JakeFox 4

Story by KevinFoxboy on SoFurry

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#6 of BSI

"JakeFox4" (c) 2009 Kevin Foxboy, all rights reserved.

Jake's second furvention; casual furslave nudity and a surprise foxtoy

JakeFox and Furventions

JakeFox and a group of BioSyn Fursons went to a furvention near Philadelphia PA USA. It was barely controlled chaos; either the directors were new at this or it had gotten away from them. It was winter but the snow had been plowed into big sculptures in the parking lot; one fun feature was the parking attendants were dressed up as, you guessed it, gophers.

The BioFurs were all DNA rewrites who'd been human to start but were now furrs. The problem was, BioSyn also made slave animals who were mentally challenged DNA hybrids. The full-humans who'd come to gawk at the fursuiters couldn't tell the furs apart without a score- card so that was most of the chaos. You had to look for the leather collars or wrist and ankle cuffs to tell the slaves from the freefurs.

The slaves weren't human so they had no civil rights, but they weren't dumb animals either so they had no animal-abuse protection. The worst of both worlds, Jake thought. Slave animals, free Fursons, and humans in costumes made it hard to figure out what was going on.

Jake went to the furvention registration desks and let the officials pull on him a bit; no it wasn't a costume he could take off and show his face. He'd gotten court documents with his new Furson identity, new photo ID. He got his name badge with digital picture and fur species, as if they couldn't tell he was a Fox!

Oh, he'd forgotten, standard humans couldn't tell just by scent! And they thought *they* were superior?! Jake had been a rich nerd, used to privileges, and it'd been tough slogging when Mom & Dad disowned him for Going Furry. He was still a bit ticked at human narrow-mindedness.

He was thinking about that and not paying enough attention as he wandered down a hallway to an attached building, still part of the furvention. He bumped into something big and furry at the next double- doorway, and fell back on his furry rump and tail. He wasn't sure he should apologise or be upset when he looked up and saw the white fur and big stocky body of a Polar Bear!

He figured it was probably Bruno or Brunnehilde from BioSyn until he noticed the leather cuffs and lack of clothing. A big Polar Bear naked except for the fur, would've made a scene; but it was a BioSyn hybrid slave Bear, Recom Level Three Generation Two. A Guard, too dumb to reason with, no emotions to appeal to. And no sex parts, no covering needed.

It rumbled, "No ID, no en-try!" which was about the limit of its mental ability. It didn't pick Jake up or push him away; he was down on the floor, no threat, so it ignored him. As soon as he moved and started to stand, though, its blank eyes tracked the movement without understanding. It seemed to vaguely focus on his furry chest, and rumbled again. "Move-ment!"

Jake was getting a bit concerned; these things were single- minded when they Guarded something. It'd just as likely rip him apart limb from limb to stop him, with no more feeling than you'd fold paper to throw it away. He realised his furvention badge had fallen off and picked it up hurriedly to show the hulking monster that towered over him. He said, "ID here" to get the thing's attention; just a simple statement it might know what to do with.

Jake was being polite; the thing didn't *have* enough mind to be single-minded. It just did what it was trained for, what its human boss told it. Jake had an ID, the picture matched his face, so the R3G2 Guard moved a step aside and rumbled, "ID OK, go in" like a mantra. Jake lost no time going around the mass of rough white fur into the dimly lit small room beyond.

He realised he'd been holding his breath, and started breathing again. Woof! Such a mix of scents assaulted his enhanced nostrils! And the sounds, it was hard to make out anything in the room. Sometimes having better senses than humans really sucks!

And it got worse. The little room was just a corner marked off with drapes. Beyond was Biological Synthetics Incorporated's dirty little secret, that's why it was a separate building. Now Jake understood why the furvention operators made him prove his age, this was the 'Adults Only' section.

He saw the two Furson Polar Bears trying to mingle with the crowd. Bruno and Brunnehilde were too big to mix, everyone gave them plenty of room; it was more like two islands of white fur with others more than an arm's length away. Fursuiters were scared of the eight- foot-tall real furrs. Jake liked them, though; he knew they had kind fursonalities, and they looked a bit hurt and needful of a friendly face. He went over and said hi, although both his fox paws disappeared in just one of Bruno's. The Bear knew not to squeeze.

Jake saw another Furson he liked and dove around Brunnehilde to get to Lena Foxgirl. He'd bunked with her last year when he was new to the fur. A long hug and toss in the air later, Lena giggled as she rubbed herself on his shoulder, and his other roommates popped by.

Lena had kept in touch with Tomas and Tomasina the wolves, as well as Henry and Henrietta the huskies. The now six Fursons greeted each other in modified Canid fashion; dogs don't really sniff each others' butts, they sniff scent on the thighs and tail near the butts. Yeah, it looks weird to anyone who isn't a Canid; frankly it's none of their damn business!

Foxes and wolves and huskies, oh my! And don't forget the Polar Bears!

* Other products Biological Synthetics Incorporated had on display in the Adults Only Section were their Recom Level Four servants. Generation One maids and such, Generation Two waiters, domestic servants, and pleasure slaves. The maids cleaned dishes in the kitchen, the waiters carried food and drink, the domestics asked guests if they wanted meat or veggie platters brought out.

JakeFox was a bit uncomfortable around the pleasure slaves; they were scantily clad and danced for amusement, sort of like roving belly dancers. And they were furry like the Fursons, so you couldn't separate them in your thinking like you could different races or ethnic groups. No comfort for prejudiced people here!

He'd been to Middle-East-style restaurants with belly dancers, but he'd sat at a table while they were on stage. Here the boy and girl fur slaves showed themselves shamelessly, shaking rumps and tails and more intimate parts at everyone! Yeah, he knew they were made for it, quite literally, living things that wouldn't exist except they were made by humans for humans. He didn't want to think about the real sex slaves, what they were produced and trained for.

He realised Lena and his other roomates weren't so ... prudish. They looked at the fur slaves, and seemed OK with the, well, *nudity* wasn't quite the right word, every slave was decent enough with fur covering. Just the idea they were owned things, not able to make their own life decisions, made him uneasy.

Jake was busy thinking about this and so he failed to notice the mouse walking up to him until she knelt at his feet and begged to kiss them! That sure got his attention. The female slave wore only collar and cuffs, and her bent body looked so ... tasty ... he was glad he'd worn something under his jeans. He didn't want to embarrass himself in public.

The mousette hadn't moved from her knees except to go even further down to the floor. Leaning forward, putting her forehead on the floor at Jake's feet, bending her back as her whole belly and chest flattened to the cold linoleum floor. Somehow she moved her rump and thin tail back from him even as she prostrated herself, in full view of the public!

Now Lena casually mentioned this was expected behavior for a slave so Jake should get used to it; he should tell the mouse it was enough unless he wanted to see more of her naked flesh. He coughed a bit but managed to forestall the crawling and begging of the slave. She'd show everyone her body's intimacies if a free fur wanted it.

Lena was more used to this stuff; she used a strong commanding voice to tell the short mousie to stop, she'd pleased the Master. Lena wanted to speak with the mouse and ordered her to kneel up. JakeFox managed to keep his mouth closed as Lena dominated the slave, but lost his cool when the girl knelt submissively and spread her knees! Jeez, he could see her ... woman parts!

He was grinning rather stupidly before he tore his eyes from the lewd sight and heard a chuckle from both sides. Tomas and Henry were enjoying the mouse slave's display, while their wives were more interested in those boys, doing something with each other on the floor a few meters away. Didn't slaves think of anything besides displaying themselves sexually?

Well, yes, they did; but they were owned beasts and they were the entertainment. So they showed their training and their bodies; no such thing as shame. Their makers controlled their DNA and their minds, so this was usual for them. Just living adverts for BioSyn.

Jake had sorta drifted away from the entrance with the R3G2 Guard; now he notinced signs hanging from the ceiling. He shoulda known he'd wandered from the waiters and past the scantily-clad dancers to the more hard-core pleasure slaves. Which head had he been thinking with?

Then he heard a thumping noise off to his left and passed another set of drapes. He was sorta in a daze from seeing the mouse- girl and wandered off toward the sound. He was deeply shocked to see a russet-furred fox slave chained between two posts. Jake thought he was looking in a mirror!

A beautiful full-human woman was buckling a hood over the foxslave's eyes; then she picked up a leather whip and began beating him! Crack! Jake felt sick but fascinated as the poor beast grunted, "One!" and he realized the slave was forced to count his beating out loud! Crack! "Two!" Crack! "Three!" ... on and on to ten blows. What had the helpless beast done to get such a cruel treatment? He was still standing on his feet, I mean hindpaws for a beast, but he was hanging from the chains on his wrists and looked quite bedraggled.

The person then looked around and spotted JakeFox. She froze for a moment, then looked back and forth between him and her chained slave. He held up his furvention ID and she saw it, and nodded. One freefur, one slave. But they *did* look the same, both Foxes, both russet-furred, both stood and walked upright. Jake had even modified the biped stance of a human; his feet had changed length and width and had four toes, same as the slave.

JakeFox realised the truth, and it hit him like a physical blow. *This* slave had the same DNA that had given Jake Halloran new fox eyes, ears and skin! The slave couldn't quite scent him through the hood; he knew someone was there but not quite where. JakeFox reached out a furry paw, gripped the slave's collar, and read the brass plate.

R4G2/KvN47 Kevin.

* Alysa Benton had blindfolded her sex toy Kevin Foxboy so he wasn't afraid of going outside with her to the furvention. She worked for Hot!Tech, the company that made the computers that controlled the DNA AutoSynths which made him and all the BioSyn slaves. She took her toy directly to the 'Adults Only' section despite the fact he was only as old as a human at seventeen.

It had actually been only three years since Kevin was DNA mixed and seeded; six months in a 'wet-tank' artificial womb and 18 months of slave training as a domestic servant and Alysa's pleasure slave. Slaves were 'quick-grown' so owners didn't have to wait. It was a moral decis- ion, don't just kidnap freefurs and enslave them; make slaves to begin with, make them accept it.

Kevin was a good slave, submissive even to his owner's command to writhe in his chains to give furs a good show. He'd writhed in her chains as she used him for her pleasure, and he knew it was an act. She chained him standing up, loosened the blindfold and told him she'd just pretend to beat him. Kevin was scared of a real beating; his fur had been ripped out of his back one time he'd earned a real punishment, and he whimpered and shook in the chains.

Some of the humans watching gasped; they thought it was real! The Fursons could scent Kevin's fear, but they knew he wasn't really suffering. The other slaves had personal experience with real beatings and acted scared although they too knew it was fake. Just part of the entertainment!

The effect was increased as the humans slowly realised Kevin wasn't yipping, howling or screaming in pain. One by one they went back to breathing, and only then did Alysa remove Kevin's blindfold to let his weak smile reassure them he wasn't hurt.

But JakeFox was still shaken, from watching the beast twitch in the chains but mostly from the mirror-image Fox. Jake had seen Alysa's face as she beat Kevin, and it sure looked like she was enjoying it for real! He was confused by the way she'd fondled him with the whip, caressing his trembling body almost like a lover.

And JakeFox was deeply confused by the fact that the naked boy slave was quite obviously enjoying both the pain and the fondling! This was definitely 'Adults Only' as the fox slave's sheath showed how Kevin had been made to take his own pleasure from giving it to others.

Jake had heard that fur slaves were made this way; he'd read BioSyn's Product Catalog before plunging into Furry himself. He could have had his own femslave to enjoy the furriness; Jake Halloran's rich family had paid servants and he'd been to their friend's parties with fur slaves.

But this was the reality, er, showing! Kevin's breathing was normal now, and he *was* able to speak, so Jake showed him the fur- vention ID. Kevin seemed as shocked as Jake had been and barely croaked out, "G-Greetings, M-Master. Fox."

His owner Alysa seemed to recover first and reminded the beast that BioSyn fixed humans and made them better. She'd trained Kevin to help with her tech work; part of it was showing Kevin the Furson and Product Catalogs. The slave beast had shaken for a long time at the newness that some people became Fursons, legally free but with fur.

Kevin Foxboy Four Seven was an R4G2 domestic servant and pleasure slave. JakeFox was a human who'd Gone Furry. And Mistress Alysa was a full human. Humans made DNA mix slaves and Alysa used Kevin's forced need to obey and pleasure humans to show JakeFox how to command a slave.

Jake was getting used to it, though. This furvention, he was a lot more relaxed in the fur, and he'd always been rather laid-back about adult activities. Once he realized Kevin was OK with submission to Jake, he asked Alysa to borrow Kevin for a few minutes, just to talk.

She was OK with it but laid down a few ground rules. First, Kevin *was* a slave and accepted it; don't think it's helping him to get him away to 'freedom'. Second, he was her property; she was lending him, not giving him away. Third, keep him on the raised platform; he's a display for everyone here, no private talks.

Once Kevin got over his shock at seeing a free Fox, he slowly relaxed and stopped shaking. Jake said he wanted his friends to see Kevin, and told Kevin to submit to more Fursons. The slave fox obeyed.

So Jake asked Lena, Tomas, Tomasina, Henry, and Henrietta over. It was still a shock for Kevin, and he started shaking again, but the six Fursons were firm with him so he could relax and Be a Slave. They talked about his training and duties; and Kevin remembered something from the Mix Mind Bender.

He became a salesfur for BioSyn slave products. Showing him- self, his body and training, he tried to convince all the Fursons to buy their own pleasure slaves. It wasn't a private conversation, as Alysa demanded; and other furs listened. Slaves, Fursons, and fur- suiters listened because it was a legal and social-custom issue.

Kevin got the mouse slave and other BioSyn products together, and made it a sales show. But it was reality, not a TV show; and there was no musical sting to alert the slaves, fursons, or fursuiters that a brave new chapter of BioSyn and human was dawning.

The freefurs commanded the slaves, and it was the first time in history that free-fur-on-slave-fur occurred. It would set the stage for a furry revolution and change humanity forever.