The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 30: Dawn of a New Age

Story by NewLegend1 on SoFurry

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#30 of The Spyro Chronicles

Here is the 30th and final Installment of The Spyro Chronicles. This is it. This is the end. The end of something, and the beginning of something. Of what, I cannot begin to fathom. I will leave it up to the readers to that task. All questions will be answered here, and maybe some news ones may arise.

Disclaimer: WARNING, this chapter contains graphic depictions of sexual actions between two dragons. If you are not of legal age (18), please refrain from reading this or lock your door.

Chapter 30: The Dawn of a New Age

All the Marines and Lakadors surrounding the Final Solution felt something, like something had just gone missing in the world. Thunder cracked over the weapon and a storm started to brew over it.

Inside, the medics sat and watched as Cynder buried her face into Spyro's chest and wept. The elevator came up and Rithul and Hethina walked over. Karson awoke and walked over with Allison and took a knee.

"Isn't there anything we can do?" Karson asked Rithul.

"No... there isn't... Spyro has left his world I'm afraid..." He said with sorrow.

Wagner saw the crystal sitting on the ground next to Cynder and picked it up. Spyro had used the last of his life energy to forge this crystal. In essence, it was Spyro's life energy that Wagner held. He had sacrificed himself so they could fire the Final Solution. With a heavy heart, Wagner stood up and walked over to the pedestal where the second light crystal was supposed to be inserted. He slid the crystal in and it gave off a warm light. The room shook and the circular pattern in the center moved, but stopped.

"What's happening?" Karson asked as the crystals darkened.

"The Final Solution requires the chosen ones to fire it..." Rithul said finally. Karson and Allison walked over to both crystals and placed their hands on them. Their glow came back but the pattern in the center stayed still. Getting an idea, Wagner moved Spyro's limp body to the center and placed it there. Cynder hugged Wagner's leg and he returned it as the room began to shake again. The four spires on the roof of the weapon started to glow and a charge of light formed. A current of energy was built up between the four spires and the circular pattern in the center opened up and Spyro's body was suspended by something over the hole.

Light from the two crystals flowed through Karson and Allison before shooting into Spyro's motionless body. The light grew and soon a beam shot up from the bottom of the hole and engulfed Spyro's body. It shot forth and hit the current already being built in the 4 spires and exploded outwards. The energy fired off into the heavens and into space. The beam cut into the black void and exploded. The energy flowed across the stars and purified any regions tainted by the Plague. All the Plague that were assaulting the UERMC or Lakadors outside of the Final Solution shrieked and exploded in a fury of darkness and were gone.

The Marines cheered as the last of the Plague vanished and the beam of light soon settled and the weapon grew dark.

Inside, the hole shut and Spyro's body slowly disappeared. His body slowly floated down to the floor and Cynder ran over to him. She touched his chest and felt his scales. They were rough, yet soft. Though stained with his blood, they were perfect in her eyes. She pressed down onto his chest even as it slowly vanished beneath her claws. She grasped at what was left of him and she whimpered as his eyes stared vacantly into space, forever holding a locked gaze. She stared into those eyes, wondering in their beauty. She remembered how she had always admired those eyes. Even when she was working for the Dark Master, his eyes caught her attention. They slowly faded away and his body vanished.

She let her paws drift to the floor where his body was. She felt the floor, hoping desperately for it to come back, but to no avail. The dragon that she had loved, the dragon that protected her, the dragon that had saved her, was now gone. Gone like shadow in light. Their campaign to rid the world of darkness had been successful, but at a heavy cost. Several Marines lay dead across the Dragon Realms, as were the Lakadors. Ever since the first dragons had engaged the Dark Master, several had fallen. Spyro was just one more number to add to the list. He had given everything so they could achieve victory. He had given everything so Cynder could live in a world where they didn't have to be afraid all the time. Now there was another chance that the dragons could take... but it came with a cost.

Cynder crossed her forelegs and wept on the floor where Spyro had once been. The Marines in the room removed their helmets and some took a knee. Wagner sat next to Cynder and set his hand on her shoulder.

"Cynder... I'm so sorry... I wish there was something we could do..."

Wishing... that was so easy. She could wish away at a number of things. For Spyro to come back, for her parents to be here, for everyone to be happy, and for beings like the Dark Master to rot in hell. It was easy to wish, but getting that wish wasn't so.

Wagner stood up and sighed. Part of him felt like he had failed himself. Like a piece of him was missing. He walked over to the pedestals where the crystals were and retrieved the crystal that Spyro had made. It contained the last of his energy. Without it, he couldn't have survived. There was a chance of saving him while he had it, albeit a small one, but once he forged this crystal, it was over. He had given his life so they could win this fight. Though was it really worth it? One life for countless others? One soul for the souls of innocents who always seemed to pay the price? Was it really worth it? In a sense, it was. Though, Wagner knew that it wasn't worth it to everyone.

Cynder raised her closed claws and pounded on the floor. Every time she remembered Spyro, his purple eyes came into view. Those thoughts tormented her to her very core. She had had enough dead heroes. She wanted to be with him forever, bask in his love for as long as time itself. Now all that was ruined. All of those possibilities faded along with Spyro. She didn't even have a body to remember him by.

Tears strolled down her cheeks as she remembered what could have been. Images of them scrolling down the river strolled through her mind. Another image of Spyro and her with an egg passed through her mind. Another of them sitting on the Cliffside watching the sunset passed through. She bore her teeth in frustration. She hated the Dark Master. She hated him for taking Spyro away from her. Even in his crystal form, he retained his menacing look. She walked over and pounded on the crystal with her fists.

"Why... why... Why did you take him away?! You bastard! I hate you! I fucking hate you!" She screamed. Wagner walked up and was about to place his hand on her shoulder when she knocked him away with her paw and ran out. Wagner was about to give chase when he thought better of it. He sighed and brought the crystal up to look at it. A Marine walked over to him.

"Lieutenant Wagner?" The Marine asked. Wagner watched as Cynder flew out of the Final Solution and out of view.

"Yeah... that's me." He responded. The Marine saluted him and he returned it.

"Sir, Sergeant Baker, Theta Company. Colonel Dyke wants you up front ASAP."

"Right..." He said. Wagner sighed and he and the Marines left the Final Solution and went outside. He spotted Colonel Dyke and walked up to him. He saluted him.

"Sir, Lieutenant Wagner reporting." He said.

"At ease Lieutenant." Dyke said returning the salute.

"That was one damn fine job you did son Wagner. I'm damn proud of each and every one of your men. You have all accomplished the impossible." Dyke offered his hand to shake.

"Thank you sir." Wagner said, grasping the officer's hand and returning the handshake. There had been a slight choke in his voice. Ignitus walked over.

"Wagner, I don't know how to thank you. You have helped us defeat the Dark Master once and for all. Where is Spyro?" Ignitus said as he walked up. Wagner looked into the fire dragon's eyes.

"He... he didn't make it..." He finally said. Ignitus sighed and his head drooped low.

"And Cynder?"

"She ran away... I don't know where she went..." Wagner said with sadness. Rithul walked over to Wagner and set his hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it Wagner. There was nothing you could do. Things happen, whether we like them or not..." He said with a heavy heart. After all, it was his son that had just died. For any father this would be a tragic occurrence.

"So, how did Spyro die?"

"The Dark Master injured him severely, though he was still alive. However, he used the last of his life force to forge this crystal." Wagner presented the light crystal to Dyke. Suddenly the crystal emitted a glow and vanished in a brilliant golden flash.

"What the hell? Where did it go?" Dyke asked, confused.

"I don't know sir... I don't know..."

Cynder speed along the ground. Tears fell from her eyes and splattered the ground beneath her. She was in the valley below the plateau that held the Final Solution. She spotted a lava pool that was nearby. The terrain was jungle in nature, with a few lava pools here and there. She sat by a hole that was several dozen yards across and was a good 100 foot drop to the steaming melted rock below. She looked into it and felt its heat wash over her.

Images of her and Spyro continued to flash through her head. She couldn't take it. Everything that could have been was tormenting her. She longed to see Spyro's eyes again. However, that wasn't to be.

She pictured them on the balcony, them in the cave, them by the river... it was too much. She shut her eyes and tears fell from them and hit the lava below. Memories flashed by of them mating, them with Karson and Allison, them together on the Archilles when they were injured. She remembered when he first said those heart stopping words: I love you. They played in her head over and over like a broken record. She pictured them together in the cave, when they first learned of each other's love. She remembered it like it was yesterday. Though the memory seemed so distant, something that wasn't reachable no mater how much you tried. Though she tried, and only dug up more pain as more images of her and Spyro together flashed through her head.

"Spyro... why... I loved you... you promised you'd never leave me! Why'd you leave me Spyro... why..." She cried softly in the volcanic ash.

"I would never leave you Cynder..." A familiar voice said. She picked her head up and saw nobody there. She must have been hearing things... for it was Spyro's voice.

"Cynder... no matter what happens... I will always be with you..." Her eyes watered and she let out a low wail as she realized that she was hearing his last words repeating themselves in her head. She wanted to see him so badly... though that was something that couldn't be done.

She stared down into the lava. Its heat continued to impact her scales and she felt it heat her up. However, her heart was as cold as ice. The lava burned any thing that fell in, rocks, leaves, maybe even a full dragon. Cynder sobbed. She slowly stood up. She didn't know what she was doing, though this tormenting was too much for her to handle. She had been through hell for the past few weeks and this was the final straw. Spyro was gone, so there was no need for her to be around any longer. She leapt out over the lava pit and began her decent.

"Cynder... I love you... and I will always love you." The voice kept going through her head. She couldn't take it anymore. She sank faster, the heat intensifying. Soon, it would be over and she could see those eyes that she adored so much.

"Cynder, I love you..." She sealed her eyes shut and moved her head back a bit to cool it off. She was only feet away.

"Cynder...don't give up..."

Cynder felt something pluck her out of the air. She opened her eyes and looked around. She was being carried, but by what, she didn't know. Then she saw something that astonished her. A purple claw materialized on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Spyro's body taking shape and reappearing in front of her very eyes. His head and face took shape again and those eyes she fell in love with looked back at her.

"SPYRO!" She yelled as she embraced him. He grunted and tried to stay aloft but set down on a patch of dirt beneath them. As soon as they touched down she tackled him to the ground.

"Spyro... where were you?!" She asked as she let him go.

"I was with you the entire time! Though, how, I don't know. I remember forging the crystal with the last of my energy and then everything just happened. I can't really say how I came back, but I did."

"Oh!" Cynder grabbed Spyro and he returned the hug.

"Spyro... all that matters is that we are together again!" She yelled. He nodded. They heard wings flapping above them and saw Wagner in his dragon form flying down to them, Ignitus in hot pursuit.

"Spyro! You're alive!" Wagner yelled. Spyro walked up to him.

"Yeah, I am." He said, feeling a bit weird about saying that.

"Young dragon, it's good to see you again!" Ignitus said. Spyro ran up to him and hugged him.

"Ignitus! I thought you were dead!"

"As did I young one." He responded.

They hugged for a bit until they released each other.

"Well, let's go tell the others that you are alright!" Wagner said. They nodded and flew up to the plateau.

Spyro, Cynder, Wagner and Ignitus returned to the top of the plateau and everyone was overjoyed to see Spyro alive. Sparx was most of all, and finally, a moment of peace was felt. The Dark Master was once again defeated, his armies lay dead and scattered, and the Dragon Realms were finally beginning to revert to its peaceful state.

"Sir! New contact inbound!" One of the Marines yelled.

"Where Private?" Dyke asked as he walked over to the Marine who aimed his rifle in the air.

"Contact is airborne sir. Looks like a dragon!" The Marine responded.

"A dragon?" Spyro asked. He looked up into the sky and indeed saw a dragon. No, three dragons. Two older dragons and a little youngling.

"Ignitus, I thought we were the only dragons left." Spyro said as the fire guardian walked up.

"That's what I though as well..." He responded.

"Orders sir!" The Marine asked.

"Hold your fire. Try to attract them so they land over here." The Colonel responded. The Marine grabbed a hand held flare and triggered it. He wove it into the air and it gave off a white light. The trio of dragons caught sight of it and flew down to them. It was a dragon, dragoness and a younger dragoness that looked like she was no older then 6 or 7 years.

"Who might you three be?" Ignitus asked. The dragons looked at the Marines a bit cautiously.

"Don't worry, they aren't with the Apes. They are with us." Ignitus explained. The dragon looked a bit relieved and turned to face Ignitus.

"I am Pyromous. This is my mate Sulfura and my daughter Negita. We were in hiding from the Dark Master's forces and we came here after the beam of light came though."

"You have been hiding for how long?" Ignitus inquired.

"Ever since Cynder defeated the dragons at Mendobara we have been hiding. We managed to evade her forces and hid in the mountains. The Dark Master... is he gone?"

"Yes, thanks to Spyro here, Malefor is gone for good." At the mention of Spyro's name Pyromous looked around. He expected a big fire dragon, however he saw not other besides Diablo who was helping get an M7887 out of the sulfur.

"Down here." Spyro said. Pyromous looked down and was amazed at what he saw.

"My word... it's a purple dragon!" He said in astonishment. Negita walked up, a bit curios about a purple dragon.

"Hi, I'm Negita. I'm an electric dragon." She said to Spyro.

"Uh... hi! I'm Spyro. I'm an... er... purple dragon."

"I can see that silly! Hey, you're kind of cute." She giggled. Spyro blushed.

"Cute is an understatement." Cynder said as she nuzzled her muzzle against Spyro's. He sighed and returned her rubbing.

"Oh Cynder... I-"

"CYNDER?! WHERE?! Pyromous looked around franticly, as did Sulfura and Negita. Negita whimpered a bit and hid behind her father.

"No, there is no need to panic! This is Cynder..." Ignitus motioned to the black dragoness next to Spyro.

"Spyro defeated her and she reverted back to her younger, untainted form."

"Yeah... I'm real sorry for everything I did... It's all my fault." Cynder said with guilt. She remembered the battle of Mendobara. She slaughtered many dragons there. She remembered pushing them back, out of the pass. She remembered feeling thrilled to the sight of the dragons being killed... their bodies littering the ground and how they tried to run. Oh, how she loved the chase... She cringed at these thoughts.

"Cynder, it wasn't your fault. The Dark Master was controlling you. Now he's gone... for good." Spyro said reassuringly. Cynder sighed.

Negita cowered under her father. How could that creature be the same one that had killed hundreds like in the stories her father told. Cynder sounded like the bringer of death, not this small dragoness that sat before them.

"I hope you can forgive me for what I have done..." Cynder said to the dragons.

"Well... I guess I'll take Spyro's word for it... your good now and what was in the past has happened. We really can't hold anything against you." Pyromous said. Sulfura nodded and Negita nodded hesitantly.

"So... who are these creatures if they are not apes? And how did they get the weapons that the apes have been using... these things that spit fire and fling metal." Pyromous asked Ignitus.

"They are humans that the apes stole those weapons from them."

"Colonel Mathew Dyke, United Earth Republic Marine Corps." Dyke said, extending his head to shake. Pyromous looked puzzled. Dyke withdrew his hand and merely nodded.

"Colonel Mathew Dyke? Where did you come from? I don't seem to recall ever seeing 'humans' around here."

"We are from another world. We will explain later but for now, we need to gather up our equipment and get back to the Dragon Temple." Dyke explained.

"Colonel! Additional contacts inbound! They're all dragons!" As the Marine said this, they all turned and were amazed. The sky was filled with at least two hundred dragons, all flying to where they were.

"Watch out now! Don't hurt yourselves!" One of the older dragons called out as the younglings played in the garden. Spyro and company sat nearby, watching the young dragons. The Final Solution had done more then wipe out the Plague. It had acted as a beacon of light and had attracted all the dragons who had, until then, been in hiding from the Dark Master and his armies. Now at least 347 had come to the Final Solution and they had brought them back to the Dragon Temple. There were still dragons going to the Final Solution so they had to leave a squad of Marines and Cyril there to reroute the dragons to the temple.

Spyro watched as the younglings played. A few Marines ran around with them, either watching over them or playing with them. He watched as a Marine was overpowered by a group of dragons. Spyro chuckled to himself as the little dragons began to tickle the Marine. He tried to get up, but they had him down pretty good.

"Ah! No, please! I'm ticklish! Please... James, don't just stand there, help me!" The Marine yelled. His partner, James, stood there laughing. Soon, James was also knocked onto the ground and tickled by the little dragons. Spyro also saw Karson talking to Yahade'. Yahade' was pissed. He, along with Spears and Buckman, had been injured and evacuated before the final fight at the Final Solution. He was pissed because he didn't get a chance to help put the Dark Master out of his misery.

A small group of little dragons and dragonesses chased after Sparx as he buzzed around. He flew towards Spyro and hid behind him.

"Spyro! Stop them! They are after me!" Spyro chuckled. The dragons laughed and went about chasing after each other again.

"Whew..." Sparx said as he flew around. Spyro chuckled, as did Rithul and Dyke.

Wagner walked up and Spyro looked him over.

"Wagner, how come you never told us that you could turn into a dragon?" Spyro asked. Everybody had their eyes on him.

"Well, I didn't even know myself! Each time I turned I was knocked out and I thought it was a dream. I found out the day you guys found out as well. I don't even know how I can turn..."

"Wagner... you remember that night that I explained to all the officers about us being light beings?" Rithul asked.

"Yeah... why?"

"Well, I also mentioned about a Great Warrior. He was the reason why I chose to send Spyro and the others to this time, so he could watch over them."

"Well what does this all have to do with me?" He asked.

"Well... have you ever felt some deep sense of duty to protect them? Something you cannot explain... like something you're bound to do?"

"Well, now that you mention it... I have noticed that over the past few weeks I have had a sense of duty to protect them... almost like it was me-"

"Job?" Rithul finished for him.


"Wagner, the reason why you can change into a dragon and did what you did at the Final Solution is because you are that Great Warrior. You are here to protect Spyro and Cynder and all the rest to make sure they grow up to be what they were born to be."

"Whoa...' He said in awe. Sondohwa approached the Marine.

"Lieutenant, I wanted to apologize for what we did back at Tall Plains. We let our pride get the best of us and we got some of your men killed. Now I see the error of mine and my ally's ways. Can you ever forgive us?" The Lakador asked. Wagner smiled, patted the reptile on the shoulder and said: "All is forgiven... I'm glad you righted your wrong." The Lakador smiled as well. Seeing this, Spyro started to think about a few things. Suddenly a question he had forgotten to ask popped into his head.

"Hey, you guys never did say how you'll survived. Where were you guys this whole time?"

"Well, you can thank Sparx for that." Rithul said. Spyro turned to his golden friend with a curios look in his eyes.

"This little guy saved you?" He said. Cynder chuckled as she heard him.

"Yeah, he did. When Fang lead the Apes in their assault on the temple, Sparx showed us some passageways beneath the Temple which let us lead the remaining Marines to safety. From there we hooked up with Theta Company and Sparx lead us into the swamp. Thanks to his uncanny knowledge of the area, we managed to avoid the apes and slip into hiding." Dyke explained. Sparx buzzed around triumphantly.

"And also thanks to him, we were able to launch several hit and run attacks on apes in the area without really being detected. After a bit of that, we attempted to fire the Final Solution ourselves and we retook the Archilles. From there we went to Tall Plains where Kane told us where you guys had gone. From there we went to Mendobara Pass and then we went to the Final Solution itself. It's a good thing we ran into you guys when we did. And it's all thanks to Sparx that we made it. We owe this little guy some credit." Dyke said.

"See Spyro? I am worth something!" Sparx said, a bit of gloating in his voice.

"Alright, alright. Sounds like you did good Sparx. I'm real proud of you." Spyro said. Sparx had a smirk on his face.

"Just don't push it..." Spyro finally said.

"Dyke is correct. We own Sparx a lot of thanks." Ignitus said as he walked up.

"Yes, he is starting to show signs of a true warrior, regardless of how small he may be..." Terredor said as he approached behind Ignitus.

"Well Spyro, he may be a hero but I'm glad to have you back." Cynder said, nudging him.

"I'm still trying to figure out just how I came back..." Spyro said, trying to think.

"Well the way I see it Spyro, you never really died. Light works in mysterious ways and it seems that when you forged the crystal with your life energy, you essentially switched bodies. Though I'm not fully sure what happened, you were dead, but alive sort of. You were almost like a being of light, though you are fully alive now. It's really complicated." Rithul explained.

"Well, it is good to be back here with you guys..." Spyro looked at Rithul and remembered what the Dark Master had told him at the Final Solution.

"Rithul... when we fought the Dark Master, he said something, about my parents." Rithul looked surprised when Spyro said this and Karson and Yahade' walked over and listened closely.

"He said that you guys were my parents and he was the reason that you guys are beings of light."

"Spyro, I knew this day would come... me and Hethina are your parents. We didn't tell you because we feared that you would try to hard to protect us when we are fully able to." Hethina nodded in agreement and nobody spoke as Rithul talked. He used his hand and picked up Spyro's muzzle and brought it to where they were eye to eye.

"Spyro... another reason is because one cannot seek an answer that he already knows. The knowledge that the truth is out there is enough to inspire anyone. We did that so you would be spurred to seek the truth. We also withheld it because as beings of light, we have multiple duties to perform. We didn't want to have to say a long good bye."

"All my life... I have always wanted to know my real family." Spyro sniffed.

"Well now you have one." Rithul said. Spyro sealed his eyes and hugged Rithul. He returned the hug and Hethina joined in. Karson and Yahade' also joined it. For the first time ever, Spyro's real family was together. This is the one thing that Spyro had sought, ever since he first left his foster home back in the swamp. And now, he had it.

"All of you, Spyro, Karson, Yahade', you are all special. I love each and every one of you. I wish that I could stay with you, but like I said before, as beings of light, we have other duties."

"Like what?" Spyro asked.

"For one, we have to make sure that everything is balanced between light and dark. If one is too powerful, then the world is thrown into Chaos. Light cannot exist without darkness and darkness cannot exist without light. It's just the way things are." Diablo explained.

"Well... right now we are still here." Hethina said.

"And I'm glad for it." Spyro said. They all hugged again.

"Oh Spyro... I'm so glad your back."

"It's good to be back." Spyro said to Cynder. They were lying down by the river. It was late in the afternoon and the sun was beginning to sink into the horizon.

Cynder finally had her mate back, she was so happy! Her life once again had balance and meaning. Spyro finally had her back as well, and now everything was at peace. Cynder lay in Spyro's grasp, feeling his muscular body.

She loved how his body looked. She thought it felt powerful, yet smooth to the touch. She was also delighted to have those eyes that had intoxicated her back. Soon, there was a scent flowing through the air. Spyro could smell it, and it served to sooth his own muscles.

"Someone's excited." Spyro said as he looked down and noted her wet crouch. Cynder blushed and grasped his foreleg and brought him closer.

"Well, with all this fighting, we haven't been able to spend time like this... alone."

Spyro moved in a bit closer.

"Well I guess I need to catch you up on this... alone time..." Spyro said right before locking her into a passionate kiss. He moved his claw over and started to insert it into her wet sex. Her folds engulfed his talon and coated it in her icky mess. She moaned into their kiss as he started to pull it back and forth inside her. Her inner muscles clamped down on the talon, releasing more of her juices onto it.

Cynder worked with his own folds, his member slowly poking out. She touched it with one of her claws and it twitched. She grasped it with both of her claws and pumped up and down. Spyro shuddered under the pleasure and Cynder bucked her hips every time Spyro inserted his claws. Now, instead of one talon, he had his whole claw in there. Juices flowed from his claw and onto the ground. Spyro felt the warmth of her insides and felt numb with pleasure. Cynder moaned loudly into Spyro's mouth as he kept inserting his claw, which only drove her more to work his shaft.

She moved up and down on his shaft, a bit of pre-cum flowing onto her claws. His shaft felt so warm. It was so solid and just the feel of it enticed Cynder heavily. As their kiss continued, their tongues intertwined and mixed together, much like their tails at the moment as well.

Soon Cynder couldn't take it anymore and she released herself onto Spyro's claws. The feeling of hot, warm juices flowing onto his claw caused Spyro to shudder and he released his own seed onto Cynder's claws. They broke their kiss as they moaned in sheer pleasure and bliss. Cynder lay, basking in her own after glow when Spyro positioned himself to mount her. She saw this and mouthed the words: "Take me..." Spyro obliged and sank his member into her awaiting depths. It slid in and she moaned and her claws dug up dirt as the pleasure rocketed through her body. She felt her muscles clamp down on it and he began to slide it in and out.

"Oh... Spyro... OH!!!!" She screamed as he pumped into her. Their mess from their previous release was all over her claws and she lapped up on the cum. Spyro felt his leg muscles spasm in pleasure as he pumped into Cynder. She naturally bucked her hips and he could feel the warm juices flow around his member. He looked down and saw her licking her paws. He lowered his head and kissed her. She let out a giggle, then a moan as she felt him plow into her once more. She didn't ever want it to stop. It felt so good.

As he continued to plow, Spyro felt his own pre-cum and the previous cum flow into her and seep out of her sex. He felt a wave of pleasure and knew that he was on the verge of cumming. He staved it off, but it came upon him. He released his seed into her. She screamed as she felt his hot cum enter her and coat her insides. She orgasmed as well, cum squirting out of her sex and all over them. A bit of her juices and his own flew onto Spyro's chest and all over Cynder.

Spyro pulled out, panting. Cynder also lay down next to Spyro, putting his head onto his chest. They basked in their afterglow and Cynder rubbed her head in the mess all over Spyro's chest. She sighed happily.

"Oh Spyro... that was so wonderful... thank you."

"Cynder... I'd do anything for you." He licked her cheek and she blushed. Spyro sighed happily and looked into the late afternoon sky. He saw how it looked so beautiful. He also noted something else in the sky as well. It looked like a dragon, yet it didn't. It was a blue dragon with a white underbelly. It's wing skins were gold and his eyes were gold as well. The dragon was about 2000 feet in the sky, yet Spyro could see the dragon's golden eyes. The dragon looked into Spyro's eyes and Spyro's eyes shimmered gold for a second. The dragon flew for a second longer before it disappeared in a haze of golden light. Spyro wondered who it was, though he was sure it wasn't from around here. The dragon had just vanished into thin air so he wondered if he was seeing things. He passed it off and nuzzled Cynder who lay on top of him.

For the next few days this is what happened. Peace had finally come back to the realms and the dragon race was given another chance. More then 500 dragons had appeared and many based themselves around the Dragon Temple. Most of the remaining apes and other dark creatures had been killed at the assault on the Final Solution so there was no evil presence left.

The Guardians would help teach the children of their heritage and Spyro looked in honor as he watched the dragons come back. They had once been pushed to the brink of extinction, now they were making a come back. The Marines and Lakadors in the area had finally come to peace and Rithul helped them fix the Archilles Worm Hole Generator. About three weeks after the battle at the Final Solution, all the Marines and Lakadors assembled outside the temple.

"Spyro, come quickly! You're going to miss it!" Cynder yelled. Spyro dashed out onto the balcony and saw a cluster of Marines boarding a Nighthawk. Rithul had finally fixed the worm-hole generator aboard the Archilles and now they could finally return to UER held space. Lt. Wagner saw Spyro and he ushered his men over.

Karson walked over to Spyro, as did Allison.

"Spyro... now that the generator is fixed, well you know what that means..."

"Yeah..." He replied, knowing full well what it meant.

"Well... I'm glad we met Spyro. Before I met you, I didn't know my family. Now I have a mother, father, and two brothers. And you also helped reunite me with Allison. For that, I thank you." Karson said.

"Thanks, I think I learned a lot from you too Karson. Like you, I had always wanted a family and now I have one."

"That's what brothers are for." Karson patted Spyro on the head and walked behind Allison. Allison walked up and kissed Spyro on the forehead, much to the dismay of Cynder.

"That's for helping me find Karson again. Thanks for everything Spyro, I hope that we can see each other again someday."

"I hope so too." Spyro said. Karson went over and said his goodbyes to Cynder, as did Allison. They then said goodbye to Rithul, Hethina and Diablo before boarding the Nighthawk. Yahade' walked over to them.

"Spyro, I'm sorry for whatever I did while we were fighting..."

"Don't be Yahade', you were just doing your job." Spyro said with a smile. Yahade' smiled as well.

"Well, I'm not good with goodbyes, but I hope that someday we can meet again."

"Likewise." Yahade' nodded and boarded the Nighthawk. Wagner walked over to Spyro and Cynder.

"Well Spyro... I guess this is goodbye..." Wagner said, scratching the back of his head." He expected Spyro to say something in return, but was unprepared for when Spyro and Cynder tackled him to the ground. Cynder was nearly crying.

"Wagner... do you have to go?" Cynder asked. He smiled, crouched down to her and rubbed her head.

"Cynder... I have to go... I know that it's tough to say goodbye, but sometimes we have to. It's just the way things work. I'm glad for the time we spent together, and you too Spyro. You two have taught me a lot. I wish I would stay, but I cannot." He told them. Cynder sniffed. Up until then, Wagner was really the closest thing she had had to a father besides Ignitus who had vanished until a few weeks ago.

"Spyro... Cynder... you are both special. I know that one day; you will both raise a healthy child and will love it. I see you two growing old together and spending the rest of your lives together. Can you do that for me? Promise me that you two will live together for the rest of your lives?"

They nodded. Wagner smiled.

"Well, I'd better go." He stood up and saluted them. They tried to salute as best they could, but it was awkward. Wagner turned to leave, but doubled back as he had forgotten something. He slipped something into Spyro's paw and whispered in his ear: "It's a gift from all of us... make sure Cynder grows up to be real happy..." Wagner got on board the Nighthawk and Dyke followed him.

"All of you are welcomed to come back to the Dragon Realms whenever you like." Ignitus said to them. Dyke nodded.

"We will be back someday probably... when we do I will be sure to bring Karson, Wagner, and Allison for a visit. You all take care of yourselves!" He said as he tried to speak over the engines of the Nighthawk. Its engines flared and the craft went aloft. It flew towards the Archilles and flew into an open hatch. It sealed and the ship started to move. It rose through the atmosphere and went into space. It activated its generator and a hole ripped in front of them. Spyro saw a sparkle in the sky and saw as the Archilles disappeared into the hole and the hole sealed shut behind it.

"Well Spyro... I guess we'd better say goodbye as well..." Rithul said to him. Spyro's head drooped to the floor.

"Spyro..." Rithul said, picking his head back up.

"We will meet again someday. This isn't goodbye for good... I promise someday we will meet together, as a family again. But for now duty calls."

"Rithul? We can't stay much longer..." Hethina said. Spyro looked in her eyes and Hethina walked over.

"Spyro... you've grown up so much since I saw you as an egg. I'm proud of you. Never give up what you're doing Spyro, always be helpful and kind to others. Though, don't forget to help yourself sometimes. I think one day, you and Cynder will also be the proud parents of a child." Spyro sniffed and a tear fell from his eyes. Hethina used a talon to wipe it off and she kissed Spyro and walked off. Diablo nodded to Spyro and he returned it. The three light beings walked over and a portal opened in front of them. Before going though it, Rithul waved goodbye to Spyro and he nodded. Rithul walked into the portal and it vanished.

As the hole's energy dissipated, Spyro looked at what Wagner had given him. It was a collar. It was silver with a golden ring around it. In the center, there were two halves of a beautiful emerald gemstone. It was the same color as Cynder's eyes. He smiled as he remembered Wagner's words.

"Make sure Cynder grows up to be real happy..."

"I will..." He said silently. He turned to Cynder.

"Cynder... accept this as a token of my love for you... and for the love of all of our friends who helped us these past few weeks." She looked at him puzzled, but then saw the collar. She squealed in delight. She walked over and put it on. She smiled as the emerald glimmered in the sunlight. She hugged Spyro and he did likewise. He would fulfill what Wagner had asked him. They would be together and he would make her happy.

After the weeks past, Spyro and Cynder would go around, helping to teach younglings and help rebuild the dragon realms after the battles that had been fought there. They used metals from the Lakador cruisers, parts from downed Nighthawks and Ravens and built structures for the dragons.

Spyro and Cynder would occasionally sit by the river, this time without worry of being attacked. There was no more war, destruction or evil entity trying to destroy them. It was just their love and nothing else. After years of hard fighting they finally got that. It had been a tough fight, and many of their friends had been killed. Hundreds of Marines, Lakadors and thousands of Dragons had fallen trying to accomplish the goal that Spyro had finally done: defeat the Dark Master and destroy his forces. Now finally they could recuperate and finally the events of the Legend of Spyro and now this adventure had been resolved.

One night, a dragoness walked over to her youngling, preparing to tell it a story to lull it to sleep.

"Mommy? What story will you tell me tonight?" The little dragoness asked.

"Sweety? Have I ever told you about The Legend of Spyro?"

"No, what's that?"

"It's of a dragon that beat all the odds and defeated evil and found love..."

"Yay! Can you tell me? Please! I promise to go to sleep!"

"Sure thing honey... it all started long ago... with a purple dragon named Spyro..."


The End


Written by NewLegend1

Story by NewLegend1

Made by Typhoon Productions

Typhoon Team

NewLegend1-Writer/Concept Artist

Shotty_Snipes-Assistant Writer

Darkdragon78-Assistant Writer

Keyblade Master-Assistant


Tamez- Inspired from one of my real life friends Andrew Tamez

Joshua Karson- Inspired by my fascinations as a young kid

Allison Mcfay- Inspired by one of my old friends

Assistants and members of the Board of Writers

Silver Dragon- Assistant Writer/Idea approver

Silent_Rampancy- Assistant/Assistant Concept Artist

Special Thanks to

Yiff_Dragon, for helping to inspire this fanfic

Kroqgar, for helping to inspire this fanfic

Very Special Thanks to

FrostDragon, for setting the foundation for this Spyro fanfic

My sister, for giving me the original motivation for writing this all those years ago

The Bungie Team, for making such an awesome game, and for inspiring a number of ideas

The Naughty Dog Team, for pumping out a great game that also set the foundation for this story.

Insomniac Games, for making this purple dragon in the first place

Sierra Entertainment, for keeping our dragon alive and well into the Next Generation of Gaming

Thank you to all of you who have supported me throughout the many months that I have typed this!

DeviantART helpers

Silent_Rampancy- Assistant Writer/ Concept Drawer

Iceflame1019- Current editor for Special Edition Version bound for dA

Typhoon Productions 2008

Spyro and Cynder belong to Sierra Entertainment. All uses of them are merely for fanatical uses and are not to be taken as the actual story. However, I tried to base as much of this on the original story as possible.

The United Earth Republic and all related characters are mine so if you wish to use them or reference to them, please notify me.

No Marines were harmed during the typing of this story, though a lot of Apes were... and maybe some sheep

Thank you for reading!



A hole ripped in space and the Heavy Destroyer Archilles passed through the open hole. Captain Harder stood at the bridge, bracing himself as the ship decelerated.

"Sir, we have arrived."

"Good work Lieutenant." Harder responded. He looked out of the view port. The sphere of the colony world Desmal appeared before him. Most of it was blacked by the shadow of the star hitting it from the opposite side.

"Bring us in system."

"Yes sir, engines answering full forward."

The ship accelerated and the shadow started to disappear. The blue and green surface of Desmal started to appear and soon Harder saw something else. There were ships in orbit around Desmal. Several UERNF ships sat in high orbit, this would be expected, this was a major UER base. But suddenly, a nuclear explosion rocked the space near the ships. A few Lakador ships came into view as well as more of the surface was visible. Lakador ships and UERNF ships fired their guns at each other, blowing each other to shreds.

"Lieutenant, magnify that image!"

"Aye sir!"

The image grew larger and he saw it. He saw it all. UERNF ships fired their guns at the Lakador ships. The Lakadors answered with their own salvo of weapons. The Lakador ships exploded as the rounds and missiles hit them, as did the UERNF ships when the dark energy hit them. Nuclear mines detonated in the masse of the Lakador ships and more appeared to fill their places.

He saw a Carrier fire its two LIC guns at a Lakador cruiser. He watched as the heavy LIC slugs tore into the ship and shattered its hull. Another ship fired a beam of dark energy at the Carrier. He saw as the beam cut through the carrier, gutting it from stem to stern. It was mass Chaos.

"Sir, what do we do?"

"Accelerate us; get us into that fight Lieutenant!" There was a period of brief silence before a hesitant "Aye sir!" responded. The ship moved towards the battle and to the unknown.

The men and women aboard the Archilles had survived a ferocious battle. They had to endure the fall of Sirus, the battle at the Dragon Realms, and now they would be tasked with helping to repel the Lakadors as they tried to attack a major UER base. They had seen death, cheated it, and were close to home. Now, as they speed along, each member of the crew would be tasked with more then just the defense of Desmal. They would carry the fate of all existence as we know it.


Heavy foot falls echoed throughout the Final Solution's firing chamber. A large figure walked around and inspected the damage done. He looked at the crystal that had once been the Dark Master. The figure walked over and placed a hand on the crystal. It glowed purple and the Dark Master materialized onto the floor, unconscious.

The figure gave a low pitiful grunt.

"It's a pity... such power... yet he was too stupid to see his own flaws..." The figure said in disgust. He looked around and spotted fallen shell casings from the Marine's assault weapons. He picked one up with his fingers and inspected it. He then looked to his own armor, the crack from the Human's 50 mm shell still there. He snarled.

"It seems the Humans are more powerful then I thought. Still... that Spyro... he may have eluded me the first time, but he can't see his power. He can do much better then what he is now, he just needs to unlock his potential. He has grown stronger then when we last met... but he can do much more. I know him." He thought back to when he confronted Spyro and offered him to see such power. He had been too naive back then to see it. The figure grunted and placed his hand on the sleeping Dark Master. His hand glowed purple and he drained the Dark Master of his energy. The Dark Master's scales turned from black to purple and he began to shrink. Soon, the Dark Master was the size of a 14 year old dragon.

"If only Spyro would have been like this one... but I guess we all just need to be patient now do we? Though now that the dragon realms are in a state of peace, they will all get a chance to rest. Good, its about time this place got restored. And its about time someone put you down now is it?" The figure motioned to the sleeping dragon in front of him. The dragon stirred and awoke.

"Huh? Where am I? What happened?" Malefor asked. His voice was much higher in pitch, much to be expected from a 14 year old dragon.

"You were defeated little one." The figure said.

"Defeated? By who? What are you talking about?"

"Ah, to be young and naïve. Now run along now young Malefor. Your job is served."

"Where will I go?"

"Nowhere. I will send you there. Be sure to say hi to everyone for me." The figure pointed at Malefor and the dragon vanished in an instant.

"Now that he is good, things around here will change. Now it is time to act phase two. With the Dark Master out of the way, the dragon realms are at peace. And now that the Humans and Lakadors are at war, this is a great opportunity to see just how powerful our young Spyro can be." He snickered. This was only the beginning of his plans...

Malefor reappeared in the mushroom forest. He didn't know what to do. He knew what that figure in the Final Solution and been talking about. He knew of all the terrible deeds he had done and all those he had killed. Thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands lay dead before him and now he cringed at the thought of facing anyone. He slowly moved around and saw a temple perched on top of a cliff in the distance. He sighed and started off towards it. One way or another, this was going to be tough for him. He was an unwelcomed guest in the dragon realms and he would have to find a way to cope. Though that figure inside the Final Solution, he had seen him before... long ago... just around the time he had... He halted his thoughts; he didn't want to think of how he went evil and killed many. He looked back up at the temple and groaned. He trotted off towards it and to his new life.

End of The Spyro Chronicles

Finally, let's remember this moment. Friday, July 18th, 6:23 AM, I typed the last words. Well, after months of sleepless nights, frustrated moods, and several empty water bottles later, I have completed the task I started in January: Finish The Spyro Chronicles. I have done what few said I could do. Some said this story would destroy me. Some said I would never finish. Others said that I would crash before I finished. You know what? I did crash, several times. I loved, I cried, I laughed, and I did several things during this time period. Though I showed them and did what they said I could not. I finished what I have started, which is saying a lot more then several others who give up something with so much potential. My Spyro FanFiction may not be the best, but I am damn proud to have typed this. And now, reflecting back, I realize that this story was worth typing. It was worth the time spent on it. I want to thank each and every one of you readers right now. For months now, the main inspiration that kept me going was the knowledge that I had people who read this and wanted to finish them. It's been a great run, and I hope that a sequel is possible, neigh, inevitable. With the closing of one saga, the next one starts. With so many open doors for me to choose, the possibilities are endless. This is going to be one hell of a year.

Wait a sec... I just realized something... I managed to nail 30 chapters just like I said I would! That's cool! I didn't even realize that!

I also plan to write more stories. I may even turn writing into my profession and write a few books. Though I have a few stories already thought out and in the works, some may need more time. This one was by far the best I ever wrote. I may do more Spyro bases stories. However, in the coming years I want to focus on school work so the stories may be slow to come out. I want to be able to keep my position in the top 10 and maybe even get valedictorian. I am only 4th right now, just need to kick John Gonzales off the top and take it from him. Though he's only up there because he cheats on every test he gets... that bastard... leave it to the cheaters to prosper... I'll get him one of these days! Thank you to all of you who have read this and let this just be the first of many stories to come here. God Bless you all, and good night!

For more on my FanFiction and for news on the dA Special Edition, please visit my website at

Please! Everyone who is reading this leave a comment. At least leave one on the last chapter! Negative or Positive, I want to hear what you all thought of it!