Poem - Rain

Story by ellomydear on SoFurry

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#2 of Poems

That did not take long, this isn't good i'm afraid.

so did i do wrong? does this need an upgrade?

There is water coming from the skies,

It's a miracle beyond belief.

Some say it is god who cries,

In any way it is a relief.

It can fit everywhere,

And can be hard as steel.

A umbrella may be a way to prepare,

Is this really water I feel?

Even though I know how it works,

It never ceases to amaze me.

Can it get any worse?

The water is up to my knee.

Poem - Suicide

My life is a struggle I yearn for release. Like a knife through butter, I am finally relieved. Where the sun will shine, The stars will remain. My blood will be grime, My attempt is in vain. Together they will cry, Their hearts will bleed. I...

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