The Mare

Story by Dofain on SoFurry

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Probably my first story of that genre and certainly the first one finished overall.

I wanted to do something like a first person story as in "books where you are the hero".

A word of WARNING though: this story contains age regression, semi-incest, apparent zoophilia, lactation.

If you are offended by those yadda yadda fuck you yadda.

Darkness. Warmth...I hadn't realized I'd ever closed my eyes.

  • Where I..

Did I fell asleep? where's my laptop.. and my room? I looked around, this is definitely not the place I sat down a minute ago, I was about to read that story posted just recently then I... I can't remember.

  • Er, hello.. anyone?

The echo answered my question.

The place seemed abandoned but it was bright like the middle of the day, it seemed that my eyes took a while to adapt to the new environment. I eventually noticed the brown floor uneven and dusty, then the door in front of me, arriving at belt height, it was a couple inches thick and made of wood planks, the upper part was pitch black, my eyes still weren't adjusted. I looked up and saw the large roof.

  • A... barn?

My gaze returned to the main alley, yes it was a stable, I saw many times the same door repeating all along the path on both sides and still no noise or movement except for the light breeze that was blowing from the enormous entrance of the barn.

I was staring around to understand what happened to me when I caught the sound of hay being moved from inside the box I was facing. I squinted my eyes in an effort to see something moving an inch closer to the open wall when a large dark mass bumped into me.

  • AAAaaah! what's that?!

I stepped backward instinctively and fell on my bottom.

  • Don't t...

I was stopped mid-sentence by the low snort of a horse. I blushed. I had been scared by a horse wondering what I was doing here.

I looked up and noticed he or she was looking at me just as curious to see me as I was to see him. I got up and pat the dust off of my clothes. What clothes?

  • Now, that's a new one!

I was naked like a new born in the middle of a barn in the middle of the day! This was becoming weirder and weirder I thought. Regaining my thoughts, I walked closer to the horse and gently put my hand on its forehead. It was warm and didn't seem frightened at all. The large head withdrew inside after a minute, I made a step forward.

  • Wait, I gently said.

Then the daylight grew suddenly much lower around me, I turned around and faced the door... from the other side, I was in the box with the door still locked. I jumped a bit when the horse touched my shoulder with its muzzle, I grabbed it gently and turned around facing him. My eyes adapted quickly to the low light environment and I could see he was a light brown color all over, I walked around him and ran my hand over his belly and back until I reached his tail-base, I mean... her tail-base as she raised it and I could see in great details that she had all the female bits presents and was actually... excited?

I turned red as I felt the familiar warmth of arousal heating my loins, though in this place, no one could have seen, and mumbled something as I turned around to face her in a way that meant that I didn't want anything to happen and that you know I was not really in the mood for that and I would have mumbled unintelligent things for minutes if she hadn't touched me down there for sole response.

Yes. Yes I was rock hard. She got me good on that one. I sighed hoping my hard-on would eventually go down but no. I patted her head and she gave my sex a gentle lick before she withdrew.

My mind grew confused as a shiver ran down my spine, I couldn't move and yet I was oh so slightly, I could feel the intricate warmth of her tongue running over and over my cock as she was blowing me endlessly, my eyes stared vaguely as I was breathing in the delicate perfumes of her pheromones, I could feel my excitement growing if it was ever possible to do so.

I was breathing in the aroma of mare sex, mare pheromones and milk, hmm, I want milk, I... I what?!

I felt subdued to kneel in front of my mare as she moved to the side and walked over me poking my nose with her full udders. My mouth opened to suckle onto the tender flesh and I was soon rewarded with the thick greasy milk I so wanted.

My mind ran dizzy from this moment on but I could feel my suction became more efficient as I managed to take more of her udder into my mouth while the top of my head stopped bumping into her hind leg.

The mare moved her head down to my crotch and after another lick at my cock started to suck it in her velvety mouth, I bumped her lips firmly with my hips lost in both my new addiction to her milk and my insatiable arousal from her heavy scents.

As my climax grew nearer, I couldn't keep on suckling the udders and yet the milk kept flowing down my muzzle and along my neck, I closed my eyes and tightly and let out a low grunt as I blew my load onto her delicious tongue, my whole body quivering and convulsing with the intensity of my arousal and passed out.


Behind closed lids, I saw that the light of the day has come and gone and back again, I could clearly feel that I wanted to wake up but my body wouldn't respond to my orders. I had to wait as though in a strange prison, although I didn't feel stressed as I was nestled against a big and warm pillow and I knew instinctively that I was safe.

A snort and firm nuzzling took me out of my torpor, I had no choice but to wake up and stirred. It took me a minute to adapt to the light in the room and understand where I was. I looked around as a giant horse face looked down upon me, her gaze was familiar and I smiled.

  • Hi momma!

Did I actually just said that?! I blinked twice and looked again, well, apparently I did.

  • Good morning little one, it's time to adapt to those new legs of yours!

I cocked my head, I heard common horse snorts and whinnies and yet I managed to figure out what those meant. And what's that stupid thing about my legs? Like I forgot how to walk in a night, also I'm still not back at my place...

I pondered for a short bit if this was still a dream going on or something more. I eventually shrugged it when I thought I would get a milk breakfast and then figure it out, what's with the milk again?

I threw myself up to get on my legs as usual just to fall back on my nose at once.

  • Oh, be careful little one, I don't want you to hurt yourself for that first time.

First time of what? And why can't I stand up? I... What the.... My gaze was attracted by those two stumps on each sides of my body, must be two wood sticks I didn't notice before and I tripped on th... Eeee, one moved, a snake?!

No, wait... I moved it? Yes yes I did!

I stared incredulously at them slowly realizing those were my legs, as I grew curious about them, so much that I forgot why I had them in the first place, I managed to stand up and stay up on those wibbly wobbly legs of mine. I gleamed and tempted something like a grin that made mommy laugh heartily.

I stared under my body and at my side, I was a foal, a nice fully formed one... And a male one on top of that! I was lost in the youthful joy of standing and exploring my equine body.

I pranced around proudly for like half a... second until I rolled down in the hay and ended upside down against mommy's legs.

  • Don't worry little one, you'll eventually get used to it.

She nuzzled me back on my legs and licked my face then down my neck.

  • I.. Eww, hey, what? I said making a face.

  • It's morning bath for my foal.

  • Hey no, mommy, c'mon, I...

  • Aww, let mommy clean you and then it will be breakfast time.

Breakfast time...

Breakfast time...

My mind shook like hell, it quickly became all cloudy as I lost sight of mommy, the mare and the barn, their images slowly faded into oblivion. A sharp migraine hit me as I held my head between my hands.


  • I heard it, I'm coming! I yelled back, opening my eyes.

That's when I realized I had my hands back. I raised my eyes, I was back in my room. Alarm clock said 7:30am.

I quickly got out of bed and brushed my head firmly to clean the last mists of sleep from it.

  • Man what a dream...

I stretched hard and yawned out loud before getting to the kitchen, the hairy stub poking out of my pajamas flicking back and forth as I walked down the stairs.

It was just a dream, really.

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