Calling Cards Chapter 3: Wrath of Fire

Story by Rathe on SoFurry

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#4 of Calling Cards

Disclaimer: There is M/M furry pleasure here and if you are underage then don't caught. (I really do appreciate comments because they fan my creative flame. Thank you very much. Enjoy) Three weeks later saw a certain snow leopard embracing his wolf as they lay in the lupines' twin bed, the sheets cast aside as the two lovers bathed in the afterglow of yet another passionate encounter. Matthias' knot was still stuck within Daniel's tail-hole and the pair were waiting for the knot to shrink so that they could disengage and get into a more comfortable position. It was the night before Matthias' eighteenth birthday and Daniel's parents had given the feline permission to spend the night. The wolf's parents, conveniently enough, had decided to give the two some space and had rented a hotel room for the night. Right before they left the two eager furs they had sprung Matthias' birthday present on him a day early: two tickets to the Twilite Breed concert the next day. Finally, the knot shrunk and with a small pop the flaccid lupine member slipped out of Daniel's pucker. A small trickle of Matthias' seed followed as Daniel let out a contented sigh and repositioned himself so that he and the young white wolf were in a spooning position. Both exhausted from the rump romp, they were overtaken by the friendly and soothing caress of sleep. Matthias awoke to the glare of the Saturday morning sun as he tried to wipe away all signs of sleep from his eyes with the back of his paw. As his eyes adjusted to the natural brightness of his room, the lupine noticed that something seemed out of place. It took a couple of moments for the young wolf to realize that his 'little kitty' was nowhere in sight. A flick of Matthias' eyes around the room verified that Daniel was indeed absent. The wolf scrambled on all fours and tumbled off his bed onto the floor. He picked himself up, anxiety starting to pulse in his mind as if a piece of him had been ripped away and would never return. Then... "Happy Birthday to you" A melodious voice sang from the doorway. The lupine turned around in time to see a snow leopard enter through the threshold carrying a tray covered in an assortment of dishes. "Happy Birthday to you" sang Daniel as he set the tray down on the bedside table and used a single paw to push Matthias back onto the bed. The young lupine fell onto his back as he witnessed a grin start to spread across the felines' muzzle. "Happy Birthday, dear Rathe" Daniel sang as he got onto the bed and slowly crawled up onto the wolf until their noses were less than an inch apart. Matthias' heart started pounding in his chest as he stared into the eyes of his mate, a smile on both furs. "Happy Birthday to mmpphh" the leopard sang out finishing with a deep kiss to Matthias. As the wolf and snow leopard expressed their love for one another with a swapping of tongue massages and oral juices, a sinister plan was being devised elsewhere.

    • * A tall fox, his left arm in a sling, his right leaning on a crutch to support his broken leg, limped through the shady alleyways of downtown. The tall muscular fox also sported two black eyes, three gaping holes in his teeth, and a torn ear. He had just been released from a three week stay at the hospital, and to say that revenge was on his mind would be an understatement. When his father, the Chief of Police, asked what had happened, the beaten and battered fox just said that he slipped and fell down a steep incline. His father, being ignorant and obstinate, bought the story. The only reason he didn't turn the wolf in was because he wanted to deal with the lupine himself. And to do that he needed the help of an old acquaintance. Hence the journey to the underhanded neighborhood. The battered fox finally arrived outside of his destination. He looked up at the tattered sign hanging out of the rundown bar: Seraph's. The fox ignored the shady glances from the passer-bys as he entered the bar. The hinges creaked as the door was opened and the fox limped in to the shifty joint. He glanced around until he spotted the haggard figure slouching against the wall. Slowly and painfully he made his way over to the figure and gingerly sat down, jolts of pain shooting through his body. "Well, well, well," rasped the figure, his features hidden in the shadows. "Look what the cat dragged in? What happened to you, kid? Lose a fight to a bulldozer?" The fox winced as he spoke, "I have a small problem, Gabe, and I need your help to take care of it." The figure let out a hideous cackle and leaned forward to reveal the scarred face of an otter, his visage formed in an ugly sneer. A scar ran over his left eye, which was permanently closed, a souvenir of a past drug deal gone south. His teeth were a mixture of brown and yellow, his fur was matted and dirty, and the scent that stuck to him was riper than most homeless furs, as if the otter hadn't showered in years. "Listen you liver tripe, just cuz I have a business arrangement with your old man doesn't mean you can boss me around. I don't take orders from cunts like you. How many was you up against that they kicked your ass so good, hmmm?" The otter's sneer replaced by a malicious grin as his right eye radiated malcontent. The fox tried to back away, aware of the cruelty emanating off of Gabe, however due to his leg being broken in five places he didn't get very far. His voice wavered as his fear poked its ugly head out of the fox's similar unattractive features. "There were 10 gang members, Gabe, led by a faggot wolf. The surrounded me as I was on my way home from school. I never even stood a chance." Gabe's grin never faded as he responded to the fox's testimony. "Is that so? 10 gang members you say? How lucky you are then that you managed to escape with your life." The fox gulped nervously, hoping that Gabriel Hawkins would not call his bluff. The sound of the otter's voice, although a quiet whisper, managed to reach every fur in the room. "It just so happens that I've heard differently." With a quick snap of his right paw, the otter motioned to the back of the room, where two figures emerged dragging the half dead form of a partridge. The two figures, a coyote and a Dalmatian, flung the bird forward on the floor in front of the vulpine. "From an eye witness, I gathered that you and five of your goons got your asses handed to you by one teenage wolf. Am I not correct?" The fox, now shaking violently in fear and in pain remained silent, not daring to speak in front of one with a reputation such as Gabriel Hawkins. The otter, clasping his paws in front of him with his index fingers raised, never took his gaze off of the fox. He motioned to the partridge as he spoke to his disciples, "take care out that wretch. You know what to do." The canines grinned sadistically as they dragged the avian through the back door, a moan escaping his beak as he disappeared from sight. The fox flinched as he already knew the fate the awaited his lackey, but he knew that there was nothing he could do. The renowned otter couldn't be touched. He even had the Chief of police in his pocket. "The only reason you're not dead as well," Gabe continued, "is because it's not good business. Your father would not like it if his pride and joy turned up several days later as fish bait. Now, get out of my sight." Several more of Gabe's cronies stepped forward to escort the vulpine off the premises, however the fox was not leaving without the help he needed. "What about my revenge?" The otter eyed him disdainfully, "What do I care about some beef you've got with a fag? Go take care of it yourself, if you've got the stones." Then the fox took a breath and prepared himself for a suicidal ultimatum. "You may have my father in your pocket, but not me. If you don't help me kill that wolf and his mate, then I'll send word to the Feds of you where-abouts. I know they've been lookin' for you for quite some time." Suddenly the tension in the air became as thick as pea soup as every fur stiffened and reached for various weapons, prepared to the end the foolish fox's life in a moment's notice. Gabe signaled to his followers to be at ease and looked at the fox, a new emotion going through his mind. He sighed as he spoke to the vulpine leaning on a crutch before him. "Very well. You've got guts kid. There aint a lot who would stand up to me. The wolf and his friend are as good as dead." The fox looked relieved but Gabe continued "However, you've also shown me a great deal of disrespect. Therefore, if I ever see your face again, then not even the arrangement with your father will stop me from slicing your little dandy ass up. Now get out of my sight, 'fore my friends get a little trigger happy." The fox moved as fast his crutch would allow, which was surprisingly fast. As he exited out the door, Gabriel Hawkins motioned to one of his subordinates. "Get my esteemed colleagues on the phone. It's time for a little reunion. There will be blood tonight."
    • * This evil plot was unbeknownst to the two lovers as they went about eating the delicious breakfast that Daniel had prepared. They lay side by side with the tray covering both of their laps. On it laid a plate with a three forth devoured omelet, the remains of crispy bacon, a frosty glass depleted of the milk it held only a short while ago and the crumbs from the butter milk pancakes. Both of the furs appetites were sated and they lay resting after a delicious and hardy meal. The snow leopard wrapped his arms around Matthias and nuzzled him lovingly, and the white wolf responded with a gentle kiss. They stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like eons, but it was actually just ten minutes. "Thank you for breakfast, hunny. It was the second most delicious thing I've ever consumed." "Oh," the feline replied, feigning a look of hurt. "What's more delicious than my food?" "Well," Matthias said, "come with me and I'll show you." The young wolf lifted the tray off of the bed and took the snow leopard by the paw, leading him into a side room that was, in all its glory, a bathroom. The room was complete with counter, sink and mirror. Another room led off from that one, and the wolf shepherded his mate into it. Around the toilet, over the discarded clothes, through the shower curtain and into a shower, which conveniently enough was spacious for two teenage horny furs. The snow leopard leaned against the far wall as Matthias turned around and turned a knob which started the shower, soaking both furs with the glorious water. "So...water is tastier than my cooking?" Daniel asked inquisitively "Of course not silly," the wolf replied, snaking his hand down to the feline's unprotected sheath. "The shower's just to set the mood." Matthias started to massage Daniel's sheath with his right paw as hi s left paw caressed his little kitty's sack. No sooner had he started to play around then did the cat's black member spring forth from its fortress of fur. Matthias' gaze locked with Daniel's beautiful brown eyes, and never faltered as the wolf knelt slowly down in the shower, licking his lips for the dessert to come. As the heated water sprayed over the two, dousing the wolf's head and splattering the snow leopard's tummy, Matthias' tongue flicked out and traced the curves and barbs of Daniel's rod. Daniel murred loudly, as the lupine tongue stroked his meat. "Oh, I absolutely agree. That definitely is the best tasting object ever" the leopard moaned as Matthias engulfed his kittyhood into his hot moist maw. Slowly, as he suckled the tasty cock, Matthias started bobbing his head up and down, running his tongue over and around the meat in his muzzle. Daniel moaned and groaned in ecstasy as his mate serviced his desires. The leopard placed his paw on the back of the wolf's head and started thrusting up as he guided his love's head down onto his prick. Before long, Daniel stopped Matthias and pulled him up into a deep kiss, and as tongues once again danced within each other's muzzles, the snow leopard rubbed some soap onto his digits and started massaging the lupine's rear entrance. The kiss did not break, so Matthias had no choice but to moan into Daniel maw as his tail hole was being pleasured. It didn't help the wolf's ecstasy plight when a feline digit, well lubricated with soap, slipped passed the lupine's ring and into his passageway. Bolts and jolts of frigid pleasure shot through the wolf as Daniel massaged his prostate. Matthias almost went limp in the snow leopard's other arm as a second digit joined the first inside his entrance. Surprisingly, the two lovers were still engaged in the deep kiss, tongues still clashing for dominance inside the interlocking maws. All good things must come to an end however, and the digits slipped out from Matthias tailhole. The snow leopard, fur now matted with the shower water, guided the wolf to the other end of the shower and turned him around. Matthias eagerly raised his tail and bent over, leaning against the wall for support. His pink pucker exposed, the young white wolf, also drenched in the steaming water, turned his head back towards his mate and wiggled his ass in the cat's face. "I'm waiting for my birthday spankings, my little kitty." "Don't worry, Rathe," Daniel responded placing his paws on the wolf's waist and lining up his member with the wolf's soapy entrance. "You'll get your spankings later. Right now it's time to give you your first birthday surprise." With those words, the snow leopard started to push his thick member into the wolf's pucker. Matthias braced himself as pain shot through his body at such a large intrusion. The member was two thirds of the way in when the almost completely faded and was replaced with an even greater sensation of pleasure as the hard feline meat continued its pilgrimage into the soft warm abyss. The spines on Daniel's member only added to the intensity as the grazed Matthias' prostate sending wave after of wave of pure undiluted ecstasy. Finally hilted inside the wolf, Daniel pulled halfway out before thrusting all the way back in, causing a moan to emit from the lupine's grinning muzzle. The feline pulled out again and slammed in again, and Daniel started to quicken his pace. With each thrust a moan, meep or murr would escape from Matthias, who was already overwhelmed with the intensity and sensation coming from his mates' pounding. Furry sack slapped furry sack as the snow leopard was at ramming speed and decided it was time to reach around and help out the pink lupine member begging for attention with an onslaught of pre. As Daniel thrust into Matthias, he would move his right paw back against the shaft, and when he pulled back, his paw moved down on the wolf's cock. While his right paw was attending the lupine's shaft, his left paw was squeezing his knot, causing even more feral noises to erupt from the seventeen year old wolf. The snow leopard kept up this rhythm for quite some time, until he felt that he was about to hit his peak. He quickened his pace on the wolf's shaft as he struggled to suppress his own climax. After a final squeeze from the leopard, Matthias let out a howl as he shot spurt after spurt of thick hot seed covering the shower wall and the feline's paw. Daniel couldn't hold back any longer and thrust his throbbing shaft as far as it could go into the lupine's passageway, spraying his fertile seed over Matthias' fallow fields. Embracing the wolf from behind, he held up the sexually exhausted wolf as the feline's climax continued to shoot into Matthias' gut. After a minute or so, Daniel's shaft died down and slipped out from the wolf's entrance. Daniel let go of Matthias and turned off the shower water. As the drained wolf slumped to the floor of the shower, Daniel licked the lupine's seed off of his paw. "I have to admit," the snow leopard commented, looking at his mate, "your cum is definitely the tastiest treat I've ever had." Summoning hidden strength, Matthias forced himself to stand up and embrace the leopard. "Then how bout a taste, my little kitty." "Sure thing, my Rathe." And with that the two kissed once more, and Matthias tasted himself on Daniel's tongue. After what seemed like forever, the snow leopard and the wolf finally dried off and dressed in their Twilite Breed regalia. The lovers awaited the cab that would transport them to their favorite band's concert, unaware of what tragedy lay in store later that night.
    • * The eight ball fell into the corner pocket, guided by the still moving cue ball, as a cheer rose up in Seraph's bar. The black furred jackal that wielded the pool stick stood up from where he was leaning, a smirk of satisfaction starting to spread on his face. He threw the instrument of victory to a rat flunky and reached out his paw towards his opponent, a blue scaled dragon. "Dammit, Shadow, how the hell do you always win!" the dragon hissed as he reached into his pocket and withdrew a wad of one hundred dollar bills. "I mean, I don't even get a chance to shoot. From the break to the win, you're the only one who ever gets a turn." "Don't be a sore loser Ash," the jackal replied calmly, his paw still held out. "Lady Luck just isn't on your side. Now come on," the jackal known as Shadow motioned with his paw, "pay up." "Pssh," Ash retorted as he tossed the wad of benjamins into the jackal's waiting paw. "And what do you know about ladies, hmmm? From what I've heard, you've never been near a vag, though you've had plenty of chances. There's a rumor out that you're a bit of a dandy, if you know what I mean?" A silence fell into the air as the furs circled around the two, the spark of a brawl about to ignite. However, Shadow just smirked and stuck the cash into his pocket, turning away. "And what if I am? At least I can get some tail without force. I've heard that you're still raping kids at the orphanages. You've definitely hit big." Ash's face contorted in a fury as he pulled an automatic pistol from behind his back, prepared to end the smarmy thief's life once and for all. "ENOUGH!" a voice cried from the doorway. All the furs in the bar turned to see Gabriel Hawkins standing in the threshold beside a menacingly small beagle. "I didn't call the two of you here so you could kill each other over some petty matter. I have a job and I wanted to let the two of you in on it." The beagle strode across the bar and said to the bartender in a disarmingly gentle voice," White Russian, on the rocks." The bartender, an evil looking sheep, hurriedly made the drink, not daring to glance into the eyes of the seemingly innocent beagle. Ash, the blue dragon, looked to the otter in curiosity, "What sort of job are you talking about?" Gabe replied, "I've been asked by an anonymous party to eliminate two queers. I know what you might be thinking. This is an easy job, so why should a drug lord like me need to look to the aid of the most dangerous criminals around in order to get this job done? I assure you that I am quite capable of handling this job by myself. However, I wanted to make this the first of many jobs where the Four Vices once again join forces. I extend my invitation to the three of you to join me in bringing about a new era of prostitution, drugs, theft and sadism, that this half of the nation has never known. And it all begins, with a simple assassination." A burst of laughing echoed from Shadow. "Assassination? Are you serious? And who are these furs, that they are so important as to be in line for assassination?" Gabe looked at the jackal in disdain, "that doesn't matter. What matters is that they must die." Shadow got up from where he was lounging and headed for the door. "And just where the hell are you going?" the otter asked. The jackal turned around, his stance cavalier. "I love committing crimes as much as the next delinquent, but I draw the line at cold blooded murder." Shadow turned back and made for the door again. While the jackal was walking, Gabe barked out to him, "You walk out of here, and there will be no where you can run, no where you can hide. You walk out of here you will show me a complete lack of respect and you will die." The otter's eyes burned with intensity and hate, burrowing deep within the jackal's body. However, Shadow remained calm, and looked lazily back at the drug lord, his red eyes only slightly hinting at the level danger surrounding the thief. "I said that I did not do cold blooded murder. However," Shadow stated as he turned his cold red eyes onto Gabe, "you know exactly what I'm capable of and if I feel that you are a threat to my survival then I will not hesitated to end you. Farewell." And with that the jackal thief known as Shadow, left the Seraph bar, cutting all ties with his former colleagues. The otter, brooding over the arrogance of Shadow signaled to Ash and to the beagle. "Fine then. You two, come with me. I have the address of the wolf we're s'pose to eliminate. Let's proceed." The snow leopard leaned his head against the wolf's shoulder as they rode in the back seat of the taxi cab on their way to the concert. As they reached their destination, they exited the cab and Matthias paid the vulpine driver, who in turn sped away ranting some fundamentalist nonsense. They paid him no mind as they entered the stadium and started making their way to the seats designated on their tickets. As they navigated the sea of screaming and dedicated fans they finally arrived at their row. They plopped in their seats and cuddled together as they awaited the opening of the show. After twenty minutes of impatient waiting, the lights dimmed, and then they went out completely. Then a voice echoed out across stadium: "Ladies and Gentlemen." A single light shone on stage illuminating the motionless form of a fox behind a drum set. The voice rang out again: "Here today, all the way from Jacksonville, Florida." Another light shone on stage over a medium sized gray wolf sporting a dark green bass guitar. He also remained immobile. "They are the number one band in the nation." And yet another light illuminated over a brown furred raccoon holding an aqua blue Gibson. "The one, the only," another light shone over a female dragon, her red scales shining in the light, as she stood motionless in front of the backup mike. "It's the TWILIIIIIIITE BREEEEED!" And the last light shone over the lead singer. The brown wolf that stood on stage gazed out over the screaming fans ranting the name of his band. He smiled, basking in the light, ready to relinquish his voice to the music in his heart. Ready to sing the melody in his soul: and then Sam Tippins sang. And the crowd went wild. The vulpine drummer, Haden, started out a steady beat as the raccoon Andy, and the gray wolf Shale started up the melody and harmony. Then the red dragon Corone, and Sam started to sing. You were my everything! My heart and my soul. If I could give my life for yours, in an instant I would give you control. But my heart is broken and my soul is crying in hat And then I heard that voice call to seal my fate...It said... (the drum beat picks up and the guitarists start going crazy) Wrath of Fire! It is dire! That they pay! So pick up your blade for this bloody crusade This time, they'd better pray. And in my hate, as I lost my mate A tempest within me churns A terrible pain driving me insane A trail of flames behind me burns And everything I touch turns to ashes And everyone in my way gets burned And the path I make, the heart I forsake The values of my mate are spurned Wrath of Fire! I'll be higher! Than the sun! With a frown as I look down! On all that you've done. No turning back, no giving slack My hatred fuels the fire Revenge on the mind and then I find I'll never fulfill my desire And I keep spiraling down Never will I rise With my hate, I have sealed my fate It's myself that I despise And so Wrath of Fire! Beware the Mire The abyss before you lies Its not too late, to change your fate The blazing path that is your wrath Can be changed if you open up your eyes! And with the crash of the cymbals the first song of the Twilite Breed ended. And the songs went on and on and the two mates enjoyed each other's company and the music, unaware of what was currently happening at Matthias' home.
    • * Ding Dong! The doorbell chimed as it reverberated through the spacious house that was home to Matthias and his parents. His father, a professional locksmith, hurried towards the door with a Tom Clancy in his hand. He set the novel down to open the door to an innocent looking beagle in his fifteens. The beagle looked up with big puppy dog eyes as he spoke softly, "Hi I was wondering if Matthias were home." "He and a friend are at a concert." "Oh" was all the beagle replied. "Are you a friend of Matth..." was all Matthias' father could get out before collapsing from an injection of a hypodermic needle, wielded by the young beagle. Matthias' mother entered from the kitchen and saw the motionless form of her husband and the teenage beagle standing over him. As she was about to scream out in apprehension, a blue scaled arm wrapped around her head and she was introduced to a cloth of chloroform. Ash laid her down on the ground as, from behind the beagle, walked in the otter Gabriel Hawkins and his closest subordinates, the Dalmatian, Righty, and the coyote, Lefty. The otter sighed as he looked down at the unconscious lupines. "Sorry it has to be this way. But since you were in the way, I'm afraid that the two of you will be collateral damage. He motioned to Righty and Lefty, "tie them up." To the beagle, "where is the wolf and his mate?" The beagle replied "Concert." An evil grin spread across Gabe's short snout as he replied, "then I guess we'll just have to wait for them."
    • * Daniel and Matthias walked out of the stadium right as the concert finished. They left a few minutes early and were able to get out before most of the other fanatics. As they held each other by the waist, and waited for a cab, Daniel pulled out a small brightly colored package from his shorts. "Here," the snow leopard said as he passed the present to the wolf. "I know there's not a lot of significance in this present, but it has to do with your future, so I thought it might do you some good." Matthias took the small gift and before opening it, looked Daniel in the eyes and said "You've already given the best present I could ever ask for and it doesn't matter what else I get or have. For as long as I have you I have the world." Daniel pounced on top of the wolf and the two shared yet another loving kiss. Matthias barely held onto the gift that Daniel had presented him. Daniel broke the kiss and eyed the gift which was still in the wolf's paw. "So, are you going to open it, or what?" Matthias quickly unwrapped the present which was revealed to be a set of business cards with the name Rathe: Professional _____________on each one of them. Daniel explained "For when you start your life and no matter who you become, you will always remain Rathe to me. That way you will always remember that even though you might change, deep down inside you're still my Rathe." The young wolf started tearing up and rubbed a furry arm against his eyes to wipe away moisture. "Thanks Daniel. And don't worry, I'm not about to change. I will always be this way; neither hell nor high water will ever change who I am and who I love." The pair kissed one last time as the taxi cab arrived to drive them to their destiny. A destiny that will reshape the life of an innocent wolf. As the taxi cab dropped them off at Matthias' house, the pair were unaware of the ominous foreboding that emanated from the home. So focused as they were on each other, neither of them felt the tension in the air, nor noticed the unusual silence which hung about like a rotten scent. As they made their way up the sidewalk, wrapped in each other's arm, the snow leopard and the wolf fall effortlessly into the trap of the Four Vices, minus one. Matthias opened the door and as they entered screamed out at the top of his lungs "Mom, Dad, we're home." And then a lead pipe hit him and the feline on the back of the head, knocking them unconscious. When the wolf awoke, it was to the pounding headache that pulsed through his cranium. He smelled dried blood on his fur and tried to lift his paw up to touch the back of his skull. However, he found that he could not do so as his arms were roped to his body. It took him a moment to realize that he was sitting in a chair inside his home. "Well, well well," whispered a voice from the same room. "Looks like our little lupine friend is awake." Matthias ascertained the source of his voice as his eyes adjusted and he glimpsed a one eyed scarred otter looking down at him. A wicked grin drew across the otter's muzzle as he placed a lead pipe underneath the lupine's chin. "I was afraid that you would miss the main events," the otter continued, his voice coarse, yet with an educated tone. The stranger motioned over behind him where Matthias recognized Daniel, his mother and his father tied up in chairs. The snow leopard was also awake and gagged, but the two older wolves were unconscious. The wolf saw that behind the three bound furs stood a Dalmatian, a blue dragon, a coyote and a beagle. They had an assortment of bladed weapons, as they didn't want too much noise to be made. Matthias whimpered as he fearfully looked at the otter before him and asked "Who are you? What do you want?" The otter stuck his face right up against the bound lupine and Matthias could smell his minty breath as the otter answered, "Who I am is not important. What I want is for you, your family and your lover to die." Alarm bells started ringing through Matthias and the young wolf began to feel a new emotion in the back of his mind. It was faint and he couldn't tell what it was but he knew that it felt good. "Why? What have my family or I ever done to you?" The otter cackled as he replied, "It isn't something that you've done to me pup. It's nothing personal, just business." With that the otter nodded his colleagues and the Dalmatian got into position behind the wolf's father. With a flick of a switchblade across the neck, the locksmith's life ended forever as blood sprayed across the room. Tears started pouring out of Matthias' eyes as he witnessed the barbaric act and started howling and screaming for help. His grief overtook his body, but it was mixed with that new emotion, now stronger than before. Matthias twisted and turned the ropes bit into his body as he tried to escape. The otter glanced at him and commented, "There's nothing you can do now. You can thank the fox whose ass you kicked. He's the one who made the contract." With that the otter signaled to the coyote who positioned himself behind the wolf's mother. With a quick turn, he snapped her neck and ended the unconscious lupines life. Daniel started struggling to bet out of his bonds as Matthias let out a bestial howl and seized against the bonds holding him and the ropes around him started to creak and moan as the wolf's strength was slowly overcoming their durability. The strong emotion that Matthias now felt totally replace his grief as he witnessed his parents' cruel demise. The otter glanced one last time at the struggling wolf and realized that madness was slowly overtaking him. He said to the beagle and to the blue dragon, "finish up with the snow leopard and the wolf, and then torch the house. Make it look as if they all died in a fire." With that he left the house, followed by his left and paw furs, as the beagle turned towards the struggling snow leopard, prepared to eliminate Daniel's life. Matthias sobbed as his hate consumed him and he barely made out the forms of the other furs as he was gripped in the throes of madness. He struggled and jerked, and the ropes wouldn't be able to restrain the rabid wolf much longer. It was like a slow motion movie. The beagle stood over the form of the crying feline as he raised a K-bar high into the air and slowly descended into Daniel's neck. The leopard and the wolf's eyes made contact one last time as Daniel's eyes faded and his form went limp. And that was what broke the camel's back. Matthias lost all common sense as he was consumed completely by hate and madness as the ropes ripped away and the rabid lupine, in one leap sailed across the room, tackling the beagle in his midriff, sending them both to the floor. With fangs and claws Matthias tore at the beagle, following a killer instinct that knew no bounds. Even with the K-bar thrusting into his torso, and the dragon trying to pull him off of the beagle, the wolf was determined to mutilate the beagle. However, the blue dragon's strength won in the end and before Matthias could land the ending blow upon the canine, the dragon pulled him up and threw against the wall. The beagle lifted himself up, flesh torn in several places, and bleeding from multiple wounds. However, the beagle acted as if nothing had occurred, as he nodded to the dragon and made his way outside. The blue dragon realized that the wolf wouldn't be able to move after receiving his injuries and decided to leave him to the mercy of the fire. What made Ash, the blue dragon, so special and feared was that he was one of the rare dragons who could actually breathe fire. The air he breathed out contained traces of raw sodium which his body developed. When he held his breath in his lungs for ten seconds or more the sodium would grow so concentrated in his breath that it would ignite into flames when it made contact with the more moist outside air. And thus he used his technique to spray flames all across the house lighting all the furniture and cloth on fire. He glanced around at his work and back down at the half conscious lupine huddled on the ground sobbing uncontrollably, smirked and left the wolf to enjoy his handiwork. Once outside the beagle and the dragon went off into the night to join their colleagues in a celebration of their first job completed. Neither of them noticed a shadow flit across the ground as they went their way. Inside the blazing house, Matthias could feel the heat of the flames envelop him and he started to return to his senses. The heat, the pain and the grief overwhelmed him as he struggled to stand. All strength left him and he lay there thinking this was the end as he started to slip into unconsciousness. The last thing his mind registered before fading off into the realm nothingness, was a black figure with eyes as red as embers emerging from the flames. With little difficulty, the dark figure picked up the beaten wolf and carried him outside. And then... nothingness. An ambulance arrived ten minutes later and carried off the lupine to a hospital. The dark figure watched from the shadows, a frown forming on his muzzle as he disappeared into the night.
    • * "Matthias, Matthias! Come on, wake up!" a snow leopard shook the pained lupine into consciousness. "Come on Matthias. You've been asleep long enough." "Hey," the wolf thought. "It's Daniel, it was all just a dream." Well, that was what he thought until he jolted awake from the knife wounds that had been sewn up. He was in a hospital and he was in a shit load of pain. The snow leopard was Mark, Daniel's older brother, and he was sitting beside his bed his face fur matted with tears. "Hey," Mark smiled meekly, "glad to see you're up. What a trooper." Matthias cringed as another jolt of pain crashed through his body. He tried to sit up, but was unable to do so, because of all the pain coursing through his flesh. "Mark, where's Daniel? My parent's! Oh God," the wolf groaned, "please tell me they are all right." Mark place a paw over Matthias' paw and squeezed tight. "Matthias," the feline said shakily, his voice cracking as fresh tears trickled from his eyes. "This isn't easy to say but..." Matthias already knew what he was going to say and he also started to cry silently. Sure, he felt grief, but that new emotion he experienced earlier hadn't left him completely. He still felt the remains of it in his heart. "Matthias," Mark spoke up, "before the doctors give you morphine for your pain, I need to know what happened. There wasn't a source of fire in your house. How did it start?" The wolf mumbled, "An otter, he tied us up and he killed my family. He killed Daniel, Mark. He's the one responsible. Mark sat up alert. "This otter, did he have any kind of facial markings?" "A scar over his left eye." Mark stood up and made his way out the door. "I've got some things to take care of. Try and get some rest." He turned to leave but before he did, he said softly, "I'm...sorry." The doctors came in and dosed the wolf with painkillers and he fell into a disturbing sleep.
    • * A knock on Henry Katz's door later and Mark was standing before the Chief of Police giving his report about the fire at Matthias' house. "It's Gabriel Hawkins, sir, I'm positive. Matthias, the only survivor, gave a description of him as the one responsible for the deaths of the Jennings and my brother. We must act now. If he's still in town, then this is our chance to take him down." The old fox sighed as he brooded over this news. "Very well, Harrison, I'll get right on it." "With your permission, sir, I want in on the takedown. Those furs were very dear to me." Mark paused to fight back a sob. "I want to be involved on his arrest." The fox looked at the snow leopard before him, determined and obstinate. "Harrison, this world we live in is complicated. It's not like it used to be. Things aren't in black and white. There is no fine line between right and wrong. Nor is their one between good and evil. But the only thing that rules this world is money. Whoever has the money has the power." The snow leopard stiffened at hearing this as his voice turned cold, "and just what are you implying, sir." The fox stood and glared out at the righteous feline before him. "I'm implying that you need to drop it, Harrison. No good will come of sticking your nose where it doesn't belong." "Are you saying you won't hunt down my brother's killer and bring him to justice? And why? Because you are in his pocket no doubt." The fox didn't respond to this as the feline continued. "I thought it was the job of police to protect the innocent, not guard the guilty. If that's the way of the world today, then I have had my fill." The snow leopard walked forward, his body shaking with fury, his eyes moist with grief. He took out his handgun and his badge and laid them on the fox's desk. Consider this my resignation, you prick." And with that the snow leopard walked out the door, out of the station and off into the night.
    • * The funeral for Matthias' parents and Daniel were held back to back. As the furs passed by to give their condolences the wolf just stared at the ground, tears silently running down his muzzle. Thoughts of his deceased mate ran through his head, and with every memory they shared, another pang of despair would overwhelm him. As the last funeral ended, Mark shepherded the wolf off to his car. He had some friends in the witness protection program and he was going to hide Matthias away from the reaching paw of Gabriel Hawkins. As the wolf sat in the back seat of the feline's car, his paw reached into his pockets and pulled out the last two mementos he had of Daniel. One was a photo of the two, smiling, each with an arm around the other one's shoulder. The other was the business cards that Daniel had given him, with his pet name Rathe printed in bold. The feeling of madness dwelt within him and he knew his life would never be the same. He wanted revenge. Against the otter, the beagle, the dragon, the other furs, but most of all he wanted revenge against the corrupt justice system which had allowed those monsters their freedom. In order to get revenge, he needed to become like them. A few minutes later Mark plopped into the driver's seat to escort the wolf off to his new home. But, when he looked back into the rearview mirror, the white lupine was missing.
    • * The raccoon yawned as he approached the door, cautiously peering through a side window to see who it was. Being a thief, Leon had to take a lot of precautions in order to stay alive. He opened the door to a shivering wolf, a strange look in his golden eyes. "Matthias!" Leon exclaimed, "What brings you to my place this late at night?" "I want to know if your offer was still open." "What offer?" "You said you knew someone who could train me to become a thief." The raccoon's eyes shot wide open and he looked around the street before beckoning the lupine "Come in, come in." And as the door closed behind the young wolf, so did his innocence vanish. Thus, from the ashes of tragedy a wolf emerged, eager to learn the ways of a thief; ready and willing, and nothing will stop his wrath of fire.