The lifeguard and the dragon

Story by Tarragon on SoFurry

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"Help! Help! Please, someone help me!"

The lifeguard heard the dragon's cries for help and leapt off his tower, running down the beach to the sea. He could see a figure frantically splashing only about ten metres out into the water.

"Just hold on!" the orca yelled as he felt his feet submerge in the sea, his strong legs pushing him forwards at great speed.

The day was bright, there was a light breeze, and the sea was calm. A perfect summer day. How anyone could drown in such conditions was beyond the orca, but his sense of duty overrode all other thoughts. He ran through the water for at least half of the distance before swimming the rest.

The dragon had stopped shouting, no longer needing to get the attention of anyone, but his splashing continued and the terrified look on his face remained. He knew he should not have gone this far out in the sea. It was not far for most people, but he was never a good swimmer. He overestimated his meagre ability, and ended up in what he thought was a life-threatening situation. Of course, ten metres out, it was barely deep at all.

One of the reasons the dragon had stopped shouting was that he saw the orca, but it was not just because he did not have to bring attention to himself any more; he was awestruck. The orca was damn hot. The dragon could see the enormous chest flexing between two strong, muscular arms. He saw those powerful legs and the large bulge between them.

The dragon's brain was split between fear and lust. He feared for his life, but at the same time imagined what that sexy orca looked like without the speedos and how he'd rescue him and put his sexy orca body against his scales and rub his crotch and-

The dragon's thoughts were abruptly stopped as the orca grabbed hold of him and started swimming back ashore. His heart continued to beat extremely fast, and he still felt like he had to keep kicking his legs and flailing his arms to keep afloat. He looked up at his saviour; that beautiful, sexy, muscled orca. He murred at the feeling at being pressed so closely to orca's body, feeling slightly aroused in the intimate situation.

He was suddenly pulled from his thoughts and fantasies again as he was laid out on his back on the beach. He let himself lie down, eyes closed, so relieved to be out of the water. That was when he felt the orca press his lips on his own.

"Oh my god oh my god he's kissing me" the dragon squealed in his mind for about a second until he realised the orca was breathing into his mouth in an attempt to resuscitate the conscious dragon. This caused the scalie to back away, eyes wide open, coughing.

Looking up, he could see that beautiful orca standing over him, looking genuinely concerned and very sexy. He moved his head to see a group of other beach-goers behind the lifeguard and at the side of him. Some seemed to be smiling, and a couple were laughing to each other and pointing.

"What are they pointing at?" the dragon asked himself until he looked down. He had a huge erection in his swimming trunks. "Oh my god, just kill me now" he thought as he closed his eyes again and rested his head on the sand, hoping that ignoring the whole embarrassing situation will make it go away.

"Hey buddy, are you alright?" asked a deep, compassionate voice. The dragon's eyes opened again and sat up, seeing the orca looking at him. "I said, are you alright? You're safe now."

The scalie could only look in awe at the hunk that saved him. That beautiful, large chest, strong arms, and that very large bulge he couldn't help but stare at. It was then he remembered his own bulge and quickly tried to cover himself up with his paws.

"Alright folks, thanks for your concern. Everything's fine now; please give us some space." The people gathering around began to disperse, though the dragon thought it was too little too late. They saw him cough when being 'kissed' by the orca, and they saw his 'little problem' in his swimming shorts. He couldn't have been any more embarrassed.

"Hey, you're starting to worry me again. Are you alright?" The dragon looked again at the orca's face, noting his concerned expression and the sincerity in his voice. Surely he'd seen the bulge in his trunks.

"Don't tell me I'm going to have to give you more mouth-to-mouth. I think you enjoyed that enough the first time," the orca laughed.

The dragon blushed. "Oh my god oh my god, he noticed he noticed, I'm such a dork, damn, damn, damn. What do I say? What should I say? Think, think."

"Errr... thank you?" the dragon said, uncertainty noticeable in his voice. The orca looked slightly puzzled, but smiled and extended an arm out to the dragon to help him up.

"Not much of a talker, are you?" the orca said as he helped lift up the dragon. As the dragon stood, the orca noticed the dragon's physique. Not muscled, but built well enough, nice and slim, just how he liked it. Fantastic green scales, captivating blue eyes, and of course that rather nice looking bulge in his shorts.

The dragon noticed the orca checking him out, and looked away bashfully, still attempting to cover his arousal with a scaled paw. The orca realised he'd been caught by the dragon and tried to quickly make conversation.

"So, er, do you want to meet up later?" The instant he said this, his heart started beating fast. "Did I just ask this guy out?" he asked himself, worrying terribly about what he just said.

"Did this guy just ask me out?" the dragon mused. "What do I say, what do I say? Oh my god, he's hot, he can't really be interested can he?

"Yes, I want to go out with you!" replied the dragon, a little louder and faster than he had intended to speak. "Oh damn" he thought, "oh damn, damn, I said I wanted to go out with him. He didn't ask me that, oh damn, I've screwed up."

"Great!" said the orca. "I'm looking forward to it already. The name's Jamie." He reached out his arm again, this time to shake the dragon's paw.

The dragon shook hands with the orca. "I'm Dart."

"How about we meet at the Surf Bar at eight?"

"Sounds great."

"I'll see you later then, Dart" said the orca, winking to the awestruck dragon. He turned around and waved behind him. "I'm looking forward to it".

"Aaaaaaaaarrgh! I have a date, I have a date, oh my god!" Dart's brain went into overdrive. "My first date," he thought happily, walking the opposite way from the orca, thinking about all of the possible outcomes of the evening, forgetting about his protruding length as he walked past some of the more attentive people on the beach who regained their smiles.

~ ~ ~

"Oh my god, oh my god, I'm late!" Dart muttered to himself as he rushed down the streets to the beach-side road where the bar is located. "He's gonna hate me, I've screwed it up already, damn, damn, damn!"

The dragon rushed around the final corner and saw his destination a little further down the road. "I'm nearly there, oh please don't be mad, Jamie!"

Meanwhile, the big orca had arrived and walked up to the bar to order a drink. As he waited, he let his eyes scout the room, searching for his new scaled friend. He frowned when he realised the dragon wasn't there.

"I didn't think he'd come" he thought to himself. "I knew he wouldn't. Why did I let myself get my hopes up?" Jamie sighed as he handed over some money to the bartender.

He picked up his drink and looked to the doors. "I guess it's only just after eight; there's still time."

"He'll hate me, he might have even gone home, maybe he never turned up, oh my god, why did I have to be late?" Dart's thoughts rushed around his mind as he approached the bar. He pushed open the doors to the sound of music and people talking. He looked around the bar, looking for Jamie. "Where is he? I knew it, he's gone, he wasn't really interested, he- Jamie!"

Jamie turned to the source of the voice and his face lit up. "Hey Dart, great to see you." Jamie felt relieved he hadn't made a fool of himself by setting himself up to be stood up by some guy he had just met.

"I am so sorry I'm late, Jamie. The bus I wanted was two minutes late and then it stopped at all the traffic lights and then this old lady got on and she wanted to pay the fare in pennies and it took ages for her to count them out and then I ran and ran because I was late and-"

"Relax, it's fine. It's only like five minutes past eight, it's nothing. I'm just glad you're here."

"You are?" Dart asked, still a little out of breath from running.

"Yes, of course I am. I wouldn't have asked you out if I wasn't." A smile came from the dragon as Jamie ordered him a drink and lead to the way to some seats, away from the music and the louder people.

"It's a bit more cosy here, I think," Jamie said. Dart nodded, looking at the hunky orca. "You already seem more talkative than earlier," the orca smiled.

"Hah, yeah, I was a bit shook up earlier. Er, thanks again by the way. You know, for saving me."

"You don't have to thank me, it's my job. Anyway, it was my pleasure," he smiled again, "though, I don't think the pleasure was all mine. You know what I mean."

Dart felt himself blush. He cursed himself for getting embarrassed so easily and tried to reply, but couldn't find the right words to say.

"Uh-oh, it seems your voice has gone again," laughed Jamie. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you. You're just so cute."

Dart looked up at Jamie. The orca had realised for the second time that day that he should always think before talking.

"Y-y-you think I'm cute?" Dart asked carefully. His heart was beating fast, and already the bulge in his shorts began to grow. He cursed himself for getting aroused so easily as well.

It was now Jamie's turn to be speechless. "Er, well, er, I, what I meant to say was, er, well..." He couldn't deny his attraction to the dragon, but he didn't mean for it to spill out, especially so soon after meeting him.

"I think you're cute, too," Dart said, bravely.

Jamie looked at Dart, mouth agape.

"I say things too soon without thinking them through" Jamie confessed.

"Oh," said Dart, the disappointment in his voice was impossible to ignore.

"No, no, no, I really like you. I mean, I didn't mean to say it then. I want to know you better, but my stupid mouth runs ahead of my brain."

"Oh!" said Dart, this time the excitement in his voice was impossible to ignore. "Well, I'm Dart but you already know that and I'm 20 and I'm a student here and I've been here for nearly a year now and it's a lot different to home but I'm glad to be here and I like cooking though I don't have lots of people to cook for but if I did I would cook so much and-"

"Do remember to breathe, Dart."

"Oh my god, I'm sorry. I guess I'm not feeling as nervous now, huh?" Dart smiled at the orca across the table. "Please tell me about yourself, Jamie."

"I'm 25 and I've been a lifeguard here for two years now."

Dart's thoughts raced, "oh my god, he's older, he's older, wow, is an older guy really interested in me?"

"I like the work, and it allows me to get to meet nice new people. Like you, Dart. I am very happy to have met you. I have to tell you that I feel something special towards you."

Dart's shorts were being stretched to full capacity at hearing these words. His heart felt soft, but his crotch felt incredibly hard.

"Tell me how you feel, Dart." Jamie reached out his arm across the table and placed his hand on the dragon's.

"I feel..." Dart hesitated, his mind confused with new feelings. Love? Lust?

Dart put his free paw on top of the orca's and looked deep in to his eyes.

"I feel something I cannot describe. Something so wonderful no words could do it justice."

The orca leant forwards over the table towards Dart. The dragon followed his instincts and did the same until their lips met.

"Oh my god, oh my god," Dart's mind raced, "I'm kissing, I'm kissing, I can't believe it, this guy is amazing, I love him, I want him, I need him."

"I think I might have found the one," Jamie mused to himself before being lost in the amazing feeling of their first intimate moment together.

The kiss lasted but a few seconds, but to the new couple it felt like a lifetime.

When they parted lips, Jamie smiled softly at Dart, his deep blue eyes shining with compassion and love. Dart returned the gaze, his own green eyes fixated on the beautiful orca in front of him.

Jamie broke the silence; "would you like to come back to my place?"

"Oh my god, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!" screamed Dart's brain and crotch.

"I would love to, Jamie," Dart replied, as calmly as he could.

They both stood up, and for the second time that day, Dart walked past many people with a big erection sticking out in front of him, and he did not care one bit.

~ ~ ~

As Jamie fumbled around with the key to his apartment, Dart admired the orca's butt through his shorts. He looked further down, eyeing those strong legs before moving back up to the cute ass.

Jamie opened the door and walked inside, Dart following close behind.

After preparing a couple of drinks, the pair sat on the sofa and put the television on quietly and started to make light conversation. Dart had lost his erection walking to Jamie's apartment, but in this tense situation, he felt it come back very quickly.

Jamie leant forwards to kiss his dragon companion and Dart obliged. As their lips met, Jamie put a hand on the dragon's chest and rubbed softly causing the dragon to murr slightly.

They continued the kiss, and Jamie continued his rubbing. When their lips parted, Jamie took off Dart's shirt, initiated another kiss, and rubbed his chest again, this time feeling his smooth scales.

The reaction from Dart was much more pronounced this time, and there was a definite, very audible murr. Jamie began to rub and stroke a wider area, from the top of the dragon's chest, down to his belly, just above the waistline of his shorts.

Dart's erection strained against his shorts harder than ever, and it did not go unnoticed by the orca. Their kissing continued, more passionately as Jamie's caresses made the dragon murr more, but not as much as when the orca brushed his hand over the front of Dart's shorts.

The dragon moaned. He moaned while kissing that studly orca. The orca whose hand had practically touched his penis. He has never had his penis touched by anyone other than him before, and the feeling drove him wild.

He bucked his crotch upwards in a show of great need and arousal. The orca broke off the kiss causing the dragon to look at him confusedly. The orca took off his own shirt and smiled at the dragon.

Dart gasped as he saw that wonderful chest, those strong, muscular arms again.

"He's even sexier than I remember from earlier," Dart thought to himself.

"Shall we continue in the bedroom?" asked the orca. Dart didn't answer. He stood up, smiling, eyes full of lust for the hunky orca.

Jamie led Dart to his bedroom. Once inside, he lifted up the topless dragon and placed him gently on his bed. The orca looked at the sexy dragon lying on his bed. His beautiful soft scales shimmered in the evening sun peeking through the windows. His lithe form so sexy and inviting, his bulge showing his obvious arousal.

"We need to take these off," spoke the orca softly, grabbing the dragon's shorts and slowly pulling them down. The waistband stretched to lift over the dragon's huge bulge in his underwear.

Jamie tugged the shorts off the dragon's footpaws and tossed them aside. He was already quite aroused, but his cock started hardening rapidly at the new view of the dragon. The scaled beauty raised a paw showing his claws at the orca in a dragonish pose, as the orca regarded the slim, gentle curves of the dragon's fantastic body. His gaze fixed on Dart's crotch, the underwear barely able to contain his arousal.

The orca removed his own shorts and climbed on to the bed, moving his big body over Dart's. The dragon gasped at having the big buff orca almost on top of him and moaned when he felt Jamie's underwear bulge rub against his own. He bucked his hips up again to the orca in appreciation of the fantastic feeling.

"I think I should do something about this," said Jamie as he reached his hand down and squeezed the dragon's penis through his underwear. Dart let out a loud rawr and pushed his hips up hard again clearly in desperate need of pleasure.

Jamie slid down the dragon's body, closely regarding his scaly treasure until he was facing the dragon's bulge. He began to rub the shaft up and down through the underwear, occasionally squeezing the thick shaft inside. He shuffled his fingers over Dart's covered balls and from there all the way up the hidden cock to the tip.

Dart was practically shaking. His eyes were closed, his breathing was heavy, and he continued to buck his hips up wildly to the orca's hands. Then he felt the hands take hold of his underwear and very slowly start to pull them down.

The dragon gasped as he felt the prison of his penis being removed, finally freeing his aching shaft. The orca slowly removed the underwear with great anticipation, eager to see the dragon's cock.

The hard shaft sprung up as it was released from its fabric cage. Jamie could smell the enticing scent emitting from the dragon's beautiful cock. He studied it in all its glory. Deep black, thick, about seven inches long and begging for attention.

Jamie noticed Dart's rapid breathing, clearly highly aroused. He gently held the dragon's hot shaft in his hand and inhaled its intoxicating scent. It drove the orca's mind wild. He just had to lick it, suck it, pleasure that darling dragon any way he could.

There was a loud, long murr when the orca's tongue licked from the base of the hot shaft, slowly up to the tip. When the tongue reached the tip, Dart gasped, the intimate unusual feeling on his cock simultaneously surprising him and pleasuring him.

The orca held the base of the thick shaft as he teased the tip with a flickering of his tongue. The moans from Dart signalled he was doing a good job. He licked down the shaft and back up again before resuming his teasing of the tip.

The scent of the dragon was too much for Jamie to resist any longer, and he just had to suck on the length, and suck it well. He positioned his lips over the tip of the cock before slowly moving his head down, the head disappearing into his mouth.

Dart growled in his throat loudly as he felt the head of his shaft being taken into the hot, smooth depths of his partner's mouth. The orca, holding the base of the shaft firmly, pushed further down the shaft, feeling the head glide deeper into his mouth, the rest of the length sliding past his lips.

As he reached the base of the shaft, he moved his tongue around in his mouth, pleasing the dragon before moving his head back up until just the head was on his lips. Jamie repeated this as Dart moaned out loud at the intense pleasure.

"Ahhh, Jamie!" Dart cried as he held tightly on to the bed sheets. Jamie continued to skilfully suck on the dragon's beautiful, thick cock. He bobbed his head up and down, tasting every inch of that gorgeous shaft. "Ohhhhh, yeeeahhhh," the dragon moaned when he felt the orca's tongue licking around his big cock head in his mouth before lowering his head again to suck the whole shaft.

"Mmmh..." the dragon's groans continued from the heavenly feeling of the orca sucking on his big dragon cock. "Ohhhhh, Jamie, I'm gonna cum!"

The orca continued his smooth sucking, bracing himself for the explosion to come. He heard the dragon's breathing speed up, and increased moaning.

"Ohhh, ohhh, ohhhhh!" Dart cried, the bed sheets held tightly in his hand, his groin thrusting up, pushing his big cock into the orca's mouth.

"Ohhhh yesssssss!" yelled the dragon as his balls pumped the first shot of cum, firing it in to the back of the orca's throat. Then another thick load shot into his mouth, followed by five more big, thick shots of precious dragon cum.

Dart moaned loudly, very loudly, as he felt his cum flowing out of his thick cock, wave after wave of it shooting out into the mouth of his orca partner. He rode on the wave of his mind-blowing orgasm, feeling as though it would never end.

Jamie swallowed down all of the dragon's thick, creamy cum as it fired from the huge cock he was sucking on. He thought the dragon would never stop shooting his precious seed, but he drank it all down with great pleasure.

The dragon felt his orgasm subsiding, no more cum flowing from his cock, just a warm, fulfilled feeling. He released the bed sheet from his grasp and lay motionless, his breathing still erratic.

Jamie slowly raised his head up, releasing Dart's beautiful cock from his mouth. He licked his lips and gazed at the dragon who had his eyes closed and a blissful expression on his face. He lay down next to the dragon on the bed.

His eyes still closed, Dart turned slightly, putting one arm over the orca, and turning his face to the orca's, kissed him softly.

"Thank you," he whispered before opening his eyes and looking at Jamie. "Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me, Dart. I'm happy to give you so much pleasure," replied the orca.

Dart moved his arm down the orca's smooth body to his crotch. His eyes widened when he felt what was clearly the orca's huge cock, hard and strained within the tight underwear.

"Oh my god, he's huge!" thought Dart. He couldn't help but feel the big, hot cock through the tight underwear. He could clearly feel the thickness of the cock, and there was quite a length there, but he could not feel the end. He could only imagine the sort of size Jamie must be.

"That feels nice, Dart," said Jamie softly, "really nice".

Dart could clearly see and feel Jamie's arousal, and he wanted to please the orca just as he had pleased him. But this was his first time, and he didn't really know what to do. The dragon followed his instincts.

He sat up, and looked over the orca's sexy body. He was stunned again by that big chest, and those big muscled arms. He couldn't help but look next directly at the enormous bulge at the orca's crotch.

Dart moved himself in between the orca's legs, much how Jamie had done for him, and put a scaled paw on the bulge. He could feel his own cock begin to harden again even before it had gone fully soft after his huge orgasm.

"Oh my god, this is turning me on so much, and I haven't even seen it yet," Dart thought as he tried to get a good impression of Jamie's big cock by feeling it all over through the underwear.

Jamie moaned at feeling his penis rubbed through the thin fabric of his underwear. All he wanted was for Dart to take them off so he could free his aching shaft.

It did not take long for the dragon's curiosity and lust to take over, and remove the orca's underwear. As he did, he revealed more and more of a seemingly never-ending penis. The dragon's eyes widened as the cock finally sprung up as he pulled off the underwear all the way. Standing before him was a most gorgeous, amazing, mesmerising, thick nine-inch cock, hard, throbbing, needy, with a scent that instantly drew Dart's face up close.

Dart inhaled the intoxicating scent of the orca, and brought his own shaft to full hardness again. He placed a scaled paw around the base of the shaft, and he could feel the power of it throbbing in his paw..

He opened his mouth and put his tongue on the head of the orca's amazingly huge shaft. He slowly licked up to the tip before closing his mouth, contemplating the taste. Jamie gasped at the feeling, and Dart just knew he wanted, no, needed more.

He licked the head again, this time, flicking his tongue all the way around before moving up to the tip. He heard Jamie moan softly and continued his oral duty. He moved his mouth to the base of the cock where he was still holding it in his paw, and deeply inhaled his thick scent. He licked up the cock from the base, all the way up to the tip, earning another moan from the orca.

Dart continued to pleasure the orca, trying to remember what Jamie had done to him, in order to give his partner pleasure, despite having no prior experience. He licked up and down the cock several times, still amazed by its impressive size.

He then moved back up to the head, and very slowly put his lips over the tip before moving his head down, enveloping the cock in his hot mouth. He pushed down slowly until he got all of the head in his mouth, requiring him to stretch open his maw quite a bit.

"Mmmmm..." the orca groaned as he felt his cock, slicked up from the dragon's licks now being taken in to his mouth.

The dragon did not show his inexperience as he began to suck on the top of the orca's cock, slowly and steadily bobbing his head to please his partner. He enjoyed the feeling of having a huge cock in his mouth as he began to speed up a little, and take more of the long shaft down his throat.

"Yeahhh..." Jamie moaned. Dart was pleased to hear he was pleasing the orca as he began to swish his tongue around the shaft while sucking on it up and down. He sped up his movements, as he remembered Jamie did so for him, resulting in another groan from the orca. He began to stroke the rest of the orca's shaft with his paw as he sucked. Jamie flinched.

"Uh, stop... please stop," the orca begged.

Dart worried, "oh my god, he hates me, I don't know what I'm doing, damn, damn".

"You're doing great, sexy," Jamie reassured Dart. "It's just you got me really close, and I don't want to cum just yet."

Dart was reassured that he hadn't done something wrong. "Why don't you want to cum?" he asked.

"Oh, I do want to cum, but not in your mouth," replied Jamie, sitting up and squeezing Dart's sexy ass. "I want to take your tail and truly make you mine."

Dart's heart leapt, "oh my god, he's going to fuck me, he's going to fucking fuck me, damn, yes!"

"Oh yes, please take me," Dart murred to the big orca.

He got on all fours on the bed and raised his tail, presenting himself to the studly orca. Jamie marvelled at the sight in front of him. A sleek, slim and sexy dragon, on all fours, with his tail raised showing off his cute ass and tight, tight virgin tailhole, two big balls hanging below.

"Damn, you look good," said Jamie, lust clear in his voice. He had to restrain himself from pouncing on the dragon and fucking him raw. Instead, he moved right behind the dragon and smelled his wonderful scent, turning him on even more.

"I'm going to get you prepared, okay sweetie?"

"Oh my god, he called me sweetie!" Dart thought. He didn't register the rest of what Jamie said to him.

He got a surprise when he felt something wet and warm against his tailhole. It was Jamie's tongue, licking over Dart's sweet hole and all around it.

"Ooooh, mmmmm..." Dart moaned as he felt the orca's tongue pleasure his virgin opening.

The tongue pushed into the dragon's sweet hole resulting in another groan. Jamie rimmed the dragon until he was slick with saliva.

The orca's cock was already slick from Dart's sucking, so the orca positioned himself behind the tight, virgin dragon, ready to penetrate.

"Are you ready, sweetie?" asked the orca, his hands on the dragon's hips, his cock head lightly resting on the dragon's entrance.

"I need you in me. Please take me!" cried Dart, the need clear in his voice.

Jamie needed nothing else to start pushing himself forward, ready to take the young dragon's virginity.

Dart was perfectly still as he felt the head of the orca's enormous cock start to enter him.

"Ahhh," he gasped.

"You okay, sweetie?"

"Keep going!" the dragon moaned lustily.

The orca pushed further, spreading open the dragon's tight anal passage with his thick cock. Dart's anal walls wrapped around Jamie's cock and squeezed, enticing the orca to push more of his thick meat inside the dragon.

Jamie continued to push alongside the moans and groans of the dragon, clearly loving the feeling of being spread open and penetrated by such a big beast. Eventually, the orca's hips met with Dart's ass, announcing his full entry.

Dart rawred out loud at the feeling of being completely filled with cock. He was so tight, he could feel the orca's shaft throbbing inside of him. He wiggled his ass on the big cock, loving the indescribable feeling of being so full. Dart clenched his anal muscles to squeeze on Jamie's shaft, resulting in a moan from the orca.

"Please make love to me!"

Jamie slowly began to pull out of the tight dragon. His big shaft departing from the narrow anal passage, Dart's feeling of fullness dropping.

Suddenly, Jamie slammed himself back in to the tight dragon. His big cock quickly filled up the dragon's passage again, as Dart moaned like crazy at the feeling of being so quickly penetrated.

The orca soon started a rhythm of pulling out of the dragon about half way before pushing back in again. Every time the orca's hips crashed into the dragon's ass, the dragon lurched forwards, letting out a short moan.

The feeling for Dart was incredible. Wave after wave of pure pleasure buzzed throughout his whole body as the big orca made love to him. He couldn't help but moan out loud at the amazing feeling he was being given. Words failed him, but the noises he made expressed the depth of his pleasure.

Jamie's cock continued to pump Dart's ass; the beautifully thick cock smoothly spreading open the intimate passage of the dragon. With every thrust, he felt his whole shaft being squeezed by the tight walls of Dart's virgin hole.

Dart's hard cock was bouncing with every thrust given to him by the powerful orca. He was breathing heavily and continuing to moan and growl in pleasure, his swinging balls approaching a second orgasm.

The dragon's muscles started to spasm as he let out a shot of pre cum, his anal walls squeezing even harder on the big orca inside him. Jamie moaned and started to fuck Dart at double speed, almost at the point of losing his seed.

He screwed the dragon harder still, his full balls ready to unload his pent up cum. He began to grunt and groan as he fucked the dragon hard. The big orca held on to the dragon's small hips tightly as he roughly slammed his huge cock with all of his weight as hard as he could, so close to shooting inside him.

Dart moaned louder than he had before as the orca's dominance threw him over the edge, and his dragon cock shot out his second load of the night. His inner muscles began to spasm and his anal walls clenched tightly on the enormous length inside him. Dart bucked back on to the big hard cock as he came hard.

The heightened intensity tightness and eagerness of the dragon pushed the orca into bliss as his huge balls emptied themselves, his cum shooting strong and hard from his long, thick cock, deep into the warm depths of the smooth, tight dragon.

Dart murred loudly at the first feeling of the orca's cum deep inside of him, loving the intimate feeling of the warm substance shooting hard in him. The orca continued to hump him as he came, Dart still moaning and growling.

Jamie came long and hard, unloading a huge amount of cum inside the dragon. Each shot of his seed felt like ecstasy, still humping his cock deep into the dragon, shooting his love wildly into the deepest depths of his dragon.

The dragon's second orgasm over, he wanted to collapse on the bed, despite the cum splatters he just shot there. But the orca's big cock kept him up, his tail remained raised, welcoming the last of Jamie's huge orgasm.

The tight grip of the dragon's ass remained around his big cock as he felt the last shots of his amazing orgasm. He pressed his cock hard inside the dragon in dominance, revelling in the feeling of cumming so hard, and inside such a wonderfully tight and sexy dragon.

He started to push down on the dragon, wanting to rest on the bed with him, and Dart happily complied. Jamie was still hard and fully inside the dragon as they rest on the bed, the orca on top of the dragon, both panting hard. Dart could feel the spots of his cum on his scales as he lay on the bed, but the feeling of having Jamie's cum and huge shaft inside him more than made up for it.

Jamie slid to the side of Dart, spooning him, his cock still hard inside of the dragon. He held on to his new lover tightly and whispered softly to him.

"I think I love you, Dart."

"I know I love you," came the reply.