A Year to Remember (part 1)

Story by Panfoxeh2 on SoFurry

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#2 of A Year to Remember

If you don't like M/M, deep levels of emotions, aren't 18 and or over, and possible horrid writing skills DO NOT READ. So if you meet these requirements and aren't a jerk please comment and criticize I implore you to do so. Adult for foul language and very dirty innuendos.

Another day another six in a half hours of my life I'll never get back. I don't think I'll go but then again that bear will make a reason for me to go. Why we have to give out all our information to go to a never ending hell? Mainly why did I give him my number? Oh well, I'll just skip first hour and half of second hour. Not like he'll care as long as he gets his rocks off...No one ever cares.

-An hour and a half later-

"Mr. Evans you must stop skipping classes." the fat old bear was what the bear was saying. I quickly tuned him out it takes concentration to give a good blow job. I took his cock out my mouth to give him a few long licks up from the base to the tip. His deep gravelly moans are fun to listen to so I lick inside his foreskin and suckle on the tip a bit. "Oh, right there that feels good." He really needs to shut up and just enjoy the fantastic blow job. "But Mr. Evans do please try not to skip classes again. I as the principal feel great concern for your education." Bullshit. That struck a deep nerve in me. I got and walked away not like he cared he just groaned and started jacking off. The wet squelching noises and deep gravelly moans could be heard as far as the counseling office which was a good ways down. I think they choose to ignore the sounds so they may keep their jobs. Apparently the bear's father...ugh I HATE that word and all others associated with it. Anyway his male parental figure is the chief of the school board and just like his son a horny fuck ass that doesn't care about anything but his lower head.

I digress time for my next class. "Hmm when did they add Home Economics in here? Great now I have to learn to fucking cook for myself like I have time for that." As I started to leave I felt this cold stare at the back of my head. I immediately turned around just to find a red panda that has to at least be 5"9. He was definitely as fat as me and he had this blank expression on his face. The only thing that I found out of place was his necklaces a angel wing and a devil wing that connect into a heart. I ignore his presence and continue to walk towards the exit but each step that stare grows colder and colder. My walk slows to slower than a crawl and I visibly stiffen. Who had the nerve to stare me down. I clench my fist and whirl around all I see is that red panda. Instead of that blank expression he had before he had this smile that looked kind and warm...the kind my mom would give me. A small sense of doubt in myself arose. Like a beast trying to get out I wanted to scream at him to not make that face. But for some reason as soon as I acknowledged his presence that smile grew ice cold.

"Hello there." That's all I hear before I notice the short and stout red panda in front of me. "My name is Adam Gnoll. I'm the new Home Ec. teacher." He held out his hand expecting me to shake it. I slapped it away instead that look he gave me infuriated me. No one can look at me like that except for my late mother.


'Joel do you want to try some of this cider it's been freshly made.' That kind warm smile those soft kind words. 'Joel do you want a apple? Here hop on my shoulders.' Almost all my mental barriers broke because of that small little memory.


"Hello Mr. Evans it's time for class y'know. Well please join us soon I'm issuing out aprons today and starting out with and easy apple pie recipe." This man...This small red panda named Adam that i could break easily just effortlessly burrowed into my head like a worm does dirt.

"How? How did he do what years of therapy will take in just two minutes." I felt strange like I was weightless and drifting around like a feather. "M-maybe I'll got to this class." As I said that I didn't realise the lush forest starting to bloom inside me.


"Ah Mr. Evans nice of you to join us." that red panda had said things so warm and kind just like my mom again. It was starting to bug me I don't want a mental breakdown not yet at least. "Here's your apron you are a size triple x right?" How could he know this stuff about me. "Well take a spot where ever you want." I took a spot in the back away from others. "Now then let's start with peeling the apple as to not cut the "meat" of it off along with the skin shall we." Whatever. I tune him out and pick up the apple and a paring knife... My mom taught me about this stuff...at the time I was just happy one of my parents took an interest in me. Drops of scarlet fell onto the table I perfectly peeled and apple and my finger. I instinctively stuck it in my mouth then the taste of my own blood sent flashes of that night back into my head. I shove the thoughts away to notice Adam walk over with some alcohol and a band-aid. A second later I'm back to peeling my apples nodding at his little safety rules and cut myself while cutting the apples to the right measurement for the pie.

"This happens anymore and I may be looking like a mummy." Someone near me heard my little joke to myself and and giggled. I stared daggers at the leopard's head and that shut him up quickly. After that was done I got out the pre-made almond and cinnamon crust and rolled it out on the now cleaned tabletop after sprinkling flour on it. I already had the apple slices in a simple syrup and cinnamon sugar reduction so it was just a waiting game. I felt all eyes on me people whispering about how I could do this and that. How the bully and problem child can cook like a mother treating her child with homemade sweets. I shut it all out and payed attention to my stuff. Once the filling was done I set the crust in the tin and laid the filling in and smoothed it over. After taking a knife and cutting off the excess I took some more of the crust and smoothed it over and laid it on top and crimped the edges down with a fork and then put an egg wash on it and sprinkled crushed almonds and some cinnamon on it and put it in the oven.

-Forty-Five minutes later-

I take the pie out the oven and set it in front of Adam. Everyone else took their pies out and only a few weren't charred. "Well let's start tasting he said warily. Throughout that whole little bit of class we had left Mr. Gnoll made funny faces as he tasted horrible pie after pie. Finally it got to me. I stood as stalwart as the earth itself but inside I was shaking for what reason I don't know. "Finally last pie let's get this over with." He sighed and cut a slice of it and ate it daintily. For some reason the sight of that made my stomach warm and fuzzy. I stood there waiting but as his face lit up and he greedily ate the rest of the pie like it was nothing I felt like there was a need for me after all but that was a fleeting thought once the bell rang I left quickly.

"I want to know why I'm feeling like this. It's not that it's unpleasant I just want to know so badly."