terrified and in horrible pain through the whole experience, but even so, hearing him humour me about it now made me feel better. I knew then that at last, this crazy transformation was over, and everything was about to get a whole lot easier.

I looked over to Cougar again, at a loss for words for a moment. I was thankful when he took the initiative for me.

"Food is on its way, Spade," he said, grinning just a bit in spite of himself. "I'm very glad things didn't turn too ugly, I honestly don't know what I would have done. Or even, what I could have done."

I nodded soberly, needing no reminder of the situation. Still, so long as Karis was alright, which he sounded to be purring in my arms at the moment, all was well. The mention of food made my stomach growl, though, and I had to fight off the urge to bite a piece out of my rabbit friend again. It was much easier to control this time, and so I just sat calmly, rubbing my paws through Karis's chest fur.

It wasn't long before I heard the thumping of someone running upstairs, and a familiar looking man pushed his way through the awed crowd. He stopped short when he saw the mess of blood spattered over us both and the floor, but Cougar patted his shoulder and reassured him. I did my best to look friendly, but I wasn't even sure what my attempts to smile might have looked like with my new bloodstained face.

"I brought you something to eat, wolfie. I had to run out and get it on the spot." The man stepped forwards, brought a hand out from behind his back, holding a large plate with four entire raw steaks on it. I was salivating the instant I saw it, and he smiled reassuringly as he set it down onto the floor.

"I'm sorry, Karis," I said, slowly lifting him off me and up to his knees, though I was still firmly tied to him. "But I'm going to have to take this call."

Both of us laughed warmly. In a foreign yet surprisingly natural motion, I rolled myself around, down onto my paws and knees with my rear pressed against that of my tied mate. I let out a quiet growl at the pull on my knot from the position, but it felt very comfortable all the same.

I lowered my muzzle, taking in the scent of the warm red meat before me. I looked up at Cougar again for one short moment, seeing his approving smile, and I wagged my tail instinctively. Karis giggled a little as the bushy appendage brushed over his back, and I felt his tailhole squeeze down on me again. I shivered and panted, feeling downright giddy all the sudden.

"Thank you all!"

With that, I snapped my jaws down on the fresh meat, and had the most satisfying meal of my entire life.

The Dream

Phil lay in bed, staring at the ceiling of his room, and sighed quietly. He'd already been lying awake for over an hour, trying to get to sleep, but for one reason or another he just couldn't. It wasn't hot out - he could never sleep easily when it was...

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