Kindred Spirits - Chapter Four: Hunter

Story by Serja on SoFurry

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#4 of Kindred Spirits

She grinned at him, momentarily testing out her footwear. She was unsure if he was serious, but it sounded fun regardless. "Sounds like a challenge," she smirked, facing south along the river. The shoes felt a little unnatural around her feet still, but she figured she could manage to at least put up a good fight, provided the pants didn't hamper her running stride.

"Ready. Set--"

She bolted.


He didn't. As she sprinted off away from him, he relaxed, taking his time to stretch out his muscles. He pulled his arms up above his head, lacing his fingers together and standing up on his tiptoes, carefully working the kinks out. He followed this with several side-bends, letting his legs limber up. He could feel the flow of blood beginning to circulate throughout his body, and after rolling his shoulders a bit, he decided that he would let her have a few more seconds. Maybe even an entire minute. He could afford to give her a fighting chance.

The shoes felt clunky after running bare and in animal form for so long and the pants grabbed at her rump uncomfortably but it didn't take long for her to find a stride that seemed to be the best of both worlds. She looked back to hunt for him and found herself alone. A frown creased her brow and worry began to creep into her skull. Had she misjudged him? Had he truly been teasing her? She looked ahead, her feet momentarily having slid into the muddy bank from her inattention and decided to press a little further before she stopped. Regaining her footing, she took a deep breath and forced herself to pick up the pace unsteadily. Damn these shoes!

That should be far enough, I guess.

Still, he took his time with his final preparations. Bringing his hands up in front of him, he pressed his fingers together so that his thumb, index, and middle fingers were pressed against each other at the tip, while his ring and pinkie fingers were folded downwards with their backs pressed against each other. He spent a moment in that position, focusing his mind, as his body slowly sank into a crouch. After a moment, his hands broke apart and he let them fall to either side of him in a ready position.

Okay... ready...

His weight automatically shifted forward onto the balls of his feet.


He still hadn't shown up. She ground her teeth in frustration, the shoes still being quite uncomfortable for running. She stopped, looking around for any sign of Kenshiro, and finding none bent down to unstrap the sandals, only to pause for a moment. Taking them off would present an extra burden she would have to deal with, but perhaps a shift to her more comfortable beast form would aid or even alleviate the problem. With renewed humor she reached deep inside of herself, poking the beast within, baiting it with a need for satisfaction. It stirred unwillingly, but came out none-the-less, and as she shifted she began running again, feeling her gait become progressively steadier as she navigated the forested landscape. A breathless chuckle escaped her, a feeling of surety sneaking into her mind. After all, what man or beast could catch up at such a distance?


A surge of ki flowed through his legs, and he was off. The wind whistled in his ears as he dashed across the ground, churning leaves up in his wake. Speed... He felt a portion of the beast within rear its head at the thought of such a contest, but he ignored it. The beast could wait. This was just for fun. His sandals dug into the ground beneath him as the scenery passed him by. Ahead of him, a dense gathering of trees loomed, blocking his path. Without thinking, his feet left the ground. His left leg planted against one trunk and he shifted his momentum, leaping off towards the next. Twice more he re-angled, his movements automatic, his speed hardly decreasing. And then he was on the ground again. Part of him wondered if he had enough of a wake to create a dust cloud yet.

She was used to the footwear now and was bounding through the woods, sometimes on her legs, sometimes using her arms to avoid trees, rocks, and other obstacles. The feel of the wind in her ears gave her a sense of freedom. It was like flying. She closed her eyes momentarily, taking it in before her instincts warned her and she opened her eyes, dodging in time, but loosing speed in the process. The lack of wind in her ears left her open to hearing other things now, and Tsuki looked up at the sudden sound of leaves rustling above her.

He could see her silhouette now, and his grin widened just a bit. His brow furrowed in concentration, and his legs pumped faster yet. Now he KNEW he had a wake. This should be fun.

The sound was definitely getting louder. Her ears perked, swiveling as she tried to determine where the sound was coming from. Alarmed birds scattered above her and suddenly she saw it. Her eyes widened. "Impossible...." she breathed, words of greater meaning and thought escaping her a moment. His speed defied thought and it defied reason. The human part of her was ready to admit defeat, but the beast did not take so kindly to being dusted and took off after him again with a growl.

He was coming up on her now, closing the distance. Without thinking, his body swiveled in place, the sides of his feet digging into the ground as he skidded to a halt. A wonderful idea came into his mind, and with a practiced ease he let his momentum carry itself out. His sense of balance brought him upright as his momentum decreased, and he let himself land in a semi-crouch.

Then he sprung at her.

"Aiiee!" One moment she was running toward him, the next she was colliding with him. His hands were on her shoulders, pushing her backwards with his speed despite her momentum. The ground connected with a squishy thud against her back. Her eyes were wide as she looked up at him, her tongue lolling out as she panted breathlessly, her abdomen heaving with her effort, unable to speak. "Wha?" she gasped.

"Caught you!" He grinned down at her, flushed with the thrill of victory. Leaning down, he nuzzled his cheek against the fur of her face, letting a satisfied sound escape his throat. Her fur was soft and inviting, and he pressed his lips against it, right at the base where her jaw connected to the rest of her skull. His arms wrapped around the back of her head, holding her to him, and he pressed his cheek against hers again.

His lips against her fur sent fire through her, washing away the disbelief and the exhaustion. Her tongue flicked out, brushing against his cheek for a moment as her furry form seemed to melt away into the human underneath. She turned her head, their lips melding into one another as she kissed him. She felt hot and sweaty, her body arching up against him with her breasts pressed up against his chest. Her hand reached down, starting to tug the hem of her blouse upwards, the humidity giving her skin a moist sheen that glistened as she continued to pant. Why was it so hot? She sighed against him.

He grinned, sliding one of his hands out from underneath her head. His lips trailed across her cheek as the fur slowly receded from her face, and then he was kissing her, his tongue flicking out to rub against her teeth. A quiet sigh escaped from him, and his hand trailed across her neck to her shoulder. Breaking away, he looked down at her. "We're going to be late, you know..."

She shivered at his touch, another sigh whispering from her. Her eyes opened, looking up at him as he pulled away. His words touched at her mind dimly, her gaze starting to refocus for a moment as she tried to process what he was saying. Her chest heaved as she swallowed another breath of air, feeling hot and sticky. "Late?" she repeated quietly, contemplating this idea. "You think it'll take that long?"

Her reference made him laugh, his mouth splitting into a wide, honest smile. Then he leaned down, letting his canines scrape against the side of her neck, and carefully took the skin of her neck between his teeth. He didn't exactly bite, but he applied just a light amount of pressure as he pulled away, letting her skin scrape between his teeth as it escaped. Tilting his head, he repeated this procedure on the other side as well. "I like to take my time..."

She grinned up at him, a smile that was dispelled by the sound of a moan as he pulled at her neck. "Take all the time you need..." Her voice was breathy; a shudder running down her spine as her mind playfully ran a series of scenarios through her head. Her eyes fell closed, a shudder escaping upwards as a sigh. She reached up, running her hand over his back and under his shirt, gently clawing at his lower back with a quiet growl.

Her nails against his skin awakened a part of him that had been dormant since the night before. His nose detected the scent of a receptive female, and he felt himself responding. It was getting close to night time anyway; the trip could wait until tomorrow. His hand slid down to the base of her shirt, beginning to slide it up her body. He slid himself down as well and began running his lips and teeth in alternating patterns against her belly as he slowly slid the shirt up her skin. Her skin was soft, and the taste of it entranced him. He felt the beast stir a little within him.

A gasp escaped her lips, her eyes wide with the shock of pleasure at his touch. For a moment they seemed to turn slitted and a low, hungry growl emanated from her throat. She grabbed at his shirt, pulling it upwards and baring his torso, but unable to maneuver it past his shoulders. She let go, her fingernails sliding down the length of his spine, teasing reminders of the beast within as she arched her hips up against him suggestively, her breasts bouncing in rhythm with the motion within their cloth prison.

He found that he did indeed want to take his time with this female, despite their previous engagement. His hands teased their way slowly up her torso, gliding in slow circles across her skin as he inched her shirt upwards, bringing it just a little bit higher with each successive motion. Finally, the bottom curve of her breasts began to emerge from the material and he leaned down, dragging his teeth lightly across the sensitive skin. His tongue flicked out, teasing it's way across her tender flesh.

She moaned, her eyes glazing over with desire at his touch. Tsuki's breath sucked in sharply between her teeth, her hips bucking against him involuntarily as his teeth came into contact with the delicate skin. She exhaled, her voice a low sigh of need as her eyes slowly slid closed again, her chest heaving gently as she relaxed, catching her breath. "Oh, please, don't stop...." she whispered, her fingers finding their way into his hair and grabbing hold.

Another small circle and her breasts came free of the troublesome fabric. The way they seemed to 'flop' apart as they popped free drew his eyes like a magnet. He leaned down, his tongue flicking out across the sensitive flesh of her nipple. He dragged his canines across her flesh, gently biting at the skin between her breasts. The scent of her skin intoxicated him. He wanted more.

"Ahhh," she gasped, his tongue against her sensitive skin sending waves of passion through her veins. Her grip on his hair tightened, her arms closing in such a way that they pushed her breasts closer together, pressing up against his cheeks warmly. She sighed, a shiver running down her spine. Her legs squirmed beneath him, a feeling of slickness reminding her of parts that still desired his attention. Her hands let go, sliding down his back and around to his waist, tugging at his belt with insistent, but clumsy fingers.

He wasn't going to help her this time. He kissed his way up her other breast, letting his right hand trail it's way up her body. Carefully flicking his tongue across her right nipple, he watched the skin crinkle up as her nipple stood up on end. Grinning, he slowly let his head tilt forward, his mouth slowly engulfing her nipple and aureole as his right hand gently cupped her other breast and began kneading the tender flesh.

Her fingers slid under the leather strap with a gasp as he began to wrap his mouth around her nipple, her eyes rolling backwards from the pleasure of his touch anywhere he went. Her veins felt like they were filled with lava rather than blood. The first loop undone she found the rest much easier, the buckle sliding open and giving her access to the button beneath, which she promptly tackled with a moan as he squeezed her.

Her sounds were music to his ears, a sweet symphony of desire that encouraged him to send her to the greatest heights of pleasure. He ran his tongue across the skin of her nipple, licking in hot, wet circles around the engorged nub. He allowed his teeth to ever-so-slightly graze their way across her skin, just barely rubbing the darkened skin of her breast. And then he sucked, his mouth forming a strong suction that pulled more of her breast into it, stretching her nipple in his mouth as he licked further across it. All the while, his right hand massaged her other breast, carefully pinching and pulling the nipple upwards just so slightly, before falling back down to massage her entire mound of flesh. He squeezed and kneaded her tender flesh in his palms before once against tracing his fingers up to twist her nipple in his fingers.

Button gave way to zipper and she grabbed at the pull, sliding it down and pulling the waist apart, her hand sliding inside the shorts to grasp his manhood. Her fingers ran over the tip of it, brushing against the curves with a feather-light delicacy before sliding down the shaft, her fingers wrapping around it and squeezing in an undulating wave up and down in a slow rhythm. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest and her breath came in gasps as he continued to bewitch her with his caresses. The way he drew her into his mouth sent a shot of electricity through her from crown to toes and she cried out, her eyes clamping shut as her body arched, begging for more. The fabric of her pants pressed up against her dripping labia as she bucked, sending a fresh wave of sensation through her, and her hips fell back down to the damp earth, her spare hand working frantically to free her loins from their confinement.

She wanted him badly. He could make no mistake about that. Her movements were frantic and jerky, and the gasps and groans issuing forth from her excited him on a primal level. Our mate desires our attention... The beast within him was awakening more as her hand slid up and down his shaft. He grinned and, letting his right hand fall away from her chest, he slowly kissed his way across. He let himself pause once more at the valley between her breasts, his teeth scraping across her sensitive skin before he began working his way up her left breast. Bringing his left hand up to cup and knead her right breast, he took her left nipple in his mouth now, licking across it as he had her other one.

The pants finally came free and she slid her hand inside, a moan of relief escaping her lips as her fingers found her clit. Her fingers dipped into the eager wetness beneath, sliding upwards and dragging the cloying moisture with her digits. After a few moments she withdrew her hand, swapping with the one stimulating her mate, her fingertips trailing the wetness over the tip of his shaft, drawing light lines downwards until she wrapped her fingers around him again, using her other hand to work herself. She moaned, a long, low sound of pleasure and excitement, her back arching upwards to press her breasts up against him again, her pants making them bounce when they weren't being kneaded. "Tell me how to get it," she begged, her fingers squeezing around him suggestively.

Her words sent a jolt of pleasure through him, and he felt it awaken. He grinned evilly as he slowly allowed her nipple to escape from between his teeth. Leaning up, he ran his growing canines against her cheek. "You just did."

And with that said, he reached down and began to push his pants down his hips.

His teeth against her cheek felt so erotic. She moaned, giving into the sensations they caused to run down her face and through her body. If his teeth were like lightning, his words were like solar flares. Her eyes, which had previously been rolling back into her head, snapped open, a gasp erupting from her throat as his voice burned through her. She shuddered, releasing him to wriggle her hips, tugging down at her own pants and struggling to free herself pressed against the ground. It was a struggle, but her determination won out in the end and the fabric slid down and off her hips, leaving her bare bottom to rest of the bed of earth and leaves. "Anything... tell me what you want..."

His member sprang free, standing tall and proud, like a soldier at attention. The beast within growled in triumph as she voiced her total submission to him. She was his female; he would do with her as he pleased. He slid one of his legs between her thighs, settling himself into position, semi-straddling her left thigh. He leaned forward towards her, neither of them noticing the fur beginning to sprout from his ankles.

"I want..."

The tip of his member pressed itself ever-so-lightly against her folds.

"... to be inside..."

His hands grasped her right leg, pulling it up away from her body while twisting her onto her side. His teeth sank into the skin of her shin as he pressed himself against the side of her now upright leg.

"... YOU!"

His shaft pierced her body, spreading open her warm, wet folds as he slid home. A primal, animalistic growl sounded from his throat as her walls surrounded him.

Her legs parted willingly as his knee moved upwards. She moaned as he brushed against her, her whole body quivering with anticipation as his voice dug into her brain through the ears, sending her heart racing. She cried out, her voice a gasp for breath as she was turned over, a howl of pain and ecstasy unleashed from within at he bit her, sliding deep inside at the same time. She throbbed around him, the feeling of fullness pushing her over the precipice. Words failed her and she just let herself moan, her nails clawing at the ground beneath.

He thrust into her body repeatedly, grunting wildly each time his hips came into contact with hers. His mind didn't register what was happening to him until his face began to shift and change, his jaw reforming itself as the fur sprouted across him. At once, his mind was assaulted with the powerful, intoxicating effect of her scent. It was so strong it almost sent him over the edge by itself right there. His teeth sank into her skin, a true bite, intent on holding her there no matter what she tried. His claws trailed their way down her leg, reddening her skin as they passed, until eventually his hands wrapped around the base of her thigh, holding her body tight against him while using her leg as leverage to pull himself deep into her with each thrust. His shaft buried itself in her body repeatedly, a dominant growl issuing from his throat as her walls massaged him welcomingly. This female was his. She belonged to him.

Everything felt so tight and she felt stretched to her limit by him, every thrust driving her to new heights of insanity. Her breath was short and gasping, his teeth on her skin eliciting another outburst, and she squirmed, his claws sending shivers up and down her spine as she moaned loudly. He somehow seemed to push himself deeper inside and her sounds deepened, a primal growl that begged for more. Her insides felt ready to come apart, but she couldn't help her craving, her desire. Everything felt so incredible, every sensation seemed heightened. It was sheer ecstasy. "Don't stop," she gasped, her body giving in to another deep orgasm.

It was starting. He could feel it. He was surprised at how quickly he had come to this point, but right now he really didn't care. A wave of tingles began at his feet and slowly worked its way up his body. A half-sigh, half-gasp escaped his throat at the wonderful sensation that he knew was beginning to build. It was like the tide slowly rising, and the thought of what he knew was on its way made his eyes roll. He released her leg, pressing his face against it as he looked down at her shivering and moaning body. He spoke out of pure instinct.

"Tell me what you want, female." His voice was low and guttural, his words issuing out from between his clenched teeth as he growled the words out at her. It was the voice of the beast within, the voice of raw, unstoppable instinct, and it was both threatening and demanding at once. He spoke not as a human but as a male, and he expected her to respond in kind.

She could feel it, and the intensity of the sensation brought a moan out from the depths of her being. Her nails clawed into the ground, her hair strewn out behind her, strands of it falling across her face and partially hiding her expression. She gasped suddenly, his nose cold against her leg, the feel of his fur bringing a moaning purr from her. His words sparked something deep and primal within her, and she growled, feeling the hair on the back of her neck standing on end. "I want you. Everything you can give me. Every last drop. Please fill me." Her last words were begging, her tone having turned from aggressive to pleading, a low whine emanating from her throat.

She wanted it. All of it. The beast within him answered that need, and the wave that had been traveling throughout his body finally reached its destination. Like a combined many-car crash, the sensation reached his genitals and exploded. He roared. His legs tingled and he felt himself begin to lose control of his thrusting. He buried himself completely within her folds, the sensation of her walls squeezing his member heightening his pleasure. It felt like a powerful pressure was trapped within his shaft, only to suddenly explode violently forth. His arms tightened around her leg, forcing himself as deep as he could go into her wet folds as he fired his load into her body, feeling her inside walls sucking strongly at his member as if trying to indeed suck every last drop out of him that they could. His mind exploded in ecstasy as his first shot emptied itself into her. There was a brief decrease in the pleasure, and then he felt himself fire again into her body. He came in receding waves, his penis stiffening and twitching as it fired into her, only to relax once more for a few moments. His mind fogged over with the repeated and intense sensation of shooting his seed into her hungry orifice, the waves of pleasure rolling over him.

She gasped as he thrust deep into her, the tip of him coming up against her cervix before he came. It felt hot and fulfilling. The beast within her roared with a strange pleasure and triumph, and she found herself moaning as she melted into the intensity of their combined orgasm. Every shot was exquisite and she shuddered, her body drawing him inwards as he came. She felt hot, her mind hazy as the world around her blurred and she let her eyes close, focusing on the sensation of him inside of her. She could feel her inner walls caressing him in undulating waves and each squeeze brought an additional jolt of pleasure through her loins. A sigh escaped her lips as he finally began to slow and stop, a feeling of contentment washing over her. She felt fulfilled in ways she hadn't even known about a few days ago, and it was enough to make her melt against him. "Thank you," she murmured.

The beast within him grinned in triumph. This female knew her place. He had chosen well. As the last of the larger, shuddering impulses flooded through his body, he retained enough stability of mind to carefully hike his right leg up and over her thigh while letting go of the leg he held. Then he collapsed onto her, his hips cushioned between her thighs, his softening shaft still held snugly within her folds. He cushioned his fall with his hands so he didn't flop down painfully onto her, and let his weight settle onto hers. His head came to rest against her neck, his arms snaking under hers as he rested above and inside her. His hips jolted occasionally, minuscule remnants escaping him into her body, like aftershocks of an earthquake. He sighed in contentment, letting himself breathe in her scent. Her skin was warm and soft against him, and he felt very tempted to just lay there and stay where he was through the night.

A groan escaped her unbidden as he repositioned himself, her body aching faintly with the aftermath of the strange position. All that was forgotten when he laid on her. It felt so close and comfortable, and she found herself wrapping her arms around him to hold him close to her. Her fingers ran through his fur, a sigh escaping her nostrils and whispering across his shoulder. She relaxed beneath him, feeling peaceful in the aftermath of their passion, and happy to give in to the sensations. She kissed at his ear, her teeth gently nibbling with a tender, wordless affection. Closing her eyes, she let her head lay back on the ground, her hair spilling out behind her in a cascade of snow against the black soil. "Tired?" she sighed in question.

He nodded, nuzzling his snout against her jaw at the same time. His tongue flicking out, licking against her skin in one of the only shows of affection he was capable of at the moment. Then he sighed contentedly and settled down atop her, his head nestled into the curve of her neck. A slight breeze ruffled his fur, and he sighed at the pleasant sensation.

"Mmm. Me too. Racing'll do that to ya," she murmured teasingly with a light chuckle. She sighed, inhaling the breeze as it passed. It felt cool on her face, slowly drying the sweat that had stuck a variety of strands across it. Her muscles relaxed, giving into the slow letdown of hormones and adrenaline. The ground felt damp beneath her, but it was warm from their mutual heat, and not altogether uncomfortable. The earthy smell was soothing and she felt her mind beginning to drift. "I guess we're going to be a little late..."

Her voice was soothing to his suddenly tired mind. He wanted peace and warmth, and at the moment he had both. He felt his muscles begin to slacken, but before he nodded off completely he slid his hands beneath her head, lacing his fingers together to give her something warm and hopefully comfortable to rest on. He closed his eyes. He just wanted a few minutes rest... just a few short minutes...


The sound of chirping birds brought him back to his senses. Carefully, he lifted his weight up onto his elbows and looked around. Morning light slipped through the tree growth around them.

I slept the whole night through? His eyes widened in surprise. It felt like he'd only been out for just a few minutes. But nonetheless, he felt well and strongly rested. For a moment, he wondered how it was that he'd managed to stay shifted even as he slept, but he soon realized the answer: his inner beast had sought to ensure that its mate was kept warm through the night. The thought made him want to smile, and he laid back down on her, letting his warm fur insulate her body once more.

As he let himself carefully down onto her again his hips shifted just a little, and he let out a sharp gasp at the movement. His shaft was apparently still buried deep inside her body, and it seemed that over the course of the night he had recovered much of his energy. When he moved, it slid around inside her just a slight amount. The flash of lightning that arced up his spine was enough to bring anyone to full wakefulness. He let out a whining groan, his arm and leg muscles tightening and relaxing for a few moments as the pleasure coursed through him. He tried to pull out of her; a large part of him didn't want to wake her just yet. However, as his shaft slowly exited her body, each and every fold of her inner walls slipped across him, and each one licked his shaft with a jolt of electricity. A low whine escaped his throat; it was too much! Before he knew it, his hips had pushed forward once more, his shaft slowly sliding up into her body again.

She awoke with a gasp, a moan escaping her as she sighed out the sudden breath. Her eyes flew open briefly, but quickly floated closed as she relaxed again. She felt warm, inside and out, and a low purr escaped her throat as her eyes slowly came open again, meeting his gaze with a sleepy sort of pleasure. She smiled at him, a hand coming up to cup his cheek. "Good morning," she murmured, caressing his cheekbone with her thumb. "Sleep well?"

He nodded against her neck, nuzzling his fur against her as he began to slowly slide himself back and forth within her. His movements were small, his shaft sliding only and inch or so in and out of her body. His hips moved slowly, letting them both enjoy to the utmost each of the tiny movements within her. It was an experience altogether different than what they had so far shared. His need was not primal or powerful, nor was it demanding. It was a desire for closeness and intimacy, and the jolts of pleasure that raced through him were soothing, rather than inflaming. They awakened a desire for more of the same, but there was no desire or need for escalation. His desire was to simply be here with her and within her, just as he was. His hips set a relaxed pace as he gently throttled himself within her folds. Lifting his head, he brushed his furry cheek against her own, a strange sort of content whine escaping from his lips.

Her hand slid up into his hair, gently combing through the strands as she nuzzled him back. His beast form filled her, but she felt relaxed around him, and the sensations from his gentle rocking sent a warm buzz through her system unlike anything she had previously felt. It felt like being wrapped in a warm, clean, favorite blanket. It made her feel safe and secure. She sighed happily, rocking her hips slightly in reply. She ran her other hand down his back, soaking in the bliss of the moment as the breeze whispered at them through the trees. She inhaled a slow breath, sighing again. It smelled like rain, but somehow she didn't mind. Her fingernails ran gentle traces down his back and through his fur, finally settling on lightly stroking his tail, as if it were some pet.

It could have been a few minutes or a few hours, but it felt like an eternity, and he loved every moment of it. Her body was warm and soft against him, giving in to his movements as he slowly worked in her. He said nothing; there was no need for words. Everything he could need to say was being communicated through the mild jolts of pleasure that his motions were sending through them both. Her hand on his tail was warm and very personal. He didn't know how long he lay there, rocking slowly in and out of her body, but eventually he felt a wave of suppressed energy building within him, and he knew it wouldn't be much longer. He let out a whining groan in expectation, his snout nuzzling against her neck.

She could feel herself tightening around him, the slow rocking motions bringing her gradually closer to a climax. The sensations were building within him to; she could feel him starting to tighten within her. A quiet moan escaped her, the pleasure of their shared touch demanding vocalization. Letting go of his tail she reached up to stroke the back of his neck, her hips bucking against him involuntarily as the sensations began building in her loins. She kissed his shoulder then, her free hand lacing her fingers with his as a sigh shuddered forth from deep inside her.

It was like cresting the top of a hill and getting to enjoy the fall down the other side. He groaned against her neck, the sound long and low as it arrived. His hips pushed up until they met hers, and he felt himself twitch as he began to unload yet again into her body. His penis jerked as it released his seed into her in slow waves. It was wonderful. He lay there, savoring the sensation of emptying himself into her body for what seemed like forever, his hips pressed strongly up against hers as his shaft shuddered inside her.

The sensations peaked and she squeezed his hand as her body rippled around him, a low moan of pleasure escaping her. At the back of his neck her other hand tightened within his fur, a firm tug at the nape of his neck. Her climax rose and fell in alternating waves, each wave lessening more than the last. Her eyes drifted closed, her nose buried in his fur as she breathed slowly inward, savoring the scent of his musk. She sighed with contentment, feeling her loins caress him one last time before all her muscles seemed to go slack. Her mind began to drift then, lost in a sea of bliss and contentment, her hands sliding from his fur and fingers.

Eventually the waves of his climax faded away, and he let himself rest atop her, savoring the warmth of her body in the aftermath of their shared pleasure. He let a soft sigh escape his lips as he nuzzled into her neck, his tongue flicking out to lick her soft skin. He felt warm and content, his previous grief now truly silent against the presence of his new mate. He smiled softly, his arms wrapping around her as he laid there, bathing in the new morning light. He felt like his head was stuffed full of cotton, but the sensation brought a smile to his lips as he nuzzled into her.

Slowly she floated upwards toward the surface of her internal ocean, still soaked in the bliss of the moment. Everything was peaceful, and for a moment she was content to lay there with him, but then the questions began again, itching at the back of her mind. She realized, slowly, that despite their emotionally intense encounter she still knew almost nothing about him. She sighed again into his fur, her eyes slowly opening to stare at the forest canopy above, the leaf-filtered sunshine dappling shadows across her face. "What's it like, where you're from?" Her tone was quiet and thoughtful, almost distant, but her eyes were clear and focused. She shifted her hands behind her head; her elbows sprawled out but then changed her mind and pulled away from him just enough to meet his gaze, her eyes searching for answers in his own.

He felt the haziness slowly begin to fade from his thoughts as he lay there beside her. Eventually his eyes opened again and he smiled against her warmth. His thoughts were just beginning to pick up speed when she spoke. Her question confused him for a moment; his brain wasn't quite up to full processing speed yet. Then it all made sense. He chuckled in amusement. THIS was going to require some explanation. Closing his eyes, he consciously released the beast within and his form began to shift and change. As he shrank, he lifted his head up to look down into her eyes. They bored into his own, but he hid nothing in his expression as he spoke.

"It's very chaotic and unpredictable. I'm not 'from' anywhere, I guess. It's been a long time since I've stayed in any one place for any real length of time. I travel a lot. It's... complicated. And difficult to explain."

"You were born someplace, weren't you?" Tsuki looked at Kenshiro, a thin eyebrow arcing at him as she extended her query. "I don't mind if it's complicated or takes time to explain. I'm patient and I want to know. It's not like we're expected." At this last remark she gestured south toward the village. Lying on her side next to him she reached over and squeezed his shoulder, a smile crossing her lips and infecting her eyes. "I want to know who Kenshiro Saotome is." Her eyes suddenly turned mischievous. "Especially if I'm taking you home to meet my family."

He chuckled at that, running his hand up her arm to her shoulder, then across her face and into her hair. His fingers combed through her locks, a warm smile gracing his lips. "Yeah, I guess so." He replied, his voice thoughtful. The question was... where to begin? The answer came to him rather suddenly, and he couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at the simplicity of it. "But I doubt your family has ever met a dimensional traveler before, either..."

Her eyes drifted closed as his hand ran across her face, a soft purr of contentment escaping her lips as his fingers ran through the strands of her alabaster hair. She cracked an eye open at his phenomenal statement, however, her gaze meeting his again with a look of puzzled -- albeit slightly skeptical -- wonder. "A dimensional traveler?" she repeated, as if to verify she heard him correctly. "What does that mean for us?" She propped herself up on an elbow, looking at him expectantly. "Does that mean leaving here? Leaving this?" Her other hand -- the one whose shoulder he was holding -- gestured around broadly to emphasize the point.

His hand drifted from her shoulder to her chin, his fingers tracing lightly across her jaw as they went. He was surprised at how rationally she was reacting to the news. "Not necessarily." He answered. "But it's an option. When I came here, I had originally planned on leaving after I had finished hunting. But..." he shrugged noncommittally, his eyes turning to survey the natural beauty of their surroundings. He really didn't have much to return to, and as long as he had the crystal he could keep in touch with Dracos wherever he was. He looked back into her eyes.

"You are my mate," he said simply.

His words were all the reassurance she needed. She sighed, smiling as she melted into his touch, feeling a sense of warm relief sweep over her. He wanted to stay with her no matter where that was. And she found that she didn't mind where they were as long as it was together. "I think..." she trailed, pausing to gather her thoughts into coherency as she looked down at the mossy ground. "I think that I want you to know my world and my home. But I also want to know your world and your home. I want to find others like me -- like us -- out there." She twined her hand with his, looking into his eyes again with a grin. "Besides, home is where the heart is and my heart is with you."

He grinned sheepishly, scratching the back of his head in mild embarrassment. "We should get going," he said. "We can't just sit around here all day long."

"Well, we could but I don't think I really want to anyway." She chuckled, slowly starting to untangle herself from him. The river behind him looked inviting and she shed her clothing the rest of the way, skittering down the bank and into the water with a splash. "Cold!" she yelped, submerging herself. Hair and body were promptly scrubbed, rinsed, and left to drip as Tsuki took almost no time in the frigid liquid. Wringing her hair out she walked back over to her clothing, feeling much more refreshed and awake. "So were you planning on just waltzing in?" she prompted as she began slipping her pants back on.

He shrugged, getting to his feet and dusting himself off. "I figured that sounded pretty good; unless you had some other idea that you'd like to tell me." His eyes roved over her naked form, and a part of him swelled with pride at having such an attractive mate. "I guess I was really going to just follow your lead. You know them better than I do; what do you think would be the best approach?"

Tsuki pulled on her shirt and adjusted herself before leaning against a tree to begin strapping her sandals on once more. "I suppose we could just waltz in. Assuming we don't come in as beasts or look terribly threatening I doubt we'll be accosted." She switched to the other foot. "I do think we should probably try not to draw a lot of attention to ourselves." She finished, standing upright. "However, as long as we don't stay too long we should be able to manage that nicely." A few more quick adjustments and she looked to Kenshiro. "Ready?"

"Whenever you are," he grinned.

She nodded. "Let's go then." Not having anything to carry Tsuki simply bounded away alongside the river, her hair flying out behind her like frosted ribbons. The morning air was fresh and new, the sun still low to the horizon as she raced across the forested terrain. She felt refreshed and exhilarated as she ran, a playful bark escaping her to echo through the trees.

He grinned and followed after her, his footsteps light. This was going to be interesting.

It didn't take long to reach the edge of the forest. Tsuki brought herself to a stop just inside of it, peering out across the plain toward her home. It hadn't changed much since she left it. The gates still stood watch over the town, the tall walls sloping backwards into the mountainside to wrap around the front of the city. With the dawn they stood open, guarded by several watchmen. The market lay sprawled just before them, a bustle of activity and noise. Higher up the mountainside grander buildings could be seen, their purpose not readily apparent. Toward the eastern side a tall spiral of a tower stood out from among the rest, clustered like a hive with a series of shorter spires. In the distance, near the top of the city was another wall, seeming to cut off whatever lay beyond from that which was down below. Yes, it was just as she remembered it. She sighed.

"Welcome home."

He sidled up beside her, his arm snaking around her waist to pull her against him. His eyes took in the city before them, studying its layout. It didn't appear to be TOO large of a place, but it seemed unlikely that a couple of travelers would attract significant attention. "I would assume that it brings back memories, seeing it like this." He turned to look at her, studying the expressions that crossed her face, and his arm tightened around her. "Are you alright?"

She nodded, though it felt like her pulse was racing. She exhaled slowly, leaning against him. "Yeah, it's just been a long time." She pulled away, squaring her shoulders. "Let's go. I think I need some breakfast." Her stomach growled its agreement and she stepped out into the light.

He nodded, following after her. Part of him wanted to stay right beside her, protecting her, but he knew better than to do that. In many ways she was stepping into the unknown right now, but she was strong. She would survive. And also... she needed to face this without a crutch. He kept close, but gave her the distance to face this herself.

The sunlight was warm on her shoulders as Tsuki strode toward her former home. The way it hit the rooftops made her nostalgic and she sighed, lost in memory as she strode across the field. It didn't take long to cross the plain and reach the massive city gates, however, and she was brought out of her thoughts and into the present as she was forced to start weaving her way between people. The market had always been incredibly busy first thing in the morning and it appeared today with no exception. She smiled, feeling a growing sense of confidence. She knew this place. It was still home. Reassured her eyes scanned the surroundings, looking for a way to acquire breakfast in the bustle.


He leaned against a wall, cloaked in shadow while the rest of the world stood in the sun. His hair was dark and long, strands of it hanging partway over his long face, concealing an eye. The other gray orb flicked across the crowd, jumping from person to person, face to face as he held his casual posture, arms folded nonchalantly across his chest. A wisp of white caught his attention and he straightened slowly, his arms falling to his sides as he brought his full attention to bear. He caught sight of her face and a smirk broke out across his own. There was no mistaking the slender features and slightly curled locks of snow.

"Welcome home--" A small chuckle escaped him. "--Tsuki."


Kenshiro's nose caught the scent of cooking sausage, and his mouth watered. He reached over, grabbing her by the shoulder to get her attention and pointing to the nearby restaurant where the cook was preparing such succulent food. It looked like they even had a few tables free. "Oh man, that smells SO good." He licked his lips. "Does sausage sound good to you?"

"Mmm?" she inquired as Kenshiro grabbed her shoulder. Tsuki turned to look and see what he was talking about and found her own mouth watering as her nose caught a whiff. "At this point anything sounds good," she admitted. "But I'll admit that sounds extra good." She frowned. "How do you propose we acquire some?"

He shrugged. "Well, it's obvious we have no money. However..." He started walking. "There are other types of currency." His steps took him quickly to his destination. The place was very busy, with waitresses hurrying back and forth between tables, collecting dishes and delivering orders. It seemed that they were in the middle of a rush, and that suited his plan perfectly. He threaded his way through the various tables, making his way towards the counter. Once there, he knocked gently on the counter to get the cook's attention.

The cook was old and slightly balding with several extra chins. But he smiled amicably enough as he turned to face Kenshiro, wiping his hands clean on the apron that hung in front of him. "Yes, what'll it be?" he asked in an obviously hurried manner.

Kenshiro gestured behind him to the cooking area; there was a stack of dishes piled up to the cook's head waiting to be taken care of, and it was obvious they were about to start running out of clean plates. There were also utensils laying everywhere, empty pots that had obviously been abandoned rather than put up, and a general feeling of untidiness. Perfect. "We're out of cash and very hungry." He pointed to the overflowing sink. "Dishes for two large meals?"

The man shook his head. "Too busy. Dishes for one large meal. Tidy up the kitchen for a second."

Kenshiro thumped his fist against the counter in agreement. "Done." He looked over his shoulder at Tsuki and winked. "Would you like to help? I can take care of it."

Tsuki had followed him curiously and was now standing behind him, the crowd seeming to jostle at every turn. She marveled at why she hadn't thought to offer an honest bit of work before now. In hindsight it seemed an obvious and fair exchange. She grinned. "More hands make for faster work. Scrub or dry?" she asked, starting to roll her sleeves up.


The dark haired figure had begun to follow Tsuki through the crowd, drifting between shadows and people like a wraith. His clothing appeared plain, no different than those around him, but he carried himself with an aura of assurance that was reflected in his gaze.

He made his way to another shadow near the stall where Tsuki had gone in and began leaning again, his arms folding in such a way that he appeared bored, but his gaze remained sharp as he observed the pair move inside and begin to do the dishes, a snort of disdain escaping him. "Reduced to doing the dishes. How quaint. You should have listened to me before, dear Tsuki. Then you wouldn't be up to your elbows in common filth." He chuckled, the sound of his own voice and thoughts amusing to him as he settled in to observe and plot.


He grinned, walking around the counter on the right towards the sink which was set up against the wall. "I'll scrub. The dirty stuff doesn't bother me much." Upon arriving, he quickly began emptying one side of the sink, placing large portion of the dirty dishes on the counter to the left. To the right of the sink was a drying pan, and he wanted to be able to hand them off to her without much trouble. "With a little strategy, this won't take long." He tested the water, found a rag, and set to work.

She slid into the stall behind him, following with a quick step to stay out of the way of the various staff members rushing about the pair of them. Her eyes roved and quickly located a towel that appeared clean and felt dry. Snagging it she positioned herself beside Kenshiro. The counter on her side was also covered in dishes, though not as badly as his, and the main drying rack was empty. "Let's do what's on this side first then, so we'll have more room to stack the clean ones," she suggested as she reached in to grab the first dish from the rinsing basin and promptly began drying it.

He worked quickly, but efficiently, his movements swift and precise as he scrubbed. As he had been taught, he considered it a challenge and a training exercise. The goal was to be as quick as was possible to be without missing anything, erring on the side of accuracy. He realized after the first couple plates, though, that he needed to keep a low profile, so he slowed his pace just a bit so as not to draw attention. She seemed to be keeping pace with him pretty well, and indeed it didn't seem to take very long at all to clear the pile. As he passed her the last plate to be dried, he turned around and surveyed the dirty kitchen, which now didn't seem so dirty anymore to his eyes; just a bit cluttered. "Okay, just one more thing to be done. But I don't think it'll be as bad a job." He pointed to the overhead racks that had outlines neatly drawn into the wood to signify the shape of the various cooking implements that went there. "We should probably also sweep, just to prove that we aren't slackers. But I can take care of that quickly."

The towel was thick and absorbent and made the task of drying quick and easy. As the counter cleared Tsuki began stacking the dishes according to type and size, leaving the drying rack opens for the utensils and other odd implements. As she dried off the last dish and put it into a stack she breathed a sigh of satisfaction, turning to see what Kenshiro was gesturing at and nodded. "I'll start grabbing the pots," she volunteered, reaching out to grab several that were strewn nearby.

He nodded, beginning to head in the other direction while grabbing anything that seemed to be just laying out of place. The kitchen itself was set up in a generally square shape, with the grill being positioned just behind the front counter. There was a second tertiary grill on one side, and the rest was made up of storage and cutting space. When he reached the far side, he noticed a broom leaning up against the wall. Grinning, he put away the two knives he had picked up and grabbed the broom, beginning to sweep the dust out towards the back door.

With the help of the engraved pictures on the racks above it didn't take Tsuki long to put the pots and pans up where they belonged. Homes for the dishes and utensils were also promptly found, all while dodging the existing help as they continued to bustle about. Turning around she noticed the dishes starting to pile back up in the sink and dove in again, the counter now clean. The few dishes didn't take long to wash, their grime relatively fresh, and she soon put those up as well. "Anything else?" she asked, looking around as she dried her hands.

The cook shook his head, grinning thankfully. "No, that's it. By the time we need to clean again the rush should be over." He gestured to the pile of smoke sausages and other food that was sitting, ready to be served. "Help yourselves to whatever you want. You've earned it."

Tsuki grinned back, feeling proud and accomplished. "Thanks." The kitchen looked immensely better from what it had before and the cleanliness had earned them what appeared to be a very nice breakfast. Grabbing one of the plates she had just put up Tsuki wandered over, grabbing a fork and stabbing whatever looked or smelled good. Eggs, sausage, toast, and even some sort of hash brown substance. A waft of steam caught her eye and she spied the teapot sitting off to the side and grabbed a cup, pouring herself some of the green liquid before slipping out of the stall to find a table for the both of them.


His gray eyes followed Tsuki as she made her way to a table, plate and cup in hand. He smirked, a chuckle escaping him as he looked around for her companion, who was apparently nowhere to be found for the moment. "Perfect." Shoving himself away from building he began walking toward her again, weaving through the crowd as though it were non-existent. He smirked. This was just going to be too easy.

She had started eating without her partner, hungrily partaking of her plate and cup. Her focus on the meal in front of her allowed him to move in behind Tsuki silently, a glint of anticipation in his gaze as he made his way through the last of the crowd and tables. Still so oblivious, he mused. Her arm lifted again and his hand shot out like a snake, clamping down on her wrist. The fork fell to the dish with a clatter.

"I suggest you keep quiet, little vixen," he growled as he leaned down, whispering in her ear. "I wouldn't want to hurt your new friend. You have so few."


His voice sent a jolt of recognition through Tsuki and her eyes widened as she opened her mouth to curse him, but no sound would come. It was as if her vocal cords had been removed or frozen. Her mouth opened and closed several times as she tried to snap something at him, her heart pounding in her chest. She could feel the beast within rousing, her panic releasing adrenaline into her system. Her wrist ached from the intense pressure he was applying and she struggled to break it.

"Ah, not so, little vixen. You see, I've finally caught you, and I don't let go of my game so easily." His fingers tightened around further, his other hand coming down to hold her by the shoulder.

Tsuki felt trapped, caged by him. The beast within roared, demanding release. Her eyes squeezed shut. Not yet. Not here! she pleaded as she struggled further. He'll use you too! But she had to do something. Her mind worked frantically, seeking an out. She was pinned, that she was certain of. She wouldn't be able to get the leverage to stand or shake off his hold on her. But maybe she could....

Cold steel at her neck broke her train of thought. The blade pressed against her windpipe, his forearm now pinning her shoulder down. She could feel a something warm and wet trailing down her throat and knew it was her blood, the sharp edge sliding easily through the thin layers of skin protecting her airway.

"Don't even think about it."

Suddenly, Kenshiro was there. There was no sound, no impact, and no warning. Just a quiet, disgusting popping sound as Kenshiro violently popped the man's wrist out of socket by twisting it ninety degrees in the wrong direction. A quiet snarl sounded in the air between the three of them, seeming to rip the air itself open. Kenshiro's left hand clamped down onto the man's throat, his claws digging into the soft skin in warning. His voice echoed out from between his snarl. "Talk. Or die."

The pain was exquisite; the knife sliding across Tsuki's throat as his wrist was bent backwards sending a thrill of anticipation through him. His eyes were lit with fire, the claws at his neck serving to only heighten his desire. He chuckled then, a sound that quickly grew into a laugh. "Mundane fool, what could you possibly do?" His other hand was still firmly wrapped around Tsuki's wrist, his grip slowly tightening and threatening to break her own wrist. "You should stop unless you'd like me to return the favor."

The knife rolled across her neck, slicing a thin line that began bleeding down her neckline. The pain of her wrist made her eyes want to roll backwards. She could feel the bones beginning to grind together. She whined in pain, but no sound came, and the beast within roared with rage at the continued confinement. Her eyes caught sight of the now abandoned knife and she reached for it with her other hand, her fingers straining to touch it as tears ran down her cheeks from the pain.

His beast was struggling violently, straining to get out, but he viciously held it in check. For now. He could tell that his eyes were slitting and his canines were beginning to grow, though. He dug his claws into the man's neck, small droplets of blood beginning to form. His other hand kept hold of the man's wrist, several of his more brutal throw options flashing through his mind. "I will warn you only once more. You will release my mate, or I will end you."

It wouldn't take much more to break her wrist. He smirked, despite the claws digging into his neck. Physical pain meant very little to him and the threats amused him greatly. He had been perhaps a bit careless, however, in failing to notice the rat that now held him "captive".

Deciding the time for games was over he shifted his focus over to a very defined point in space, his brow furrowing slightly in concentration. It would take more willpower to bring his captive with him, but he was unwilling to let her go, lest she escape after all these years of hunting. He vanished suddenly, Tsuki disappearing with him, only to reappear on a nearby roof. His grin was malicious, for she was now dangling over the ground, held up only by her wrist.

The blood ran down her neck, slowly dripping down from her neck. She groaned, her voice no longer restrained by him. She looked up slowly, her vision blurred from the tears and pain. She was loosing control. She could feel the beast starting to escape from her. She looked down at her other hand, suddenly realizing she held his discarded knife in it. The hand and wrist he held suddenly shifted, her claws digging into his forearm as she twisted herself and threw the blade at him.

The knife hit him in the shoulder and his muscles spasmed, her sudden change of wrist causing him to lose his grip on her. He growled as he watched her begin to fall down the multi-story plunge. He started to reach for her, only to catch sight of the crowd that was beginning to take notice and he withdrew. "We will finish this later," he spat as he vanished a second time.

As his grip on Tsuki broke she let go without thinking. The sensation of flying was incredible to her senses that were no longer dulled by a constant stream of pain. Her eyes flew open suddenly as she realized she was not flying but falling. She spun around in the air, her body stretched out as she plummeted. Fragments of old lessons came to mind and her gaze automatically found where her mate stood in the chaos. It was now or never. She closed her eyes.
