Are We Just Friends? Chapter 1

Story by Umbreon K on SoFurry

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#1 of Are We Just Friends?

This is a story series about a wolf who will be discovering his true self with the help of his Umbreon-morph friend. I haven't named the wolf because originally I wasn't sure what to name him, but now I have a few wolves in my life that want to think it is them, so I don't know if I will name him now or just leave him remain nameless.

The fifteen year old's breathing starts to get faster as the pair in the video start to really get to the good stuff. His paw is sopping wet from the amount of pre his hard, aching lupine cock has been leaking. The video he downloaded is hot, hotter than anything he has seen before but the pacing sucked, it was hard for him to finish himself.

Like now, a total scene change back to boring shit just as he was finally getting there. Snarling the tan furred wolf reaches up to drag the timer bar over to try and skip this crap and get back to the good shit.

"You know you're skipping the best part right?"

Yelping in surprise; the wolf turns to see his best friend and teammate standing in the doorway of his room. An Umbreon with jet black fur and gold markings named Kazutaka that he has known for almost eight years.

The wolf brings a leg up and leans forward, also using his paws to try to hide his erection. "Shit Kazu! What the fuck?!"

"What you said come over for two, its two fifteen, I'm actually late." The Umbreon would sigh; "And come on dude I've slept over at your house a lot of times, I was with you when you bought your first mag and we shower all the time as teammates. Calm down, it ain't nothing I haven't seen before."

For some reason to the wolf he knows this feels different, he feels more vulnerable, more exposed than he has ever before. Yeah after practice and games he showers with the guys, and yeah Kazutaka has been around when he was hard before but this feels different. He's never been hard and exposed before; he feels embarrassed but as he can feel himself blushing he feels his member throb in need.

He turns back to the computer trying to close the program quickly. "Yeah, well kissing is still boring ass shit."

Kazutaka snorts; "Then no one has kissed you in the right spot before..."

In moments the Umbreon is next to the wolf, going down to one knee.

"What are you doin-" He gets cut off as a reflexive moan escapes his muzzle as the Umbreon kisses the space between his naval and the star of his sheath. Soft kisses that tease the fur, and every couple of kisses there is a nipping sensation against his skin that causes him to shoot loads of pre. The wolf can feel the pre starting to seep through the fingers of the paws he is still using to cover his pink flesh. Wait, is Kazu moving closer to his sheath?!?!

"You don't seem to be minding these kisses..." The Umbreon chuckles as he gently grabs the wolf's wrists. The wolf's ears go back flat against his head, he can feel the flush of embarrassment and near humiliation but his member throbs and his hips try to push forward offering the 8 inches and exposed near painful knot to his friend.

"Just relax..."

How can the wolf's mind relax? Would his best friend really... His mind can't finish contemplating the question as it reels from the feel of the lips of the Umbreon begin at the base of his cock and slowly work their way with little slow kisses. The scratchy feeling of the muzzle fur feels like barbed wire the wolf's cock is getting so sensitive.

Looking down, panting hard he watches as Kazutaka reaches the tip, leans forward and places a kiss right on the drooling end of his member. Instinctively he can't help himself he tries to push it forward into his friend's muzzle and is blown away when Kazutaka lets him!

The feeling of the Umbreon's warm muzzle, rough tongue and applied suction as he starts to suckle the wolf's throbbing pink member is starting to make the wolf see stars but just like in that damned video Kazu stops before he can climax.

"See? How good kissing can be?" The sixteen year old Umbreon mischievously chuckles. The wolf can't respond with anything more than a frustrated snarl. The Umbreon stands back up and moves so he is leaning over the wolf from behind. "Did you know there is kissing that feels even better?"

Kazu's hand grips his friends member, and begins to slowly stroke it, right away the wolf tries to thrust as best as he can in the chair. The Umbreon leans down and nuzzles the wolf's neck then starts to kiss the neck. The wolf whines, and growls at once but the thrusting increases in randomness and strength.

"I'm not..." The wolf wants to say gay but this feels too good, he can deal with it later he can feel himself right at the edge. A sharp pain spikes from his neck as Kazutaka bites down hard, and begins to jerk the wolf's member hard. In all his confusion about how he feels the wolf finds three things happening; one he is pushing his neck up and trying to offer more of it as Kazutaka growls and reapplies his bite to get a better toothier grip on the offered throat, two, the whine that emits from him sounds like a mew but with the volume of a roar and three, the feeling of the Umbreon's weight pressing down on him, the feeling of the teeth taking dominance cause him to finally explode.

Once he finally stops shooting his seed, he can't tell which way is up, his legs are asleep, his member still hurts with further desire but as that passes he hears Kazutaka laugh. "Damned man you shot over the keyboard, over the monitor, and onto the wall...this is gonna be hell to clean up."

The wolf tries to look to his friend but is still having trouble with equilibrium but he can feel the Umbreon's presence and weight very close to him. "I guess that last time of kiss is the one you liked best eh?"

Again the wolf wanted to argue that he is not queer, but the thick, heavy bit of seed that leaks from his shrinking member and slowly running down his sheath argues that maybe he is.