The Caribou Club

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Commissioned by gotommax

Written by Leo_Todrius

Artwork for this story:

Chapter 1:

After being converted by Bandon, Blake finds life quite fulfilling though there is a lot to adjust to... but with his brother due to visit for a trip, the caribou boys decide it is time to welcome him to their new way of living and find him a friend as well.

The Caribou Club Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Gotommax

Thick strands of blond hair cascaded across Blake's face, blocking one of his eyes as he gazed up at Bandon lovingly. It was affectionate, touching... and quite soft considering how hard they were fucking. Bandon had latched onto Blake's antlers and was pulling his face in hard, ramming his reindeer cock into his mate's waiting muzzle. If not for how resilient his new reindeer form was, Blake likely would have had a bruised throat. Instead all they had was lust and love.

Blake's blond mane cascaded down over his rich caramel colored fur, his black nose inhaling the scent of his mate as his tail flicked around. His fine body was dressed only in a black leather harness, the cod piece discarded as he stroked off his own member. Bandon moaned, making all sort of rutting calls. Blake expected to get another gut full of sperm, but to his surprise Bandon pulled back just at the last moment.

Thick streams of cum sprayed across Blake's nose and muzzle, getting into his fur and hair. He opened his mouth wide, trying to catch as much as he could, but it was fairly clear Bandon had intended to shower him down with it. Bandon moaned as his load subsided and Blake moved to lick himself clean before looking back up at Bandon.

"You did that on purpose, now I'm going to be late for school..." Blake smirked. Bandon slowly sprawled out on the bed.

"Don't go, stay with me in the loft until the club opens tonight..." Bandon murmured.

"But what about all the time I invested into school?" Blake asked. Bandon reached out to scratch Blake's chin.

"You mean the money? I'll take care of that. I just want you by my side... I didn't go to college and now I run an amazing gay club for reindeer. Just think what you'll be capable of." Bandon purred.

"You mean like a fourth round of sex since getting up?" Blake smirked. Bandon shivered in delight at the idea.

"And what's so wrong with that?" Bandon asked. Blake smirked, rising to his feet. He started to move across the room with a seductive sway of his hips, his tail lifted, his pucker calling to Bandon.

"I can't just disappear from school. If I'm going to quit, I have to do things right... Besides, I-" Blake stopped as his cell phone started to vibrate on the table. Bandon looked even more startled. It had been a week since he'd changed Blake, brought him into the fold as a reindeer. They had managed to explain things at the school as a rare genetic mutation, but Bandon was already forgetting that Blake had an outside life. The phone was a reminder that he was still very much connected to the world.

Blake moved over to the phone and picked it up; unlocking the display before he saw he'd received a new text. He glanced up at Bandon briefly before he opened the text. The phone took a moment to load. Blake's eyes scanned the text before his shoulders slumped a little. He looked up at Bandon with concern.

"My brother is coming... to stay with me while my parents go on a trip." Blake whispered. Bandon tilted his head.

"They do that without even asking?" Bandon asked.

"It's never been an issue; I mean we did it a few times before... you started the remodel." Blake explained. Bandon leaned back a little.

"I don't think it'll be an issue, I think I know someone that can help." Bandon smiled.


Due to popular demand, the hours of the Caribou Club had expanded. Doors opened at six and didn't close again until twelve hours later. With Blake's conversion, there were no longer any neighbors to concern with the noise and that was a marvelous thing...but while things got rowdy at night, they were rather relaxing in the early evening. Some of the patrons had already started their reindeer games, humping and grinding and groping on the dance floor, but others simply indulged in the finer pursuits of life. This was the case for one particularly large reindeer sitting at the bar.

Ben, or Big Ben as he was called, stood at over six feet and six inches if you didn't count his antlers. He was over three hundred pounds, all of it trim muscle. There wasn't an ounce of fat on his body and his fur showed off every muscle he had. The reindeer sat at the bar, watching a bottle of Rein-Rum brought over. The waiter removed the cork and poured the rum into the glass, letting it breathe a little.

"Leave the bottle, it's a special day." Ben grinned.

"What's the celebration?" The waiter asked with a smirk.

"Every day is special." Ben replied, lifting the glass to his lips, sipping the rum before he turned, seeing the front door open. Bandon and Blake moved in as if they owned the place, but all the reindeer there knew that they did. Bandon grinned, seeing Ben right where he expected him to be. Blake followed after, a little less sure.

"Ben, good to see you! The drinks are on me tonight." Bandon said. Ben's eyebrows lifted up before he chuckled.

"I take it you need something?" Ben asked.

"I can't fool you, old friend. Do you still have those calming charms?" Bandon asked. Ben chuckled gently.

"I have only one left... one of the good ones." Ben said, sipping his drink again.

"What's a calming charm?" Blake asked.

"How much is it worth to you?" Bandon asked.

"Given our lot in life, they are pretty valuable..." Ben replied.

"As valuable as a year's tab?" Bandon grinned.

"One year? That's hardly generous..." Ben said, taking another drink.

"I think it's rather generous given how much of the good stuff you enjoy. That rum isn't cheap, you know. Importing it from the North Pole alone..." Bandon replied. Ben sighed before nodding.

"Alright, one year... but I want something money can't buy." Ben said. Blake had given up getting an explanation and watched the back and forth.

"What is it? Is it in my power to give?" Bandon asked.

"I'm sure it will be eventually. I want a dance... with an unconverted." Ben replied.

"Deal." Bandon said without hesitation. Ben reached down, his hand grazing past the leather vest he wore to the pocket it hand, fishing around inside before he pulled out a wood token with a leather strap necklace on it. The wood token had a piece cut out and filled with an exactly identical piece of a rich red wood, the shape of a reindeer head face on, complete with horns. It was amazing to believe they had been able to get the two pieces to match so perfectly for the inlay.

Bandon accepted the charm and leaned in, giving the older reindeer a quick kiss to seal the deal before he moved with Blake toward the back of the club. Blake swayed his hips quickly to keep up, watching Bandon examine the charm, turning it around and around in his hands. When they reached the couches at the back of the club, Blake finally had enough. He brushed the blond hair out of his eyes.

"What's a calming charm?" Blake repeated his earlier question.

"When members of our kinds first started to appear, there was a common reaction to think of us as monsters or beasts. While the general consensus has faded, people are still jumpy. The calming charm allows them to look past all that to see things just as they are." Bandon explained. Blake took a soft breath.

"So the charm is for Dale, to help him cope." Blake replied. Bandon nodded.

"All we have to do is get it to him." Bandon said.


The train station was a relatively clean place, modified for light rail stops as well as heavy rail. Transparent, almost stained glass like partitions spanned the platforms between rails, casting a rainbow of light down across the ground below. A great rumbling noise accompanied the Black Line train as it slowed to a stop at the station. Countless eyes from the train cars peered out at the city beyond, but only one young man would get out to see it. The doors to the train opened and Dale moved out, stepping down onto the cement platform. Dale was eighteen years old with dishwater blond hair buzzed short. His eyes were blue, his skin fair and he was rather average in build. Much like his brother, Dale could pass for an all-American boy whenever he wanted. The air was a bit chilly still, but nothing compared to the cold snap that had been on the radio. Dale turned to go get his luggage, seeing that one of the Conductors had already swooped in to do it for him.

Dale watched the conductor rise up from the compartment with his bags. Dale felt a bit nervous, watching the conductor move, his whiskers flicking in the wind, his black nose sniffing the air, his obsidian colored fur rippling beneath the uniform. It was like someone stuffed a panther into a uniform and made them work. Dale knew that the hybrids were capable of holding jobs but it was hard to fight the instinctive trepidation of such forms.

Dale reached into his pocket and quickly fished around to find some money, tipping the Conductor before he scooped up his bags and crossed over to the next platform. The conductor made it back onto the train, clicking the all-clear button. Slowly and with great building inertia, the train picked its speed back up, heading out of the station and down the track. Dale felt a slight sense of relief as he made his way toward the street, expecting to find his brother there. While the station wasn't empty, he didn't spot Blake anywhere. What he saw instead was a black Oldsmobile with a man standing outside, holding a cardboard sign reading 'Dale'.

"Is... Is that for me?" Dale asked, looking around in confusion.

"Blake requested the pick up due to work commitments, he apologies most sincerely but has sent a gift." The driver said, a rather non-descript individual with neat black hair.

"He can afford to send cars for me?" Dale asked, stunned.

"He's in the employment of Mister Bandon Malarch, owner of the Caribou Club. It comes with certain perks." The driver said, moving to open the trunk before getting Dale's bags, putting them in before he moved to open the back door. Dale moved over, looking at the driver before he got into the Oldsmobile. The fact that his brother had gotten a job at a club was shocking, but then again that was what he got for coming on short notice with no warning.

As Dale buckled up, he noticed a small box sitting on the seat next to him. He closed his door and lifted the box, untying the twine before he opened it up. Inside was a necklace with a wooden pendant, the center inlaid with cherry wood, the outside rounded and softened to rub against bare skin without any issue. What drew Dale's attention was the reindeer in the center of the pendant.

"He sent me a caribou necklace?" Dale asked as the driver got in. The driver shrugged. Dale said nothing more before he slipped the necklace on around his head, tucking it into his shirt carefully. As the pendant rested against his skin, Dale felt a little more at ease about anything. It was great that his brother was doing so well, that he'd gotten a new job. Their visit was bound to be exciting and he got to ride in a very nice care.

Dale looked up as they pulled out, spotting the driver's reflection in the mirror. Dale had to admit, he king of like the driver's L shaped sideburns and the point of his chin. He looked more interesting than Dale had given him credit for at first, not to mention the fact that his suit complimented his shoulders. Dale slowly drifted off of thinking about the driver, his fingers reaching to rub at the pendant through his shirt as they drove.

A few minutes passed before the car came to a stop along the curb. Dale had been to that particular address many times before, opening his own door to step out. What he saw before him, however, had changed a lot. Blake had lived at the loft upstairs since he started college, but beneath the loft a new business had opened up... The Caribou Club. It all started to make sense now, though Dale wondered if it had been Blake's idea to open the club or if it had opened beneath him and he sprung on the opportunity.

Dale waited for the driver to get his bags before he accepted them back into his care, trudging round the corner of the building before he came to a stop. The last time he had been at Blake's, the loft had been accessible only by a metal stairway that was treacherous in bad weather. Now a full cement staircase led up to the loft, textures and shaped for easy ascents and descents with little chance of falling. The guard rails were even polished wood, adding to the class of it all.

The eighteen year old made his way up the stairs, knocking on the door with his foot due to the number of bags he brought. Thankfully the door eased open and Dale moved in, dropping everything just a few feet inside. He smiled brightly and turned to face his brother, expecting his messy blond hair and wiry frame... seeing instead a reindeer with long blond hair, round hips, a leather harness and a leather cod piece. Dale's mind tried to panic, to freak out, to worry but all Dale saw were the changes, not the fear behind it all.

"Blake! You grew your hair out... Geeze, have you been lifting weights too?" Dale murmured in surprise. Blake looked stunned before glancing over to where Bandon was sitting, looking back.

"Dale, you're looking good! Sit down, have a drink." Blake said with a smile. Dale turned, noticing someone else in the room. The charm continued to work, removing Dale's fear. Instead he saw merely the fact that Bandon was a tall and strapping man in his early thirties, muscled and fit.

"Who is your friend?" Dale asked, moving to sit down.

"This is Bandon, my business partner and my... boyfriend." Blake said, pouring a drink from the fridge without paying it much mind.

"Boyfriend? Dude, I always thought you were straight." Dale replied. It seemed the charm worked on more than just the fact that his brother was another species; he had no reservations about his brother being gay either.

"Your brother is really a smart cookie; he's really helped out in the business." Bandon added. Blake moved over, handing Dale the glass.

"The caribou club you mean?" Dale asked, lifting the glass to his lips, coughing as soon as the liquid hit his tongue, "Whoa, is this booze? Are you trying to get me drunk?" Dale chuckled.

"Sorry bro, didn't think about it. I guess I serve up so much that I didn't pay attention." Blake blushed.

"We won't tell if you don't." Bandon said. Dale considered it for a moment, not seeing the harm in it or feeling worried about trying. He tipped the drink back again, taking a larger sip.

"So how long are you here for?" Blake asked.

"It's a longer trip, maybe three weeks. It was hell for them to get me out of school that long but I brought my work with me." Dale smiled. Bandon rolled his eyes.

"You two and school." He smirked. Dale looked at Blake curiously.

"How are you doing in school?" Dale asked.

"I'm doing fine, but I'm thinking about quitting. The business could really use me more often and it isn't like the degree's going to affect that much." Blake said. Normally Dale would have been freaking out, yelling at his brother about dropping out but he felt strangely calm.

"You know, I never thought about what it would be like to just jump into a career, not shell out all that money for the rest of school." Dale murmured, sipping more of his drink. Blake was taken aback. He'd never seen his brother so relaxed before. He seemed more innocent, almost young from it all.

"Do you want to see it?" Bandon asked after a moment. Dale all but giggled.

"You mean the Caribou club? But I'm under age?" Dale chuckled, drinking more of the beer from the fridge.

"That hasn't stopped you so far... plus we know the owners." Bandon smiled. Dale giggled at that, blushing a bit.

"Sure, that sounds like fun. I can't wait to do it." Dale said. Bandon turned to look at Blake.

"I like him, he sure is chipper... but we'll have to do something about his clothes." Bandon said, standing up and moving over to the closer. He dug through before he found a few options, grinning brightly, "Yes, this will do." He murmured to himself.


The doors to the caribou club opened, the music spilling out into the street. Happy hour had ended and the real nightly festivities had begun. The club had been a bit worried with both Bandon and Blake gone, but as they strode in there were cheers and welcomes from all the patrons. Bandon and Blake stepped apart, revealing Dale behind. They'd tried to dress him up to fit the club a bit better. The eighteen year old wore a black mesh shirt that showed his nipples, belly button and the wooden charm he wore beneath. His legs were coated with olive drab army pants and black military boots. Blake had tried to spike up his hair but it was so short that it merely looked like a bed of needles.

Eyes combed over the newcomer and Dale looked back out. The charm had to work hard to quell any fears he normally would have had. He was in a gay bar, dressed sexily with his brother and his brother's boyfriend. Still, without fear or anxiety Dale seemed quite at home. He strut out across the floor with a spring in his step before all but running to the counter, hopping up onto a stool.

"Give me the most exciting food you have." Dale said. The bartender smirked, giving him a wink before moving to dish up the house chili salad. Dale watched it getting made, unaware that he was still being watched by his brother and Bandon. Blake looked on with surprise, looking over at Bandon.

"I never should have doubted you, this is going wonderfully!" Blake shouted over the music.

"The best part is that without the fear now, all the good things that happen will change his perspectives. He won't have to wear the charm forever." Bandon replied.

"So it's like seeing us without bias? That's... wow." Blake grinned. The two seemed quite pleased with themselves, talking and chatting. They hadn't noticed the crowd of reindeer part, nor the fact that a towering figure moved over to the bar. Dale turned, looking up at Ben with a pleasant smile. Ben grinned back, sitting down next to the eighteen year old.

"You're new here, aren't you?" Ben asked. Dale nodded.

"This place looks pretty fun; everyone's having a good time. I'm so glad my brother got involved with the place." Dale said. Ben reached up to stroke the tuft of fur extending from his chin.

"Your brother, you say?" Ben asked.

"Blake, he's my brother, he's right over there." Dale gestured. Ben looked over at the reindeer that had risen to be Bandon's mate. Ben looked back over at Dale and then the charm, smiling gently.

"Well it looks like all the men in your family are handsome... Are you all well endowed?" Ben asked, reaching over to grope Dale. Dale murmured in pleasure as the fingers kneaded his groin. He couldn't feel surprised or afraid so he merely felt good from it all. His cock started to swell in the fabric and Ben kneaded it even more thoroughly. Dale moaned softly.

"I wouldn't know, I haven't seen my brother naked..." Dale replied, starting to push into the hand.

"Well, maybe we can find out if you're as good of a kisser." Ben said, leaning down. Dale was surprised, but as the black lips found his, his mouth was spread wide by a fat, long, powerful tongue. Dale's eyes slipped shut as he was tongued by the beast. Dale melted into the kiss, embracing it. It was the first time he'd ever kissed a man and he wasn't nervous or afraid like he had been with women. It felt so right, so perfect. The pleasure of it soon overwhelmed him. Dale opened his mouth wider and started to suck on Ben's tongue, moving to pet his furry chest, feeling the muscles before he giggled, breaking the kiss.

"You're so strong and manly..." Dale murmured.

"Strong enough to protect you from anything." Ben whispered back.

"Just like my daddy." Dale giggled, feeling a little drunk.

"I'll be your daddy if you want..." Big Ben replied, leaning down to start licking Dale's ear. As he licked it, the ear started to grow longer and longer, folding a bit at the sides as fur spread over the backside. Dale giggled at that, panting, his cock achingly hard. Ben moved around to lick the other side, slurping Dale's ears until they were both deer ears. He moved next to lick Dale's forehead, feeling the bone beneath the skin shift before soon the skin split and a faun nub pushed out slowly. Ben grinned, moving to do the same to the other side, his hand groping Dale all the while. While Bandon and Blake had been absorbed in their own world, Blake's instinct to keep tabs on his brother soon brought him to scan the room, gasping at what he saw.

"Holy fuck!" Blake said, his jaw dropping. Bandon looked over before grimacing.

"Oh no..." Bandon murmured.

"How did that happen so fast?" Blake whispered.

"It's the charm, he's not afraid of anything, he is seeing only the good in it all." Bandon replied. Blake watched Dale nuzzle up against Ben, their lips meeting and their tongues tangling as Dale's lips turned black.

"He's been here less than an hour and he's already gay and going deer..." Blake said in disbelief. Bandon reached over, petting Blake's tail before sliding a finger across his hole. Blake shuddered at the touch.

"Maybe the men of your family are destined to be super hot gay deer, inspiring more and more to join our cause... I couldn't have fallen for anyone like I did you. I'm sure Ben just can't help himself. Your brother's so cute and... god, he'll make an amazing twink." Bandon grinned, moving to kiss and nibble on Blake's neck. Blake shivered in pleasure, lifting his head as Bandon worked on him.

"He's always been so cute when he wasn't freaking out..." Blake agreed.

"Don't you want him to be happy? To have a handsome, strong boyfriend? To be taken care of always. I'm sure Big Ben will look after him as if he was his own son..." Bandon whispered. Blake moaned louder, moving to hump Bandon.

"Of course I want my brother to be happy, and... horny... that's what any brother wants, right?" Blake asked, his judgment clouding. Across the room, Ben had started to stand, much to Dale's sadness. He looked up at the huge muscled man with need.

"Care to dance?" Big Ben asked. Dale sprung to his feet.

"Sure!" Dale grinned, moving out onto the dance floor.

"Good boy." Ben grinned, catching up to the younger male. Soon Ben had wrapped his arms around Dale's waist, grinding against his ass, the two swaying one way and then the other. The dance was graphic and lewd but it seemed to fit the music. Many turned, watching the leather bound behemoth dance with the human, though it wasn't likely to stay that way for long. As Dale was held around the waist, he felt a softness spread across his stomach. Sure enough, the fishnet shirt betrayed that white fur was growing out of his abs and spreading up his chest while patches of caramel covered his shoulders.

Ben reached around, unzipping Dale's pants slowly before reaching in. Much to his delight, Blake and Bandon were so lost to their own changes that they had forgotten to give the eighteen year old any underwear. Ben brought he shaft out, stroking it openly as he humped Dale's ass. With each thrust of his hand, Ben felt Dale's cock stretching longer and longer, growing a little wider but so much less human. The head of the shaft even seemed to stretch out, tapering a little and flattening on the end, looking just like a deer cock.

As Dale felt his cock reach eleven inches, then thirteen, shifting into the member of a deer, he tipped his head back in a moan. The fur continued spreading across his back and chest but also swept up his neck as fuzz emerged from his cheeks and jaw. The colorings matched Blake's in every way. Every stripe of caramel, white and black was a mirror image until the fur hit Dale's hair line. Then it all changed.

After a lifetime of buzzed hair, Dale's dishwater blond locks began to push out, growing an inch a second. The hair darkened to a soft brown, falling across his eyes and around his deer ears, covering his neck before it hit his shoulders, sloping down his back just a little. The hair slowed down but the fur kept up, covering his nose and forehead before his jaw popped and pushed forward. Dale's black lips parted as his nose turned black, the tip turning up, nostrils flaring.

Ben turned Dale around, looking into his eyes before he leaned down to kiss him, filling his growing mouth with deer tongue. Dale obediently sucked on his new 'daddy's' tongue and each slurp made his muzzle come in more. Dale's teeth flattened, his face stretched and his eyes reoriented a bit, his ears twitching where they stuck out from his brown hair. Even Dale's antler nubs grew out a bit more, curving forward and back at the same time. They weren't nearly as mature as Blake's, but Dale was the younger brother.

Across the dance floor, Blake moaned, pinching at one of his nipples. He hated to admit it, but watching his brother become a gay twink deer boi was very arousing. He groaned gently before gasping, feeling a hand slide into his pants. Bandon smirked, stroking Blake odd as he moved in close. Blake leaned back into Bandon's chest, panting as he started to thrust his cock into Bandon's hand.

Bandon tugged on Blake's pants before they sunk down, revealing his tail hole. Bandon moaned, tracing his cock against Blake's entrance before he thrust in, causing his mate to make a deer mating call. Bandon was unable to hold back, thrusting in and out, faster and harder. The two were going at it in the entry way, the smells of mating crossing over the floor of the gay bar. With the owners endorsing it, more and more of the reindeer started to pair off, mating as they danced, fucking each other on the dance floor.

Soon splatters of saliva and pre cum dribbled on the floor but hoofed feet found it easy to navigate. Dale would have had a harder time if not for Ben, but true to his promise Ben was looking after Dale like his gay twink boi. The acceptance and love saturated Dale, pushing his changes on. Dale's lips swelled, rounding and plumping just as his ass swelled as well. Years of a flat butt were replaced with bubble cheeks that pushed apart as a new white and caramel deer tail grew in. As the cheeks separated, Dale's pucker swelled, turning black and moist, beckoning for something to enter it.

Ben inhaled the scent of newly mature male, groaning as his own cock hardened. He grabbed his leather cod piece and pulled it until the snaps broke, his fat daddy cock flopping out. He brought it to Dale's hole and bore down, pushing out a thick coating of pre cum to lube it up. Dale shivered before Ben pushed forward, impaling the eighteen year old. Dale moaned loudly, arching his back, bouncing between the hand on his own cock and the cock in his ass, but Ben wasn't satisfied.

"I'll always protect you, you don't need magic to feel safe." Ben whispered, reaching around, grabbing at the necklace before tugging it. Dale gasped, feeling the string around his neck go tight before it popped off. The charm was removed, the magic collapsed and Dale's sensibilities returned. He looked around at the deer rutting and mating like beasts around him, realized his brother was one of them... He was being raped by a man almost twice his age... and he was one of them, not just in body but in mind.

Dale called out, thrashing hard as his legs changed, his pants growing tight, his boots warping as his toes grew together and his heels melted away. The fur covered him from head to ankle, soon down onto his feet. His fish net shirt grew tighter, his muscles straining against the strings. His fur was softening, his tail flicking, his black ring spread tight. Dale was scared, afraid, panic stricken... but he felt so fucking good. He wasn't just fucking, he was loving it... and there was something so strange and so right about being claimed by an older man. Anyone could get a boyfriend their same age, but Dale had been taken in by someone experienced, his gay daddy... and he was his boy.

"Fuck me daddy... Fuck your boy, fuck me hard until I make a mess all over this floor and you have to spank me!" Dale called out, feeling so naughty and horny and unable to resist it all. Ben roared with pleasure, fucking Dale even harder, using such force that soon Dale fell forward onto all fours and Ben came down over him, doing it like their reindeer ancestors. Dale grunted hard, feeling his boots warp and split before hoofs pushed out; clicking on the dance floor... but something else had changed.

The sudden rush of adrenaline had flooded Dale's system, altering the change. No longer was he the copasetic deer boy, he was an active participant. His body struggled to make up for lost time, his deer cock growing even longer and fatter, pushing to fifteen inches long, then sixteen... but as long as it was, it was getting fatter as well, growing five inches wide, then six. The fat meat flopped around from his groin above fuzzy balls as his sheath grew in.

The mating calls in the club grew even more intense as some of the reindeers started to cum, collapsing into heaps. Blake and Bandon were not one of those couples. While Ben had the mastery of an elder deer and Dale was a newly mature deer, Bandon and Blake were like the reindeer in their prime, rutting for dominance. Their antlers clacked and caught, locking together before snapping apart. Blake thrust back his ass as much as Bandon thrust in, the two moving around like some sort of half-duel, half-fuck before Blake tipped his head back and called out, his ass pulsing as his cock released a spray of cum all over the floor. Feeling his mate lose it, Bandon wasn't any further behind, his deer shaft pumping seed deep into his mate.

Ben smirked, admiring Blake and Bandon's energy, but he had something better... a gay boi to be daddy to. Ben leaned down, licking and then nibbling Dale's deer ear. Dale had completed his transformation into a slutty, sleek, twink gay deer... though he'd gained a bit more muscle and strength than Ben expected. Then again, he was the 'son' of the biggest, gayest male in the club. Ben moaned softly before speaking,

"Cum for me..." Ben commanded. Dale moaned and tilted his head back before his cock sprayed cum all over the hand working his rod. Ben moaned, rewarding his son with an orgasm of his own, closing his eyes as he pumped a sea of sperm into his ass. Dale shivered, accepting it all into him. Dale's eyes slipped shut, but sight was but one of the deer's senses. He could hear their pleasure, smell their lust. He was a new breed, part of their group. He was a gay deer and he loved it. Nothing could have suited him more.


Blake had taken to sleeping deeply over the past few weeks but the first thing to come to his senses was bird song outside his window. His eyes opened slowly and he looked over at the glass. Sure enough, birds sat on his window sill, chirping away... though there was also heavy car exhaust, paper caught in the wind and every other sign of life. Blake's eyes turned. It was two in the afternoon, a little earlier than they usually started their day but it wouldn't hurt to get an early start for once.

Blake sat up slowly, stretching with a yawn, looking over to Bandon curled up at his side. He was so lucky... but he was also lucky enough to have a loft with enough space for two king beds. Right next to theirs was the bed that Blake had given to Dale and Big Ben, though it still didn't seem big enough for Ben. H e was practically a moose, though he seemed even more masculine now that he had a pet of his own.

It had taken some doing, but they had tracked down a second charm and sent both off to their parents, rationally explaining that they were both gay, reindeers, dropping out of college and living a life dedicated to sex, alcohol and pleasure seeking. Without any fear or anxiety, their parents had wished them well; glad both their sons could pursue their pleasures. The charms had worked wonders, but Blake knew that they would have to work to show their parents that their lives truly were going to be alright. They couldn't wear the charms forever.

Blake slipped out of bed to head over to the kitchen area to make breakfast, though he paused, noticing the blankets shifting up and down in the next bed over. As the blankets slowly pulled back, it was clear that Ben was hunched over Dale, doing him doggy style. Dale drooled and moaned, trying to be quiet but failing. Soon the two moaned louder, fucking hard enough for the bed to lurch along the floor.

The sound startled Bandon who sat up, but seeing what it was he soon softened his attitude, smiling as he saw Blake so deep in thought. Bandon leaned down carefully, nuzzling his lack nose between Blake's cheeks. Blake jumped a bit at the hot, wet nose as his tail lifted up, but as he felt a tongue suddenly slide into his body, he shivered in bliss. Bandon reached around, wrapping both hands around Blake's morning wood, pumping him off and rimming him at the same time. Blake slowly retreated back to bed, moving around to nuzzle Bandon's groin before filling his mouth with something other than breakfast. The two couples slowly retreated back into bed, deciding to try the day again after some more fun time among themselves.


The sound of granola spilling into bowls came just before fresh milk splashed into each one, Blake dishing everyone up. It was four in the afternoon and a marathon two hours of love making had left the reindeer quite hungry. They assembled around a kitchen island in the loft just as they had each morning for the last several weeks, sitting on the very same bar stools that filled the Caribou Club below.

"Thanks for the amazing breakfast, lover." Bandon grinned, leaning over to give Blake a sloppy muzzle kiss. Blake smiled warmly at that, turning to look over as Dale climbed up onto Ben's lap, snuggling against his lover, wrapping his arms around the beefy stomach. Ben reached to ruffle Dale's soft brown hair.

"And how did you sleep, brother?" Blake asked, sliding their food over. Dale purred happily, taking a spoon full of the cereal.

"I haven't ever slept as well as I have since I joined the Caribou Club." Dale murmured sweetly. Bandon was about to correct Dale and explain that the club was a night club, but then something profound hit him. What if it really was a club membership? What if they were the start of an actual club of reindeer that made love and lived together in harmony? Bandon smirked, looking at Dale.

"You're a genius..." Bandon said, moving to give Dale a quick kiss, then to give Ben one as well for good measure.

"What did I say?" Dale asked, looking at Ben, "Is it good that I'm a genius daddy?" he asked, rubbing his butt on Ben's groin. Ben grunted happily at that.

"Oh I say it's good..." Ben moaned.

"It's our new business model, a way to expand past the night club... But we're going to need some more charms to keep politicians from worrying as we add to our membership." Bandon considered, looking at Blake with excitement and trepidation, "Should we do this?" he asked softly. Blake reached out and took Bandon's hands.

"Whatever we do, we do together. Win or lose, nothing will tear us apart." Blake said. Bandon looked heart warmed at that and leaned in, giving Blake a deep and sensual kiss before he pulled back.

"Then we'll do it... We'll open membership to the real Caribou Club." Bandon grinned.


Day by day, the Caribou Club was growing more and more popular. Frat boys were streaming in from the college thanks to Blake and Ben had managed to win over a variety of men from the various mechanic shops, tool stores and other manly merchandisers around town. There were so many customers that the club had finally opened for twenty four hours a day, requiring more employees and a steady stream of deliveries.

Bandon sat on one of the over-sized couches at the back of the club, looking at all the men as they grew their antlers and fur, leaving humanity and heterosexuality behind... and they had quite the male to greet them once they completed their transition. The doors opened as Dale returned, prancing across the dance floor with a spring in his step. He laughed and jumped at the other young deer like himself before he just jumped up and down, head banging in time with the music. With his shorter antlers the head banging wasn't as dangerous of a proposition.

Eyes trained on Dale, admiring his young, twink physique. He was so adorable, so amazing, but he was also taken. Ben looked over his 'son' with pride and care - and everyone knew it. They complimented Dale and admired how he thrashed around to the music until he was all hot and sweaty, but the most anyone ever did was steal the boy's leather cod piece. It took Dale almost ten minutes to realize his fat cock was swinging and flopping around in the open and when he did, he just giggled and moved over to where Ben was.

"Having fun out there?" Ben asked, pulling Dale up onto his lap. Dale snuggled up, nodding.

"Yes daddy, I was just having fun with my friends, but I'm so horny..." Dale said sweetly and innocently. Ben chuckled.

"Let Daddy kiss it better." Ben said before he leaned down, his experienced muzzle slipping over the tip. Some of the reindeer gasped a bit, surprised by the sign of submission... except it wasn't that at all. To Ben, he simply loved Dale and wanted to taste his boy. He sucked and slurped, running his flat teeth up and down, encouraging Dale until Dale shivered and moaned, spraying his load down the older reindeer's throat.

Bandon watched the two go at it before Dale collapsed against Ben and Ben pulled off, giving him a kiss and holding him close. Bandon turned, watching the kitchen, longing for his own mate. After a few minutes Blake emerged, bringing the waiter a fresh bowl of lemons, oranges and limes to put with the drinks. The waiter smiled and winked before Blake headed back toward Bandon, dropping down onto the couch before cuddling into Bandon tight.

While neither exchanged words, they both felt the same collective contentment. Life was better for all four of them now that they were together. They had purpose, companionship, equals and opposites and it was all thanks to the Caribou club. With luck, Bandon knew he would bring that contentment to a great many more people. After all, happy hour was about to start.

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