Airport Stories 1

Story by Yokan on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: If you're not old enough, then why are you here? Get out!

I wrote this story while waiting for a plane in the airport. Total working time was approx. five hours. I'm not too happy how it came out, but practice is practice, and I figured I'd share it here.

They had been friends for a while. More than a while, really. They had known each other since childhood, and had maintained a close and mutual friendship basically their entire lives. Their parents were friends, and they were always encouraged to play at get-togethers and parties. It was only natural that they would become life friends.

Fen sighed, glaring out his window. He and Miyuki had just had a really large argument that ended in her saying she never wanted to see him again. He wasn't sure if she was joking this time. Their argument had gotten pretty heated, and he had never seen her so mad at him. Fen wasn't sure if he could really understand it... he had no idea he was discussing such a sensitive topic.

Fen growled, a hostile and guttural sound emanating from his throat. He was mad. He had always been a little bit controlling of her, but he saw it as more being her guardian than anything else. Almost like her older brother. He always watched over her and made sure she wasn't being harassed by other kids throughout elementary, middle, and high school. When she got drunk at a party and nearly slept with a really sleazy douche bag, he was the one that snapped her out of it. He also left a good sized bruise on that jerks face, but he seriously deserved it. Fen had saved her ass a good plenty of times, and she never really seemed to appreciate it.

The Coyote collapsed onto his bed, his thinking consuming his every action. His tail swished in anxiety and frustration, and his ears were splayed back in hostility. Fen might have been out of line. He had criticized Miyuki's taste in men, and forbade her in dating the wolf that she was fawning over. It wasn't his place to do so. He was her friend first. Being her guardian came as a side job, because she commonly found trouble. He cussed under his breath, slamming his face into his pillow. Maybe she really didn't want anything to do with him. He couldn't help if she liked the people that she did, and he shouldn't have tried to stop her. She was probably getting into trouble already. Maybe she was asking that asshole out right now, just to spite him.

Maybe their date would go well, and he would take Miyuki to coffee. She would probably find his brutish and douche baggy nature charming. Then he would take her home, and kiss her on the lips. Then they would go upstairs and start doing naughty things, then she would enjoy it and they would continue dating, then they would get married, then have kids, then live happily forever and Fen would never see Miyuki ever again and then....

Fen cursed again, this time his profanity muffled by the pillow. He didn't want to never see Miyuki again, that would be... weird. It would be weird, to lose a childhood friend and best friend. It would be weird to lose facet of life that was just so heavily ingrained into his mind as someone he could always talk to, and hang out with, and look forward to seeing. Fen gulped as he fully grasped the implications of his musings. He would be losing someone that he loved. Their parents were friends, and they were always encouraged to play at get-togethers and parties. It was only natural he would fall in love with her.

Fen turned over in his bed, distraught with what he was thinking. If it was true, which it was, then he might not ever see the person whom he loved ever again. It was a very realistic possibility that by trying to protect what who cared about, he instead forced her away. He didn't have too much time to think, however, as the phone on his desk buzzed, informing him of a received text message.. He picked it up nervously, hoping it wasn't Miyuki. The name of the sender read 'Mook', which was her nickname and what he always called her.

Fen quickly opened the message. It was short and concise, reading only 'Midtown Park,10:00 PM'. Fen was truly scared now, as after a fight Mook would usually apologize to him, because she was usually unreasonable, or experiencing her monthly gift. He had never gotten a message from her simply requesting him to be at a certain place. He wasn't sure if she would try to attack him, or make up with him. She was usually very unpredictable, and that inspired fear in the Coyote's mind.

Fen glanced at the clock - it was already 9:37, and he couldn't drive to Midtown Park as he had let his roommate borrow his car to take his girlfriend out on a date. He grumbled something about his pesky roommate and grabbed a heavy coat, as it was cold outside. It would take him about twenty minutes to walk if he could walk without stopping, but unfortunately he would have to wait at about 7 stop lights, each of which took an extremely long time to change.

The Coyote stepped out into the brisk cold, his breath showing as the Autumn leaves floated to the ground around him. His dorm had a huge maple tree in the front, and the leaves lazily fell out of the air and onto the concrete below it as he passed under. He put his ear-buds in and pressed play on his phone, started walking towards Midtown park, both anxious and angered.

Miyuki stood on the hill at the northernmost end of Midtown Park, under the large Ash tree that grew there. She checked her phone, which read 10:04. Unsurprisingly, Fen was late. She sat down at the base of the barren tree, its shed leaves lying dead all around her. She picked one up and twirled it a bit before sniffing it. She made a face of disgust, dropping the leaf. The smell of falling leaves had always annoyed her. Their rotting smell was unappealing and far too strong.

She sighed, a puff of vapor emanating from her mouth. She was tired of waiting for Fen. She had been standing up at the hill for a good 30 minutes already, and she was wondering what could be taking him so long. She looked down at the leaves again, shivering slightly, then hugging her tail tightly. Despite her blazing red fur and big, bushy tail she was still pretty cold. She hadn't dressed for cold weather, but rather she had dressed for a date.

Miyuki pursed her lips, pouting. Fen was right. The Wolf that she liked, Rodney, was a huge jerk. They went on a single date and he treated her like garbage. He tried to kiss her after insulting her and naming the many things he'd like to 'do' to her. Miyuki excused herself saying that she needed to go to the bathroom, but instead she headed over here to the park to wait for Fen.

Her ears perked, detecting the sound of movement. She drew her face to the sound, her cute and dainty visage pointing directly towards a line of trees.

"Fen?" The fox called out, "Is that you?"

She heard more movement and hugged her tail tighter. She was scared of the dark, and she was also scared someone had followed her to the park.

"Fen, if its you can you please respond? I'm scared..."

She saw a figure with pointed ears and a bushy tail emerge from the treeline, and began striding towards her. She stood up, terrified.

"Wait, leave me alone! I don't want this!" she yelled, clutching her tail and folding her ears.

Fen removed his ear buds from his ears to Miyuki wailing and warning not to get any closer, her eyes glued shut in fear.

"Mook?" He asked her, curious about her eccentric reaction.

Miyuki forced her eyes open, looking upon the familiar face of Fen. She nearly began crying, yelling at him,

"Fen, you huge JERK! Why didn't you respond when I called out to you? Why didn't I see you drive up? Why are you late? Stop looking so scary!"

"What did I do? I was listening to music, I couldn't hear you!"

"That's no excuse, why would you try to sneak up on me?"

"Why would I want to sneak up on you? I just couldn't hear you!"

"No, I know you wanted to scare me. You're such a huge asshole!"

"I didn't want to scare you, you're just stupid!" He shouted at her.

"I was scared! You look like a wolf! I thought you were Rodney!"

"You thought I was THAT asshole? Oh my god, I can't believe this! Why would you think I was him if you called me?"

"Well... I thought he followed me."

"Followed you? From where?"

"We went on a date..."

"Oh god, you're so stupid. I told you he was a terrible person. Why won't you listen to me?"

"I'm sorry..."

"Yeah, I know you're... wait, you're sorry?"

"I'm sorry..."

"Well... you should be. You should have listened to me, I could tell that Rodney was a scumbag when I saw him. Big, brutish wolf with douche bag hair and douche bag shirts. Nothing good could have come from him."

"I know..."

Miyuki sat down under the Ash tree again, still clutching her tail. Tears started to well up in her eyes, and Fen saw her distress. He sat down next to her and snuggled up close to her in order to comfort her.

"Hey... are you okay?"

"Y-yeah... I'm fine..." she responded, her voice nasally and her speech punctuated with sobs.

"Look, its okay. He didn't do anything to you, right? Because if he did, you know I would have to beat the shit out of him." he comforted, embracing her to provide her with warmth.

"No, he didn't t-touch me at all..." she responded, her normal eloquence ruined by her distress.

"Are you sure? I could give him a good beating if you want me too."

Miyuki chuckled, the tears falling into her fur, matting and ruining it. She started sobbing wildly, crying into her tail and leaning into Fen's hug. He sat there and held her, having dealt with this kind of situation before. Although Miyuki was distraught, Fen's mood improved dramatically. He knew everything was going to be alright between them. Not only that, but he was also holding her in his arms.

"Can you drive me back to the university?"

"I can't, I walked here. I let Sean borrow my car to take his girlfriend on a date." Fen replied.

Miyuki giggled, "That idiot. Why would you give him a car?"

Fen laughed, answering "He gave me 50 bucks. I know that's more than as much gas as he uses, and he said if he wrecks he'll cover it."

"What if they have sex in your car? Is that worth 50 bucks?"

Fen fell silent for a second, thinking deeply about what Miyuki had just said. "Uh... if he manages to score, and in my car, then he pretty much deserves it. That thing is a mess. There isn't even enough room to lay down in the back seat."

"Oh, good to know. Looks like we wont be having any impromptu sex in your car, huh?"

Fen reacted in a defensive way, taking his arms from around her and responding, "No, no definitely not! Why would I have sex with you? No, I don't want that!" He gave some forced laughs for emphasis, but it just emphasized his embarrassment.

"Heh. I know you want this foxy body, come on. You can't hide it."

Miyuki picked up Fen's arm again, getting underneath it and snuggling up to him. She wrapped her arms around him sensually, making him flinch, then put her head in his lap sideways. His shock kept him from speaking at first, but eventually he mustered the words.

"Mook, I don't... I don't know what you're doing." He mumbled, unable to force her off of himself.

"Oh, Fen. So naive. don't you understand anything? I'm just taking a nap. I'm tired." She said up to him, moving her head.

"Mook, don't move around so much..." He pleaded, the small movements causing him to stir.

"Why? What are you going to do, Fen? Beat up yourself? You can't protect me from everybody, you know. And I don't think you want me to stop, do you? you're a take charge kind of guy, why don't you take charge? Either get me off of you, or I'll get you off."

Miyuki's remarks aroused Fen, and soon it was very obvious to her exactly the affect she was having.

"Oh, Fen. I can tell you're getting excited, I can feel you know what coming through your jeans here," she teased, tugging at his waistband.

"R-really? You just went from bawling your eyes out to this? I'm ashamed of you. I g-guess I'm the rebound then?" he chided, stuttering.

"Rebound? Oh hell no, you were the first choice. I just never wanted to to ask you out. I can't give any less shits now, though. I just don't care anymore. You will be mine, like it or not."

Fen gasped as Miyuki started fiddling with his zipper, attempting to get it undone. Usually Miyuki was so passive, so non-aggressive and un-intimidating. To see her take charge, over him especially, was something strange to behold. Fen couldn't help but admit that it was turning him on a little. Usually he was the dominant one, protecting her and telling her what to do. Seeing Miyuki take his pleasure into her own hands was exciting to him, and admittedly he would just flop over and do anything she said to at this point. His zipper finally came undone and she started tugging his pants down with much enthusiasm.

Fen was conflicted. The person whom he declared he loved was tugging at his undergarments in an effort to free his erection. Her attentions felt great, and he wanted nothing more than for her to lavish him in erotic pleasure. However, she was distraught and not thinking straight. She had been crying just minutes earlier and was obviously upset about her terrible choice in men. Miyuki had called him to come and comfort her, but he had no idea if this was a healthy way to try and alleviate her pain. With one final tug his underwear came down, and his erection sprang free.

"M-Mook, I don't think this is a good idea..." he whined, much to the contrast of what his body felt. "You're not right in the head. You're upset, but I don't think this is smart."

Miyuki shushed him briefly before licking the tip of his member gently, eliciting a rich moan from the Coyote. She gave a couple more experimental licks to Fen's shaft, pleasuring the Coyote further. Her licks got more and more fervent, licking from his growing knot up the entire shaft to his sensitive tip. Her attentions were awarded by pants, moans, and groans from the pleasured Canine. After she was satisfied with her barrage of licks, she took her best friend's member into her mouth to pleasure him further, drawing forth moans and grunts from him. His breathing became shallow and quick, and his muscles tensed up in anticipation of orgasm.

Miyuki let up on her oral assault, pulling back and teasing him, "Aw, is the puppy close? Does the puppy want to cum? You're not allowed to cum until I say so, puppy."

Miyuki's domineering attitude further cemented Fen's submissive position, and strangely boosted his pleasure to extreme degrees. He nodded his head in acknowledgement to her words, to which Miyuki resumed her pleasing ministrations. Her head sank back down on Fen's manhood, the warmth and wetness of her mouth causing precum to jet from his tip. Miyuki gulped it down easily, loving the taste and the thought of all the pleasure she was bringing him.

Fen started to grasp at the grass, ripping it up, unable to contain his pleasure for much longer, but he had to hold on. He was only allowed to cum if she said so. His claws dug into the dirt and his tail thumped idly against the ground as Miyuki suckled and caressed his member with her soft vulpine tongue. Her normally dainty muzzle was filled with his length giving it a nearly comic appearance as she succeeded in taking him all the way, knot and all.

Fen's back arched as he let out a lengthy, appreciative moan. The sensation was too much to handle, and precum started to flow from his tip as Miyuki continued to bob on his shaft, taking him knot deep each time she went down. The fox also started to moan around him for dramatic emphasis, before pulling off completely.

"You have my permission to cum, puppy." she teased sensually, before going back down on him to suckle the tip of his phallus.

The very instant her warm lips reached the apex of his cock, Fen started orgasming wildly. He howled her name, arched his back, and thrust his hips forward jamming his manhood knot deep into her accepting maw. Jets of his canine cum began flooding down her throat and into her stomach. She allowed Fen to hold her there before coming back up to allow his fluid to pool in her mouth. She wanted to taste it, and stroked him for the last few bursts of his explosive climax. Rather than swallow immediately, Miyuki locked eyes with Fen and opened her mouth slowly, illustrating the mess he had made of her before swallowing audibly. The spectacle brought forth one last string of cum from the Coyote which she eagerly licked up, eyes still locked with his.

"Mook, that was..."

"Amazing? Fantastic? Great? Mistress knows what puppy likes."

"I thought all guys appreciated a good blowjob."

"Hush, you. I was trying to be more domineering. I dunno, it just felt really right at the time."

"It was really hot. I was super into it."

"I'll do it next time too, then."

"Next time? There's gonna be more?" the Coyote asked, startled.

"Well yeah. I've decided we're dating now."

"So... you're okay then? I mean, you're better now? Not feeling down anymore?"

"Yeah, I'm feeling fine. I think I can be happy now that I've got you."

"You know I never agreed to date you."

"Yeah," Miyuki scoffed, "but after that I'm sure you wouldn't say no."

"You're damn straight. Nobody does that as well as you. Best head I've ever had."

"Oh, stop pretending like you've gotten laid before you silly boy. I know you in and out, and I know you don't do that conventional dating stuff. You'd better be glad you have me."

Fen pulled up his pants and underpants, then stood up and stretched out. He offered his hand to Miyuki, who stood up with his assistance.

"Right. I guess we've got a twenty minute walk back to the dorms. I guess we should work out this whole relationship thing."



"Can I have a piggyback ride?"

Fen sighed as Miyuki chuckled beside him.


He couldn't help but look across the bar and eye her. He didn't know who she was, but he didn't need to. The look in her eyes told him that she needed somebody. He hoped the somebody could be him. He knew that if he didn't get her out of the bar soon,...

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