Sweet Desert Deflower

Story by FurryHadouken on SoFurry

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This story is intended for those at or over the legal age of 18. Though I'm unsure why We need this when you have to agree to a Terms of Service contract to get into this site. >_>

This is My second Story and I'm hoping I can put the comments from my first one to good use.

Abbi was a young, unsuspecting Australian dingo who's life was soon to take a most interesting turn. She smiled as she looked out the window of her flight to Africa. "Oh my goodness, It's gorgeous!" She was on her trip to start her first term of the study abroad program at Deakin University in Australia. She closed her laptop and set the table of her seat back. She pulled her laptop case from her overhead compartment with a giddy smile. She was so happy she could start this program, never aware of how drastically her life was about to change. She hadn't the slightest clue of her impending loss of everything she appreciated or saw as her life.

She fastened her seatbelt as the light came on and smiled, feeling the landing gear come out from beneath the plane. As they landed she watched the thick forest of South Africa that surrounded the airport go by. She sighed gently, smiling before standing as the plane came to a complete stop. She giggled with her three friends that had come with her, walking with them down to where they would receive their luggage.

She stared off into space as they waited for their luggage, thinking of what their new studies would bring, not really listening to her friends making plans for time off beside her.

"That would be so fun! Don't you think, Abbi?" They asked, her simply responding with the occasional. "Huh?..yeah." and "Mhm.." All her friends giggled excitedly and walked with her out of the airport towards a large Passenger Jeep with one of the professors from the lab standing near it. He smiled warmly and helped them set their luggage up, glancing as Abbi stepped into the sun with a smile.

"Wow...It's so hot here..." She said, resting a hand on her voluptuous hips. The sun seemed to make her thick amber fur brighter. She got into the Jeep with a smile, looking at the scenery throughout the trip as it roared down the trail. She observed all the beautiful trees and wildlife that walked about freely, thinking how wonderful of a place this was.

As they began to round a bend on the cliff side beneath the laboratory's perch, she noticed a gathering of Hyena wearing nothing but simple loin cloths down at the base of the cliff. "What are those?" She asked, having not seen a group dressed so strangely other than in her classes.

The professor looked to where she was and then back to the road. "Those are the Sahrawi, a native tribe that has yet to industrialize or even accept the modern world. They're a tribe Hyena that cling to their tribe's traditions and their own animal instincts. In short....they're nothing but wild animals stuck in the past...sad really.." He said with a sigh.

She nodded. "...yeah...sad..." Her speech slowed and she felt her heart skip a beat as a goliath among the other Hyena exited the cavern where they kept their den. His short crimson fur shined in the midday sun, the brown spot accentuating every muscle on his god-like frame. He's so beautiful, she thought as she watched him flip strands of his bright orange mohawk out of his eye and lift a large boulder out from the way of their den, every muscle rippling seductively. She felt herself pant, wishing she could have a better look than the distant one she had at the moment. She then sighed as the look she had was cut shirt by a cliff wall as they rounded, though the clear thoughts brought another realization. She looked down at her hips as she felt cramping warmth and with an "oh no.." she finally realized that she was in heat and without any odor resistant pads handy she was going to have a tough time, glad that for now she was downwind and her scent was drifting behind them and not with them where her friends and their driver cold notice. She sighed and looked up as they rode up towards the laboratory, unaware of where her scent was truly headed.

Down at the base of the cliff, Jengo, the hyena Abbi had observed, gave a low, satisfied growl as the wonderful scent hit his snout. It was intoxicating and sweet smelling. He shivered as the scent washed over him with the breeze. He looked around for the source before smirking, deciding that when night fall came he would search out this wonderful scent and make her his mate, his previous mate having died during childbirth along with her pups. It had been nearly a year now and he was thirsting for a female's touch. A female's body. His loins ached with need now and he sought to sooth them soon once he found his new mate. He returned to removing the boulders from the cave, his muscular frame able to hold three of the massive boulders at once while his brothers could only lift one of the smaller stones themselves. He grinning with red-dyed fangs the entire time.

~~Later that night, at the Lab's Dormitory~~~

Abbi sighed heavily as she stepped into her room, setting a glass case beneath a UV light, illuminating the rare plants she was to take care of and study throughout her trip. Her day could not have been more exhausting, having had to learn her way around a nearly mile wide facility, memorize at least a hundred new faces, and all the while trying to make sure noone noticed her heat. She for one deffinantly noticed, her hips having been cramped all day and her mind fogged with thoughts of that hyena she had seen. She blushed and whimpered as her heat flared at those returned thoughts, demanding her removal of her clothing which had become suffocating. She dropped her lab coat and pulled away her shirt, undoing her bra with a sigh of relief, her chest nearly throwing the restraint to the floor, the J sized breasts aching with the same need of soothing as her hips. She felt her shorts moisten and quickly ran to the bathroom, locking the door and opening the window to try and air out the thick scent filling it. She pulled her shorts away and gave a canine whine as she saw the front of her panties wet. She pulled them down from her wide, soft hips, her tail wagging madly. She started a shower and when it had finally reached the right temperature, her thighs were soaked in her own juices. She quickly stepped into the stream of warm water, sighing at the minuscule relief it brought which only applied to her chest. The water slicked her amber fur, making her plump, voluptuous form visible, her wide hips swaying with need. She could no longer resist, her paws going to work so fast that it was as if she'd been restraining them. One rested on her chest and another between her legs. She gasped and moaned softly, her soft paw exciting so many nerves along her mountainous breast. She began to whine , not wanting to make much noise as her hand slowly slid against her womanhood that had yet to feel a male's intrusion. She trembled and whines were quickly becoming moans which became cries, which became screams in matters of seconds, her paws now furiously massaging the sensitive areas of her chest and vigorously rubbing at the tight entrance between her legs, her mind filled with images of that gorgeous hyena which became more and more lude with each stroke of her paw. She could feel her juices flowing down her legs as her paw slid back and forth quickly, being easily hotter than the water that showered her body. She screamed in need and fell to the tile floor of the shower as she finally felt her climax erupt, her paw feeling almost burning hot liquid pour onto it and when she opened her eyes for a brief moment she could have sworn she saw her own nectar fly through the air in time with her scream.

She sat there, panting, wheezing in exhaustion, her hips soothed for now. She tried to get up but to no avail and decided to sit there until she came down from one of the greatest orgasms she'd ever felt.

When she could finally breath and move normally, she got up and turned of the water, her hips trembling softly as she met the cool air of the room. Her short bushy tail shifted as she blow dried her fur, brushing it out and smiling at herself in the mirror, resting her paws on her chest, unsure how she obtained breasts larger than her own head. She then heard a knock at the door and quickly pulled on a fresh pair of panties.

"Abbi! C'mon! You know you a agreed to go on that drive through the Sahara tonight!" Ashley, her young bunny friend called through the door. Abbi sighed, knowing she must have agreed to it when she wasn't paying attention which she seems to do often. She called back as she pulled on some capris. "Alright! Hold on! I'm Coming!" She pulled on a tight green shirt to make up for the support of a bra, not wanting to bother with the hassle of getting it on. She pulled on some hiking boots and opened the door with a giggle. 'Hey Ash..let's go.." She said, walking with her down to the garage, her hips swaying absently.

As they piled into the car, they were greeted by Jessie and Beth, who had sent Ashley to retrieve Abbi when she didn't show up.

Jessie smiled. "Let's get this show on the road!" the eager German Shepard shouted with a giggle, the Jeep roaring to life and starting it's decent to down the cliff to the road that cut through the Sahara.

Back at the hyena's den, all the boulders having been removed, Jengo stood in his burrow of the den, straining his body with heavy lifting to increase the potency of his musk which would help him to retrieve his mate with little effort hopefully. He sighed and took some berry oil, painting lines in his fur with it before tying he loincloth to his hips. He approached the entrance to the den, looking out into the cool night of the Sahara and sniffed the air. He was again downwind of his prey this night and gladly so, for he caught the wonderful, intoxicating scent easily and with a predatory smirk, was off into the night, following his future mate's scent.

The blissfully unaware girls were talking about boys they had waiting for them back home, Ashley giggling and looking at Abbi. "How come you don't have a BF Abbi? With a Rack like that I'm surprised" She said, rewarded with thunderous laughter from the other girls, Abbi swatting her with an 'Oh shut up!" before giggling with them.

The headlights seemed to dim, cutting their range of vision in half, Abbi biting her lip as the Sahara looked almost Ominous without light on it. "Jess?...maybe....maybe we ought to turn back..."

"Oh don't be a prude, Abbi.." She said with a huff. "Just gimme a sec." She said, feeling beneath the steering wheel for a panel and smirking as she found it, pulling it down and guiding with her hands along wires. 'Here we go...the splitter's loose." She said, twisting it, the high beams flashing back to life, just in time to see a massive Cypress only feet away from the Jeep traveling 90 mph. They only had time for a brief scream as the Jeep struck the trunk of the tree, sending Jessie through the windshield, the dashboard crumbling backwards to crush Beth's windpipe and sternum. Ashley gave a gurgling scream as part of the Jeep�s frame came through the floor, skewering her through the stomach. Abbi only saw the crash before she was knocked unconscious by the bar of Beth's seat, her knees smashing into the bar as well. She saw brief flashes of the world around her before passing out.

Jengo stopped a moment, his ears perked as he heard the loud crash. He sniffed the air and found her scent in the same direction, increasing his speed and sprinting toward the road.

Around a half hour after the crash, Abbi would awake, gripping her forehead which bled slightly. She looked up. 'Girls are you..." She then screamed as she was met with her best friend's intestines hanging on a pipe beside her. She scrambled out of the car and crumbled on the ground as her legs gave out beneath her. She laid there a moment, screaming and crying, gripping her knees. She held onto the side fo the Jeep and pulled herself up, only to see Beth's crushed state, her blue face covered in blood from her eyes, mouth and nose.

Abbi sobbed and started to walk, not knowing where she was going, only that she needed to get away from the wreck. She limped only a few feet down the road before seeing her friend Jessie crushed against rocks, insect life already beginning to pick at her body. That had been simply to much and she fell to her knees to the throw up, feeling what little she'd eaten leave her body, only tiring her out more. She averted her eyes from anything near the wreck and simply began to walk, limping her way down the road, unsure of where she was or where she was going, unaware of the beast that lurked not far behind at the wreckage.

Jengo sniffed the three bodies, finding none of them were his mate. He sniffed along the ground to where Abbi had sat in the Jeep, smirking as he found it led to tracks going down the road. "She lives.." He thought with a grin, dashing off down the road, her scent growing stronger as he neared her.

Abbi heard quick steps behind her and whimpered, trying to move faster though without much progress as within only moments of hear the steps she felt herself knocked through the air, sliding against the ground. She cried and whimpered, rolling onto her back only to see her attacker above her, his claws dug into the ground at her sides. He leaned down and she closed her eyes tight, whimpering as he sniffed her neck before grinning. She felt his claws graze her skin as they slid down her front, cutting all clasps to her clothing, it falling away in shreds. She looked up with a gasp at this and realized it was the Hyena that she had seen before, grinning sadistically down at her.

"...Sahrawi, a native tribe that has yet to industrialize or even accept the modern world. They're a tribe Hyena that cling to their tribe's traditions and their own animal instincts. In short..they're nothing but wild animals...."

The professors words echoed in her mind and she looked up at the godly beast above her with wide eyes. She now knew why he was here. He had smelt her heat and had come for her body she screamed and began to thrash, pounding at his chest to try and get him off, only to feel his massive paw strike her in the cheek, sending her sprawling across the ground, unconscious.

He got up and stepped over to her. He couldn't have her struggling like that the whole time. He picked her up over his shoulder, feeling her hips and smirking. She was plump, soft with wide hips, perfect for birthing puppies, and many at that. She was the perfect candidate for a mate. He licked his muzzle, enjoying her scent as he started back toward his den, his musk filling her nostrils as she slept, turning her dreams down a most risque road, this only making her heat stronger and driving the beast that carried her to make his steps quicker.

Abbi awoke several hours later in a dark stone room. She was nearly delirious, her head spinning and aching along with the rest of her body. She felt a thick pile of dear pelts beneath her which were wonderfully warm and soft. She actually curled up against them wit a sigh before realising she was not in a god place, her shooting up and whimpering, looking around. It was to dark to see much, the only light which came from a bowl of burning oils, only illuminated the room and not the tunnels that extended from it. She could smell his musk covering the room and bit her lip, feeling her heat flare because of it. This was not the time for a flare, she thought, looking around before noticing she wore no clothing. She went to cover herself and as her hand rested between her legs, there was a soft squish and she held her paw back up, it covered in her own juices and saliva. He had been tasting her!? She began to cry and the noises seemed to reach her captor out in the tunnel. As soon as she heard those familiar steps she closed her mouth, whimpering as she saw the goliath step in the room.

She backed against the wall, only to have him in front of her, his paw resting on the wall at her side. He leaned his head down, licking at her neck. She felt the need to moan yet bit her lip. She would not moan for him. She would not give him the satisfaction of her pleasure. He smirked at her contorted expression and grabbing her sides. She yelped with surprise as she was set down on the pelts, looking up at the brute that held her.

He leaned down, her turning her head to the side as his tongue slid across her neck and shoulders, whimpering and biting her lip, fighting back heated moans as she felt his tongue against her chest, his paws running across them. She hated herself for enjoying this. His tongue felt so wonderful, like a heavenly cloth against her flesh.

He smiled as he paws rested on her chest, unable to fully grasp them in the slightest. She would be able to feed many pups with a chest so mountainous.

As his tongue traveled down she began to writhe beneath him, fighting the urge to moan with more and more force. Tears fell as she bit down harder on her lip. She thought she might be ale to hold out until she felt his tongue against her womanhood, her entire body jolting and a moan finally escaping her lips, her paws quick to cover them. Her fur was on end and she was distraught. Was he to rape her? Make her his bitch? Was she going to be his pack's whore? All these life-ending thoughts ran through her mind until she felt his movements change. She felt his tongue running slowly down her left, from her inner thigh to her calf and then softly across her foot/paw. She slowly moved her hands away and watched him curiously, noticing a content smile on his face as he tongue slid softly against the pads of her paws and across the toes before sliding over and up the other side of her leg. He didn't seem to be getting his kicks from this. He wasn't simply enjoying her body. It was as if.....as if he was worshiping it.

At was when this thought rose that she remembered a sociology session in which the spoke briefly of some south African tribes that would go through any hardship or motion to find the female they want and bring her back to their encampment, even kidnap or attack the female. But when the female was brought back, they were treated as goddesses because of their gender being seen as the primary life givers. They all-important to the tribe's survival.

She felt a smile slowly take hold of her muzzle. Was this how he felt. Did this brutish creature that easily had a foot and 80 pounds on her actually see her as a 'goddess'? She was answered as she saw him pick up a small owl of sweet smelling oils and dip his paw in it. She watched as he followed his tongue with the oil, applying it gingerly to her body, rubbing it against her flesh with the upmost care. She felt her breathing shorten and soft moans escape as he slid the oil against her legs and over her paws, massaging every muscle with the oil. She felt every ache and pain in her legs disappear under his care, the smell of the oil relaxing her mind as well. She laid there beneath him as he gave his worship to her voluptuous form, applying the oil gently along her hips, purposely passing over her womanhood and moving onto her hips. She sighed and moaned softly as she felt is tongue slide up her torso and return to her waiting breasts, his paws rubbing the wonderful oils against the ample flesh of her chest, making her moans escape and gentle gasps, her eyes watching him with a glazed stare. He smiled gently, sliding his tongue down her arms and applying the oil there as well.

The soft flicker of the flame nearby mixed with the oil to make her fur shine like a freshly polished topaz. She whined softly, her aches and pains all gone, her muscles in the most relaxed state she'd felt in her life. She looked up weakly as his muzzle loomed near hers. She smiled gently, noticing the hopeful look in his eye. Was he seeking reward for his actions? She leaned up slowly and rested her muzzle to his in a long deep kiss before laying down and staring up at him. Until now she had not had a good look at him, her breath taken away at his beauty. The light made his fur look like roaring flames against his flesh, the long strands of his orange mohawk hanging over the side of his head, every definition of his Adonis-worthy muscular form was shown by his thinly cut fur.

He smiled happily to have received the praise of her kiss and his muzzle trailed down her torso, gently nuzzling against her until she felt his muzzle against her womanhood, her body shivering. Were they going to mate now? Could she really give him the one thing she had held to herself for so long? She took a deep breath, deciding if she wanted to give her virginity to anybody...it was him. All her cares of the crash, her studies, or her own pains had melted away beneath his care and she now felt as if...she loved him.

His tongue slid against her accepting young entrance, her entire body shaking with every lap of that heavenly tongue. She felt him rise and looked up to see him rest his muzzle at he rneck when he could easily rested far past it. It seemed he was establishing her superiority now that she was accepting him. She smiled and softly stroked his head, trembling as she felt his manhood for the first time resting against her. It was at least three inches wide and across. She whimpered a bit in fear of the pain before shuddering as she feel this paw sliding the oil against and into her gently, her ears back and a warm sigh escaping. He cared for her happiness and comfort so much. She felt so loved and important that she was contemplating never leaving his den, to stay in his arms, under his care..forever.

She braced herself against him as she felt the head of his manhood slide into her with the help of the oil. The lubricant was helping relieve much of the pain though pressure was still felt in her hips. She gritted her fangs as she felt him pressing against the thin membrane of her virginity and he looked into her eyes, as if for permission. She looked up at him, panting softly and closed her eyes, nodding and resting her muzzle against him, her arms set about him in an embrace, her wincing as she felt his hips thrust and in one fell swoop she felt her virginity leave her body as well as the entirety of his length slide into her with the exception of a sizable knot resting against the rim of her womanhood. She curled against him, trembling and whining at the pain, him remaining still in consideration of his mates anguish, waiting until she relaxed and rested against his shoulder before his hips began to sway, his tail shifting slowly in time with his gentle thrusts, letting his mate's body become used to his.

Her whimpers began escaping as soft moans, her muzzle resting near his ear, letting him hear every ecstacy filled exhale, every moan and gasp his mate created.

She felt herself conform around him like a tight glove, her own hips beginning to work against his in time with his thrusts, her heated scent pouring into the room along with his musk, them mixing into a potent aphrodisiac, quickly filling their bodies with need for the other. She felt her body turn onto it's hands and knees, wishing her mate take her as their feral ancestors would have. The oil that covered her body began to rub against his, their bodies shining in the light as they made passionate love, each emitting their own lust filled cries.

She whimpered and shuddered as her climax neared, her hips now working hard against his, as if needing the seed he held back. She could feel his thrusts becoming quicker and stronger, his knot slowly stretching her wider with each thrust before they both froze as a loud pop was heard. He had tied her to him, giving her insides no room to expel his seed if received. She moaned and gave a soft cry as she felt his knot fill her. She leaned back, resting her back t his chest and brought her arms up, wrapping them about his neck behind her as she panted, thrusting down against him, not only knowing what was coming but wanting it to happen, her body aching for it. She felt him tense and with a last thrust, so did her's, a low howl expelling from her muzzle as she came, hot fiery nectar surrounding his member that was impaled deep within her, his knot now squeezed like a vice, making her mate howl in time with her, his seed pouring like a flood of life into her, filling every waiting crevice with his fertile, life-giving seed.

They stayed in that position, both panting and whimpering as they came down from a heaven they didn't want to leave, both collapsing onto the pelts, Jengo holding his mate close to him as his member slid out with a small slurping noise. She turned in his arms and rested her head against his chest, sighing happily. She knew now. She couldn't, wouldn't, and would never want to leave this place again, happy to feel his seed seeking life in her awaiting womb. She would gladly have his puppies now. She looked up at him, their eyes meeting for a long moment and she stroked his cheek before giving her name, resting a hand against her chest. "...Abbi.."

He smiled softly and gave his, nuzzling into her neck, a low voice escaping that made her shudder almost as much as his touch. "Jengo.."

She smiled and curled up against him tiredly, pulling the pelts over them both. "....I love you Jengo..." she whispered as the flames of the oil candle nearby finally extinguished and they fell asleep in each other's arms.

And as the saying goes: "They lived happily...ever...after.."

~ Fin

The Hunter's Weakness

If you're underage to veiw this sort of thing in your area then don't read this. Blah. Blah. Blah...I know you'd read it anyway even if you weren't allowed, noone really cares about those laws but I have to give this disclaimer as a rule, you know? ...

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