Jumbe and Sala Chapter 8 New Beginnings

Story by hyenafur on SoFurry

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#13 of Jumbe and Sala

New Beginnings

Jumbe is healing, but will he be forced to leave his daughter behind?

It seemed as though Jumbe's back legs would never heal. He lay on his belly for weeks on end in the cave of Pride Rock. The lions fed him, the baboon cleaned and dressed his wounds, but it seemed like he would never walk again. Sala had grown quite attached to the pride of lions, especially to Vitani. In all honestly, she and Vitani looked like mother and daughter. He'd seen them going out every day, not before giving him a warm nuzzle. He could see that they'd been growing closer together each day. Not that it wasn't a good thing. Jumbe started to wonder if he should just leave Sala here with the older lioness and go into the sunset. Then again, Jumbe was starting to pick up something each time Sala and Vitani came to see him. The older lioness seemed to warm up to him each time. He wasn't sure if this was genuine or if she was doing it just for the sake of Sala, but he liked it. She'd even given him a warm nuzzle, something he'd never expected. He started to wonder if it could ever work out between them if he was allowed to stay, which was another issue always on his mind. He was fairly sure that the moment he stood up on all fours, the lions would run him off, but there was always the chance he would be allowed to stay, and he really hoped that would happen.

Finally, after an eternity of waiting, the bandages came off once more. His back legs were healed, but the scars would be there forever. Slowly, Jumbe lifted himself up on all fours, but only for a few brief minutes. In the weeks it had taken to heal, his back legs had become extremely weak from immobility. Even if the lions decided to chase him off today, he wouldn't be able to go very far. He tried again, slowly, limping away, stretching and strengthening the muscles slightly as he hopped around on one back leg then the next before laying back down on his belly once more.

The recovery was slow, his legs gaining strength at their own pace, but he still had Sala and Vitani. The pair helped him, taking him with them on long walks. It seemed to take forever, but finally, his legs were well enough for him to start trotting. After a few more weeks, he was able to run, and run he did. He ventured off with his daughter and Vitani, exploring all over, but making sure he was not seen by the other animals. News of his full recovery spread quickly through the pride, and Jumbe became more and more paranoid about what would happen to him.

One night, when everyone else had fallen asleep, Jumbe awoke. The snoring lions weren't too loud, but he'd secretly played opossum so he could teach Sala something he'd learned long ago from his own mother. Quietly, he rolled onto his belly before getting up on all fours. He crept over to where she was sleeping, curled up next to Vitani. He smiled at the sight before leaning down to pick her up by the nape before creeping out into the cloudless night. He trotted away into the grasslands before sitting down on his haunches, gently laying his daughter down on the cool grass. Sliding down onto all fours, he licked her cheek repeatedly until she awoke with a huge, sleepy yawn. Jumbe gave her a warm smile, "Sala, I have something I want to show you. Look up." The cub did as he said, letting out a gasp, "Wow! I've never stayed up to see the stars, daddy." She moved around between his front legs, looking up at him. "Daddy, can I get on your back?"

"Of course sweetheart," he said, giving her a warm smile. Sala beamed with glee as she jumped onto his back staring up at the night sky, "It's beautiful." Jumbe chuckled, "It is. But there's a story I want to tell you." Her father paused, "Long ago, when I was your age, my mother, the matriarch of our clan, took my sister out to tell her about the stars. She didn't take me because I was a boy, and boy's aren't supposed to know about this, but I snuck out anyway and hid in the tall grass, listening." His eyes gazed over the picturesque night sky, "Look at the stars. The Great Matriarchs of the Past look down on us from those stars. If you ever feel alone, they will always be there to guide you, and one day, so will I." Sala wasn't sure exactly what he meant, "But daddy, aren't matriarchs girls?" Jumbe chuckled, "Yes they are, but sometimes, a male is allowed to join them, only if he is seen as worthy. To this day, no male has yet to join the stars above, I hope to be the first when it is my time." The cub looked down at him, "But that won't happen for a long time, daddy." The big hyena chuckled, "I know, but I thought you should know a bit about my heritage." His ears twitched as he heard someone approaching with a light chuckle.

Vitani had been sound asleep, the key word being had. She'd noticed the lioness cub had been missing for a few minutes, and then saw that Jumbe had gone. Her heart had sank when she thought they were moving on. She'd started to grow quite attached to the little girl. So she'd started to track them down, wanting to make sure they hadn't left. Deep down, she wanted both of them to stay. Even if Jumbe wasn't a lion, he had a kind heart and a good head on his shoulders. She was actually starting to like the hyena in more ways than one. Vitani crept through the tall grasses before sighting them, but the two seemed to be deep in concentration, so she didn't disturb them, rather, she listened in on his story. She couldn't help but chuckle, the hyenas had a similar idea to the lions, but instead of Kings, they had Matriarchs. It was cute, but finally she decided it was time to reveal her presence. Slowly, she stood up, giving a warm chuckle as she approached them. Sala was the first to turn around and smile giving a cute cry of "mommy" before running over to nuzzle her legs. The older lioness smiled and gave her head a warm lick, "I was afraid you two had run off." The hyena smiled back at her, "No, I wanted to tell her about the Great Matriarchs." The lioness couldn't help but chuckle, "We call them Kings." Her attention turned to Sala, "You need to head back to get some rest, Jumbe and I have something to discuss." The cub nodded her head, "Okay mommy. Good night daddy." The young lioness scampered off back to bed.

Jumbe raised an eyebrow, unsure of what she wanted to discuss, but it wasn't like he was going anywhere anytime soon. The large lioness laid down beside him, looking up at the stars, "They're very beautiful tonight." The hyena stared into the sky, "They really are." He turned his head to look at her, giving her a warm smile, "What do you need to discuss with me, Vitani." The lioness blushed, "Sala has become quite attached to me, and I was wondering what your plans are now that you are well." Jumbe let out a sigh, "I don't really know. It all depends on what the King decides to do with me. I've thought about going out on my own again, but I can't bear to think of taking Sala with me, especially now that she's found a mother." The lioness smiled at him, blushing, "You could stay. Sala needs a father as much as she needs a mother." His ears twitched, "I know. I want to stay, but I would have to give the Kings a very good reason to." Vitani scooted a bit closer to him, "I have a daughter, but I have no husband." Jumbe chuckled, knowing exactly where this was going, "I have a daughter, but I have no wife." The lioness turned to look at the hyena, "Would you?" The hyena smiled, "I would. Would you?" The dark furred cat blushed, "I would." The two leaned into nuzzle each other's cheeks, before Vitani spoke once more, "I am in heat again." Jumbe's nostrils picked up her scent, "I can tell." The lioness blushed, "Would you?" The hyena grinned, "I would." He gave her cheek a warm lick, "But we could never have a daughter or son of our own making." She smiled, "I know, but Sala makes me feel so much like a real mother, I don't think I would need another one." Jumbe nodded, "I don't need another child either."

When dawn rose on the grasslands, the pride wondered where Jumbe and Vitani had gone. Their questions were answered as the pair slowly walked back to Pride Rock, side by side, nuzzling each other's cheeks. It was very apparent that they loved one another as Sala wandered up to them with a big grin. Jumbe was going to tell her, but Vitani decided to answer for them. The lioness looked at the kings and queens, "I have decided to take a mate. I choose Jumbe." The hyena looked at them as well after giving his adopted cub a warm nuzzle, "And I have chosen Vitani."

The announcement took everyone back at first. Something like this was unheard of. A lion and a hyena coming together as a couple had never been done before. Everyone looked at Simba, waiting for his response. The king of the pride looked at them, "Jumbe, because of your daughter, I have let you live. By your actions, you have shown yourself to be trusted. Your word is strong, your heart is good; you are unlike any hyena I nor my father have ever met. I will allow you to be mated to Vitani, and I will allow you to live in the Pride Lands. Do not make me overturn my judgement."

Jumbe and Vitani bowed as the lionesses slowly flowed down to give the newly mated a warm congratulations, and to officially welcome Jumbe into the pride. For the first time in 6 seasons, Jumbe had a family and a clan, but Sala was the happiest of all. She had lost her family, gained a father, gained a mother, but now she had a father, a mother, and a pride. She couldn't ask for anything more.

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