Trying Out Some New Toys

Story by Daniel Yote on SoFurry

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#2 of Commissioned Stories

A kinky story I commissioned a couple years back, don't know why I hadn't posted it here. Enjoy some wolf on coyote femdom action. :)

Story is (c) AnubusKirrm on FA and here too I think

Yote and Natalya are Mine

"There is never a dull moment in the life of a mercenary". That was what Yote had thought when he'd first started out in the business of being a hired gun, and he'd been right for the most part. Sure, it had effectively been entirely hazard pay right from the start, and he was risking his neck every day of his life, but he'd at least made a good living off of it. He'd even found himself a nice girl out of his time in the merc business. Few other jobs could have kept him in such good shape, paid as well, or hooked him up as wonderfully as this one had.

Still, after a time, he had begun to wind down a little, spending less and less time out on the battlefields where he held no stake but his life and a paycheck, and devoting more of his efforts on his relationship with the aforementioned dream girl. This was due in no small part to the girl's stunning success in the business of rent-a-soldier and the small fortune she'd developed as a result. When she settled down, so did he... and it was more than money that had influenced his decision.

Yote had just gotten back from another mission, dumping his gear on the floor next to the door and making his way upstairs. Natalya wasn't home yet.

"Plenty of time to freshen up, then." he thought. Not that Nat was particularly picky about how her guy looked. They both knew quite well how one wound up looking after a day of fighting. Yote took his time showering and brushing his fur, washing away the little mementos of battle that his body had hung onto. The coyote was happy to feel the hot water run down his shoulders and ease all the tension of the day and momentarily sooth his mind of the faces of his fallen foes. The ones who hadn't survived the day, who wouldn't be going home like he was now. Another successful paycheck written in blood... That was the way things worked in that business.

"Whatever." he said with a little sigh, stepping out of the shower and grabbing a towel. He'd had plenty of years to become accustomed to the way of things. Yote dried himself off and grabbed a pair of sweat pants, slipping them on and walking out into the bedroom to find...

"Oh. Hey Nat."

His lupine girlfriend was reclining lazily on their bed, wrapped up in the covers, a couple of bags on the floor beside her, big blue eyes staring up at the coyote as she replied, "Hello handsome. Have fun today?"

"As much fun as it can be." Yote took a seat and the two kissed. He couldn't help but glance down at the bags next to the bed, "Shopping today, huh? Where'd you go?"

"Would you like to see?" Natalya's smile turned into a little smirk that made the coyote jump a little. Nat noticed, of course, giggling a bit and pushing the covers away. She was dressed in a corset and long pants, all leather, a crop in one hand and a leash in the other.

Yote already knew what was coming. Nat was always going out to find new fetish clothing and objects to tease her boyfriend with. These tools were old news, though... as was the outfit. Whatever she'd bought was still in the bag. Yote cleared his throat and tried to sound as convincing as possible, "Well um... I just got back from work, you know."

"Yeah, and?" Nat grinned widely, clipping the leash to her boyfriend/pet's collar before he could react. Not that she thought he'd protest physically. He never did.

"Well I just thought we could... snuggle?" he gave a sheepish chuckle, knowing full well that she wouldn't be convinced. When she was in the mood, there was no denying her.

The dommy lupine crawled over her boyfriend and pushed him onto his back, pinning him to the bed as she dug through one of the bags. Two things came out: a bottle of lube and a thick vibrating dildo. She waved the large sex toy in front of her boyfriend's face and giggled sadistically, "You can take this, right? Do you think?"

"It's a little thick..."

"Oh please, you took my biggest strap-on last week. This is only slightly bigger."

There was no arguing with her. Yote sighed a bit and leaned his head back, "Yeah, but--"

Nat grinned, flipping him over with surprising strength for a girl her size, taking her crop and thwapping it against his backside, bringing a loud yelp from his throat. She waited a moment before asking, "But..?"

"But nothing..."

"Good boy." she giggled and turned him over again, leaning down and kissing him passionately, a hand sneaking down to grope at his nethers, bringing muffled moans and murrs from her boy's lips. Her hand slipped into Yote's sweat pants, teasing at his sheath, tickling at his balls and making him jump, "So sensitive... Just the way Mistress likes it."

"Yes Mistress." Yote replied in a quivering voice, licking at Nat's muzzle as the kiss broke, keeping his arms at his sides and letting her take the reins. Even when they were simply friends, Yote knew that Nat was a dominant woman. She always spoke with such confidence and pride, and even her movements themselves spoke of a great feminine power within her that sought to assert itself over the nearest male. Lucky him... because the coyote sure enjoyed submitting to her.

Nat's fingers pinching his nipple brought him out of his little reminiscence, a tiny yelp escaping his lips. The wolfess snickered and leaned down to nibble possessively at her boyfriend's neck, hand squeezing at his sheath, coaxing his fleshy member out slowly, murmuring sweet things to his neck as she nipped his sensitive neck, "Submissive boy. My subby boy. You're a good slut, aren't you?"

"G-Good slut." he murred out, panting with each little squeeze, eyelids fluttering shut. It was always the neck that got him. It was such a vulnerable spot to attack, and she knew it... and exploited it.

Nat snickered happily, giving his emerging cock a nice squeeze, making him moan out in surprise and pleasure, "Alright, boy. Sit up now."

Yote did as commanded, and Nat slipped in behind him, abandoning his member for the moment and reaching into her bag, "Hands behind your back, pet."

The dominant wolfess brought out the first of the evening's toys: A set of leather bondage sleeves. She quickly slipped her boyfriend's arms through them and belted them up tightly, keeping his arms firmly restrained behind his back. She leaned back and admired her handiwork, grinning and tugging him onto his back again, "Hot."

"I-If it pleases you, Mistress." Yote said, his cheeks bright red. This was a new toy in her arsenal. Usually she'd just use handcuffs or ropes to keep him immobile. This was the least amount of arm movement he'd been allowed in a long time.

"Oh, it does, pet." Nat's grin widened, fishing through the bag again and picking out a bullet vibrator, "Now I can tease you at my leisure. My boy will like this, will he not?"

The vibe was pressed against his hard member and switched to its strongest vibration, bringing a whimper from Yote's lips. That was all the answer Nat needed. She reached into her bag of toys once more, finding the strap she'd bought to go with the vibrator and quickly attaching it, leaving the teasing toy pressed against her boy toy's cock. The vibrations quickly brought a bead of precum to the tip of that canine member, dripping down the front and over the vibrator's strap.

"Ooh my boy is getting horny, isn't he?"

"Yes Mistress."

"He's not going to make Mistress do all the work, though, right?"

"No, Mistress. Your pet will gladly do his share."

Nat climbed up on top of the bound coyote, crawling onto his chest and sitting there, her snatch right in front of his muzzle, "I've got the best seat in the house. Now show me its greatest function, boy."

Without any further prompting, Yote's tongue went to work. This was his favorite thing to do, and he did it exceptionally well. Eating out his Mistress was a privilege that he did not squander. The boy's tongue worked tirelessly, swirling around Nat's sex, flicking over her clit and gently thrusting into her hot, wet depths.

All the while, the wolfess moaned and rocked her hips encouragingly, licking her lips and playing with the speed of the vibrator strapped to her pet's cock. Turning it down and then up, then down again, even turning it off completely for a moment or two, brought different noises and motions from the bound coyote. She didn't want him to cum just yet, of course. This was just a nice little warm up exercise. Every so often his tongue would hit a sweet spot, and Nat would lift her hips momentarily and let out a loud "ooh!". Yote would focus on that spot for as long as Nat held still, which typically didn't last for more than a few seconds. She was quite the sensitive woman.

"Good boy... Such a good pet you are..." her hands played with his ears, fingers brushing along them and petting through the fur. Every lick brought her more pleasure, more moans from her lips and into his ears, driving him onward with his worshipful tongue work. She turned the vibrator back on, keeping it at an even speed. Not enough to push him over, but plenty to make him squirm. She grinned and brushed her fuzzy tail over his member, "You'd better not cum from the vibrations, boy, or I'm going to be cross."

Yote hadn't planned on it, of course, the coyote nodding quickly and curling his toes as the wonderful vibrations assaulted his member once more. It was going to be difficult, but he would do anything to please his Mistress. Even if that meant holding back the most intense orgasm of his life.

"Keep going, pet. Just a few more minutes." Nat smiled, tickling him with her tail again. The licks began anew, the domineering lupine grinding her soft, wet folds against her boyfriend's muzzle, panting out hotly and beginning to rock her hips back and forth, "I hope you took a breath, boy, because it'll be a bit before your next..."

"Mmph..!" Yote's words were muffled by the girl's thighs pressed around him. Thankfully he could still take a breath every so often, taking advantage of when her hips rocked back, leaving just enough space for air to get through. His tongue worked swiftly, burying itself between her folds, licking deftly at the pleasure spots he'd learned to pay special attention to, the ones that made her writhe on top of him and bring out those encouraging moans. The taste of her juices, the scent of her arousal and the sound of her cooing voice brought submissive pleasure to the coyote. It was a sensation he could never feel from any other woman.

Then suddenly, he could breathe again. Nat's hips lifted, the wolfess moving down until she was sitting by his feet, "Good boy! You did very well. So well, in fact, that Mistress is going to reward you."

Yote watched as Nat reached into her bag once again, this time producing a spreader bar. A wicked grin crossed her lips as she slowly locked her helpless little pet into the device, the wolfess humming casually and occasionally dragging her fingers over his needy cock, "Now, we're going to show you your place, boy."

"Yes Mistress." Yote said softly, not resisting as his ankles were spread and bound. He had a feeling he knew what was coming. He still had the taste of her sex on his lips, tongue rubbing over them to savor her taste, ears still ringing with her pleasured moans. He was surrounded by her... and soon he'd be filled with her, too.

Nat had brought out her newest strap on: a double-ended one, with a 'giver' and a 'recipient' end. It was very realistic-- a black canine replication, complete with a knot at the base, textured and made of soft, somewhat pliable materials to emulate the real thing. There would be no 'cum', of course, but for all intents and purposes, once she put that thing on (or perhaps 'in' might be a more appropriate word), she might as well be intersex.

"It's the thickest one yet." she said with a smirk, waving it before his eyes teasingly, "Does pet think he can take it?"

It was indeed rather thick. Had she asked him a month or two ago, his reaction would have been something along the lines of "hell no". However, throughout the years, Nat had... trained him to take steadily increasing girths of insertions. She'd started small, like any kind Mistress would, occasionally challenging him with something a little thicker. Eventually they'd gotten to the point where he could take a sizable dildo without much discomfort. As gentle as she typically was, Nat did have a bit of a sadistic side, and she liked to see her pet squirm as a new thickness tested his resolve and stretched him beyond his previous limits. Her crop was another testament to this sadistic mentality, its leather tip falling against Yote's ass or his thigh to keep her little pet in line.

"Well?" she asked, tapping the dildo against his nose now, "Can you take it, or can you not?"

"Of course, Mistress." Even if it was larger than he was used to, he would obey her without question. The thought of pleasing her far outweighed his own discomfort.

"Good!" the lupine dominatrix grinned, suddenly shoving the cock end of the dildo into his mouth, stopping just before his throat, "Get accustomed to it then. You'll he sucking it soon anyway, so get it nice and wet. We want it to look nice and real for my little slut, don't we?"

The coyote could only nod and suck, his tongue sliding over the toy and getting a feel for its size. It was a big one. He actually cringed a little bit at the thought of taking it. It was at least one half larger than the last one she'd been using on him, and it had taken him a while to get used to that one. She really wanted to move him up into the 'expert' category. Yote resigned himself to the fact that he would take it, closing his eyes and busily suckling on the false member like a good pet should.

"That's it... good boy." Nat giggled and twisted it in his mouth, her free hand petting along his chest gently, "You're a good pet, aren't you?"


"Aren't you?" she asked more aggressively this time, pulling the fake cock out of his mouth for a moment.

"Yes..!" Yote responded more appropriately.

"Good." Nat grinned and turned the toy around, this time pushing the female end into his mouth for him to lap at.

Once again, Yote sucked and licked, his cheeks flushed from arousal, staring up at his domineering girlfriend, whose face was lit up in the naughtiest of grins. She really enjoyed watching him suck on things, whether those 'things' happened to be silicone sex toys or her nipples or her fingers.

Soon the toy was ready, and by extension, so was Yote. Nat grabbed a big bottle of lube (they were never short on that), opened it and got soaked her fingers with it. Those fingers pushed intrusively into Yote's anus, making him gasp and squirm about. Fingers were nothing to complain about, considering what he was about to take, but she had caught him off guard. The lube had a warming solution in it, so the cold sensation quickly faded away into a nice, relaxing warmth. She repeated this several times, getting him nice and slick on the inside. She could have easily used a syringe for this, but she found this way to be more fun.

"Good boy, all slippery and ready for Mistress." she said happily, adding a coating of lube onto the already-wet toy, making sure both ends were nice and slick. She took the 'giver' end and slid it between her folds, groaning out in pleasure as it stretched her a little. This was nothing compared to what Yote was going to experience... and the thought of that made her grin. Nat took a moment to let the toy settle within her, then advanced on her bound-up boyfriend, kissing him soundly and guiding the false cock up to his tail hole, murmuring, "Open wide..."

Another kiss drowned out what would have been quite a bit of noise, Yote's groans reduced to helpless whimpers against Nat's lips, his body tensing unintentionally, making it a little harder to push that already-difficult-to-fit shaft inward. Nat gave one of his nipples a pinch, pulling back from his lips and saying very firmly, "Relax."

He tried his best... and for the most part, it worked. He was able to relax his anus, at the very least. The rest of him, however, was as stiff as a board, his groans and gasps now coming out freely as his mouth was disconnected from hers, "Nnnggghhh... M-Mistress...! It's so tight..!"

"Ooh I know it is, pet... Can you go on?" Nat asked, genuinely concerned. She didn't want to literally tear him a new one!

"Y-Yes. Yes, I can."

"Good boy." she kissed him quickly and pushed down further. It took a little while for her to reach the knot at the base, and she stopped right as she reached it. There was no way he was taking that today... but it mattered little. She still had more than the means of making him her little bitch today.

"Not so... bad..." Yote said, panting by now, a little surprised that he'd been able to take the whole thing. Her training had really paid off. He had little time to comment further, though, as she was soon pulling back, bringing a whole new set of sensations to his body. The false cock slid along sensitive nerves, nuzzling against his prostate and pressing against it each time she would push inward. It was that inward thrust that really got him going each time-- shocks of pleasure would start out in his anus and expand outward, pleasuring him in ways that no amount of normal penile sex could hope to.

Nat, of course, was having just as much fun with this. Her inner muscles squeezed hard around the knob at her end of the toy, cheeks flushed, chest rising and falling quickly as she panted in arousal. The temptation was there to just go full-speed and let him have it, but she knew better. She kept the slow pace that she'd started, gradually kicking it up faster and harder, nipping at her man's lips and neck, whispering sweet, naughty things to him.

"That's Mistress' bitch."

"You're such a good boy."

"So obedient."

"A good slut."

"You take cock like a pro."

"Bet this gets you off more than vaginal sex..."

It was all true, and no matter how much he blushed, no matter how hard he'd try and deny how much of a slut he was at times, it all remained true. He was her slut, and she had full control over him.

"You're doing so well..." Nat began, giving him a particularly good thrust that brought a surprised yelp and another moan from his throat, "I might let you take the knot in the end. Think you'd be up for it?"

"Yes Mistress..." he hadn't even given it a thought before he answered. His obedience was so solid that he'd let her do anything, particularly in this state of mind. Those pleasurable shocks had gone straight to his head, among other places.

"Good!" another good thrust, and another moan, "Then let's pick up the pace..."

And she did. She increased her speed quite a bit, pressing her hands against his chest firmly to hold herself up. She was moaning with him now, still grinning that devious grin of hers, watching as his stiffened cock dripped with liquid excitement, his eyelids fluttered, head rolled back and forth as his body tried to deal with all the sensation.

Yote could feel the pressure building. It was an all too familiar pressure, centered in his loins, in his cock, getting ready to burst outward. He was going to cum soon. It was a good thing she hadn't used the vibrator on him while fucking him like this, else he'd have climaxed far too early, and that would have brought on a punishment. For once, he was glad his orgasm would take longer.

Nat kept pushing that cock deeper into him, growling and moaning out lustily. She was close, too. Closer than him, actually. His little tongue job earlier had really set her off, and would only be a little longer... just a little longer before she'd soak that toy with her own juices.

"Soon, pet... Soon... Just a little... more..!" her voice began to rise in pitch. The heat and tingling was overwhelming her now, and she was just about to release. She gave him one final, powerful thrust, pushing that knot inside of him and locking them together. His cry of painful pleasure was all that she needed to get off. The domineering lupine's back arched, her hips working on their own, swiveling against that toy as she came, her own ecstatic cry ringing out with his as she squirt her juices all over the female end of the dildo, soaking the bed sheets below her and growling out in pleasure, "Oooh fuck yes..! Good slut. Good slut!"

She wasn't done, though. Yote hadn't climaxed yet, and she could use one more. She kept up the pressure, bucking against him with that knot buried in his ass, eyes blazing with dominant power as she glared down at him, "What are you waiting for, slave? Cream yourself!"

"A-Aaahhh Mistress! So-- So c-c-...close..!" Yote's heart was thundering in his chest. He'd really taken that knot! And she was still in the mood, to boot! He had no time to question it, as he was soon pushed over the edge by her thrusting. The coyote's anal muscles began to squeeze and spasm around the toy, each involuntary spasm bringing on a mini-orgasm, triggering another and another, until his throbbing cock shot a thick stream of cum onto his fur, reaching all the way up to the bottom of his neck. Another rope of cum, and another, and another, and another! He thought he would never stop cumming, and Nat didn't stop thrusting! He hadn't even noticed that he was practically screaming in pleasure, his fingers gripping the sheets below, toes curled up against his feet.

Then, as quickly as the massive orgasm began, it was over... and Yote fell silent, collapsed upon the bed, joined quickly by his exhausted girlfriend, who had just made a second mess of femcum on the sheets. She fell onto his chest, caring little about the sticky mess he'd made there, giggling airily and licking up some of the cum that had reached his neck, "Oooh good boy... You really did take it, didn't you?"

Yote couldn't respond just yet. He was too busy catching his breath. What a session that had been... He knew he'd broken some kind of record with that orgasm, be it a personal one or, hell, even a world record for "longest cumshot ever". After a long few moments of silence, he finally spoke up, "Y-Yes Mistress..."

"God..." Nat said, giggling again and grinning as she pushed herself up again, slowly pulling herself off of the toy, but leaving his end in, "Well we'll work with this one for a while. I don't think I should go much bigger, though. Don't want you getting too loose on me, now do I?"

"No, Mistress." he said with a chuckle, certainly not wanting to think about pulling that toy out right now. That would be an ordeal on its own.

"Good." Nat leaned in and kissed him soundly, scratching gently under his neck and curling up next to him, seeming much like she was about to doze off, "Now rest, pet. Rest with Mistress."

"With the spreader bar?"

"With the spreader bar."

"Yes Mistress..." he said it with a bit of a sigh, shaking his head in amusement and nuzzling her cheek, "Love you."

"Love you too, pet." Nat yawned and murred to him, and she did indeed begin to doze.

Yote was pretty tired, too... but it would be hard to get to sleep with that huge thing in his ass. Still, he loved his life with Nat. It was something that few of the other mercenaries he'd worked with could claim to have to come home to after a successful mission.

Not that he'd ever mention it. The laughs he would get...

None of that mattered now, though. For now, he was content to relax with his Mistress and listen to the peaceful sound of her sleeping.

A Sniper's Tail

(A dur hur hur, see what i did with the title there?) Ciudad Picado, Navajo 1835 Hours It was just a matter of waiting. Natalya was good at waiting. Patience was an important skill for her-it was for any sniper. Even though her air conditioned...

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Meet the Shepsisters

**The Shepsisters** _Written by Amethyst Mare for Cigarsnscotch_ Daniel Yote - assassin D.C. Yote - flattened himself to the wall, muzzle tucked to the side and tail hair bristling. The lithe coyote bit back a snarl, all down to instinct, and...

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Mountain Ambush

The mountain road was eerily silent, which the wolf took as a good sign. Her ears swiveled this way and that, listening intently for the telltale signs of a vehicle. Thanks to the gently falling snowflakes, the police had elected to close the road to...

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