Her father's mate

Story by DWP on SoFurry

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Sara is jealous of her father's mate Arius. She sneaks into thier room and learns about what a proper mate is.

Her father's mate

A Drunken Wolf Production

Sara smiled softly glancing at the red scaled dragon sitting shirtless on the couch from her spot in the kitchen. His strong wings were folded behind him as he leaned forward rooted in his leather recliner by the football game that was going on. Sara watched him grip his beer and and take a drink as she washed dishes in the sink quietly. She could see his tail tip wiggling in place over the side of his chair as he cheered for his team and tried to stifle a giggle. Sara placed a freshly rinsed bowl to the side and sighed looking back over her shoulder watching the dragon spread and relax his wings. Even sitting the shimmering dragon still looked like he would tower over her if she approached him. She wanted to rub a paw over his cut chest, down to his defined abs, then to his scaled rump. She placed another rinsed bowl on the towel with the rest to dry.

She finished the last forks and spoons draining the sink. She dried her paws and stepped to the doorway leaning against it watching him as he watched the game. He was so masculine and dominating that she felt a little weak in the knees as she stared at him from her vantage point. Her ears perked to the side as the door bolt unlocked and the front door open. Her father, a larger solid red wolf in a black dress shirt and slacks, came in setting down his briefcase. The dragon looked over smiling brightly and followed the wolf with his eyes until he padded over to his recliner and climbed into his lap. The dragon wrapped his paws around his mate and kissed his cheek softly.

"Hey Sara. Hey big daddy. I had a very long day today," the wolf said with a yawn snuggling up under the dragon's neck.

"At least it's over," she said with a sigh watching the two nuzzling romantically in each others arms.

Sara wished she was the one getting attention from the massive dragon. His wings closed forward around the wolf's upper body and his scaled tail wrapped around the smaller fluffy one. Her father was completely encased in the dragon.

"Hey Arius. Are we still Barbequing?" she asked stopping the pair as the dragon went in for a kiss.

He nodded his head not pulling his red yes from the wolf's blue ones. Sara rolled her eyes and pouted towards the dining room where she left her college mathematics book on the table. She clutched it to her chest in both paws thinking about how it must feel to be surrounded by the solid scaled beast. He always had the most appetizing scent of roasted hickory and mint from his tooth paste. Sara grumbled padding back through the kitchen and out to see the pair locked deep in a passionate kissing tussle. She turned the corner going up the stairs wishing It was her instead of her father. Ever since he told her he was gay and that his mate Arius would be moving in she had a been curious about her father's reason for being with a male. Sara was shocked at the news but more so when the dragon knocked on the door and the older red wolf ushered him in. Sara's jaw dropped when the muscular scaled stud came in carrying his duffel bag with folding wings.

The first night the dragon was there the female wolf heard them pounding it out in the next room. The accidental roar that deeply rattled the house made Sara shiver slightly thinking about how deep in her father he was. She grimaced wondering why she was picturing her dad bent over the bed taking the dragon's girth under his white tipped red tail. Right now the two were making out down stairs and she would give anything just to catch a glance of what the winged reptile was packing. Then the light bulb clicked in her head. She crept towards her father's room down the hall and pushed the door open. The female lupine edged her way to the closet and pulled the door slightly closed behind her. She placed a paw to her face to muffle her self as the two came bumping and kissing up the stairs. She had made it just in time.

Arius pressed the wolf against the wall knocking the photo that hung there to the floor gripping at the wolf's hips with his claws. The male wolf pushed the door open and clawed down the dragon's back scales causing the scalie to purr deeply in delight. The pair stumbled into the room attacking each others buttons. The wolf groping at the dragon's pants and the dragon at the wolf's shirt. The shirt slipped over the wolf's shoulders, slowly over his back, and to the floor as Sara peered through the gap in the door. Arius' pants fell to the floor revealing a pair of loose fitting blue boxers. Sara panted softly through her paw watching the wolf rub against the dragon's hardening member as it slipped from its slit.

Sara carefully shifted her weight trying to be a as quiet as possible. She watched her father arch his back as the Arius leaned down lapping at his neck softly. She couldn't help but be envious watching the dominate dragon perform on her father. She waited in anticipation as the wolf tugged the dragon's boxers down revealing his tight scaled butt and tail. Every now and then she could see his pucker underneath his red glistening tail as it reflected the ceiling light. From behind he was positively stunning. His thick legs tightened as he bent to his knees and slowly pulled the wolf's pants and boxers down. Sara marveled at the dragon's dedication to her father. He kissed up his leg softly pressing his warm snout all the way up to his inner thigh and crotch. She blushed in her spot catching sight of her father's hard cock as the dragon leaned down and lifted the wolf's foot paw. He stumbled falling onto the bed.

Arius opened his maw and slipped the first three of his toes in sucking on them gently. The wolf chuckled squirming around causing Sara to smile and shake her head. "Lucky," she thought as he lifted up his other foot and and licked around inside and outside of his gaps. The wolf murred softly as the dragon towered over him licking up his sole down to his ankle. The red dragon lifted the wolf's leg high kissing and smooching up his calf muscle. Sara was getting aroused and was feeling slightly weird about it. Arius was so sexy she coaxed herself into continuing staring. She couldn't wait for him to turn over or change positions so should could get a glimpse of his dragon rod. All she could see now was the dragon's massive form lower down between the wolf's legs and start bobbing up and down. Her ears folded back when she heard her father groan out putting his legs over the dragon's shoulder.

"Just like that daddy," he groaned grinding his hips into the dragon's snout.

Sara could now perfectly see the dragon's pucker as his tail raised for balance. Sara could understand what males saw in other male butts. The dragon's twin butt cheeks looked so good it would be hard not to want to play with them. She could see Arius stroking himself but still quite couldn't see his girth over his broad waist. The red wolf whimpered as Arius sucked him tenderly until the dragon tapped him on his side. The male wolf turned over onto his stomach and spread his cheeks with his paws. Sara turned bright red when she saw the dragon's snout dip down between her father's bubble butt underneath his fluffy red tail. Her father groaned and bucked back against the reptiles mouth causing the dragon to grip his waist for support. The dragon smiled and grabbed his tail gently pushing it back so that the pink moistened hole spread wide. Her dad growled and squirmed from around the dragon as his head drooped down for awhile again. After a long mouth to tail hole session, the dragon stood and pulled the wolf by his hips turning him sideways and flipping him over. Sara finally saw what she wanted to see and her jaw dropped. Hanging from Arius slit was a fully erect black cock that could have been eleven inches easy. He was thick as well with small ridges down the shaft.

Sara twisted in her spot feeling her panties dampen as the dragon stood over the wolf. He flexed his pecs getting a chuckle from the wolf as he patted the bed beside him. Arius spread his wings wide shadowing the wolf as he leaned down grabbing the lube from the nightstand. Sara couldn't believe she was about to watch Arius plow her father. She reached down and pressed a paw against her clit trying not to murr at the sight. She clenched her teeth and watched intently as the dragon grabbed his freshly lubed bobbing member in a strong claw and rubbed it against the wolf's pink waiting man hole. The wolf groaned softly and spread his legs wide for the dragon. Arius reached up and grabbed the wolf pulling him into a deep kiss. He closed his eyes and held the wolf softly pressing his body down on top of his. Arius was so gently with her father. His broad body on top of his looked as if it weighed 300 pounds yet he controlled it so the wolf didn't feel a thing. Sara almost missed the dragon's tail slide up and into the wolf's tail hole. Arius held him tight as his tail gently worked him open as the wolf clinged to his neck.

"You know your my world right puppy? I couldn't go a day with out you," he whispered just loud enough for Sara to hear.

She clutched a paw to her mouth trying to suppress the urge to "awww".

Arius smiled kissing him deeply again before removing his tail and adjusting himself down between the wolf's legs. She saw her dad arch his back and groan into his ear holes as he slid his shaft in. Sara's wondered how her dad could take something so large up his ass. She didn't think she could fit him in period with its thickness. The way he held her father with him wrapped in his claws made her heart melt. She had never seen someone so passionate and devoted. The red wolf arched his back and whined softly as the dragon pushed in deeper. Sara bit her lip watching the black member disappear deeper and deeper into the wolf's pink orifice. Arius leaned down and locked muzzles again placing a heavy claw behind the wolf's head. The dragon had pressed in fully and rested himself on top of the wolf smiling down at him.

"I love you so much," the wolf whispered pulling his snout down giving it a gentle lick across his nose slits.

"I love you too Moby. I always will," he murred down nuzzling the wolf's cheek and neck.

The wolf chuckled like a puppy and nuzzled back resting his head on the pillow looking up into his red eyes. Arius pulled out slowly and pushed back in giving his wings an involuntary flap. His long red scaled tail flopped from side to side bouncing along the floor behind him like a broken metronome. Arius murred into his furry ears rubbing against his whiskers with his smooth scaled face. She had never seen two people so in love before. They weren't just having sex, they were sharing their souls. The way they stared into each others eyes and share kisses every now and then as the dragon delivered dick from above made Sara wish she could find a male as intimate as the big dragon. Now she felt better about sneaking into their room while they were bed rocking. She needed to see what it was like for a real man to make love to another person. The porn her dorm mate had given her before summer vacation was stale and the sex was lack luster. Even the experiences she had in the past weren't anything in comparison to what Arius was doing for her dad right now.

The dragon's claws wrapped around the wolf's smaller member getting a nice deep moan from him as the lupine wrapped his legs over his hips. He squirmed underneath Arius broad torso as the dragon pressed in and out of him slowly. His hip thrusts were slow and firm. Each thrust back in sliding in until his slit touched against Moby's furry pouch. Sara tried to fight the urge to touch herself as she felt her front grow wetter and wetter. Her father cried out as the dragon bit his neck and Sara turned her head feeling embarrassed now. It looked like he was having the time of his life but she still couldn't understand how he could take so much of the dragon inside of him. "Dad must really love him to do that," she thought calming herself down. Then it dawned on her the whole bottom perspective. Her dad loved Arius so much that he was willing to please him by submitting to him and taking his member. Over coming the pain to please the big dragon must have been a huge step.. She wiped her eyes as tears welled up from the impact of her revelation. Even Arius was giving of himself by being so affectionate.

She shifted in her spot feeling her legs starting to go numb as the pair shared themselves with one another. She could hear Arius' grunts as he laid flat down on the wolf pressing his full weight down. Moby murred underneath him wrapping his paws tighter around his neck. The dragon's claw stroked faster and the wolf whined out as he fought back the urge to erupt. He pushed the dragon's claw away and shook his head.

"You first," he panted softly rubbing a paw over his hard dragon abs.

Arius smiled and locked lips with the wolf again grinding in and out lovingly. He lifted the wolf up gently and wrapped his wings forward around the wolf and his arms under his arms around his back locking him fully.

"Too bad this can't last forever huh?" Arius rumbled laying him back down and pressing on top of him.

Moby nodded placing his paws against the dragon's chest as he grunted happily in pleasure. Sara shook her head watching the pair. She definitely had to get a dragon and make him do that with her. The feeling of safety must have felt amazing. "Clearly," she thought checking out the open mouth and hanging tongue.

" You feel so warm love. I'm about to cum, you ready?" he whispered kissing his mate tenderly clutching him tighter.

"Yes, push deep when you do. I want to feel it," he groaned out getting a happy grunt from the dragon.

Sara turned her head and closed her eyes as the dragon roared and forced himself deep down into his mate. Moby yipped and fired against the dragon's lower abs and stomach. The dragon opened his eyes looking down as the last few spurts rocked from his body. He tried to mouth something but drooped his head breathing heavily as he tried to catch his breath.

"D-Did you cum from me cumming?" he asked chuckling and nuzzling the wolf softly.

"Yea, I think so. It felt so good babe. I felt you pulsing each time you shot. That was one of the better ones," he whispered closing his eyes enjoying the warmth of the dragon on top of him.

"That's why I love you wolfy," he rumbled deeply licking the wolf's nose and whiskers.

They laid there for a second kissing and holding each other before the dragon released his wings and claws from around the wolf. He sat up and kissed the wolf softly on the lips and scooped him up under his back and legs. He slid from the bed and stood to his full height. Sara sighed dreamily wishing she had someone like Arius one day. She knew the dragon was perfect for her father and understood what the wolf had meant when he said that Arius gave him things no woman could provide him. The dragon carried the wolf into the bathroom and closed the door behind him with a foot. Sara quickly pushed the closet door open and scrambled out of the master bedroom. She skidded down the hallway to her room and shut the door behind her. She was glad her father had Arius and was was no longer feeling jealous. Even now her father was teaching her lessons on finding a proper mate and she couldn't help but smile as she sat down on her bed. She reached into her dresser drawer and pulled out her vibrator. One day maybe she'd have a mate like Arius.

DIrtymutt- When I drew this request from the hat I had no idea how much fun it would be to write. Lonewolf is a super romantic and pretty much took the reins from me on this one. Lone is a true drunk writer. Very wierd to actally watch his method o.o

Lonewolf- I had my paw tightly wrapped around a bottle of Jack when we wrote this. Rego won't be here to do a full edit till tomorrow. He's out of town. Hope you enjoyed the story! If you have any comments feel free to post.